Study On Employee Job Satisfaction

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A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal


CHAPTER: 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction Employee Job Satisfaction.

Employee satisfaction is a function of perceived performance

and expectations. It is a person’s feeling of pleasure or
disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s outcome
to his/her expectations. If the performance falls short of
expectations, the employee is dissatisfied and if it matches the
expectations, the employee is satisfied.

. “Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment

associated with a job. If you like your job intensely you will
experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job
intensely, you will experience job dissatisfaction”.

Figure 1.1 Job Satisfactions.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs are prone to

health setbacks ranging from headaches to heart disease. The
effect of job satisfaction goes beyond organisational setting.
When employees are happy with their jobs, their life will be
better off. In contrast, the dissatisfied employee carries that
negative attitude home. Satisfied employees are more likely to
be satisfied citizens. These people will hold a more positive
attitude towards life in general and make the society more
happy psychologically healthy people.

Job satisfaction is defined as “a pleasurable or positive

emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job

“Job satisfaction is defined as the amount of overall positive

effect (or feelings) that individuals have towards their jobs”.

Job satisfaction can be measured based on morale, opinion,

attitude, work climate, and quality of work life An often
overlooking dimension of job satisfaction is its relationship to
employee health

“Job satisfaction is the favourableness or unfavourableness with

which employees view their work”

Thus, job satisfaction helps management in terms of reduced

turnover, reduced absenteeism, reduced job stress and reduced
medical and life insurance costs. Additionally, there are benefits
for society in general. Satisfied employees are happy and better
citizens. However, job satisfaction has been over emphasised.

Its benefits to the management are contingent upon fulfilment

of several other variables. Take turnover for instance. Job
satisfaction, may not directly lead to reduced turnover. Other
factors like age, financial position, number of dependants and
the like will have their own say Fredrick Herzberg and his
associates developed the two-factor theory in the late 1950s and
early 1960s30.

Herzberg’s motivation- Hygiene theory, Herzberg’s original

study consisted of interviews with 203 accountants and
engineers, chosen because of their growing importance in the
business world, from different industries in the Pittsburgh area
of America 31. He used the critical incident method. Subjects

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

were asked to relate times when they felt exceptionally good or

exceptionally bad about their present job or any previous job.
They were asked to give reasons and description of the
sequence of events giving rise to that feeling. Responses to the
interviews were generally consistent, and revealed that there
were two different sets or factors affecting motivation and
work. This led to the two-factor theory of motivation and job

One set of factors are those which, if absent, cause

dissatisfaction. These factors are related to job context, they are
concerned with environment and extrinsic to the job itself.
These factors are the ‘hygiene’ factors (analogous to the
medical term meaning preventive and environmental) or
‘maintenance’ factors. They serve to prevent dissatisfaction.
The other set of factors are those which, if present, serve to
motivate the individual to superior effort and performance.
These factors are related to job content of the work itself. They
are the motivators or growth factors.

The strength of these factors will affect feelings of satisfaction

or no satisfaction, but not dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors
can be related roughly to Maslow’s lower-level needs and the
motivators to Maslow’s higher-level needs. Proper attentions to
the hygiene factors will tend to prevent dissatisfaction, but does
not by itself create a positive attitude are motivation to work. It
brings motivation up to a zero state. The opposite of
dissatisfaction is not satisfaction but, simply, no dissatisfaction.

To motivate workers to give their best the manager must give

proper attention to the motivators or growth factors. Herzberg
emphasises that hygiene factor is not a ‘second class citizen
system’. They are as important as the motivators, but for
different reasons. Hygiene factors are necessary to avoid
unpleasantness at work and to deny unfair treatment.
‘Management should never deny people proper treatment at
work’. The motivators to what people are allowed to do and the
quality of human experience at work. They are the variables
which actually motivate people

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Figure: 1.2 Component of Employee Job


1.2 Overview on Employee Satisfaction.

Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in

any organisation. It is the sum-total of inherent abilities,
aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives,
supervisors and the rank and file employees.

The human resources should be utilised to the maximum

possible extent, in order to achieve individual and
organisational goals. It is thus the employee’s performance
which ultimately decides the attainment of goals. Hence, the
employee’s performance is to a large extent influenced by
motivation and job satisfaction.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Job satisfaction is all about how one feels about (or towards)
one’s job. An employee who expresses satisfaction is said to
have a positive attitude towards the job, unlike a dissatisfied
employee who has a negative attitude towards the job. A person
having negative attitude shows a personality disposition which
is inclined to experience nervousness, tension, worry, upset and
distress, where as those with positive attitude will feel happy
with themselves, others, and with their work.

Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find

gratification or fulfillment in their work. Job satisfaction shows
that personal factors such as an individual needs and aspirations
determine his/her attitude, along with group and organisational
factors such as relationships with co-workers and supervisors
and working conditions, work policies, and compensation. A
satisfied employee tends to be absent less often, to make
positive contributions, and to stay with the organisation.

The effect of job satisfaction goes beyond organisational

setting. Satisfied employees are more likely to be satisfied
citizens. These people will hold a more positive attitude towards
life in general and make for a society of more psychologically

Job satisfaction has been considered as state of condition where

people are:

 Induced to do work efficiently and effectively;

 Convinced to remain in the enterprise;
 Prepared to act efficiently during contingences;
 Prepared to welcome the changes without resistance;
 Interested in promoting the image of the organisation;
 More happy and satisfied with their job.

The level of job determines the job satisfaction. People in

higher level jobs find most of their needs satisfied than those in
lower level.

The job satisfaction is a collection of attitudes about specific

factors of the job. Employee can be satisfied with some
elements of the job while simultaneously dissatisfied with
others. The relationship between man and work has attracted the

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

attention of philosophers, scientists and novelists. A major part

of man’s life is spent at the place of work.

The nature and significance of work is important as it occupies

so much of man’s life span. A persons’ job is more than just the
obvious activities of shuffling papers, waiting on customers or
driving a truck. Jobs require interaction with co-performers and
bosses; following organisation rules and policies; meeting
performance standards; living with working conditions that are
often less than ideal and the like.

Job to an individual is not only a means of earning a living but

also serves other functions of individuals’ expectations of job
and rewards that the job provides.

This means that an employee’s assessment of how satisfied or

dissatisfied he or she with his or her job is complex summation
of number of discrete job elements this assessment of
employees is very important to management because they affect
organisational behaviour.

Specific employee attitudes relating to job satisfaction and also

towards organisational commitment are of major interest to the
field of organisational behaviour. Therefore, in simple words
job satisfaction is how people feel about their jobs and different
aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to which people like
(satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs.

A major part of man’s life is spent in work, which is a social

reality and social expectation. Even then, only economic motive
has never satisfied man. It is always of greater interest to know
why man works and at which level and how he or she is
satisfied with job.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Figure: 1.3 Attributes of job Satisfaction.

1.3 Role of Employee Job Satisfaction.

Job Satisfaction has been linked to many variables including

performance, absenteeism and turnover, which will be
discussed further in this section.

Job satisfaction is significant because a person's attitude and

beliefs may affect his or her behaviour. Attitudes and beliefs
may cause a person to work harder or work less. Job satisfaction
also impacts a person's general well being for the simple reason
that people spend a good part of the day at work.
A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Consequently, a person's dissatisfaction with work could lead

to dissatisfaction in other areas of life.

Employee performance

The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance

has a long and controversial history. Researchers were first
made aware of the link between satisfaction and performance
through the 1924-1933 Hawthorne studies (Naidu, 1996). Since
the Hawthorne studies, numerous researchers have critically
examined the idea that "a happy worker is a productive worker".

Research results of Iaffaldano and Muchinsky (1985)

have found a weak connection, approximately 0.17, between
job satisfaction and job performance. However, research
conducted by Organ (1988) discovered that a stronger
connection between performance and satisfaction could not
be established because of the narrow definition of job

Organ (1988) believes that when the definition of job

performance includes behaviors such as organizational
citizenship (the extent to which one's voluntary support
contributes to the success of an organization) the relationship
between satisfaction and performance will improve. Judge,
Thoreson, Bono, and Patton (2001) discovered that
after correcting the sampling and measurement errors of 301
studies, the correlation between job satisfaction and job
performance increased to 0.30. It is important to note that the
connection between job satisfaction and job performance is
higher for difficult jobs than for less difficult jobs (Saari &
Judge, 2004).

