Uite Lesson Plan Wonders
Uite Lesson Plan Wonders
Uite Lesson Plan Wonders
Instructional Strategy; We will then go over cause and effect Students will be
Independent Practice relationships and practice how they help expected to listen as
10 minutes us find the meaning of the words. I will I model and then do
How will I provide my students model how to do it for them and then they their own.
with the opportunity to engage will have 3 to do by themselves.
in independent practice? What
will the students who have
finished early do?
Check for Understanding I will check if students are understanding Students will be
How will I know that the what cause and effect relationships are by expected to engage
students have a clear having them share what they have found in conversations
understanding of the concept? with their partners. about the words with
their partner.
Lesson Closure At the end I will draw a graphic organizer Students will be
10 minutes that they will fill out about what the genre expected to
How will I review and clarify the of the text is and the features of it. We will participate in
concepts taught? go over the genre type, what summarizing reviewing what we
is, and what theme is. learned by engaging
in whole class
discussions and with
their partners.