Chapter 2 Design of Water Treatment Plants PDF
Chapter 2 Design of Water Treatment Plants PDF
Chapter 2 Design of Water Treatment Plants PDF Introduction
Pointed end
(solid steel)
Combination well
The most common type is a combination of dug and drilled wells. Where circumstances allow, the capacity
of a dug well can be improved by drilling horizontal wells/collector drains radially to the aquifer. This
increases collection area. Wells may also be drilled near the riverbanks or at the sides of lakes or seas so as
to have a good recharge and to increase quality of surface water. Such approaches include infiltration
These are shallow ground water abstraction points. They are thus subject to water quality deterioration as a
result of land use activities in the vicinity of the well. They occur where the water table strikes the ground.
Springs may be artesian or gravitational. They may be constructed with or without a spring box. The latter
is advantageous in providing multiple outlets for users in a community and accesses for community water
disinfection. Intake Structures for Surface Water
Selection of the type of water intake structure for surface water systems depends on a number of factors:
The source of the supply (impounded reservoir, lake, river)
Fluctuations in the water level of the source
The nature of the intake surrounding (water depth; bottom characteristics; effects of currents,
floods and storms upon structure, other water uses like navigation; scouring and deposition, etc.
The location of pollutant sources
Existence of floating materials e.g., oils, vegetable matter, logs, etc.
Accessibility for continuous maintenance and operation (this may necessitate a duplicate or
standby structure
To pump
Min. water level house/sump
This is simple and economical but it is affected by the river water level. It can be easily damaged by river
traffic and floating matter.
Its disadvantages are:
the intake can only take in water when the level is above the screen
It is impossible to control the quality of the water at the inlet
There is need to protect it from water traffic.
To pump
Min water level house/sump
Flexible pipe
They are normally used where the river level varies greatly or where no structures are allowed. A filter bed
with gravel can be used to help reduce the amount of suspended matter. There must be no scouring or
iii) Intake through a concrete box structure
This is a solid, long life intake structure with a possibility of inspection and sample taking at this end of
iv) Two step intake with a storage reservoir
This intake structure has the advantage of better reliability with respect to both quality and quantity.
Valve chamber
Lake/river Max
Min Max water level
To plant
2.3.1 Introduction
The aim of water treatment is to produce potable water that is, water that is fit for human consumption.
Water treatment processes are selected according to the quality of the raw water and the parameters that are
to be removed. Common Treatment Methods are summarised in Table 2.4.
Table 2.5 shows the effectiveness of different water treatment units in the removal of different parameters.
Common treatment processes for groundwater and surface water are summarized in Table 2.6 and 2.7
The entry of fish in particular can also be prevented with electrical shock devices. Fine screens are usually
built in pairs to allow the set to be cleared while the other one is on duty. Raw water screens usually retain
little material therefore the screen can be set up at a steep angle of 60-75o.
Dip or floating
To pump house
Fine screens
Foot valve
Inlet pipe
Raw water
Mat of retained
Wire cloth
Figure 6: A microstrainer
In Public Health Engineering, the aeration process is used in water treatment as in the following examples:
Water treatment:
i) Uptake of oxygen to oxidize Iron (II) and Mn (II) to facilitate their removal from groundwater.
ii) Removal of CH4, H2S and other volatile constituents and taste and odour foreign substances.
iii) Partial removal/stripping of carbon dioxide to approach the carbonate equilibrium with respect
to calcium.
iv) Addition of chlorine or ozone to water for disinfection.
NOTE: Daily iron intake of 10mg for adult men and 15mg for adult women is adequate for growth
(haemoglobin formation) and body metabolic processes. Whereas iron deficiency in the body is associated
with anaemia and low intelligence quotient especially in children, excess level in domestic water supplies
are connected with staining of clothes and utensils, blackening of food and bitter taste, while overload in
the body is linked to hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder which causes diabetes, impotence and liver
failure. Between 2 to 3 mg daily intake of manganese is enough for formation of connective tissue and
bone, growth and other body metabolism. Excess manganese consumption has been linked to
malfunctioning of the central nervous system, reduction in haemoglobin regeneration, Parkinsonism,
abortion and stillbirth in women, and contributes to aesthetic defects similar to that of iron. Type of Aerators
Aeration aims at maximising the opportunity of interfacial contact between the gas phase and the liquid
phase. There are four types of aerators in practice.
