FIS Katalog

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Greater operational reliability of rolling bearings

FAG Industrial Bearings and Services


This catalogue is principally aimed FAG Industrial Services staff and

at the maintenance managers of our certified dealers will be only
plants where rolling bearings and too glad to put themselves at your
other rotating machine elements disposal in selecting those tools
are critical as far as product and and services ideal for your individ-
process quality is concerned. ual maintenance job.

As the person responsible for the

maintenance and production
process, you have to be able to re-
Dr.-Ing. Bernd Geropp and
ly on the quality of your tools and Dr.-Ing. Hans-Willi Kessler
the competence of your service FAG Industrial Services Management
partners in your daily work.

To this end, you will find on the

following pages high-grade main- Questions and suggestions about this catalogue
tenance tools tested by FAG rolling
bearing experts, high-tech solu- you should address to
tions in the field of condition mon-
itoring and maintenance planning the FAG field specialist you know and/or
as well as offers to realise the full- your technical dealer.
service philosophy. Here, the qual-
ity requirements we make on the Here is our service hotline:
products and services are under-
scored by the over 100-year history e-mail: [email protected]
of precision rolling bearing pro- Telephone: +49 24 07 91 49-99
duction in the FAG Group.

FAG · 1

FAG Industrial Services – measurements within the scope of ings. You will also find information
a new enterprise in the condition monitoring production about our services offered under
FAG Group facilities. the auspices of F’IS.
We offer you the tools and services
FAG Industrial Services (F’IS) is best suited for your individual
presented to you in this catalogue maintenance job. From specialists for specialists
as your highly efficient partner for – tested quality:
the maintenance of rotating ma-
chine parts. Focal point FAG Industrial Services makes high
“maintenance products” demands on the quality of their
It is our objective to support cus- products. Each and every tool, ac-
tomers in increasing the service life This catalogue is focussed on those cessory and grease you espy in the
and capacity of their production fa- tools the maintenance specialist catalogue has been subjected to in-
cilities. This occurs irrespective of needs on the spot to ensure effi- tensive tests and proven good in
the brand of the machine compo- cient and professional mounting practical application by our own
nents used. Alongside suitable and dismounting of rolling bear- fitters.
products and mounting service,
the focal point here is levelled at
services, such as condition moni-
toring and maintenance consulta-

FAG Industrial Services is building

up regional competence centres
that co-operate with local, certified
service partners. This means that
FAG Industrial Services is capable
of providing customers throughout
the world with products and ser-
vices quickly and competently.

The philosophy
of FAG Industrial Services

Solutions – no prefabricated
standard offers

Our customers’ maintenance man-

agers contact us with no end of re-
quests, such as for support in plan-
ned inspections, introduction of a
centralised maintenance manage-
ment system (CMMS) or control
FAG · 2

Tools and devices for mounting P. 7

Sets of mounting tools P. 8
Hook wrenches P. 9
Hydraulic nuts P. 11
Tools and devices for dismounting P. 13
Mechanical extractors P. 14
Heating devices P. 17
Induction heating devices P. 18
Electric heating plates P. 20
Heating rings P. 20
Induction coils P. 21
Pressure generators for the hydraulic
method and for hydraulic nuts P. 23
Chart P. 24
Oil injector P. 25
Hand pump sets P. 26
High-pressure pump
and mounting sets P. 27
Hydraulic units P. 28
Connecting pieces P. 29
Measuring instruments P. 31
Feeler gauges P. 32
Taper measuring instruments P. 32
Boundary circle measuring instruments P. 34
Handheld digital speedometer P. 35
Temperature measuring instrument P. 36
Sonar detector P. 36
Rolling bearing lubrication P. 37
Rolling bearing greases Arcanol P. 38
Lubricators “Motion Guard“ P. 41
Grease guns, dosing devices P. 44
Accessories for mounting and maintenance P. 45
Anti-corrosion oil P. 46
Mounting paste P. 46
Split spherical roller bearings P. 47
Vibration diagnosis equipment P. 49

Condition monitoring P. 53
Maintenance consultation P. 57
Rolling bearing services P. 59
Publications P. 68
List of FAG products P. 69
FAG · 3

Synoptic table

Bearing type Bearing Bearing Mounting

bore size
with without
heating heating

Deep groove Tapered

ball bearing roller bearing cylindrical small

Angular contact ball

bearing Barrel
Spindle bearing roller bearing
Four-point Spherical
bearing roller bearing

ball bearing large

Cylindrical cylindrical
roller bearing small

roller bearing


Thrust ball bearing cylindrical


Angular contact thrust ball bearing

Cylindrical roller thrust bearing

Spherical roller thrust bearing large

Self-aligning ball bearing tapered

Self-aligning ball bearing small
with adapter sleeve
Barrel roller bearing
Barrel roller bearing with adapter sleeve
Spherical roller bearing
Spherical roller bearing with adapter sleeve
Spherical roller bearing with withdrawal
Withdrawal large
Adapter sleeve

Cylindrical roller bearing, double row tapered small



FAG · 4
Dismounting Symbols
Hydraulic with without Hydraulic
method heating heating method

heating device

Heating plate

Hot air cabinet

Oil bath


Heating ring

Hammer and
mounting device

Mechanical and
hydraulic presses

hook wrench

Nut and
hook wrench

Nut and
thrust bolts

Axle cap

Hydraulic nut

Hammer and
metal drift


Hydraulic method

FAG · 5
FAG · 6

FAG tools and devices

for mounting

Sets of mounting tools P. 8

Hook wrenches P. 9

Hydraulic nuts P. 11

FAG · 7

Sets of mounting tools

Sets of mounting tools EINBAU.SET.ST (former FAG des- Where the EINBAU.SET.ALU is
EINBAU.SET.ALU and ignation 172013). concerned the mounting sleeves
EINBAU.SET.ST Rings that are to be fitted tightly are made of aluminium and the
can be driven onto a shaft or into a mounting rings of plastic. The
FAG sets of mounting tools are housing bore by hitting the mount- components are easy to handle
suitable for cost-effective and safe ing sleeve with a hammer. In this and relatively reasonable in price.
mounting of rolling bearings with way rolling elements and raceways
bore diameters of 10 mm to 50 mm do not transmit the mounting force A long wear-free period of applica-
or outside diameters of 26 mm to and become damaged. The per- tion is achieved with the
110 mm. fectly matched precision compo- EINBAU.SET.ST where mounting
Sleeves, spacers, seals and similar nents ensure uniform transmission sleeves and rings are made of
parts can also be easily mounted of the forces onto the faces of the steel. The tools can also be used
with the EINBAU.SET.ALU and bearing rings. with workshop power presses.

Order designation EINBAU.SET.ALU Order designation EINBAU.SET.ST

Delivery includes Delivery includes

Mounting rings 33 rings for bearing bores of 9 – 50 mm, Mounting rings 33 rings for bearing bores of 9 – 50 mm,
O.D.s up to 110 mm O.D.s up to 110 mm
Mounting sleeves 3 sleeves Mounting sleeves 5 sleeves
Hammer, Hammer,
recoilless 0.7 kg recoilless 0.7 kg
Dimensions Dimensions
Case 430x320x100 mm Case 370x320x70 mm
Mass of Mass of
complete set 4.7 kg complete set: 21 kg

For further information see TI No. WL 80-49

FAG · 8

Hook wrenches

FAG hook wrenches of series a hook wrench. Withdrawal

HN../.. sleeves can also be dismounted
with hook wrenches and extrac-
Hook wrenches of series HN../.. tion nuts. The following table
are suitable for tightening locknuts, gives the dimensions, mass and
adapter sleeve nuts and extraction appropriate hook wrench for the
nuts on withdrawal sleeves. respective nuts.

Small bearings can be mounted Order example for an FAG hook

onto tapered shaft seats, adapter wrench:
sleeves or withdrawal sleeves with HN120/130

Technical data

Hook wrench Dimensions Mass Suitable for s

l s ≈ nuts
Order designation mm kg FAG
HN16/20 110 3 0.025 KM0, KM1
HN25/28 136 4 0.045 KM2, KM3
HN30/32 136 4 0.05 KM4
HN34/36 170 5 0.09 KM5
HN45/50 206 6 0.155 KM6

HN52/55 206 6 0.16 KM7

HN58/62 242 7 0.255 KM8, KM9
HN68/75 242 7 0.255 KM10, KM11
HN80/90 280 8 0.41 KM12, KM13, KM14
HN95/100 280 8 0.385 KM15, KM16

HN110/115 335 10 0.745 KM17

HN120/130 335 10 0.72 KM18, KM19, KM20
HN135/145 385 10 1 KM21, KM22, KM23
HN155/165 385 10 1.16 KM24, KM25, KM26, KM27
HN180/195 470 10 1.58 KM28, KM29, KM30

HN205/220 470 10 1.58 KM31, KM32, KM33, KM34

HN230/245 560 10 2.25 KM36, KM38, KM40

FAG · 9

Hook wrenches

Double hook wrench sets Rotation angles are engraved on

every double hook wrench for
The double hook wrench sets FAG self-aligning ball bearings. There-
173556 and 173557 are used for fore the drive-up distance and the
mounting rolling bearings on radial clearance reduction can be
adapter sleeves. Both sets include adjusted accurately.
a torque wrench with which the
position at the beginning of the
mounting process can be deter-
mined exactly with a specified
tightening torque.
Double hook wrench sets
173556 and 173557

Double hook Double hook Suitable for Adapter

wrench set wrench self-aligning ball bearings sleeve nuts

Order designation FAG FAG

13 08

173556 DHN5 1205 2205 1305 2305 KM5 0


DHN6 1206 2206 1306 2306 KM6 FAG-DHN 8

DHN7 1207 2207 1307 2307 KM7

DHN8 1208 2208 1308 2308 KM8
Scope of delivery: Double hook wrenches DHN5, DHN6, DHN7, DHN8,
torque wrench with adjusting wrench WKZG.DSG5-8,
service case (350x220x65 mm),
operating instructions
mass 1.5 kg

173557 DHN9 1209 2209 1309 2309 KM9

DHN10 1210 2210 1310 2310 KM10
DHN11 1211 2211 1311 2311 KM11
DHN12 1212 2212 1312 2312 KM12
DHN13 1213 2213 1313 2313 KM13
Scope of delivery: Double hook wrenches DHN9, DHN10, DHN11, DHN12, DHN13,
torque wrench with adjusting wrench WKZG.DSG9-13,
service case (450x330x100 mm),
operating instructions
mass 3.3 kg

The individual double hook wrenches and torque wrenches are also available as replacement parts.

FAG · 10

Hydraulic nuts

Hydraulic nuts (RKP)

Parts with a tapered bore are

pressed onto tapered seats with
FAG hydraulic nuts. They are pri-
marily used when the drive-up
force of other devices, e.g. lock-
nuts and thrust bolts, is not suffi-

Main fields of application:

• Mounting of tapered bore rolling
bearings. The bearings can be
mounted directly on tapered
shaft seats or on adapter or with-
drawal sleeves. Hydraulic nuts
can also be used to dismount
sleeve-mounted bearings.
• Mounting of couplings, gear-
wheels, ship‘s propellers etc.

For more detailed information see

FAG Publ. No. WL 80 103.

