Getting To Know ECE

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Taher Qutbuddin (05773)

11 November, 2019

Getting to know ECE – Assignment 1



a. What is the problem that article is highlighting and has been solved or needs to

be solved?

Ans: Making robots able to move independently and making decisions on their own is the

biggest challenge to the robotics department. Taking human mind power and converting it into

sensory information and then transferring it into a robotic mind is a biggest problem and

challenge, the robots cannot fully mimic as it has restrictions since set-up is not advanced. It is

more of tool that will help build a more improved model. These robots are not fully

independent as they do not have the capability of functioning on their own. This problem is in

the process of being solved by the people. The researchers and scientists are in a process of

making robots that can mimic as exactly as humans and function completely like humans.

Currently scientists are making robots hooked with human legs and make them learn to walk

the same way human does. Scientists are able to make human-machine interface that maps an

operator’s movement on robot. It is able to perform only limited movements such as jumping or

stepping as the operator’s feet move on a plate that is fixed with sensors. However, the setup

that has been done up-till now is very basic, the problems that needs to be solved so that the

robot cannot be limited to specific tasks and can be made generalized for all movements is that

it requires lot of wiring and accuracy in communication system.

b. What would happen if this problem is solved? What is its impact?

Ans: ‘Yes, Robots and autonomous technologies are coming. They will augment some jobs

and replace others. In particular, self-driving cars will be produced in mass by most auto

companies in 2021 - it has profound impacts to society’.[CITATION htt \n \y \t \l 1033 ]

Automation is the major part in our everyday life. From ATM machines up to the juice machines

in our houses everything is automated. Autonomous robots are the robots that are able to

perform tasks independently. If making of autonomous robots becomes successful, life of

humans would become much easier and simpler. Tasks that a human could perform in hours

would be performed by these autonomous robots in a blink of an eye without getting tired.

Autonomous robots would bring innovation to the supply chain and work independently while

making the decisions on their own. If this problem is solved then these robots will have a huge

impact on society.

 Improvement in speed and accuracy of tasks that are performed while manufacturing

process in industries and factories.

 These robots are able to work in dangerous environments, which reduce the risk of

employee injury.
 Reduces error rate.
 Increases workers’ productivity.
 They will provide labor and utilization stability.

c. Since when has the world been working on this problem and what have we

done? Research the history of this problem and give a summarized account of

happenings around this problem. Make sure to research how the previous

solutions worked and why the previous solutions were not accepted as good


Ans: In 1920 a play named Rossum’s Universal Robots was published which introduced the word

“robot”. Later in 1950’s first robotic arm was made that transported die castings in a General

Motors plant. The first use of robots was in industries, at that time they were just simpler

machines capable of manufacturing tasks which allowed which allowed less human assistance.

Moreover, robots built using artificial intelligence and digital robots are in making process since

2000s. History of robotics

( in robotics are being

done every single day and day by day robots are becoming more efficient and using different

technologies scientists are in quest of making autonomous robots which will be functioning

exactly the same as humans. Robotics has a complex history, from the concept of manufactured

life, through the development of the computer and electronic technology, artificial intelligence,

and finally the combination of all three into decision-making aware beings.

The previous solutions in the field of robotics were quiet low advance as the robots were only

able to perform simple tasks such as picking up things. The robots were not able to do different

tasks at same time, however, up till now the advancements in robotics has been increased

gradually by using different technologies and artificial intelligence. Scientists are in a quest of

making robots move the same way as human by using artificial intelligence so that it can be

more efficient and more reproductive to the society and people. Previous solutions did not gave

better results as the robots could not perform much work as expected but now a days they are

becoming quite familiar to humans, only the work that has to be done now is that make robots

completely autonomous so that they could benefit more and more.

d. What is the current approach as highlighted by article for solving this problem?

Recall the audience when you’re writing your response.

Ans: The current approach as highlighted by the article is to make independent robots that

could make their own decisions and work on their own. The current approach of solving this

problem is to hook up robots to humans that could respond to disasters and environments that

could harm humans. Scientists are trying different ways in which they can create a robot that

can mimic humans and copy them. For this they require advance technologies and obviously

huge amount of money. Making a machine that could exactly function the same way as humans

is not a cheap or easy task. Since, scientists are working hard on this project; therefore, they

require modern solutions for modern problems.

e. What further work needs to be done on this problem?

Ans: Further work that needs to be done to solve the above mentioned issue is to use the newly

emerging technology in an appropriate way and functioning it in such a way that it could give

better results and be proved more efficient and productive.



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