Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Law
done by one is admissible against the co- Punishment for weaponed members
conspirators. Following are the punishments for those
members who joined the assembly with
CONSPIRACY AND ABETMENT 1) Imprisonment which can be extend up
Following are the difference between to two years
criminal conspiracy and abetment 2) Fine
The offence of abetment requires that an 3) Both
act or illegal omission must take palace in Vicarious liability
pursuance of the conspiracy. Under the Pakistan penal code, if one
The object of the offence of criminal person commits a crime in order to
conspiracy is a bare agreement to achieve the
commit an offence. common object of his unlawful assembly,
Object in this case, all of the persons who are the
members of this assembly will be
considered as criminal and vicarious
Abetment is a total complete offence. liability will be imposed upon all of them
Conspiracy is one of the forms of
abetment. Q # 03: Define abetment? Discuss the
criminal liability of an
SCOPE abettor in different circumstances?
Abetment by conspiracy is narrow in 1) Definition of abetment
scope. Abetment is an urging to a person, to do
Criminal conspiracy is wider in scope. an act in a certain way or help out
someone in
What are unlawful assembly as well as commission of an act which in an offence
define punishments for members of 2) Definition of abettor
unlawful assembly. Abettor is a person who, urges to other
Definition of unlawful assembly person to commit a crime is called
An assembly of five or more persons who abettor
have mutual intention to commit a crime 3) Kinds of abetment
or Following are the kinds of abetment
commit to breach of peace by use of under the Pakistan Penal Code, Details
force and common objects of the group is are as under
to attain something unlawfully from 1. Instigation (Uksana)
others If a person abetting to another person by
Punishments for Members instigating, for commission of an illegal
Following are the punishments for those act or omission which is an offence, it is
people who are the members of unlawful called abetment by instigation and
assembly abettor also will be liable for this offence.
1) Imprisonment which can extend to six So in this type of abetment, instigation
months can be directly or indirectly, words,
2) Fine advices or gesture which are being used
3) Both for instigation
is not committed , in this case abettor will Hurt is one of the criminal act which
be kept imprisoned up to three years causes harm to human body other than
10. Abettor designing the schedule is death
public servant Essentials of hurt
If abettor who public servant is designing The hurt is harm caused to human body
the schedule for commission of an other than death. Following are the
offence or essentials of hurt
omission from not to do which is legal, by 1) Causing pain, Harm or injury
fully knowing the bad results of its 2) Causing Disease
designed schedule, in this case abettor 3) Causing disabling of any organ without
will be punished with imprisonment death
which can be up to ten year in case of 4) Causing dismembering of any organ
commission of an offence, but if offence without death
is not committed, in this case abettor will Kinds of hurt
be kept imprisoned up to 205 years or Following are the five kinds of hurt under
fine Pakistan Penal Code. Details are as
11. Under section 118 P.P.C under
With all conditions of section 118 of P.P.C 1.Itlaf-e-Udw
under, if abettor is designing the When someone dismembers any organ of
schedule for commission of an offence or the body of any other person without
omission from not to do which is legal, by causing his death is called itlaf-e-udw
fully knowing the bad results of its Punishment: in this case, the offender will
designed schedule, in this case abettor be punished with Qisas but where Qisas
will be punished with imprisonment or is not
fine or both executable, the offender will be punished
7) Objectives of Punishment with imprisonment which can be up to ten
Following are the objectives of the years as tazir
punishment 2. Itlaf-i-Salahiyat-i-Udw
1) The major objective of the punishment When someone destroys the power of
is the protection of the life from abettor any organ of the body of any other person
2) Second objective of the punishment is without causing his death is called iflaf-e-
the protection of the property of the Salahiyat-Udw
people Punishment: in this case, the offender will
3) Another objective of the punishment is be punished with Qisas but where Qisas
the protection of the state and country is not
4) Theory of punishment aim is the executable, the offender will be punished
maintenance of the peace and equality with imprisonment which can be up to ten
5) Protection of the culture and morality. years as tazir
Most important objective is protection of 3. Shajjah
rights When someone causes harm on the head
Q # 07: What is hurt and its different or face of the any other person without
kinds? Discuss in details. causing his death, which does not
Definition of hurt amount to itlaf-e-udw and itlaf-e-
salahiyat-e-udw, is called
If A shoots a deer to hunt, but mistakenly people by use of force or threat is called
bullet hits a person standing nearby deer extortion
and person dies. A will be liable for Qatl- 2) Definition of theft
e-Khata A criminal act in which property of
4. Qatl-e-Bis-Sabab another is stolen without the consent of
When someone caused death of a person the owner
without any intention to cause death or 3) Explanation of extortion
harm to other, but accused does unlawful If A get pressurizes to B, to sign on a
act which becomes a cause of death of blank paper by putting him in fear of
other person, it is called Qatl-e-bis-Sabad death or grievous hurt, B signs and
Punishment for Qatl-e-Bis-Sabab delivers the paper to A. And A converts
are as under: following are the the signed paper into valuable security. A
punishments for whom, who commits has committed extortion
Qatl-e-Bis-Sabab. Details 4) Essential elements of extortion
1) One who commits qatl-e-Bis-Sabab Following are the essential elements of
shall be liable to Diyat only extortion. Details are being given below.
