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to the
Genera, Subgenera, and Sections
of the


A l f r e d R . L o e b lic h , J r ., and A lf r e d R. L o e b lic h , III

U n iv e r s ity of M iam i
I n s t i t u t e of M a r in e Science
June • 1966
Studies in Tropical Oceanography provides for lengthy publications
dealing with the tropical oceans and their floras and faunas in the
broadest sense. The journal will be issued irregularly and, for the
most part each number will contain a single report. Because of
the nature of financial support and attendant regulations, Studies
in Tropical Oceanography can not be offered on an exchange basis.
Although the journal was initiated to meet the needs of the
regular and visiting staffs of the Institute of Marine Science, it is
open to manuscripts from others provided they can arrange to
meet the cost of publication. Format of this series conforms in
general to that of the Bulletin of Marine Science. Prospective au­
thors should consult the Instructions for the Preparation of Manu­
scripts found inside the back cover and should direct initial inquiry
concerning manuscripts to the Editor, Bulletin of Marine Science,
Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami, 1 Rickenbacker
Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149. A special editorial committee
will be designated for each number of Studies in Tropical Ocea­
E a c h o f t h e r e p o r t s listed below may be ordered from the Publica­
tions office of the Institute of Marine Science, University of Miami.
No. 1 — Donald P. de Sylva: Systematics and Life History of the
Great Barracuda, Sphyraena barracuda (Walbaum). viii + 179
pp., 32 Tables, 36 Figs., Oct. 1963. Price $2.50.
No. 2 — John K. Howard and Shoji Ueyanagi: Distribution and rela­
tive abundance of Billfishes (Istiophoridae) of the Pacific Ocean,
x + 134 pp., 1 Table, 37 Figs., 38 maps in Atlas, July 1965.
Price $5.50.
No. 3 — Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr., and Alfred R. Loeblich, III: Index
to the genera, subgenera and sections of the Pyrrhophyta. x +
94 pp., June 1966. Price $2.50.


No. 3

This paper may be referred to as:

Stud. trop. Oceanogr. Miami 3: x + 94 pp.,
June 1966

Price — $2.50
Ornithocercus carolinae Kofoid. Drawing by J.
Keeser, after Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928.
to the
Genera, Subgenera, and Sections
of the

A lfre d R. L o e b l i c h , J r ., and A l f r e d R. L o e b lic h , III

June • ig66
Published by the University of Miami
Institute of M arine Science
for this Number
F r e d e r ic k M. B a y e r J o h n S. B u n t
J a m e s I. J o n e s E. J. F . W o o d
I n s t it u t e o f M a r in e S c ie n c e , U n iv e r s it y o f M ia m i

Printed in the United States of America

E d it o r s ’ P r e f a c e

The organisms included in this index comprise the vast, heterogeneous

assemblage known as the Pyrrhophyta, many species of which are important
components of the phytoplankton. Others inhabit a variety of ecological
niches and may be benthic, symbiotic, or parasitic. Many of the planktonic
forms have a theca of cellulose or form tough cysts and thus can be recog­
nized in marine sediments and as fossils. Hence, they are of great potential
importance to the paleontologist, and interest in them is rapidly increasing.
Moreover, their usefulness as indicators of water movements, and their
role in primary production in the sea demand the attention of oceanograph­
ers. The toxic properties of certain species may affect fisheries resources
by killing off commercially important fishes or by rendering shellfish in­
edible, thus bringing them within the province of fisheries scientists.
As would be expected from their diverse nature, basic taxonomic knowl­
edge of the Pyrrhophyta is widely scattered through the literature and,
until now, there has been no compilation of the genus-group names that
have been proposed for these organisms. This lack has now been admirably
satisfied by Dr. A. R. Loeblich, Jr., who is widely recognized for his
thorough and perceptive work on the Foraminifera. He has been joined
in this effort by his son, who has acquired the same passion for thorough
documentation and accuracy that characterizes his father’s work.
The Index will be indispensable to all who are engaged in the systematic
aspects of research on the Pyrrhophyta, as well as to those whose interests
lie in the application of information derived from them or in their use in
various areas of research. The accompanying bibliography is a guide to
the taxonomically significant literature concerning these organisms, and has
been kept up to date even during the printing of the work.
Reading the lucid, condensed and at the same time comprehensive intro­
ductory statement leaves the non-specialist with a remarkably broad aware­
ness of many aspects of these interesting organisms. We are glad to have
the opportunity to make this informative and useful work available to all
who are interested in the broad aspects of oceanography as well as to those
whose research is concerned more directly with the phytoplankton or with
the systematic aspects of the Pyrrhophyta.
T able of Contents

A b s t r a c t ........................................................................................................................................ 1

I n t r o d u c t io n ............................................................................................................................ 1

P art I: I n d e x to P y r r h o p h y t a ................................................................................... 14

P art II: R e f e r e n c e s ............................................................................................................. 61

A d d e n d u m t o I n d e x ............................................................................................................. 93

A d d e n d u m t o R e f e r e n c e s .............................................................................................. 9 4