A link does exist between job satisfaction and job performance;

however, it is not as strong as one would like to believe. The
weak link may be attributed to factors such as job structure or
economic conditions. For example, some jobs are designed so
that a minimum level of performance is required providing no
scope for greater satisfaction. moreover, in times of high
unemployment, dissatisfied employees will perform well,
choosing unsatisfying work over unemployment.

In 2006, researcher Michelle Jones analyzed three studies

combining 74 separate investigations of job satisfaction and job

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

performance in 12,000 workers. She wrote: "The conclusions

drawn by these researchers, and many others, indicate the
presence of a positive, but very weak, relationship between job
satisfaction and job performance" (Jones, 2006). Jones argues
that we have been measuring the wrong kind of satisfaction.
Instead of job satisfaction, we should be looking at the link
between overall satisfaction with life and output at work
(Bright, 2008). In this study, Jones implies that the more
satisfied we are with our life in general, the more productive we
will be in our jobs.

Employee absenteeism

One of the more widely researched topics in Industrial

Psychology is the relationship between job satisfaction and
employee absenteeism (Cheloha, & Farr, 1980). It is only
natural to assume that if individuals dislike their jobs then they
will often call in sick, or simply look for a new opportunity. Yet
again, the link between these factors and job satisfaction is

The correlation between job satisfaction and absenteeism is

0.25 (Johns, 1997). It is likely that a satisfied worker may miss
work due to illness or personal matters, while an unsatisfied
worker may not miss work because he or she does not have
any sick time and cannot afford the loss of income.
When people are satisfied with their job they are more likely to
attend work even if they have a cold; however, if they are not
satisfied with their job, they would be more likely to call in sick
even when they are well enough to work.

Employee turnover

According to a meta-analysis of 42 studies, the correlation

between job satisfaction and turnover is 0.24 (Carsten, &
Spector, 1987). One obvious factor affecting turnover would
be an economic downturn, during which unsatisfied workers
may not have other employment opportunities. On the other
hand, a satisfied worker may be forced to resign his or her
position for personal reasons such as illness or relocation.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

This holds true for the men and women of the US Armed
Forces, who might fit well in a job but are often made to
relocate regardless. In such case, it would be next to impossible
to measure any correlation of job satisfaction. Furthermore, a
person is more likely to be actively searching for another job if
they have low satisfaction; whereas, a person who is satisfied
with his or her job is less likely to be job hunting.

Figure: 1.4 Importance of Employee Job


1.4 Employee Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction.

The relationship between job satisfaction and these other

variables is either positive or negative. The strength of the
relationship ranges from weak (very little relationship) to
strong. Strong relationships imply that managers can

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

significantly influence the variable of interest by increasing job

satisfaction. Let’s now consider several of the key correlates of
job satisfaction.


Motivation: A recent meta-analysis of nine studies and 2,237

workers revealed a significant positive relationship between
motivation and job satisfaction. Because satisfaction with
supervision also was significantly correlated with motivation,
managers are advised to consider how their behaviour affects
employee satisfaction. Managers can potentially enhance
employees’ motivation through various attempts to increase job

Job Involvement: Job involvement represents the extent to

which an individual is personally involved with his or her work
role. A meta-analysis involving 27,925 individuals from 87
different studies demonstrated that job involvement was
moderately related with job satisfaction. Managers are thus
encouraged to foster satisfying work environments in order to
fuel employees’ job involvement.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Organizational

citizenship behaviours consist of employee behaviours that are
beyond the call of duty. Examples include “such gestures as
constructive statements about the department, expression of
personal interest in the work of others, suggestions for
improvement, training new people, respect for the spirit as well
as the letter of housekeeping rules, care for organizational
property, and punctuality and attendance well beyond standard
or enforceable levels. Managers certainly would like employees
to exhibit these behaviours.

A meta-analysis covering 6,746 people and 28 separate studies

revealed a significant and moderately positive correlation
between organizational citizenship behaviours and job
satisfaction. Moreover, additional research demonstrated that
employees’ citizenship behaviours were determined more by
leadership and characteristics of the work environment than by
an employee’s personality. It thus appears that managerial
behaviour significantly influences an employee’s willingness to
exhibit citizenship behaviours. This relationship is important to

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

recognize because organizational citizenship behaviours were

positively correlated with performance ratings.

Organizational Commitment: Organizational commitment

reflects the extent to which an individual identifies with an
organization and is committed to its goals. A meta-analysis of
68 studies and 35,282 individuals uncovered a significant and
strong relationship between organizational commitment and
satisfaction. Managers are advised to increase job satisfaction in
order to elicit higher levels of commitment. In turn, higher
commitment can facilitate higher productivity.


Absenteeism: Absenteeism is costly, and managers are

constantly on the lookout for ways to reduce it. One
recommendation has been to increase job satisfaction. If this is
a valid recommendation, there should be a strong negative
relationship (or negative correlation) between satisfaction and
absenteeism. In other words, as satisfaction increases,
absenteeism should decrease. A researcher tracked this
prediction by synthesizing three separate meta-analyses
containing a total of 74 studies. Results revealed a weak
negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. It is
unlikely, therefore, that managers will realize any significant
decrease in absenteeism by increasing job satisfaction.

Turnover: Turnover is important to managers because it both

disrupts organizational continuity and is very costly. A meta-
analysis of 78 studies covering 27,543 people demonstrated a
moderate negative relationship between satisfaction and
turnover (table above). Given the strength of this relationship,
managers would be well advised to try to reduce turnover by
increasing employee job satisfaction.

Perceived Stress: Stress can have very negative effects on

organizational behaviour and an individual’s health. Stress is
positively related to absenteeism, turnover, coronary heart
disease, and viral infections. According to Linda Rosen stock,
director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, stress at work has been increasing because of the
widespread downsizing of corporate America in recent years.
She believes that 25% to 33% of the workforce is under high
stress and is drained and used up by the end of a workday.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

In addition, people are working more hours. For example, the

average number of hours Americans work (47 hours per week)
has increased by 8% between 1998 and 1999—20% of the
workforce works at least 49 hours per week. Based on a meta-
analysis of seven studies covering 2,659 individuals, the earlier
table reveals that perceived stress has a strong, negative
relationship with job satisfaction. It is hoped that managers
would attempt to reduce the negative effects of stress by
improving job satisfaction.

Figure: 1.5 Employee Job Satisfactions and


1.5 Factors Affecting Employee Job Satisfaction.

1. Working Environment.

It is essential to provide employees with a work environment

which is conducive to their overall development.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

They need an environment which is healthy and safe and which

caters for both personal comforts and facilitates doing a good
job. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive
surrounding), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their

2. Caring Organization

Care can be shown in various ways, but it takes into

consideration career development, adult treatment, being taken
seriously and being appreciated for a job well done.

When people feel that the organization; for which they are
working, cares for them and takes actions to improve their work
and lives, they are happy, and this creates higher satisfaction.

3. Fair Policies and Practice

Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are made in

a fair and just manner are likely to experience satisfaction from
their jobs.

Very often employees are demotivated and dissatisfied with

their jobs because unfair policies and practices prevail at their
place of work.

It is therefore of utmost importance for an organization to have

a fair and equal system regarding practices and policies so that
there is no discrimination and frustration.

4. Appreciation

Human race loves to be appreciated. Even for the smaller job

that does one seek to have an appreciation, from colleagues,
boss, and seniors. When one gets acknowledged in front of
everyone, it gives up a boost to their morale.

When appreciation leads to encouragement, the ultimate result

is reflected in the efficiency of work automatically.

Therefore, the level of job satisfaction is always higher

wherever appreciation is higher.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5. Pay

Wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant but

cognitively complex (Carraher, & Buckley, 1996) and
multidimensional factor in job satisfaction. Money not only
helps people attain their basic needs but is also instrumental in
providing upper-level need satisfaction.

Employees often see pay as a reflection of how management

views their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are
also significant, but they are not as influential.

One reason undoubtedly is that most employees do not even

know how much they are receiving in benefits. Moreover, most
tend to undervalue these benefits because they do not realize
their significant monetary value.

