Mikrotik Static IP WAN - LAN PPPoE Server Config

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Mikrotik PPPOE server configuration

Basic mikrotik configuration with static IP provided by ISP (, GW:

1. IPAddressesether5 where WAN is connected

2. LAN configuration subnet

3. Create static route IPRoutes-write GW provided by ISP

4. Assign DNS server IPDNS

5. Apply NAT masquerade IP Firewall  NATchain=srcnat, Action=masquerade

Ne kete pike duhet te jemi ne gjendje te pingojme GW dhe google.com nga mikrotik terminal.

PPPoE Configuration

1. IP Pool Configuration IPPool

2. PPPoE server configuration PPPPPP serverAdd

3. PPPoE profile configuration PPPProfilesAdd

4. Create PPPoE authentication user and password PPPsecret

Kaq per PPPoE server, pajisja qe do te marre ip nga ky pppoe server do te lidhet ne porten 4
ne kete rast.

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