1st Sem BCA Midterm

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Roll No. L-~~ __ ~~ __ L--L~

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TBC-101 .""

B. C. A. (First Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
Time: 1:30 Hours 1 [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) Thisquestion paper contains two Sections.
(ii). Both Sections are compulsory.
1. Fill in the blanks/True-False : (1 x5=5 Marks)
. (a) invented C language in -
(b) It is not an error to declare a variable to be
one of the keywords(like goto, static).
(c) All keywords in C are in :
(i) LowerCase letters
(ii) UpperCase letters
(Hi) CamelCase letters
(iv) None of these
(d) ----- is the size of float variable.
(e) The expression is equivalent to a*=1.

'. 8-43 P.T.O.

. [2] TBC-101 [3]

2.. Attempt Jyjive parts : (jx5_~t5 ~Marks) r (b) Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to
(a) Define bitwise operators with example. ,~heck whether a number is prime or not.
(b) Define algorithm and discuss characteristics' (c) Discuss the steps to write an algorithm with
of algorithm. example. '
,e -. .' '

(c) How do' you construct' an increment 5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
statement or decrement statement in C ? and (c). ' (5x2=10 Marks)
(el) Qrt'fl r! flowchart to calculate area of
(a) What do you mean by formatted and
unformatted input and output ? Discuss with
triangle, ,
" _\ example.
(e) What are primitive data types in C ? Give
(b) What do you understand by storage classes ?
example , Also discuss its types.
(f) What is the application and importance of C (~) What are data types ? Discuss their types
language? .with example.

3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a)" (b)

and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) What is problem solving? Discuss problem
solving approaches in programming;
(b) Write a C program to convert temperature
from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
(c) What are the characteristics of C language ?
4. Attempt any two parts of, choice from (a); (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) . \

(a) What is a flowchart? Discuss all the symbols -,

used to draw a flowchart. TBC-IOl,
8-43 8-43



B. C. A. (First Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
. Time: 1:30 HO!irs] [Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
. (ii) Both Sections are compulsory.
·1. Fill in the blanks: (1x5=5 Marks)
(a) FORTRAN stands for .
(b) ....,......... is considered as the father of
(c) BIOS is an example of Memory.
(d) TIle is the program that manages the
hardware of the computer system, including
the CPU, memory, storage devices, and
input/output devices.
(e) are the fastest and most expensive

8-33 P. T. O.

1) JA
- [2] TBC-102 [3 ]

2. Attempt any five parts: (3x5=15 Marks) (ii)· CD

. (a) Define the working and uses of mainframe (Hi) MD
.. computers .. (iv) DATE
(b) Write any three . differences between . (v) VOL
Computer and Human beings. (b) Discuss the classification of computer based
(c) Define in detail any three advantages of on size.
computers. (c) Convert the following:
(d) Write any three differences between inkjet (i) (11001)2 = (?)1O
and laser jet printer ..
(e) What is the function of control unit? Explain (ii) (89)10 = (?)16
in detail.
(iii) (lF5)16 = (?)10 rr.
(f) What is the difference between 32 bit
processor and 64 bit processor.. Write any (,iv) (ll0.101h =(?)1O
. three.
Section-e-B (v) (705)8 = (?)2
. 3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) 5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) . What is Computer? Define its functions.
(a) What is the difference. between Volatile
(b) What are secondary storage memory
memory. and Non-volatile memory. (Write
devices? Discuss any three.
(c) What are the peripheral. devices of any five).
computer ? Define any two types of (b) Name the types of computer memory with
peripheral devices. the help of a diagram. Explain all types of
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b) RAM with its specifications.
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks) (c) Write any five differences between RAM and
(a) Define the following DOS commands with ROM.
their syntax : .
8-33 8-33


Roll No.

B. C. A. (First Semester)
.Mid Semester
. 2017

Time: J : 30 Hours ] [ Maximum Marks: 50

Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory;

1. Write True/False : (1 x5=5 Marks)
. (a) Every function is a relation.
(b) Let m and n be number of elements of A and.
B respectively. Then number of different
relations from A to B is 2m.n.
(c) Let A = {l, 2, ·3}.· Then the relation
R = {(l, 1), (3, 3)} is reflexive relation.
(d) The set of binary digits is A.~ {a, I}.

(e) Let I:R~R such that f(x)=x2, thenfis

not a surjective function.
P. T. O.