Order designation Design Main fields of application

RKP50 to RKP200 Hydraulic nut with metric fine thread to DIN 13 Standardised adapter and withdrawal
RKP205 to RKP1180A Hydraulic nut with trapezoidal thread to DIN 13 sleeves (metric dimensions)

RKP90Z to RKP530Z Hydraulic nut with inch thread to ABMA Sleeves (inch dimensions)
Standards for Mounting Accessories, Section 8,
Locknut Series N-00

RKP100.529554A to
RKP900.526225A Reinforced hydraulic nut with straight bore For high mounting forces,
e.g. in ship building

RKP.MG Displacement measuring instrument for If radial clearance cannot be measured with
hydraulic nut a feeler gauge due to restricted accessibility

FAG · 11

Hydraulic nuts

Hydraulic nuts with displace-

ment measuring instrument

If the radial clearance cannot be

measured with a feeler gauge due
to poor accessibility of the bearing
location, the axial drive up of the
bearing on the tapered seat can be
measured instead. To do so, a
measuring instrument can be
screwed to the face of the hydrau-
lic nut.

If the axial connection hole G 1/4

in the hydraulic nut is needed for
the pump, users can drill a second
axial hole required for the measur-
ing instrument themselves. On re-
quest FAG also supply hydraulic
nuts, suffixed .2A, that already fea-
ture such a hole, order example:

First, place the bearing onto the

shaft. The required oil pressure is
determined by the bearing size
and by the number of fitting sur-
faces and is indicated in the oper-
ating instructions. Then adjust dial
gauge to zero. The bearing is driv-
en up the shaft by pumping until
the specified drive up has been
Which one of the supplied meter-
ing needles has to be selected is
specified in the detailed operating
instructions that come with every
measuring instrument.

Order designation: RKP.MG

1 displacement measuring instru-
ment with dial gauge,
6 metering needles and seals in a
FAG · 12

FAG tools and devices for


Mechanical extractors P. 14

Hydraulic nuts
(see Tools and devices
for mounting) P. 11

FAG · 13

Mechanical extractors

Mechanical FAG extractors the device is applied at the tightly dles. Hydraulic pressure tools
fitted bearing ring. Note: Larger make the job easier in some cases.
Mechanical extractors are used for bearings are usually dismounted FAG also offer special extractors in
dismounting small rolling bearings using the hydraulic method or in- addition to their two-, three- and
with bore diameters of up to about duction heating devices. four-arm extractors and a hydraulic
100 mm which were mounted with pressure tool.
an interference fit on the shaft or With FAG mechanical extractors,
in the housing. The bearings can the extraction force is usually ap- For further information see
be dismounted without damage if plied by means of threaded spin- TI WL 80-48.

Two-arm extractor 54 Order designation:

• For extracting complete rolling ABZIEHER54.100
bearings or tightly fitted inner ABZIEHER54.200
rings as well as other parts, ABZIEHER54.300
e.g. gearwheels ABZIEHER54.400
• Span 80 - 350 mm, depth 100 - ABZIEHER54.500
250 mm, also available in a set ABZIEHER54.600

Two-arm bearing extractor 47 Order designation:

• For extracting complete rolling ABZIEHER47.100
bearings or tightly fitted inner ABZIEHER47.200
• Span 45 and 90 mm, depth 65
and 100 mm

Three-arm extractor 52 Order designation:

• For extracting complete rolling ABZIEHER52.085
bearings or tightly fitted inner ABZIEHER52.130
rings ABZIEHER52.230
• Span 85 - 640 mm, big extractors ABZIEHER52.295
can be equipped with a hydrau- ABZIEHER52.390
lic spindle (suffix H). ABZIEHER52.640

FAG · 14

Mechanical extractors

Three-arm extractor 53 Order designation:

• For extracting complete rolling ABZIEHER53.130
bearings or tightly fitted inner ABZIEHER53.230
rings as well as similar parts ABZIEHER53.295
• Span 130 - 640 mm, big extractors ABZIEHER53.390
can be equipped with a hydraulic ABZIEHER53.640
spindle (suffix H).

Hydraulic pressure tool 44 Order designation:

• For loosening tightly fitted parts ABZIEHER44.080
together with mechanical extrac- ABZIEHER44.150
• Applying an axial force of 80 or
150 kN makes the dismounting
job considerably easier. When us-
ing bigger devices, hydraulic
force must be reduced

Ball bearing extractor 56 Order designation:

• For extracting complete radial ball ABZIEHER56.020.SET
bearings ABZIEHER56.120.SET
• For ball bearings with a tightly fit- ABZIEHER56.220.SET
ted outer ring
• For bearings that are radially not
• Three sets with different claws are

Special bearing extractor 64 Order designation:

• For radial bearings (deep groove ABZIEHER64.400
ball bearings, angular contact ball ABZIEHER64.500
bearings, self-aligning ball bear- ABZIEHER64.600
ings as well as cylindrical roller ABZIEHER64.700
bearings, tapered roller bearings
and spherical roller bearings); in-
dicate bearing manufacturer.
• For tightly fitted inner or outer
FAG · 15

Mechanical extractors

Internal extractor 62 Order designation

• For deep groove ball bearings (extractor with countersupport):
and angular contact ball bear- ABZIEHER62.100.005
ings. ABZIEHER62.100.007
Internal extractors are available ABZIEHER62.100.010
in several sizes for bearing bores ABZIEHER62.100.014
of up to about 70 mm. ABZIEHER62.100.020
• For bearings with tightly fitted ABZIEHER62.100.030
outer rings. ABZIEHER62.100.040

Impact-type extractor 62 Order designation:

• For extracting sleeves or rings. ABZIEHER62.300
The impact-type extractor is
screwed to the internal extractor
62 (connection thread
M10/M14x14.5). It is usually
used if no countersupport can be

Extractor 49 Order designation:

• For all rolling bearing types. ABZIEHER49.100.060
For extracting complete rolling ABZIEHER49.100.075
bearings or tightly fitted inner ABZIEHER49.200.115
rings. ABZIEHER49.300.150
The extractor and the separating ABZIEHER49.400.210
device are available in several
sizes with openings of up to
210 mm.
• Especially for applications where
the inner ring is seated against a
shaft shoulder having no extrac-
tion slots. The bearing location
must be radially accessible.

FAG · 16

FAG heating devices

Induction heating devices P. 18

Electric heating plates P. 20

Heating rings P. 20

Induction coils P. 21

FAG · 17

Induction heating devices

Induction heating devices

Heating device AWG.MINI AWG3,5

Many rolling bearings and other

rotationally symmetric steel parts
are fitted tightly on the shaft. Larg-
er parts, in particular, can be fitted
much more easily if they are heat-
ed before mounting (rolling bear-
ings up to a maximum of 120°C).
Induction heating is superior to
traditional methods such as heat- Power consumption
ing furnaces, heating plates or oil (max.) 3.5 kVA 3.5 kVA
baths. Voltage/frequency 230 V/50 Hz 230 V/50 Hz
The induction heating methods are Rated current 16 A 16 A
fast and clean. Therefore they are
particularly suitable for batch Mass 19 kg 45 kg
mounting. The devices can be Length 420 mm 320 mm
used for heating complete bear- Width 230 mm 330 mm
Height 265 mm 335 mm
ings, rings of cylindrical roller
bearings or needle roller bearings,
as well as other rotationally sym- Ledges (incl.) 14x14x200 mm 20x20x270 mm
metric steel parts such as labyrinth 20x20x200 mm 30x30x270 mm
30x30x200 mm 40x40x270 mm
rings, roll couplings, tyres, etc.
40x40x200 mm 60x60x270 mm

Advantages Clear width betw. supp. 120 mm 145 mm

Clear height 140 mm 155 mm
• fast, power-saving work
• suitable for rolling bearings and Ledges (accessories) 7x7x200 mm 14x14x270 mm
other ring-shaped steel parts 10x10x200 mm 17.5x17.5x270 mm
• extremely safe operation 24.5x24.5x270 mm
• environmentally compatible, no
oil required (no disposal!)
• uniform, controlled heating
• easy operation
• automatic demagnetisation Workpiece
Bore (min.) 20 (10) mm 30 (20) mm
• very efficient as the optimum Width (max.) 120 mm 145 mm
size can be selected for each ap- Mass (max.) 20 kg 40 kg

More detailed information on the These heating devices are also In addition, we offer special heat-
six induction heating devices available from FAG for other volt- ing devices with a higher power
described here is provided in ages and frequencies. consumption for very heavy
TI WL 80-47. workpieces.
FAG · 18

8 kVA 13 kVA 25 kVA 40 kVA

400 V/50 Hz 400 V/50 Hz 400 V/50 Hz 400 V/50 Hz
20 A 32 A 63 A 100 A

56 kg 108 kg 350 kg 600 kg

470 mm 1000 mm 1280 mm 1800 mm
310 mm 500 mm 500 mm 600 mm
455 mm 1050 mm 1250 mm 1400 mm

70x70x350 mm 80x80x490 mm 100x100x700 mm 150x150x850 mm

210 mm 330 mm 390 mm 600 mm

195 mm 265 mm 430 mm 450 mm

14x14x350 mm 20x20x490 mm 30x30x700 mm 60x60x850 mm

20x20x350 mm 30x30x490 mm 40x40x700 mm 80x80x850 mm
30x30x350 mm 40x40x490 mm 60x60x700 mm 100x100x850 mm
40x40x350 mm 50x50x490 mm 80x80x700 mm
50x50x350 mm 60x60x490 mm
60x60x350 mm 70x70x490 mm

100 (20) mm 115 (30) mm 145 (45) mm 220 (85) mm

210 mm 330 mm 390 mm 600 mm
100 kg 200 kg 400 kg 800 kg

FAG · 19

Electric heating plates · Heating rings

Electric heating plates FAG heating plate 172017

It is a good idea to heat bearings 220x220x170 mm
before mounting if they are to be Power:
given tight fits on the shaft (cylin- switchable 1000/2000 W
drical bearing seats). A sufficient at 220 V/50 Hz
expansion of the bearings is a- Temperature control:
chieved at 80°C to 100°C. During thermostat adjustable from 50°C to
the heating process the tempera- 300°C
ture has to be monitored closely,
e.g. with the temperature measur- FAG heating plate 172018
ing instrument FAG 175830. It must Dimensions:
not exceed 120°C or else the struc- 300x300x170 mm FAG heating plate 172017
ture and hardness of the materials Power:
could be adversely affected. 2500 W at 220 V/50 Hz
Rolling bearings can be heated on a Temperature control: The heating plates can be used not
temperature-controlled heating thermostat adjustable from 50°C to only for heating rolling bearings
plate. During the process the bear- 300°C (max. 120°C) but also for heating
ing has to be covered with a metal labyrinth rings, shrink-on rings and
sheet and turned over several times Order designation: sealing rings as well as aluminium
to ensure that it is heated uniformly. 172017 or 172018 heating rings.

