Crosby Hook Guide

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CROSBY® HOIST HOOK hook body, or is in any other way distorted or bent.

Note: A latch will

not work properly on a hook with a bent or worn tip.
• Never use a hook that is worn beyond the limits shown in Figure 1.
WARNING AND APPLICATION • Remove from service any hook with a crack, nick, or gouge. Hooks
INSTRUCTIONS with a nick or gouge shall be repaired by grinding lengthwise,
following the contour of the hook, provided that the reduced
dimension is within the limits shown in Figure 1. Contact Crosby
Engineering to evaluate any crack.
• Never repair, alter, rework, or reshape a hook by welding, heating,
burning, or bending.
• Never side load, back load, or tip load a hook.(Side loading, back
loading and tip loading are conditions that damage and reduce the
S-3319 S-319 S-3316 S-320 S-322 S-3322B
capacity of the hook). (See Figure 2.)
Series Series Series Series Series Series • Eye hooks, shank hooks and swivel hooks are designed to be used
Positioning Positioning with wire rope or chain. Efficiency of assembly may be reduced when
Only Only used with synthetic material.
• Do not swivel the S-322, S-3316, or S-3319 swivel hooks while
WARNING supporting a load. These hooks are distinguishable by hex nuts and
• Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are flat washers.
not followed. • The S-3322 swivel hook is designed to rotate under load. The S-3322
• A falling load may cause serious injury or death. is distinguishable from the S-322 by use of a round nut designed to
shield bearing.
• See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g)(1)(i)(A) and 1926.1501(g)(4)(iv)(B) • The frequency of bearing lubrication on the S-3322 depends upon
for personnel hoisting by cranes and derricks, and OSHA
frequency and period of product use as well as environmental
Directive CPL 2-1.36 - Interim Inspection Procedures During
Communication Tower Construction Activities. A Crosby conditions, which are contingent upon the user’s good judgement.
319, 320 or 322 hook with a PL latch attached and secured • The use of a latch may be mandatory by regulations or safety codes;
with a bolt, nut and cotter pin (or toggle pin) may be used e.g., OSHA, MSHA, ANSI/ASME B30, Insurance, etc.. (Note: When
for lifting personnel. A Crosby 319N, 320N or 322N hook using latches, see instructions in “Understanding: The Crosby Group
with an S-4320 latch attached and secured with cotter pin Warnings” for further information.)
or bolt, nut and pin; or a PL-N latch attached and secured • Always make sure the hook supports the load. (See Figure 3). The
with toggle pin may be used for lifting personnel. A hook latch must never support the load (See Figure 4).
with a Crosby SS-4055 latch attached shall NOT be used for • When placing two (2) sling legs in hook, make sure the angle from
personnel lifting. the vertical to the outermost leg is not greater than 45 degrees, and
• See OSHA Directive CPL 2-1.36 - Crosby does not the included angle between the legs does not exceed 90 degrees*
recommend the placement of lanyards directly into the (See Figure 5).
positive locking Crosby hook when hoisting personnel. • See ANSI/ASME B30.10 “Hooks” for additional information.
Crosby requires that all suspension systems (vertical
lifelines / lanyard) shall be gathered at the positive locked
load hook by use of a master link, or a bolt-type shackle
secured with cotter pin.
• Threads may corrode and/or strip and drop the load.
• Remove securement nut to inspect or to replace S-322, Figure 1
S-3316, and S-3319 bearing washers (2).
• Hook must always support the load. The load must never be
supported by the latch.
• Never apply more force than the hook’s assigned Working
Load Limit (WLL) rating.
• Read and understand these instructions before using hook.
QUIC-CHECK® Hoist hooks incorporate markings forged into the product ZONE B: 10% OF ORIGINAL DIMENSION
which address two (2) QUIC-CHECK® features: ZONE: D: SEE MINIMUM THREAD SIZE CHART
Deformation Indicators - Two strategically
placed marks, one just below the shank or eye
and the other on the hook tip, which allows for a Figure 2
QUIC-CHECK® measurement to determine if
the throat opening has changed, thus indicating
abuse or overload. i.e.,
To check, use a measuring device (i.e., tape measure) to measure the Backhoe
distance between the marks. The marks should align to either an inch Bucket
or half-inch increment on the measuring device. If the measurement
does not meet criteria, the hook should be inspected further for possible
damage. Side Load Side Load Back Load Tip Load
Angle Indicators - Indicates the maximum included angle which is WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG
allowed between two (2) sling legs in the hook. These indicators also
provide the opportunity to approximate other included angles between
two sling legs.
• A visual periodic inspection for cracks, nicks, wear, gouges and
deformation as part of a comprehensive documented inspection
program, should be conducted by trained personnel in compliance
with the schedule in ANSI B30.10.
• For hooks used in frequent load cycles or pulsating loads, the hook Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
and threads should be periodically inspected by Magnetic Particle or * For two legged slings with angles greater than 90 degrees, use an intermediate
link such as a master link or bolt type shackle to collect the legs of the slings. The
Dye Penetrant. (Note: Some disassembly may be required.) intermediate link can be placed over the hook to provide an in-line load on the hook.
• Never use a hook whose throat opening has been increased, or This approach must also be used when using slings with three or more legs.
whose tip has been bent more than 10 degrees out of plane from the