6. Age

Age is one of the factors affecting job satisfaction. Various

studies carried out in this field have shown that job satisfaction
tends to increase with age. That is older employees tend to
report higher satisfaction, and younger employees say the
lowest job satisfaction rates.

7. Promotion

Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job

satisfaction. This is because promotions take some different
forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards.

In recent years, the flattening of organizations and

accompanying empowerment strategies, promotion in the
traditional sense of climbing the hierarchical corporate ladder of
success is no longer available as it once was.

8. Feel of Belongings

Most of the organization fails to understand this fundamental

factor, whereas many have started acting towards it. If an
employee feels that he is considered as an important part of the
team, he belongs to the organization then there are higher
chances of job satisfaction.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Texting Or mailing an employee on his/her birthday,

communicating the crisis to even at the ground level employee,
making special efforts during festive seasons, all these small
little gestures make an employee believe that he or she belongs
to the firm. This brings job satisfaction and loyalty together.

9. Initiation and Leadership

If an employee is given an equal number of opportunities to

show their talent, take the lead and initiate then the chances of
having a higher level of job satisfaction is more.

Suppose in an organization; no employee is asked to give

suggestions, nobody is bothered to inform them of the decision.

There are only a few figures who lead the team always.

In such conditions, any employee wouldn’t feel satisfied with

whatever job he or she is currently doing.

10. Feel of Being Loved

It is noticed that if an employee has good bonding with

colleague’s arid seniors, then the job satisfaction level is higher.

One feels like coming to the office and performing the job. If
the environment is not friendly, office politics is at its peak, and
malpractices are done, then all these factors together leave no
stone unturned in discouraging an employee from not coming to
the office.

11. Safety and Security

These days’ companies are taking endless measures in order to

see that an employee is catered to a different kind of facilities
like health care and medical checkups.

There are a few institutions that also provide insurance policies

at a lower rate.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Hence, this aspect of safety and security plays a major role. If

an employee didn’t feel safe and secured at the organization that
he or she works in, the level of job satisfaction is ultimately
going to fall.

Chapter: 2 Introduction of Ideal Hardware.

2.1 Ideal Hardware.

Figure: 2.1 Logo of Ideal Hardware.

Ideal Hardware, a house of hardware was established in the year

2003 24th April, are a Sole Proprietorship (Individual) company.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

These products are stringently examined on numerous quality

parameters before final dispatch. Under the skilled guidance
of “Dhanraj Bachawat (Manager)” we have gained name and
fame in the market.

Hardware stores: (in a number of countries, "shops"),

sometimes known as DIY stores, sell household hardware
for improvement including: fasteners, building materials,
hand tools,powertools, keys, locks, hinges, chains, plumbing su
pplies, electrical supplies, cleaning products, house
wares, tools, utensils, paint, and lawn and garden products
directly to consumers for use at home or for business.

Many hardware stores have specialty departments unique to its

region or its owner's interests. These departments include
hunting and fishing supplies, plants and nursery products,
marine and boating supplies, pet food and supplies, farm and
ranch supplies including animal feed, swimming pool
chemicals, home brewing supplies and canning supplies.

In India Hardware stores are mostly run by individuals, and as

such there are no big brand stores that deal in all hardware
products. In Urban and rural India, stores used to big with full
of items and articles. Indian hardware stores are similar to
hardware stores around the world, carrying supplies for a
variety of purposes.

Among these are: plumbing, machinery, household, gardening,

manufacturing, cobbler, carpenter, and electrical. Specific items
often carried include: PVC pipes, taps, paints, hand pump, nut,
bolts, pots, broom, wiper, lock, bulb and lights, wires, color,
drums, knife, bottle, jars, plastic, rubber, thread, rope, bucket,
jug, glass, tub, screw, hammer, hanger, net, and cages

Basic information:

Business TRADER

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

No of 30-50
Year of 2003
Annual UPTO RS 15 CR
Payment Cash
Mode Credit
Shipment By Road

2.1.1 Ideal Hardware Mission: Owing to our customer

oriented approach, skilled team of experts and transparent
dealings, we have been able to attain a desire position.

2.1.2 Ideal Hardware vision: The principles of our business

have remained steadfast through the years--fast and safe
transport of even the most difficult freight while following all
safety and government guidelines.

2.1.3 Motives of Ideal Hardware:

 Optimum quality products

 Timely delivery
 Cost-effective price
 Focused approach
 Efficient logistic facility

2.2 Start up:

Ideal started with the building Hardware products, Plywood

and Glass Sink & Furniture.

Larger hardware stores may sell small amounts of building

supplies including lumber, flooring, roofing materials and
fencing. Such stores are often referred to as home-improvement
centers or home centres’.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Builders' hardware or just builders hardware is a group of metal

hardware specifically used for protection, decoration,
and convenience in buildings. Building products do not make
any part of a building; rather they support them and make them
work. It usually supports fixtures like windows, doors,
and cabinets. Common examples include door handles, door
hinges, deadbolts, latches, numerals, letter plates, switch plates,
and door knockers.

Builder’s hardware is commonly available

in brass, steel, aluminium, stainless steel, and iron.

Well known suppliers of builder’s hardware mainly exist in

China, India, Mexico and some in the U.S

While building hardware was classified by different sections

that ideal worked on:

Bathroom hardware:

Bathroom hardware includes the products that are used in

constructing and maintaining the bathroom appearance and
decoration. Bathroom products include faucets, showers,
holders, tubs, shelves, mirrors etc.

Door hardware:

All those products that are used either in door decoration,

maintenance, or in any other function come under door
hardware, such as door handles, fasteners, hinges, hooks,
number plates, knockers, etc.

Furniture hardware:

Furniture hardware are those products that are used to support

the furniture look, design and durability. Furniture hardware
products include furniture frames, furniture legs, furniture arms,

Safety & security hardware:

Buildings, goods and their occupants needs protection from fire,

intruders, and other external agents. Proper protection systems

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

include fire safe security system, home monitoring, smoke

detectors, locksets, window guards, etc.

Cabinet hardware:

The products that are used to make cabinets working come

under cabinet hardware like cabinet fasteners, brackets, latches,
hinges, pulls, locks, etc. Cabinet hardware are small
components that make cabinets functional. These products are
made of materials like plastics, metals and may be glas

Window hardware:

Window hardware does not include window itself rather they

are smaller components that are used to install, fix and protect
windows, such as window extrusions, fasteners, handles,
hinges, locks and many more.

Plywood Duro Puma:

Duroply Industries Limited (DIL) is the flagship company of

the prestigious Chitlangia Group which has a significant
presence in Paper and Tea besides Plywood and allied products.
DIL's manufacturing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art
machinery and have the required infrastructure to produce all
varieties of plywood. Raw materials are sourced indigenously
as well as from overseas.

Quality Assurance techniques ensure that our products conform

to industry standards across all processes in our value chain.
Research and Development is at the core of DIL's success story.
In fact, our continuous efforts to innovate have led to a robust
product range which creates value for our customers.

DURO - our flagship brand is synonymous with superior

quality and performance. Our endeavour is to provide our
customers with the finest quality products at competitive prices
and service for hundred percent customer satisfactions.

2.3 In 2005 Ideal Hardware, got dealership of Hafele India pvt

ltd. Hafele is a German based brand which lead in complete
house hardware solution.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

About Hafele:

Häfele, an international company providing hardware and

fitting systems and electronic locking systems, has a long and
rich history that began in 1923. Today customers from 150
countries rely on Häfele's expertise and performance.

Häfele - company profile

Over the last 90 years, the German family owned and operated
company has grown from a local speciality store for joinery
needs into a company with global operations. Now 37
subsidiaries and many additional dealerships belong to the
Häfele Group. Management is currently in the hands of the
family's third generation: Sibylle Thierer became chair of the
Häfele Group in 2003.

Facts and figures:

The Häfele Group's business figures have continued to develop

positively in recent years despite a challenging economic
environment. In the 2012 financial year the Häfele Group had
revenue of over 1 billion Euros with exports accounting for a
76% share. Häfele has 6,150 employees around the world and
serves more than 160,000 customers. These include customers
from the furniture industry, dealers, joiners and cabinet makers,
as well as architects, planners and builders.