Gravity Aerators
These are principally used in water purification plants for absorption of gases. The trickling filter illustrates
the application of the principle in wastewater treatment. Gravity aerators include the following:
i) Cascades: the available difference in head of the water is divided into steps. Cascade aerators are the
simplest to construct and the cheapest to maintain. They can also be concealed as municipal water
- 4 to 6 trays
Obstacle to create turbulence - Capacity 0.01 m3/m/s
- Large space requirement
than tray aerators but less
head loss
- No maintenance needed
Aerated water
Ripple plates
ii) Inclined Planes: These are equipped with
ripple-plates to break up a sheet of water for
surface renewal.
Contact area
Air supply
Collecting pan
Spray aerators
Water is sprayed in form of fine droplets into the air thus creating a large gas to liquid interface for gas
transfer. They are used for the desorption of carbon dioxide in the course of water treatment. In sewage
treatment, spray aeration is used during the distribution of sewage over trickling filters. The efficiency
depends on the design of the nozzle.
Inlet pipes
Plan view
- Clogging
- Compressor maintenance
Air in
ii) Venturi aerators and well aerators are other types of air diffusers. These use a partial vacuum of a stream
of water at a restriction to suck, entrain and diffuse air into the stream.
Air supply
CL is kept as low as possible in the design and operation of aerators, to minimize costs. (C s – CL) is the
driving force for the air transfer. The lower the concentration in the water, the higher the driving force.
In most cases, the determination of the various variables (A, K, texposure, etc) is not feasible. For example for
the cascade aerator, it will be difficult to determine either the time of exposure of a drop of water to the air,
or the area A. Consequently, the design and performance of different aerators can be achieved from one of
three practical approaches/ parameters namely the Gas Transfer Coefficient, the Efficiency Coefficient and
the Oxygenation Capacity. A brief discussion on these follows.
Cs - C
ln K 2t …………………………………..(iii)
C s Co
The overall gas transfer coefficient K2 is a complex constant which also has several components as
discussed earlier. It can more easily be determined experimentally by plotting equation (iii). In attempting
to evaluate K2, knowledge of the saturation concentration Cs under the experimental steady state conditions
is required. Temperature, dissolved substances and pressure (partial pressure of the gas in air) are factors
that influence Cs and may cause deviation from tabulated values. If Cs is not estimated correctly, there
would be deviations from the expected straight-line relationship. This approach is used for example for
cone and bubble aerators, or for batch reactors where the oxygen content of the water can be monitored
with time.
Assuming that the saturation concentration of oxygen under the laboratory conditions is Cs = 10.5g/m3
(i) Plot a graph of ln[(Cs – C)/ (Cs – Co)] Vs time.
(ii) Estimate the value of K2 from the graph.
(iii) Comment on the validity of your estimate.
The efficiency coefficient K can be defined as K = [Ce – Co] / [Cs – Co]……….. ………..(v)
It can be shown that for a cascade aerator with n steps, K = (1- Ks/n) n
Where Ks = efficiency of a single step of the cascade.
n = number of steps
K = 1- e –K2 tk
A spray aerator was found to remove 10g/m3 of CO2 at an initial carbon dioxide content of 22 g/m3 CO2.
i) the efficiency coefficient K.
ii) the effluent concentration of raw water containing 38 g/m3 of carbon dioxide when sprayed under
the same hydraulic conditions.
(Assume a saturation concentration Cs = 1.0g/CO2/m3)
Note that the coefficient Cs1 refers to the oxygen saturation concentration in water under the experimental
conditions. The influence of temperature on the oxygenation capacity (OC) is commonly accounted for by:
OC = K2VCs1 (D10/DT) I/2
Where D = Coefficient of diffusion and is given in m2/s (Table 2.8).