E xplanatio n of P late 1

1. Wetzeliella cf. glabra Cookson. Fossil cyst, showing intercalary archeopyle

with operculum nearly in place but slightly offset. Girdle faintly visible.
Upper Eocene, North Creek Member, Yazoo Formation, Little Stave Creek,
Clarke County, Alabama, collected August 1964. X 480.
2. Cordosphaeridium sp. Fossil cyst, showing archeopyle and numerous proc­
esses radiating from central body. Upper Eocene, Cocoa Sand Member,
Yazoo Formation, Little Stave Creek, Clarke County, Alabama, collected
August 1964. X 480.
3. Ceratium hirundinella (O. F. Muller) Bergh. Viewed from ventral side,
showing girdle, apical horn and three posterior horns. Fresh water, Laguna
Lake, Fullerton, California, collected September 5, 1963. X 300.
4. Ceratium divaricatum Kofoid. Empty theca, ventral view, showing broad,
open sulcal area, elongate apical horn and reduced posterior horn. Marine,
off Scripps Pier, La Jolla, California, collected June 24, 1965. X 300.
5. Ceratium cf. contrarium (Gourret) Pavillard. Ventral view, showing greatly
elongated horns, the posterior ones nearly parallel to the apical one. Marine,
off Scripps Pier, La Jolla, California, collected June 24, 1965. X 120,
6. Dinophysis odiosa (Pavillard) Tai and Skogsberg. Lateral view, showing
greatly emphasized hypotheca and reduced epitheca, nearly hidden by the
girdle “lists” or flanges at the margins of the girdle near the top of the
specimen, and the wing-like longitudinal “list” with long spines, at the
margin of the ventral sulcus to the right of the figure. Marine, off Scripps
Pier, La Jolla, California, collected June 24, 1965. X 480.
7. Peridinium conicum (Gran) Ostenfeld and Schmidt. Dorsal view, showing
girdle and tabulation, wide suture of old cell visible at junction of precingu-
lar plate (4") and intercalary (2a). Theca is empty, the cell contents escaped
by splitting theca along boundaries at both sides of plates 3", 2a, 4". Marine,
East Sound, Orcas Island, San Juan Islands, Western Washington, collected
July 1964. X 300.
8. Gonyaulax polyedra Stein. 8a. Ventral view showing displaced girdle on
ventral surface. 8b. Oblique dorsal view with antapical region at right and
sulcus to bottom of figure, looking at postcingular plate (3") and showing
girdle at left, and coarsely perforate surface. Marine, off Scripps Pier, La
Jolla, California, collected June 24, 1965. X 480.
9. Deflandrea sp. Fossil, double walled cyst, showing short apical horn, two
antapical horns, median girdle, and Peridinium-Yike shape. The operculum is
missing. Upper Eocene, Cocoa Sand Member, Yazoo Formation, Little Stave
Creek, Clarke County, Alabama, collected August 1964. X 480.
10. 11. Zooxanthella sp. Marine pyrrhophyte symbiont, obtained by crushing
tentacles of sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima. 10. Cell dividing, the
two daughter cells still held together within the old cell wall. 11. Other
specimens with numerous chromatophores in various positions. San Juan
Island, San Juan Islands, Western Washington, collected July 1964. X 2100.
Chevron Research Company, La Habra, California
Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley
A b st r a c t
Genera, subgenera and sections of the Pyrrhophyta are catalogued, and
an indication is given as to their validity under the International Code of
Botanical Nomenclature or International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
Type species are cited. The following new names are proposed: Abedinium
nom. nov. pro Leptophyllus Cachon & Cachon-Enjumet, 1964, non Hope,
1842, nec Quenstedt, 1876; Corythodinium nom. nov. pro Pyrgidium
Stein, 1883, non Tournouver, 1869 nec Nylander, 1867; Dogelodinium
nom. nov. pro Collinella Cachon, 1964 non Schmidt, 1879 nec Duda,
1918 nec Chatton & Perard, 1919; Gorkadinium nom nov. pro Tetrasphaera
Gorka, 1965 non Popofsky, 1912; Halophilodinium nom. nov. pro Haema-
todinium Schiller, 1956 non Hematodinium Chatton & Poisson, 1930; Kep-
penodinium nom. nov. pro Hollandella Cachon, 1964 non Gill, 1901;
Latifascia nom. nov. pro Heteroschisma Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928 non
Wachsmuth, 1883 nec Simroth, 1895 and Oblea gen. nov. pro invalid
Oblea Balech, 1964.
I n t r o d u c t io n
The Pyrrhophyta as here circumscribed includes those organisms
variously called dinoflagellates, peridinians, gymnodinians, and desmokonts,
but not the cryptomonads, and which are claimed by zoologists as flagel­
lated protozoans and by botanists as algae. Pascher (1911) pointed out
that certain morphological characteristics are common to those motile
forms previously known as the dinoflagellates, desmokonts, and crypto­
monads. The principal characteristics were the presence of two flagella
dissimilar in movement and morphology, and the photosynthesis of
starch by means of dark brown chromatophores. Later Pascher (1914)
united these three groups, the Dinophyceae, the Desmokontae, and the
Cryptophyceae into a single division which he called the Pyrrophyta. The
division name has its origin in the Greek words pyrrhos meaning flame-
colored, red, yellowish-red or tawny, and phyta meaning plants. These
microscopic organisms are known as the “flame-colored plants” because
of the dominant pigment, peridinin, present within the plastids. Although
Pascher originally spelled the division name as Pyrrophyta, he later
changed this to the now preferred, correct spelling, the Pyrrhophyta.
There are many reasons for excluding one group, the Cryptophyceae,
from the division. Most outstanding of these reasons are the differences
in their xanthophylls and carotenes, the differences in their nuclear mor-
l Present address: Department of Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
La Jolla, California.
phology and the presence of a tubular gullet in the motile cryptomonads.
Therefore the cryptomonads are considered to be a separate division, the
Cryptophyta (Dougherty & Allen, 1960), and the Desmokontae and
Dinophyceae are united in the Division Pyrrhophyta.
The Pyrrhophyta have a wide range in size and are extremely variable
in general appearance, mode of nutrition, presence or absence of internal
skeleton, type of cell wall (theca), habit and habitat. They are also cur­
rently of great importance to a wide variety of relatively unrelated scien­
tific disciplines, as a result of their abundance, cosmopolitan nature, and
their variety of characters.
Marine biologists are interested in them as important contributors to
phytoplankton productivity in the sea where they are commonly second
only to the diatoms in abundance and at times even surpass them. They
are of interest to biochemists because of their varied and distinctive pig­
ments, the bioluminescence of some forms, and the toxic compounds which
a few species secrete. Ecologists study those forms parasitic on or symbiotic
with diatoms, other dinoflagellates, radiolaria, tintinnids, polychaetes, eu-
phausids, mysids, amphipods, carideans, copepods, fish, and tunicates. Of
interest to cytologists are their distinctive nuclear characters, with the large,
commonly abundant and always discernible chromosomes. Algologists and
protozoologists may be concerned with their life histories, mode of repro­
duction and the interrelationships of host and parasite or host and symbiont.
Physiologists are interested in culturing the organisms, in determining their
vitamin and mineral requirements both for survival and for maximum
growth, and in studying their various characters such as the different mode
of beating of the two flagella as well as the way this results in their rapid
or slow movement in various directions. Hydrobiologists are concerned
with their distribution and abundance in freshwaters, and fisheries workers
are similarly concerned with those that constitute a significant part of the
food chain, with their present seasonal and geographic distribution, and the
factors such as temperature, salinity and availability of vitamins and other
nutrients that regulate this distribution. Fisheries research may also be
concerned with the effects on fish and on the shellfish consumed by man,
of the toxins produced, and which accumulate in the predators in such
quantities, during the dinoflagellate blooms. To oceanographers, their
distribution is important in studies of current distribution and primary
production, and studies of sediments obtained from deep-sea cores. Known
as fossils for well over a century, they have become increasingly im­
portant in that branch of micropaleontology generally known as palynology,
and although information is only now accumulating in quantity they
already are widely used for correlation and age dating by stratigraphers
in various economic (e.g. oil company), governmental and academic
geological organizations. Their study has resulted in publication of a
recent bibliography and index to fossil genera and species (Downie &
Sarjeant, 1965), a descriptive generic index of fossil forms (Norris & Sar-
jeant, 1965) and an illustrated catalogue (Eisenack & Klement, 1964)
of the fossil forms of dinoflagellates and acritarchs, the latter being
smooth or ornamented spheres which resemble some dinoflagellate cysts,
but probably also include cysts or eggs of a variety of other organisms
as well. The paleontologist and paleoecologist also may be concerned
with possible fossil evidence of mass destructions caused by ancient red
tides, and paleogeographic interpretations may be aided by studies of the
past distributions of these organisms. Like some other groups of phyto­
plankton, they are of increased stratigraphic and paleontologic importance
in modern studies of those oceanic sediments where the preserved fossil
remains are limited to the non-calcareous forms.
Microscopic organisms ranging from about 10n in length up to a
maximum of 2 mm (Noctiluca), the Pyrrhophyta vary in habit and
habitat from free-living flagellates to palmelloid or filamentous non-motile
forms to ectoparasites, endoparasites, and symbionts of marine algae,
Protozoa, and Metazoa. They are found in fresh water ponds, lakes,
marshes and rivers, occur as marine psammophytes (living within the
shore sands), and comprise an important part of the phytoplankton of
the ocean, where during plankton blooms there may be as many as 100
million cells in a single liter of water. Possessing chromatophores, they
may be autotrophic, fixing C 02 for their own food supply and in the
case of symbiotic forms (e.g., Zooxanthella) may also supply the nutritional
requirements for the host protozoan (foraminiferan, ciliate, or radio-
larian), or metazoan (sponge, coral, sea anemone, jellyfish, gastropod,
pelecypod, or turbellarian worm). Kawaguti (1944) and Freudenthal
(1962) upon culturing zooxanthellae obtained motile cells with a gym-
nodiniod morphology. The zooxanthellae studied by Kawaguti were
isolated from reef coral while those studied by Freudenthal were cultured
from a scyphozoan. Other forms have lost their chromatophores and may
be holozoic ingesting whole food particles, or saprophytic, absorbing
dissolved food material as in the case of the various parasitic forms.
Their general form is also diversified, including in addition to the
common unicellular biflagellate form, colonial forms (Polykrikos) , an
amoeboid form, non-motile forms of palmelloid nature forming gelatinous
aggregates of unicellular cells, non-motile forms of coccoid type with firm
cell walls, and finally multicellular filamentous forms. This array of
varied morphological types is united by the occurrence of motile repro­
ductive cells of distinct dinoflagellate form. These motile cells, produced
by the filamentous as well as other non-motile types, are morphologically
similar to the biflagellate (vegetative) cell as seen in the genus Gym-
nodinium. This characteristic dinoflagellate form has an elongate body
with two unequal flagella. One of these is thread-like, arising from the
posterior pore in the sulcus and projecting backwards along a longitudinal
groove or sulcus in which it is either held somewhat rigidly in position or
may vibrate with a broad planar wave. The other flagellum is an un­
dulating flattened ribbon arising from the anterior sulcal pore, encircling
the cell in a transverse or spiral groove (the girdle) and beating in a
