Chapter 1

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The licensure examination is considered a stepping stone to success by aspiring teachers.

As a result, most of them tend to find ways which they think are most effective in equipping

them the tools they needed in order to pass the said examination. Basically, they rely on the

knowledge they have acquired from their previous classes, but still, many possibilities are being

considered. This study will try to find out the most valid reason that contributes much to the

outcomes of the BSE graduates who took the LET in the academic year 2014-2015.

In the Philippines, any individual is prohibited from practicing or offering to service the

teaching profession without having previously obtained a certificate of registration and a valid

professional license from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) to ensure that the

student teachers become competent teachers. This is the main reason why the commission

conducts the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) to regulate the profession and to

provide license to deserving individuals who passed the LET. With this fact, the students who

recently graduated are required to take it in order to be considered professional.


As stated by Pacheco (2012), the role of the teacher is multi-faceted one comprising

academic, pedagogical and social roles. Academic role comprise teaching, counseling and

supervisory roles. As a facilitator of learning, the teacher is involved in motivating students to

learn, maintaining control in the classroom and the school in general, and creating a conducive

environment for learning to take place.

In his study, Gallaga (2013) claimed that the quality of teachers is critical to the

attainment of providing quality education. The teachers are the entities responsible for the

development of learners. They facilitate student’s learning and assist in their development. They

inspire learners to search for knowledge. They mold learners and guide them to attain their goals.

They affect learners in varied ways. Since they are entrusted to the care of the teaching

profession, therefore, their sacred duty is to impart the right type of education to student in order

to make them the right type of citizens.

The study of Salvacion (2014) explained that the academic institutions offering teacher

education programs, like the Rizal Technological University, carry a challenging yet

transcending responsibility of molding a teacher of appropriate caliber to deliver the “goods”,

thoroughly competent in the teaching discipline, and ready for the monumental task of extending

the frontiers of knowledge in their area of specialization. Much is expected from the TEIs. The

plethora of standards, norms, and decisive factors regarding the success of an institution reflects

the people’s concern on quality education. In fact, one standard that measures the success of an

institution is manifested through the outcomes of graduates who are fully prepared, well trained,

and well-equipped with the skills, the knowledge, the habits, and the values essential for their

integration to the society in general and to the world of work in particular. Another standard that

measures the success of an institution is the performance of the graduates in the licensure


On the other hand, Mitchell (2001) stated that testing requirements for certification and

licensing have an effect on the quality and effectiveness of teachers. The examination can

improve the quality of teachers if the examination is a good measure of the competencies needed

for effective teaching. Relevant to this, licensed or certified teachers are found to produce

stronger student achievement gains than do uncertified teachers.

The Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) and the Board for Professional Teachers

(BPT) announced that 20,834 secondary teachers out of 47,892 examinees (43.50%) successfully

passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (L.E.T.) given in September 30, 2012 in 22

testing centers all over the Philippines. In September 29, 2013, 25,755 secondary teachers out of

64,792 examinees (39.75 %) successfully passed the L.E.T. in 17 testing centers all over the

Philippines. In August 17, 2014, the Professional Regulatory Commission announced that 26,767

secondary teachers out of 77,803 examinees (34.40%) successfully passed the Licensure

Examination for Teachers (L.E.T.) where 23,820 passers are first timers and 2,947 are repeaters.

And in the recent LET exam which was held in September 27, 2015, 34,010 secondary teachers

out of 81,463 examinees (41.75%) successfully passed the examination.

In Bataan Peninsula State University, Balanga Campus offers College of Education. In

the report that the researcher gathered among SS majors the trend of the result is inconsistent. 8

out of 10 takers were reported to pass the licensure examination in September 2012. The two

who failed retook the exam on March 2013 and passed. The university had 8 examinees on

September 2013 from which 6 passed. In September 2015, 15 out of 18 examinees passed the

licensure examination.

Please see appendix A for the data.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is: How do the related factors predict the level of

Licensure Examination for Teachers among Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social

Studies graduates at Bataan Peninsula State University 2012-2015?

Specifically, the study seeks answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the graduates in terms of:

1.1.Academic achievement

1.1.1. General education;

1.1.2. Professional education and

1.1.3. Field of specialization?

1.2.Attendance to LET review classes?

2. How may the faculty related factors be described in terms of:

2.1.Teaching skills;

2.2. Teaching Styles

2.3.;Educational Attainment and

2.4.Years of teaching experience

3. How may the university related factors be described in term of:

3.1.administrative support, and

3.2.Availability, adequacy and usability of equipment and tools?

4. How may LET performance of the graduates be described in terms of:

4.1.General education;

4.2.Professional education and

4.3.Field of specialization?

5. How do graduates, faculty and university related factors affect the performance of graduates

in the licensure examination?

6. Which among the factors taken singly or in combination are considered best predictors of

success in the licensure examination?

7. What is the implication of the findings towards the development of the teacher education

program of Bataan Peninsula State University?


Significance of the Study

Figuerres (2012) in her study entitled “An Analysis of the Performance of the University

of Northern Philippines in the Licensure Examination for Teachers”, found out that the study

regarding the success of students in the LET exam may benefit some people in the society. The

result of the study will hopefully give better insights to all people in the academe:

Graduates. The findings may give graduates greater perspective regarding their

academic and actual performance, making it easy for them to assess their abilities. With the aid

of this research , they may get inspired by the fact that LET was the hardest challenge that they

have overcome in their years of studying , thus, allowing them to be proud of themselves in

accomplishing a difficult task that will give them the key to become professionals. The study will

also give them better insights regarding the factors that might have contributed much to their

success so they may share it with others who have not yet taken the examination. They will also

get motivated to become one of the most competent and elite teachers someday.

Students. The findings may give them greater perspective regarding their academic and

professional performance. They will be inspired, enlightened and become more aware of the

things that may affect their performance in the LET. This will also provide better ways for the

students with regards to identifying the general quality of education in over-all strong and weak

points of the school curricula. They will also get motivated to become one of the most competent

and elite teachers in our country.


Administrator. The findings of the study may help in the improvement and enrichment

of the curriculum. Administrators may also acquire a clearer picture of what needs to be

modified in order to develop the students and redirect their minds according to the demands of

the LET. It may also help them formulate and redesign to make the best adjustments and possible

recommendations in planning and enhancing both students and faculty members.

Faculty members. Since they are the ones who directly interact with the students, the

result of the findings will help them recognize what factor influences the success of the

graduates. The study may also provide ideas that can be used to create strategies in terms of

teaching process that may aid the students to exhibit better performance not only inside the

university but also to prepare them in the Licensure Examination that stands as starting point as

they enter the real world.

Future researchers. This study will provide theme related information that they can use

in conducting their own study. If they are trying to figure out the possible reasons for the success

achieved by BSE students in their preferred university to be investigated, they may use this study

to acquire more information. It may also help them in certain ways if their study is somehow

related to this. Its findings will also direct them as well to carry out researches linked to their

own specialization.

Parents. This study will serve as their guide in planning on how to guide their children to

become more effective citizens as they enter the real world which requires impressive skills.

Since parents are the primary teachers of their children, it is only fair to give them enough

information to prepare their most precious ones in the most challenging part of their life that will

start as they take the licensure examination. It may also give them the ideas on how to provide

proper support to their children whatever the outcome of the examination will be.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The descriptive correlational study will look into the related success factors of

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies in Bataan Peninsula State University

who took up the L.E.T (A.Y 2014-2015). It is only limited to (30) graduates (those who took the

exam in the A.Y. 2010-2014). Only Teacher education graduates will be chosen in order to

determine the exact result of the problem being investigated. Moreover, it will revolve around

the performance of the graduates who have succeeded in taking the licensure examination. The

study will also investigate the faculty, administrators and the interaction between the students

and teachers which is considered a nurturing practice and preparation for the exam at the same


The respondents will be the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Studies in

Bataan Peninsula State University wherein graduates are known to have a very impressive record

in the licensure examination. Each respondent will be given a questionnaire that will serve as a

determinant of the possible contributors in their achievement.


