FIS Katalog
FIS Katalog
FIS Katalog
FAG · 1
FAG Industrial Services – measurements within the scope of ings. You will also find information
a new enterprise in the condition monitoring production about our services offered under
FAG Group facilities. the auspices of F’IS.
We offer you the tools and services
FAG Industrial Services (F’IS) is best suited for your individual
presented to you in this catalogue maintenance job. From specialists for specialists
as your highly efficient partner for – tested quality:
the maintenance of rotating ma-
chine parts. Focal point FAG Industrial Services makes high
“maintenance products” demands on the quality of their
It is our objective to support cus- products. Each and every tool, ac-
tomers in increasing the service life This catalogue is focussed on those cessory and grease you espy in the
and capacity of their production fa- tools the maintenance specialist catalogue has been subjected to in-
cilities. This occurs irrespective of needs on the spot to ensure effi- tensive tests and proven good in
the brand of the machine compo- cient and professional mounting practical application by our own
nents used. Alongside suitable and dismounting of rolling bear- fitters.
products and mounting service,
the focal point here is levelled at
services, such as condition moni-
toring and maintenance consulta-
The philosophy
of FAG Industrial Services
Solutions – no prefabricated
standard offers
Condition monitoring P. 53
Maintenance consultation P. 57
Rolling bearing services P. 59
Publications P. 68
List of FAG products P. 69
FAG · 3
Synoptic table
ball bearing large
Cylindrical cylindrical
roller bearing small
roller bearing
Cylindrical roller thrust bearing
FAG · 4
Dismounting Symbols
Hydraulic with without Hydraulic
method heating heating method
heating device
Heating plate
Oil bath
Heating ring
Hammer and
mounting device
Mechanical and
hydraulic presses
hook wrench
Nut and
hook wrench
Nut and
thrust bolts
Axle cap
Hydraulic nut
Hammer and
metal drift
Hydraulic method
FAG · 5
FAG · 6
Hook wrenches P. 9
Hydraulic nuts P. 11
FAG · 7
Sets of mounting tools EINBAU.SET.ST (former FAG des- Where the EINBAU.SET.ALU is
EINBAU.SET.ALU and ignation 172013). concerned the mounting sleeves
EINBAU.SET.ST Rings that are to be fitted tightly are made of aluminium and the
can be driven onto a shaft or into a mounting rings of plastic. The
FAG sets of mounting tools are housing bore by hitting the mount- components are easy to handle
suitable for cost-effective and safe ing sleeve with a hammer. In this and relatively reasonable in price.
mounting of rolling bearings with way rolling elements and raceways
bore diameters of 10 mm to 50 mm do not transmit the mounting force A long wear-free period of applica-
or outside diameters of 26 mm to and become damaged. The per- tion is achieved with the
110 mm. fectly matched precision compo- EINBAU.SET.ST where mounting
Sleeves, spacers, seals and similar nents ensure uniform transmission sleeves and rings are made of
parts can also be easily mounted of the forces onto the faces of the steel. The tools can also be used
with the EINBAU.SET.ALU and bearing rings. with workshop power presses.
Hook wrenches
Technical data
l s ≈ nuts
Order designation mm kg FAG
HN16/20 110 3 0.025 KM0, KM1
HN25/28 136 4 0.045 KM2, KM3
HN30/32 136 4 0.05 KM4
HN34/36 170 5 0.09 KM5
HN45/50 206 6 0.155 KM6
FAG · 9
Hook wrenches
13 08
The individual double hook wrenches and torque wrenches are also available as replacement parts.
FAG · 10
Hydraulic nuts
RKP50 to RKP200 Hydraulic nut with metric fine thread to DIN 13 Standardised adapter and withdrawal
RKP205 to RKP1180A Hydraulic nut with trapezoidal thread to DIN 13 sleeves (metric dimensions)
RKP90Z to RKP530Z Hydraulic nut with inch thread to ABMA Sleeves (inch dimensions)
Standards for Mounting Accessories, Section 8,
Locknut Series N-00
RKP100.529554A to
RKP900.526225A Reinforced hydraulic nut with straight bore For high mounting forces,
e.g. in ship building
RKP.MG Displacement measuring instrument for If radial clearance cannot be measured with
hydraulic nut a feeler gauge due to restricted accessibility
FAG · 11
Hydraulic nuts
Mechanical extractors P. 14
Hydraulic nuts
(see Tools and devices
for mounting) P. 11
FAG · 13
Mechanical extractors
Mechanical FAG extractors the device is applied at the tightly dles. Hydraulic pressure tools
fitted bearing ring. Note: Larger make the job easier in some cases.