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140 Copyright © 2013 The Crosby Group LLC
All Rights Reserved
• Wrong thread and/or shank size can cause stripping and loss • Crosby can not
of load. assume responsibility
• The maximum diameter is the largest diameter, after cleanup, for, (A) the quality of Minimum
that could be expected after allowing for straightness, pits, etc. machining, (B) the
type of application, Thread Size
• All threads must be Class 2 or better.
or (C) the means of Maximum
• The minimum thread length engaged in the nut should not attachment to the
be less than one (1) thread diameter. Install a properly sized power source or load.
Shank Diameter
retention device to secure the nut to the hook shank after the
nut is properly adjusted at assembly. Nut retention devices • Consult the Crosby
such as set screws or roll pins are suitable for applications Hook Identification &
using anti-friction thrust bearings or bronze thrust washers. Working Load Limit
If the hook is intended for other applications that introduce a Chart (See below) for
higher torque into the nut, a more substantial retaining device the minimum thread
may be required. size for assigned
Working Load Limits (WLL).†
• Hook shanks are not intended to be swaged on wire rope or
rod. See S319SWG for hook designed for swaging. • Remove from service any Hook which has threads corroded
more than 20% of the nut engaged length.
• Hook shanks are not intended to be drilled (length of shank)
and internally threaded.
Hook Identification Working Load Limit (t) Minimum Thread Size
319-AN 319-A
319-C 320-A 319-C 319-AN Maximum
319-CN 320-AN 319-CN 320-A Shank 319-A
320-C 322-A 320-C 320-AN Diameter 319-AN
320-CN 322-AN 320-CN 322-A after 319-C (Alloy)
322-C 3319 322-C 322-AN Machining 319-CN 319-BN
322-CN 3322B 319-BN 322-CN S-3322B 319-BN S-3319 S-3316 (in.) (Carbon) (Bronze)
DC DA DB .75 1 .5 — −− .53 1/2 - 13unc 1/2 - 13 unc
FC FA FB 1 1.5 .6 — .45 .62 5/8 - 11unc 5/8 - 11 unc
GC GA GB 1.5 2 1 — −− .66 5/8 - 11unc 5/8 - 11 unc
HC HA HB 2 3 1.4 1.63 .91 .81 3/4 - 10unc 3/4 - 10 unc
IC IA IB 3 *4.5 / 5 2.0 2.5 −− 1.03 7/8 - 9unc 7/8 - 9 unc
JC JA JB 5 7 3.5 4.5 −− 1.27 1-1/8 - 7unc 1-1/8 - 7 unc
KC KA KB 7.5 11 5.0 — −− 1.52 1-1/4 - 7unc 1-3/8 - 6 unc
LC LA LB 10 15 6.5 — −− 1.75 1-5/8 - 8un 1-5/8 - 8 un
NC NA NB 15 22 10 — −− 2.00 2 - 8un 2 - 8 un
OC OA — 20 30 — — −− 2.50 2-1/4 - 8un 2-1/4 - 8 un
PC PA — 25 37 — — −− 3.50 2-3/4 - 8un 2-3/4 - 8 un
SC SA — 30 45 — — −− 3.50 3 - 8un 3 - 8 un
TC TA — 40 60 — — −− 4.00 3-1/4 - 8un 3-1/2 - 8 un
UC UA — 50 75 — — −− 4.50 3-3/4 - 8un 4 - 4 unc
— WA — — 100 — — −− 6.12 — 4-1/2 - 8 un
— XA — — 150 — — −− 6.38 — 5-1/2 - 8 un
— YA — — 200 — — −− 7.00 — 6-1/4 - 8 un
— ZA — — 300 — — −− 8.62 — 7-1/2 - 8 un
* 319AN, 320-AN, 3322 and 322AN are rated at 5 tons.
† Working Load Limit - The maximum mass or force which the product is authorized to support in general service when the pull is applied in-line, unless noted otherwise, with respect
to the centerline of the product. This term is used interchangeably with the following terms: 1. WLL, 2. Rated Load Value, 3. SWL, 4. Safe Working Load, 5. Resultant Safe Working Load.

