Sarita Tripathi

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Journal of Biodiversity, Bioprospecting

Dwivedi et al., J Biodivers Biopros Dev 2017, 4:1

l of Biodiv

d Developme
DOI: 10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

and Development

J t n
ISSN: 2376-0214

Research Article
Research Article Open
OMICS Access

Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and

Ecosystem Functioning
Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi1*, Priyanka Mayank1, Sarita Tripathi2 and Ashish Tiwari1
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, India
Department of Zoology, University of Allahabad, India

The loss of biodiversity is one of the most reflective effects of humans on the global perspective and it is more
and more urgent to understand how this loss will affect and what will be the profound consequences to the ecosystem
functioning. Non-native fishes can cause considerable adverse impacts on the function of aquatic ecosystems and
loss of biodiversity. Ecology of ecosystem focuses on the fluctuation of energy and nutrients through ecological
systems. It has been confirmed that the fishes are sensitive indicators of environmental degradation and alteration.
Study was undertaken during the period of October 2015 to September 2016 from the Paisuni river, India. Fish
faunas of the Paisuni river have harbors of 58 species belonging to 5 order, 18 family and 43 genera. Cypriniformes
and Cyprinidae were the most rich fish species order and families, respectively from the river. The Cyprinidae
family has highest harbors family with 25 fish species. The family Anabaniitidae has 5 fish species which is second
dominant family from the Paisuni river. According to abundance, Cyprinus carpio and Oreochromis niloticus were
powerfully invaded in the Paisuni river. The detonated frequency of O. niloticus and C. carpio was recorded from
the Paisuni river. Exotic species is alarming for indigenous fish species biodiversity. C. carpio and O. niloticus are
frequently recorded in the Ganga river. Very highly important and ecological indicator fish species, Tor mahseer, Tor
tor is declining in the catch. Current ecosystem functioning is favour to non-native species from the Paisuni river.

Keywords: Biodiversity; Tor mahseer; Non-native; Ganga basin; and other organisms, both direct and indirect by ecosystem and
Ecosystem function biodiversity. Classically, ecosystem function in respect of biodiversity
(e.g. as a natural resource) has been expected undervalued and
Introduction underpriced in developing countries, owing to the fulfillment and
Indian faunas and floras have a well-known set in maintaining underpin to their luxurious need by the peoples and the government
global biodiversity and food security. The native fish stock management of these countries. The water pollution, flow modification, degradation
and non-native fish impact evaluation in respect of ecosystem function of habitat, eutrophication, overexploitation of resources and fishes and
and biodiversity, currently disputing both scientific communities invasion of non-native species are major foundations which transform
and environmental executives (e.g. policy maker/government) the ecosystem functioning [21-25].
especially in developing countries. Biodiversity is necessary for Managing of fish diversity is one of our biggest globally challenges
stabilization of ecosystem, protection of overall environmental quality due to invasions of exotic species, need of malnutrition, fishing pressure,
for understanding intrinsic value of all species on the Earth [1-3]. pollution and alteration of river. Freshwater biodiversity are important
Biodiversity affects the capacity of living systems to respond to changes and prized property for broad variety of valuable goods, human food,
in the environment, underpins ecosystem function and provides the income, sport and ornament [26]. Introductions of non-native species
ecosystem goods and services that support human well-being [4-7]. are known to modify the similarity in species structure [27-29]. The
Human activities play a robust responsibility in contrast with other global biodiversity threaten concerns not simply recorded loss of
natural process in changing the biodiversity and invasions of species species within stock, but also connected significantly to ecosystem
[8,9]. The loss of biological diversity is one of the most profound effects function, nature of food web and food security [30,31]. Humans rely
of humans on the global environment [10,11]. Non-native species on healthy freshwater ecosystems for the benefits and services they
threaten biodiversity from local to global [11-13] and also treated the provide [30,32]. The fish faunas are homogenized by few non-native
function of ecosystems globally [14-16]. Invasion of non-native species species, globally [33-37]. Illegal fishing using dynamite, pesticides,
in freshwater ecosystem (e.g. rivers, reservoirs, wetlands) are first of all electrofishing are also major threats to fish biodiversity all over the
threatened commercial fishes with alteration of ecosystem function. As world [38-40]. Consistently, a variety of outlooks exist among faunas
a consequence to the failure of the natural functions of the ecosystem. (e.g. fish biodiversity) and ecosystem function on what the deployed
Non-native species may become invasive and are capable of spreading
exotic diseases, decreasing biodiversity through competition, predation
and habitat degradation, genetic deterioration of wild populations *Corresponding author: Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi, Regional Centre, ICAR-
through hybridization and gene introgression in short or long course Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, 24 Panna Lal Road Allahabad
of time [17,18]. 211002, India, Tel: 0532 2460531; E-mail: [email protected]