Mechanical extractors are used for bearings are usually dismounted FAG also offer special extractors in
dismounting small rolling bearings using the hydraulic method or in- addition to their two-, three- and
with bore diameters of up to about duction heating devices. four-arm extractors and a hydraulic
100 mm which were mounted with pressure tool.
an interference fit on the shaft or With FAG mechanical extractors,
in the housing. The bearings can the extraction force is usually ap- For further information see
be dismounted without damage if plied by means of threaded spin- TI WL 80-48.
FAG · 14
Mechanical extractors
Mechanical extractors
FAG · 16
Heating rings P. 20
Induction coils P. 21
FAG · 17
More detailed information on the These heating devices are also In addition, we offer special heat-
six induction heating devices available from FAG for other volt- ing devices with a higher power
described here is provided in ages and frequencies. consumption for very heavy
TI WL 80-47. workpieces.
FAG · 18
FAG · 19
Heating rings onto the inner ring to be extracted. Recommended FAG accessories
After the inner ring has been ex- • Electric heating plate 172018
Heating rings are suitable for dis- tracted, it has to be removed from • Temperature measuring instru-
mounting the inner rings of cylin- the heating ring at once in order to ment TEMP.MG175830
drical roller bearings and needle prevent it from overheating. • Gloves HANDSCHUH2
roller bearings without lips and in- Each bearing size requires a spe-
ner rings with one lip. Heating cial heating ring. On request FAG Examples of how to order heat-
rings are of particular advantage will supply these heating rings as a ing rings
for the occasional extraction of special aluminium alloy design. AWR176050.NU320E
small or medium-size bearing rings For an offer we need the following (for inner ring of a cylindrical roller
(bore diameters 50 to 200 mm). information: bearing NU320E)
Heating takes 5 to 30 seconds de- 1. Bearing numbers or ring dimen- AWR176050.NJ2317E
pending on the ring size. sions, (for inner ring of a cylindrical roller
The heating rings are made of light 2. Drawing of the bearing location bearing NJ2317E)
metal and they are radially slotted. with fit data.
Handling is facilitated by the heat- 3. Approximate number of parts to
insulated handles. be extracted per day
Heating rings are heated to
200°...300°C by means of an elec- For details on the product pro-
tric heating plate (e.g. FAG 172017 gramme see Technical Information
or 172018, see above) and slipped No. WL 80-9.
FAG · 20
Induction coils
Induction coils
FAG · 22
Chart P. 24
Oil injector P. 25
High-pressure pump P. 27
Mounting sets P. 27
Pneumatically operated
hydraulic unit P. 28
Electrically driven
hydraulic unit P. 28
Connecting pieces P. 29
FAG · 23
Oil injector 0.008 G3/8 2500 (250) Mounting and dismounting of bearings 80
107640 with a tapered bore. Press-fitted assemblies
with valve nipple up to a contact pressure of ca. 125 N/mm2.
Oil injector 0.027 G3/4 1600 (160) Mounting and dismounting of bearings 150
107641 with a tapered bore. Press-fitted assemblies
with valve nipple up to a contact pressure of ca. 80 N/mm2.
Hand pump set 0.7 G1/4 1000 (100) Mounting and dismounting of rolling 250
PUMPE1000.0,7L bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 50 N/mm2.
For driving hydraulic nuts up to
RKP395 and RKP300.526205A
Hand pump set 4 G1/4 1000 (100) Mounting and dismounting of rolling unlimited
PUMPE1000.4L bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 50 N/mm2,
e.g. ship’s propellers.