helical wave so that about one-half the wave projects from the girdle
(Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; Jahn, Harmon & Landman, 1963). In a few
forms both flagella may arise from the same pore, which occurs near the
anterior extremity (e.g. Cochlodinium).
There is to date only one published study on the ultra-structure of the
dinoflagellate flagella (Pitelka & Schooley, 1955). Their study of an
undetermined species of the genus Gyrodinium showed that the transverse
flagellum is of distinctive ribbon-like nature. This distinction is explained
electron microscopically by the presence of a unilateral expanded flagellar
sheath. In some specimens lateral mastigonemes occurred on one side of
the transverse flagellum, which is termed a stichoneme type of flagellum
or Flimmergeissel. The longitudinal flagellum is smooth and tapered to a
short acroneme tip. Before broad generalizations can be made concerning
the dinoflagellate flagella, such as has been done for the Chrysophyta,
further electron microscopic studies are needed.
The unique broad and transparent fin-like membrane of the transverse
flagellum moves in ripples of greater amplitude than those of the flagellar
fibrils. The movement of the longitudinal flagellum was thought to be
responsible for forward locomotion, and possibly for some rotational
motion and the transverse flagellum responsible wholly or in part for the
rotation. Recent studies of the movement of Ceratium show that whereas
the longitudinal flagellum creates a strong posteriorly directed current, the
transverse flagellum also has a forward component to its movement. Rota­
tion may be in different directions, according to whether or not the
transverse flagellum was beating. Either flagellum may beat separately or
the two may beat simultaneously (Jahn, Harmon & Landman, 1963).
Pseudopodia have been reported to occur in the ventral furrow of some
forms such as Ceratium.
All Pyrrhophyta also have in common a large nucleus in which the
numerous chromosomes remain condensed throughout interphase and
mitosis. Their mean chromosome number ranges from 5 in the parasitic
Syndinium turbo to 20 in the free-living Exuviaella baltica to 144 in
Gonyaulax tamarensis and 284 in Ceratium hirundinella. The chromo­
somes stain readily and vary from quite large and rod-shaped (Proro-
centrum micans, Gonyaulax tamarensis) to small and nearly spherical
(Amphidinium klebsii, Prorocentrum triestinum). There is little variation
in shape of the chromosomes within the nucleus of a single species
(Dodge, 1963).
Examination of Feulgen-stained nuclei show that the chromosomes ap­
pear to consist entirely of fibrillar DNA, for the chromosomes did not
stain with fast green but the surrounding cytoplasm did, suggesting that
the chromosomes do not contain basic protein (histone), whereas a
considerable amount of protein and some lipid is present as a granular
amorphous substance around them (Dodge, 1964).
A peculiar large vacuole occurs near the center of the cell, with two
canals opening to the exterior near the flagellar pores. The vacuole does
not pulsate but may be associated with nutrition. It is less prevalent in
fresh water forms.
The cells are either unarmored (Gymnodiniales) or provided with a
cellulose cell wall or theca. Through the kindness of Professor B. E.
Volcani of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography we are able to present
the following of his unpublished data on the chemical composition of the
cell wall (theca) of the Pacific Ocean red-tide organism, Gonyaulax
polyedra. Study of collections made during a red-tide “bloom” off the
Scripps pier showed that the cell wall was composed of approximately 98
to 99 per cent organic material of which 94% was cellulose with minor
traces of protein and lipid. The minor components may have been contam­
inants from the protoplasmic component of the cell. The data were obtained
by the use of enzymatic, chemical, and electron microscopical techniques.
Dr. Volcani’s electron micrographs of G. polyedra confirm earlier reports
by Braarud, Markali & Nordli (1958) and Venkatarama & Mehta (1960)
who demonstrated the occurrence of fibrillar cellulose in the dinoflagellates.
These authors studied Exuviaella baltica and Peridinium cinctum respec­
The theca may be composed of two valves (Prorocentrales) or a com­
plex series of articulated plates (Dinophysiales and Peridiniales), whose
plate number and arrangement are important in classification. There also
may be various horn-like extremities (Ceratium) or wing-like processes
(Ornithocercus) or “lists,” the flange-like projections at the margins of
the sulcus or girdle that may obscure part of the epitheca (Dinophysis) ;
these processes may aid in flotation.
A system for designating the various plates was developed by Kofoid
(1909b). The theca or cell wall is divided into parts by the median girdle.
The anterior and posterior parts respectively are designated as epitheca
and hypotheca. Analogous terms (episome and hyposome) are used for
corresponding regions of the non-thecate forms. The girdle or cingular
region bearing the transverse flagellum contains cingular plates up to a
maximum of 12 in Fragilidium. The longitudinal flagellum occupies a
longitudinal furrow or sulcus on the ventral face, and lies approximately
in the axis of locomotion and rotation. The girdle may be somewhat dis­
placed on this ventral face, and the flagellar pores of both longitudinal
and transverse flagellum also are found on the ventral surface. The apical
region is anterior, that which leads in locomotion, and the antapical is
The plates of epitheca and hypotheca are each divided into two trans­
verse series. In the epitheca, the anterior series is known as the apical
series; between these and the girdle lie the more numerous and larger
precingular plates. In some forms there may be an incomplete intercalary
series (usually of one to three plates) on the dorsal side, which may be
asymmetrically displaced. The girdle plates are known as the cingular
Behind the girdle lies the postcingular series, fewer and commonly
larger than the precingular ones, and interrupted on the ventral side by
the longitudinal furrow. The antapical series consists of one or more
plates at the antapex. The plates of a series are commonly numbered
beginning with the ventral area or furrow containing the flagellar pore,
and continuing in counterclockwise order when viewing the apical region.
Due to the difficulty in seeing these very small plates, those of the girdle,
ventral area, and longitudinal furrow were not defined by Kofoid although
those of the ventral furrow region are now referred to as sulcal plates,
and further subdivided as to their left or right, anterior or posterior
position (Balech, 1959).
The plates may appear to be held together by a cross-suturing, possibly
an effect due to the overlapping of the beveled margins of the individual
plates, these sutures being up to 5 /x in breadth. In order to see the tabula­
tion more clearly in modern species it is possible to loosen the plates by
soaking in sodium hypochlorite (Eau de Javelle) for a short time.
Fossil forms may also show apparent plate patterns but commonly as
ridges instead of depressions along the “sutures.” As the plates of mod­
ern dinoflagellates separate readily and the thecae are not resistant to the
acid treatment that does not affect the fossil forms, the fossil forms are
believed to represent cysts, whose apparent plate patterns are in reality a
mould of the interior of the true plate sutures. Similarly, certain forms
known as hystrichospheres, roughly globular and with numerous tubular
projections, appear also to represent cysts, the tubular projections extend­
ing originally to the various plates of the dinofiagellate theca (Evitt, 1963).
Encystment in modern dinoflagellates may occur in response to un­
favorable environmental conditions or, as a resting stage, a definite stage
in the life cycle. At excystation, the cyst ruptures and the protoplast
escapes. A distinctive type of opening, the archeopyle, may appear in dif­
ferent species upon the loss of the operculum. These archeopyles may be
classed according to the position of the plates corresponding to the oper­
culum, for example apical archeopyle (loss of entire apical series of
plates), intercalary archeopyle (loss of mid-dorsal anterior intercalary
plate), and precingular archeopyle (formed by loss of mid-dorsal pre­
cingular plate). The separation occurs slightly inside the actual sutural
line, however (Evitt, 1961b).
In contrast to the external theca of most dinoflagellates there may be a
complex internal skeleton in certain rare genera. The composition of their
internal skeletons is unknown for many genera, but consists of opaline
silica in Actiniscus (= Gymnaster), a form first known as a fossil in
Miocene sediments. Later observed in the living state (Schiitt, 1891), the
skeletal elements were stated to consist of four parts, two large and two
small. Each of the larger parts forms a cupped, five-rayed star, to which
were connected the two smaller stars. The open ends of the stellate “cups”
face each other near the center of the cell and enclose the nucleus between
them. The smaller skeletal elements reported by Schiitt may be new skele­
tons developing before cell division. The skeleton of Achradina is insoluble
in acetic acid, but the exact composition is unknown. However, it has a
single elongate conical skeleton with large openings, unlike the paired
ones of Actiniscus. Plectodinium has an apical spicule of undetermined
Although no living forms with mineralized thecae are known, fossil forms
have been described with a silico-organic “theca” from strata of ages
varying from Jurassic (Eodinia and Lithodinia of Eisenack, 1936), in
pebbles of glacial origin from the Baltic region, to the Eocene of New
Zealand and Barbados (Lithoperidinium = Peridinites) (Deflandre, 1933;
and Lefevre, 1933). Other genera have been reported to have a calcareous
theca, e.g., Biechelerella and Calcisphaerellum, both from the Jurassic of
France and Bicarinellum and Calcicarpinum from the Eocene of France;
Calciodinellum, Calciogranellum, Calciogonellum and Calcipterellum from
the Miocene of Algeria (Deflandre, 1947a; 1948). However, both the
siliceous and calcareous forms appear to represent cysts rather than theca,
as shown by the elevated sutural ridges, or commonly broken specimens
whose missing areas always represent the same plates as in the usual cyst
Less well known than the armored or thecate dinoflagellates are the un­
armored forms. The relative lack of study of these forms is due to their
delicate nature, so that they must be studied immediately after collection.
The living forms rapidly disintegrate, and cannot be satisfactorily preserved
for cytological study. In addition certain of the smaller forms have a very
rapid locomotion and thus are also difficult to observe in the living state.
The surface of the naked periplast may show longitudinal ridges and
furrows in varying degrees. Many are highly colored and the pigment may
be localized in certain regions, near the girdle, sulcus, along striae and at
the apices, but may vary in position, occurring as diffused grains at times
and at other times localized into larger granules.
Some of the unarmored forms have been studied by silver impregnation,
which makes visible the “reseau argyrophile,” a distinctly patterned sur­
face network. A similar method allows determination of the tabulation in
thecate forms in which it is somewhat obscure (Chatton & Hovasse, 1934;
Beicheler, 1952).
Many of these unarmored forms are quite specialized and may possess
a variety of special organelles, including an “eye” (ocellus) with lens,
pigment mass, and sensory core (in Warnowia) and nematocysts. An
eyespot of the type found in the other flagellate algal groups (a small,
orange-colored granule) also occurs in armored and unarmored dinoflagel­
lates. It is apparently not homologous with the “ocellus” of the marine
species. The nematocysts occur also in some other unicellular organisms,
but are characteristic of two genera, Polykrikos and Nematodinium, of the
dinoflagellates. These nematocysts resemble those of the coelenterates, are
about 5 to 22 in length, may appear in various positions in the cell body,