An aeration tank with a volume of 250m3 is equipped with a surface aerator. Assume complete mixing in
the aeration tank. In order to determine the oxygenation capacity of this aeration system, the tank is filled
with pure water at 10oC. The aerator is put into operation for a test under normal condition p = 101.3 Kpa.
The following observations are made.
Time (minutes) 0 1 2 3 4 5
O2 conc. (g/m3) 2.00 3.85 5.33 6.51 7.46 8.22
This coalescence does not take place naturally, since colloidal suspensions are characterized by specific
forces, which hold the matter in the dispersed state, with a remarked degree of stability over time. This
stability is due to salvation or the protective action of certain adsorbed substances as well as to the over-
riding effect of electrostatic forces, which act to repel the particles away. Why Coagulation and Flocculation are Necessary
i) Very fine materials do not settle easily on their own due to low gravitational forces and hence the
need to agglomerate them into larger (heavier) particles that can settle.
ii) Colloidal particles (micrometers) have electrostatic charges on their surfaces that lead to their
repulsion and stabilization in the suspension in the water. This is due to the presence of a double
layer of ions around each particle (Figure 7).
Fixed layer
+ +
+ +
Diffuse layer + - +
+ -+ + +- +
+ -+- -+- +
+ - + + - +
+ - - + Nernst (E) potential
+ + +
High valency coagulants are mostly used due to their higher reactive power of coagulation. The effective
power for uni-:, di-: tri-valent is in the ratio 1:30:1000 hence the use of Al and Fe salts.
Fe3+ + 6H2O Fe(H2O)63+ [Fe(H2O)5OH ]2+ +H+
The above equation shows that coagulation is pH dependent. The pH value plays a very important part in
the study of coagulation and flocculation phenomena. To illustrate: a part of the charge carried by the
colloidal particles, which have adsorbed OH- ions is destroyed by an increase in the concentration of H+
ions, and this reduces the stability of the colloidal suspension.
Similarly, it is preferable to work with a pH value inside the range corresponding to the minimum
solubility of the metallic ions of the coagulant used.
As far as the aluminium salts are concerned, the minimum concentration of Al 3+ ions in solution is
achieved with a pH-value of between 6.5 and 7.5. Outside this range, and depending on the mineralization
of the water, a higher concentration of dissolved aluminium is liable to be found. In some exceptional
cases, the water to be treated contains a large quantity of matter rich in aluminium compounds. A simple
increase in the pH value brings about the coagulation of the compounds. For the iron salts, the pH range is
much wider, and minimum solubility is reached as soon as the pH value exceeds 5.5. Optimisation of coagulant dose – The Jar Test
Good coagulation requires proper mixing of an optimum coagulant dose in water. The optimum dose
depends on:-
Nature and composition of raw water
Type of the coagulant
The optimum dose cannot be computed for particular raw water and hence a laboratory test (jar test, Figure
8) is used to determine this quantity.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 8: A schematic of a jar test apparatus
During this process, flocculation (floc formation and growth) takes place. The samples are then left to
stand for about 30 to 60 minutes, during this time sedimentation or settling takes place. The samples are
then tested for turbidity (or any other parameter of interest) and the lowest dose that gives a satisfactory
clarification is selected.
Required amount
Minimum amount
A second test is done in which the optimum dose identified in the 1st test is applied to all the water samples
adjusted to a range of different pH. Coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation are allowed to occur as
before. The optimum pH is then determined as that pH range which gives a satisfactory clarified water
dose (mg/l) Al salt pH = 6.5-7.5
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Feed point
NB: The weir can also be used to measure flow
Plan view
Feed point of coagulant
Inline mixing
ii) Mechanical mixers
Electric motor
To flocculation basin
Water inlet
The required power for mixing is imparted by turbines, propellers and impellers. They are less suitable for
small treatment plant than hydraulic ones since they require a reliable and continuous supply of power.