For driving hydraulic nuts up to RKP800A
Hand pump set 4 G1/4 1600 (160) Mounting and dismounting of rolling unlimited
PUMPE1600.4L bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 80 N/mm2,
e. g. ship’s shafts and rudder blades
Hand pump set 4 G1/4 2500 (250) Mounting and dismounting of rolling unlimited
PUMPE2500.4L (direct) bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 125 N/mm2,
e.g. gearwheels and couplings
High-pressure 0.2 G3/4 4000 (400) For press-fitted assemblies with a high unlimited
pump (direct) contact pressure (> 100 N/mm2). As
120109 mounting set 155890A for mounting
and dismounting rolling bearings, rolling
with adapter sleeves, with withdrawal bearings
Mounting set 0.2 G1/4 with 2500 (250) sleeves. Dismounting of bearings with a ut to dia 250
155890A high-pressure- cylindrical bore. Amount of feed and supply
155890B tube of oil are limited.
Pneumatically 13 G1/4 2500 (250) Mounting of shaft couplings and press- unlimited
operated hydraulic fitted assemblies, gearwheels etc. with
unit the hydraulic method.
AGGREGAT. Contact pressure of up to 100 N/mm2
Electrically driven 10 G1/4 800 (80) For driving large hydraulic nuts unlimited
hydraulic unit up to RKP1180A. Mounting of
AGGREGAT.E800 large press-fitted assemblies:
ship shaft couplings, ship’s propellers,
Contact pressure of up to 50 N/mm2
FAG · 24
Oil injector
Oil injector The small oil injector (107640) can Oil injectors and valve nipples are
be used for shaft diameters of up also available separately. Order
The oil injectors’ delivery volume to 80 mm, the large one (107641) designations, see table.
is small; they can be used for dis- up to 150 mm.
mounting of rolling bearings and With the valve nipple the oil can Spare seals are standard O-rings:
other press-fitted assemblies direct- be filled up without any losses. For OR6x1,5 (for 107640),
ly seated on tapered shafts (e.g. this purpose an oil injector plus OR10x2,0 (for 107641).
cylindrical roller bearings FAG valve nipple, e.g. 107640 + 107642,
NNU49SK, NN30ASK, N10K, N19K should be ordered.
in machine tools) with the hydrau-
lic method.
Oil injector
Valve nipple
Hand pump sets sure range (up to 50 bar) and then Where the mounting of adapter
automatically switch to the high- or withdrawal sleeves requires a
FAG offer a hand pump set with a pressure stage. In this way a high separate oil supply, we will supply
one-step pump and three hand working speed is achieved. For ap- on request a two-way valve
pump sets with a two-step pump. plications where larger amounts of (suffix .V).
oil are required the two-step A detailed description of the FAG
The two-step pumps have a large pumps are also available with an hand pump sets is provided in
delivery volume in the low-pres- 8-litre oil container (suffix .8L). TI WL 80-46.
PUMPE1000.0,7L PUMPE2500.8L.V
1000 bar PUMPE1000.0,7L
1000 bar PUMPE1000.4L PUMPE1000.8L PUMPE1000.4L.V PUMPE1000.8L.V
1600 bar PUMPE1600.4L PUMPE1600.8L PUMPE1600.4L.V PUMPE1600.8L.V
2500 bar PUMPE2500.4L PUMPE2500.8L PUMPE2500.4L.V PUMPE2500.8L.V
FAG · 26
high-pressure tube
Hydraulic units
Pneumatically operated unit The pump (2500 bar) can be used pump is suitable for contact pres-
as a pressure generator for the hy- sures up to 100 N/mm2.