Heating rings onto the inner ring to be extracted. Recommended FAG accessories
After the inner ring has been ex- • Electric heating plate 172018
Heating rings are suitable for dis- tracted, it has to be removed from • Temperature measuring instru-
mounting the inner rings of cylin- the heating ring at once in order to ment TEMP.MG175830
drical roller bearings and needle prevent it from overheating. • Gloves HANDSCHUH2
roller bearings without lips and in- Each bearing size requires a spe-
ner rings with one lip. Heating cial heating ring. On request FAG Examples of how to order heat-
rings are of particular advantage will supply these heating rings as a ing rings
for the occasional extraction of special aluminium alloy design. AWR176050.NU320E
small or medium-size bearing rings For an offer we need the following (for inner ring of a cylindrical roller
(bore diameters 50 to 200 mm). information: bearing NU320E)
Heating takes 5 to 30 seconds de- 1. Bearing numbers or ring dimen- AWR176050.NJ2317E
pending on the ring size. sions, (for inner ring of a cylindrical roller
The heating rings are made of light 2. Drawing of the bearing location bearing NJ2317E)
metal and they are radially slotted. with fit data.
Handling is facilitated by the heat- 3. Approximate number of parts to
insulated handles. be extracted per day
Heating rings are heated to
200°...300°C by means of an elec- For details on the product pro-
tric heating plate (e.g. FAG 172017 gramme see Technical Information
or 172018, see above) and slipped No. WL 80-9.
FAG · 20

Induction coils

Induction coils Low-voltage coils sizes (EFB20, EFB33, EFB50,

EFB80, EFB125). Thus other rota-
Induction coils are suitable for FAG induction coils that are oper- tionally symmetric parts like
mounting and dismounting medi- ated with harmless low voltage are labyrinth rings, couplings and ring
um-size and large inner rings of water cooled. They are connected rolls can be heated as well. With
cylindrical roller bearings and nee- to a mobile transformer which can the largest transformer and the cor-
dle roller bearings. Each bearing be designed for any mains voltage. responding induction coil, inner
size requires a special coil (see al- The voltage for the mounting coil rings weighing up to 1200 kg can
so FAG Publ. No. WL 80 107). can be adjusted between 20 and be heated to the required mount-
Besides low-voltage induction 40 V. ing temperature of 80 °C...100 °C
coils, FAG also offers coils that can The transformers for the induction (for couplings a maximum mass of
be operated with mains voltage. coils are offered by FAG in five 600 kg).

Low-voltage induction coil with transformer for cylindrical roller

bearing inner rings
FAG · 21

Induction coils

Order examples Data required to make an offer

FAG induction coil FAG induction coils are always

EIM171148.K159 made individually for specific ap-
Bore of the device [mm]
Type of device We need the following information
K low-voltage device to make an offer:
N mains voltage device 1. Exact bearing code for bearing
T Heating device for rolling mill coupling pieces rings
L Labyrinth ring heating device
R Ring roll heating device
2. Size of bearing rings and spac-
S Special device ers (bore, raceway diameter,
Drawing no. ring width), especially if the
Induction coil bearings are not FAG
3. A drawing of the bearing loca-
tion which indicates the fit and
possibly the positions and num-
ber of extraction slots in laby-
FAG transformer rinth rings; a detailed dimen-
sional sketch and data of fits for
Frequency couplings and labyrinth rings
Voltage 4. Mains voltage and frequency
Power available at the mounting site
Transformer size
5. Information on operating condi-
tions (type of operation, climatic
6. An estimate of the number of in-
ner rings, labyrinth rings, cou-
FAG foot switch
FS125A.400V plings or other parts to be
mounted per day
Voltage 7. Maximum loading of the mains
Power consumption 8. Type of three-phase mains:
Foot switch
Three-wire network: 3 outer
conductors L1, L2, L3, protective
conductor PE, without neutral
conductor N
Four-wire network: 3 outer con-
FAG switch cabinet
SSK400A.152492A.440V.60HZ ductors L1, L2, L3, protective con-
ductor PE, neutral conductor N
Drawing no.
Power consumption
Switch cabinet

FAG · 22

FAG pressure generators

Chart P. 24

Oil injector P. 25

Hand pump sets P. 26

High-pressure pump P. 27

Mounting sets P. 27

Pneumatically operated
hydraulic unit P. 28

Electrically driven
hydraulic unit P. 28

Mobile hydraulic unit P. 28

Connecting pieces P. 29

FAG · 23


Pressure Oil container Connection Max. oil Application Max. shaft

generator capacity pressure diameter
l bar (N/mm2) mm

Oil injector 0.008 G3/8 2500 (250) Mounting and dismounting of bearings 80
107640 with a tapered bore. Press-fitted assemblies
with valve nipple up to a contact pressure of ca. 125 N/mm2.
Oil injector 0.027 G3/4 1600 (160) Mounting and dismounting of bearings 150
107641 with a tapered bore. Press-fitted assemblies
with valve nipple up to a contact pressure of ca. 80 N/mm2.
Hand pump set 0.7 G1/4 1000 (100) Mounting and dismounting of rolling 250
PUMPE1000.0,7L bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 50 N/mm2.
For driving hydraulic nuts up to
RKP395 and RKP300.526205A
Hand pump set 4 G1/4 1000 (100) Mounting and dismounting of rolling unlimited
PUMPE1000.4L bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 50 N/mm2,
e.g. ship’s propellers.
For driving hydraulic nuts up to RKP800A
Hand pump set 4 G1/4 1600 (160) Mounting and dismounting of rolling unlimited
PUMPE1600.4L bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 80 N/mm2,
e. g. ship’s shafts and rudder blades
Hand pump set 4 G1/4 2500 (250) Mounting and dismounting of rolling unlimited
PUMPE2500.4L (direct) bearings. Mounting of press-fitted assemblies
up to a contact pressure of 125 N/mm2,
e.g. gearwheels and couplings
High-pressure 0.2 G3/4 4000 (400) For press-fitted assemblies with a high unlimited
pump (direct) contact pressure (> 100 N/mm2). As
120109 mounting set 155890A for mounting
and dismounting rolling bearings, rolling
with adapter sleeves, with withdrawal bearings
Mounting set 0.2 G1/4 with 2500 (250) sleeves. Dismounting of bearings with a ut to dia 250
155890A high-pressure- cylindrical bore. Amount of feed and supply
155890B tube of oil are limited.
Pneumatically 13 G1/4 2500 (250) Mounting of shaft couplings and press- unlimited
operated hydraulic fitted assemblies, gearwheels etc. with
unit the hydraulic method.
AGGREGAT. Contact pressure of up to 100 N/mm2
Electrically driven 10 G1/4 800 (80) For driving large hydraulic nuts unlimited
hydraulic unit up to RKP1180A. Mounting of
AGGREGAT.E800 large press-fitted assemblies:
ship shaft couplings, ship’s propellers,
Contact pressure of up to 50 N/mm2

FAG · 24

Oil injector

Oil injector The small oil injector (107640) can Oil injectors and valve nipples are
be used for shaft diameters of up also available separately. Order
The oil injectors’ delivery volume to 80 mm, the large one (107641) designations, see table.
is small; they can be used for dis- up to 150 mm.
mounting of rolling bearings and With the valve nipple the oil can Spare seals are standard O-rings:
other press-fitted assemblies direct- be filled up without any losses. For OR6x1,5 (for 107640),
ly seated on tapered shafts (e.g. this purpose an oil injector plus OR10x2,0 (for 107641).
cylindrical roller bearings FAG valve nipple, e.g. 107640 + 107642,
NNU49SK, NN30ASK, N10K, N19K should be ordered.
in machine tools) with the hydrau-
lic method.


Oil injector


Valve nipple



Oil injector Valve Connection Oil Max. oil Mass Dimensions

nipple G volume pressure ≈ t d L1 L2 L3 B SW1 SW2

Order designation cm3 bar kg mm

107640 107642 G3/8 8 2500 0.91 12 5 120 130 30 220 19 22

107641 107643 G3/4 27 1600 2.18 22 8 180 185 55 280 27 32

Oil injectors with valve nipples

FAG · 25

Hand pump sets

Hand pump sets sure range (up to 50 bar) and then Where the mounting of adapter
automatically switch to the high- or withdrawal sleeves requires a
FAG offer a hand pump set with a pressure stage. In this way a high separate oil supply, we will supply
one-step pump and three hand working speed is achieved. For ap- on request a two-way valve
pump sets with a two-step pump. plications where larger amounts of (suffix .V).
oil are required the two-step A detailed description of the FAG
The two-step pumps have a large pumps are also available with an hand pump sets is provided in
delivery volume in the low-pres- 8-litre oil container (suffix .8L). TI WL 80-46.

PUMPE1000.0,7L PUMPE2500.8L.V

FAG hand pump sets (order designations)

Pump Hand pump set
Basic design with 8-l container with distributor with 8-l container and

1000 bar PUMPE1000.0,7L

1000 bar PUMPE1000.4L PUMPE1000.8L PUMPE1000.4L.V PUMPE1000.8L.V
1600 bar PUMPE1600.4L PUMPE1600.8L PUMPE1600.4L.V PUMPE1600.8L.V
2500 bar PUMPE2500.4L PUMPE2500.8L PUMPE2500.4L.V PUMPE2500.8L.V

FAG · 26

High-pressure pump · Mounting sets

High-pressure pump 120109

The high-pressure pump is suitable Rod Oil container Pump

for mounting and dismounting body
rolling bearings for shaft diameters
up to 250 mm. As it generates
pressures of up to approx. 4000
bar it can also be used to expand
heavy shaft couplings and gear-
wheels with the hydraulic method.
The pump can be connected either
for a width across
directly or by means of thick- flats of 27 mm
walled adapters. The pump can al-
so be connected by means of a Connecting thread G3/4
pump holder (with or without a
pressure gauge) and a 2-m-long
flexible high-pressure tube (per- High-pressure pump Connection Oil container Delivery Max. oil Mass
capacity volume pressure ≈
missible maximum oil pressure
2500 bar). FAG recommends using Order designation l cm3/stroke bar kg
the pump always in connection
with a pressure gauge. Operation 120109 G3/4 0.2 0.3 4000 3.8
consisting of
of the pump is described in the op-
104746 (pump body)
erating instructions (Publ. No. 104936 (oil container)
WL 80 115).

FAG mounting sets

FAG mounting set 155890B with pressure gauge up to 2500 bar *
Scope of delivery:
In order to make it easier for cus- 1 high-pressure pump 120109 1 pressure gauge 133315
tomers to choose the right device, 1 pump holder 118543/2A 1 high-pressure tube 164641
FAG offers complete mounting sets 3 reduction nipples (130075B, 122701B, 150589B)
1 wooden box (580x225x125 mm)
in wooden boxes.
Mass (incl. wooden box) 12.75 kg
Order designation for set: 155890B

high-pressure tube

Oil container Pump body

FAG mounting set 155890B

Pump holder
Pressure gauge
* FAG mounting sets with a pressure gauge
for up to 1000 bar and without pressure
gauge are also available on request.
FAG · 27

Hydraulic units

Pneumatically operated unit The pump (2500 bar) can be used pump is suitable for contact pres-
as a pressure generator for the hy- sures up to 100 N/mm2.
The pneumatically operated FAG draulic method for expanding shaft Scope of delivery:
pump unit couplings and gearwheels. Pressure gauge, 1 ... 3 hoses
AGGREGAT.H1000/2500 is mobile The pump (1000 bar) can drive a DN5/2500-3000/G1/4 (max.
and consists of a 13-l light-metal hydraulic nut at the same time. The 2500 bar), oil distributor
oil tank and two pumps (1000 bar
and 2500 bar). Hydraulic unit Oil tank Max. oil Mass
On request, devices for other oper- capacity pressure ≈
Order designation l bar kg
ating pressures are available as
well. AGGREGAT.H1000/2500 13 1000 or 2500 40
The pumps are individually con- (without oil filling)

Electrically driven hydraulic Electrical connection: socket, volt- Scope of delivery:

unit age 220/380 V at 50 Hz or other Pressure regulating valve, pressure
voltages and frequencies. gauge and high-pressure hose
These devices are suitable for driv-
ing large hydraulic nuts and for
mounting large press-fitted assem- Hydraulic unit Oil tank Oil flow Max. oil Motor Mass
blies such as ship shaft couplings, capacity rate pressure power ≈
ship’s propellers and gearwheels
(up to contact pressures of Order designation l l/min bar kW kg
50 N/mm2).
AGGREGAT.E800 10 0.9 800 1.1 40
(with oil filling)