The researchers will use the questionnaire as the main instrument of the study. It will be

consist of two part the first part contains the personal information sheet of the respondents which

includes name, address, age, gender, civil status, if they attended L.E.T review and their reason

for taking the course. The part two presents the questions about the strategies, support provided

by the university and the outcomes rated by the student-graduates. Lastly, to predict the best

factor of the students-graduates towards their success, frequency and Pearson product moment

coefficient of correlation will be used.



Jane Pacheco- Determinants of L.E.T. Performance of the Teacher Education

Graduates in a State University (2012)

Dionisio Gallaga- Determinants of Performance in The Licensure Examination for

Teachers (LET) of Abra State Institute of Sciences And Technology (2013)

Juanita Salvacion- Effectiveness of the review center for teacher education in a state

university of the Philippines (2014)

Owen Mitchell- Pre Service Teachers’ Licensure Examination Plans and Content


Junio Figuerres- Academic Predictors of the Licensure Examination for Teachers’

Performance of the Rizal Technological University Teacher Education Graduates


SAGE Publications Ltd. Environment and Urbanization, vol. 19 no. 1, April, 1998.

Philippine Daily Inquirer 09.27.15 Fajardo St. Sampaloc Manila.

Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Board for Professional Teachers

(BPT) PRC Resolution No. 2014-874.



Theoretical Framework

Relevant Theories

This study is premised on Jean Piaget’s (1973) Theory of Cognitive Development, R.C

Anderson’s (1976) Schema Theory, and Bernard Weiner’s (1974) Theory of Attribution.

Piaget’s Theory (1973) focused on understanding how children acquire knowledge and

on understanding the nature of intelligence. Accordingly, children move through four (4)

different stages of mental development namely Sensorimotor Stage, ages 0-2, where infants start

to develop knowledge about the world with the help of their movements and senses;

Preoperational Stage, ages 2-7 where children begin to think symbolically and learn to use words

and pictures to represent objects, and they tend to be egocentric and see things only from their

own perspective; Concrete Operational Stage, ages 7-11, where children begin to think logically

about concrete events and Formal Operational Stage, ages 12 and up where adolescents or young

adults begin to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems.

The key concept of Piaget is essential to this study in order to understand some of the

things that might happen during the cognitive development of the students that may affect their

scholastic achievements as well as their performance in the licensure examination. It is important


to note that schemas describe both the mental and physical actions involved in understanding and

knowing that assimilation is the process of taking in new to our previously existing schemas; that

accommodation is changing or altering one’s existing schema in light of new information, and

that equilibration is a mechanism on how to strike a balance between applying previous

knowledge and changing behavior to account for new knowledge.

The second theory is the Schema theory developed by R.C. Anderson (1976), a respected

educational psychologist. This learning theory viewed organized knowledge as an elaborate

network of abstract mental structures which represent person’s understanding of the world.

Contemporary learning theory embraces Schema theory in an attempt to explain how information

is best encoded in the long term memory. Some characteristics of schema according to Anderson

are schemata are always organized meaningfully can be added to, and as an individual gains

experience, develop to include more variables and more specificity. Each schema is embedded in

other schema and itself contains subschema. Schemata changes moment by moment as

information is received. They may also be reorganized when in coming data reveals a need to

restructure the concept and the mental representations used during perception and

comprehension, and which evolve around as the result of these processes, combined to form a

whole which is greater than the sum of its parts.

The theory upholds several principles, for one: it is important to teach general knowledge

and general concepts. A large proportion of learner’s difficulties can be traced to insufficient

general knowledge, especially in cross-culture situations. Teachers must help learners build

schemata and make connections between ideas. Discussions, role play, illustrations, visual aids

and explanations of how a piece of knowledge applies are some of the techniques used to

strengthen connections. Since prior knowledge is essential for the comprehension of new

information, teachers either need to help students build the prerequisite knowledge, or remind

them of what they already know before introducing new material. Schemata grow and change as

new information is acquired.

Underpinning these principles from Schema theory attributed this work as it would

suggest that one’s prior knowledge can facilitate or enhance transfer of a learning task and also,

that it can inhibit and interfere with one’s acquisition of new information. In such regard, the

acquisition of knowledge and skills of an education graduate majoring in Social Studies is most

effectively utilized when deployed in the field, in the practice of teaching, which demands wide

knowledge about people and history and everything related to both, it is vital to understand every

terms, names and events, so that wherever the teacher executes teaching, the accuracy of every

information that is being transferred to the students will always be one hundred percent. As it is

in answering the different questions included in the LET, the takers will always have the

information they have previously acquired with them.

Another theory which is deemed necessary in explaining the present study is the Theory

of Attribution by Bernard Weiner (1974). The theory is concerned with how individuals interpret

events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior. It assumes that people try to determine

why people do what they do, i.e., attribute causes to behaviour. A person who seeks to

understand why another person did something may attribute one or more causes to that

behaviour. There are three-stage processes underlying an attribution: the person must perceive or

observe the behaviour; and then the person must determine if they believe the other person was

forced to perform the behavior in which case the cause is attributed to the situation or not in

which case the cause is attributed to the other person.


Weiner concentrated his attribution theory on achievement. He identified ability, effort,

task difficulty and luck as the most important factors affecting attributions for achievement.

Attributions are classified along three causal dimensions: locus of control, stability and

controllability. The locus of control dimension has two poles; internal versus external locus of

control. The stability dimension captures whether causes change over time or not. For instance,

ability can be classified as a stable; internal cause and effort classified as unstable and internal.

Controllability- contrast causes actions a person can control such as skill/efficacy, from causes

one cannot control such as aptitude, mood, action of other people and luck.

This theory is closely associated with the concept of motivation. Moreover, it relates the

work done on scripts and inferencing done by Schank.

Weiner’s theory also stressed that there is a strong relationship between self-concept and

achievement. Causal attributions determine affective reactions to success and failure. Students

with higher ratings of self- esteem and with higher school achievement tend to attribute success

to internal, stable, uncontrollable factors such as ability, while they contribute failure to either

internal, unstable, controllable factors such as effort, or external uncontrollable factors such as

task difficulty. This self-perception of reading ability reflects itself in children’s expectations of

success on reading tasks and reasoning of success or failure of reading. Similarly, students with

learning disabilities seem less likely than non-disabled peers to attribute failure to effort, an

unstable, Controllable factor, and more likely to attribute failure to ability, a stable,

uncontrollable factor.

The attribution theory has been used to explain the difference in motivation between high

and low achievers. According to attribution theory, high achievers will approach rather than

avoid tasks related to succeeding because they believe that success is due to high ability and

effort which they are confident of. Failure is thought to be caused by bad luck or a poor exam.

Thus, failure doesn’t affect their self-esteem but success builds pride and confidence. On the

other hand, low achievers avoid success-related chores because they tend to doubt their ability

and/or assume that success is related to luck or to “who you know?” or to other factors beyond

their control. Thus, even when successful, it isn’t as awarding to the low achiever because he/she

does not feel responsible.