Warning and Application Instructions For Crosby® Hook Latch Kit

Important Safety Information – Read & Follow
• Always inspect hook and latch before using. WARNING
• Never use a latch that is distorted or bent. • Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are
• Always make sure spring will force the latch against the tip of the not followed.
hook. • A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
• Always make sure hook supports the load. The latch must never • See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g)(1)(i)(A) and 1926.1501(g)(4)(iv)(B) for
support the load. (See Figure 1 & 2) personnel hoisting for cranes and derricks. Only a Crosby
• When placing two (2) sling legs in hooks, make sure the angle or McKissick hook with a PL Latch attached and secured
between the legs is less the 90° and if the hook or load is tilted, with bolt, nut and cotter (or Crosby Toggle Pin) or a Crosby
nothing bears against the bottom of this latch. (See Figures 3 & 4) hook with a S-4320 Latch attached and secured with a
cotter pin, or a Crosby SHUR-LOC® hook in the locked
• Latches are intended to retain loose sling or devices under position may be used for any personnel hoisting. A hook
slack conditions. with a Crosby SS-4055 latch attached shall NOT be used for
• Latches are not intended to be an anti-fouling device. personnel lifting.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 • Hook must always support the load. The load must never
RIGHT WRONG RIGHT WRONG be supported by the latch.
• DO NOT use this latch in applications requiring non-
• Read and understand these instructions before using hook
and latch.