Received: April 12, 2017; Accepted: April 26, 2017; Published: May 03, 2017
Freshwater ecosystems might be the most endangered ecosystems
in the globe [19] and highly vulnerable [20]. The term “ecosystem Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The
Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem Functioning. J
functioning” refers to all processing and transport of energy and matter Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164
in an ecosystem, incorporating numerous individual functioning
performed in the ecosystems. The communities of organisms are Copyright: © 2017 Dwivedi AC, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
dependent on each other and to their environment live in aquatic unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
ecosystems. Strong ecosystem functions are benefited to the people original author and source are credited.

J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

Page 2 of 8

desired level of environmental condition should be and the trade-offs Cyprinidae family. The family Anabaniitidae has 5 fish species which is
that are ample in improving human well-being. The objective of the second dominant family from the Paisuni river (Figure 1). Biodiversity
present study was to give a fish biodiversity with the correlation of non- is the beneficial to human being through direct and indirect. [46] has
native species and ecosystem functioning from the Paisuni river, India. stated that the high diversity is a buffer, against environmental fluxes,
because different species react differently to these fluxes, leading to
Material and Methods more predictable aggregate community or ecosystem properties. Indian
Study area major carps (Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala) and Tor
mahseer (Tor tor) are belonging to Cypriniformes order. These fishes
The Paisuni river was selected for the herein study. It is a religious stock was dramatically declined from the Paisuni river. The total length
river for Indian people. The river drains the Bundelkhand geographic of these fishes was found to be reduced. Indian major carps were the
region of central India. Bundelkhand lies between the Indo-Gangetic backbone of capture fisheries in India in 20th century but nowadays
Plain to the north and the Vindhya Range to the south. The latter is these fishes are being the backbone of culture fishery. In general for
a range of hills in central India. The western end of the range rises in this region in respect of aquaculture, C. carpio and O. niloticus has to
eastern Gujarat state, near the border with Madhya Pradesh, and the be high generating adequate profit, increasing risk of harmful impacts
range runs east and north nearly to the Ganges River at Mirzapur. They on the aquatic system. The nonstop impacts of these introduced
form a dividing ridge between the Hindustan proper and the Deccan. fishes in natural ecosystems (e.g. rivers, reservoirs, wetlands, lakes)
The Vindhyan Mountains are older than the Himalaya and Satpura. are very robust and extirpated such as stock reduction and even local
They are a vast stratified formation of sand stones, shales and limestones extinctions of indigenous species [47-49]. C. catla, L. rohita, C. mrigala
encompassing a thickness of over 4270 m. The Vindhyan scar land has and T. tor are functionally important fish species from the Paisuni river,
an elevation between 450 to 650 m above msl [41,42]. The Bundelkhand India. These fishes are herbivorous in nature. The phytoplanktons and
is a gently-sloping upland, distinguished by barren hilly terrain with aquatic plants are serving as primary producers and represent the basal
sparse vegetation, although it was historically forested. The plains of component of aquatic ecosystems; they have been represented the
Bundelkhand are intersected by three mountain ranges, including the functional unit and provide a platform for richness of fish biodiversity.
Vindhya chain, the highest elevation not exceeding 600 meters above
sea-level. Due to invasion of non-native fish species, C. carpio and O. niloticus
in the riverine water system, there was a random decline has been found
About Paisuni river in the stock and abundance of Indian major carps from the Paisuni
river and other rivers of the Ganga river basin, India [49-52]. Overall C.