The theory can be applied to the Social Studies majors for the LET. Understanding the

principle of this theory which are: attribution is a three-stage process: behavior is observed,

behavior is determined to be deliberate and behaviour is attributed to internal and external

causes; achievement can be attributed to effort, ability, level of task difficulty or luck; and causal

dimensions of behavior are locus of control, stability and controllability can help in enhancing

the possible success factors for passing the LET.

Related Literature

As stated by Riney et al (2006), licensure examinations are considered important by

teacher education students in their professional development. Thus, graduates of teacher

education courses all aim to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers. This will make them

to be registered as professional teachers and become eligible to teach either in the public or

private educational institution. Moreover, passing the board examination will not only give them

honour and prestige but will also give them a competitive edge over those who are non-LET


Scholastic Achievement. Scholastic abilities give information about a persons’

knowledge. It is closely related with the academic success. According to Kelly (1990), academic

performance not only measures the abilities of an individual but it also evaluates his

accomplishments and attainments.

The most commonly used method to assess and evaluate students is classroom grades. As

stressed by Reis and McCoach (2000), achievements can be measured in terms of classroom

performance as evidenced by course grades.

The Ateneo de Naga University similarly acknowledges the importance of grades. It

stated in their Faculty Manual (2002), that grades are an approximation of students’ true ability

score. For this university the rationales behind the importance of grades are as follows: (1)

provide measure of the students’ knowledge of the subject. (2) Serve as effective motivation or

feedback to students, (3) inform parents and guardian on the progress of their wards and (4)

provide school administration with vital information for making policy decision.

Students are expected to obtain good scholastic ratings because grades often receive for

admission in college, for receiving scholarship grants for graduation and for employment. For

Tanner (2001) grades is an incentive value a keeper a brief and employment representation and

an indicator. Successful academic experience increase confidence in ones’ ability to succeed. It

motivates person to coordinate the work necessary for repeated successes (Careers in Science

and Technology (2002).


The scholastic ratings / grade point average obtained by BPSC education graduates are

anchored on the subjects included in the general education, professional education and

specialization or majorships which are the three (3) components of pre-service education.

General Education subjects include English, Filipino, Math, Natural Science and Social Science.

Foundation and human growth and development, Principle and Strategies of Teaching,

Measurement and Evaluation and Guidance and Counselling and Social Philosophies on the

other hand are main areas covered by professional education. Specialization / majorships

generally cover all the major subjects.

The highest academic achievement, as noted in Griffith University Council Academic

Minutes (2002), is the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) calculated according to the method

specified in calculation a\of grade point average.

General Education. Soriano (2009) stated that college performance is evidenced by the

Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved by the student. It is measured by multiplying the credit

unit of each subject by the final grade obtained. The summation of the products is then divided

by the total number of credit units.

According to Kelly (2010), general education placed a very particular and interesting role

in an American Higher Education. A typical under graduate at one of our colleges or universities

is expected to satisfy a range of requirements in his/her major area of study and they will also

take a range of electives-courses that are not require for graduation but in which the student

might want to explore a developing interest.

Moreover, as cited by Samson (2010), in the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman,

the Revitalise General Education Program (RGEP) subsumes and adapts the objectives and

framework of the General Education Program (GEP). The RGEP specifically opened more

avenues for learning and contributing in molding the students to be globally competitive.

Professional Courses. Reyes (2006) cited that the students with a high need to achieve

performed best in the courses they taught relevant to their long term career goals, but students

low in achievement motivation performed best in courses unrelated to their long term goals.

The pursuit of every student in gaining good scholastic record in school defines how

motivated they are to be successful in the career they have chosen. Thus, getting higher grades

and performing better with courses that is very essential to their field of study can predict their

success after graduation.

Field of Specialization. In the study of Aquino (2014), contrast to BEED class who

assessed their knowledge in content courses as somewhat low, the BSED class revealed that they

have a good knowledge level in their major courses. These major courses registered a weighted

mean of 3.29 and ranked fourth among the 12 courses. In the last three ranks, the BSED class

admitted having a good knowledge also in Educational Psychology (Child and Adolescent

Development; Facilitating Learning), Principles of Teaching I and II and Curriculum

Development. Analysis of the findings reveals that BEED graduating class also rank these two

courses out of these three lower. Gallaga (2012) revealed that these courses are offered in second

year of BSED course, there is a possibility that they have already forgotten some of the most

important principles and concepts hence the respondents rank them the lowest. Moreover,

respondents may find these courses more difficult than others owing to their nature. Reyes

(2012) claimed that Child and Adolescent Development cover concepts and theories on

development while Facilitating Learning deals with psychological foundations and theories of

learning; Principles of Teaching focuses on different approaches, methods and strategies of

teaching including lesson planning and classroom management; Curriculum Development covers

the analysis of the history, development and nature of the different curricula used in the

Philippines and the exploration of the curriculum design and writing process.

Attendance to LET Review Classes. It has been a tradition of many graduates of

different courses which requires state license to take licensure examination before taking the

actual board examination. Review Centers are agencies that provide review classes in

preparation for the board examination. Doney (2003) Stressed that graduates who will take the

licensure examination must recognize the need and the importance of review before taking

examination and those examinees who had received high ratings in the examination maybe likely

took part in an independent review courses that those who acquired low scores.

Manla (2009) stated that every board taker are at risk of forgetting some of the topics

being discussed their college days. It is necessary to make a comprehensive review on all the

topics that might appear on board examination. It is a norm that almost all of the graduates of

different programs which requires Philippine license to take the board examination attended

review before taking the actual board examination.

Relatively, Barlis (2012) cited that review centers help the graduates reinforce the

knowledge learned in schools and explain learning as a relatively permanent range in behavior

that potentially occurs due to experience and reinforces practice and sometimes needs

rationalization on the correct answers.


Teaching Skills. Bilbao (2006) claimed that the relationship between good teaching and

student achievement elevates the importance of teacher quality in the eyes of parents, educators

and policy makers.

Estrella (2009) mentioned that teachers are usually responsible for selecting strategies

and skills that the students are to learn and for the understanding the complex relationship among

learning self-systems, and metacognitive knowledge.

Westaway (2005) revealed that there is special quality of a science teacher to be

competitive, one of this is the mastery of a subject: a science teacher should have profound

knowledge of a subject of study, so that he may not cut a sorry figure before his students. He

should be able to keep his head high and be able to answer all the questions and problems put to

him by his students up to their satisfaction in all the branches of his subject. A science teacher

should not only be expert in his own subject but should also have a good working knowledge of

the other related subjects. Moreover, Homes as cited by, Manla (2009), mentioned that

competent teachers possess broad and deep understanding of children, the subject they teach, the

nature of learning and schooling, and the world around them. They must exemplify the critical

thinking they strive to develop in students, combining tough -minded instruction with a penchant

of inquiry.

Teaching Styles. Most of the unique styles and strategies of a teacher are usually gained

through the years of experience of performing the job define the effectiveness as a teacher inside

the classroom that enhances the quality of learning of students. Ost (2009) mentioned that there

exists an emerging consensus that teacher experience positively contributes top student learning.

Cohen (2005) posited that professional development programs can contribute to teachers’

classroom practice and lead to improve student achievement when it focuses on how students

learn particular subject matter, instructional practices that are specifically related to the subject

matter and how students understand it and strengthening teachers’ knowledge of specific matter

content. Most of the students as well as other professionals are required to attend Continuing

Professional Education (CPE) as it is mandated by the republic act they are within. Before

renewing their license at the Philippine Regulation Commission (PRC), certificates of training

and seminars they were attended locally or internationally have to be submitted.