Mobile hydraulic unit for batch frames must be ordered

mounting for each application indi-
The mobile unit features a valve- Orders or inquiries must
controlled, double-direction pres- contain details of the bear-
sure cylinder (pressure force 700 ing type and the data of
kN, axial travel 215 mm) which is the electrical connection.
driven by a motor pump. The This device is primarily
height of the cylinder can be al- used for mounting and
tered within a range of 290...690 dismounting FAG journal
mm by a lifting cylinder and rock- roller bearings TAROL
er. (see also FAG Publ. No.
Accessories such as guiding WL 07154)
sleeves, mounting sleeves, traction Order designation:
and pressure spindles and drawing FMV.TAROL131084
FAG · 28

Connecting pieces

Adapters and reduction nipples


Adapters and reduction nipples

match the threads of the HP hoses
and pressure pipes.
Adapters and reduction nipples of
design A (with sealing ring) are G1 G1

suitable for oil pressures of up to

800 bar. Design A (with sealing ring) Design B (with blade sealing)
Design B (with blade sealing) is
also suitable for oil pressures over
800 bar.
In addition to the sizes indicated
here, other adapters and reduction
nipples are also available on re-

Reduction nipple G>G1/G<G1

G G1
Order designation inch/mm

120286A G1/4 M18x1,5

Reduction nipple G>G1/G<G1 Adapter G 1= G
122701A G1/4 G3/4
G G1 G1 G
122701B G1/4 G3/4
Order designation inch/mm Order designation inch
128768A G1/4 M14
128768B G1/4 M14 113845A M18x1,5 G3/4 127711A G1/4 G1/4
127711B G1/4 G1/4
130075A G1/4 G1/8 120285A M18x1,5 G1/4
130075B G1/4 G1/8 114715A G3/4 G3/4
111516A G3/4 G3/8
114715B G3/4 G3/4
150589A G1/4 G1/2 111516B G3/4 G3/8
150589B G1/4 G1/2 125938A G3/4 G3/4
126013A G3/4 G1/4
125938B G3/4 G3/4
122037A G3/8 G1/4 126013B G3/4 G1/4
122037B G3/8 G1/4 128718A G3/4 G3/4
130070A G3/4 G1/8
128718B G3/4 G3/4
111643A M18x1,5 G3/8 130070B G3/4 G1/8

Pump holder

Pump holder Order designation Mass


With pressure gauge

connection G1/2 118543/2A 1.95
Without pressure
gauge connection 118543/2 1.95
FAG · 29

Connecting pieces

Pressure gauge

The maximum operating pressure must be taken into

consideration when selecting a pressure gauge.

Pressure Pressure Diameter Mass

gauge reading ≈
designation bar mm kg

124830 0-1000 100 0.8

133315 0-2500 160 1.7

All pressure gauges have a connecting thread G1/2.

High-pressure pipes for high-pressure pumps (up to

2500 bar), sheathed in a PVC hose

High-pressure pipe Connecting Mass

hole ≈
Order designation inch kg

164641 G1/4 0.6

123076 G3/8 0.6
128167 G1/2 0.6
120386 G3/4 0.8
The pump holder connection is always G3/4.
For other connecting holes an additional
reduction nipple has to be used.

Sleeve connecting pieces for adapter and with-

drawal sleeves (up to 800 bar)
(Special lengths available on request)

Connecting piece Connecting Mass

thread ≈
Order designation mm/inch kg

118549A-M6 M6 0.22
118549A-M8 M8 0.245
118549A-G1/8 G1/8 0.285
118549A-G1/4 G1/4 0.42

The connection thread for hand pump sets is G1/4.

FAG · 30

Measuring instruments

Feeler gauges P. 32

Taper gauge ring P. 32

Taper measuring
instruments P. 33

Boundary circle meas-

uring instruments P. 34

Handheld digital
speedometer P. 35

Temperature measuring
instrument P. 36

Sonar detector P. 36

FAG · 31

Feeler gauges · Taper measuring instruments

Feeler gauges The feeler gauges are used for mounted onto tapered shaft seats
172031 and 172032 measuring the radial bearing clear- or on adapter or withdrawal
ance, especially if the bearings are sleeves.
Order Feeler Feeler thickness
desig- length
nation mm mm

172031 100 0.03 0.08 0.14

0.04 0.09 0.16
0.05 0.10 0.18
0.06 0.12 0.20

Order Feeler Feeler thickness

desig- length
nation mm mm

172032 300 0.03 0.12 0.20

0.04 0.13 0.25
0.05 0.14 0.30
0.06 0.15 0.35
0.07 0.16 0.40
0.08 0.17 0.45
0.09 0.18 0.50
Feeler gauges 172031 and 172032 0.10 0.19

Taper measuring instruments for measuring the taper. Most bear-

ings with a tapered bore have a ta-
If a tapered bore bearing is directly per 1:12. Only spherical roller
seated on the shaft, the tapered bearings of series 240 and 241
bearing seat must be precisely ma- have a taper 1:30.
chined to fully contact the bearing
bore. FAG offers various devices

Taper gauge ring gauge rings since their walls are

too thin and might get damaged.
This is the simplest way of measur- FAG offers taper gauge rings for ta-
ing the tapered bearing seats of per diameters from 30 to 240 mm.
small bearings on shafts. By bluing
it is determined whether shaft and Order designation (example):
ring gauge match, and corrections KLR20
are carried out until the ring gauge Taper gauge ring for bearings with Taper gauge ring Taper diameter
Order mm
fits the shaft through its entire a 100 mm bore diameter, e. g. for
width. The inner rings of the bear- double-row cylindrical roller bear-
ings are not suitable for use as ings NN3020ASK or NNU4920SK. KLR... 25 ... 150
FAG · 32

Taper measuring instruments

FAG taper measuring instru- An indicator shows the deviation The reproducibility of the measur-
ment MGK 133 of the taper diameter from the tar- ing results is within 1 µm. The
get value at both measuring levels. measuring instrument is adjusted
for male tapers with 1:12 and 1:30 by means of a gauge taper sup-
and taper diameters of 27 to plied by FAG.
205 mm.
The taper measuring instrument
FAG MGK 133 rests on the taper
with four hardened and polished
support bolts. These support bolts
and a stop pin determine the posi-
tion of the gauge on the taper. The
stop pin can be attached either to
the front or to the rear of the
gauge. Inside the device are two
mobile measuring straps; one of
them measures the smaller taper
diameter, the other one measures
the larger taper diameter at a de-
fined distance from the first one. FAG taper measuring instrument MGK 133

FAG taper measuring instru- deviation of the taper diameter bladeshaped tip and measures the
ment MGK 132 from the target value. An indicator deviation of the taper from the tar-
in the measuring carriage likewise get value.
for male tapers with taper angles contacts the workpiece with its
of 0° to 6° and taper diameters of
90 to 510 mm.
The reproducibility of the measur-
ing results is within 1 µm.
The taper measuring instrument
MGK 132 rests on the workpiece
with four hardened, ground and
lapped ledges. The ledges form an
angle of 90°. The position of the
device on the taper is exactly de-
fined by a stop pin at the front or
at the rear of the device.
The measuring carriage riding be-
tween the support ledges is sup-
ported by preloaded roller bear-
ings. A dial gauge integrated into FAG taper meas-
the housing is applied to the meas- uring instru-
uring carriage and measures the ment MGK 132
FAG · 33

Boundary circle measuring instruments

Boundary circle measuring is measured by means of a commer- shaft. For bearings with a straight
instrument MGI 21 cial dial-indicator snap gauge. bore, rough-ground inner rings (suf-
This device allows the inner ring to fix F12) are used which are finish-
The boundary circle measuring in- be adjusted to the diameter ensur- ground to the desired raceway di-
strument is used for adjusting the ing the desired radial clearance. ameter..
radial clearance of cylindrical roller Bearings with a tapered bore are Order example for NNU4920:
bearings NNU4920K to NNU4964K displaced on the tapered seat of the MGI21.4920
and NNU4920 to NNU4964, that is,
for bearings with a bore diameter of
100 to 320 mm. These bearings
have separable inner rings.
The FAG boundary circle measuring
instrument MGI 21 measures the in-
ternal boundary circle of the roller
and cage assembly by means of two
hardened and precision-ground sur-
faces, one of which is mobile.
After mounting the outer ring, the
measuring instrument is adjusted to FAG boundary circle measuring instrument MGI 21 for adjusting
the internal boundary circle of the the radial clearance or preload of cylindrical roller bearings with a
roller and cage assembly. This value separable inner ring

Boundary circle measuring and cage assembly can be inserted

instrument MGA 31 in the measuring instrument. The
shaft is displaced axially with the
for cylindrical roller bearings hydraulic method until the indica-
NN3006K to NN3038K and N1006K tor of the boundary circle measur-
to N1048K with a tapered bore and ing instrument indicates the value
a separable outer ring. specified for the radial clearance or
With this measuring instrument the preload.
radial clearance or preload of these
cylindrical roller bearings can be
accurately adjusted.
First, the raceway diameter of the
mounted outer ring is measured by FAG boundary circle measur-
means of a commercial internal ing instrument MGA 31 for ad-
measuring instrument. The mea- justing the radial clearance of
sured value is transferred to the cylindrical roller bearings with
hardened and precision-ground a separable outer ring
measuring surfaces of the bound-
ary circle measuring instrument.
Then the tapered shaft with the Order example for NN3006K:
premounted inner ring and roller MGA31.3006
FAG · 34

Handheld digital speedometer

Handheld digital speedometer The speed is measured by the con- Order designation:
172025 tact with the rubber measuring tip 172025
or the surface speed is determined Covers: Handheld digital
The speedometer is suitable for by means of a track wheel. speedometer
two modes of operation: Adapter for direct
• Direct speed measurement with measurements 1:1
adapter, track wheel and measur- Non-contact speed Measuring wheel 1/10 m
ing tips measurement Rubber tip
• Non-contact optical speed meas- 10 reflecting marks
urement by means of a reflecting With non-contact speed measure- Operating instructions
mark ment, a reflecting mark is attached Case
to the machine part to be meas-
Direct speed measurement ured. This reflecting mark is photo- Spare parts
electrically scanned by means of 10 – reflecting marks
If the speed is measured directly, visible red light. The device dis- Order designation: 172029
the enclosed adapter is plugged in- plays the revolutions per minute.
to the device.

FAG · 35

Temperature measuring instrument · Sonar detector

Temperature measuring instru- Order designation and delivery Measuring range -60 °C...+400 °C
ment TEMP.MG175830 scope: Order designation:
TEMP.MG175830 TEMP.MG175830.TF
This handy device displays values (measuring instrument with sensor
between -60 °C and +1000 °C. TEMP.MG175830.F and service
The surface temperature sensor case)
TEMP.MG175830.F that is part of
the delivery scope covers a measur- FAG temperature sensors as
ing range of –60 °C to +300 °C. spare parts (can be ordered sepa-
The instrument is suitable for tem- rately):
perature measurements on Quick-reaction surface sensor
• rolling bearings, housings and TEMP.MG175830.F
lubricating systems for operation (NiCr-Ni thermocouple, plug-and-
monitoring socket connection, type K)
• heated rolling bearings and parts Measuring range -60 °C...+300 °C
to be fitted during mounting briefly up to +500 °C
The microprocessor-controlled Order designation:
measuring instrument has a single- TEMP.MG175830.F
line display. Its foil keyboard offers
the following functions: FAG temperature sensors as ac-
• On/Off cessories (can be ordered sepa-
• Hold (hold measured value on rately, for measuring the tempera-
display) ture of liquids, lubricants etc.):
Additional functions: Immersion sensor/stick-in sensor
display of battery voltage (Low TEMP.MG175830.TF
Bat.), (NiCr-Ni thermocouple
automatic switch-off (Auto-OFF) plug-and-socket connection, For more detailed information see
after 14 min, switching from °C to °F type K) TI No. WL 80-51.

