00 - AVANTech Capabilities & Experience - NUCLEAR (No Attachments) 11-2018

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Water & Wastewater

Technologies & Solutions

Capabilities &

Process Design & Automation Manufacturing Excellence


Standards & Certifications

2050 American Italian Way www.avantechinc.com

Columbia, South Carolina 29209 [email protected]
A Small Business Dedicated to
Making a Difference...

AVANTech, Inc. is a rapidly growing U.S.-based Remediate Assess

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technology company with extensive experience
in design, fabrication, and operation of water Operate
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and wastewater treatment equipment for
government, commercial, and industrial clients.
A small business founded in 1999, AVANTech
has compiled a team of personnel who are
skilled in covering all aspects of nuclear and
AVANTech’s capabilities include:
non-nuclear solid and liquid waste and water
treatment systems. We specialize in engineered  World Class Integration Skills
products and services which aid customers  Wet and Liquid Waste Treatment Services
in meeting their regulatory and commercial  Process Automation and Remote Handling
commitments. AVANTech’s multidisciplinary
 PLC Systems Integration
staff includes all areas of chemical, mechanical,
electrical, and nuclear engineering as well as
 Process and Mechanical Design
computer sciences. Many of these professionals  Treatability or Proof of Process Evaluations
hold masters in engineering or business as well  Computer Aided Drafting and Design
as professional engineering licenses. AVANTech  “3D” Design Analysis
manufactures equipment in our own facilities with
 Radiological/Criticality Analyses
our accomplished team of skilled trades people.
All engineering, fabrication, and operational  Waste Characterization and Acceptance
activities are implemented in accordance with  Permitting and Licensing
the company’s ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance  Nuclear-Grade Quality Assurance
Program which has been audited and approved
 Innovative Solutions
by many prime contractors.
 Unparalleled Responsiveness

Technology Experience  Innovative Solutions to Resolve Client
 Comprehensive water and wastewater treat- Issues
ment facilities for multiple clients under Design,
 Customized Product Line to Meet all
Build, Operate, and Maintain (DBOM) contracts
Client Specification Requirements
 Operating eight nuclear wastewater treatment
facilities  Single Source for Testing, Design, and
 +300 million gallons high-level waste processed Manufacturing

 +850 million gallons low-level waste processed  Experienced Chemical, Mechanical,

 Six per day HLW canister production capacity Electrical, and Nuclear Staff

Technology Development  Leading Experts in the Field of Liquid

Waste Processing
 Eight patents in process
 Seven patents awarded  Stringent Engineering Design and
NQA-1 Quality Assurance Program
 Ongoing research
» Ion-specific removal  ASME Code Stamp and UL Certified
» Wastewater recycling Panels
» Nuclear waste packaging
 State-of-the-Art Process Automation
with PLC System Integration

 Field and Demand Service

 Emergency Response

 All System Components Pre-Assembled

and Tested to Confirm Operation, prior
to Installation, at our manufacturing
facilities in Columbia, South Carolina;
Knoxville, Tennessee; or Richland,

Company Codes

Columbia, SC: DUNS 15-778-9368 CAGE 1TDY4

Knoxville, TN: DUNS 08-049-8583
Richland, WA: DUNS 08-134-1162 CAGE 86PE1

NAICS Classification
AVANTech is a Small Business under North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Codes with a
size standard of under 500 employees. AVANTech commonly provides services under the following codes:
332420 – Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Mfg 335999 – All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment
332313 – Nuclear Shielding Fabrication and Component Mfg
332996 – Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Mfg 532490 – Other Commercial/Industrial Machinery and
Equipment Rental and Leasing
332999 – All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated
Metal Product Mfg 541330 – Engineering Services
333249 – Other Industrial Machinery Mfg 561320 – Temporary Help Services
333318 – Other Commercial and Service 541620 – Environmental Consulting Services
Industry Machinery Mfg 541690 – Other Scientific and Technical Consulting
333999 – All Other Miscellaneous General Services
Purpose Machinery Mfg 562211 – Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal
334516 – Analytic Laboratory Instrument Mfg 562910 – Environmental Remediation Services

