Structural Tips
Structural Tips
Structural Tips
Structural TIPS
“Special thanks for RAKA structural design team”
Load combinations:
Basic combination in section (2.3.2) in code
Live loads less than or equal 5kn/m, then factor of live load can be 0.5 instead of 1.
(Exceptions for section 2.3.2 in SBC & ASCE 7-10)
Seismic design category (D,E,F) + (Sds bigger than 0.125), then seismic design
combinations shall be
(1.2+0.2Sds)*D + Rho*Qe + L
(0.9-0.2Sds)*D + Rho*Qe + 1.6H
“Rho=1 in seismic design category (A,B,C) & Rho=(1.3 ACI & 1.25 SBC) in seismic design category
(Section ASCE7-10, Eq. 10.4-(1&2) SBC)
Planted columns exist in the building or the system is cantilever system, then seismic
design combination shall be
(1.2+0.2Sds)*D + omega*Qe + L
(0.9-0.2Sds)*D + omega*Qe + 1.6H
(Section ASCE7-10, Eq. 10.4.1-(1&2) SBC)
The system in non parallel system(shear walls not parallel to x-y plan) or in seismic
design category (C,D,E,F), then seismic design combinations shall be (orthogonal
1.2D +EX + 0.3EY + L 1.2D +0.3EX + EY + L
1.2D +EX - 0.3EY + L 1.2D +0.3EX - EY + L
1.2D -EX + 0.3EY + L 1.2D -0.3EX + EY + L
1.2D -EX - 0.3EY + L 1.2D -0.3EX -EY + L
(Section 12.5.3 ASCE7-10, Eq. 10.5.2 SBC)
“Also valid for spectrum patterns”
If we have (Earth or water) load in the building, then we shall add to the seismic
combinations other 2 combinations
0.9D+1.6W 0.9D+1E
this 2 combinations came from combination (2.3.2-6 & 2.3.2-7) SBC code as the load
factor on H shall be set equal to zero in Eq.2.3.2-6 and Eq. 2.3.2-7 if the structural
action due to H counteracts that due to W or E.
(Exceptions for section 2.3.2 in SBC & ASCE 7-10)
Checks for buildings after run (ETABS & SAFE) for all
1. Check error for geometry.
2. Check error log.
3. Check scale factor.(Section ASCE7-10, Eq. 10.10.8 SBC)
4. Check time period for building. (Section ASCE 7-10, Section 10.9.3.(1&2) SBC)
5. Check load participating ratio.
6. Check diaphragm (rigid or semi rigid). (Section 12.3 ASCE 7-10, Section 10.3. SBC)
7. Check irregularity (horizontal & vertical). (Section 12.3-(1&2) ASCE 7-10, Section 10.3.2. (1&2). SBC)
8. Check expansion joint. (Section 12.12.2 ASCE 7-10, Section 10.12.2 SBC)
9. Check story drift. (Table 12.12-1 ASCE 7-10, Table 10-12 SBC)
10.Check (Columns, beams & walls).
11.Check punching.
12.Check deflection.
13.Check RFT for slabs.
14.Check Max & Min % for RFT.
15.Check tension & compression for footings.
16.Check crack width for footings & retaining walls (in case exposed to water or
b) Analyze / Advanced SAPfire options / Advanced solver & re-run:- error will be appear in
the last analysis run log with the coordinates & location
“Time period is the time taken by the building to make one cycle in earthquake, Time is inversely
proportional with the frequency when time decrease this mean that frequency increase which is
more worse”
As a guide:
Time period is 10% from the no. of floors in the building (+ or – 0.5sec) which means that if
the no. of floors is 10 floors, then time period shall be between (0.5 & 1.5 sec.)
“Overall time period is just a guide line in our checks which give us a reference for the design error
if it was not within the mentioned limits, and we don’t need to apply modifications in the model
concerning this item”
(Section ASCE 7-10, Section 10.9.3.(1&2) SBC)
“Shall be ≥ 90%, if not then back to modal case and increase no. of modes”
7) Check irregularity:
Story stiffness
Ex: (Story drift for 1st floor/Story drift for 2nd floor)=1.3
Mass irregularity
Joint displacement shall be from the same combination for the two adjacent points
Seismic drift is a ratio which is compared with table (12-12-1) in ASCE (ratio to ratio)
without multiplying either etabs output or code factor in (H)
Wind displacement
Joint displacement shall be compared with allowable h/(400x600) for concrete & h/800 for
steel where (h) is the distance of the slab from the zero level
Table / Design / Shear wall design / Shear wall pier summary “D/C ratio” & Shear wall
spandrel “deep beams”
We can make etabs check (PMM ratio & D/C ratio) on ratio less than (1) through
IF Punching ratio is bigger than 1 and the slab is bigger than 25cm (as per ACI) we can use
shear stud or shear link.
“Choose the location type, define, RFT bar, spacing & FY”, then run the model again.
“If we have irregular column, we shall make sure that it was exported to SAFE or at least achieving
rectangular column with sectional area equivalent to the irregular column & in this case it is preferred to
enter the real perimeter of the irregular column in (EDIT INTERACTIVE DATABASE)”
Take it 0.50
Take it 0.50
The deflections of structural members respect the more restrictive of the limitations in the
table below as indicated in the Minimum Technical Requirements specified in SBC301-Table
Description Dead Load + Live Load Live Load
In addition, the long term deflections resulting from creep and shrinkage respect the
limitations provided in the following table according to SBC304-Table 9.5(b):
Type of member Deflection to be considered Deflection limitation
“we shall enter the RFT and spacing in (Quick tension specification)”
“we shall enter the min slab RFT limits in tension RFT 0.0018”
“0.7*1000(FC)0.5 in SBC & 0.62**1000(FC)0.5 in ACI”
Max RFT in slabs & raft: 0.04*b*d for tension mesh only
“If the mesh is T16@100 top & bottom then the max. is for bottom only”
Min RFT in slabs: Slabs where grade 40 or 50 deformed bars are used = 0.0020
Min RFT in walls: Rho min for HZ. bars = (0.002 to 0.0025)
Change as per