[2] TBC-103
(c) Define an equivalence relation on a set. If
2. Attempt-any five parts: (3x5=15 Marks) Z be the set of integers, then prove that
.\ .
(a) Let A = {2, 3, 4} and B = {3, 4; 5}, then list R = {(x; y) : XEZ, yEZ and (x - y) is
the elements of the relation R defined as divisible by 6} is an equivalence relation.
aRb iff a < b, a E A and b E B. Also write \~-
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
domain and range of R.
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
. (b) Define' Reflexive, Irreflexive and Non- (a) If Z be the set of integers, then pr~ve that
reflexive relations on A = {I, 2, 3}.
(z,~) is a poset. ..
(c) Let Rand S be relations from A to B. Then
prove that : (b) Let I: A ~ B, g: B ~ C and h: C -4 D, then
prove that:
(RUS)-1 =R-luS-1
(d) Let A = {I, 3, 9, 27, 81}, then .draw the
(c) Let I: R ~ R defined by I(x) =ax+b,
Hasse diagram of the poset (A, I).
(e) Let I(x) = 3x...:.l, then prove that I is an
where a, b, x E R and' a * o. Then prove that
injective function. R is invertible. Also find
(f) Let I(x) = x+2 and g(x) = x2 'v'x E R. Then 5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). . (5x2=10 Marks)
prove that:
(a) Let:
(g./) ""(f.g)
Section-B Q (a b)
.' .'
={5Q(a-b,b+2)+a,.". if a < b
if a e b
3; Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)'
and (c). (5x2=lO Marks) then find Q (2, 7), Q (5, 3) and Q (15, 2).
(a) Define symmetric, asymmetric, (b) Let I(x) = x2 'if x ER, then find 1-1(4) and
antisymmetric and transitive relations with 1-1(-4).
examples. (c) Let I: R ~ R defined by :
(b) Let A = {I, 2, 3}, then write a relation on A
which is: . {3X -1, for x > 3
~/(x)';2x2+3, for-2<x~3
(i) Reflexive' and transitive' but not
symmetric. 3"x2- 7, for x ~ -2
(ii) Symmetric and transitive but not then find 1-1(5).
reflexive. TBC-I03 150

-'--.--~ -:'.~-:-----'-'-~-----

-aen No.

B. C. A. (First Semester)
Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017
Time: 1:30 Hours L .[ Maximum Marks: 50
Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections.
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory.
1. . Fill in the blanks/True-False : (I x5=5 Marks) .
(a) Communication is derived from the Latin
word .
(b) Feedback is the last step of the
Communication Process. (True/False)
(c) The technical term for body language is .
(d) Cultural barriers occurs due. to difference in
culture and etiquette. (True/False) .
. (e) Communication can be based on , .
and .
2. Attempt any five parts: (3x5=15 Marks)
a) What is the difference between listening and
B-36 P.T.O.

J:) JA
-- ----

(2] TBC-104
(3] TBC-104
(b) Explain the difference between Upward and .'
(c) Explain the role of 7 C's for effective
, Downward Communication.
(c) What are the advantages of Oral
Communication? 5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=lO Marks)
(d) What do you understand by Grapevine
Communication? ' (a) Describe the traits of a good speaker.
, "-
(e) Differentiate between Body' Language and (b) What is the' importance of Listening ? What
, Sign Language. skills should be followed in order to make
(1) Explain 'the merits of Written ' listening effective?
Communication. (c)' Explain the, characteristics of Persuasive
Section-B Speech.
3. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) What do you understand by the, word
'Communication' ? Elucidate communication
process in detail.
(b) How will you overcome the barriers that
hamper effective communication?
(c) Explain the components that are included in "
Body Language.
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) Explain elaborately the barriers that make
communication ineffective .

(b) Explain the guidelines to be followed while
making a power-point fT'~Sentation.
t 150
8-36 •
Roll No.'


B. c. A.IB. Se. (IT) (First Semester)

Mid Semester EXAMINATION, 2017

Time: 1:30 Hours i [Maximum Marks: 50

Note: (i) This question paper contains two Sections. •..
(ii) Both Sections are compulsory.
1. Fill in the blanks/True or False: (1 x5=5 Marks)
(a) The concept of scientific management was
given by .
(b) Federalism refers to centralized control in .
decentralized structure. (TruelFalse)

(c) MBO stands for Management By Operation.

(d) Non-programmed decisions are relevant for
solving unique/unusual problems in which
various alternatives cannot be decided in
advance. (TruelFalse)

8-36 P. T.O.

[2] TBC-1 05fTBI-1 04
[3] TBC-1 05fTBI-1 04
(e) ~ .person should get orders and instructions
from only one superior, this is depicted by (b) Discuss organisation as an entity.
principle of unity of direction. (True/False) (c) Discuss delegation of authority, What are
various difficulties in the delegation of
2. Attempt any jive parts : (3x5=15 Marks)
authority ?
(Define/Short .Numerical/Short Programming
!Draw) 5. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
(a) Management as a profession and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)

(b) Functions at various levels of mariagement (a) What are various types of organisational
structures ? Discuss.
(c) Roles played by a manager
(d) Strategic planning and operational planning (b) What are various principies of delegation?
(e) Formal and informal organisations
(c) Differentiate between centralization and
(f) Decentralization
Section-B "'"
3. Attempt any two. parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) Discuss 14 principles of management given
by Fayol.
(b) What is planning ? Discuss various steps in
planning process.
(c) What is forecasting ? Discuss various
techniques of forecasting.
4. Attempt any two parts of choice from (a), (b)
and (c). (5x2=10 Marks)
(a) Discuss the concept of decision and decision-
making. Also discuss various types of

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