The Paisuni river is fundamentally a hill stream arising in the hills
carpio was the most dominant fish species by virtue of the number. O.
of the south Pathar Kachar near Majhgawan. It is a perennial river and
niloticus was the second most dominant fish species within higher and
has medium flow. The river lies between latitude 25º 08’ 14” to 25º 16’
medium size groups (e.g. total length) from the Paisuni river. C. mrigala
17” N and longitude 80º 51’ 01” to 80º 50’ 28” East. It falls in two
and C. carpio have similar feeding habits (e.g. bottom feeder). C. carpio
fine cascades separated by deep pools filled with clear and translucent
has also overexploited the native trophic resources. Tor mahseer, T. tor
waters. The Paisuni flows through the deep gorges of sand scrapments.
stock was also reduced which is very important and highly economically
Banks are steeplike, the bed is rocky upstream. It meets with the
important fish species for this region [53]. C. carpio (29.3%) and O.
Yamuna river at Rajapur. Upstream of Chitrakoot the headwaters of the
niloticus (9.27%) were frequently recorded in total landing from the
river flow through forest while downstream of Karwi agriculture were
Paisuni river, showing off significant threats to the natural environment
prevalent. The stony substrate occurred from upper and middle stretch
while silt-clay-sand at lower stretch [42]. Water levels are found lowest and probably causing significant socio-economic consequences. Both
during May-June and highest during July to September, when a 3-5 species have large dispersal capacity in riverine ecosystem. Both species
meter rise in water level forms a broad channel of the River. are exotic/alien fish species for India. Earlier report [48] was indicated
that the Indian major carps have shared 15.08% of the total landing but
The fish samples and related information were collected monthly in present study period it has been shared only 9.52%.
from October 2015 to September 2016 from the Paisuni river, India.
The collected samples were preserved in 10% formalin and brought to C. carpio and O. niloticus are first of all established in the Yamuna
the laboratory for further study. The fish was identified by using [43-45] river, after few year these fishes has spread and established in the hole
books and standard keys. The meristic and morphometric characters of Ganga river basin. The established population of non-native species
collected fishes were measured and counted; fishes were identified up may carry on spreading in the surrounding areas [36]. The detonated
to the species level. frequency of O. niloticus and C. carpio was recorded from the Paisuni
river. For conservation point of view C. carpio and O. niloticus species
Result and Discussion should be monitored in the Paisuni river. Both species are very harmful
for fish biodiversity in any water bodies as like rivers, lakes and
Riverine ecosystem is highly vulnerable to stressors such as species
reservoirs. The Paisuni river is situated in the Ganga river basin. The
invasion, ecological niches, eutrophication, industrial influents, land-
basin has intensive agriculture and dense human settlement. Intensive
use change, food web and changes in biodiversity. Each natural habitat
agriculture and dense settlement of human being are showing high
has a variety of species, which differ in their relative abundance and
biodiversity threat [12,54-56].
richness. No community consists of species of equal abundance. Some
species are rare, others are common and still others may be abundant. The persecuted fish biodiversity of developing countries are in high
58 fish species were recorded with 5 orders, 18 families and 43 genera predicament due to the predisposition of the management. The water
from the Paisuni river. Cypriniformes order was shared 27 species bodies in these countries suffer from various stressors such as political
(46.55%) followed by Siluriformes 14 species (24.14%) and Perciformes pressure, invasion of exotic species, dam construction, overexploitation,
13 species (22.41%). Order Osteoglossiformes and Clupeiformes unsystematic manner of fishing etc. (Figure 2). Non-native species
shared 2 species each (Table 1). Twenty five fish species belonging to have the potential to compensate for the loss of total landing of fishes.