although more commonly in the right half, and are elongate-ovate in shape
with an external capsule at the broader end. Within the capsule is an in­
troverted extension which is thrown outward when the nematocyst is ex­
ploded. To this is attached the slender, spirally coiled filament (Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.)
In some unarmored forms (e.g. Noctiluca, Erythropsidinium) a tentacle
or prod is developed and the longitudinal flagellum has nearly or com­
pletely disappeared. This tentacle may not be primarily for locomotion,
but possibly may serve a feeding or defensive purpose (Kofoid & Swezy,
Certain of the unarmored forms are polymorphic (Dissodinium lunula),
the duration of the encysted Pyrocystis state being prolonged and the free
motile Gymnodinium state much reduced. Some of these immobile Pyr-
rhophyta are globular or irregular forms with horn-like extremities. These
stalked forms show their relationships only by the characters of the motile
zoospores. The zoospores are commonly naked, but those of Stylodinium
tarnum have a tabulate theca resembling the genus Glenodiniopsis. About
80 per cent of these immobile species are found in fresh water (Thompson,
Even more modified are the parasitic Pyrrhophyta. The free motile
stage is brief, but resembles Gymnodinium. When the parasitic stage de­
velops, the flagella are lost and the cell becomes a large sac-like structure
(e. g. Blastodinium) attached to the host. They may be ectoparasites or
endoparasites on various marine invertebrates and fish, as well as on dia­
toms and other dinoflagellates. The parasitic stage is so unlike the normal
dinoflagellate that some have been described as rhizopod protozoans.
The pigments found in the chromatophores give these organisms a
greenish tan or golden brown color, and consist of chlorophyll a, chloro­
phyll c, /3-carotene (also a-carotene, according to McLaughlin et al,
1963) and six xanthophylls, peridinin, diadinoxanthin, dinoxanthin, neo-
dinoxanthin, neodiadinoxanthin, and neoperidinin, some of which are
known only in the Dinophyceae (Strain, Manning, & Hardin, 1944). As
a result of these distinctive pigments and the huge numbers of specimens
present during blooms, the water and shore sands may be actually colored
red or yellow, the result being variously designated as “red water,” “yellow
water,” or “red tide.” The chloroplast of dinoflagellates, like those of
other eucaryotic algae and of the higher plants, is a double membrane-
limited organelle containing a lamellar structure. The arrangement of the
lamellae or discs varies in different groups. In Amphidinium carterae bands
of three discs, or rarely four (as in the Chrysophyta), commonly traverse
the whole chloroplast, and run parallel to the surface. A single disc may
split to form two bands. However such a disc never connects one band to
another. A single net-like chloroplast is located at the cell periphery and
branches inward to form a single central starch-ensheathed pyrenoid. A
few of the bands may traverse the pyrenoid (Gibbs, 1962a, b). Ueda
(1961) finds four discs per band as the common arrangement in Ceratium
furca and Dinophysis hastata.
In addition to the storage of food as starch plates around the pyrenoid,
there may be smaller scattered starch grains or oil droplets in the cyto­
plasm adjacent to the chloroplast.
Some of the dinoflagellates may secrete a very toxic but thermolabile
compound which may result in the poisoning and mass mortality of fish
and the poisoning of various types of shellfish during the phytoplankton
blooms, “red water,” or “red tide.” Gonyaulax catenella reportedly is the
source of the paralytic poison in the edible mussel Mytilus californianus
(Sommer, Whedon, Kofoid, & Stohler, 1937). Such poisons also are
known to occur in Gonyaulax tamarensis, Gymnodinium breve, Prorocen-
trum sp. and others.
Many of the marine dinoflagellates are bioluminescent; luminescent
granules occur in the cytoplasmic strands of Noctiluca and glow when the
organism is stimulated. De Sa, Hasting, & Vatter (1963) isolated lumines­
cent crystalline subcellular particles termed scintillons from Gonyaulax
polyedra. These particles are capable of emitting luminescent flashes. In
an electron microscopic study of pyrrhophytes, Afzelius & Halyarson
(1964) interpreted certain sectioned organelles (in the shape of rectangu­
lar solids) as scintillons, whereas Dragesco & Hollande (1965) view
these organelles as trichocysts. The luminescence is rhythmic in some
forms, being much brighter at night. Recovery of the power to luminesce
after each activation is slow. Noctiluca scintillans and Gonyaulax polyedra
are the major causes of bioluminescence in neritic water, but are replaced
in the open ocean by other species. Luminescent forms have been re­
ported in the genera Ceratium, Fragilidium, Gonyaulax, Noctiluca, Peri-
dinium, Gymnodinium, Prorocentrum, Pyrodinium, and Pyrocystis. Ex­
periments have shown that some genera contain both luminous and non-
luminous species (Ceratium and Peridinium), other genera lack luminous
forms and some appear always to be luminescent (Gonyaulax). Some
isolates of Noctiluca scintillans emit light while others do not (Sweeney,
The most usual method of reproduction is by binary fission. The fission
is longitudinal in some forms (e. g. Pseudophalachroma, Dinophysis) but
oblique or transverse in other groups. In either case the fission line passes
through the point of insertion of the flagella. In some forms each daughter
cell retains half of the theca (e. g. Ceratium) and then develops the miss­
ing part. In other forms (e. g. Woloszynskia) the old cell wall may separate
along the girdle, allowing the protoplast to escape, after which a cyst de­
velops or a cyst may be developed within the theca. The protoplast then
divides into two to four daughter cells, each of which develops a new
theca (Thompson, 1951).
Occasionally complete separation of the daughter cells does not occur
and chain-like colonies may result, as in Ceratium and Gonyaulax.
Recently von Stosch (1964, 1965) presented evidence for sexual repro­
duction in several Ceratium species. He suggests that the small forms lata,
lineata and truncata of Ceratium tripos are in reality only the male gametes
of this species. The female gamete is identical in size with the vegetative
cell and during copulation absorbs the male gamete. The marine Ceratium
species are thought to be haploid. Zygotes are not known to form a resting
stage nor do they differ in shape from the vegetative cell. In Ceratium
cornutum, von Stosch demonstrated a zygote that was dissimilar in shape
to the vegetative cell. These zygotes are apparently not related to the acid
resistant cysts of recent and fossil occurrence. Both binucleate and
mononucleate cysts have been found in Ceratium hirundinella, the mono-
nucleate forms having twice the numbers of chromosomes of the binucleate
ones (Hall, 1925).
Many of the approximately 1000 modern species prefer a warm water
habitat, the greatest variety occurring in tropical waters, although Pyrrho-
phyta are found in waters of all latitudes. Similarly, the number of
individuals varies with the season, commonly their bloom occurs in late
spring or in summer, after the maximum diatom bloom has occurred and
waned. During their bloom the dinoflagellates may appear in such huge
quantities as to form red water or yellow water. A concentration of one
half to one million organisms per liter will give a chocolate brown color
to the water, the red water being produced when the concentration reaches
two to three million cells. Concentrations of 50 million cells are not
uncommon in red water, and as many as 63 million cells per liter have
been reported in fresh water blooms (Gymnodinium veris), and up to
100 million per liter in a marine red-water (Exuviaella sp.J (Ryther, 1955;
Iizuka, 1963).
For the past twenty years various state and federal agencies in different
parts of the United States have tried to find a key factor or group of factors
as a necessary prerequisite for the production of phytoplankton blooms.
In spite of numerous studies of the red-tide organisms, many of the
features of basic cell biology such as the biochemistry, physiology, and
cytology of the organisms, or a detailed study of the microchemistry of
the waters, before, during, and after bloom conditions have not yet been
studied. Until this is done any real answers concerning the dynamics of
phytoplankton blooms will not be available. The requirements for bloom
conditions are certainly related to such factors as light, the seed population,
favorable conditions for one or more species, and the concentrations of
nutrients sufficient for dense growth. The apparent need is for carefully
designed experiments to delimit these parameters of the environment.
During some blooms the dinoflagellates appear to be concentrated in
relatively narrow bands, usually at the water surface. Yet many dinofiagel-
lates appear to prefer reduced illumination and some show a marked
vertical diurnal migration of as much as 5 to 10 m in 12 hours (Hasle,
1950). As some species are known to rise to the surface at night and
sink during the day, while others show an opposite response to light, it is
possible that some red water is due to temporary local concentration caused
by such migrations. In other cases, buoyancy may be due to loss of density
in senescent cells causing their concentration in surface waters. Here they
may be further concentrated by winds, convergence of water masses, etc.
(Ryther, 1955).
Although dinoflagellates have been known as organisms for over two
centuries, mention of the red water caused by their “blooms” can be found
in the Old Testament and in the writings of the ancient Greeks. Study of the
organisms began when Baker (1753) published a description of the form
now known as Noctiluca, and discussed its phosphorescent properties. O. F.
Muller named and described the first dinoflagellate species Vorticella cincta