Reyes (2006) mentioned the effective teacher’s styles are always relevant to the students’

own characteristics and to the condition of the situation particularly the subject matter the

instruction should be provided for. Teaching techniques must be selected according to the nature

of the subject matter being taught. It means that a technique used in teaching history might not be

applicable when it comes to science and mathematics and vice-versa.

Educational Attainment. According Yap (2012) the Philippines exhibit a curious

pattern in this respect, because even as the level of education attainment plateaued, its GDP has

been failing behind. Moreover, the bigger part of the problem stems from the institutional

stagnation at the middle and bottom of the education hierarchy. Heavily dependent to the quality

of teachers , the system has suffered so much because of two key weaknesses. First, entry-level

recruits have not always been the best qualified. And second, career progression has not always

been the best qualified. And second, career progression has not always been based on why is the

most capable of delivering educational outcomes. In addition, pieces of evidence suggest that

public schools do not always hire the qualified teachers and in service trainings have been very

limited. As a result, teachers’ improvement is very teaching competencies have low quality.

Likewise, Mckay (2010) emphasized that a principal who manages an elementary, middle

or secondary school is responsible for everything that goes on inside the building. A principal

establishes educational goals for the school and makes sure the faculty meets them. In order for

teacher to lead and manage a school must home master’s degree in educational administration or

educational leadership and doctorate or specialized degree in administration or management.

School heads should encourage teachers to enter graduate school. Teacher must be more

knowledgeable than teachers and should have an enhance knowledge on how to manage their


Moreover. Dowd (2012) said that excellent leadership and good quality teaching are now

of the most important factors in raising educational standards. Thus, the qualification achieved

by the principals will help in meeting the demands and challenges that they will encounter.

Otherwise, it will be crucial to handle the school affectively, if they have no knowledge, skills

and attributes that effectively embrace the challenges ahead of them. Thus, it is through teacher’s

educational attainment that prepares them in organizing the effective school system and to be

able to achieve these needs to continue their study. Regarding the educational attainment of

teachers. Wikipedia also added that most education administration by completing a master’s or

doctoral degree.

Years of Teaching Experience. The study of Personal Need in Special Education as

noted by Billingsky (2005) have identified how experienced and beginning teachers work for

their salaries, view their abilities and work assignments and the intent to stay in their career as

teachers. These are the following: (1) Experienced and beginning teachers work hard for their

salaries spending an average of 55 hours a week; (2) More experienced teachers are more

positive the beginning teachers in characterizing their overall job performance; (3) More

experienced teachers spend significantly more time communicating with parents or other primary

care providers whereas beginning teachers spend more time counseling students outside of class;

and (4) beginning teachers are significant less likely to indicate intent to stay in teaching than

their more experienced colleagues.

Burky et al. (1991) also pointed out that the beginning teachers, who had a high sense of

efficacy, found greater satisfaction in teaching, had a more positive reaction to teaching and

experienced less stress.

Working experience also served as hiring guidelines in recruiting teachers and a means of

certifying teachers along with professional qualification. According to Studniski and Burnside

(2005), different schools have their specific preference in terms of hiring teachers. Most schools

prefer teachers with at least two years of teaching experience; some require four or five years of

experience while others accept applicants with less experience

In order for teachers to secure certificate of assessment with respect to their works

Kershner (2005) noted that teachers must accomplish a bachelor’s degree, a valid teaching

license and have three years teaching experience.

Fayette (2003) claimed that years of teaching can also serve as a basis for remuneration.

Under the statutory scheme of West Virginia Code 18A4-5, a teacher pay scale is based upon

two factors years of teaching experience and the level of formal education.

For Professional Development Committee Faculty Senate (2003) one way to encourage

teachers to undergo professional development is to have a reward component system. The

criteria of the proposal reward system will include years of teaching experience, educational

level and years of work experience in teaching field.


Administrative Support. Today’s learning should create a more comfortable and

convenient interaction between the teacher and the students as cited by Carlos (2012). Carlos

added that it should be conducive to the teaching learning process and can help the students

better understand the lessons at hand, furthermore, the learning environment should reflect the

scenario in the workplace.

According to Garg (2008), implementing involvement and improvement systems will

require commitment from top management as well as from all employees. Successful

implementation of TQM depends on the support and participation of a skilful and knowledgeable

work force with positive attitude and values toward work. This requires continuous training and

recognition of the system that motivates the work force to produce high quality output.

Similarly, according to Daft (2008), the visible support of the top management also helps

overcome resistance to change. Top management support symbolises to all employees that the

change is vital for the organization.

The study of Carlos (2012), Garg (2008) and Daft (2008) are all agreed that

administrative has a great impact on the students’ level of performance.

Availability, Adequacy and Usability of Equipment and Tools. The study of

Rubia (2005) which evaluated the extent of cognitive, psychomotor, affective and environmental

factors that affect the performance in the NLEX and the difference between the perceptions of

the graduates and faculty/administrators of St. Paul University Manila, it was revealed there is a

significant difference in the physical/environmental factors affecting the performance of the

graduates in the NLEX as perceived by the faculty/administrators and graduates.


Bonsobres (2002), study assessed the implementation of the center of Excellence for

Nursing Education in Region XI using the context, input process and product (CIPP) model.

Questionnaires were prepared adopting a related study and the Accreditation Manual for

Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines, Inc. There were total 849 respondents

categorized as administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff, students and graduates of San

Pedro College as well as clients of its varied community extension services. Findings showed

that the concept of COENE was to expedite the attainment of relevant, responsive and quality

nursing education. Establishment of Centre of excellence is one of the program thrust of CHED

in line with its goal on quality and excellence. She found out that adequate physical facilities as

well as quality faculty development are determinants of excellence in the nursing education


The purpose of McGowen’s study (2007) was to explore the possible relationship

between school facility conditions and school outcomes such as student academic achievement,

attendance and completion rate and teacher turnover rate.

In the light of these studies, the concept being studied currently may be identified as to

what really contributes to its phenomena. The things that affect the performance of the Bachelor

of Secondary Education major in Social Studies in the LET. These, however are just fragments

that must still be put together to form strong and reliable variables.

Related Studies

The researchers found many studies while visiting some libraries in Bataan. Hopefully,

these studies are expected to bring clarifications to the current study.


The study of Bustamante (2001) examined the performance of Home Economics

graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) in six state colleges in region 8 from

school year 1997 to 2000. The respondents were 134 graduates examinees and 60 teachers and

administrators. Data on the graduate examinees were obtained from the Professional Regulation

Commission. The results of the LET, students school records and from the questionnaire

developed by the researcher for teacher respondents. Descriptive Statistics, Wilcoxon test and

Spearman’s Rank Order of Coefficient Correlation were the statistical used. It was found out that

the general average in college of the graduate examinees was found to have significant difference

on their performance in LET. On the other hand, food laboratory facilities were also significantly

and negatively correlated with the general education test. The food facilities were also

significantly and negatively correlated with the general education test, the better the food

facilities in food laboratory, the lower performance in the general section of the LET.

Mendiola’s investigation revealed that high scholastic ratings of graduates of English

majorship didn’t match up to a high performance on the LET exam. The average scholastic

ratings (86.14 %) is generally higher compared to their average score (77.80%) in LET. She

emphasized that the said disparity occurs because students were rated academically in terms of

projects, oral presentation, actual performance, attitude and attendance where subjectivity was

possible as compared to the licensure examination which is extremely objective in nature.