The pneumatically operated FAG draulic method for expanding shaft Scope of delivery:
pump unit couplings and gearwheels. Pressure gauge, 1 ... 3 hoses
AGGREGAT.H1000/2500 is mobile The pump (1000 bar) can drive a DN5/2500-3000/G1/4 (max.
and consists of a 13-l light-metal hydraulic nut at the same time. The 2500 bar), oil distributor
oil tank and two pumps (1000 bar
and 2500 bar). Hydraulic unit Oil tank Max. oil Mass
On request, devices for other oper- capacity pressure ≈
Order designation l bar kg
ating pressures are available as
well. AGGREGAT.H1000/2500 13 1000 or 2500 40
The pumps are individually con- (without oil filling)
Connecting pieces
Pump holder
Connecting pieces
Pressure gauge
118549A-M6 M6 0.22
118549A-M8 M8 0.245
118549A-G1/8 G1/8 0.285
118549A-G1/4 G1/4 0.42
FAG · 30
Measuring instruments
Feeler gauges P. 32
Taper measuring
instruments P. 33
Handheld digital
speedometer P. 35
Temperature measuring
instrument P. 36
Sonar detector P. 36
FAG · 31
Feeler gauges The feeler gauges are used for mounted onto tapered shaft seats
172031 and 172032 measuring the radial bearing clear- or on adapter or withdrawal
ance, especially if the bearings are sleeves.
Order Feeler Feeler thickness
desig- length
nation mm mm
FAG taper measuring instru- An indicator shows the deviation The reproducibility of the measur-
ment MGK 133 of the taper diameter from the tar- ing results is within 1 µm. The
get value at both measuring levels. measuring instrument is adjusted
for male tapers with 1:12 and 1:30 by means of a gauge taper sup-
and taper diameters of 27 to plied by FAG.
205 mm.
The taper measuring instrument
FAG MGK 133 rests on the taper
with four hardened and polished
support bolts. These support bolts
and a stop pin determine the posi-
tion of the gauge on the taper. The
stop pin can be attached either to
the front or to the rear of the
gauge. Inside the device are two
mobile measuring straps; one of
them measures the smaller taper
diameter, the other one measures
the larger taper diameter at a de-
fined distance from the first one. FAG taper measuring instrument MGK 133
FAG taper measuring instru- deviation of the taper diameter bladeshaped tip and measures the
ment MGK 132 from the target value. An indicator deviation of the taper from the tar-
in the measuring carriage likewise get value.
for male tapers with taper angles contacts the workpiece with its
of 0° to 6° and taper diameters of
90 to 510 mm.
The reproducibility of the measur-
ing results is within 1 µm.
The taper measuring instrument
MGK 132 rests on the workpiece
with four hardened, ground and
lapped ledges. The ledges form an
angle of 90°. The position of the
device on the taper is exactly de-
fined by a stop pin at the front or
at the rear of the device.
The measuring carriage riding be-
tween the support ledges is sup-
ported by preloaded roller bear-
ings. A dial gauge integrated into FAG taper meas-
the housing is applied to the meas- uring instru-
uring carriage and measures the ment MGK 132
FAG · 33
Boundary circle measuring is measured by means of a commer- shaft. For bearings with a straight
instrument MGI 21 cial dial-indicator snap gauge. bore, rough-ground inner rings (suf-
This device allows the inner ring to fix F12) are used which are finish-
The boundary circle measuring in- be adjusted to the diameter ensur- ground to the desired raceway di-
strument is used for adjusting the ing the desired radial clearance. ameter..
radial clearance of cylindrical roller Bearings with a tapered bore are Order example for NNU4920:
bearings NNU4920K to NNU4964K displaced on the tapered seat of the MGI21.4920
and NNU4920 to NNU4964, that is,
for bearings with a bore diameter of
100 to 320 mm. These bearings
have separable inner rings.
The FAG boundary circle measuring
instrument MGI 21 measures the in-
ternal boundary circle of the roller
and cage assembly by means of two
hardened and precision-ground sur-
faces, one of which is mobile.
After mounting the outer ring, the
measuring instrument is adjusted to FAG boundary circle measuring instrument MGI 21 for adjusting
the internal boundary circle of the the radial clearance or preload of cylindrical roller bearings with a
roller and cage assembly. This value separable inner ring
Handheld digital speedometer The speed is measured by the con- Order designation:
172025 tact with the rubber measuring tip 172025
or the surface speed is determined Covers: Handheld digital
The speedometer is suitable for by means of a track wheel. speedometer
two modes of operation: Adapter for direct
• Direct speed measurement with measurements 1:1
adapter, track wheel and measur- Non-contact speed Measuring wheel 1/10 m
ing tips measurement Rubber tip
• Non-contact optical speed meas- 10 reflecting marks
urement by means of a reflecting With non-contact speed measure- Operating instructions
mark ment, a reflecting mark is attached Case
to the machine part to be meas-
Direct speed measurement ured. This reflecting mark is photo- Spare parts
electrically scanned by means of 10 – reflecting marks
If the speed is measured directly, visible red light. The device dis- Order designation: 172029
the enclosed adapter is plugged in- plays the revolutions per minute.
to the device.