Gentle mixing /flocculation
A. Mechanisms of Agglomeration
There are two methods of agglomeration:
i) Peri- kinetic flocculation: This is agglomeration where no additional mixing is induced. The
transport phenomenon is a result of Brownian motion with the formed flocs colliding with each
other to form larger particles. This is a natural process and occurs for example in raw water
ii) Ortho-Kinetic Flocculation: This is a phenomenon in which the transport mechanism in induced
by mixing and it is what takes place during coagulation/flocculation. In a mono-disperse colloidal
suspension; the number of collisions leading to agglomeration is given by
dn 2 Gd 3 n 2
dt 3
where -fraction of collisions leading to agglomeration
G - mean velocity gradient [s-1]
d - diameter of particles
n- number of particles
G is the measure of the amount of energy required to transport the particles within the water and it is
estimated by the equation of Camp and Stein (1943):
V2 1 4
2 3 n
They may be vertically or horizontally placed with the efficiency of the system dependent on the depth of
the water in the channel. The energy input/power will be equal to the power or energy lost and is
proportional to the head loss of the system.
E = Qg h
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
E Qgh gh
Given G then on substitution for E, G resulting in G
V V t
since Q/V =1/t; where t = retention time
Figure 8: Settling of different particles in water
Settling Theory-Discrete Settling
The excess of the net gravitational force over the drag force causes the settling of a particle:
Net Gravitational force Fg= (ρs - ρw) gν ---------------------------------------- (1)
Where ρs and ρw are the mass densities of the particle and water respectively, g is the constant (9.81 m/s 2)
and ν the volume of the particle.
The Newton fictional drag force is
Fd = ½ CDρwS2A --------------------------------------- (2)
With the velocity coefficient CD dimensionless number, S the terminal velocity or settling velocity of the
particle and A its projected area in the direction of motion. Equating the two forces gives the settling
velocity of the particle:
2 s w gV
Thus S= --------------------------------------- (3)
For a sphere of diameter D, A=πd2 /4, ν=πd3 /6, so that (spherical; volume = 4/3πr3), the settling velocity
will be given by
4 s w gd
S= --------------------------------------- (4)
3CD w
The value of CD depends on the magnitude of Reynolds (Re) number for the settling.
Re = Sd/ ν --------------------------------------- (5)
Of the factors in the settling velocity equations (4) and (5), the temperature and mass density of the liquid,
mainly water can easily be determined. However, the particle density and diameter d cannot readily be
determined. A spread of particles of various densities and diameters exist in practice, thus limiting the
practical value of equation (4). We shall therefore look at alternative ways to establish the value for the
settling velocity.
a) Calculate the settling velocities for particles with diameters:-
i) 10-6m
ii) 10-4m
iii) 10-3m
iv) 10-1m
given that the water temperature is 10oC, g=9.81m/s2 and ρS=2000Kg/m3.
What are your conclusions as far as settling out these particles in a tank of 4m depth is concerned?
b) Calculate the settling velocities for particles with diameters
i) 10-2mm
ii) 10mm
at temperatures of 0, 20 and 400c respectively.
c) What do you find to be a more significant influence on settling velocities: particle size or temperature?
Discrete Settling In Continuous Horizontal Flow Basins: Frequency Distribution of Settling Velocities
Because of the difficulty, or even impossibility of determining the weight and shape of the various particles
in practice, the theory is usually disregarded, and the frequency distribution of the velocities of the particles
as they settle is measured directly in the laboratory in a test referred to as the column test.
A container immersed in a constant temperature bath is filled with a respective sample of the suspension to
be tested and stirred gently to distribute the particles over the full depth. The test starts when the water has
come to rest. By means of sampling tubes, water samples are taken at different depths and analysed for
suspended solids, colour, aluminium, BOD or any other parameter that can be reduced by settling. When a
sample is taken at depth h and time t, no particle with a settling velocity in excess of h/t will be found,
while all particles with a settling velocity less than h/t are present in their original concentration. Provided
that an adequate number of samples is taken and analysed, an easy and accurate determination of the
settling velocities can be obtained in this way.