On the other hand, the study of Madrid et al (2005) dealt with assessing the performance

of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Chemistry graduates of Nueva Ecija University of

Science and Technology (NEUST) based on the results of LET from school year 2002-2005. The

researchers utilized the descriptive method of research. The data gathered were analysed and

interpreted. The analysis of quantitative and quantifiable data was undertaken by utilizing the

necessary statistical tools. The study found out that in 2002 and 2004the performance of LET

takers in the area of specialization had the lowest percentage as compared to the Professional

Education and General Education area. In 2003, the number of takers who passed in the three

areas of examination did not even reach half of the number of takers. In 2005, the performance

of takers had the lowest percentage compared to the last three years. Hence, the researcher

recommended the intensive review and the pre-board must be undertaken to identify the

weaknesses of the students thus guiding them on the subject area that they need to improve.

The level of focus and concentration of the graduates when they take LET is far higher

than what they have before during their school years. There are some things that affect them

during their period of knowledge acquisition in opposite ways. From this, we can possibly say

the study of Bustamante and Mendiola are relevant to the present study since they attempted to

determine the relationship of academic achievement of students to their board examination or

program. On the contrary, the study of Balbuena, though did not deal with the board exam

performance examine the correlation between the academic achievement of students and their

grades in Physical Education. The three studies mentioned give alternative to one of the variables

of the present study which is GWA of graduates and how it affects the board examination

performance of the graduates.

In his study, Fabregas (2012) claimed that students learned on their professional

education subjects are being put into practice in their subjects. In-campus and Off-campus

teaching subjects. This likewise confirms the philosophy of Progressivism by John Dewey,

which states there is no better way to understand a thing than interacting with it. the academic

average correlates positively with the ratings of LET coincides with the findings of Menecio

(2002) that the academic performance of accounting graduates in professional subjects of St.

Louis University had a positive relationship in the CPA board examination. Balmeo (2003)

referred to grade as concrete measure that quantifies student’s level of learning. It also presents a

clear picture on how far student’s performance and achievement have reached a required

standard. In the study of Valencia (2000), it was concluded that the higher the grades of the

students the better their performance in mathematics and science.

The related literature included in this study has significant relationship with the future

study in the sense that it says here that the professional courses positively correlates with the

ratings in the LET examination. These studies will serve as a strong a basis for our study that the

professional courses has a significant relationship in the performance of LET examination of the

Social Studies major in Bataan Peninsula State University.

The study made by Aragon (2012) stated that education graduates achieved grades

comparable to an above average performance and opposes the claim in the article of Manila

Bulletin (2000) that the subject specialization in preparation of teachers is weak. Nevertheless,

the researchers are not slashing out the fact that there are professors that are lenient in giving

grades that may affirm the claim of US Department of Education (2007), which is not be

possible to fully remove subjectivity on the part of the professors for it is part of traditional

teaching methods. the study of Peckley (2000) as mentioned in the study of Aragon (2012), as it

was found a fair level of performance in the board examination in the different subjects but an

average over-all performance of the education graduates of University. In the study of Rivkin

(2005), the respondents were armed with only the knowledge, training, skills, and possibly vision

from the years they took up Bachelors’ degree (pre‐service training). It can be generalized,

therefore, that the temporal expertise they had from PNU that became their investment in passing

the LET could be the same expertise they manifested in their early years as teachers.

The present study is similar to the study of Aragon (2012) because it stated here that the

graduates achieved grade that is comparable to an above average performance in the LET

examination. This study is correlated and significant in our study for it proves that the field of

specialization is one of the factors that contributes to the success of the LET examinees.

The study of Enriquez (2004) found out that the LET Review classes contributed

meaningfully to a successful performance for it has helped LET TAKERS. The study looked into

predictive correlations of the selected variable on the performance of teacher Education

graduates of the Bataan Polytechnic State College in the 2004 licensure examination for teachers.

The respondents of the study were the ninety five (95) teacher education graduates who

completed the Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSEd) and Bachelor of Science in Industrial

Education. They finished their respective within the Academic Years 2000-2001, 2001-2002,

2002-2003 and 2003-2004. They graduated from any of the three (3) campuses of BPSC.

The study of Macalalad (2000) aimed to determine the effectiveness of the classes

program for Licensure Examination Teachers (LET) of the Centre for Continuing Education of

Bulacan State University for the year 2000. The data collected was treated utilizing the

percentage weighted mean in order to determine the effectiveness of LET program for the year

(2000) using the five point scale. The null hypotheses on the significant difference of the group

respondents regarding the effectiveness of the LET for the year 2000 were tested using the

Analysis of Variances or ANOVA. The respondents were the 140 senior students of Bachelor

Secondary Education, Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Science in Home

Arce and Belen (2011), revealed the relationship of In-House Review conducted by the

College of Education to the results of LET. The respondents, consisting of takers from BSEd and

BSEE programs were purposely selected. The study used two groups of LET Takers, September

2009 and April 2010 takers. The study revealed that there is a significant correlation between the

pre-board and LET results both in the general and professional courses. The result only showed

that the rating obtained by the respondents in the pre-board examination can validly predict their

performance in the Licensure Examination for Teachers.

The study conducted by Enriquez (2004) provided a framework for this study in the sense

that the LET review classes contributed meaningfully to the successful performance of the LET

takers in the board examination. This promotes direction for the present study in the reason that

LET review classes really contributes to the success of the board takers. It can be observed in the

study of Enriquez (2004), Macalalad (2002) and Arce and Belen (2011) that there’s a

relationship between the LET review classes and the LET results of board exam.

The study conducted by Klecker (2003) confirmed a significant relationship between

teachers’ years of experiences and students mathematics achievement. The years of teaching

Mathematics experience are classified into five (5) categories: (a). 2 years or less (b). 3-5 years

(c). 8-10 (25d). 11-24 and (e) 25 years and more. The teachers were also classified in terms of

their employability status (permanent, full time and part time assignments). The findings of the

study pointed out those students with teachers having more years of experience in teaching

Mathematics had higher score on the eight (8) grade 2000 National Assessment of Educational

Progress (NAEP) Mathematics Test.

Similar to this study is the result of the study conducted by Dela Cruz (2001) on the

predictors of performance of fourth year physics students in an old and new nationalized high

school. He revealed that the teacher related factors such as degree and years of teaching

experience were highly significant and correlated to student’s performance.


Moreover, a study of quality education was done by the Council of Graduate Studies in

Great Britain to establish quality assessment centers for master program (Haworth and Conrad

1997). It enumerated six criteria which are highly indispensable in establishing quality

assessment centers for master program which includes faculty members, students’ resources,

learning environment and curriculum and alumni placement. The study also revealed that the

qualities of the faculty that need to be upheld include instructional, scholarly and artwork

contributions, commitment to program, training and seminars. The learning environment must

competitive and intellectual.

The related studies presented here were selected in the basis of their significance in

promoting direction for the present study in terms of having a significant relationship between

the teaching skills which is teaching experience and the result of the board examination for

teacher education graduates. The study of Klecker (2003), Dela Cruz (2001) and Council of

Graduate Studies are all agreeing that the faculty qualifications such as years of experience,

instructional, commitment to program, trainings and seminars and degree are all predictors of

success of the students in their various examination mentioned.

Akbari and Allbar (2010) said that there was a substantial research based, mainly in

mainstream education, acknowledging the teachers influence on student achievement. However,

little if any empirical evidence exists to determine which teacher characteristics correlates with

positive student learning outcomes. In line with this, the study investigated three related

variables –teaching styles, teachers sense if efficacy, and teaching reflectivity –to see how they

relate to student achievement gains. The results showed that the study variables can significantly

predict student achievement. Individual correlations were also found among the variables.