Award-Winning Safety Culture

AVANTech strives for the highest level of safety

and health in our offices, manufacturing facilities,
and project sites. This goal is achieved through the
commitment of our conscientious team members
who understand that safety is the first requirement
AVANTech’s exceptional safety record has resulted
of all of our jobs, without compromise. Several
in several awards including:
elements contribute to reaching this goal, including:
 Three consecutive years of South Carolina
 Our comprehensive Safety Plan provides a base Chamber of Commerce Commendations of
of guidance to reach the desired safety goals.
Excellence for Safety Program Recognition of no
 Awareness training is provided to all employees lost time incidents in 2015, 2016, and 2017
for safe practices, regulations, methods, equip-
 BB&T Insurance Lighthouse Beam Safety Awards
ment, behavior, and a host of other issues
for Excellent Safety Performance for 2015,
encountered in our daily workplace.
2016, and 2017. This award is the highest tier-
 Surveillance by looking out for ourselves and based safety award given by BB&T Insurance
others ensures we all strive to keep our goals and includes determining factors such as lost
and safety foremost in our minds and endeavors. time incidents, OSHA recordables, workers
 Accountability - AVANTech employees understand compensation claims, EMR standings, and other
that we are all accountable for our actions. performance-based criteria.

Technical Excellence

Design/Build/Operate AVANTech has developed a comprehensive set

of products and patented systems designed to
AVANTech has gained its reputation by creating solve our clients’ water treatment problems.
integrated solutions for improving operations in These standardized products are utilized to in-
industrial, commercial, power, and government tegrate a solution for a client’s specific problem
applications. Our customer service approach means while meeting our clients’ rigorous standards.
taking responsibility for integrating engineering, Many times these solutions can be prepack-
procurement, fabrication, equipment installation, aged and integrated to eliminate much of the
system commissioning, as well as operations and on-site construction required. AVANTech’s
maintenance. A vital part of our success is the result engineers and technical staff have extensive
of our steadfast commitment in creating engineered experience working with industrial and gov-
process solutions, providing advanced equipment ernment facilities to solve complex process
and systems, and delivering intelligent training and fabrication challenges. One of AVANTech’s
and support. greatest strengths is the ability to transform
ideas into practical and effective solutions.

Supply, delivery, and commissioning of
engineered equipment is only part of the
services AVANTech offers. Water treatment equipment performance may deviate from the optimum over
time. Furthermore, process conditions often change over time, and both new and experienced operators
require training. AVANTech’s services will help you resolve these issues and optimize your operations.
AVANTech offers a full range of services that provide a cost-effective approach to ensure that your water/
wastewater treatment system operates reliably and cost effectively.

Service  Operation/Maintenance Commodities  Filtration Media

Contracts: Contracts Replacement:  Carbon Absorption Media
 Operator Training  Ion Exchange Resins
 Troubleshooting  Selective Adsorbents
 System Performance Audits  EDI Stacks & Tubular Elements
 Maintenance Review  UV Lamps and Quartz
 Regeneration Performance  MF/UF Membranes
Analysis  NF/RO Membranes
 Degasification Membranes
 Cartridge Filters

Design Philosophy

AVANTech supplies superior quality water,

wastewater, and wet-waste treatment equipment
that is custom tailored to meet facility standards
and performance requirements. We do not
supply commodity equipment, nor do we have The expert knowledge and strong experience
a philosophy where “one design” or “one size” of our engineers has allowed us to develop
fits all. We have standardized designs that innovative solutions that satisfy our customers’
are customized to our clients’ specifications. immediate water treatment requirements. Our
AVANTech’s equipment is designed, fabricated, engineers include process, chemistry, mechanical,
and tested based on our operating experience and and electrical specialists who have the in-
recognized standards from the American Water depth knowledge required to keep value and
Works Association, ASME, Military Standards, performance high and costs low. We design state-
as well as other reputable organizations. of-the-art water processing technology using the
AVANTech’s personnel are highly knowledgeable latest in processing equipment for our systems.
and experienced in the supply and operation of Our systems deliver maximum performance in the
materials handling and process components. We customer’s application and perform reliably and
attempt to put ourselves “in-your-shoes” and safely in challenging work environments.
supply robust, operator friendly equipment that
exceeds quality and performance requirements.