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Table 10: Results of a typical experiment with discrete particles for sampling depths of 0.5m and 1.25m
t(s) 0 900 1,800 2,700 3,600 5,400 7,200
h = 0.5 h/t (x10-3ms-1) 0.556 0.278 0.185 0.139 0.069 0.069
c 86 57 25 8 3 0 0
100 c/co 100 66 29 9 4 0 0
h = 1.25 h/t (x10-3ms-1) 1.389 0.965 0.463 0.347 0.174 0.174
c 86 83 63 49 37 6 6
100 c/co 100 96 73 57 42 7 7
The factor c refers to the concentration of a measurable parameter while 100c/co refers to the proportion of
this parameter in solution or in water. The value h/t represents the settling velocity. A plot of the
cumulative frequency distribution of settling velocities can be made in a chart.
Example II
Using data in table above, plot a graph of 100c/co against h/t (m/s). A plot of the combined graphs is shown
below. Comment on the graph
h=0.5 m h=1.25 m
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40
h/t (= S)
Quiescent Settling
When a water is left standing for a time To in a tank of depth H, all particles with a settling velocity larger
than So=H/ To will have completely disappeared. Particles with a settling velocity S<So are partly removed.
Only those particles at the depth h’ =STo from the bottom will also be removed. The removal rate of these
particles depends on their relative velocities as shown:
r (removal ratio) = h’/H = STo/SoTo =S/So ----------------------------------------- (6)
Note: The higher the velocity, the faster they are removed (hence smaller retention time. For a smaller
retention time, is the removal ratio high or low?).
When an amount of Q m3/s must be clarified by settling in fill and draw tanks, a detention time To
necessitates a volume
V = QTo = AH ---------------------------------------- (7)
Where A is the surface area and H the depth of the basin. The removal ratio (r) depends on the factor So.
So = H/To = Q.H/A.H = Q/A -------------------------------------- (8)
With a fixed capacity Q, the removal ratio consequently only depends on the surface area A and is
independent of the tank depth H. So is called the settling velocity or the overflow rate of the tank. This
of course, is true only for prismatic (uniform) section tanks.
The general velocity frequency distribution curve from column test is as follows:
100% 100%
1 po s
80 dp 80 r
60 60
40 40
20 20
Hence for a given tank design for S = So, r, the removal ratio can be determined.
For a given tank, T = V/Q, and you have So = Q/A; In that tank all particles with S So are 100% removed
= (1- po).
The remaining particles are removed in proportions of the ratio of their settling velocities to that of the tank
overflow rate:
r = 1 po
po s
0 so
1 po
so 0
But since s is rather variable the equation of curve is not well established. Hence graphical approach is
used (Figure (b) above, with Po in decimal)). Another approach used is gravimetric. Types of Sedimentation Tanks
There are two types categorized according to the direction of flow as follows:
i) Horizontal flow tanks
a) These may be either rectangular
Outlet zone
Settling zone
Inlet zone
Settling zone
Slope = 6-10%
Outlet zone
DW = S – 10%D DW
X – Area A
Sludge blanket
Sludge bleed
Where V s is scoring velocity, is the friction/porosity factor which is equal to 0.04 for discrete “sand”
particles and 0.06 for sticky particles, is the hydraulic friction factor which is approx. 0.03.
40 s w
For = 0.05 and λ = 0.03; Vs gd
3 w
Although flow should proceed under quiescent conditions, a relatively high horizontal velocity Vo is
desirable to obtain stable flow conditions as noted in the next section.
iii) Basin Instability (Non-Uniform Velocity and Short Circuiting)
Even under regular flow and non disturbing conditions, friction drag on the walls and flow of basin retard
movement of the water leading to less than average velocities in these regions and higher than average
values in the middle of the tank. This means that some of the water will leave the tank in less than the
theoretical detention time To and some will take longer.
Unequal supply of raw water and non-uniform abstraction of clarified water over the width and depth of
the basin due to currents caused by wind and density differences etc, will also lead to disturbances that
create differential velocities and retention time.
Short-circuiting in horizontal plane
Of these are sections of the basin with stagnant water or eddying currents caused by unequal distribution of
incoming water or wind induced currents. This results in a reduced effective surface area of the basin
which increases the average overflow rate and hence reduced particle removal efficiency.