From the beginning company founder Adolf Häfele made an

effort to make personal contact and regularly visited his
partners on-site. And 90 years later, we're still convinced: only
by being close to our customers can we better understand their
needs, analyse framework conditions more precisely and more
quickly identify improvement opportunities.

At Häfele this knowledge gained by being close to our

customers has always been coupled with a wealth of ideas,
courage and the drive to always stay one step ahead. To date,
this approach has resulted in new products, efficient processes

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

and innovative services and solutions. And in turn, these

innovations always bring us one step closer to our customers.

Then ideal moved into Hafele Appliances in the year 2011

with the Iconic range.

The Häfele Appliances range makes cooking, baking and

washing an experience that is almost recreational! Using a
Häfele appliance brings about panache, sophistication and
above all great functionality to your daily chores. It augments
flexibility and co-ordination within the kitchen and can be
completely compatible with the overall look and design of your
kitchen cabinets.

Figure 2.2: Hafele Appliances

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

The Häfele Appliances range hosts two distinct product

lines aligned to the different market segments:

International Luxury Appliances: Häfele’s international

range of luxury appliances houses world-renowned brands like
Asko (Designer range of Cooking and Cleaning appliances from
Sweden), Liebherr (Sophisticated range of Refrigeration and
Cooling Appliances from Germany) and Falmec
(Technologically advanced range of extraction hoods from

Hafele’s In-house Premium Appliances: Häfele’s in-house

range of premium built-in, free-standing and counter-top
appliances has been developed keeping Indian cooking and
cleaning patterns in mind while bringing in the trademark
German quality and innovation that the company is well known

Through the International Luxury range of Häfele Appliances,

we introduce to you our collection of super-premium global
brands that have been carefully included in our range to bring
you the leadership and authority in reigning technologies from
around the world. They are designed to bring confidence and
style to your life at home.

Cook with ease and perfection with our range of built-in hobs
from ASKO (Sweden) that are designed to bring you maximum
flexibility together with functionality. You can divulge in the
pleasure of experimental cooking with our specialized cooking
solutions like deep fryers, grills or teppanyakis. Derive the
unmatched benefits of holistic cooking with our smart and
efficient cooking range units that integrate perfectly into the
cabinetry of your cooking zone. To cater to your cleaning and
washing needs, ASKO’s stylish, space saving dishwashers,
washing machines and dryers come with innovative cleaning
and drying technologies for even the largest loads while running
virtually noise free.

It’s time to get used to a kitchen that always remains free from
the odours of pungent cooking residues and grime. With our
exquisite range of cooker hoods from FALMEC (Italy) you
can now experience perfect air ventilation within your kitchen.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

For cold storage of every type, our range of cooling and

refrigeration solutions from LIEBHERR (Germany) cannot be
matched. Be it for the convenience you derive out of using
energy-saving refrigerators and freezers or specialized storage
cellars for wine and cigars, we have it all. We have mapped
every need you may possibly have from your cold storage units
and transformed them into cutting-edge technologies through
this range.

Built-in Hobs:

Hafele’s built-in Gas Hobs are made of Black Tempered Crystal

Glass or Non-corrosive Grade of Stainless Steel – the choice is
with you to select the one that best matches the elegance of your
kitchen. Equipped with the latest technologies in the market,
these hobs come with the auto-ignition function and an in-built
safety device that prevents the leakage of gas during any
eventuality of the extinguishment of the burner flame. They are
built into the kitchen counter leaving no risk of food residues
collecting underneath – with this range of built-in hobs, you can
now say no to unwanted accumulated bacteria or pest attacks.
Once installed, they are easy to maintain – all you have to do is
wipe them clean with a wet sponge after every cooking cycle.
Häfele’s built-in hobs look great, cook faster and remain with
you for a long time.

Built-in Ovens:

Grilling, baking, steaming or heating are only a few among the

host of the cooking functions available in our range of built-in
ovens. Microwave cooking with Häfele’s range of ovens is now
not only quick and healthy but with its new, improved
technology cooking is now also more precise as it is
electronically regulated. What’s more is that with our model of
combi-ovens you can now enjoy the utility of grilling and
convection cooking from the same appliance!

The range of electric ovens come in combinations or 7 or 11

independent cooking functions to choose from; what’s more is
that this smart range now allows you to save your cooking

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

settings for repeated cycles. Made of high grade stainless steel,

these ovens are highly durable and look elegant, adding a
classy, futuristic look to your kitchens.



Cooker Hoods:

Häfele’s highly efficient and stylish range of cooker hoods

free your kitchen from unwanted and unhealthy cooking
smoke and residues; all that’s left to sniff is the welcoming
fragrance of appetizing delicacies!

The Häfele cooker hoods are designed with extended suction

capacities that take away the rigid and pungent odour of even
Indian cooking. Made of high grade stainless steel and available
in different designs and finishes, this comprehensive range of
cooker hoods caters to all possible mounting options - wall
mounted, counter mounted or island mounted; you can choose
the one that best matches your need and kitchen layout. They
are easy to install and once they find a suitable place in your
kitchen, the Nagold cooker hoods require only basic and
effortless cleaning!

Built-in Dishwashers:

To complete your kitchen needs with an element of spic-n-

span hygiene, we introduce our range of built-in
dishwashers– you can now live a hassle-free, recreational
kitchen experience leaving our machines to sort out the
back-work for you!

Häfele’s energy efficient built-in dishwashers come as a respite

to your cleaning chores in the kitchen; they look sleek and fit
smartly into your kitchen cabinetry and work with a silent
efficiency - you could almost be oblivious to their operation!
Extremely hygienic and diligent, these dishwashers sweep your

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

dishes clean off any food residue or bacteria there by reducing

the risk of illness. With an advanced mechanism and improved
technology, Häfele’s dishwashers are trained to remove even
the most rigid masala stains often left behind by aggressive
Indian cooking. They are sensitive to different vessel materials
and minimize the risk of breakages in a given cleaning cycle;
and the child-lock feature makes these appliances child-proof
when left unattended. These appliances come with a dual zone
feature which allows you to place sensitive crockery in the
upper shelf even while operating on a half-load capacity – a
functionality which most dishwashers in the market do not

You can now add the advantage of style and convenience to

your kitchens with Häfele’s built-in dishwashers.

There is Different Range of Hafele Products:

Architectural Hardware:

Figure: 2.3 Architectural Hardware

A door without the right hardware is merely a plank of wood.

The necessary hinges, door closers, handles, locks and
accessories, when installed, provide the true functionality of
assembly, operation, security and convenience to a door.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Backed by an established and globally recognized quality-with-

functionality proposition, Häfele offers you new and innovative
trends in the form of its holistic range for door hardware and
accessories. These innovations are backed by a strong service
package that entails complete assistance from the selection
phase right up to the installation and after-sales service phase of
a project. The Häfele ‘functionality’ details expertise,
convenience and solution-based services for our customers.

Furniture Fittings:

Figure: 2.4 Furniture Fittings.

Furniture units add the much needed augmentation and

convenience to any interior space. But what truly contributes to
the functionality of a furniture piece is the mix of fittings that
hold the furniture together.

Häfele’s assortment of furniture fittings is backed by years of

research and up-to-date technical expertise, encompassing only
such trends and innovations that are reigning globally. We bring

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

to you, our competent range of furniture fittings that holistically

meets every requirement of every home. Häfele’s solution
based approach is reinforced by a strong service package, where
our specialists are by your side to aid and guide you at every
step - right from designing and selection to installation and
after-sales support.

Through our range, we offer you more than 4000 individual

fittings for furniture, each holding the competence of superior
quality and the convenience of unmatched functionality.

Handles & Knobs:

Figure: 2.5 Handles & Knobs

A handle / knob accomplishes a lot more than simply

performing its function and it is precisely this quality that
Häfele’s collection of handles and knobs aims to place within
reach of its customers. Intensive market research, innovative
ideas, ergonomics and reliable technology has made way to
create a timeless collection specially engineered by Häfele.
Decisively focusing on the market, Häfele’s collection of

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

furniture handles and knobs provides the basis for

individualizing furniture in line with the latest trends.

Häfele’s collection consists of furniture handles and knobs

made of materials like Zinc Alloy, Aluminium, Stainless Steel
Grade 304, Leather and Wood. The handles are available in an
array of finishes and are equipped with exclusive state-of-the-
art designs that scream functionality.