FAG · 35
Temperature measuring instru- Order designation and delivery Measuring range -60 °C...+400 °C
ment TEMP.MG175830 scope: Order designation:
TEMP.MG175830 TEMP.MG175830.TF
This handy device displays values (measuring instrument with sensor
between -60 °C and +1000 °C. TEMP.MG175830.F and service
The surface temperature sensor case)
TEMP.MG175830.F that is part of
the delivery scope covers a measur- FAG temperature sensors as
ing range of –60 °C to +300 °C. spare parts (can be ordered sepa-
The instrument is suitable for tem- rately):
perature measurements on Quick-reaction surface sensor
• rolling bearings, housings and TEMP.MG175830.F
lubricating systems for operation (NiCr-Ni thermocouple, plug-and-
monitoring socket connection, type K)
• heated rolling bearings and parts Measuring range -60 °C...+300 °C
to be fitted during mounting briefly up to +500 °C
The microprocessor-controlled Order designation:
measuring instrument has a single- TEMP.MG175830.F
line display. Its foil keyboard offers
the following functions: FAG temperature sensors as ac-
• On/Off cessories (can be ordered sepa-
• Hold (hold measured value on rately, for measuring the tempera-
display) ture of liquids, lubricants etc.):
Additional functions: Immersion sensor/stick-in sensor
display of battery voltage (Low TEMP.MG175830.TF
Bat.), (NiCr-Ni thermocouple
automatic switch-off (Auto-OFF) plug-and-socket connection, For more detailed information see
after 14 min, switching from °C to °F type K) TI No. WL 80-51.
Rolling bearing
“Motion Guard“ P. 41
Grease gun P. 44
FAG · 37
Typical applications Universal grease Universal grease Universal grease Special grease Special grease Special grease
for Arcanol rolling for ball and for ball bearings for ball bearings for ball and for ball and for ball and
bearing greases roller bearings ØD ≤ 62 mm ØD > 62 mm roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings
in in in in in in
rolling mills, small electric large electric rolling mills, mining mining
construction, motors, motors, rail vehicles machines, machines,
machines, motor agricultural and agricultural and construction construction
vehicles, spinning construction construction machines machines,
and grinding machines, machines, preferably
spindles household blowers for shock loads
appliances and large
at at at at
increased high loads, extreme extreme
speeds, large speed, loads, loads,
high loads, range, medium medium
low and high high degree temperatures, temperatures,
temperatures of humidity medium low
speeds speeds
Low temperatures ++ + + o – o
High temperatures o o o o o o
Low friction,
high speeds + o o – – ––
High loads,
low speeds + o o ++ ++ ++
Vibratory stressing + o + + + +
properties o o + + + +
Relubricatability ++ ++ + + + +
ISO VG = ++ extremely suitable o suitable – less suitable
ISO viscosity class + very suitable – – not suitable
FAG · 38
KP2P-40 KE2P-40 KPHC2R-30 KFK2U-40 KE3K-50 KP3N-30 KPE2G-30 K2K-30
Calcium Lithium Polyurea PTFE Polyurea Lithium Lithium-/ Aluminium
polyurea with complex with complex soap calcium soap complex
EP additives soap EP additives with EP additives soap
PAO oil Ester oil PAO/Ester oil Fluor. poly. oil PAO/ester oil Mineral oil Ester oil White oil
130 150 460 400 22 170 58 192
2 2 2 2 2-3 3 2 2
-40...+160 -40...+160 -35...+180 -40...+260 -50...+120 -30...+150 -30..+140 -30..+120
90 110 120 200 80 90 80 70
Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease
for ball and for ball and for ball and for ball and for ball bearings for ball and for ball and for ball and
roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings
in in in in in in in in