in 1773 (it was later to become the type of the monotypic Peridinium of
Ehrenberg, 1830). Muller also described a species of Ceratium as Cercaria
tripos in 1776, first figuring it in 1786. At that time these dinoflagellates
were regarded as Infusoria, worms or larvae, and placed in other known
genera. The first generic name proposed for a dinoflagellate was Gleba
Bruguiere, 1791, although this was a homonym of an earlier genus of
Forskal, 1776. Ceratium Schrank, 1793, is the oldest generic name now in
use. The earliest fossil forms described were those by Ehrenberg (1837).
Over a period of some 45 years he described many genera and species of
living and fossil forms, including some of the latter from diatomites and
from flint chips. Living genera that he proposed include Peridinium 1830,
Prorocentrum 1835, Glenodinium 1836, Dinophysis 1839, and Blepharo-
cysta 1873. He originally described the genus Actiniscus 1840 from fossil
material, half a century before its recognition as a living form.
Brandt (1881) and Geddes (1882) showed that the green and yellow
cells found in planarian worms, corals, jellyfish, and radiolarians which
were known to photosynthesize carbohydrates to form starch and produce
oxygen, also had their own nucleus, cellulose wall, separate chromato-
phores, and pyrenoid and starch inclusions. These yellow cells also
produced swarm spores and thus were shown to be symbiotic unicellular
algae. The generic names Zooxanthella Brandt, 1881, and Philozoon
Geddes, 1882, were proposed for those which are of dinoflagellate nature.
Over the past 175 years, some 486 generic and subgeneric names have
been proposed in the Pyrrhophyta. The actual number of recognizable
genera is, of course, decreased by the number that may be shown to be
synonymous. As a result of the widely varying interests concerning these
organisms, and their inclusion in both the plant and animal kingdoms by
different workers, there is a similar diversity in the nature of the publica­
tions which concern them and unfortunately much of this literature consists
or relatively inaccessible items. The bibliography here included contains
only those references cited in this introduction or in the systematic index
and yet gives an indication of their varied nature.
These journals or separate publications may be in the general fields of
natural science or biology, in botany, zoology, geology and paleontology,
or the more specialized fields of micropaleontology, palynology, hydro­
biology, microscopy, animal or plant morphology or physiology, cytology,
and biochemistry. Other articles may appear in less obviously related
sources such as in publications concerning bacteria or crustaceans, or in
the fields of chemistry or oceanography, or even in publications concerning
the study of erratic boulders, and in those concerned with fish disease.
The type of publication has also changed in time, from the more general
work on natural history to the specialized study of flagellar ultrastructure,
pigment chromatography, or stratigraphic palynology. As a worker in many
of these specialized fields has neither the time nor inclination to make an
exhaustive taxonomic ttudy in order to identify the organism studied, it is
hoped that the present index will aid him in making the very necessary
identification with a minimum of effort. The student of fossil forms now
has at his disposal three recent publications that index the described genera
and species of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs (Eisenack & Klement,
1964; Norris & Sarjeant, 1965; Downie & Sarjeant, 1965). Some of the
more important monographic works on living forms are listed below. For
fresh water forms: Klebs, 1912; Lemmermann, 1910; Pascher, 1927;
Skuja, 1956; Thienemann, 1950; Thompson, 1949, 1951, and Wotoszyri-
skcj,, 1916. For unarmored forms: Christen, 1961; Conrad, 1926; Conrad
and Kufferath. 1954; Kofoid & Swezy 1921, and Schiller, 1928b. For
symbiotic forms: Brandt, 1881; Geddes, 1882, and Rhumbler, 1909; and
for parasitic forms: Boschma, 1949, 1959; Cachon, 1964; Chatton, 1920
and Kane, 1964. For the armored forms: Abe, 1927, 1936a, 1936b, 1941;
Balech, 1963; Bohm, 1931, 1936; Gaarder, 1954; Gourret 1883; Graham,
1942; Graham & Bronikovsky, 1944; Jorgensen, 1911, 1920, 1923; Kofoid
& Adamson 1933; Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928; Meunier, 1909, 1919;
Murray & Whitting, 1899; Paulsen, 1907, 1911, 1931; Pavillard, 1905,
1913, 1916; Peters, 1929; Schiller 1928a; Tai & Skogsberg, 1934, and
Wailes, 1928. For general work on the group: Grasse, 1952; Kiselev, 1950,
1954; Lebour, 1925; Lindemann in Eneler & Prantl, 1928; Pouchet,
1883, 1885, 1887; Schiller, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935a, b, 1937; Schilling,
1913; Schiitt, 1895, and Schlitt in Engler & Prantl, 1896.
However, no treatise, monograph, or text published to date concerning
this large group has been even relatively complete as to generic coverage
even as of the date of publication, nor have these sources commonly quoted
original references for the various taxa, cited types or synonyms in detail,
nor noted the presence of homonymy.
In the following index of genera, subgenera and sections each taxon has
been evaluated as to its original validity under the International Code of
Botanical Nomenclature or the International Code of Zoological Nomen­
clature, according to the usage of the original author. Remarks concerning
this validity also cite the appropriate article in the respective Codes.
In this index the following abbreviations have been employed:
ICBN. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
1CZN. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.
nom. nud. (nomen nudum). Name that fails to meet mandatory require­
ments of the Rules, hence has no status in nomenclature for establish­
ment of authorship and date.
nom. null, (nomen nullum). Unintentional alteration in spelling of previ­
ously published name (e.g. typographical error).
nom. subst. (nomen substitutum). Replacement name for junior homonym.
nom. van. (nomen vanum). Invalid, but intentional change in spelling of
previously validly published name.
OD (original designation). Type species of genus fixed by definite citation
in original publication.
OD(M) (original designation by monotypy). Type species of genus fixed
by original monotypy.
SD (subsequent designation). Type species not originally designated, for
genus with no originally included species or more than one originally
included species, but designated in later publication by the same or
different author.
A cknow ledgm ents
The writers are indebted to Dr. Helen Tappan Loeblich, University of
California, Los Angeles, for aid in obtaining rare literature, for reading
the manuscript, for offering many helpful suggestions, and also for her
helpful collaboration in preparing the Introduction. Thanks are also due
Dr. Phillip J. Halicki, Division of Marine Biology, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography for help in the preparation of the Introduction. Some of the
material illustrated on the frontispiece plate was collected by Alfred R.
Loeblich, III, at the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories
under a summer trainee grant in marine biology sponsored by the National
Science Foundation in 1964, and some was collected while at Scripps
Institution of Oceanography at La Jolla, California, in 1965.
Photographs of the Zooxanthella sp. were made at Friday Harbor
Laboratories, the remainder of the photographs were made at Chevron
Research Company at La Habra with a Leitz Ortholux microscope and
Orthomat camera. The fossil material illustrated was collected by Jere H.
Lipps, Karen E. Lipps, H. T. and A. R. Loeblich, Jr., 1964. The drawing
for the cover illustration was redrawn by Mr. J. C. Keeser, Chevron
Research Company, from the figure of Ornithocercus carolinae Kofoid
(Kofoid and Skogsberg, 1928, pi. 17, fig. 1). We are indebted to Miss
Arlynn Bishop for the typing of a very difficult and tedious manuscript.
Finally, we are grateful to Chevron Research Company for partial costs
of publication of our manuscript.
Abedinium Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, nom. nov. [Nom. subst. pro
Leptophyllus Cachon & Cachon-Enjumet, 1964, p. 7, non Hope, 1842,
nec Quenstedt, 1876.] Type species: A. dasypus (Cachon & Cachon-
Enjumet) Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, comb, nov., here'm = Lepto­
phyllus dasypus Cachon & Cachon-Enjumet, 1964, p. 7, pi. 2, figs. 1-4,
schema 2.
Acanthodinium Kofoid, 1907a, p. 193. Type species: A. spinosum Kofoid;
fixed by OD.
Acanthogonyaulax Kofoid, 1911a, p. 202, 247. Type species: Gonyaulax
ceratocoroides Kofoid, nom. nov., 1910, p. 182, = Ceratocorys spinifera
Murray & Whitting, 1899, pi. 30, figs. 6a, b, e (non 6c, d), non Gonyau­
lax spinifera (Claparede & Lachmann) Diesing, 1866; fixed by OD(M).
[Subgenus of Gonyaulax.]
Acanthogonyaulax (Kofoid) Graham, 1942, p. 52. Type species: A. spini­
fera (Murray & Whitting) Graham, 1942 = Ceratocorys spinifera Mur­
ray & Whitting, 1899 = Gonyaulax ceratocoroides Kofoid, 1910. [Ele­
vated to generic status, and earlier legitimate specific epithet available,
ICBN Art. 55 (2).]
Achomosphaera Evitt, 1963, p. 163. Type species: A. ramulifera (De-
flandre) Evitt, 1963 = Hystrichosphaeridium ramuliferum Deflandre,
1937b, p. 74; fixed by OD.
Achradina Lohmann, 1903, p. 64. Type species: A. pulchra Lohmann,
1903; fixed by OD.
Aciculae Gruppe [of Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933], O. Wetzel,
1933a, p. 144; 1933b, p. 79, 94.
Actiniscus Ehrenberg, 1840a, p. 208. [Subgenus of Dictyocha; nom. nud.]
Actiniscus Ehrenberg, 1840b, p. I ll, 149; 1840c, p. 147. Type species:
Dictyocha (Actiniscus) pentasterias Ehrenberg, 1840b, p. I ll, 149;
fixed by SD Downie & Sarjeant, 1964 [1965], p. 82, as type for genus
Actiniscus. [Subgenus of Dictyocha.]