Basin Instability is controlled by the Froude number, Fr.
Fr 10 5
Stability in the tank is promoted if the basin has a big So and big L. The Froude number should be as large
as possible although increasing it infinitely will cause turbulence and re-suspension. In practice, the L: B
ratio is between 6:1 and 10:1 and as a fast approximation, H = 1/12 L0.8. H and L are in metres.
Tank Modifications
1. Use of baffles: They can be either longitudinal or round-the-bend.
(a) Longitudinal (b) Round-the-bend
S = So/2 So = Q/BL
removal zone
Short-circuiting can be diminished by judicious design:
Supplying and abstracting water uniformly over the depth and width of the basin: preventing
concentrated inlets with high velocities of flow.
Mixing the inlet water intimately with the tank contents to avoid density currents.
Short-circuiting can also be diminished by a wide selection of basin site and orientation and use
of windscreens for example, hedges.
In the settling zone, stable flow conditions should be ensured-those which can withstand the
wind and the density current effects.
Inlet and Design Considerations
The Inlet is designed to ensure uniform flow over the whole area.
The Outlet is designed for non-turbulence to ensure that particles, which are already settled adjacent to this
zone, are not re-suspended. To achieve this, Q/weir length <5HSo.
Overflow weirs
S = So S < So
H S > So
l So = Q/Blo; Sl = Q/Bl
CIV4104 Public Health Engineering II Chapter 2- Page 35
Consider the cumulative frequency curve:
At l, all particles with S > Sl will already have been
removed 100%. The remaining particles will be
removed in proportions of their settling velocities
over the whole length from the tank inlet. Hence the Pl
removal rate of these particles at this distance beyond r1
length l, will be proportional to their settling
If the discharge into the sedimentation tank is Q, then
the quantity of SS removal per time = Q.r.Cin; [g/s].
The average sludge deposition rate = (Q.r.Cin)/BL
In practice, it is how much sludge in m3/m/d that you
look for but not g/m3/s. Thus the required conversions are:
To convert dry solids into sludge (gravimetric)
To convert sludge volume into depth (gravi-volumetric)
The required data for the conversions are:
The dry solids content in the total sludge by weight, p %
Mass density of the dry solids, s (carry out tests in laboratory on solids to determine their
(1) To determine the average wet sludge deposition rate
rQCin 100 24 x3600
* * [kg sludge/m2.d]
BL p 1000
2) To convert the kg sludge into volume; this is divided by the density of the sludge
Bulk density d
VT VS VW pM T 1 p M T
s w
1 s w s w
p (1 p) p w s (1 p) p( w s ) s
s w
100 s w
(recall what p is and hence how it is exp ressed here)
p( w s ) 100 s
Table 11: General features of construction of slow sand and rapid rate filters
Item Slow sand filters Rapid sand filters
Rate of filtration 0.05 to 0.3 m3/m2/hr 5 to 15 m3/m2/hr
Depth of bed 0.3 m of gravel; 1.0 – 15 m of sand 0.5 m of gravel; 0.75 m of sand
Size of sand Effective size 0.1-0.35m Effective size 0.45-2m
Coefficient of uniformity 2-3 Coefficient of uniformity <1.3
Length of run 20 to 30 to 120 days 12 to 24 to 72 hours
Penetration of suspended Superficial (only the top layer is cleaned) Deep (whole bed is washed)
Preparatory treatment of Normally aeration, but flocculation and Flocculation and sedimentation may
water sedimentation can be included be essential
Method of cleaning i) Scraping off surface layer of sand and Scour by mechanical rakes , sir
washing removed sand scour and removal of dislodged
ii) Washing surface sand in situ by material by upward flow
travelling washer
Cost Construction Higher Lower
Operation Lower Higher
Depreciation Lower Higher
Amount of wash water 0.2 – 0.6% of filtered water 1 – 6 % of the water filtered
Drainage system Collection of filtered water towards outlet, by either:
- layer of gravel or crushed rock; grain size 25-50 mm; depth, 0.15 m
- system of bricks, concrete slabs or porous material. See Fig. 2: lateral drains
and main drain sloped toward outlet.
