Business Management of
1. Tim Teaching : Dr. Mia Rosmiati & Dr. Sofiatin
Rating components and composition:
• Mid test = 25%;
• Final test = 25%;
• Assignment = 20%;
• Quiz = 10%;
• Presentation = 20%
Final score :
• 80-100% A
• 70 - 79% AB
• 60 - 69% B
• 50 - 59% C
• D <45% E (under minimum competency)
4. Silabus Mata Kuliah BP5105 - 2019
Kode Mata BP5105 / 3 SKS
Penyelenggar 213 - Biomanajemen / SITH
Indonesia Inggris
Nama Mata Manajemen Bisnis Keanekaragaman Hayati Business Management of Biodiversity
Silabus Mata kuliah ini membahas prinsip dan konsep-konsep This course discusses the principles and concepts of business
Ringkas manajemen usaha, serta implementasinya dalam management, and their implementation in biodiversity-based
kegiatan bisnis berbasis keanekaragaman hayati business activities
Silabus Mata kuliah ini membahas definisi dan pengertian This course discusses the definition and understanding of
Lengkap manajemen serta konsep-konsep dasar bisnis management and the basic concepts of biodiversity business,
keanekaragaman hayati, Decision making, manajemen Decision making, biodiversity business management,
bisnis keanekaragaman hayati, mendesain model bisnis designing competitive business services and products
jasa dan produk hayati yang kompetitif, kewirausahaa, business models, entrepreneurship, new business and
bisnis baru dan kepemilikan bisnis produk hayati, biological product business ownership, operations
manajemen operasi dan kualitas untuk jasa dan produk management and quality for biological services and products,
hayati, pemasaran jasa dan produk hayati dan perilaku marketing of biological services and products and consumer
konsumen, strategi menetapan harga jasa dan produk behavior, strategies for pricing biological products and
hayati, teknologi informasi bagi bisnis, sumber dana : services, information technology for businesses, sources of
utang dan ekuitas, manajemen sumberdaya manusia funds: debt and equity, human resource management and
dan hubungan ketenagakerjaan. employment relations.
• Student Centre Learning
• Task : individual or group
6. Learning Outcomes
• •
• Bishop, J., Kapila, S., Hicks, F., Mitchell, P. and Vorhies, F. 2008. Building
Biodiversity Business. Shell International Limited and the International
Union for Conservation of Nature: London, UK, and Gland, Switzerland
• Ebert, Ronald J ; Griffin, Ricky, Business Essentials 10th Edition, 10th,
Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River,New Jersey, 2015
• Zimmerer, Thomas W ; Scarborough, Norman M ; Wilson, Doug, Essentials
of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management 5th Edition, 5th,
Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 2008
• Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter, and et all, Management Fourteenth
Edition, 14th, Pearson Education, 2018
• Mark Everard, The Business of Biodiversity, , WITpress Southampton, 2009
8. SAP
Satuan Acara Perkuliahan
Business ?
Biodiversity ?
1. Why are managers important?
2. Why study management?
3. Basic Concepts of Biodiversity Business
What is Management?
Where Do Managers Work?
• Organization: A deliberate arrangement of people assembled to
accomplish some specific purpose (that individuals indepently could
not accomplish alone).
• Common characteristics of organization:
- Have a distinct purpose (goal)
- Are composed of people
- Have a deliberate structure
Common Characteristics of
What Do Managers Do?
Management involves coordinating and overseeing the work activities
of others so that their activities are completed efficiently and
Means doing the thing correctly; refers to the relationship between inputs and
outputs; seeks to minimize resource costs
Means doing the right things; goal attainment
Efficiency and Effectiveness in Management
Why study management?
Universal Need for Management
Changes Facing Managers
Change Impact of change
Changing Technology (Digitization) • Shifting organizational boundaries
• Virtual worksplace
• More mobile worksforce
• Flexible work arrangement
• Empowered employees
• Work life-personal life balance
Increased emphasis on organizational and • Redefined values
managerial Ethic • Rebuilding trust
• Increased acountability
Increased competitivness • Customer services
• Innovation
• Globalization
• Efficiency/productivity
Changing security threats • Risk management
• Uncertainty over future energy sources/prices
• Restructured workplace
• Discrimination concern
• Employee assistance
• Uncertainty over economic climate
Rewards and Challenges of Being a Manager
Rewards Challenges
Create a work environment in which organizational Do hard work
members can work to the best of their ability
Have opportunities to think creatively and use imagination May have duties that are more clerical than managerial
Help others find meaning and fulfillment in work Have to deal with a variety of personalities
Support, coach, and nurture others Often have to make do with limited resources
Work with a variety of people Motivate workers in chaotic and uncertain situation
Receive recognition and status in organization and Blend knowledge, skills, ambitions, and experiences of a
community diverse work group
Play a role in influencing organizational outcomes Success depends on others’ work performance
Receive appropriate compensation in the form of salaries,
bonuses, and stock options
Good managers are needed by organizations
What is Business
• A business is usually defined as a commercial enterprise
• Some are run by only one person who carry out all of the required functions
• Others employ thousands of people and provide goods and services to
people all over the world
• Each business can be defined or described by its type of ownership, the
goods produced or services offered, the types of jobs provided, or the
functions it performs in a community
What do Businesses do?
• Businesses are started by entrepreneurs who see a need, recognize the
opportunity, and go into business to meet that need
• Business and people need each other – there are many stakeholders – we
depend on businesses for products and services, but also for employment
• Buy inputs – raw materials, labour, machinery and equipment, and land
• Produce outputs – goods and services
• Focus on efficient use of resources
• Generate profit/surplus
What Businesses Do
Who are the stakeholders? – Anyone who has
an interest in the success of a business
• Customers
• Managers
• Employees
• Owners
• Local Community/Environment
• Suppliers
• Government
• Creditors
What Businesses Do
Influences on Business
External Objectives
Factors and Strategy
and Resources
Production and
What is Biodiversity???
• Biological diversity
• Simply means the diversity, or variety, of
plants and animals and other living things in
a particular area or region
• Also means the number, or abundance of
different species living within a particular
• The variability among living organisms from
all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and
aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological
complexes of which they are part: This
includes diversity within species, between
species and of ecosystems’ (CBD, 1992).
Biodiversity and global economy
• Globally agriculture, which depends on genetic stock from natural
ecological systems, is now a $3 trillion global
• Recreation and nature tourism generates some $12 billion worldwide
in annual revenues
• In the United States, the economic benefits from wild plants and
animals comprise approximately 4.5% of the Gross Domestic Product.
• Global trade in wild plants (timber and others) is estimated at $6
billion annually
Biodiversity and food security
• Much of the world's major food crops, including corn, wheat, and soybeans,
depend on new genetic material from the wild to remain productive and healthy.
• Food production from wild stocks of fish is the single largest source of animal
protein for the world's 6 billion inhabitants. In the US alone more than 10 billion
pounds of fish, valued at about $4 billion, were caught and sold yearly.
• Scientists have identified more than 1.4 million species. Tens of millions -- remain
unknown (
•The tremendous variety of life on Earth is made possible by complex interactions
among all living things including micro-oganisms.
Position of Various Countries Based on Technological Progress and Wealth of
Sumber: Sukara, E dan ISL Tobing. 2008. VIS VITALIS, Vol. 01 No.2.
See you next week…..