Häfele’s collection is further segregated into general, designer,

flush, inset and kids handles / knobs to cater to the diverse
sensibilities of its customer.

Sliding Solutions:

FIGURE: 2.6 Sliding Fittings.

Sliding Systems are used for doors that open horizontally; more
often than not in applications that divide two rooms or where
floor space is a constraint to install a regular hinged door. Apart
from the obvious aesthetic appeal that sliding doors represent,

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

they also carry a host of functional benefits like ease of

accessibility, floor-space efficiency and most importantly, the
realization of wide openings.




13. DND


A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Figure: 2.7 Klein.

Founded in Barcelona, Spain and headquartered in New Jersey,

Klein develops high-quality interior sliding door systems for the
architectural and design sectors. Klein doors provide cutting-
edge innovative applications designed to enhance space. This
laser-like focus is reflected in every single product that carries
the Klein name.

Our diverse and wide range of exclusive products grants

architects and interior designers the freedom to design interior
spaces in line with their own visions. Klein’s “frameless” use of
glass or wood brings a distinctly modern aesthetic to
commercial, residential and hospitality projects alike and helps
to earn points in several LEED categories.

Thanks to a distribution network spanning nearly 60 countries

throughout the globe and a commitment to continuous inverting
in R+D, Klein has become the recognized world leader in
interior sliding door innovation. Our 80 years of experience,

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

knowledge and leading process allow us to maintain the

certification of TÜV ISO 9001:2008 standard.


Titus Group is a mix of companies originating from Titus

International in England, Lama Dekani in Slovenia and
Tekform Australia. Titus grew from a sole proprietorship
distributor of screws established in 1973 into a leading high
volume supplier of cabinet connectors for ready-to-assemble

Figure: 2.8 Titus.

Titus acquired the Slovene hinge specialist Lama in 2005. This

allowed it to expand its Fit For Purpose innovation approach
into the segment of motion control hardware, particularly soft-
closing solutions based on the Titus furniture damper. These are
used to enhance the functionality of white goods and other
home products. The acquisition of Australian distributor
Tekform in 2014 helped Titus establish a more direct
relationship with kitchen manufacturers. It was mostly with
them in mind that Titus launched the new generation of one of
its flagship products, the soft-closing T-type hinge

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal


Figure: 2.9 AGB

Range of AGB locks for entrance and interior doors, available

in many models for all applications types: interior doors,
entrance doors, sliding doors and bathroom doors.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal


Figure: 2.10 MCM.

If mcm’s range of mortise locks for wooden doors could be

summed up in a single word, that word would be versatility.
Products range from the simplest latch lock to locks with the
most state-of-the-art locking systems that exist today.


Figure: 2.11 Chetna

Since the inception we have focused on delightful user

experience by providing a range of hardware products. Products

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

that have helped people build their lavish home. We have

constantly invented & innovate new products by finding gaps in
the market & solving customer problems.

Our ranges of Hinges, Tower Bolts, Fittings & Glass Fittings

have stood the test of time & performance with that confidence
& trust we have embarked on a new journey of Bathroom
Accessories to provide delightful bath experience.


Figure: 2.12 Kawajun

Our primary focus is always to anticipate customer needs.

With our horizontally aligned organization, account
executives are
empowered to work with representatives of every area of
the company,
resulting in remarkably rapid responses to consumer
And the uncompromising quality of KAWAJUN products
is a direct result of our open internal communication
and seamless operational and managerial processes.

KAWAJUN's line of decorative interior hardware

products enhances
the creation of sophisticated living spaces.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

KAWAJUN has built a loyal customer base for

our decorative interior hardware products.
Sophisticated design augments the highest quality
production techniques and finishes to produce
a standard of durability that exceeds
the most stringent customer specifications.
In addition, aesthetic considerations and
universal usability are designed into all of our products.
KAWAJUN continues to deliver the high quality
demanded for today’s increasingly individualized living


Figure: 2.13 VIEFE

We are a way of understanding decoration and the difference

that an accessory can make. Behind each of Viefe’s products
there is a lengthy process of creation which starts when the
design team presents their idea and ends at the moment when
the knob or the handle is fitted in its final surroundings.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

One of our objectives is that our products improve the final

finish to a piece of furniture, in accordance with current
fashions and with respect to different lifestyles. We’d like
manufacturers, interior designers, decorators and customers to
enjoy the aesthetics and the practical solutions they bring


Figure: 2.14 DND

A company that is now an international reference point for the

production of handles with an accent on high-quality design.

The story of Dnd builds on the age-old dedication to crafts and

industry that is widespread in Val Sabbia, in the province of
Brescia. A region with centuries of material know-how, above
all in the field of iron and steel, where it is one of the main
European centers. Here in Nozza, in 1968, the company Fmn
Martinelli was founded, under the guidance of Angelo
Martinelli, a man of great expertise with a passion for the

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

production of handles, knobs and knockers of the highest


Over time the company has evolved, with a focus on

development and growth of production, updating its processes
and specializing in the working and finishing of new, different
metals for the manufacture of handles, including zamak and
aluminium as well as brass, of course.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Chapter: 3 Theoretical Framework.

3.1 Theoretical framework:

Employee Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is all about how one

feels about (or towards) one’s job. An employee who expresses
satisfaction is said to have a positive attitude towards the job,
unlike a dissatisfied employee who has a negative attitude
towards the job. A person having negative attitude shows a
personality disposition which is inclined to experience
nervousness, tension, worry, upset and distress, where as those
with positive attitude will feel happy with themselves, others,
and with their work.

Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find

gratification or fulfillment in their work. Job satisfaction shows
that personal factors such as an individual needs and aspirations
determine his/her attitude, along with group and organisational
factors such as relationships with co-workers and supervisors
and working conditions, work policies, and compensation. A
satisfied employee tends to be absent less often, to make
positive contributions, and to stay with the organisation. The
effect of job satisfaction goes beyond organisational setting.
Satisfied employees are more likely to be satisfied citizens.
These people will hold a more positive attitude towards life in
general and make for a society of more psychologically healthy.

Two-Factor Theory Fredrick Herzberg

And his associates developed the two-factor theory in the late

1950s and early 1960s30. Herzberg’s motivation- Hygiene
theory, Herzberg’s original study consisted of interviews with
203 accountants and engineers, chosen because of their growing
importance in the business world, from different industries in
the Pittsburgh area of America. He used the critical incident
method. Subjects were asked to relate times when they felt
exceptionally good or exceptionally bad about their present job
or any previous job. They were asked to give reasons and
description of the sequence of events giving rise to that feeling.

Responses to the interviews were generally consistent, and

revealed that there were two different sets or factors affecting
motivation and work. This led to the two-factor theory of

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

motivation and job satisfaction. One set of factors are those

which, if absent, cause dissatisfaction. These factors are related
to job context, they are concerned with environment and
extrinsic to the job itself. These factors are the ‘hygiene’ factors
(analogous to the medical term meaning preventive and
environmental) or ‘maintenance’ factors. They serve to prevent
dissatisfaction. The other set of factors are those which, if
present, serve to motivate the individual to superior effort and
performance. These factors are related to job content of the
work itself. They are the motivators or growth factors.

The strength of these factors will affect feelings of satisfaction

or no satisfaction, but not dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors
can be related roughly to Maslow’s lower-level needs and the
motivators to Maslow’s higher-level needs. Proper attentions to
the hygiene factors will tend to prevent dissatisfaction, but does
not by itself create a positive attitude are motivation to work. It
brings motivation up to a zero state. The opposite of
dissatisfaction is not satisfaction but, simply, no dissatisfaction.
To motivate workers to give their best the manager must give
proper attention to the motivators or growth factors.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory:

The need hierarchy model of motivation propounded by

Abraham Harold Maslow is undoubtedly the simplest and most
widely discussed theory of motivation. The essence of the
theory may be summarized thus:

a) People are wanting beings whose needs can influence their

behaviour. Only unsatisfied needs can influence behaviour,
satisfied needs do not act as motivations.

b) Since needs are many, they are arranged in an order of

importance, or hierarchy (hence the nomenclature need-
hierarchy theory of motivation), from the basic to the complex.

c) The person advances to the next level of hierarchy, or from

the basic to the complex, only when the lower level need is at
least minimally satisfied.

d) Further up the hierarchy the person is able to go, the more

individuality, humanness and psychological health he will

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

The Needs: Maslow’s need hierarchy divides human needs

into five levels:

1) Self-actualization Needs (Freedom to be Creative and

2) Esteem Needs (Need for Respect and Recognition)
3) Social Needs (Need for Love and Affection)
4) Safety and Security Needs (Need to free the fear of
Physical, Psychological and Financial harm)
5) Physiological Needs (Need Food, Clothing, Shelter

3.1.1 Some important features of Job Satisfaction


Job nature of work, hours of work, opportunity on the job for

promotion and advancement opportunities on the job for
promotion, interest in work and physical environment.