- system of perforated pipes, water and pressure-proof materials: PVC, cast iron,
asbestos cement, locally available porous material
The smaller the size of a filter unit, the simpler its construction. It must be noted, however, that both the
risk of leakage (along edges) and initial capital cost per square meter decreases with the size of the unit.
For filter lengths greater than 20 m, the design becomes more complicated. Because of the hydrostatic
pressure, the walls must be watertight. Table 13 shows design characteristics for different filter geometries.
Table 13: Construction characteristics of various tank geometries
Form Tank Location Size (m) Slope Walls Material Thickness (m)
Earth basin ø 1-10 Vertical Concrete or Masonry 0.2-0.3
Round ø 1-5 Vertical Ferro-cement 0.06-0.12
In/above ground All sizes Vertical Reinforced concrete 0.15-0.2
Masonry 0.1
L and B Sealed earth 0.05
Rectangular or square Earth basin Sloped
2-20 Concrete 0.08
Sand/cement mix 0.08
In/above ground AH sizes Vertical Reinforced concrete 0.25
Rectangular or square
Earth basins Small sizes Vertical Masonry, concrete 0.2-0.3
i) Earth tanks with sloped sidewalls have the advantage of lower initial costs. No particular skills are
required for the workers to do the excavation. At high groundwater levels, the walls must be
absolutely watertight (mainly to prevent the flow of potentially contaminated groundwater).
Access to pipe work and appurtenances is relatively more difficult.
ii) Tanks with vertical walls should extend at least 0.3 m into the ground and another 0.5 m above
ground. The deeper the tanks reach into the ground, the more favourable the pressure balance that
acts on the walls. Circular shapes are used for small units. Rectangular tanks lend themselves to
forming batteries of filters. They are therefore well suited for expandable larger systems.
10 – 15 mm 7 - 10 mm 4 - 7 mm
level 1/3 L
t3 t2 t1 to
Ho Head loss
H Available Head
Cmax Cmax
2. a) Outline 5 differences between slow sand filtration and rapid sand filtration.
b) The effluent of a sedimentation tank is treated by rapid filtration at a rate of 8 m/h. The total
capacity is 0.65m3/s. The filter bed has a thickness of 1.1 m and is composed of sand with
0.80 mm diameter. The depth of the supernatant water is 1.5 m. Initial porosity = 0.4. The
temperature is 20oC.
(i) Selecting a suitable filter area, determine the number of filters to be used. State any
(ii) What is the initial head loss?
(iii) What is the maximum filter resistance?
(iv) Why is the limitation in (iii) considered?
(v) Sketch the Lindquist diagram for this system, showing the head loss for the clean bed and
at the end of the filter runs. State any assumptions.
Table 15 can be used as a guide for selection of a water treatment system for surface water in rural areas.
Table 15: Guidelines for the selection of a water treatment system for surface water in rural areas
Average raw water quality Treatment required
Turbidity:0-5 NTU - No treatment
Faecal coliform MPN*: 0
Guinea worm or schistosomiasis not endemic
Turbidity:0-5 NTU - Slow sand filtration
Faecal coliform MPN*: 0
Guinea worm or schistosomiasis endemic
Turbidity:0-20 NTU - Slow sand filtration
Faecal coliform MPN*: 1-500 - Chlorination, if possible
Turbidity:20-30 NTU - Pretreatment advantageous
(30NTU for a few days) - Slow sand filtration
Faecal coliform MPN*: 1-500 - Chlorination, if possible
Turbidity:30-150 NTU - Pretreatment
Faecal coliform MPN*: 500-5000 - Slow sand filtration
- Chlorination, if possible
Turbidity:30-150 NTU - Pretreatment
Faecal coliform MPN*: >5000 - Slow sand filtration
- Chlorination
Turbidity:>150 NTU - Detailed investigation and possible pilot plant study
*Faecal coliform counts per 100ml