J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

Page 3 of 8

S. N. Order/Family/Genus/Species S. N. Order/Family/Genus/Species
Order-Osteoglossiformes 33 Sperata seenghala
Family: Notopteridae 34 Mystus cavasius
1 Chitala chitala 35 Rita rita
2 Notopterus notopterus Family: Siluridae
Order-Clupeiformes 36 Ompok bimaculatus
Family: Clupeidae 37 Wallago attu
3 Gudusia chapra Family:Schilbeidae
4 Goniolosa manmina 38 Ailia coila
Order-Cypriniformes 39 Clupisoma garua
Family: Cyprinidae 40 Eutropiichthys vacha
5 Catla catla Family: Sisoridae
6 Chagunius chagunio 41 Bagarius bagarius
7 Cirrhinus mrigala 42 Gagata cenia
8 Cirrhinus reba Family:Clariidae
9 Cyprinus carpio 43 Clarias batrachus
10 Labeo calbasu Family: Heteropneustidae
11 Labeo bata 44 Heteropneustes fossilis
12 Labeo fimbriatus Family: Belonidae
13 Labeo rohita 45 Xenentodon cancila
14 Labeo gonius Order-Perciformes
15 Osteobrama cotio cotio Family: Ambassidae
16 Puntius chola 46 Chanda nama
17 Puntius conchonius 47 Pseudambassis ranga
18 Puntius sarana sarana Familty: Sciaenidae
19 Puntius sophore 48 Johnius coitor
20 Puntius ticto Family: Gobiidae
21 Chela laubuca 49 Glossogobius giuris
22 Salmostoma bacaila Family: Anabaniitidae
23 Amblypharyngodon mola 50 Anabas testudineus
24 Aspidoparia jaya 51 Channa marulius
25 Aspidoparia morar 52 Channa punctatus
26 Barilius barila 53 Channa striatus
27 Barilius bendelisis 54 Rhinomugil corsula
28 Tor tor Family: Mastacembelidae
29 Osteobrama cotio cotio 55 Macrognathus pancalus
Family: Cobitidae 56 Mastacembelus armatus
30 Botia lohachata Family: Nandidae
31 Botia dario 57 Nandus nandus
Order-Siluriformes Family: Cichlidae
Family: Bagridae 58 Oreochromis niloticus
32 Sperata aor
Table 1: Biodiversity of fishes from the Paisuni river (Ganga river basin), India.

The abundance and density of O. niloticus and C. carpio from the turbidity) via sediment resuspension in the Paisuni river. Sediment
Paisuni river were 100 times greater than the C. catla, L. rohita and C. resuspension and excretion by C. carpio can boost the water column
mrigala (Indian major carps) and also 500 times greater in contrast nutrient levels, leading to phytoplankton blooms [59]. Turbidity was
to Tor mahseer (T. tor). T. tor is a rare fish species. The rare species recorded to be increased due to C. carpio in the water bodies [60-
are represented by only a little number of individuals and restricted 62], has recorded that C. carpio significantly increases turbidity and
to selected habitat (e.g. suitable habitat). The rare species may truly suspended solids in the water body. The discharge of water was also
replace by dominant species subsequent disturbance, contributing to found to be decreased in the Paisuni river. The invasion of C. carpio, O.
the continued existence of an ecosystem function in its preferred stable niloticus and discharge are the main factors which has been damaging
position [57]. The overexploitation of fishes have significant effects the native stock of fishes. Due to poor water volume in the river, space
on ecosystem functioning. Individual species are most important for and food are gradually shrunken. The discharge of water is directly
ecosystem functioning as are numerous species [58]. If non-native proportional to the size of the fishes.
species are dominant in new ecosystem then the ecosystem functioning
The abundance of large sized fishes in the Paisuni river in winter and
would be changed and the large sized fish stock might be disturbed
summer seasons are very poor especially C. catla, L. rohita, C. mrigala
within native stock. Few abundant species may be sufficient for
and T. tor. These fishes in summer and winter seasons have used deep
bodacious effects to the degree of ecosystem functioning.
gorges of the river for shelter. The ecosystem of the Paisuni river are
Due to feeding nature, C. carpio increase suspended solids (e.g. very supportive to the production of green algae and blue green algae

J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

Page 4 of 8


No. of species


Name of family

Figure 1: Structure and composition of fish species within family from the Paisuni river.