Sonar detector 172030 physician’s stethoscope. The tips

of the earpiece are plugged into
By means of the sonar detector, the auditory canal of the ears so
rolling bearing noises can be that secondary noises are shut out.
checked very easily, quickly and The insulated handle is held be-
reliably. Changes in noise caused tween thumb and forefinger like a
by wear, development of pitting or pencil, and the measuring tip is
detrimental preloads in the bearing placed firmly onto the part to be
can be detected in time if checks measured. If a noise is heard the
are carried out regularly. In this measuring tip is moved around up
way unexpected interruptions in to the point of maximum loudness.
operation and more serious ma-
chine damage can be prevented. Order designation:
The sonar detector is used like a 172030
FAG · 36

Rolling bearing

Rolling bearing greases

Arcanol P. 38

“Motion Guard“ P. 41

Grease gun P. 44

Grease dosing devices P. 44

FAG · 37

Rolling bearing greases Arcanol · Selection table


DIN 51825 KP2N-40 K2N-30 K3N-30 KP2N-20 KP2N-20 KP2N-20
Thickener Lithium Lithium Lithium Lithium/ Lithium/ Lithium/
soap soap soap calcium soap calcium soap calcium soap
with EP additives with EP additives with EP additives with EP additives
Base oil Mineral oil+ester Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil
Base oil viscosity at 40 °C ISO VG ISO VG ISO VG
[mm2/s] 85 100 80 220 400 1000
Consistency (NLGI class) 2 2 3 2 2 2
Operating temperature [°C] -40...+150 -30...+140 -30...+140 -20...+140 -25...+140 -20...+140
Longtime temp. limit [°C] 80 75 75 80 80 80

Typical applications Universal grease Universal grease Universal grease Special grease Special grease Special grease
for Arcanol rolling for ball and for ball bearings for ball bearings for ball and for ball and for ball and
bearing greases roller bearings ØD ≤ 62 mm ØD > 62 mm roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings
in in in in in in
rolling mills, small electric large electric rolling mills, mining mining
construction, motors, motors, rail vehicles machines, machines,
machines, motor agricultural and agricultural and construction construction
vehicles, spinning construction construction machines machines,
and grinding machines, machines, preferably
spindles household blowers for shock loads
appliances and large
at at at at
increased high loads, extreme extreme
speeds, large speed, loads, loads,
high loads, range, medium medium
low and high high degree temperatures, temperatures,
temperatures of humidity medium low
speeds speeds

Low temperatures ++ + + o – o
High temperatures o o o o o o
Low friction,
high speeds + o o – – ––
High loads,
low speeds + o o ++ ++ ++
Vibratory stressing + o + + + +
properties o o + + + +
Relubricatability ++ ++ + + + +
ISO VG = ++ extremely suitable o suitable – less suitable
ISO viscosity class + very suitable – – not suitable

FAG · 38
KP2P-40 KE2P-40 KPHC2R-30 KFK2U-40 KE3K-50 KP3N-30 KPE2G-30 K2K-30
Calcium Lithium Polyurea PTFE Polyurea Lithium Lithium-/ Aluminium
polyurea with complex with complex soap calcium soap complex
EP additives soap EP additives with EP additives soap
PAO oil Ester oil PAO/Ester oil Fluor. poly. oil PAO/ester oil Mineral oil Ester oil White oil
130 150 460 400 22 170 58 192
2 2 2 2 2-3 3 2 2
-40...+160 -40...+160 -35...+180 -40...+260 -50...+120 -30...+150 -30..+140 -30..+120
90 110 120 200 80 90 80 70

Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease Special grease
for ball and for ball and for ball and for ball and for ball bearings for ball and for ball and for ball and
roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings roller bearings
in in in in in in in in
couplings, electric continuous track rollers machine rotor blade environmentally applications
electric motors, machines, casting in baking tools, adjusters in hazardous with food
motor vehicles motor vehicles plants machines, instruments wind power applications contact;
piston pins stations, USDA H1
in compressors, packing
kiln trucks, machines
chem. plants

at at at at at at
high high high extremely extremely high
temperatures, temperatures, temperatures, high temp., high speeds, temperatures,
high high high chemically low high
loads speeds loads aggressive temperatures loads,
environments oscillating

++ ++ + ++ ++ + + +
+ ++ ++ ++ o + + –

o + – –– ++ – o o

o o ++ + –– + o o
o o o – – ++ o o

o o o o o o o o
o o o o + – + ++

FAG · 39

Rolling bearing greases Arcanol · Quantities ·

Examples of how to order

Arcanol Previous 70 g 250 g 400 g 1 kg 5 kg 10 kg 25 kg 180 kg

grease desig- tube tube cartridge can bucket bucket hobbock cask

MULTITOP L135V • • • • •
MULTI2 L78V • • • • • •
MULTI3 L71V • • • • • •

LOAD220 L215V • • •
LOAD400 L186V • • • • •
LOAD1000 L223V • • •
TEMP90 L12V • • • • •
TEMP110 L30V •
TEMP120 L195V • • •
TEMP200 L79V • •
SPEED2,6 L75 • • •
VIB3 L166V • • •
BIO2 – • •
FOOD2 – • •

Examples of how to order:

Order designation Meaning

ARCA.GREASE.MULTITOP.5KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol MULTITOP (5 kg bucket)

ARCA.GREASE.MULTI2.10KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol MULTI2 (10 kg bucket)
ARCA.GREASE.MULTI3.25KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol MULTI3 (25 kg hobbock)
ARCA.GREASE.LOAD220.180KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol LOAD220 (180 kg cask)
ARCA.GREASE.LOAD400.400G FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol LOAD400 (400 g cartridge)
ARCA.GREASE.LOAD1000.5KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol LOAD1000 (5 kg bucket)
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP90.1KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol TEMP90 (1 kg can)
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP110.400G FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol TEMP110 (400 g cartridge)
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP120.25KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol TEMP120 (25 kg hobbock)
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP200.70G FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol TEMP200 (70 g tube)
ARCA.GREASE.SPEED2,6.250G FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol SPEED2,6 (250 g tube)
ARCA.GREASE.VIB3.25KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol VIB3 (25 kg hobbock)
ARCA.GREASE.BIO2.1KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol BIO2 (1 kg can)
ARCA.GREASE.FOOD2.10KG FAG rolling bearing grease Arcanol FOOD2 (10 kg bucket)
FAG · 40

Lubricator “Motion Guard“

Automatic FAG lubricator cost-effective devices extend lubri- • With automatic lubrication there
“Motion Guard“ cation and maintenance intervals is no question of mistaking the
and eliminate the risk of supplying lubricants
Reliable and economic lubrica- too little or too much grease. The • Builds up pressure to 5 bar, thus
tion for a long bearing life plant downtimes are shorter, main- overcoming any obstacles
tenance costs reduced. The use of • Constant check on dispensing
Rolling bearings are reliable ma- economical and environmentally amount possible with the trans-
chine elements which have a long friendly lubricants contributes parent casing
service life. The most common towards greater operational effi- • There is a snap switch for ON
cause of failure is insufficient or in- ciency. and OFF
correct lubrication. About 90% of • Extensive accessory programme
all bearings are lubricated with The FAG lubricator, Motion Guard,
grease. Thus, a reliable supply of a is individually adjusted to the bear- Every lubricator is delivered with
suitable grease is particularly im- ing area and makes costly central detailed operating instructions.
portant. lubrication plants superfluous. It
can be used everywhere: pumps,
With an automatic lubricator a suf- compressors and fans, conveyor
ficient amount of fresh grease is plants, vehicles, etc.
being constantly supplied to the The lubricator is suitable for all Ar-
contact areas of the rolling bear- canol greases described on pages
ings. The bearing service life is far 38 to 40*).
longer as a result. The reliable and Design Compact see page 43.


• Individual and precise supply to

each bearing location immediate-
ly after setting into operation
• Fully automatic, maintenance-
free operation
• Cost saving in comparison to
manual relubrication
• Operates in range from –10 to
+50°C regardless of temperature
• 4 dispensing periods can be se-
lected (1, 3, 6 or 12 months)
• Drive is reusable and therefore
resource-friendly and econo-
• LC-unit replaceable on site
• Corrosion-proof, dust-proof
and splash-proof (IP 65)
• LED display of operating status
(operating, idle, malfunction)
FAG · 41

Motion Guard · Sets · Spare parts

Lubricator set Ø71

consists of:
LC-unit 120 cm3 with set of batteries
Supporting adapter
Mass (ready for application): 179

ca. 555 g

Order example*):

Lubricator set
consists of:
LC-unit 250 cm3 with set of batteries
Supporting adapter
Mass (ready for application):
ca. 720 g

Order example*):


LC-unit 120 cm3 (spare part)
with set of batteries
Mass (full): ca. 275 g

Order example*):

LC-unit 250 cm3 (spare part) Ø65

with set of batteries

Mass (full): ca. 435 g
Order example*):

If the unit contains some other grease
its designation should be used instead of G1/4
FAG · 42

Motion Guard · Spare parts · Accessories · New design

Drive unit (spare part) Ø71

Mass: ca. 210 g

Order designation:

Supporting adapter (spare part)

Mass: ca. 54 g SW27 SW17


Order designation: 10,8



Motion Guard accessories

• Reduction pieces
• Extensions
• Angle pieces
• Holding clip
• Mounting angle
• Tube with connections

New design

The proven design of the electrically powered FAG lubricator can be operated with
all Arcanol greases described on pages 38 to 40. This lubricator will be referred to
as Motion Guard Champion in future.
There is a new design now which is electro-chemically driven and adequate for nu-
merous applications. It is suitable for the greases TEMP90, TEMP120, TEMP200,
LOAD400, LOAD1000 and FOOD2 and has the designation: Motion Guard Com-
pact (see also Publ. No. WL 81 122/2).
Order example:

FAG · 43

Grease gun · Grease dosing devices

Grease gun 139450 with Grease filling Instead of this hydraulic coupling
armoured tube 139451 it is also possible to connect slid-
• 500 cm3 of bulk grease or ing couplings for button head lu-
Under difficult operating condi- • 400 g cartridge according to bricating nipples in accordance
tions or rough environmental con- DIN 1284 (diameter 53.5 mm, with DIN 3404 or other connection
ditions rolling bearings frequently 235 mm long) pieces. These connection pieces
have to be relubricated via lubrica- can be purchased from specialised
tion nipples. Relubrication is easy, Connection thread G 1/8 retailers.
clean and swift if an FAG grease Mass ca. 1.5 kg
gun with an armoured tube is Order designation:
used. These parts meet the require- Order designation: 139451
ments of DIN 1283. The grease 139450
gun can be refilled either with bulk
grease or with a cartridge in accor-
dance with DIN 1284. Armoured tube

Grease gun Length 300 mm

Connection thread G 1/8
Diameter of container 56 mm Equipped with a hydraulic grip
Total length of gun 390 mm coupling for a hydraulic-type
Delivery 2 cm3/stroke lubricating nipple according to
Pressure max. 800 bar DIN 71412

Grease dosing devices The grease dosing device consists

These devices supply rolling bear- • cap
ings with accurately dosed grease • piston
quantities within a range of 10 to • dosing valve
133 cm3. If larger grease volumes • connecting tube between pump
are required, the device can be ac- and valve
tuated several times. • tube, 2.5 m long
With a pneumatically driven, dou- • grease gun
ble-acting piston pump the grease
is fed via the dosing valve directly
from its container (25 kg or 180 Technical data:
kg) to the area to be lubricated.
Pump ratio: 10 : 1
Delivery: 400 cm3/min
Dosing range: 10 - 133 cm3

Order designations:
FAG · 44

FAG accessories
for mounting and

Anti-corrosion oil P. 46

Mounting paste P. 46

FAG · 45

Anti-corrosion oil · Mounting paste

FAG anti-corrosion oil Available: 0.4 l atomiser with

propellant CO2 (does
The anti-corrosion oil is extremely not harm ozone layer)
suitable for unpacked rolling bear-
ings. It can, however, also be ap- Order designation:
plied to polished metal surfaces of 400GR.SPRAYD.L930V
devices, machines and machine el-
ements for long-term protection
against corrosion when stored in-
As a rule the anti-corrosion oil
does not have to be washed out of
rolling bearings since it does not
react with any of the common
rolling bearing greases and oils.
It can be removed without prob-
lem by means of alkaline solvents
and neutral cleaning agents.