Actiniscus (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1843, p. 103. [Elevated to generic
rank.] Type species: A. pentasterias (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg, 1854, pi.
18, fig. 61; pi. 19, fig. 45; pi. 33 (XVII), fig. 1 = Dictyocha (Actiniscus)
pentasterias Ehrenberg, 1840b, p. I ll, 149; fixed by SD Downie & Sar­
jeant, 1964 [January 12, 1965], p. 82. [Type not A. elegans Ehrenberg,
1844 as stated by Norris & Sarjeant, March 1965, p. 9, as type previously
designated by Downie & Sarjeant, see above.]
Actinocrinus Bronn, 1848, p. 423. [Nom. null, pro Actiniscus.]
* See also addendum, page 93.
Actinodinium Chatton & Hovasse, 1937, p. 24. Type species: A. apsteinii
Chatton and Hovasse, 1937; fixed by OD(M).
Actinotheca Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 9. Type species: A. aphroditae
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD(M). [See also Cookson &
Eisenack, 1961a, p. 75.]
Acuta Pavillard, 1916, p. 57. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839;
nom. nud.]
Acuta Group [of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 235, 236, 239.
Acutae Jorgensen, 1923, p. 18. Type species: not designated. [Section of
Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Adenoides Balech, 1956, p. 30. Type species: A. eludens (Herdman)
Balech, 1956 = Amphidinium eludens Herdman, 1922, p. 22; fixed by
Adinimonas Schiller, 1928a, p. 46, 48. Type species: A. oviforme Schiller,
1928; fixed by OD(M).
Agrosphaera Lo Bianco, 1903, p. 126, 226. Type species: A. pellucida
Lo Bianco, 1903; fixed by OD.
Aiora Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 9. Type species: A. fenestrata (De-
flandre & Cookson) Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a = Cannosphaeropsis
fenestrata Deflandre & Cookson, 1955, p. 283, pi. 3, fig. 2; fixed by OD.
Aktiniskus Filipescu & Hanganu, 1959, p. 196. [Nom. null, pro Actiniscus.]
Alexandrium Maghraby & Halim, 1959, p. 318. [Nom. nud.]
Alexandrium Halim, 1960a, p. 102. Type species: A. minutum Halim,
1960a; fixed by OD(M).
Allorgei Gruppa [of Poroperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954], Kise­
lev, 1954, p. 132, 133, 162, 176.
Amallocystis Fage, 1936, p. 145. Type species: A. racemosus (Coutiere)
Fage, 1936 —Ellobiopsis racemosus Coutiere, 1911b, p. 411. [nom.
subst. pro Staphylocystis Coutiere, 1911 non Villot, 1877.]
Amoebophrya Koeppen, 1894, p. 417. Type species: A. stycholonchae
Koeppen, 1894; fixed by OD.
Amphiceratium Vanhoffen, 1896, p. 133. Type species: A. fusus (Ehren­
berg) Vanhoffen, 1897, p. 268 =Peridinium fusus Ehrenberg, 1835
[separate 1834], p. 271; fixed by OD(M).
Amphiceratium (Vanhoffen) Gran, 1902, p. 193. [Section of Ceratium.]
Amphiceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 587. [Subgenus of Cera­
tium Schrank, 1793.]
Amphidiadema Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 4. Type species: A. den-
ticulata Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Amphidininm Balbiani, 1884, p. 375. [Nom. null pro Amphidinium Clapa>
rede & Lachmann, 1859.]
Amphidiniopsis Wofoszyrisk^,, 1928, p. 174. Type species: A. kofoidii
Wofoszyriska, 1928. Fixed by OD(M).
Amphidinium Claparede & Lachmann, 1859, p. 410. Type species: A.
operculatum Claparede & Lachmann, 1859; fixed by OD(M).
Amphidinium (Claparede & Lachmann) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 131.
[Subgenus of Amphidinium Claparede & Lachmann, 1859.]
Amphidium Neal et al., 1963, p. 121. [Nom. null, pro Amphidinium Cla­
parede & Lachmann 1859.]
Amphidoma Stein, 1883, p. 9, 20. Type species: A. acuminata Stein, 1883,
pi. 4, fig. 25, 26; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Amphilophus Calkins, 1926, p. 304. [Nom. null, pro Amphitholus Schiitt,
Amphilothus Kofoid, 1907a, p. 206. [Nom. null, pro Amphitholus Schiitt,
1895; this name has commonly been employed invalidly as a nom. subst.
pro Amphitholus Schiitt non Haeckel, 1887; see ICZN Art. 33(b)].
Amphisolenia Stein, 1883, p. 9, 24. Type species: A. globifera Stein,
1883, p. 24, pi. 21, figs. 9, 10; fixed by SD Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 340.
Amphitholus Schiitt, 1895, p. 170 (non Haeckel, 1887). Type species:
A. elegans Schiitt, 1895; fixed by OD.
Amphitolus Delage & Herouard, 1896, fig. 670 on p. 384. [Nom. null, pro
Amphitholus Schiitt, 1895.]
Amphydinium Ercegovic, 1936, p. 117. [Nom. null, pro Amphidinium
Claparede & Lachmann, 1859.]
Amphysolenia Yamaji, 1962, p. 212. [Nom. null, pro Amphisolenia Stein,
Amplidinium Hoare & Ovey 1951, p. 105. [Nom. null, pro Amphidinium
Claparede & Lachmann, 1859.]
Amylax Meunier, 1909, p. 51. Type species: A. lata Meunier, 1909; fixed
by OD.
Amyloodinium Brown & Hovasse, 1946, p. 45. Type species: A. ocellatum
(Brown) Brown & Hovasse, 1946 —Oodinium ocellatum Brown, 1931,
p. 346; fixed by OD.
Annulifera Jorgensen, 1920, p. 8. Type species: not designated. [Subsection
of section Poroceratium (Vanhoffen) Jorgensen, 1920.]
Apiculata Gruppe [of Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1837], Schiller, 1935b,
p. 93.
Apodinium Chatton, 1907, p. 282. Type species: A. mycetoides Chatton,
1907; fixed by OD.
Aptea Eisenack, 1958, p. 393. Type species: A. polymorpha Eisenack,
1958; fixed by OD.
Apteodinium Eisenack, 1958, p. 385. Type species: A. granulatum Eisen­
ack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Apylorus Evitt, 1964 [1965], p. 72. [Nom. null, pro Arpylorus Calandra,
Araneosae Gruppe [of Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933], O. Wetzel,
1933a, p. 144; 1933b, p. 79, 87.
Archaeceratium Jorgensen, 1920, p. 6. Type species: not designated.
[Nom. subst. pro Poroceratium (Vanhoffen) Jorgensen, 1911, p. 7, 8.]
[Subgenus of Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Archaeosphaerodiniopsis Rampi, 1943, p. 155. Type species: A. verru-
cosum Rampi, 1943; fixed by OD.
Archaeperidinium- Jorgansen^- 1912, p. 6. Type species: A. minutum
(Kofoid) Jorgensen, 1912 ^Peridinium minutum Kofoid, 1907b, p.
310; fixed by OD.
Archaeperidinium (Jorgensen) Lebour, 1922, p. 809. [Subgenus of Peri-
dinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Arcuata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 42. [Subsectio of section Tripos Ostenfeld,
Arcuata Karsten, 1907b, p. 407. [Subsectio of Sectio Rotunda; nom. nud.]
Areolata Gruppe [of subgenus Paraperidinium, genus Peridinium] Peters,
1929, p. 30.
Areoligera Lejeune-Carpentier, 1938, p. B163. Type species: A. senonensis
Lejeune-Carpentier, 1938; fixed by OD.
Argus Jorgensen, 1923, p. 12, 47. Type species: Phalacroma argus Stein,
1883, pi. 18, figs. 15-17; fixed by OD(M). [Section of Phalacroma
Stein 1883.]
Argus Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 68, 71.
Arpylorus Calandra, 1964, p. 4114. Type species: A. antiquus Calandra,
1964; fixed by OD.
Ascodinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 5. Type species: A. acro-
phorum Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Atelodinium Chatton, 1920, p. 352. Type species: A. microsporum Chat­
ton, 1920; fixed by OD.
Atiniscus Frenguelli, 1940, p. 38. [Nom. null, pro Actiniscus (Ehrenberg)
Ehrenberg, 1843.]
Avellana Paulsen, 1931, p. 43. Type species: Peridinium avellana (Meu-
nier) Lebour, 1925, p. 108 = Properidinium avellana Meunier, 1919,
p. 56, pi. 18, figs. 37-41; SD Abe, 1936a, p. 644. [Section of subgenus
Archaeperidinium (Jorgensen) Lebour, 1922.]
Bargoniella Loeblich & Tappan, 1961, p. 216. [Nom. subst. pro Salpicola
Bargoni, 1894, non Richiardi, 1880.] Type species: B. amylacea
(Bargoni) Loeblich & Tappan, 1964, p. C42 = Salpicola amylacea
Bargoni, 1894, p. 43.
Belodinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1960b, p. 249. Type species: B. dyscu-
lum Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Beloniformia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 18. Type species: Ceratium belone
Cleve, 1900, p. 13; fixed by OD(M). [Subsection of section Furciformia
Jorgensen, 1911.]
Berghiella Kofoid & Michener, 1911, p. 301. Type species: B. perplexa
Kofoid & Michener, 1911; fixed by OD.
Bernardinium Chodat in Chodat & Zender, 1923, p. 40. Type species:
B. bernardinense Chodat in Chodat & Zender, 1923; fixed by OD(M).
Bicarinellum Deflandre, 1948, p. 212. Type species: B. castaninum De-
fiandre, 1948; fixed by OD.
Biceratium Vanhoffen, 1896, p. 133. Type species: B. furca (Ehrenberg)
Vanhoffen, 1897, p. 268 = Peridinium furca Ehrenberg, 1835 [separate
1834], p. 270; fixed by OD.
Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Gran, 1902, p. 193. [Section of Ceratium Schrank,
Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 587. [Subgenus of Ceratium
Schrank, 1793.]
Biechelerella Deflandre, 1948, p. 209. Type species: B. jurassica Deflandre,
1948; fixed by OD.
Bifurcata Group [of Amphisolenia Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 360, 363.
Bigelowia Jorgensen 1911, p. 25. Type species: Ceratium bigelowii
Kofoid, 1907a, p. 170; fixed by OD(M). [Subsection of section Infiata
Jorgensen, 1911.]
Bipes Gruppa [of Poroperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954], Kiselev,
1954, p. 132, 133, 161, 170.
Biremis Group [of Histioneis Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 635, 640.
Bispinosa Group [of Amphisolenia Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 360, 362.
Blastodinium Chatton, 1906, p. 981. Type species: B. pruvotii Chatton,
1906; fixed by OD.
Blepharocysta Ehrenberg, 1873, p. 4. Type: B. splendor-maris (Ehren­
berg) Stein, 1883, p. 21 = Peridinium splendor-maris Ehrenberg, 1860,
p. 791; fixed by OD.
Blepharocystis Deflandre, 1936a, p. 57. [Nom. null, pro Blepharocysta
Ehrenberg, 1873.]
Blepharocyta Lemmermann, 1899a, p. 127. [Nom. null, pro Blepharocysta
Ehrenberg, 1873.]
Bourrellyella Baumeister, 1957a, p. 31. Type species: B. armata Bau-
meister, 1957; fixed by OD(M).
Brachydinium F. J. R. Taylor, 1963, p. 75. Type species: B. capitatum
F. J. R. Taylor, 1963; fixed by OD.