Example 1. Intention
If a person A unlawfully digs a pit in the Intention is an essential element of
way without any intention to death or extortion. As we already are aware that if
harm to other, and any person B falls in it a person is not guilty of any offence until
and dies, A will be liable for Qatl-e-Bis- his mind is also guilty. It means that to
Sabad establish the offence of extortion, guilty
5) Essentials elements of Qatl mind of accused has to be proved
Following are essential elements of Qatl. 2. Threat of injury
Details are being given as under Threat of injury is an essential element of
1) There must be death of human being extortion. The threat of injury must be
2) Weapon may be used under some present to deliver any property to
circumstance accused and such injury can be in body,
3) Such death must be caused by doing mind, reputation or property.
an act 3. Delivery of property or valuable
4) Act should be unlawful or dangerous security
5) There must be intention to death under Delivery of property is an essential
some circumstances element of extortion. The property or
6) There should be mistake of fact or valuable security should be delivered by
mistake of act the person who is in fear of injury to
7) Knowledge about act that, it is likely accused
can cause death 4. Inducement (Amada Krna)
Inducement is an essential element of
: Define theft and extortion? What are extortion. If a person is induced to deliver
the distinguishing his property to accused by fear of an
features between these two? injury, it is an offence of extortion, if
1) Definition of extortion possession was
The practice of obtaining something obtained peacefully there is no extortion
specially money or other property from 5) Punishment for extortion
punishments have been attached with Following are the forms of actus reus.
the crimes which is committed The actus reus in criminal law consists of
intentionally all elements of a
because offender knows that a specific crime other than the state of mind of the
result will occur offender
2. Recklessness (Ghaflat) 1. Conduct
Recklessness is an essential element The conduct is major element of any
to commit an offence. Because offender actus reus. Such conduct can be
knows the consists of some
subsequent risks which will be occurred acts. If the Conduct is voluntary act, in
after the commission of a certain act but this case severe punishments have been
offender attached
knowingly ignores them and takes the with the crimes which has been
risks. That’s why severe punishments committed voluntary because offender
have been knows that a
attached with the crimes specific result will occur
3. Negligence If an offender conducting an act under a
Negligence is an essential element to strong pressure or involuntary for
commit an offence. Negligence means example he is
when being threaten that he will be killed if he
someone fails to give enough care for does not commit a certain act, so in this
doing something that he was responsible case, he
for, is will not be liable for crime
called negligence, if the offender was 2. Omission
aware the risk and decided to take it, he The omission is also an element of any
was actus reus. Omission is basically a failure
reckless if he was unaware of the risk but to do
he must be aware of it, he was negligent, something; according to this a person
under can be liable for a crime when he does
the Pakistan penal code reckless man not perform
will liable and the negligent will not be his duty positively as decided.
liable. For example, a person who has been
4. Strict liability hired on beach for saving the life of
Strict liability is an essential element to people and he is
make offender liable. Strict liability is the under duty but if before him a four foot tall
case child drown in five food deep pool, and he
where mens rea is not required. Offender is
will be held responsible for the criminal not saving him from drowning , he is
offence committing the crime by omission, and
at the same time when he committed that under the law
illegal act. They are not severe offence he will be considered criminal
and 3. Result
have not severe punishments
4) Forms of actus reus
to the victim or by causing his death, if less than the value of thirty thousand
he has committed qatll-i-amd in six hundred and thirty grams of silver.
