AVIATION Flight Physiology: - Kirk Michael Webster

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•AVIATION Flight Physiology

•Kirk Michael Webster

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Anatomical systems of the body
  The importance of learning about human
anatomy and physiology in the aviation
  Knowledge of the systems of the body for health
and well-being
  How the environment in UAE (compared to other
parts of the world) affects the systems of the body

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  Compare this to Antartica

  Video on A-Z of Human factor

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Anatomical systems of the body
“It is shameful for a man to rest in ignorance of the
structure of his own body, especially when the
knowledge of it mainly conduces to his welfare, and
directs the application of his own power.” Philip
Melancthon - 1520

“Our body is a well-set clock, which keeps good time,

but if it be too much or indiscreetly tampered with, the
alarm runs out before the hour.” Joseph Hall - 1600

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Anatomical systems of the body
  Look at the diagram of
the skeleton and identify
the different parts

Anatomical systems of
the body

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  The Nervous system including the brain
  Musculoskeletal system
  Gastro-Intestinal system
  Metabolic system
  Circulatory system
  Respiratory systems

  Accident to illustrate different anatomical injuries

and implications.

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The Brain & Nervous System

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  In order to describe the basics of how and why the body works,
this discussion begins with the premise that the main part of the
body is the brain and that all other parts and physiology support
this one organ.
  The brain, therefore is the ultimate organ wherein control
of all body functions occurs to satisfy the physiological and
psychological needs of the brain.
  This lecture concentrates on keeping the body healthy so
as to service the brain
  Brain acts as a master computer in control of the body
parts and system organs to allow us to fly in an unhealthy
and often hazardous environment. In turn this increases

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The Brain
The Brain & Nervous System

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  The brain or central nervous system (CNS) is the central
part of our nervous system.
  It controls all functions by sending electrical and
biochemical signals to the various parts of the body.
  A signal is transmitted electrically thru a nerve via a
series of nerve cells and biochemically between nerve
  Brain divided into 3 main parts – Forebrain
(CEREBRUM) largest part. Contains THINKING cells.
Has 2 hemispheres – right and left with a surface
covering called CEREBRAL CORTEX.

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  Each hemisphere is divided into 4 lobes:
  FRONTAL LOBES – complex thoughts, decisions and
judgements. Signals are sent from here telling the body
what to do
  PARIETAL LOBES – some of the senses send
information for processing
  TEMPORAL LOBES – speech centres are located here,
brain computes info and data and assists in written and
spoken communications.
  OCCIPITAL LOBES – where info from eyes is processed
  MIDBRAIN – second largest – contains
HYPOTHALAMUS, - produces hormones that affect temp,
growth and other physiological activities
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  HINDBRAIN – third largest – centre of regulation of many
of brains basic functions including breathing, BP, heart rate

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  Brain defines how we think, learn, process sensory info, and
consciously act. Our mind is the computer that describes our
abilities, personality and intelligence. Our minds can do
wondrous things – or terrible things. This mental factory can
be affected by everything discussed here.
 Various parts of the brain can become infected or inflamed
  HEAD INJURY – Injury to brain within skull
  CONCUSSION – period of unconsciousness – risk to
flying as injuries to brain can lead to convulsions and
hypoxia can trigger these off.

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How Our Brains Are Tricked

Count every " F" in the following text:



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How Our Brains Are Tricked

occdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr
the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny
iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat
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ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can
be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

How Our Brains Are Tricked

  This is clearly wrong. For instance, compare the

following three sentences:

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1) A vheclie epxledod at a plocie cehckipont near the UN
haduqertares in Bagahdd on Mnoday kilinlg the
bmober and an Irqai polcie offceir
2) Big ccunoil tax ineesacrs tihs yaer hvae seezueqd the
inmcoes of mnay pneosenirs
3) A dootcr has aimttded the magltheuansr of a tageene
ceacnr pintaet who deid aetfr a hatospil durg blendur

How Our Brains Are Tricked

  Video – The Amazing Power of Your Mind

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  Why is it important in an aviation environment?
Cognitive processing – overload
Situational awareness
Mental agility
  Decision making and problem solving •
»  Pilot judgement

Our Unonscious Minds

Hand out – Our Unconscious Mind by john Bargh

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Making decisions without thought – studies with
Sigmund Freud and survival of the species –
conscious as rational thought and emotion and
unconscious as the lair of the irrational
Automatic thoughts fast, efficient and outside the
realm of conscious awareness, devoid of conscious

Our unconscious Minds

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Controlled thoughts require purposeful and a slow
engagement of conscious thought (writing exams)
The automatic and controlled systems can
complement each other but can also conflict
Snap judgments made very day – based on
expectations and reflexive reactions We have to
exert wilful, conscious effort to put aside the
unexplained and sometimes unwarranted negative
feelings we may harbour to others

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Our Unconscious Minds
Understanding this can help to overcome
those feelings and resist impulses that are
difficult to understand and control (dieting) In
other words we are regulating our own behaviour
which depends on more than genetics,
temperament or social support networks (nature
v nurture) but also on our ability to identify and
overcome automatic impulses and emotions that
influence our daily life
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Our Unconscious Minds
Gut reactions are both good and bad. We often
rely on first impressions when making an opinion of
someone but this can be inaccurate and based on
a stereotype about how a particular group behave –
often incorrect for the individual we may meet
An Implicit Association Test calls on test
subjects to characterise objects according to
qualities they possess eg: a puppy may be good, a
spider bad
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How Our Brains Are Tricked
These gut reactions complicate relationships and
fair treatment to workers etc as they originate in the
unconscious mind and we tend to positively reinforce
the negative/positive image
Although it is used to test prejudices it can equally
be seen to affect weather and people’s emotional

