The Meaning Scope and Nature of International Relations
The Meaning Scope and Nature of International Relations
The Meaning Scope and Nature of International Relations
within the social science that brings to bear a wide variety of disciplinary
modern era comprises of over 185 different countries with diverse ethnic,
culture, population, economy, ideas, values and each with its own requirements
for survival. International Relations become the art and science of survival of
mankind 1. The study in the area of human behaviour brings nations to design
the way they interact with each other to achieve a definite control and direction
towards peace.
2. The aim of this paper is to discuss the meaning, nature and scope of
International Relations.
a. Introduction.
b. The meaning of International Relations.
e. Conclusion.
was defined sixty to seventy years ago? The discipline was started in early 1900
when it was treated as the body of knowledge in the higher learning institutions,
and taught as a separate subject. After this era, International Relations were
defined as the process of interaction between states and this definition was used
throughout until 1 960s when the whole definition was challenged. International
Relations explain international dominant or in other words are the states really
the actors in International Relations. So, starting in 1960 the state will not be the
goal actor in International Relations. There were another actors, this refer to the
whole questions how scholars defined the notion of an actor. The general
5. There are several scholars who have defined IR according to their study. One of
study of international relations would include the analysis of foreign policies or political
processes between the nations, however, with its interest in all facts of relations between
word, this scholar stated that International Relations is a process between state and non-
state actors.
interest and policy in such that the contexts described are necessarily a mixture
and enmity 4.
nation tries to serve their national interest, which may be a conflict in actor
social field. Interactions are primarily spontaneous and free market processes
largely determine fundamental relations. No one plans what the society will be
.K J Holsti, International Politics, A Framework for Analysis, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1992, p.10
.(H J Morgenthau, The Nature and Limits of a Theory of International Relations in WTR Fox (ed
relations among members of the world society comprise multiple and overlapping local,
credibilities (wills) of the parties involved. In other words, the international order is
9. Collectively, after looking at the definitions given by the scholars and through
relations and interactions of different actors at the international level and these actors
can be divided into state actors and the non-state actors. Thus, International Relations
territorial association of people recognised for the purpose of law and diplomacy
people for the purpose of their participation in international systems. The state
Legal Entity.
.R J Rummel, Chapter 3: Understanding Conflicts and War, Vol 4: War, Power, Peace
b. Non State Actors. Based on the statement by Holsti, he mentioned that the
state is the premier unit in International Relations. The state would fade away if
there is no body or organisation to check and control all the activities of its
citizens and keep out all unwanted internal and external influence. The non-state
actors also can be defined as the entities other than nation states that interact in
international relations but other players who are non-government also strongly
categorised as;
Examples are Nokia, McDonald, Honda, Petronas, VISA, Citi Bank, etc.
Example of these are the United Nations and its agencies, NATO,
international relations. Like states and other groups composing the international
who act on their behalf, usually administering rules and regulations governing
to this complex is the state, which in international law takes precedence over (can
command) all other organizations, at least within its boundaries. Indeed, for
totalitarian states, the international relations of all their groups and people are
integrated into state policy and rigidly controlled, including the actions of their
12. This control by the state and the complex of relations between the diverse
.R J Rummel, Chapter 3: Understanding Conflicts and War, Vol 4: War, Power, Peace
of one state to or with the governmental authorities of another state or its groups
this would not only include the obvious international conferences, military aid,
state visits, treaties, and the like, but also nationalizations of foreign business,
state's governmental elite against any citizen or group or another state is part of
interstate relations.
one state with those groups or citizens of another state, or those relations
personal interests. Tourists, migrants, foreign students, the international jet set,
attributes. States more or less dominate these relations as they are more or less
antifields. The more an antifield, the more a state will control the involvement of its
10. As an academic purpose, the study of international relations began only in 1919.
The first chair of international politics was established at the University College of
emergence of the United States as a super power, namely after 1898 but especially
during World War I, the field of international relations increased interest in the United
have conducted and studied the development of international relation which is divided
a. Beginning of World War I to end of World War I (1914 – 1918). In this period,
in general, avoided the study of current affairs but merely used the disciple of
it was also quite destructive. In fact, this stage did not witness any significant
b. Post World War I. This stage suddenly shifted from diplomatic history to
the study of the current affairs with little consideration of these historical
c. From 1920 to outbreak of World War II (1938 – 1939). This period also
refers to the West War years. During this period, most scholars of
international law.
d. Since 1950 (End of World War II). This period also saw the development
economy and political sociology. Some of these changes took place at the
end of World War II, which also saw the end of colonisation, where
recognition of their debt to the methods and findings of such behavioural
11. The world is very large and complex. Every state has their own standing and
requirements in managing their national interests. When the world is exposed to the
world is becoming smaller and smaller. Different people have different cultures and
cultures. The nature of international relations also is to protect the self interest,
national interest and global interest, ie. to get the total sum of national values such
peace. According to Joseph Frankel, he defined national interest as 'the total sum of
all national values which include territorial integrity, democracy and free trade'.
Heclley Bull says, International Relations develops from international anarchy (the
absence of control). States develop relations with non-state actor for pursuing their
activities can be categorized between high and low politics.
domestic politics, high politics involves large scale decisions and policies
social security system that calls for racial or ethnic integration to rationalize
b. Low Politics. Low politics are the type of politics usually played
that do not alter appreciably the social, political and economic structure of a
without disturbing the foundation of the social, political, and economic status
quo. The examples are the routine replacement and rotation of diplomatic
12. According to the Classical Realist, a common dichotomy of political
13. International Relations covers a variety of scopes. However, it requires our own
international relations will help in achieving the aims. Nonetheless, it is not easy to
understand where it requires an identify tool to maintain a good relation by using the
aspects of poverty, security believes and good diplomacy. The scopes of International
a. State Security and Peace. To protect the survival of state against war or
international actors with each other. Institutionally, the spirit of international law
is almost similar to the domestic law. For example, the body of international law
issues such as the bird flu which has cost handsomely; child workers for
instance the employment of children which deprived them from their right for
the forest. Nuclear waste also is becoming the environment and moral issues
the quest of national interest towards peace and stability. There are many
Advancement in technology and economy has brought fourth the need for
national interest.
Prentice-.Hall, 1992
Grant Hugo, Appearance and Reality in International Relations, New York, Columbia
.Publication, 1969
Iver B Neumann & Ole Wæver, The Future of International Relations: Masters in
.R J Rummel, Chapter 3: Understanding Conflicts and War, Vol 4: War, Power, Peace