Project Management

AVANTech’s disciplined management approach ensures that

customer requirements are met and satisfaction is achieved. This approach is based on the guidelines
documented in our audited QA Program specifically designed to ensure requirements are documented
and fulfilled throughout the design, fabrication, installation, commissioning, and start-up process.


 ASME Code Stamp “U” and “R” to

manufacture pressure vessels
 Welding capabilities include:
A critical component of our business strategy is the » Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
comprehensive ability to manufacture and test all » Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
of our water treatment equipment. To support this » Flux core arc welding (FCAW)
objective, we have three facilities with all of the
» Gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
necessary equipment for welding, sand-blasting,
painting, electrical panel building, and wiring.  Pipe welding performed in accordance
These facilities include 122,000 ft² in Columbia, with ASME Code and inspected by on-staff
South Carolina; 20,000 ft² in Knoxville, Tennessee; Certified Weld Inspectors
36,000 ft² in Richland, Washington; as well as over  Structural welding performed in
10,000 ft² of combined project space. accordance with AWS Code
 UL508A-Certified Panel Shop to manufac-
ture and stamp all electrical panels
 Optional cleanroom manufacturing for
high-purity applications

Commitment to Quality

AVANTech’s QA Program complies with the basic requirements

of ASME NQA-1 and addenda, 10CFR50 Appendix B, DOE Order 414, 10CFR830.120, and each of
the elements of ISO. All activities are performed in strict accordance with this QA Program. Our QA
Program has been audited by government and nuclear power clients from all over the world including
the US DOE, CH2M Hill, Bechtel, Fluor, AECOM, Entergy, and numerous other architect engineers.
We are serious about continuously improving our own performance. Our commitment to quality
incorporates two strategies: prevention and compliance. Prevention is established through each
employee’s commitment to excellence in all facets of quality, which include: customer service,
regulatory compliance, and engineering excellence. Compliance is monitored and measured through
our reporting and auditing processes.
As a steward of the environment, each team member has a responsibility to report problems and
issues. Our dedication and commitment ensures compliance to customer and regulatory standards.
Our QA Programs and associated activities are established, implemented, and monitored to ensure
satisfied customers and quality products, and to serve as a benchmark with which we can measure
our continuous improvement.

Diverse World-Wide Customer Base

Commercial Nuclear Government International Nuclear Industrial

BWR DOD Japan  Subdrain  Fresh Cut: REFRESH™*
 Atrex™/Ultrex™  Navy IX  Hero  Make-Up Water
PWR  Design/Build  SCF™‡  Design/Build
 RWRO™*/BARS™  Munitions  APS™*
 Water Recycle
 Media‡
Services DOE  Selective Contaminant of
 Outage Support Mexico  Atrex™/Ultrex™ Concern Removal
 Cesium
(SCF™‡) Removal*  APS™*  Laboratory/Pilot Testing
 Tank Desludging  HICs*
 Design/Build  Emergency Response
(SCF™‡)  SCF™‡
 Engineering Equipment
Consumables Services China  Boron Recycle*  Oily Wastewater Treatment/
 Liners  Media ‡  APS™* Recovery Neutralization
 HICs*  Secondary Wet Waste Pkg.
 Commissioning/ Europe  Boron Recycle*
 Media‡ Operations  CTS™*
* Patented ‡
Technology Development