Unsustainable development

Political pressure

Scientific knowledge

Nature of human communities live
near river bank

Mesh size
Freshwater Need of water for drinking purpose
Fishing manner
threaten in
Need of water for agriculture
Cropping system countries
Exotic species invasions
Leech of water bodies

Flood/drought Dam construction

Economic status of Sand mining


Over dose of insecticides and

Over dose of fertilizers pesticides

Accumulation of heavy
metal Pollution load

Economic values of fishes

Figure 2: Simplified frameworks for threaten freshwater biodiversity in developing countries. The conceptual framework process runs by ecological condition,
ecosystem function and services. Note that biodiversity loss by also local unsustainable development and human responsibility. The seasonal and climatic changes
are also proportional to the biodiversity loss. Habitat change and loss is one of the most important derivers of the biodiversity loss. The water pollutant can have
negative effects on biodiversity and ecosystem function.

J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

Page 5 of 8

and these algae are considered as the basic food of C. catla, L. rohita, also been affected by altering the size composition in functional sets.
C. mrigala, T. tor, C. carpio and O. niloticus in the Paisuni river. Due These fishes have developed their own strategy to survive with the poor
to the heavy competition for food and space with non-native species, water quality [69-72].
the Indian major carps stock have been damaged in the Paisuni river
The aquatic ecosystems before intrusion of non-native species are
and The length and stock of T. tor has been declined from the Paisuni
providing services completely in the form of interlinking of ecological
river [63,64]. The eutrophication has also been considered as one of
fundamentals. After invasion of non-native species, in initial first few
the major environmental problem from the Paisuni river after invasion
steps indigenous species are dominant and creating pressure to non-
of C. carpio. [65,66] has stated that the eutrophic water bodies has
native species, but within 5 to 8 years, after successive adaptation
normally showing high abundances of zooplanktovorous fishes, thus it
and stability of stock, non-native species have created a pressure
produces professional large-bodied grazers (e.g. Daphnia) and showing
to indigenous species. Finally, when non-native species has been
the way to huge algal production and growth, or so called blooms. The
dominated over to indigenous species then it creates a pressure on all
natural incident and human activities can affect ecosystem function
native species and threatens of biodiversity (Figure 3). The ecosystem
through the biodiversity changes [67,68]. Ecosystem functioning has

Introductions of Non-native species


Native Species Non-native Species

Commercial/ornamental nature
Commercial/non-commercial nature

Evolutionary Phenomena Adapted/own developed phenomena

Pressure for survival

Create pressure for non-native species

No effects Pressure for maturation and reproduction

After 5-8 generation

After 3- 5 generation
Share ecosystem
Maintain stock

After 8-10 generation

After 8-12 generation

Pressure for space/food

After 10-15 generation

Stable stock

Pressure for maintain stock

Create pressure for native species

Changed food web structure

Changed water quality Changed ecosystem functioning

Threaten biodiversity
Figure 3: A schematic diagram of the threaten biodiversity from the ecosystem through native and non-native species. Freshwater biodiversity threaten by natural or
human pathways. A spatial differentiation incident threat also occurs from the interaction of multiple dynamics.

J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

Page 6 of 8

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J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

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J Biodivers Biopros Dev, an open access journal

ISSN: 2376-0214 Volume 4 • Issue 1 • 1000164
Citation: Dwivedi AC, Mayank P, Tripathi S, Tiwari A (2017) Biodiversity: The Non-natives Species Versus the Natives Species and Ecosystem
Functioning. J Biodivers Biopros Dev 4: 164. doi:10.4172/2376-0214.1000164

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