Management- owner treatment, participation, rewards and

punishments, praises, blames, leaves policy and favouritism.

Social relation friends and associates, neighbours attitude

towards people in community, participation in social activity
sociability and caste barrier.

Personal adjustment health and emotionality.

3.1.2 Reasons of low Job Satisfaction:

Reasons why Employees may not be completely satisfied with

their job:

 Conflict between co workers.

 Conflict between principles.
 Not being opportunity paid for what they do.
 Have little or no say in decision making that affect
 Fear of losing job.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

3.2 Literature Review:

Previous Literature Review of Job Satisfaction:

1) Tahir (2000) examined the overall job satisfaction

among RMAF air traffic controller. The aim of the research was
to gauge the level of job satisfaction among military air traffic
controller with major objectives of analyzing the main factors
that affect their job satisfaction and to determine the overall
ranking of the factor, in term of importance and contribution to
the level of job satisfaction. This exploratory study was based
on analytical framework and model of Barnowe, Mangione and
Quinn (1972).

The study used a non experimental and quantitative design

using survey questionnaire 19 of 93 military air traffic
controller as well as interviews with policy makers in the
RMAF. The independent variables based on work environment
were relationship with the job, superior-subordinate
relationship, relationship with peer, economic rewards,
organization climate and off-the-job rewards. The demographic
characteristics were also used as independent variable. The
dependent variable was overall job satisfaction.

2) Mira Singh and Pestonjee1 (1990), hypothesized that

Job Satisfaction is influenced by the levels of Occupation, Job

involvement and Participation. The sample for the study
consisted of 250 officers and 250 clerical cadres belonging to a
Nationalised bank in Western India. The study confirmed the
hypothesis and it was found that Job Satisfaction of the Bank
employees was positively affected by the Occupational level,
Job involvement and participation.

3) Balgir (1991) attempted to understand hygiene

motivational factors as postulated by Hergeberg based on their

need priorities that dominate the minds of Indian Managers
while continuing service in their respective Organisations. The
results revealed that Job Satisfaction, Salary, Job Security,
better chances of promotion, happy Personal life, high Position
and friendly social circle are some of the motivating factors in
that order which strongly influence Indian Mangers.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

4) Mathew (1991) tested the relationship between

Satisfaction and Organisational commitment with a Non-

recursive model that permitted the simultaneous examination of
the influence of satisfaction on commitment and the influence
of commitment on satisfaction. The study highlighted that the
two variables were reciprocally related but that the influence of
satisfaction on commitment was stronger.

5) Origo and Pagani1 (2008) investigated the relationship

Between flexibility and Job Satisfaction. In their analysis they

verified whether various aspects of flexibility namely functional
and quantitative flexibility, produce different impact on overall
extrinsic and intrinsic Job Satisfaction. They also tested whether
the impact of flexibility on Job Satisfaction varied with workers
characteristics. Empirical evidence was based on a
representative sample of European employees taken from a
specific wave of the Euro barometer Survey. The study found
that there was a positive link between functional flexibility and
Job Satisfaction and there was either no effect or a negative
impact of quantitative flexibility. The positive impact of
functional flexibility was greater when compared to the
satisfaction for intrinsic aspects of the job. Estimate by workers
characteristics highlighted interesting differences by age, skill
and country of residence.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Chapter: 4 Research Methodology.

4.1 Introduction of the Study:

A research method is a systematic plan for conducting

research. Sociologists draw on a variety of
both qualitative and quantitative research methods, including
experiments, survey research, participant observation, and
secondary data

Quantitative methods aim to classify features, count them, and

create statistical models to test hypotheses and explain
observations. Qualitative methods aim for a complete, detailed
description of observations, including the context of events and
circumstances. Research is one of the ways of collecting
accurate, sound and reliable information about the effectiveness
of your interventions, thereby providing you with evidence of
its effectiveness.

As service providers and professionals, we use techniques and

procedures developed by research methodologists to
consolidate, improve, develop, refine and advance clinical
aspects of our practice to serve our clients better.

The type of Research Method is adopted was descriptive

research. Both primary and secondary data are collected for the
completion of this project. Primary data are collected using
questionnaires. Job Satisfaction is a very popular area of study
and so there is a big number of research work done. The
literature review provided a account of various dimensions of
job satisfaction. None of the studies completely focus on the
subject if job satisfaction and its related variables.

Therefore, the present study takes into account the entire

variable viz, employees behaviour, working environment,
recognition, skill’s & ability, relationship with colleagues,
salary, opportunity, principle etc. As well as demographic
factors to study the job satisfaction. An attempt has also been
made to find the relationship between the variables and Job
satisfaction and to identify that which of these variables account
for maximum variances in the job satisfaction.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

4.2 Research Problem:

Employees Job Satisfaction is one the key factors in companies

dynamics and generally considered to be the primary dependent
variable in terms of which effectiveness of an organizations
human resource is evaluated. Job satisfaction of employees is
essential because the future of the company is in the hand of the
employees. When the employees are satisfied in their job then
only they have interested in working in the organization.

Many of the employees in this field are dissatisfied because of

the competition in the market. Job satisfaction is good not only
for employees but society as whole. It increases productivity
and performance in the organization.

But without job satisfaction among the behaviour of the

company’s employees, the objective of providing quality
education would not be materialized. Therefore, job satisfaction
is needed among organization to promote quality performance.
In terms of collegial and organizational needs, employee
dissatisfaction could be critical problem for organization.

Thus, it is important to better understand employees Job


4.3 Objective of study:

The overall objective of the study is to examine the various

social, economic problems faced by the employees.

The specific objectives of the study are:

1) To study Job Satisfaction of the employees.

2) To give suggestion to the organization to improve job
satisfaction of employees.
3) To identify various factors which causes Job
4) To identify various causes which cause job

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

4.4 Importance of Study:

This project will help in knowing Job satisfaction of employee

with respective organization. And also can act to motivate
employees who will increase their job satisfaction towards work
reinforcement with respective organization.

High quality employee staff is the cornerstone of a successful

system. Attracting and retaining high quality employees, one
has to understand factors associated with it.

An employee who is happy and satisfied with his or her

profession will emanate positive energy that will give positive
influence on those around him or her particularly the

The result of this study will assist the respective organization to

make some innovative plans in order to improve and enhance
the morale and motivation of the employees.

4.5 Type OF Research Design:

Figure: 4.1Types of Research Design.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

“A research design is the set of methods and procedures

used in collecting and analyzing measures of the variables
specified in the problem research”. The design of a study
defines the study type (descriptive, correlation, semi-
experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic) and sub-
type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study, research
problem, hypotheses, independent and dependent
variables, experimental design, and, if applicable, data
collection methods and a statistical analysis plan. A research
design is a framework that has been created to find answers to
research questions.

There are many ways to classify research designs. Nonetheless,

the list below offers a number of useful distinctions between
possible research designs. A research design is an arrangement
of conditions or collection

Descriptive Method:

Descriptive research although some people dismiss descriptive

research as `mere description', good description is fundamental
to the research enterprise and it has added immeasurably to our
knowledge of the shape and nature of our society.

Descriptive research encompasses much government sponsored

research including the population census, the collection of a
wide range of social indicators and economic information such
as household expenditure patterns, time use studies,
employment and crime statistics and the like. Good description
provokes the `why' questions of explanatory research.

