Uite Lesson Plan Wonders

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Teacher Candidate Lesson Planning Sheet

Urban Institute of Teacher Education

Teacher Name Galiba Dzaja

Grade Level 5th
Subject Wonders - Unit 3, Week 1, Day 2
Date 11/18/19

Part One: Lesson Focus – “The What”

Thinking Points: What am I expecting students to learn? What materials and resources am I
planning to utilize? What will I accept as evidence that my students have learned?
Content Objective: Student’s will be able to quote from the text and explain what it
What do I want my students to says by drawing inferences from the text. They will use graphic
know and be able to do? organizers to find the theme and genre of text and summarize
Students will be able to …… what the text is about.

Standard: Reading: Literature Standard 1

What is the CCSS that Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says
corresponds with this objective? explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

Reading: Literature Standard 2

Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in
the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to
challenges or how or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a
topic; summarize the text.
Language Objective: Students will read the text or listen to it as it is read to them.
What will my students do to They will respond by writing and orally. They will work
learn and/or demonstrate their individually and in pairs. They are also expected to engage in
mastery of the lesson by whole class discussions and in teams/pairs.
reading, speaking, writing, or

Assessment: I will use formative assessment. I will be walking around looking

What assessments will I utilize at their ELA notebooks to see if they are following along and how
to determine that my students they are responding. I will walk around and listen to their
conversations as they speak with their peers and whole class
have learned and met the discussions. I will know they have met the objective once they
objective? have completed their graphic organizers and I have heard them
engage in meaningful conversation with their team/partner.
Materials and Resources:  ELA notebook
What materials and resources  Pencil
will I utilize to facilitate student  Whiteboard with marker

Part Two: Lesson Implementation – “The How”

Thinking Points: How will I teach to ensure learning for all students? How will I engage my
students in the learning process? How will I check for understanding throughout the lesson?
How will I make instructional adjustments for students that are in need of additional support?
Lesson Components with Teacher Expectations: Student
Estimated Timeframe Instructional Strategies/Activities/ Expectations
Lesson Introduction: I will re-introduce the story A Reluctant Students will engage
15 minutes Traveler from our Wonders program. I will in conversations with
How will I clearly communicate ask the students to think about what we their peers and recall
the objective and purpose for read the previous day. I will then give what we read from
learning? How will I provide them time to share what they remember the previous day.
background knowledge? How about the story and our essential question.
will I “hook” the students? We will re-read the story or parts of the
Check for Understanding: I will let students know that we will be I expect students to
How will I know that all summarizing the story, finding the theme, use evidence from
students know the objective and and then talking about the genre of text the text as we read
purpose of the lesson? we have just read. I will ask them to pay to find the theme
attention and look for details in the text and figure out the
that will help us meet those objectives. features of the genre
we read.
Instructional Strategy: Teacher I will start by introducing how to Students will pay
Modeling – “I Do” summarize the story. I will explain to them attention and listen
20 minutes that we summarize a story by restating in as I model for them.
What will I say and do as I our own words what events took place and They will be expected
demonstrate the demonstrated details from the text. I will model how to to ask questions for
the concept? summarize for them by re reading the first clarification on
part of the story, highlighting important confusing aspects of
details and text and re writing them in my how writing a
own words. summary works.
Check for Understanding: Students will the be given a chance to do Students will be
How will I know that the exactly what I did above by re reading the expected to work as
students have a clear text, talking me what to highlight and a group with their
understanding of the concept? write. This will give me a good idea as to teams to find
who might still need some more help.
important details in
the text and re read.
Instructional Strategy: Guided We will then move onto the theme of the Students will watch
Practice – “We Do” story. I will go over what a theme is with and listen as I model
20 minutes students, they have previously learned how to find the
How will I engage my students what theme is so this should be a review details in text to help
instructionally with the for them. I will provide them with a find the theme. Then
concept? graphic organizer they can use to find the they will find more
theme. We will go through together as a details, write them
class and highlight important things the and write what they
character does and says. think the theme is.
 I think packing winter clothes in We will then have
August is weird ------ He is visiting time to share and
his uncle and aunt in Argentina talk to their partners
 Paul tries new food even though about what they
he doesn’t want to ----then his think the theme is.
mood changes for the better
Then as a class we will think about
what the theme could be, and I will
have each of them in their notebooks
find more things the character does
and says to write. Then they will write
what they think the theme is.

Instructional Strategy; We will then go over cause and effect Students will be
Independent Practice relationships and practice how they help expected to listen as
10 minutes us find the meaning of the words. I will I model and then do
How will I provide my students model how to do it for them and then they their own.
with the opportunity to engage will have 3 to do by themselves.
in independent practice? What
will the students who have
finished early do?
Check for Understanding I will check if students are understanding Students will be
How will I know that the what cause and effect relationships are by expected to engage
students have a clear having them share what they have found in conversations
understanding of the concept? with their partners. about the words with
their partner.
Lesson Closure At the end I will draw a graphic organizer Students will be
10 minutes that they will fill out about what the genre expected to
How will I review and clarify the of the text is and the features of it. We will participate in
concepts taught? go over the genre type, what summarizing reviewing what we
is, and what theme is. learned by engaging
in whole class
discussions and with
their partners.

Part 3: Post Lesson Analysis – “The What’s Next”

Data Analysis:
What will I do next based on
analysis of the assessment
What components of the lesson
went well? What components
will I modify?

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