couplings, electric continuous track rollers machine rotor blade environmentally applications
electric motors, machines, casting in baking tools, adjusters in hazardous with food
motor vehicles motor vehicles plants machines, instruments wind power applications contact;
piston pins stations, USDA H1
in compressors, packing
kiln trucks, machines
chem. plants
at at at at at at
high high high extremely extremely high
temperatures, temperatures, temperatures, high temp., high speeds, temperatures,
high high high chemically low high
loads speeds loads aggressive temperatures loads,
environments oscillating
++ ++ + ++ ++ + + +
+ ++ ++ ++ o + + –
o + – –– ++ – o o
o o ++ + –– + o o
o o o – – ++ o o
o o o o o o o o
o o o o + – + ++
FAG · 39
MULTITOP L135V • • • • •
MULTI2 L78V • • • • • •
MULTI3 L71V • • • • • •
LOAD220 L215V • • •
LOAD400 L186V • • • • •
LOAD1000 L223V • • •
TEMP90 L12V • • • • •
TEMP110 L30V •
TEMP120 L195V • • •
TEMP200 L79V • •
SPEED2,6 L75 • • •
VIB3 L166V • • •
BIO2 – • •
FOOD2 – • •
Automatic FAG lubricator cost-effective devices extend lubri- • With automatic lubrication there
“Motion Guard“ cation and maintenance intervals is no question of mistaking the
and eliminate the risk of supplying lubricants
Reliable and economic lubrica- too little or too much grease. The • Builds up pressure to 5 bar, thus
tion for a long bearing life plant downtimes are shorter, main- overcoming any obstacles
tenance costs reduced. The use of • Constant check on dispensing
Rolling bearings are reliable ma- economical and environmentally amount possible with the trans-
chine elements which have a long friendly lubricants contributes parent casing
service life. The most common towards greater operational effi- • There is a snap switch for ON
cause of failure is insufficient or in- ciency. and OFF
correct lubrication. About 90% of • Extensive accessory programme
all bearings are lubricated with The FAG lubricator, Motion Guard,
grease. Thus, a reliable supply of a is individually adjusted to the bear- Every lubricator is delivered with
suitable grease is particularly im- ing area and makes costly central detailed operating instructions.
portant. lubrication plants superfluous. It
can be used everywhere: pumps,
With an automatic lubricator a suf- compressors and fans, conveyor
ficient amount of fresh grease is plants, vehicles, etc.
being constantly supplied to the The lubricator is suitable for all Ar-
contact areas of the rolling bear- canol greases described on pages
ings. The bearing service life is far 38 to 40*).
longer as a result. The reliable and Design Compact see page 43.
consists of:
LC-unit 120 cm3 with set of batteries
Supporting adapter
Mass (ready for application): 179
ca. 555 g
Order example*):
Lubricator set
consists of:
LC-unit 250 cm3 with set of batteries
Supporting adapter
Mass (ready for application):
ca. 720 g
Order example*):
LC-unit 120 cm3 (spare part)
with set of batteries
Mass (full): ca. 275 g
Order example*):
If the unit contains some other grease
its designation should be used instead of G1/4
FAG · 42
Order designation:
• Reduction pieces
• Extensions
• Angle pieces
• Holding clip
• Mounting angle
• Tube with connections
New design
The proven design of the electrically powered FAG lubricator can be operated with
all Arcanol greases described on pages 38 to 40. This lubricator will be referred to
as Motion Guard Champion in future.
There is a new design now which is electro-chemically driven and adequate for nu-
merous applications. It is suitable for the greases TEMP90, TEMP120, TEMP200,
LOAD400, LOAD1000 and FOOD2 and has the designation: Motion Guard Com-
pact (see also Publ. No. WL 81 122/2).