exercise of the right of the victim or a (III) ARSH:
wali. Arsh is the kind of compensation
A. EXCEPTION OF QISAR: payable at the causing of hurt.
There are four cases in which qisas is ACCORDING TO SECTION 299 (B)
not applicable on the offender. Arsh means the compensation
DEATH OF OFFENDER: specified in P.P.C to be paid to the
Where the offender dies before the victim or his heir.”
enforcement of qisas. VALUE OF ARSH:
WAIVER BY WALI: The value of Arsh will be assessed at
Where right of qisas is waived by any certain percentage indicated various
Wali. provisos of the value of diyat u/sec 323
When the right of qisas devolves on The Arsh will be payable in lumpsum
the offender as result of the death of (at once) or in installments spreading
the Wali of the victim. over three years from the date of final
Where right of Qisas devolves on the FAILURE TO PAY ARSH:
person who has no right of qisas In case of default, the offender may be
against the offender e.g. the son kept in jail to serve the simple
cannot enforce qisas against his imprisonment until Arsh is
father. paid in full. It may be awarded in the
(II) DIYAT: following sections.
Diyat means the compensation ◆Section 334 P.P.C.
granted to the heirs of the victim by the ◆Section 337 P.P.C.
offender only in cases of Qatl and not (IV)-DAMAN:
in cases of hurt. It is payable only in The word Daman is actually Dhman. It
cases where an offender guilty of means compensation which is
qatle-I-amd is not liable to qisas or determined by the court.
where qisas is not enforceable. ACCORDING TO SECTION 299 (D):
ACCORDING TO SECTION 299 (E) “Daman means the compensation
: “Diyat means the compensation determined by the court to be paid by
specified in section 323 payable to the the offender to the victim for causing
heirs of the victim.” hurt not liable to arsh.”
The court shall subject to the The value of daman will be determined
injunctions of Islam, as laid down in the by the court, keeping in view:
Holy Quran and sunnah, and keeping 1. The expenses incurred on the
in view the financial position of the treatment of the victim.
convict and the heirs of the victim, fix 2. Loss or disability caused in the
the value of diyat which shall not be functioning or power of any or organ.
The anguish suffered by the victim.
voluntary causing death or any other Takes or entices away any minor
harm to assailant if; Male under age of 14, female
under age of 16
There is apprehension of death Person of unsound mind
from assault Out of lawful guardian without
Apprehension of grievous hurt consent of such guardian
Intention of committing rape
Intention of committing un- Abduction – 362
natural lust
Intention of kidnapping or Compel any person by force
abducting Induces by deceitful means
Intention of wrongfully confining
a person, when he apprehend Punishments of Kidnapping &
that he be unable to recourse to Abduction
public authorities for his release.
Punishment of kidnapping; up to
When Right of Private Defence of 7 year – 363
property extend to causing Death Kidnapping or abduction in
The right of private defence extends order to commit murder; up to 10
under restriction mentioned in section year
99, to voluntary causing death or any Kidnapping or abduction a
other harm if; person under age of 14;
punishment death, IOL, 14 year –
There is apprehension of 364.A
robbery Kidnaping or abduction with
Apprehension of house-breaking intent secretly and wrongfully
by night confine person; 7 year – 365
Mischief by fire committed on Kidnapping or abduction for
any dwelling place extorting property or valuable
Theft, mischief or house security; Death, IOL – 365.A
trespass and danger of death or Kidnapping or abduction or
grievous hurt inducing woman to compel for
marriage etc. ; IOL – 365.B
Kidnapping & Abduction in PPC | Kidnapping or abduction in
Punishments & Definitions order to subject person to
unnatural lust; Death, 25 year –
Kidnapping & Abduction 367.A
For how long have you been with All questions put to the accused and
the police? his answers thereto must be recorded
Has any pressure been brought in writing. (PLD 1994 Pesh. 102)
to bear upon you to make a
confession? Confessional statement of accused
Have you been threatened to must be supported and corroborated
make a confession? through some independent and
Has any inducement been given reliable evidence to rely upon same for
to you? his conviction. (2008 P.Cr.L.J. 507)
Have you been told that you will
be made an approver? Exculpatory confessional statement
Why are you making this cannot be used against co-accused
confession? for the purpose of conviction. (2008
Important Characteristics of
Confession in light of Case Laws Confessional statement of one
accused can be used as a
Confessional statement of accused corroborative piece of evidence
must be supported and corroborated against other accused. (NLR 2003 A.C.
through some independent and 1)
reliable evidence to reply upon same
for his conviction (2008 P.Cr.L.J. 507) Confession recorded on Oath