Innovative Nuclear Technologies

Radwaste Processing/ Liquid Modular Treatment Systems

Containment Equipment
 ATREX™ - Selective Treatment and
and Systems
Radionuclide Removal as well as Specialty
 SC DHEC-approved Selective Media for Cesium, Strontium,
RadSafe™ Steel/Poly Antimony, Metals, Arsenic, and others
Lined High Integrity  Ultrex™ - Advanced Reverse Osmosis
Containers (HICs) with Wastewater Recovery
Dewatering Internals
 High Level Waste Tank Side Cesium Removal
 AVANTech Steel (TSCR) System
Containers (ASCs) and  Radwaste Reverse Osmosis System (RWRO™)
Process Shields
 Tubular Cross Flow UltraFiltration (TUF™)
 Custom-Built Pressure Vessels and  Candle Filter System (CFS™)
 PCM™ - Particle Control Management
 HIC/Container Handling and Systems (remote System/Chemical Addition
grappler, transfer carts, etc.)  Modular Treatment Systems (carbon filtration/
adsorption, ion exchangers)
 Media Dewatering (fill-heads, pump skids,
automation, etc.) including High Velocity  Emergency Mobile/Skid Treatment Systems
Vacuum (HVV™) and Ultra-Rapid Vacuum  Concentrate Treatment System (CTS™)
(URV™) Dewatering
 DrumDryer (DD™)
 ASME Code Vessels and Tanks Built to  Specialized Treatment - Boric Acid Recovery
NQA-1 Standards System (BARS™)
 Underwater Filters/Demineralizer Processing  Off-Site Liquid Treatment/Tankers/Transport
 Make-Up Water Systems and Services
 Advanced Polymer Solidification (APS™)
Systems and Media; In Situ Bead Resin  Contaminated Groundwater Treatment
Solidification with Minimal Increase in Waste  Solids Collection Filter (SCF™)
 Decontamination Systems for Highly  Suspended Solids Collection Vessel (SSCV)
Radioactive Contaminated Buildings

Project Experience

Wastewater Treatment Equipment &

Operations/Entergy River Bend Power Station –
New equipment installation under a full services contract
for the treatment and recycling of liquid radioactive
waste in 2004. The new equipment incorporates 1/9th and Full-Scale Low Activity Waste Pretreat-
AVANTech’s proprietary Ultrex™, Ozonation, and ment System (LAWPS)/US DOE Hanford Site –
Reverse Osmosis processes. As a result, River Bend Contracted by AECOM to manage, support design,
has experienced reduced solid radwaste generation fabricate, supply equipment, install, and perform testing
associated with liquid waste processing, increased on the 3,000 ft² engineering-scale low LAWPS facility
processing rates, and improved quality of recycled water. in Richland, Washington, and a full-scale system in
Columbia, South Carolina. Design, fabrication, and
Wastewater Treatment Equipment and Services/ commissioning were completed in 9 months for the 1/9
Entergy Arkansas Nuclear One – Various contracts scale system. Goals for testing this equipment included
to provide: personnel, equipment, and media to removal of non-radioactive cesium from the process
process liquid radwaste stream; two chemical addition stream, removal of undissolved solids, establishing an
stations to allow pH adjustment of waste streams; effective cleaning method for the Cross Flow Filters,
15-ft³ Mobile Cleanup System for Cask Loading and determining optimal processing ranges for various
Pit; two 2-ft³ disposable vessels with mixed bed system conditions. For the 1/9 scale system, AVANTech
resin for cleanup of service water before intro to maintained two crews, each consisting of two operators
radwaste; demineralization system to support dry and a test lead. During testing, the 1/9th scale LAWPS
fuel operations; Tubular UltraFiltration (TUF™) unit operated 24 hrs a day with two 12-hr shifts. AVANTech
for use upstream of selective IX system; Boric Acid utilized the same operators and test leads for both
Recovery System (BARS™) and personnel to reduce Si rounds of testing to successfully and safely complete
concentrations in Unit 2 spent fuel pool. two testing campaigns over an 18-month period.