Moreover, “descriptive studies may be characterised as simply

the attempt to establish why or how it is that way or how it
came to be”. It finds out the relationship between Job
Satisfaction and different variables and stresses upon the
aspects that affect this relationship.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

4.6 Scope of the Research:

 This project will deal with job satisfaction of

employees with the organization. This project will
cover many aspects of job satisfaction of employees.
 This project can also be extended to different areas of
studies taking different sampling frame.
 The job satisfaction of employees working in
organization is very important as they train influence
and mould the lives of many employees who are the
future of our society.
 There is also great need for the study to find the level
of Job satisfaction among employees and determine the
factors affecting job satisfaction.

4.7 Sampling Design:

 Sampling size:

Total number of elements studied is known as sample size.

In this project, sample size i.e. number of employees

surveyed is 50.

 Sampling method:

There are two types of sampling methods: Probability

sampling and non probability sampling method.

Here in this project convenience sampling, a type of non

probability sampling method will be adopted.

 Sampling frame:

It is a list or map or other specification of a unit which

constitute the available information relating to the
population designated for a particular sampling scheme.

 Sampling element:

The elements which are available for selection in a sample

such as a store, product or person are known as sampling

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Here in this survey sample elements will be employees of

various schools.

 Survey method:

There are various methods through which survey can be

conducted like face-to-face, survey, online etc. This
research will be carried out though personal survey method
by contacting employees at Ideal Hardware.

 Sampling tool:

In this project, Structural Questionnaires were used.

4.8 Data Collection:

Data collection is defined as the procedure of collecting,

measuring and analyzing accurate insights for research
using standard validated techniques. A researcher can
evaluate their hypothesis on the basis of collected data. In
most cases, data collection is the primary and most
important step for research, irrespective of the field of

The approach of data collection is different for different

fields of study, depending on the required information. The
most critical objective of data collection is ensuring that
information-rich and reliable data is collected for statistical
analysis so that data-driven decisions can be made for

Here in this project primary sources are use as to collect

primary data through survey and secondary sources as use
to analysis or collect secondary data through books and
websites is been collected. I have collected the data from
two sources which are given below:

Primary data:

Primary data is data that is collected by a researcher from

first-hand sources, using methods like surveys, interviews, or
experiments. It is collected with the research project in mind,
directly from primary sources.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

The data for this study will be collected through the primary
method of collection. The information will be collected by the
structured questionnaire which will be filled by the employees
of the organization.

 Personal Survey.

Secondary data:

Secondary data is data gathered from studies, surveys, or

experiments that have been run by other people or for other
research. Typically, a researcher will begin a project by
working with secondary data. This allows time to formulate
questions and gain an understanding of the issues being dealt
with before the more costly and time consuming operation of
collecting primary data.

Various journals, books, articles, websites etc. has been referred

to do the literature review on the given aspect of my research.

 Data available on internet.

 Brand magazine.

4.9 Data Analysis:

In this project report, the data collected through questionnaire

will be analysed by following techniques:

1) Charts.
2) Tables.
3) Percentages.

Data for the study were analysed using descriptive and

inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics were use to describe the demographic data

of the respondents and mean was used to elaborate each item of
the questionnaires.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

4.10 Limitation of the study:

 The study is limited only to Surat city, which may fail

to give correct picture of the study.
 The researcher faces some difficulties due to the lack of
co-operation from some respondents.
 The bias of respondents cannot be completely ruled out.
 They study is based on employees attitudes and
opinion. This attitude may change in future.
 The time period for carrying out the research was short
as a result of which many facts have been left

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Chapter: 5 Data Analysis & Interpretation.

5.1 Measuring the Personal Details of Organization


1. Classification of Gender.

GENDER No of Percentage

Female 10 20%
Male 40 80%
TOTAL 50 100%

(Table 5.1 Responses show that classification of gender.)


(Charts 5.1 Responses show that classification of gender.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that 80% are male employees
working at Ideal, 20% are Female are working at Ideal.


Majority of Male employees are working at Ideal with compare to Female


A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

2. Classification of Age.

Age No of Percentage

20-30 35 70%
30-45 15 30%
TOTAL 50 100%

(Table 5.2 classification of Age)

20-30 30-45

(Chart 5.2 Responses shows the Classification of



According to the above chart we can interpret that 70%

employees comes under the age 20-30, while 30% employees
comes under the above the age 36.


Majority of employees were fairly young age 20-30 years with

70% working at Ideal.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

3. Classification of Marital Status.

Marital No of Percentage
status Respondent
Married 15 30%

Unmarried 35 70%

TOTAL 50 100%

(Table 5.3 Classification of Marital Status.

marital status
marital status
married unmarried

(Chart 5.3 Responses shows the Marital status)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 70% are unmarried, while 30% are married.


Majority of employees was unmarried we can inferred that

mostly unmarried are working at Ideal.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

4. Classification of Academic Qualification.

Academic No of Percentage
Qualification Respondent
12th passed 25 50%
Diploma 15 30%
Bachelor 10 20%
Total 50 100%
(Table 5.4 Classification of Academic

12th passed diploma bachelor degree

(Chart 5.4 Responses show the classification of



According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 50% of the employees are 12th passed, while
30% are diploma and 20% have bachelor degree.


Majority of employees are 12th passed, while 30% are

diploma done and rest 20% only are educated having
bachelor degree.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5. Classification of Length of Service:

Length No of Percentage
of respondent

<1 year 5 10%

1-5 20 40%
6- 12.5 25%
>10years 12.5 25%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.6 Classification of Length of Service.)






(Chart 5.5 Responses show the Classification of Length of Service.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

Respondents, 40% belong to 1-5years of service, whereas 25-
25% are 6 and more 10 years, while 10% are fresher’s.


The respondent in this study were fairly experienced, with

between 1-5years working in the present station and will
indicate whether they were satisfied.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

6. Classification of Annual Income.

Annual No of Percentage
income Respondent

Below 2 20 40%
Above 2 30 60%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.6 Classification of Annual Income)

annual income




30 annual income



below 2 lakh above 2 lakh\

(Chart 5.6 Responses shows the classification of

annual income)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondent, 60% of the employees having annual income below
Rs 2 Lakh, while 40% employees having annual income above
2 lakh.


Majority of employees are having annual income above 2 lakh.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

7. Classification of Nature of Appointment.

Nature of No of Percentage
Appointment Respondent

Temporary 15 30%
Permanent 35 70%
TOTAL 50 100%

(Table 5.7 Classification of Nature of Appointment)

nature of appointment
nature of appointment
temporary permanent

(Chart 5.7 Responses shows the classification of nature of



According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 70% of the employees are appointed as permanent
for the given post, while others are for temporary at 30%.


Majority of employees are having nature of appointment as

bases permanent for given post.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.2 Healthy relationship with colleagues.

Options No of Percentage

Strongly 30 60%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 5 10%
Disagree 5 10%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.8 employees having healthy relationship with

healthy relationship with colleafues.

healthy relationship with
30 colleafues.
strongly agree agree neutral disagree

(CHART 5.8 Responses shows the relationship

of employees with their colleagues.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 60% of the employees strongly agree that they
have healthy relationship with their colleagues while 5% of the
employees does not agree.


Majority of the employees are strongly agree that they have

healthy working relationship with their colleagues.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.3 Working conditions of organization is


Options No of Percentage
Strongly 30 60%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 10 20%
Disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.9 Working conditions of organization are

working condition of organization is a

working condition of
organizayion isa
20 comfortable
Strongly agree agree neutral disagree

(Chart 5.9 Responses shows the working conditions

of the organization)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 60% of the respondents strongly agree that they
have working conditions in organization are comfortable, while
0% of the employees are disagree.


Majority of employees are strongly agreed that they working

condition in their organization are comfortable.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.4 Have interest in co-curricular activities

organized in the organization.

Options No of Percentage
Strongly 35 70%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 5 10%
Disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.10 Responses shows that they take
interest in co curricular activities)

employees have interest in co

curricular activities
employees have interest in
20 co curricular activities
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 8.10 Responses show that employees take

interest in co-curricular activities in


According to the above chart e can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 35% of the respondent strongly agree that they tale
interest in other activities, while 0% disagree for the same.


Majority of employees are strongly agreed that they take

interest in co curricular activities organized in the organization.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.5 Appreciation on Job done.

Options No of Percentage
Strongly 20 40%
Agree 10 20%

Neutral 10 20%
Disagree 10 20%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.11Responses shows that employees are appreciated on
their job done.)

appreciation on job done.