FAG mounting paste Arcanol Order designation:

L144V 70GR.TUBE.L144V and
This mounting and multipurpose
paste has proven its worth espe-
cially in the mounting of rolling
bearings. It facilitates pressing on
bearing rings, prevents stick-slip
effects, seizure marks, wear and
fretting corrosion. Moreover it has
excellent anti-corrosion properties.
It is light in colour and does not
Only a thin layer of the mounting
paste is applied so that the bright
metallic surface is just dulled.
It can be used at temperatures be-
tween -30 °C and 150 °C. The
paste is resistant to water, water
steam and many alkaline and acid
The mounting paste is available in
70 g tubes and 400 g cartridges.

FAG · 46

FAG split spherical

roller bearings

Saving time and cost

by using split spherical
roller bearings P. 48

FAG · 47

Saving time and cost by using split spherical roller bearings

FAG split spherical roller bearings Characteristics

are mainly used for applications
where the replacement of an un- • Inner ring, outer ring and cage
split spherical roller bearing would segments are split
require expensive additional work. • Cylindrical bore, direct mounting
on the shaft
Cost of: • Replacement of unsplit spherical
90 accessories
roller bearings on adapter sleeves
80 mounting
due to matched dimensions
bearing • Long service life due to the field-
50 proven internal design (E)
• Fit into existing split plummer Fields of application
20 block housings, no reworking re-
10 quired Split spherical roller bearings are
Unsplit spherical Split spherical • Accommodation of high axial used in nearly all segments of in-
roller bearings roller bearings
loads dustry. Applications range from
• Dynamic self-aligning capability shafts supported by several bear-
ings to bearing locations of restrict-
Advantages Extensive programme ed access, for example in:
• winches and belt drives
• fast bearing replacement • includes standard series such as • conveyor plants
• very easy mounting 222, 230 and 231 • elevators and moving stairs
• shorter machine standstill • in metric and inch dimensions • converters
• no dismounting of drive units, • for shaft diameters of 55 mm and • continuous casting plants
couplings, etc. 2 3/16 inch upwards • rollover cooling beds
• no disassembling of shaftings • paper machines
• no shaft alignment required Dimensions and performance data • blowers and ventilators
are indicated in FAG Publ. No. • mixers and stirrers
Thus split spherical roller bearings WL 43 165. • size reduction plants
are considerably time saving and Information on other designs will • material processing plants
reduce costs substantially. be provided on request. • rotary tube kiln drives

Please direct inquiries to

FAG Industrial Bearings AG
Postfach 1260
D-97421 Schweinfurt
Tel. +49 97 21/91-47 95
Fax +49 97 21/91-47 96
Demokit ”Split spherical roller Demokit “Mounting of split
bearing“ spherical roller bearings“ E-mail: [email protected]
FAG · 48

FAG vibration diagnosis


Detector P. 50

Bearing Analyser P. 50


VibroCheck P. 51

FAG · 49

Detector · Bearing Analyser

Vibration diagnosis is the most reli- With state-of-the-art FAG devices Stationary monitoring devices
able method for detecting machine the operator can carry out the vi- include a digital vibration monitor
damage at an early stage. Imbal- bration diagnosis alone. and the online monitoring system
ances and faulty alignment can be FAG offers the following mobile VibroCheck.
detected as well as rolling bearing monitoring devices: the Detector
damage and gearing defects. and the Bearing Analyser.

FAG Detector in accordance with ISO 10816

• the rolling bearing condition by
The Detector is a handheld meas- means of the envelope detection
uring device that was developed method.
together with the PC software The device features an outlet jack
DETECTOR TRENDLINE for meas- into which any commercially
uring data in the offline monitoring available walkman headset can be
of production plants. plugged. This enables users to lis-
It is user-friendly and very easy to ten to the running noise of any
operate. Due to its low weight it is machine and form an opinion re-
the ideal instrument for monitoring garding the condition of a bearing.
large plants where long distances The Detector provides the charac- For more detailed information see
have to be covered. teristic values of the running noise also TI No. WL 80-62.
The Detector monitors: so that it can be evaluated objec- Please direct inquiries to:
• the absolute machine vibration tively. [email protected]

FAG Bearing Analyser element (gear, rolling bearing).

The user is assisted by an “auto-
The FAG Bearing Analyser is an ef- matic diagnosis“ mode. If the bear-
ficient and reasonably priced vi- ing geometry and the speeds are
bration diagnosis tool for early de- known, the software searches the
tection of rolling bearing damage frequency spectrum for bearing-
and gear damage. specific damage frequencies.
All types of damage that cause If a threshold value is exceeded,
noise - i.e. vibration - are diag- the expert system alerts the user of
nosed by means of the envelope the damage by triggering an alarm.
detection method. In this way damage can be detect-
The time signal is broken up into ed and analysed regardless of the
its frequency components by absolute magnitude of the signal
means of Fast Fourier Transforma- power, even without a reference For more detailed information see
tion (FFT). measurement. also TI No. WL 80-63.
In this way even damage in a com-
plex machine can be unequivocal- Please direct inquiries to:
ly allocated to a specific machine [email protected]
FAG · 50

DTECTX1 · VibroCheck

FAG DTECTX1 selective monitoring. can automatically issue an alarm if

DTECTX1 vibration monitors with a threshold value is exceeded.
The DTECTX1 is an effective and a remote monitoring function per- Thus the DTECTX1 permits cost-ef-
favourably priced online monitor- mit reliable detection of damage fective, condition-related mainte-
ing device. All commonly used ac- and faults in machines without re- nance.
celeration, speed and displacement quiring the presence of a diagnosis
sensors can be connected to it. expert.
Process quantities such as speed, DTECTX1 devices automatically re-
temperature, torque and pressure port changes – via telecommunica-
can be recorded depending on the tion lines (fixed line modem, mo-
version used. bile phone modem or satellite mo-
The signal measured by the sensor dem) – to the operator, the plant
is broken up into its frequency builder or the service provider, no
components by Fast Fourier Trans- matter where on earth they are
formation (FFT). This permits mon- used!
itoring of amplitudes for previously With this version, the modem per-
specified threshold values within mits remote access to the
very narrow, defined frequency DTECTX1 at any time. Measured
bands and triggering of an alarm if data can be called up at any time For more detailed information see
these values are exceeded. In this from a distance and analysed by also TI No. WL 80-65.
way damage can be detected at an the diagnosis centre. Please direct inquiries to:
early stage by means of frequency- DTECTX1 devices of the next level [email protected]

FAG VibroCheck periodic signals so that these sig-

nals can be evaluated before they
The online monitoring system can influence composite charac-
VibroCheck is used for permanent teristic values. The expert system
monitoring of vital machine ele- gets its information from an auto-
ments such as rolling bearings and matically conducted frequency
gears. Not only vibration signals analysis. A bearing list contains all
can be measured but other physi- bearings and bearing elements
cal quantities like temperature, that are to be monitored by
power, pressure etc. as well. The VibroCheck.
measured signals can also be used VibroCheck is suitable for use both
for a remote diagnosis. in machinery with rapidly wearing
In addition to the general moni- elements and in plants requiring
toring of characteristic values, relatively little maintenance since it
users are assisted by an automatic is highly reliable where the predic-
expert system which indicates tion of damage is concerned.
damage at an early stage. The sys- VibroCheck minimises the risk of
tem takes advantage of the fact unforeseen failure of machine ele-
that frequency analysis reveals ments and contributes towards the Please direct inquiries to:
even the smallest amplitudes of rapid repair of damage. [email protected]
FAG · 51
FAG · 52

F’IS condition monitoring

Troubleshooting P. 54

Consultation P. 54

Online monitoring P. 54

Regular measuring
campaigns P. 54

Training P. 54

FAG · 53

Troubleshooting · Consultation · Online monitoring · Measuring

campaigns · Training

Disturbance-free and optimised steered clear of and consequential able method to detect machine
operation of complex plant and damage to be prevented. This will damage early enough. Unbalance
machinery is only feasible with re- increase the availability of the facil- and alignment faults can be just as
liable machine monitoring. Condi- ities and at the same time cut easily identified by this method as
tion-related maintenance enables down on maintenance costs. damage to rolling bearings and
unforeseen stoppages to be Vibration diagnosis is the most reli- gearing defects.

Troubleshooting line monitoring may well be the everything you have to know con-
right answer. F’IS offers you the cerning condition-related mainte-
F’IS experts are immediately on the most varied kinds of services in nance. We show you the advan-
spot when you are faced with diffi- this market segment: From consul- tages as well as the limitations.
culties and in the shortest space of tation for a special application With a host of practical examples,
time will analyse, amongst other right up to a full-service agreement we present various vibration diag-
aspects, the condition of your with availability guarantee. nosis methods and show how they
plant. You receive a test report in are applied in practice. After com-
all detail with concrete proposals Regular measuring campaigns pleting these courses, you will be
as to how you should proceed. in a position to troubleshoot ma-
It does not always have to be on- chine defects and damage, e.g. im-
Consultation and support when line monitoring. In many auxiliary balance, alignment and coupling
condition monitoring systems aggregates directly influencing errors, bearing damage, gearing
are introduced your production, regular offline defects, etc. in the vibration pat-
measurements are by far the tern. What is more, we want to
Introduction of condition-related more effective way of monitoring. support you in operating our prod-
maintenance strategies necessitates F’IS specialists record the data with ucts independently. Our training
a high degree of specialist know- mobile systems. After their analy- courses familiarise you with han-
how. Not all available monitoring sis, you receive a clearly structured dling the FAG testing equipment -
methods are suitable for your spe- overview of the condition of your Detectors, Bearing Analysers as
cial application. Our consultants machinery and equipment. Should well as the DTECTX1.
support you in finding a custom- machines be in a critical condition,
ised solution for your problem. we will provide an additional, de-
tailed analysis report on them.
Online monitoring
F’IS training
In some applications, continuous
online monitoring is the most Customer training
meaningful way to safeguard your
production. If a certain machine It is not our intention to replace
breaks down, does your produc- you. Rather, it is our objective to
tion come to a stop? Are the ma- make you and your staff fit with
chine spares used by you not kept regard to vibration diagnosis. In
in stock? Or do you use expensive the progressive VA 0, VA I and VA
plant parts? In all these cases, on- II training courses, you will learn
FAG · 54


Training courses for business

partners and staff

Competent consultation of our cus-

tomers by our sales partners has
uppermost priority in our products’
sales. It is an absolute must for our
sales partners to complete our cer-
tification courses CM Level I, II and
III successfully. Course instruction
includes the theory and applica-
tions of vibration diagnosis as well
as special features when dealing
with our CM products. This certifi-
cation entitles our business part-
ners to procure our condition
monitoring products at a reduced
price and thus to sell them with a
corresponding margin.