Specialty Manufacturing/US DOE Los Alamos

National Laboratory – Design, analysis, fabrication,
QL-1 Fabrication of ATR Shim Drive Mechanisms/ assembly, installation, and testing of the drift-tube
US DOE Idaho National Laboratory – Contracted linac (DTL) water-cooling and resonance control
by Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA) to source suppliers system. This system is responsible for removing waste
for custom gears, bearings, and other obsolete heat from the DTL Radio Frequency (RF) structures
components. AVANTech procured, performed as well as providing active resonance control of the
Commercial Grade Dedication, precision machining and RF structures by manipulating the DTL drift tube
fabrication, and performed acceptance testing of four temperatures.
shim drive mechanisms for the Advanced Test Reactor
(ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The shim Make-up Water Treatment System/DOE/Bechtel
drive assembly will be used within the ATR as a key National – Design/build services for four pump and
component to its safe operation and functionality. This control skids, three filtration skids, two chlorination
project was performed to ASME NQA-1-2008/2009a skids, two RO skids, and two chemical addition skids.
edition, covering all 18 elements as well as applicable Equipment was provided with an integrated PLC system
supplementary criteria. with motor control centers and backup power supplies.

Wastewater Treatment/DOD/Bechtel-Parsons
Bluegrass – Custom design and manufacture of Wastewater Treatment Facility/McEntire
a wastewater treatment plant to process chemical Produce – Pilot, design, manufacture, and installation
demineralization wastewater. The process utilizes of complete wastewater treatment facility to recycle
multimedia filters, cartridge filters, RO, and chemical over 90% of their wastewater. Equipment includes
injection automated with a single user interface. dissolved air flotation, multimedia filtration, carbon
adsorption, ultrafiltration, RO, and chemical oxidation.
Make-up Water Treatment System/CH2M Hill –
We are in the process of patenting our developments.
Custom design and manufacture of a make-up water
treatment facility in support of the Dalby Power Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems/
Project. The equipment consists of cartridge filtration, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. – Design, fabrication,
double-pass RO, electrodeionization, polishing and installation of system employing AVANTech’s
electrodeionization, chemical treatment, potable commercial membrane bioreactor process as a filter,
water treatment, and chemical cleaning systems. All rejecting the solid materials which are developed
equipment was provided with an integrated PLC system. by the biological process, resulting in a clarified and
pH Adjustment System/Toray Carbon Fibers disinfected product effluent followed by ion exchange
America, Inc. – Design, fabrication, installation, and final chemical adjustment technologies.
operation, and maintenance of system designed to Water Treatment Plant/Puerto Rico Electric
handle the unique characteristics of carbon fiber Power Authority – Design, fabrication, testing, and
manufacturing effluent waste streams. Utilizing start-up of a comprehensive water treatment plant.
continuous flow through pH Adjust technology, the Equipment includes multi-media filters, cartridge
system handles continuous or batch flows through the filters, chemical injection, RO, electrodeionization, a
use of an influent equalization system. clean-in-place skid, and interconnecting piping.

Featured Project:
Fukushima - Japan

AVANTech co-designed and manufactured the simplified treatment

system (SARRY) to support the safe shutdown of the Fukushima
reactor in Japan. This work was completed in twelve weeks in an
emergency response to ensure cesium would not contaminate the
Japanese coastline.
The equipment consists of the following:  Cartridge Filtration  Pump and Controls
 Hypochlorite Chemical Addition  Deep Bed Filtration  Sampling Systems
 14 ASME Code Ion Exchange Vessels  Valve Racks
The treatment system was automated to ensure the safety of the operators, and was completely pre-piped on
skids, pre-wired, and shop tested with all accessories. The SARRY system has operated since August 2011 and
has processed in excess of 335 million gallons of cesium-contaminated salt water without incident. This system is
the only system that has operated continuously since the beginning of the accident. The process has exceeded all
client expectations in terms of safety, waste generation, and reliability. Six additional waste treatment systems have
been delivered since 2014, and over 200 ion exchange vessels have been delivered since the initial shipment.

2050 American Italian Way
Columbia, SC 29209
[email protected]

Knoxville Facility:
2680 Westcott Boulevard
Knoxville, TN 37931

Richland Facility:
2155 Robertson Drive
Richland, WA 99354


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