20 appreciation on job done.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 5.11 Responses show that employees are

appreciated on their job done.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 40% are strongly agreed on their job done,
whereas 0% are disagreed for the same.


Majority of employees are strongly agreed that they are

appreciated on the job done.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.6 Job is given according to skills and ability of employees.

Options No of Percentage
Strongly 40 80%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 0 0%
Disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.12 Job was given according to the skill
of employees.)

job given were according to the skills of


job given were according to
the skills of employees
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 5.12 responses show that they are given jobs

according to their skills and ability.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

employees, 80% are strongly satisfied with the job as it is given
on the bases of their skills and ability, whereas 0% disagree for
the same.


Majority of employees strongly agree that they have job

according to their skill and ability.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.7 Employees are cooperative in team work.

Options No of Percentage

Strongly 20 40%
Agree 20 40%
Neutral 10 20%
Disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.13 Employees are cooperative in team

employees are cooperative in team

20 employees are
10 cooperative in team work
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 5.13 responses show that they feel

employees are cooperative in team work.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 40% are strongly agreed that their colleagues are
cooperative, whereas 0% are disagreed for the same.


Majority of employees strongly agree and agree that they have

cooperative team work.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.8 Salary is relevant to employees’ skills and ability.

Options No of Percentage
Strongly 30 60%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 10 20%
Disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.14 employees shows that they are given
salary as per their skills and ability.)

salary are paid as per their skills and

30 salary are paid as per their
20 skills and ability.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 5.14 responses shows that employees are

paid as per their skills and ability.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

employees, 60% are strongly agree on the salary paid to them
on the bases of their skills and ability, while 20% neutrality for
the same.


Majority of the employees strongly agree that they are paid

salary on the bases of their skills and ability.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.9 Proper respect is by the seniors.

Options No of Percentage

Strongly 25 50%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 10 20%
Disagree 5 105
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.15 employees are given proper respect by
the seniors)

Series 1



Series 1


strongly agree agree neutral disagree

(Chart 5.15 responses shows that employees are given

proper respect by the seniors.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

employees, 50% are strongly agree that they are given respect
by seniors’, while 10% disagree for the same.


Majority of the employees strongly agree that they are given

proper respect by their seniors.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.10 Learning provides an opportunity for promotion.

Options No of Percentage
Strongly 35 70%
Agree 10 20%
Neutral 5 10%
Disagree 0 0%
TOTAL 50 100%
(Table 5.16 learning provides an opportunity for

leanring provides an opportunity for

leanring provides an
opportunity for promotion
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 5.16 responses show that learning provides

an opportunity for promotion.)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

employees, 70% are strongly agree that learning provides
opportunity for promotion, while 5% are at neutral for the same.


Majority of the employees are strongly agreed on learning

provides an opportunity for promotion.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

5.11 Owner makes available all the required material.

Options No of Percentage
Strongly 30 60%
Neutral 15 30%
Disagree 5 10%
TOTAL 50 100%

(Table 5.17 owner makes available all the

required material.)

owner makes available all the required

owner makes available all the
required material
Straongly agree Neutral Disagree

(Chart 5.17 responses on owner make available all

the required material)


According to the above chart we can interpret that out of 50

respondents, 60% of the employees are strongly agreed that
employees make available things required, while 5% disagree
for the same.


Majority of the employees strongly agree that owner provides

all the required material.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Finding summary:

1. The result indicates that majority of Male

employees are working at Ideal with compare to
Female employees.
2. The result indicates that majority of employees
were fairly young age 20-30 years with 70%
working at Ideal.
3. The result indicates that majority of employees
was unmarried we can inferred that mostly
unmarried are working at Ideal.
4. The result indicates that majority of employees
are 12th passed, while 30% are diploma done
and rest 20% only are educated having bachelor
5. The result indicates that the respondent in this
study were fairly experienced, with between 1-
5years working in the present station and will
indicate whether they were satisfied.
6. The result indicates that majority of employees
are having annual income above 2 lakh.
7. The result indicates that majority of employees
are having nature of appointment as bases
permanent for given post.
8. The result indicates that majority of the
employees are strongly agree that they have
healthy working relationship with their
9. The result indicates that majority of employees
are strongly agreed that they working condition
in their organization are comfortable.
10.The result indicates that majority of employees
are strongly agreed that they take interest in co
curricular activities organized in the

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

11.The result indicates that majority of employees

are strongly agreed that they are appreciated on
the job done.
12.The result indicates that majority of employees
strongly agree that they have job according to
their skill and ability.
13.The result indicates that majority of employees
strongly agree and agree that they have
cooperative team work.
14.The result indicates that majority of the
employees strongly agree that they are paid
salary on the bases of their skills and ability.
15.The result indicates that majority of the
employees strongly agree that they are given
proper respect by their seniors.
16.The result indicates that majority of the
employees are strongly agreed on learning
provides an opportunity for promotion.
17.The result indicates that majority of the
employees strongly agree that owner provides
all the required material.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Chapter 6: Conclusion & Suggestion.


The first objective of the study was to study job

satisfaction of the employees at Ideal Hardware.

From the analysis it can be concluded that majority of

employees are satisfied with all the factors except of
Qualification. Only 50% were highly qualified.

The second objective of the study was to identify

various factors which cause job dissatisfaction.

From the analysis it can be concluded that salary was

the factor which was found to cause dissatisfaction
among employees.

The third objective of the study was to identify various

factors which cause job satisfaction among employees.

From the analysis it can be concluded that respectful

behaviour employees are being assigned work
according to skill and profession causes satisfaction
among employees.

The fourth objective of the study was to give

suggestions to the learning improves satisfaction of
employees are:


 From the above study it was found that the employees

seem satisfied with salary. So organization is growing
with employee’s satisfaction.
 Organization can hire consultants to get an in depth
insight into various factors which will bring satisfaction
among employees.
 The organization can also look into whether the factors
causing dissatisfaction among employees are affecting
the productivity of employees.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

 There should be free environment regarding rules and

regulations so that employees can work with mental
 Employees are now a day’s unable to give extra
knowledge in order to complete their target. Employees
should be well trained so that they can complete their
target prior to the time so extra available time can be
utilised for extracurricular activities which enhance
employee’s knowledge.

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Chapter 7: Bibliography/ References.

 Reference:
1. Aikaterini Gkolia, Dimitiros Belias, Athananlos
Koustelious (2014), Employee Job Satisfaction and Self
Efficiency: A Review”,( volumne-10, issue-22),
Trikala, Greece, European Scientific Journal (PP:321-
2. Nirav Dave, Dr Dharmesh Raval 2015), “Review of
Literature on the study of Job Satisfaction of the
employees of Higher Education Institution”, (Volume-
3, Issue-5), Rajkot, Gujarat, India (PP:447-458).
3. Adlina Hjariffin, Haminah Hashim, Rosilawati Sueb
(2015), “Identifying Employees Job Satisfaction”,
Hamimah Islamic University Malausia, Tejknologi
MARA (P:1-6).

 Websites:

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

Chapter 8: Annexure/s

Dear Respondent,

I am Student of Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur

conducting a survey on “A STUDY ON JOB
provide us required information by filling up this questionnaire.
Information provided by you will be strictly used for academic
purpose only.

Vaishnavi Solanki

Thank you!

1. You Healthy Relationship with other


Strongly Agree




2. Working condition of Organization is


Strongly Agree




3. You having interest in co curricular

activities organized in organization.

Strongly Agree

A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal




4. You are appreciated on job done by


Strongly Agree




5. Job is given according to your skills and


Strongly Agree




6. Employees are cooperative in Team Work.

Strongly Agree




A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal

7. Salary is relevant to your skills and abilities.

Strongly Agree




8. Learning provides opportunity for


Strongly Agree




9. Owner makes available all the required


Strongly Agree




10. Are you given proper respect by your


Strongly Agree




A Study on Employee Job Satisfaction at Ideal



Gender: Male


Age: 20-30


Marital Status: Married


Academic Qualification:

12th passed

Diploma Bachelor Degree

Length of Service:

1year 1-5 year

5-10years >10years

Annual Income:

Below 2 lakh

Above 2 lakh

Nature of Appointment:




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