FAG · 55
FAG · 56

F’IS maintenance

Analysis P. 58

Realisation phase P. 58

FAG · 57

Analysis · Realisation phase

Realisation phase
F’IS maintenance consultation • These solutions are converted to
F’IS experts action catalogues, containing
substantial suggestions as to how
• find the weak points in your enterprise
• provide you with concrete solutions to act. EDP aids are included
• reduce your maintenance costs considerably where necessary. Our manufac-
turer-independent position guar-
antees you the best possible as-
sistance in the software best suit-
Our team offers corporate consul- Analysis ed for your application.
tation in the classical sense. But it • We analyse the operational pro-
does not stop there. Over and cedures in your company, bear- The F’IS team further offers ser-
above this, our scope of services ing the commercial and technical vices in and around centralised
includes consultation in the fields elements in mind. In the study maintenance management systems
of condition monitoring and main- involved here, we submit to you (CMMS systems) with the following
tenance. concrete proposals as solutions. focal points:
Such solutions typically concern
introduction of new machines, • Building up meaningful report
work methods, maintenance management
planning systems and plant mon- • Realising interfaces to tie in the
itoring systems. CMMS system into your compa-
ny’s EDP environment
• Adapting the CMMS system to
your company’s specific require-
ments on the application and
database levels
• Developing and integrating ap-
plications, customised to your
company’s specific demands,
such as mobile communication
• Carrying out and supporting re-
lease changes
• Data structure analysis and cor-
rective data management
• Implementing time or event-con-
trolled automatisms for process

FAG · 58

F’IS rolling bearing


Repair service P. 60

On-site mounting service P. 61

Reworking and mounting

of rolling bearings P. 61

Device rental P. 61

Training and
course material P. 62

FAG · 59

Repair service

Repair service for large-size

rolling bearings

Cut down on your maintenance

costs considerably. Our F’IS ex-
perts will overhaul and repair your
used bearings.
When plant and machinery are
serviced and maintained, many
rolling bearings are scrapped as a
precautionary measure and re-
placed by new ones. This exagger-
ated safety thinking obstructs the
view of existing cost-reducing po-
tential. The fact is that overhauled
bearings provide the same perfor- Cyl. roller bearing in the support of a multi-roll cold rolling mill
mance as new ones. All types of
rolling bearings can be repaired,
such as yoke-type track rollers,
spherical roller bearings, tapered
roller bearings, etc. Have us advise
Our experts will conduct damage
diagnosis, such troubleshooting
costing between E 100,— and
E 500,—. Taking this as a basis, a Roundness measurement
decision is made as to whether a
repair is worthwhile or not.

Please direct inquiries to

Measuring chart of a spherical
FAG Industrial Bearings AG roller bearing inner ring
Mettmanner Straße 79
42115 Wuppertal Inspecting the roller seat
Telephone +49 2 02 293-22 27
Telefax +49 2 02 293-24 37
E-mail: [email protected]

Grinding an outer ring Mounting a large rolling bearing

FAG · 60

On-site mounting service · Reworking and mounting of rolling

bearings · Device rental

FAG on-site mounting service Reworking and mounting of Device rental

rolling bearings
Specialists from FAG Kugelfischer Customers requiring special mount-
can do the entire acceptance checks The FAG fitters’ workshop offers ing and measuring devices only oc-
for you as well as the mounting and the following services for our cus- casionally, e.g. for repairs, can rent
inspection of rolling bearings. tomers: them from FAG against a weekly
The FAG mounting service team • Mounting equipment is tailor-
• does the acceptance checks of made for special applications. FAG mainly rents out
mating parts (shafts and hous- • Complete assemblies such as • taper measuring instruments
ings) for you, also at your sub- gearboxes are overhauled and • boundary circle measuring in-
contractors’ place fitted with new bearings. struments
• mounts all types of rolling bear- • New assemblies are completed • hand pump sets
ings and mounted. • heating devices
• finds the faults in bearings not • Bearings are reworked (e.g.
running up to scratch holes in hard rings, tapered The devices are stored in our fit-
• does the maintenance and in- roller bearings matched) ters’ workshop, checked and main-
spection of bearings • Housings are reworked and fit- tained by our mounting specialists.
• dismounts all types of rolling ted with accessories such as oil
bearings level indicators or special seals.
• trains your mounting personnel
• offers advice for streamlining
mounting processes

The FAG mounting service team

provides information about suit-
able tools and shows you the de-
vices and methods for the mount-
ing and maintenance of rolling
bearings described in this publica-

Please direct inquiries about the

services described on this page to

FAG Industrial Services

Tel. +49 97 21 / 91-31 42 or -25 73,
Fax +49 97 21 / 91-38 09
FAG · 61

Training and course material

Rolling bearing mounting cabi- In the theoretical section great sig- Handbook 1 (theory)
net and mounting sets: basic nificance was set on merging tech-
course for vocational training nical drawing, computating and Mechanical engineering
mechanical engineering into one Technical computating
Plenty of literature is available on training unit. The practical section Technical drawing
the correct mounting of rolling consists of practising the mounting
bearings but there is usually a lack and dismounting of common bear- Handbook 2 (practice)
of components for trainees to prac- ing types with mechanical and hy-
tice on realistically. For this reason draulic equipment on model-like Mounting of bearings with a cylin-
the FAG training shop instructors simplified mating parts of rolling drical bore
have prepared a basic course. bearings (shafts, housings). Mounting of bearings with a ta-
The objective of this basic course The teaching material is based on pered bore
is to convey the knowledge re- smaller instruction steps and does Hydraulic method
quired for suitable bearing selec- not exceed the standard required Practical training with shafts and
tion, appropriate mounting and in vocational training today. housings
dismounting, and bearing mainte- Other units such as gearboxes,
nance. The course is split into two pumps, spindles, car wheels etc. Technical data
parts: a theoretical section deals can be prepared for practical train-
with the fundamental knowledge ing on the basis of this basic Mounting cabinet:
of rolling bearings and a practical course. Dimensions 1135x710x380 mm
section imparts the fundamental Mass (incl. contents) 94 kg
skills needed for mounting and Suitable for 10 mounting exercises:
dismounting. 5 with shafts
2 with housings
3 with shafts and housings
Smallest shaft diameter: 15 mm
Largest shaft diameter: 55 mm

Order designation (mounting cabi-

net with contents and angle plate):
The angle plate (left) is included in delivery. MONTAGESCHRANK

FAG · 62

Training and course material

Mounting sets 1 and 2 mounting and dismounting of Mounting set 3

rolling bearings during the course,
With the FAG mounting sets 1 and or let trainees do so. The shafts Mounting set 3 is an extra exercise
2 – individual exercises from the and housings can be chucked in a not included in the FAG mounting
FAG mounting cabinet - the train- vice for the mounting process. cabinet and lets users mount a self-
ing staff can demonstrate the aligning ball bearing in a housing.

Mounting set 1: Mounting set 2: Mounting set 3:

Shaft with housing Hydraulic mounting Plummer block housing
Contents (in a case):
Contents (in a case): Contents (in a case): 1 plummer block housing
1 housing 1 shaft 1 shaft
1 shaft 1 grooved nut 1 adapter sleeve
1 cap 1 grooved nut with thrust bolts 2 locating rings
1 spacer ring 1 lock washer 1 cap
2 mounting sleeves 1 hydraulic nut 1 self-aligning ball bearing
1 centering washer 1 oil injector 1 hook wrench
1 extractor 1 valve nipple 7 working sheets
1 dismounting washer 1 hook wrench
1 extracting ring 1 spacer ring
1 circlip 1 spherical roller bearing
1 deep groove ball bearing 6206 5 working sheets
1 shaft seal
4 cheese head screws
8 working sheets Suitable for the following exercises:
• inspecting the bearing location
Suitable for the following exercises: Suitable for the following exercises • mounting a bearing on an adapter
• selecting fits • mounting with thrust bolts sleeve
• inspecting bearing locations • mounting with a hydraulic nut • mounting as a locating bearing
• mounting a bearing on a shaft • adjusting and checking the radial • mounting as a floating bearing
• axially locating a bearing clearance • mounting a through shaft
• mounting a radial shaft seal • axially locating a bearing with a • mounting into a housing closed on
• assembly (of a locating bearing) grooved nut and lock washer one side
• dismounting with extracting device • dismounting with an oil injector • dismounting a bearing and adapter

Order designation: Order designation: Order designation:


FAG · 63

Training and course material

Videos for training, instruction, Hydraulic Methods for

service Mounting and Dismounting
Large Rolling Bearings
The ABC of Rolling Bearings
Large rolling bearings and other
This video imparts basic knowl- large parts such as the propellers
edge about rolling bearings. It pre- of ships, couplings or gearwheels
sents all bearing types and their can be mounted easily and quickly
characteristic features. with the hydraulic method.
With animated and real-film se-
Order designation: quences the video shows all meth-
VIDEOFILM201E ods and equipment commonly
used in hydraulic mounting:
pumps, hydraulic nuts, special ex-
Mounting and Dismounting tractors, adapter sleeves and with-
Rolling Bearings drawal sleeves. Furthermore, the
film explains what has to be borne
25 percent of all cases of prema- in mind with tapered or cylindrical
ture bearing failure can be put shaft seats and how the radial
down to mounting errors. There- clearance or the axial drive-up dis-
fore FAG has always taken pains to tance is measured correctly and
minimise losses by providing expertly to ensure a perfect fit of
mounting instructions, lectures and parts on the shaft.
With this in mind, the basics of Order designation:
mounting are depicted in simple VIDEOFILM203E
pictures and words. Principal faults
are named plainly. Step by step the
video shows how the different
bearings are mounted correctly
and expertly.

Order designation:

FAG · 64

Training and course material

All about the rolling bearing -

FAG training courses on rolling bearings theory and practice

Today, FAG Kugelfischer - one of Training courses on offer Theoretical section

the pioneers of modern rolling
bearings - produces all current • Rolling bearings - basic seminar • Interesting information about
rolling bearing types with outside • Rolling bearings - advanced rolling bearings
diameters ranging from 3 mm to seminar • History of rolling bearings
4.25 m. FAG rolling bearings are • Maintenance seminar • Basic knowledge on rolling bear-
found in machines, vehicles and ing technology (types, designs,
devices all over the world. We have been holding seminars on materials, cages, codes, lubrica-
We pass our invaluable experience rolling bearings for years. They tion, sealing, bearing damage)
in the application of rolling bear- take place at our customers’, at our
ings on to our customers, for ex- FAG sales companies and sales or- Practical section
ample in training courses, so that ganisations and at the parent plant
the high quality of our products in Schweinfurt. Our basic seminars • Practical mounting instruction by
can really contribute to a long cover both theory and practice. experienced fitters
rolling bearing life.
Mounting and dismounting with
cylindrical seats, tapered seats and
with sleeves
Mounting and dismounting meth-
ods: mechanical, hydraulic, electric
Detailed information on the
various measuring devices and


Depending on the teaching objec-

tives and the company require-
ments, the material covered can be
reduced or if required, special top-
ics can be included. If you would
like to extend your technical
knowledge on rolling bearings,
FAG offer, for example, technical
presentations on the subjects of
service life, a23 factor, lubrication,
cage materials and speed increase.

FAG · 65

Training and course material

Course 1: For more information please contact

Rolling bearings –
basic seminar at your place FAG Industrial Services
Postfach 1260 · D-97419 Schweinfurt
• No travelling expenses for your Telephone +49 97 21 / 91 37 07 ·
participants, no loss in working Telefax +49 97 21 / 91 31 33
hours due to travel time.

The duration of the course is two

days. The number of participants
should not exceed 15.