Copyright © 2013 The Crosby Group LLC 141

All Rights Reserved
McKISSICK® HOIST HOOK not work properly on a hook with a bent or worn tip.
• Never use a hook that is worn beyond the limits shown in Figure 1.
• Remove from service any hook with a crack, nick, or gouge. Hooks
WARNINGS AND APPLICATION with a nick or gouge shall be repaired by grinding lengthwise,
INSTRUCTIONS following the contour of the hook, provided that the reduced
dimension is within the limits shown in Figure 1. Contact Crosby
Engineering to evaluate any crack.
• Remove from service any hook which has threads corroded more
than 20% of the nut engagement length.
• Never repair, alter, rework, or reshape a hook by welding, heating,
burning, or bending.
• Never side load, back load, or tip load a hook.(Side loading, back
S-320 S-322 S-3322B loading and tip loading are conditions that damage and reduce the
S-319 Series
Series Series Series capacity of the hook). (See Figure 2.)
Only • Eye hooks, shank hooks and swivel hooks are designed to be used
with wire rope or chain. Efficiency of assembly may be reduced when
used with synthetic material.
WARNING • Do not swivel the S-322 or S-3319 swivel hooks while supporting a
• Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are load. These hooks are distinguishable by hex nuts and flat washers.
not followed. • The S-3322 swivel hook is designed to rotate under load. The S-3322
• A falling load may cause serious injury or death. is distinguishable from the S-322 by use of a round nut designed to
• See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g)(1)(i)(A) and 1926.1501(g)(4)(iv)(B) shield bearing.
for personnel hoisting by cranes and derricks, and OSHA • The frequency of bearing lubrication on the S-3322 depends upon
Directive CPL 2-1.36 - Interim Inspection Procedures During frequency and period of product use as well as environmental
Communication Tower Construction Activities. A Crosby conditions, which are contingent upon the user’s good judgement.
319, 320 or 322 hook with a PL latch attached and secured • The use of a latch may be mandatory by regulations or safety codes;
with a bolt, nut and cotter pin (or toggle pin) may be used e.g., OSHA, MSHA, ANSI/ASME B30, Insurance, etc.. (Note: When
for lifting personnel. A Crosby 319N, 320N or 322N hook using latches, see instructions in “Understanding: The Crosby Group
with an S-4320 latch attached and secured with cotter pin Warnings” for further information.)
or bolt, nut and pin; or a PL-N latch attached and secured • Always make sure the hook supports the load. (See Figure 3). The
with toggle pin may be used for lifting personnel. A hook latch must never support the load (See Figure 4).
with a Crosby SS-4055 latch attached shall NOT be used for • When placing two (2) sling legs in hook, make sure the angle from
personnel lifting. the vertical to the outermost leg is not greater than 45 degrees, and
• See OSHA Directive CPL 2-1.36 - Crosby does not recommend the included angle between the legs does not exceed 90 degrees*
the placement of lanyards directly into the positive locking (See Figure 5).
Crosby hook when hoisting personnel. Crosby requires • Reference Crosby's Hoist Hook Warning and Application Information
that all suspension systems (vertical lifelines / lanyard) for basic machining and minimum thread size.
shall be gathered at the positive locked load hook by use of • See ANSI/ASME B30.10 “Hooks” for additional information.
a master link, or a bolt-type shackle secured with cotter pin.
• Threads or Split-Nut may corrode and/or strip and drop the
• Remove securement nut to inspect or to replace S-322 and Figure 1
S-3319 bearing washers (2).
• Hook must always support the load. The load must never be
supported by the latch.
• Never apply more force than the hook’s assigned Working
Load Limit (WLL) rating.
• Read and understand these instructions before using hook.

