Type 6 Enneagram
Type 6 Enneagram
Type 6 Enneagram
Potential Problems
• (1) Oppositional, contrary, defensive and negative thinking, (2) mistrusting, suspecting, testing and
questioning, (3) doubting things will work out well, (4) magnifying benign conditions into worst case
scenarios, (4) procrastination and indecision, (6) challenging or fleeing from threats, (7) arguing, blaming
and angry accusations, (8) projecting irrational fears and emotionally overreacting, (9) needing constant
reassurance from partner, (10) acting impulsively to relieve anxiety OR being unable to act, (11) feeling
pressure from being overextended and overcommitted, and (12) being unpredictable
• Sixes can inhabit a world of intense inner doubt, inner fear, inner confusion and inner questioning. Their
fears, worries and anxieties can begin to feed off of each other when they’re feeling insecure or stressed out.
Sixes live with the underlying belief that the world is a dangerous and threatening place. All of the
aforementioned potential problems make perfect sense in light of this underlying belief. To find security
Sixes feel the need to be warm and friendly AND/OR strong and appealing AND/OR dutiful and compliant.
However, to maintain their self-esteem, Sixes overcompensate by acting rebelliously or forcefully to prove
they aren’t dependent. Sixes are caught between wanting to prove they’re tough and independent and
wanting to be approved of/liked. Sixes constantly oscillate between aggressive and compliant impulses and
For Sixes
• Since you both have the same fear of being abandoned you can check-in with each other on a regular basis to
alleviate any doubts or suspicions that may be brewing.
• It is easy for you to get overextended and overcommitted with duties and obligations so take time to build in
healthy pleasure as well as hard work and responsibility.
• Learn positive visualization techniques to counteract negative thinking. Shakti Gawain has a book called,
“The Creative Visualization Handbook” that I can recommend for you.
Have more faith in your inner guidance and trust more too.