Course 2:
Rolling bearings -
basic seminar in Schweinfurt

• Exchange of experience and

technical discussions

You can exchange experience with

other participants and discuss tech-
nical problems with FAG special-
ists. The FAG rolling bearing pro-
duction department in Schweinfurt
can be visited. The number of par-
ticipants should be between 10
and 15.

Course 3:
Rolling bearings - advanced
seminar in Schweinfurt

This seminar deepens the knowl-

edge acquired in the basic seminar
and imparts additional knowledge.
It can be held any time after the
basic seminar. The duration of the
course is two to three days. The
number of participants can be be-
tween 10 and 15.

FAG · 66

FAG · 67

Catalogue WL 41 520 These publications, as well as many oth-

ers, and the CD-ROM are available free
The FAG catalogue is available not only in printed form but also as an online version of charge from
and on CD-ROM (order designation: CD41520/3D-E). The electronic catalogue is
more efficient and has many other advantages. The user receives the best possible re- FAG Industrial Bearings AG
sult reliably and rapidly in dialog form and saves a considerable amount of time other- Postfach 1260 · D-97 419 Schweinfurt
wise required for searching, selecting and calculating the rolling bearings. Background Tel.: +49 97 21 / 91 – 49 79
information – text, photos, drawings, diagrams, tables and animations etc. – is provid- Fax: +49 97 21 / 91 – 44 47
ed in the Rolling Bearing Information System. e-mail: [email protected]


Publ. No. WL 80100 Mounting and Dismounting of Rolling Bearings

Publ. No. WL 80102 How to Mount and Dismount Rolling Bearings Hydraulically
Publ. No. WL 80103 FAG Hydraulic Nuts
Publ. No. WL 80107 FAG Induction Heating Equipment
Publ. No. WL 80111 Rolling Bearing Mounting Cabinet and Mounting Sets -
A fundamental course for vocational training
Publ. No. WL 80123 All About the Rolling Bearing - FAG Training Courses on Rolling
Bearings Theory and Practice
Publ. No. WL 80134 FAG Video: Mounting and Dismounting Rolling Bearings
Publ. No. WL 80135 FAG Video: Hydraulic Methods for the Mounting and
Dismounting of Rolling Bearings
Publ. No. WL 80151 Repair Service for Large Rolling Bearings
Publ. No. WL 81115 Rolling Bearing Lubrication
Publ. No. WL 81116 Arcanol · Rolling Bearing-Tested Grease
Publ. No. WL 81122 Motion Guard – Automatic Lubricator
Publ. No. WL 82102 Rolling Bearing Damage

Technical Information issues

TI No. WL 00-11 FAG Videos on Rolling Bearings

TI No. WL 80-9 FAG Heating Rings
TI No. WL 80-14 Mounting and Dismounting of Spherical Roller Bearings
with Tapered Bore
TI No. WL 80-38 Mounting of Self-Aligning Ball Bearings on Adapter Sleeves
TI No. WL 80-46 FAG Hand Pump Sets
TI No. WL 80-47 FAG Induction Heating Devices
TI No. WL 80-48 FAG Mechanical Extractors
TI No. WL 80-49 FAG Sets of Mounting Tools EINBAU.SET.ALU
TI No. WL 80-51 FAG Temperature Measuring Instrument TEMP.MG175830
TI No. WL 80-60 Rolling Bearing Diagnosis with FAG Devices and Services
TI No. WL 80-62 FAG Detector 2000
TI No. WL 80-63 Rolling Bearing Diagnosis with the FAG Bearing Analyser
TI No. WL 80-65 State-of-the-Art, Condition-Related Monitoring of Plants
and Machines with Digital FAG Vibration Monitors
FAG · 68

Order designations beginning Product Page

with letters

ABZIEHER... Mechanical extractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

AGGREGAT.E800 Electrically driven hydraulic unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

AGGREGAT.H1000/2500 Pneumatically operated hydraulic unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

ARCA.GREASE.BIO2... Special grease for environmentally hazardous applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

ARCA.GREASE.FOOD2... Special grease for applications with food contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.LOAD220... Special grease for high loads, large speed range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.LOAD400... Special grease for extremely high loads, medium speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.LOAD1000... Special grease for extremely high loads, low speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.MULTITOP... Universal grease for high speeds, high loads, high temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.MULTI2... Universal grease for bearings subjected to normal stressing (D ≤ 62 mm) . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.MULTI3... Universal grease for bearings subjected to normal stressing (D > 62 mm) . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.SPEED2,6... Special grease for extremely high speeds, low temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP90... Special grease for low and high temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP110... Special grease for low and high temperatures, high speeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP120... Special grease for high temperatures, high loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.TEMP200... Special grease for extremely high temperatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ARCA.GREASE.VIB3... Special grease for high loads, high temperatures, oscillating motion . . . . . . . . . . . 40

ARCA.LUB.ADAPTER Supporting adapter for lubricators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

ARCA.LUB.DRIVE Drive unit for lubricators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
ARCA.LUB.MULTITOP.LC120 LC-unit 120 cm3 for ARCA.LUB... lubricators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ARCA.LUB.MULTITOP.LC120.SET Lubricator set Motion Guard with LC-unit 120 cm3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ARCA.LUB.MULTITOP.LC250 LC-unit 250 cm3 for ARCA.LUB... lubricators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ARCA.LUB.MULTITOP.LC250.SET Lubricator set Motion Guard with LC-unit 250 cm3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ARCA.PUMP.25 Grease dosing device for 25 kg grease containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
ARCA.PUMP.180 Grease dosing device for 180 kg grease containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

AWG3,5 Induction heating device for workpieces of up to 40 kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

AWG8 Induction heating device for workpieces of up to 100 kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
AWG13 Induction heating device for workpieces of up to 200 kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
AWG25 Induction heating device for workpieces of up to 400 kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
AWG40 Induction heating device for workpieces of up to 800 kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
AWG.MINI Induction heating device for workpieces of up to 20 kg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

AWR176050.... Heating ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

CD41520/3D-E Catalogue WL 41 520/3 on CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

DHN.. Double hook wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

EFB... Single phase dry transformer for EIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

EIM... Induction mounting device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
EINBAU.SET.ALU Set of mounting tools (aluminium) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
EINBAU.SET.ST Set of mounting tools (steel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

FMV.TAROL131084 Mobile hydraulic unit for batch mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

FS... Foot switch for EIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

FAG · 69

Order designations beginning Product Page

with letters

HN../.. Hook wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

KLR.. Taper gauge ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

MGA 31 Boundary circle measuring instrument for boundary circle over rollers . . . . . . . . 34
MGI 21 Boundary circle measuring instrument for boundary circle under rollers . . . . . . . 34
MGK 132 Taper measuring instrument for diameters of 90...510 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
MGK 133 Taper measuring instrument for diameters of 205 mm or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

MONTAGESATZ. Case containing rolling bearing, mating parts and mounting tools
for fundamental course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
MONTAGESCHRANK Mounting cabinet with material and mounting angle for fundamental course . . . . 62

PUMPE1000.0,7L Hand pump set (one step, 1000 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

PUMPE1000.4L Hand pump set (two step, 1000 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
PUMPE1600.4L Hand pump set (two step, 1600 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
PUMPE2500.4L Hand pump set (two step, 2500 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

RKP..., RKP...A Hydraulic nut with metric female thread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

RKP...2A Hydraulic nut with a second axial hole for RKP.MG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
RKP...5..... Hydraulic nut, reinforced design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
RKP...Z Hydraulic nut, female thread with inch dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
RKP.MG Displacement measuring device for RKP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

SSK... Mains voltage switch cabinet for EIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

TEMP.MG175830 Temperature measuring instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

TEMP.MG175830.F Quick reaction surface sensor for TEMP.MG175830 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
TEMP.MG175830.TF Immersion/stick-in sensor for TEMP.MG175830 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

VIDEOFILM201D The ABC of Rolling Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

VIDEOFILM202D Mounting and Dismounting Rolling Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
VIDEOFILM203D Hydraulic Methods for Mounting and Dismounting Rolling Bearings . . . . . . . . . . 64

WKZG.DSG5-8 Torque wrench for 173556 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

WKZG.DSG9-13 Torque wrench for 173557 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

FAG · 70

Order designations beginning Product Page

with numbers

104746 Pump body for 120109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

104936 Oil container for 120109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

107640 Oil injector (2500 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

107641 Oil injector (1600 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
107642 Valve nipple for 107640 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
107643 Valve nipple for 107641 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

111516A Reduction nipple G3/4-G3/8, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

111516B Reduction nipple G3/4-G3/8, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
111643A Reduction nipple M18x1,5-G3/8, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

113845A Reduction nipple M18x1,5-G3/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

114715A Adapter G3/4-G3/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

114715B Adapter G3/4-G3/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

118543/2 Pump holder without pressure gauge connection (for 155890) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

118543/2A Pump holder with pressure gauge connection (for 155890A and 155890B) . . . . . . 29
118549A-G1/8 Sleeve connecting piece with pipe thread G1/8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
118549A-G1/4 Sleeve connecting piece with pipe thread G1/4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
118549A-M6 Sleeve connecting piece with pipe thread M6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
118549A-M8 Sleeve connecting piece with pipe thread M8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

120109 High-pressure pump (4000 bar), consisting of 104746 and 104936 . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

120285A Reduction nipple M18x1,5-G1/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
120286A Reduction nipple G1/4-M18x1,5, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
120386 High-pressure pipe (connection thread G3/4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

122037A Reduction nipple G3/8-G1/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

122037B Reduction nipple G3/8-G1/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
122701A Reduction nipple G1/4-G3/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
122701B Reduction nipple G1/4-G3/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

123076 High-pressure pipe (connection thread G3/8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

124830 Pressure gauge (up to 1000 bar) for 155890A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

125938A Adapter G3/4-G3/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

125938B Adapter G3/4-G3/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

126013A Reduction nipple G3/4-G1/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

126013B Reduction nipple G3/4-G1/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

127711A Adapter G1/4-G1/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

127711B Adapter G1/4-G1/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

FAG · 71

Order designations beginning Product Page

with numbers

128167 High-pressure pipe (connection thread G1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

128718A Adapter G3/4-G3/4, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
128718B Adapter G3/4-G3/4, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
128768A Reduction nipple G1/4-M14, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
128768B Reduction nipple G1/4-M14, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

130070A Reduction nipple G3/4-G1/8, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

130070B Reduction nipple G3/4-G1/8, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
130075A Reduction nipple G1/4-G1/8, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
130075B Reduction nipple G1/4-G1/8, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

133315 Pressure gauge (up to 2500 bar) for 155890B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

139450 Arcanol grease gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

139451 Arcanol armoured tube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

150589A Reduction nipple G1/4-G1/2, design A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

150589B Reduction nipple G1/4-G1/2, design B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

155890 Mounting set without pressure gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

155890A Mounting set with pressure gauge (up to 1000 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
155890B Mounting set with pressure gauge (up to 2500 bar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

164641 High-pressure pipe for 155890, 155890A, 155890B (connection thread G1/4) . . . . 30

172017 Electric heating plate (1000/2000 W) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

172018 Electric heating plate (2500 W) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
172025 Handheld digital speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
172029 Reflecting marks for 172025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
172030 Polyscope sonar detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
172031 Feeler gauges, 100 mm long, 13 feelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
172032 Feeler gauges, 300 mm long, 23 feelers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

173556 Double hook wrench set (DHN5 to DHN8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

173557 Double hook wrench set (DHN9 to DHN13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

400GR.KART.L144V Cartridge containing Arcanol mounting paste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

400GR.SPRAYD.L930V Atomiser containing Arcanol anti-corrosion oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

70GR.TUBE.L144V Tube containing Arcanol mounting paste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

FAG · 72
FAG Industrial Services

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