The study of Jazul (2001) that proficiency in English by science teachers has a great

influence on the achievement results among secondary students. Acosta (2002) also noted that

there is a high weighted mean registered for teacher possession of language in teaching

Chemistry as perceived by the students. Similarly, the study of Reyes (2005) posited the same

results when he found out that teacher’s English proficiency has a great influence on the

performance level of the students in the Educational District I of Bataan.

In the area of the teaching strategies used by the faculty, Curado (2002) found out that the

use of multimedia software as a teaching strategy has improved the performance of Students in

learning Chemistry concepts. Andrade (2002) also revealed that the use of computer aided

instruction made a substantial impact in the learning of the students and has helped a lot in

predicting their success in the examination like achievement test.

From this study we can possibly say that Akbari and Allbar (2010), Reyes (2005) and

Curado (2002) found out that teaching skills have a great influence on the performance level of

the students, the teaching strategy means a lot to the performance of the students.

In a separate investigation, the teacher-related factors were also considered as

contributory variables of students’ performance. The study conducted by Klecker (2003)

confirmed a significant relationship between teachers’ years of experience and students’

mathematics achievement. The years of teaching mathematics experience are classified into five

(5) categories: (a) 2 years or less, (b) 3-5 years, (c) 8-10 years, (d) 11-24 years, and (e) 25 years

or more. The teachers were also classified in terms of their employability status (permanent,

fulltime and part time assignment). The finding of the study pointed out that the students with

teachers having more years of experience teaching in mathematics had higher mathematics score

on the eight (8) grade 2000 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Mathematics


The study conducted by Dela Cruz (2001) on the predictors of performance of fourth year

physics students in old and new nationalized high schools revealed that the teacher related

factors such as age, civil status, degree, years of teaching experience, number of load were

highly significant and correlated to students’ performance. The rest of the variables such as

number of preparation, seminar attended and master units acquired were not significantly

correlated to the performance of the students. Moreover her finding showed that the combined

effects of physical facilities, including science laboratory and library did not bring significant

effect on the students’ performance in Physics.

On the other hand, Farin (2002) looked into the factors affecting the academic

performance of college freshmen. The respondents included students and their faculty who were

randomly selected from each of the five (5) SUCs involved in the study. He attempted to find in

his studies how students’ profile, schools’ profile, teachers’ profile, faculty motivational factors

and faculty competencies, skills and values affect students ’academic performance.

The student profile is consisted of sex, type of school where they come from sibling size,

family income, and distance of students’ home to school. The school profile on the other hand,

covered physical/service facilities type of school and funding. The teachers’ profile included

educational qualification, relevant training attended, length of service and performance rating.

Among the findings where the students’ factor when combined failed to affect students’ GPA.

The very low correlation, as indicated by the multiple correlation coefficient of 0.11311, further

confirms the non-significant effects of students’ factors on GPA. The very low coefficient of

determination of 0.01279 affirmed the low correlation of the student factor with the grade point

average of students. The value further indicates that 1.29% was the only contribution of the

student factor to the variation in their GPA. With regards to the teacher factors, t-values for

educational qualification, performance rating, length of service and relevant training attended by

the faculty were equivalent to -0.223, -0.514, -0.110 and -0.160 are all insignificant.

The multiple correlational coefficient of 0.12916 indicated correlation between the school

factors and students’ academic performance. The F-value of 1.03484 showed insignificant effect

of school factors on students’ academic performance. The studies revealed also that faculty

motivational factors, faculty competencies, skills and values do not bring significant effect on the

academic performance of the students.

The studies conducted by Klecker, dela Cruz and Farin are related to the present study

considering the inclusion of similar variables like educational attainments of faculty members,

years of teaching experience, seminars and trainings attended and the performance appraisal

rating. However, the difference is noted how this faculty related profiles were used. Previous

studies used them as criterion variables for students’ academic performance while the present

study utilized it as predictors of graduates’ success in the licensure examination.

Castaneda’s research as cited by De Jesus (2001) hers study revealed that teaching

experience influences the attitude of a teacher towards curriculum change. Based on the findings,

teacher with few years of experience have better attitude towards curriculum change than

teachers with more years of experience.

In contrast, Bagtas (2003) on the contrary, mentioned in her study the findings of

Coramen on the relationship between the length of service and school administrators

management skills. The study pointed out that the length of services was not an assurance for

effective school management.


The study of Castaneda and Bagtas also considered teaching experience as significant

variables of faculty that turned out to be analogous to the present research. But both studies also

differ from the present because the variables were used to establish relationship with attitude and

effectiveness not as predictors for success as the present study used it.

Guevarra (1998) attempted to determine how the intellective and non-intellective

personal factors of teachers affect the performance of teachers as well as the pupils’

performance. The descriptive method was utilized to undertake the research. Documentary

analysis of the results of the National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT) and existing

records on file were employed. Supplementary data were collected through direct observation

and interview of the respondents composed of 45 Grade VI teachers in EDDIS I Central Schools

and their 1,987 Grade VI pupils in the Division of Bulacan. The regression analysis showed that

personal factors opf teachers affect their teaching performance and pupils’ NEAT performance.

The study indicated that sex which non-intellective factor significantly correlate with students’

performance. The educational qualification of teachers, faculty rank and training all categorized

as intellective factors appeared as significant predictors of teaching performance of teachers and

of students’ performance on the NEAT.

Properly functional facilities and equipment that are available in the university related to

education service lead to good knowledge and skills of the students. This can provide hands on

training to the students being able to apply theories into application.

The purpose of McGowen’s study (2007) was to explore the possible relationship

between school facility conditions and school outcomes such as student academic achievement,

Attendance, discipline, completion rate and teacher turnover rate.


Student achievement, attendance, discipline, completion rate and teacher turnover rate

and their relation to school facilities were investigated. Major research findings of this study

included the following: first, student achievement, attendance and completion rate measures

were not found to be statically significant in relation to school facility conditions; second,

discipline or behaviour was found to be significantly related to the Total Learning Environment

Assessment (TLEA). This indicates that the sub-sections of the TLEA could be used to predict

discipline factors for schools in the studying population; third, teacher turnover rate was found to

be related to the TLEA sub sections of specialized learning space and support space, with the

correlation to the Support Space being indirect. Literature from prior studies in first that

relationships do exist between all five of the study’s dependent variables. However, this study

only yielded significant findings in the areas of student discipline and teacher turn over.

Serrano’s study (2008) provided input to educational policy that determined the effects of

different factors on the performance of TIP Mechanical Engineering Graduates from year 2004-

2007. The study include five factors: School, In House Review Programs, Review School

attended, Peers and Review mates and Individual/Personal Skills to determine the effect of these

factors in the performance of the respondents in the Mechanical Engineering Licensure


Based on the result of the study, the performance of the TIP ME graduates from year

2004-2005 was significantly affected by their perspective in-house review program, review

school attended, and individual/personal skills.

McGowen’s study (2007) and the present study investigated the positive outcomes of

having school facilities on the academic performance of the students. Likewise, Serrano (2008)

sought the value of the administrative support on the performance of the graduates in licensure

examination. The present study included the administrative support and adequacy, availability

and usability of laboratory equipment and tools as part of the university related factors.

The study of Bakare (2009) determined whether the bids spread the reach of education

were adequately matched by the provision of the necessary resources to ensure a successful

outcome so that there will not just be a proliferation of institutions without enough resources to

run them. The study was set out to examine the level of provision or availability of facilities in

the universities; determine the adequacy of the provided facilities and the moral of the students

in terms of their academic activities.