Branchiophilus Schaperclaus, 1935, p. 40. Type, B. maris Schaperclaus,
1935; fixed by OD(M).
Broomea Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 41. Type species: B. ramosa
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Bulbodinium O. Wetzel, 1960, p. 82. Type species: B. seitzi Wetzel, 1960;
fixed by OD.
Bulbrodinium Neal, Hawes, Cummings & Oldroyd, 1963, p. 121. [Nom.
null. pro Bulbodinium Wetzel, I960.]
Bursaria Muller, 1773, p. 62 (non Cavanilles, 1797). Type species: B.
truncatella Muller, 1773; fixed by SD Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich III,
herein. [Based on the type, this name applies to a ciliate.]
Calcicarpinum Deflandre, 1948, p. 216. Type species: C. tetraedricum
Deflandre, 1948; fixed by OD.
Calcigonellum Deflandre, 1948, p. 206. Type species: C. infula Deflandre,
1948; fixed by OD.
Calciodinellum Deflandre, 1947a, p. 1781. Type species: C. operosum
Deflandre, 1947; fixed by OD(M).
Calciogranellum Deflandre, 1948, p. 204. Type species: C. limbatum
Deflandre, 1948; fixed by OD.
Calcipterellum Deflandre 1948, p. 207. Type species: C. colomii Deflandre,
1948; fixed by OD.
Calcisphaerellum Deflandre, 1948, p. 215. Type species: C. flosculis
Deflandre, 1948; fixed by OD.
Candelabra Jorgensen, 1911, p. 15. Type species: Ceratium candelabrum
(Ehrenberg) Stein, 1883, pi. 16, figs. 15, 16 = Peridinium candelabrum
Ehrenberg, 1860, p. 792; fixed by OD(M). [Section of subgenus
Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Canningia Cookson & Eisenack, 1960b, p. 251. Type species: C. reticulata
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Canninginopsis Cookson & Eisenack, 1962a, p. 488. Type species: C. den-
ticulata Cookson & Eisenack, 1962; fixed by OD.
Canningionopsis Eisenack, 1964, p. 323. [Nom. null, pro Canninginopsis
Cookson & Eisenack, 1962.]
Cannosphaeropsis O. Wetzel, 1932, p. 136; 1933a, p. 143. [Nom. nud.]
Cannosphaeropsis O. Wetzel, 1933b, p. 52. Type species: C. utinensis
O. Wetzel, 1933; fixed by OD(M).
Cantulodinium Alberti, 1961, p. 23. Type species: C. speciosum Alberti,
1961; fixed by OD.
Caratocorys Candeias, 1930, p. 39. [Nom. null, pro Ceratocorys Stein,
Carduifolia Hovasse, 1932a, p. 126. Type species: C. onopordoides Ho-
vasse, 1932; fixed by OD. [Invalid, ICBN art. 41, par. 1.]
Carduifolia Hovasse, 1932b, p. 469. Type species: C. onopordoides Ho­
vasse, fixed by OD by reference to Hovasse, 1932a. Genus validated by
provision of diagnosis.
Carpodinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1962a, p. 489. Type species: C. granu-
latum Cookson & Eisenack, 1962; fixed by OD.
Caudata Group [of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 236, 238, 314. *
Centrodinium Kofoid, 1907a, p. 185. Type species: C. elongatum Kofoid,
1907; fixed by OD.
Ceralium Balbiani, 1884, p. 371. [Nom. null, pro Ceratium.]
Ceratiopsis Vozzhennikova, 1960, pi. 3, fig. 5. [Nom. nud.]
Ceratiopsis Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 181 (non de Wildeman,
1896). Type species: C. leptoderma Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963;
fixed by OD.
Ceratiub Curl, 1959, p. 320. [Nom. null, pro Ceratium.]
Ceratium Schrank, 1793, p. 34 (non Albertini & Schweinitz, 1805, nec
Thienemann, 1828, nec Blume, 1825, nec Agassiz, 1846, nec Gistl,
1848). Type species: C. pleuroceras Schrank, 1793; SD Loeblich Jr.
& Loeblich III, herein.
Ceratium (Schrank) Pritchard, 1861, p. 577. [Subgenus of Peridinium
Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Ceratium tripos flagelliferum Karsten, 1907b, p. 410. [Subsectio of Sectio
Protuberantia; illegitimate ICBN Art. 21.]
Ceratium tripos Karsten, 1907b, p. 404. [Subgenus of Ceratium Schrank,
1793; illegitimate ICBN Art. 21.]
Ceratium tripos volans Karsten, 1907b, p. 408. [Subsectio Protuberantia;
illegitimate ICBN Art. 21.]
Ceratocarys Harvey, 1952, p. 128. [Nom. null, pro Ceratocorys Stein
Ceratochorris Daday, 1888, p. 103. [Nom. van. pro Ceratocorys Stein,
Ceratocoris Yamaji, 1962, p. 213. [Nom. null, pro Ceratocorys Stein,
Ceratocorrys Schroder, 1906, p. 321. [Nom. van. pro Ceratocorys Stein,
Ceratocorys Stein, 1883, p. 9, 20. Type species: C. horrida Stein, 1883;
fixed by OD(M).
Ceratocoryx Mangin, 1913, table 1 suite, 2 suite, 3 suite. [Nom. null. pro.
Ceratocorys Stein, 1883.]
Ceratocystidiopsis Deflandre, 1937b, p. 89. Type species: C. simplex De-
flandre, 1937; fixed by OD.
Ceratodinium Conrad, 1926, p. 85. Type species: C. asymetricum Conrad,
1926; fixed by OD.
Ceratophora Schiitt in Engler and Prantl, 1896, p. 22. [Nom. null, pro
Ceratophorus Diesing, 1850.]
Ceratophorus Diesing, 1850, p. 101 (non Schuckard, 1837, nec Gistl,
1848, nec Dali, 1882, nec Haaskarl, 1856, nec Sondergaard, 1850).
Type species: C. fusus (Ehrenberg) Diesing, 1850, p. 101 = Peridinium
fusus Ehrenberg, 1835 [separate 1834], p. 271; SD Loeblich Jr. &
Loeblich III, herein.
Ceratoryx Henson, 1891, p. 68. [Nom. null, pro Ceratocorys Stein, 1883.]
Ceratum Wailes, 1929, p. 86. [Nom. null, pro Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Ceriatum Garbini, 1901, p. 72. [Nom. null, pro Ceratium Shrank, 1793.]
Cerodinium Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 181. Type species: C. sibiri-
cum Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963; fixed by OD.
Certium Palmer, 1922, p. 108. [Nom. null, pro Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Chalubinskia Wofoszyrisk^., 1916, p. 265, 276 (non Rehmann, 1887; nom.
mid.). Type species: C. tatrica Wotoszynsk^,, 1916; fixed by OD(M).
Chathrocysta Stein, 1883, p. 9. [Nom. null, pro Clathrocysta Stein, 1883.]
Chilodinium Massart, 1920, p. 126, 128. Type species: C. cruciatum
Massart, 1920; fixed by OD(M).
Chiropteridium Gocht, 1960, p. 221. Type species: C. lobospinosum (Gocht
in Weiler) Gocht, 1960 = Hystrichosphaeridium lobospinosum Gocht in
Weiler, 1956, p. 138, pi. 12, figs. 1-3; text-fig. 8; fixed by OD.
Chlamydophorella Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 56. Type species: C. nyei
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Chlatrocysta Daday, 1888, p. 99. [Nom. null, pro Clathrocysta Stein,
Chlorodinium Chodat, 1921, p. 112. [On p. 112 Chodat uses this generic
name in the combination “Chlorodinium terrestre Chod.” and on p. 113
the same (?) is described as “Geodinium terrestre Chod. nov. gen. nov.
spec.;” nom. nud. and nom. null. (?) pro Geodinium Chodat, 1921,
p. 113.]
Chrysidella Pascher, 1911, pp. 194, 195, 197, 200, 203. [Nom. nud. &
illegitimate, ICBN Art. 63, par. 1, because the genus as circumscribed
includes the type species of Zooxanthella, Z. nutricola Brandt, 1881.]
Chythriodinium Cachon, 1964, p. 132. [Nom. null, pro Chytriodinium
Chatton, 1912.]
Chytridinium Fott in Jirovec, Wenig, Fott, Bartos, Weiser & Sramek-Husek,
1953, p. 218. [Nom. null, pro Chytriodinium Chatton, 1912.]
Chytriodinium Chatton, 1912, p. 91. Type species: C. roseum (Dogiel)
Chatton, 1912 = Gymnodinium roseum Dogiel, 1906a, p. 20; fixed by
Chytroeisphaeridia Sarjeant, 1962a, p. 492. Type species: Leiosphaeridia
(Chytroeisphaeridia) chytroeides Sarjeant, 1962; fixed by OD. [Sub­
genus of Leiosphaeridia Eisenack, 1958.]
Chytroesisphaeridia (Sarjeant) Downie, Evitt & Sarjeant 1963, p. 3, 9.
Type species: C. chytroeides (Sarjeant) Downie & Sarjeant, 1965, p.
103 = Leiosphaeridia (Chytroeisphaeridia) chytroeides Sarjeant, 1962a,
p. 493. [Elevated to generic status.]
Cinctum Gruppa [of Cleistoperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954],
Kiselev, 1954, p. 132, 133, 160, 165.
Circulodinium Alberti, 1961, p. 28. Type species: C. hirtellum Alberti,
1961; fixed by OD.
Cirrifera Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 10. Type species: C. unilateralis
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Citharistes Stein, 1883, p. 9, 24. Type species: C. regius Stein, 1883;
fixed by OD(M).
Citharistis Lemmermann, 1903, p. 377. [Nom. null, pro Citharistes Stein,
Cithiristes Calkins, 1909, p. 49. [Nom. null, pro Citharistes Stein, 1883.]
Cladophyxis Hulburt, 1964, p. 43. [Nom. null, pro Cladopyxis Stein, 1883.]
Cladopixis Denisenko, 1964, p. 15. [Nom. null, pro Cladopyxis Stein,
Cladopyxis Stein, 1883, p. 9, 18. Type species: C. brachiolata Stein, 1883;
fixed by OD(M).
Clathrocapsa Stein, 1883, p. 19. [Nom. null, pro Clathrocysta Stein, 1883.]
Clathrocysta Stein, 1883, pi. 4. Type species: C. reticulata (Claparede &
Lachmann) Stein, 1883 = Peridinium reticulatum Claparede & Lach­
mann, 1859, p. 405, pi. 20, fig. 3; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Clathrocystis Biitschli in Bronn, 1885, p. 961. [Nom. null pro Clathrocysta
Stein, 1883.]
Cleistoperidinium Lemmermann, 1910, p. 657, 661, 675. [Section of
Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Cleisto-Peridinium Schilling, 1913, p. 44. [Section of Peridinium Ehrenberg,
Cleistoperidinium Gruppe [of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830], (Lemmer­
mann) Lindemann, 1919, p. 216.
Cleistoperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954, p. 163. [Subgenus of
Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Clenodinium Petrova, 1957, p. 118. [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium.]
Clipeodinium Pascher, 1917, p. 424, 426, 428, 429. Type species: C.
medusa Pascher, 1917; fixed by OD(M).
Cloeodinium Kiselev, 1950, p. 52. [Nom. null, pro Gloeodinium.]
Coccidinium Chatton & Biecheler, 1934, p. 252. Type species: C. du-
boscqui Chatton & Biecheler, 1934; SD Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 385.
Coccidium Fott in Jirovec, Wenig, Fott, Bartos, Weiser & Sramek-Husek ,
1953, p. 213. [Nom. null, pro Coccidinium Chatton & Biecheler, 1934.]
Coccinodinium Cachon, 1964, p. 15. [Nom. null, pro Coccidinium Chatton
& Biecheler, 1934.]
Cochliodinium Hall, 1953, p. 142. [Nom. null, pro Cochlodinium Schiitt,
Cochlodinium Schiitt in Engler & Prantl, 1896, p. 5. Type species:
C . strangulatum (Schiitt) Schiitt in Engler & Prantl, 1896, p. 5, fig. 7 =
Gymnodinium strangulatum Schiitt, 1895, pi. 22, fig. 72; fixed by OD