Order example:
FAG · 43
Grease gun 139450 with Grease filling Instead of this hydraulic coupling
armoured tube 139451 it is also possible to connect slid-
• 500 cm3 of bulk grease or ing couplings for button head lu-
Under difficult operating condi- • 400 g cartridge according to bricating nipples in accordance
tions or rough environmental con- DIN 1284 (diameter 53.5 mm, with DIN 3404 or other connection
ditions rolling bearings frequently 235 mm long) pieces. These connection pieces
have to be relubricated via lubrica- can be purchased from specialised
tion nipples. Relubrication is easy, Connection thread G 1/8 retailers.
clean and swift if an FAG grease Mass ca. 1.5 kg
gun with an armoured tube is Order designation:
used. These parts meet the require- Order designation: 139451
ments of DIN 1283. The grease 139450
gun can be refilled either with bulk
grease or with a cartridge in accor-
dance with DIN 1284. Armoured tube
Order designations:
FAG · 44
FAG accessories
for mounting and
Anti-corrosion oil P. 46
Mounting paste P. 46
FAG · 45
FAG · 46
FAG · 47
Detector P. 50
Bearing Analyser P. 50
VibroCheck P. 51
FAG · 49
Vibration diagnosis is the most reli- With state-of-the-art FAG devices Stationary monitoring devices
able method for detecting machine the operator can carry out the vi- include a digital vibration monitor
damage at an early stage. Imbal- bration diagnosis alone. and the online monitoring system
ances and faulty alignment can be FAG offers the following mobile VibroCheck.
detected as well as rolling bearing monitoring devices: the Detector
damage and gearing defects. and the Bearing Analyser.
DTECTX1 · VibroCheck
Troubleshooting P. 54
Consultation P. 54
Online monitoring P. 54
Regular measuring
campaigns P. 54
Training P. 54
FAG · 53
Disturbance-free and optimised steered clear of and consequential able method to detect machine
operation of complex plant and damage to be prevented. This will damage early enough. Unbalance
machinery is only feasible with re- increase the availability of the facil- and alignment faults can be just as
liable machine monitoring. Condi- ities and at the same time cut easily identified by this method as
tion-related maintenance enables down on maintenance costs. damage to rolling bearings and
unforeseen stoppages to be Vibration diagnosis is the most reli- gearing defects.
Troubleshooting line monitoring may well be the everything you have to know con-
right answer. F’IS offers you the cerning condition-related mainte-
F’IS experts are immediately on the most varied kinds of services in nance. We show you the advan-
spot when you are faced with diffi- this market segment: From consul- tages as well as the limitations.
culties and in the shortest space of tation for a special application With a host of practical examples,
time will analyse, amongst other right up to a full-service agreement we present various vibration diag-
aspects, the condition of your with availability guarantee. nosis methods and show how they
plant. You receive a test report in are applied in practice. After com-
all detail with concrete proposals Regular measuring campaigns pleting these courses, you will be
as to how you should proceed. in a position to troubleshoot ma-
It does not always have to be on- chine defects and damage, e.g. im-
Consultation and support when line monitoring. In many auxiliary balance, alignment and coupling
condition monitoring systems aggregates directly influencing errors, bearing damage, gearing
are introduced your production, regular offline defects, etc. in the vibration pat-
measurements are by far the tern. What is more, we want to
Introduction of condition-related more effective way of monitoring. support you in operating our prod-
maintenance strategies necessitates F’IS specialists record the data with ucts independently. Our training
a high degree of specialist know- mobile systems. After their analy- courses familiarise you with han-
how. Not all available monitoring sis, you receive a clearly structured dling the FAG testing equipment -
methods are suitable for your spe- overview of the condition of your Detectors, Bearing Analysers as
cial application. Our consultants machinery and equipment. Should well as the DTECTX1.
support you in finding a custom- machines be in a critical condition,
ised solution for your problem. we will provide an additional, de-
tailed analysis report on them.