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How Our Brains Are Tricked
 People have a natural tendency to mimic and imitate the
physical behaviour of others – emotional expressions, arm
and hand gestures, body postures (children copying their
parents, people in café’s etc) - Conforming in this way is
an adaptive process to fit in with a crowd
It has been seen that couples that have been together a
long time often resemble each other more and more. This
fosters empathetic feelings between them making them

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 Imitation can also have negative connotations when
people copy bad behaviour of others (in streets that have
graffiti or are littered are often the scenes of fights etc)

How Our Brains Are Tricked

 Motivating others can also use this psychology –
when girl students were reminded of being female
before an exam they got worse results on maths
tests but if they were positively reminded of their
ethnic background (for instance) they fared better

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 These unconscious influences are what is used

in advertising etc (subliminal advertising)  Video

– Dumb Way To Die

Brain Games
•  How it is easy to trick our brains in terms of
perception, attention, peripheral vision, focus,
continuity errors.

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  Video – How Easily Our Brains are Fooled
  Brain games video – National Geographic test Your
  Video – Tricks on How To Remember

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The Nervous System

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  Spinal Cord as nerve centre
  Direct link to muscles, internal organs, sensory organs
  Nerves deliver signals for action – part of feedback
  Pilot flying a/c
  Injury and illness – helicopter pilot

The Spinal Cord

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  Signals from the various parts of the brain are
transmitted to the rest of the body by a bundle of nerves
called the spinal cord, located in the bony protrusions of
the spine
  This is the link between the CNS (the brain) and the
peripheral nervous system forming the direct link
between muscles, internal organs and sensory
organs. Eg: we experience a pain in the foot as it is
transmitted to the brain from nerves that leave the
spinal column at the end of the spine (lower back) and
extend to the foot

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The Spinal Cord
  In addition, the spinal cord brings back signals from
‘end organs’ (those that do the actions) as a form of
feedback which the brain processes with other data
needed for overall function
  Eg: the brain will tell the pilot to turn the ignition on
with his fingers, and when the sound of the engine
reaches the ear, that signal is transmitted back to

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the brain to tell the pilot to release the switch – all via
the spinal cord
  Any pathology in the spinal cord will interfere with
these critical transmissions

The Spinal Cord

  Injury to the cord results in total or partial loss of
neurological control to any part of the body that is
connected to nerves distant from the brain and closest to
the injury

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  This could be a physical injury to the neck or back
(helicopter pilot); disease to the myelin sheath that
surrounds the nerves (muscular sclerosis); a tumour
pressing on the nerves; or an infection or inflammation
affecting a small portion of the cord (herniated
  Advances in medicine have seen big leaps
forward in the treatment of spinal injuries but
still serious
The Nervous System
  There are several levels of nervous activity:
»  Reflex or instinctive (knee-jerk) reaction

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»  Autonomic (breathing, heart beat)
»  Motor and conditioned responses (learned skills like
riding a bike)

»  Consciously controlled actions and decisions

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The Peripheral Nervous System

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The Nervous System
  Peripheral NS – signals are transmitted to various
organs, cells and parts of the body via a series of smaller
single nerves in the PNS.
  Breathing, digestion, heart rate, BP, internal temp
control are automatic and don’t require conscious effort
to intiate action.

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  Feedback system from the organs tells the brain what
it needs and the brain responds.
  FIGHT or FLIGHT situation

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The Peripheral Nervous System

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  Importance for flying if an injury involves the nerves –
back injury, laceration to arm, fingers etc., crush
  Requirements of GCAA for flying and medical
  Temporary suspension of license

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Muscular-skeletal system

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Muscular-skeletal System
  Mobility requires joints to function
  Held together with LIGAMENTS
  Around each joint is a capsule in which is contained
synovial fluid for lubrication
  TENDONS – link bone and muscle
  Injuries and inflammation
  For flying need to be in good
shape for medical. An injury can be the end of your flying

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Gastro-intestinal system
  Digests and provides
nutrients and fluids for
metabolism into tissue cells
  Transformed into energy
  Waste products eliminated
from body
  Importance of good diet for
pilot (shifts)
  Conditions which prevent

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The Metabolic System
Makes everything work:
• NS supplies information
• Musculo-skeletal is mechanical tool
• GI processes the fuel
• MS converts resources into substances which
support activities of body and brain
• Most of workload is in liver – also detoxifies
drugs and alcohol
• Importance for pilot – need knowledge of
prescription medication allowances and D & A

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Metabolic systems of the body

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“Safety Through Education and Research”
Circulatory System - Heart

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The Heart
  Deoxygenated blood enters the…..through the …..
The atrium contracts and pushes this blood into the
…… The ……makes sure that the blood flows the
correct way. When the right ventricle contracts, it
forces blood through the …….and along the
pulmonary arteries to the ………..In the ……….the
blood becomes oxygenated. It returns to the heart in
the ………. These enter the ….. When this contracts
it pushes blood into the …. This has a thick wall
because when it contracts it generates high pressure

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to force the blood through the …..to the head and

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Real World Heart Rate and Pressure

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Risk factors for heart attack
  Male/female after 40
  Smoking
  Age
  Family history
  Diet
  Alcohol
  Exercise
  Medical conditions – diabetes
  Stress
GCA requirements for ECG’s and flying post MI

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Circulatory System

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Circulatory System

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The Peripheral Nervous System
  Breathe in oxygen from the
air. During every breath air – a
mix of O2 and Nitrogen is
drawn into the lungs and once
there is DIFFUSED from the
air into the blood
  Diffusion takes place at
terminal air sacs (alveoli)
  Diffusing area of lungs is vast
– size of a tennis

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Respiratory system `
  Condition affecting the
respiratory system (asthma,
bronchitis, pneumonia etc.)
  Prevention and medical
  The effect of smoking on

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