Lack of facilities may lead to downgrade development of student’s learning. Every

student is entitled to adequate facilities that are conducive for learning especially in tertiary level

that requires more time for students to study.

As cited by Abello (2011), facilities are installations, contrivances, or other things which

facilitates something; a place for doing something. Similarly, according to Bolin (2003) that

sustainable design has received support from government and local initiative due to its reduced

cost, increased energy efficiency and decreased impact upon environment. Bernheim (2013)

added that the movement toward sustainable school design has led to the formation of the U.S.

Green Building Council and its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED.

From an infrastructure standpoint, the development of wireless networks has made the

most significant impact in recent years. Swanquist and Garza (2003) reported that in 2002, there

were reported campuses which used wireless technology. This technology had a direct impact

upon teaching and learning strategies.


According to Lazaro (2003), lack of facilities and equipment related to the engineering

services often lead to poor knowledge among students and poor skills as well. This is maybe due

to insufficient government fund based on normative funding which in effect related to budget

strapped government agencies running government state universities and colleges.

Britten (2004) stressed that proper maintenance and monitoring of all equipment will

limit the downtime, maintain calibration and reduce malfunctions of instruments and equipment

in the laboratory. Proper monitoring and maintenance of equipment for its usability will increase

efficiency in the laboratory.


Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework in the paradigm of the study. The first side

frame contains the factors that were believed to have something to do with the success rate of the

LET examination result of the BSE major in Social Studies while the second displays the success

of the BSE students which is the independent variable.

The study conceived that the independent variable is the determinant while the dependent

variable is the variable which value is being determined. To determine the predictors of success

in the licensure examination, the dependent variable was discovered to be the performance of

BSE board takers while the independent variables are the factors which are students, faculty and

university. The first possible predictor is the graduate-related factor which is composed of

academic achievement having general education, professional education and field of


specialization as its components. The second possible factor is the faculty related factor which

has teaching skills, teaching styles, educational attainment and years of teaching experience

under it. The last but not the least is the university-related factor which includes administrative

support and availability of materials under it.

Independent Variables Dependent Variable

A. Graduate-Related Factors
Academic Achievement
 General Education
 Professional Courses
 Field of Specialization
B. Faculty Related Factors
 Teaching Skills  General education
 Teaching Styles  Professional education
 Educational Attainment  Field of specialization
 Years Teaching
C. University Related Factors
 Administrative Support
 Availability, Adequacy and
Usability of Equipment’s
and Tools


The null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between graduates, faculty

and university related factors and the success of Social Studies graduates in the licensure

examination was tested.


Definition of Terms

Administrative Support. It is the help and services provided by the administration of the

university. Conceptually, it describes any job with the primary purpose of helping execute any

number of day-to-day operations at a business of the university or its business to the students and

other stakeholders of the school. Numerous job types fall under in to the category of

administrative support. Secretaries, administrative assistants, personal assistants, receptionist,

office managers and order clerks are a few of the many administrative support job titles typical

administrative duties include: scheduling meetings and conferences, answering phones , making

copies , managing files and electronic communications, organizing maintenance on office

equipment and creating documents and presentations.

Educational Attainment. Operationally this refers to the degree finished or number of

units carried by faculty members through formal schooling. For tertiary education the

educational attainment of a faculty member must be beyond Bachelors’ Degree (Ed. D.) or

Philosophy of Education (Ph. D.)

Availability, Adequacy and Usability of Equipment’s and Tools. Rooms, library and

equipment have very important role in the education system for B.S.Ed. students. Many

evaluative measures were conducted and have proven that complete educational materials from

the school promote conducive learning and enhance understanding level of the students.

Field of Specialization. Subjects that the education students chooses to teach knowledge

and specialize in a particular field. Commonly, it is the area where they excel with respect to

their skills, knowledge and interest.


LET Review Classes. This refers to the review classes attended by the examinee.

Review Centers are located in Bataan.

LET Performance. The overall performance of the board takers in the LET

General Education Curriculum Courses. It serves as preparatory courses as part of a

degree program such as; English, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Education etc. These

courses are usually taken on the first year of an education degree before taking the professional


Professional Courses. A professional course is one that equips you with qualifications

and expertise in a specific field. These courses answer the dynamic demands of organized fields

which require trained professionals in specific skill sets. They also help improve existing

Academic Achievement. Achievements of the graduates during their studying years.

Commonly referring to grades.

Teaching Skills. As used in this study, it refers to the skilful execution of the faculty

members on the lesson inside the classroom. It also refers to the expertise of faculty members in

the subject matter.

Teaching Styles and Method. This term as used in this study, refers to the ability of the

faculty members and some different techniques, styles and methodologies in their classroom


Years of Teaching Experience. It refers to the number of years that the teacher has been

teaching. It covers the first time of his pursuit of the profession up to the present.

Notes in Chapter II

Ronnie Z. Ramos. Predictors of Success of Electrical Engineering Graduates in the

Licensure Examination. Bataan Peninsula State University. March 2014.

B. Weiner. Achievement motivation and attribution theory. Morristown, N.J.: General

Learning Press. 1974.

Hazel Ann S. Soriano. Factors associated with the performance of USM College of

Education graduates in the 2007 Licensure Examination for Teachers.USMR&D17 (2):151-

159(2007) ISSN 0302-7337.

Kelly Sean D. (2010).The Purpose of General Education. Speech at South China

Normal University. Guangzhou, China. December 14, 2010.

Samson K.B (2010). Information Literacy Competencies of English 10 and

communication students and their perceptions toward information literacy as GE course.

Journal of the Philippines Librarianship, 30, 1, 45-55

Allan S. Reyes. Effects of Teaching Skills and multiple intelligence of teachers on

students’ achievement in College Algebra. (Unpublished Masters’ Thesis, Bulacan State

University, City of Malolos, Bulacan, May 2006)

Theresa Downy, Letters of the Editor Computer, Information, Nursing (CIN),

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Inc., 2003

Janny L. Manla. Predictors of Success in Nursing Licensure Exsamination.

(Unpublished Master’s Thesis. Bataan Peninsula State University, City of Balanga Bataan.

March 2009)

Jose M. Marlis Predictors of Performance in Licensure Examination of Maritime

Academy in Asia and the Pacific. (Unpublished Dissertation, Bataan Peninsula State

University, City of Balanga Bataan, March 2012)

Bilbao, P. et al. Teaching Profession. Metro Manila Lorimar Publishing.

Doreen Rose D. Robles Estrella. Predictors of Students Performance in Chemistry

Laboratory of Selected Private Schools. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Bataan Peninsula State
University, City of Balanga Bataan. March 2009)

F.W Westaway. Science Teaching techniques. Blackie and Son Limited London, 2005

Ben Ost. Hod do teachers improve the relative importance of Specific and General
Human Capital. Cornell University Department of Economics. November 29, 2009.

Hill Cohen, “Teaching Teachers: Professional Development to Improve Students

Achievement’, Research Points, Massachusetts Pub., Co., 2005

Christian C. Carlos. City Management Systems Office Mechanical Engineering

Laboratories. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Bataan Peninsula State University, City of
Balanga, Bataan, March 2012)

Indu Garg. Employees Training and Participation- A must for Total Quality
Richard L. Daft. Implementary Change, Management 8th Edition. Singapore South
Western, a Division of Thompson Learning 2008.