Online monitoring
F’IS training
In some applications, continuous
online monitoring is the most Customer training
meaningful way to safeguard your
production. If a certain machine It is not our intention to replace
breaks down, does your produc- you. Rather, it is our objective to
tion come to a stop? Are the ma- make you and your staff fit with
chine spares used by you not kept regard to vibration diagnosis. In
in stock? Or do you use expensive the progressive VA 0, VA I and VA
plant parts? In all these cases, on- II training courses, you will learn
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F’IS maintenance
Analysis P. 58
Realisation phase P. 58
FAG · 57
Realisation phase
F’IS maintenance consultation • These solutions are converted to
F’IS experts action catalogues, containing
substantial suggestions as to how
• find the weak points in your enterprise
• provide you with concrete solutions to act. EDP aids are included
• reduce your maintenance costs considerably where necessary. Our manufac-
turer-independent position guar-
antees you the best possible as-
sistance in the software best suit-
Our team offers corporate consul- Analysis ed for your application.
tation in the classical sense. But it • We analyse the operational pro-
does not stop there. Over and cedures in your company, bear- The F’IS team further offers ser-
above this, our scope of services ing the commercial and technical vices in and around centralised
includes consultation in the fields elements in mind. In the study maintenance management systems
of condition monitoring and main- involved here, we submit to you (CMMS systems) with the following
tenance. concrete proposals as solutions. focal points:
Such solutions typically concern
introduction of new machines, • Building up meaningful report
work methods, maintenance management
planning systems and plant mon- • Realising interfaces to tie in the
itoring systems. CMMS system into your compa-
ny’s EDP environment
• Adapting the CMMS system to
your company’s specific require-
ments on the application and
database levels
• Developing and integrating ap-
plications, customised to your
company’s specific demands,
such as mobile communication
• Carrying out and supporting re-
lease changes
• Data structure analysis and cor-
rective data management
• Implementing time or event-con-
trolled automatisms for process
FAG · 58
Repair service P. 60
Device rental P. 61
Training and
course material P. 62
FAG · 59
Repair service
Rolling bearing mounting cabi- In the theoretical section great sig- Handbook 1 (theory)
net and mounting sets: basic nificance was set on merging tech-
course for vocational training nical drawing, computating and Mechanical engineering
mechanical engineering into one Technical computating
Plenty of literature is available on training unit. The practical section Technical drawing
the correct mounting of rolling consists of practising the mounting
bearings but there is usually a lack and dismounting of common bear- Handbook 2 (practice)
of components for trainees to prac- ing types with mechanical and hy-
tice on realistically. For this reason draulic equipment on model-like Mounting of bearings with a cylin-
the FAG training shop instructors simplified mating parts of rolling drical bore
have prepared a basic course. bearings (shafts, housings). Mounting of bearings with a ta-
The objective of this basic course The teaching material is based on pered bore
is to convey the knowledge re- smaller instruction steps and does Hydraulic method
quired for suitable bearing selec- not exceed the standard required Practical training with shafts and
tion, appropriate mounting and in vocational training today. housings
dismounting, and bearing mainte- Other units such as gearboxes,
nance. The course is split into two pumps, spindles, car wheels etc. Technical data
parts: a theoretical section deals can be prepared for practical train-
with the fundamental knowledge ing on the basis of this basic Mounting cabinet:
of rolling bearings and a practical course. Dimensions 1135x710x380 mm
section imparts the fundamental Mass (incl. contents) 94 kg
skills needed for mounting and Suitable for 10 mounting exercises:
dismounting. 5 with shafts
2 with housings
3 with shafts and housings
Smallest shaft diameter: 15 mm
Largest shaft diameter: 55 mm
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Order designation:
FAG · 64
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Course 2:
Rolling bearings -
basic seminar in Schweinfurt
Course 3:
Rolling bearings - advanced
seminar in Schweinfurt
FAG · 66
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FAG · 69
MGA 31 Boundary circle measuring instrument for boundary circle over rollers . . . . . . . . 34
MGI 21 Boundary circle measuring instrument for boundary circle under rollers . . . . . . . 34
MGK 132 Taper measuring instrument for diameters of 90...510 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
MGK 133 Taper measuring instrument for diameters of 205 mm or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
MONTAGESATZ. Case containing rolling bearing, mating parts and mounting tools
for fundamental course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
MONTAGESCHRANK Mounting cabinet with material and mounting angle for fundamental course . . . . 62
FAG · 70
FAG · 71
164641 High-pressure pipe for 155890, 155890A, 155890B (connection thread G1/4) . . . . 30
FAG · 72
FAG Industrial Services
WL 80 250 EA/95/4/02