QUIC-CHECK® Hoist hooks incorporate markings forged into the ZONE A: REPAIR NOT REQUIRED
product which address two (2) QUIC-CHECK® features: ZONE C: 5% OF ORIGINAL DIMENSION
Deformation Indicators - Two strategically ZONE: D: SEE MINIMUM THREAD SIZE CHART
placed marks, one just below the shank or eye
and the other on the hook tip, which allows for a
Figure 2
QUIC-CHECK® measurement to determine if
the throat opening has changed, thus indicating
abuse or overload.
To check, use a measuring device (i.e., tape measure) to measure the
distance between the marks. The marks should align to either an inch Backhoe
or half-inch increment on the measuring device. If the measurement Bucket
does not meet criteria, the hook should be inspected further for possible
Angle Indicators - Indicates the maximum included angle which is Side Load Side Load Back Load Tip Load
allowed between two (2) sling legs in the hook. These indicators also
provide the opportunity to approximate other included angles between RIGHT WRONG
two sling legs.
• A visual periodic inspection for cracks, nicks, wear, gouges and
deformation as part of a comprehensive documented inspection
program, should be conducted by trained personnel in compliance
with the schedule in ANSI B30.10.
• For hooks used in frequent load cycles or pulsating loads, the hook Figure 4 Figure 5
Figure 3
and threads should be periodically inspected by Magnetic Particle or
* For two legged slings with angles greater than 90 degrees, use an intermediate
Dye Penetrant. (Note: Some disassembly may be required.) link such as a master link or bolt type shackle to collect the legs of the slings. The
• Never use a hook whose throat opening has been increased, or intermediate link can be placed over the hook to provide an in-line load on the hook.
whose tip has been bent more than 10 degrees out of plane from the This approach must also be used when using slings with three or more legs.
hook body, or is in any other way distorted or bent. Note: A latch will
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142 Copyright © 2013 The Crosby Group LLC
All Rights Reserved
Removal of Split-Nut assembly • Slide steel keeper ring over split nut halves. Verify the split nut
(Reference Figure A): halves properly seat against the load bearing surface of the
hook shank and the steel keeper ring seats against the flange
• Remove vinyl cover.
of the split nut.
• Remove spring retaining ring.
• Install retaining ring onto split nut halves. Verify the retaining
• Slide steel keeper ring off split nuts (CAUTION: Removal ring seats properly in the retaining ring groove on the outside
of keeper ring will allow split nut halves to fall from hook diameter of the split nut assembly.
• Install vinyl cover over split nut and hook shank assembly.
• Remove split nut halves.
• Verify all fasteners are correctly installed.
Inspection of split nut assembly and • Always use Genuine Crosby replacement parts.
hook shank interface area
(Reference Figure B):
• Inspect hook shank and split nut for signs of deformation on
and adjacent to the load bearing surfaces. VINYL COVERS
• Inspect outside corner of hook shank load bearing surface to
verify the corner is sharp. RETAINING RING
• Verify retaining ring groove will allow proper seating of the STEEL KEEPER RING
retaining ring.
• Inspect retaining ring for corrosion or deformation. Remove
from service any retaining ring that has excessive corrosion or
is deformed.
• Use fine grit emery or crocus cloth to remove any corrosion
from machined hook shank and split nut assembly.
• Follow inspection recommendations listed in this document
• If corrosion is present on the nut / shank interface area and
Figure A
deterioration or degradation of the metal components is
evident, further inspection is required.
• The use of a feeler gauge is required to properly measure
the maximum allowable gap width between the split nut
inside diameters and shank outside diameters.
• With one split nut half seated against the hook shank, push
the nut to one side and measure the maximum gaps as
shown in Figure B. The hook should be measured in four
places, 90-degrees apart.
• Repeat above inspection procedure with other half of
split nut.
• Remove from service any hook and split nut assembly that
exhibits a gap greater than 0.030”.
Installation of split nut assembly
(Reference Figure A):
• Coat hook shank and inside of split nut with an anti-seize
compound or heavy grease.
• Install split nut halves onto shank. The flanged bottom of the Figure B
split nut should be closest to the hook shoulder.

Warning and Application Instructions For Crosby® Hook Latch Kit

Important Safety Information – Read & Follow
• Always inspect hook and latch before using.
• Never use a latch that is distorted or bent. • Loads may disengage from hook if proper procedures are
• Always make sure spring will force the latch against the tip of the not followed.
hook. • A falling load may cause serious injury or death.
• Always make sure hook supports the load. The latch must never • See OSHA Rule 1926.1431(g)(1)(i)(A) and 1926.1501(g)(4)(iv)B) for
support the load. (See Figure 1 & 2) personnel hoisting for cranes and derricks. Only a Crosby
• When placing two (2) sling legs in hooks, make sure the angle or McKissick hook with a PL Latch attached and secured
between the legs is less the 90° and if the hook or load is tilted, with bolt, nut and cotter (or Crosby Toggle Pin) or a Crosby
nothing bears against the bottom of this latch. (See Figures 3 & 4) hook with a S-4320 Latch attached and secured with a
cotter pin, or a Crosby SHUR-LOC® hook in the locked
• Latches are intended to retain loose sling or devices under position may be used for any personnel hoisting. A hook
slack conditions. with a Crosby SS-4055 latch attached shall NOT be used for
• Latches are not intended to be an anti-fouling device. personnel lifting.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 • Hook must always support the load. The load must never
be supported by the latch.
• DO NOT use this latch in applications requiring non-
• Read and understand these instructions before using hook
and latch.

Copyright © 2013 The Crosby Group LLC 143

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