Shiela Marie E. Arce and Josephine L. Belen. The Pre-board Examination of In-

House Review as Predictors of LET Results. MSEUF Research Studies)


Ramin Akbari and Nella Karmi Albar. Teachers Characteristics as Predictors of

Students Academic Achievement. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language,

March 2010-Volume 13. No. 4)

Robert Scott. McGowen. The Impact of School hill Facilities on Students

Achievement, attendance behavior and Completion Rate and Teacher Turnover Rate at

Selected High School. December 2007

Nicanor L. Serrano. TIP Mechanical Engineering Graduates and their Performance

in Licensure Examination Input to Educational Policy. TIP MRS Volume 5, 2008.Manila


T.V Bakare. Consideration of the adequacy of teaching facilities in Univesity of

South Western Zone of Nigeria. 2009.

L,F Lazaro. Efficiency and Effectiveness of Curriculum Delivery in Nursing

Coordinator.Philippine Journal of Nursing 2003.

Allan M. Britten. Laboratory Operating Standards for Bourne Mastitis Diagnostic

Services, Health Sytem, Inc, 2004.


Maria Angeline A. Abello. Total Quality Management and the Electronics

Laboratory Services at Lyceum, Subic Bay.( Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Bataan Peninsula

State University, City of Balanga, Bataan, March 2011)


Chapter III

Methods of Research

This chapter presents the method and techniques used in the study, population and sample

research instruments, data gathering and statistical treatment of the data used in the study.

Methods and techniques of the study

The descriptive correlational methods of research were used as means of analysis for this

study. Descriptive method includes analysis of documents related to predictors of success in the

licensure examination of teacher education graduates and other relevant materials as well as

statistics to provide deeper understanding.

In scientific research a descriptive correlational method refers to a type of study in which

information is collected without making any changes to the study subject. This means that the

experimenter cannot directly interact with the environment in which she is studying in a way that

would cause any changes related to the experiment. These types of studies are also sometimes

known as observational studies.

All descriptive correlational method studies have the same basic property of avoiding any

direct changes in the environment of study.


Population and sample of the study

The population of the study involve the graduates of Bachelor of Secondary Education

major in Social Studies during the academic year 2012-2015 at Bataan Peninsula State

University-Balanga campus. Graduates of BSE major in Social Studies who took the licensure

examination were the subject of the study. The questionnaires were sent to the graduates through

social network accounts.

A.Y Population Sample

2011-2012 11 8

2012-2013 15 6

2014-2015 21 15

There was a difficulty in determining the number of respondents and at the same time, the

availability of the graduates from the time of the study.

Research Instrument

The study will use three sets of research instruments. The questions were research-made

questionnaires for education graduates and faculty members of College of Education in Bataan

Peninsula State University. The first survey questionnaire was intended for the graduates of

education. It was divided into three parts. Part one of the instrument is the graduates related

factors of the respondents which include the questions if the graduates performed well in their

general subject, professional subject and field of specialization and if they attended review

classes or not and the result of the pre board examination. The respondents will answer whether

they attended review in a regular session or simple a self-review preference. At the same time,

other scholastic achievements of the graduates were considered. The purpose was whether the

graduate related factors affect the performance in the licensure examination.

Part II of the instrument is faculty related factors which include questions about teaching

strategies, skills, years in teaching and educational attainment of the teachers that might honed

the ability of the students very well. The instrument will also determine how the teachers’ actions

may have influenced the students to become more productive and knowledgeable. The

instrument’s most important task is to determine how faculty related factors affect the outcome

of the graduates in the LET.

Part III of the survey is composed of questions that were suited for BSE graduates of the

institution. It consisted of university-related factors such as administrative support and

availability, adequacy and usability of laboratory equipment and tools. The purpose of this

questionnaire is to gather information from the BSE graduates of the institution whether faculty

and university related factors affect the success of the graduates in licensure examination. The

instrument was made to be as seen below:

1-Rarely/Never 2-Sometimes 3-Often 4-Always


Construction and Validation of Instruments

Data and other information gathered through reading materials such as books,

unpublished theses dissertation, magazines, journals and other manuscripts. After through

reading and studying samples of the questionnaire from related studies, the questionnaires for the

study were prepared.

The first draft of the questionnaires were referred to all concern comments modifications

and suggestions which was used in pursuing and improving the content vocabulary, the improve

copies were later subjected to content validation.

Data Gathering Procedure

To ensure the quality of the information to be gathered the assistance from various

academic department of the university was solicited this includes office of the president of

college of education. The said department provided the necessary documents for the study.

After gathering all the data the accomplished questionnaire were analysed and interpreted

by using statistical tools such as, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistical /Data

Analysis (Stata). The two statistical packages were used in data analysis as it was found that

Stata has features that were not present in SSPS (ie. some test for regression modelling).

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

to present the faculty related factors and university related factors, weighted mean and

correspondent descriptive equivalent were utilized, the data gathered were encoded and

statistically processed using statistical software called SSPS for Windows version 18.

To describe the profile of the graduates in terms of LET review classes, frequency and

percentage were used. Likewise, performance in general education courses and professional

courses were presented using frequency and percentage distribution.

To determine the performance of the BPSU (Balanga Campus) graduates in the licensure

examination relation to the national passing rate, mean, standard deviation, minimum and

maximum were used. Frequency and percentage were also employed when the ratings are


To determine the relationship of graduate profile such as attendance in LET review

classes as one of the predictors of the performance in the PRC licensure examination, Cross

tabulation and chi-square analysis were used. Cross tabulations were used to discover systematic

relationships between variables. Chi-square tests were also employed to further understand the

nature of the relationship between independent and dependent variables.


Notes in Chapter III

Sevilla et. Al. Research Methods, Rex Printing Company ,Inc. 1992.Reprint 2001.

Majiah J. Norusis.SPSS 12.0 Data Organization and Analysis in a Computer

Environment. Published by Prentice Hall,Inc .,2003 Upper Saddle River, NewFrank P. Besag

and Peter L. Besag, Statistics for Helping Professions, Sage Publications, Inc. Beverly Hills ,

California ,1895 SPSS Training Department. SPSS10.2000.




Mary Ann C. Licaros

Medina Bilolo Orion, Bataan

Mobile No. 09304933634


Date of Birth : November 8, 1996

Age : 22 Yrs. Old

Birth Place : Salamanca Cavite City

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Sex : Female

Height : 4’5’’

Weight : 43 kg.

Mother : Anita Licaros

Father : Severino Licaros

Address : Medina Orion, Bataan



Secondary: Orion National High School

Balagtas Orion, Bataan


Elementary: Bilolo Elementary School

Bilolo Orion, Bataan


Arvin M. Romualdo

Sitio Masapsap Brgy. Bayan Orani, Bataan

Mobile No. 09075817099


Date of Birth : December 4, 1990

Age : 25 Yrs. Old

Birth Place : San Marcelino, Zambales

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Sex : Male

Height : 4’11’’

Weight : 55 kg.

Mother : Anafe M. Romualdo

Father : Jesus B. Romualdo

Address : Sitio Masapsap Brgy. Bayan Orani, Bataan



Secondary: Bataan Peninsula State University

Bayan Orani, Bataan


Elementary: Orani North Elementary School

Balut Orani, Bataan


Christine Joyce S. Austria

Maligaya St. Cupang Balanga, Bataan

Mobile No. 09108639759


Date of Birth : December 12, 1996

Age : 19 Yrs. Old

Birth Place : Balanga city, Bataan

Nationality : Filipino

Civil Status : Single

Sex : Female

Height : 5’1’’

Weight : 47 kg.

Mother : Marivic S. Austria

Father : Alejandro A. Alfaro

Address : Maligaya St. Cupang West Balanga City


Secondary: Bataan National High School

Roman Express Highway Balanga City, Bataan


Elementary: Balanga Elementary School

Talisay Balanga City, Bataan


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