Cochlodinium (Schiitt) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 348. [Subgenus of
Cochlodinium Schiitt, 1896.]
Cochlordinium Nakamura, 1942, p. 553. [Nom. null, pro Cochlodinium.]
Cochlosyndinium Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 358, 375. Type species:
Syndinium (C.) corycaei (Chatton in Grasse) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich
III, comb, nov., herein = Cochlosyndinium corycaei Chatton in Grasse,
1952, p. 375 (inaccurate citation, see ICZN Art. 6); fixed by OD(M).
[Subgenus of Syndinium Chatton, 1910.]
Codonia Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 11 (non Codonia Huebner, 1823).
Type species: C. campanulata Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Codoniella Cookson & Eisenack, 1961a, p. 75 (nom. subst. pro Codonia
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960 non Huebner, 1823). Type species: Codon­
iella campanulata (Cookson & Eisenack) Downie & Sarjeant, 1964
[1965], p. 103 = Codonia campanulata Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a,
p. 11, pi. 3, figs. 1-3; fixed by OD.
Collinella Cachon, 1964, p. 49 (non Schmidt, 1879 nec Duda, 1918 nec
Chatton & Perard, 1919). Type species: C. ovoides Cachon, 1964;
fixed by OD(M). [vide Dogelodinium].
Cometodinium Deflandre & Courteville, 1939, p. 98. Type species: C.
obscurum Deflandre & Courteville, 1939; fixed by OD(M).
Congruentidium Abe, 1927, p. 419. Type species: C. compressum Abe,
1927; fixed by OD.
Coniaulax Ercegovic, 1936, p. 42. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Conica Jorgensen, 1912, p. 5. Type species: not designated. [Section of
subgenus Orthoperidinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Conicae Lemmermann, 1907, p. 299. Type species: not designated.
[Section of genus Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Contractum Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 67, 68.
Conyaulax Linko, 1907, p. 35. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Coolia Meunier, 1919, p. 67 (non Huysman, 1943; nom. nud.). Type
species: C. monotis Meunier, 1919; fixed by OD(M).
Cordosphaeridium Eisenack, 1963b, p. 261. Type species: C. inodes
(Klumpp) Eisenack, 1963 = Hystrichosphaeridium inodes Klumpp,
1953, p. 391; fixed by OD.
Cornuta Jorgensen, 1911, p. 13. Type species: not designated. [Section of
subgenus Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Coronifera Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 45. Type species: C. oceanica
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Corythodinium Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, nom. nov. (Nom. subst. pro
Pyrgidium Stein, 1883, p. 9, 20, non Tournouver, 1869, nec Nylander,
1867). Type species: C. tesselatum (Stein) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,
comb, nov., herein = Pyrgidium tesselatum Stein, 1883, pi. 6, fig. 2, 3.
Craspedotella Kofoid, 1905, p. 164. Type species: C. pileolus Kofoid,
1905; fixed by OD(M).
Cribroperidinium Neale & Sarjeant, 1962, p. 443. Type species: C. sepi-
mentum Neale & Sarjeant, 1962; fixed by OD.
Crypotperidinium Wenrich, 1954, p. 143. [Nom. null, pro Kryptoperi-
dinium Lindemann, 1924.]
Cryptarchaeodinium Rivero & Bermudez, 1963, p. 778. [Nom. null, pro
Cryptarchaeodinium Deflandre, 1939.]
Cryptarchaeodinium Deflandre, 1939, p. 145. Type species: C. calcaratum
Deflandre, 1939; fixed by OD.
Crypthecodinium Biecheler, 1938, p. 9. Type species: C. setense Biecheler,
1938 = Glenodinium cohnii Seligo, 1886, p. 156 —Crypthecodinium
cohnii (Seligo) Javornicky, 1962, p. I ll; fixed by OD(M).
Cryptoperidinium Schiller, 1935b, p. 92. [Nom. null, pro Kryptoperidinium
Lindemann, 1924.]
Ctenidodinium Deflandre, 1938a, p. 181. Type species: C. ornatum
(Eisenack) Deflandre, 1938 = Lithodinia jurassica var. ornata Eisenack,
1935, p. 176; fixed by OD.
Cuneus Jorgensen, 1923, p. 11, 47. Type species: not designated. [Section
of Phalacroma Stein, 1883.]
Cuneus Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 68, 73.
Cunningtonii Gruppa [of Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836], Kiselev, 1954,
p. 133, 134, 142, 157.
Cuspidatae Gruppe [of Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933], O. Wetzel,
1933a, p. 145; 1933b, p. 79, 96.
Cyclodictyon Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 58. Type species: C. paradoxos
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Cyclonephelium Deflandre & Cookson, 1954, p. 1237. [Nom. nud.\
Cyclonephelium Deflandre & Cookson, 1955, p. 285. Type species: C.
compactum Deflandre & Cookson, 1955; fixed by OD.
Cymatiosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933a, p. 144. Type species: not designated;
invalid ICZN Art. 13(b).
Cymatiosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933b, p. 73. Type species: not designated;
invalid ICZN Art. 13(b).
Cymatiosphaera O. Wetzel ex Deflandre, 1954, p. 257. Type species:
C. radiata O. Wetzel, 1933b, p. 73, pi. 4, fig. 8; fixed by OD.
Cymnodinium Petrova, 1957, p. 117. [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium
Stein, 1878.]
Cyrodinium Petrova, 1957, p. 114, 117. [Nom. null, pro Gyrodinium
Kofoid & Swezy, 1921.]
Cystodinedria Pascher, 1944, p. 378, 380. Type species: C. brunnea
Pascher, 1944; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Cystodiniopsis Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 185. Type species:
C. hyperxantha Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963; fixed by OD.
Cystodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 376, 441. Type species: C. bataviense Klebs,
1912; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Cytharistes Hensen, 1911, p. iii, 162. [Nom. null, pro Citharistes Stein,
Dapcodinium Evitt, 1961a, p. 996. Type species: D. priscum Evitt, 1961;
fixed by OD.
Deflandrea Eisenack, 1938, p. 187. Type species: D. phosphoritica Eise­
nack, 1938; fixed by OD(M).
Deflandren Strel’nikova, 1960, expl. pi. 10, fig. 5. [Nom. null, pro De­
flandrea Eisenack, 1938.]
Deflexa Jorgensen, 1911, p. 62. Type species: not designated. [Subsection
of section Macroceros Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Dens Jorgensen, 1911, p. 30. Type species: Ceratium dens Ostenfeld and
Schmidt, 1902, p. 165; fixed by OD(M). [Section of subgenus Eucera-
tium (Gran) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Desmocapsa Pascher, 1914, p. 149, 160. Type species: D. gelatinosa
Pascher, 1914; fixed by OD(M).
Desmomastix Pascher, 1914, p. 148, 160. Type species: D. globosa
Pascher, 1914; fixed by OD(M).
Dianophysis Jacques, 1949, p. 28. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis Ehrenberg,
Diaster Meunier, 1909, p. 83. Type species: D. macrokaryon Meunier,
1909; fixed by OD(M).
Diconodinium Eisenack & Cookson, 1960, p. 3. Type species: D. multi-
spinum (Deflandre & Cookson) Eisenack & Cookson, 1960 = Palaeo-
hystrichophora multispina Deflandre & Cookson, 1955, p. 257; fixed
by OD.
Dictyopyxidia Eisenack, 1961, p. 316. [Nom. van.; nom. subst. pro Die-
tyopyxis Cookson & Eisenack, I960.]
Dictyopyxis Cookson & Eisenack, 1960b, p. 255. Type species: D. areolata
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Digitata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 12. Type species: not designated. [Section of
subgenus Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Dimastigoaulax Diesing, 1866, p. 306, 392. Type species: D. caroliniana
(Bailey) Diesing, 1866 = Peridinium carolinianum Bailey, 1851, p. 41;
SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Dinamoeba Pascher, 1916a, p. 118 (non Leidy, 1875). Type species:
D. varians Pascher, 1916; fixed by OD(M).
Dinamoebidium Pascher, 1916b. p. 31. [Nom. subst. pro Dinamoeba
Pascher, 1916, non Leidy, 1875.]
Dinaphysis Wailes, 1928, p. 22. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis Ehrenberg,
Dinastridium Pascher, 1927, p. 27, 53. Type species: D. sexangulare
Pascher, 1927; fixed by OD(M).
Dinastrium Doflein & Reichenow, 1928, p. 492. [Nom. null, pro Dinastridi­
um Pascher, 1928.]
Dingodinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 39. Type species: D. jurassi-
cum Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Dinocapsa Pascher, 1914, p. 158. [Nom. nud.]
Dinoceras Schiller, 1931, p. 163 (non Marsh, 1872). Type species:
D. biceras (Schiller) Schiller = Dinophysis biceras Schiller, 1928a, p. 77;
fixed by OD(M).
Dinocladium Haupt, 1953, p. 18. [Nom. null, pro Dinoclonium Pascher,
Dinoclonium Pascher, 1927, p. 15. Type species: D. conradii Pascher,
1927; fixed by OD(M).
Dinococcus Fott, 1960, p. 149. [Nom. subst. pro Raciborskia Wotoszyrisk^.,
1919, non Berlese, 1888, nec Koczwara, 1928.] Type species: D. bi-
cornis (Wotoszyrisk^) Fott, 1960, p. 150 = Raciborskia bicornis Woto-
szyrisk^,, 1919, p. 321.
Dinofurcula Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928. Type species: D. ultima (Kofoid)
Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928= Phalacroma ultima Kofoid, 1907a, p. 195;
fixed by OD.
Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839, p. 157. Type species: D. acuta Ehrenberg,
1839; SD Stein, 1883, p. 23.
Dinophysis Balech, 1962, p. 122. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis Ehrenberg,
Dinopodiella Pascher, 1944, p. 380, 392. Type species: D. phaseolus
Pascher, 1944; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Dinoporella Halim, 1960b, p. 181, 188. [Nom. subst. pro Porella Schiller,
1928, non Linne, 1753; vide Mesoporos Lillick, 1937, and Porotheca
Silva, I960.]
Dinopterium W. Wetzel, 1952, p. 409. [Nom. null, pro Dinopterygium
Defiandre, 1935.]
Dinopterygium Defiandre, 1935, p. 231. Type species: D. cladoides
Defiandre, 1935; fixed by OD(M).
Dinopyris Buchner, 1930, p. 163. [Nom. null, pro Dinopyxis Stein, 1883.]
Dinopyxis Stein, 1883, p. 9, 16, 18. Type species: D. laevis Stein, 1883,
p. 16, pi. 1, fig. 27-33; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Dinosphaera Kofoid & Michener, 1912, p. 23. Type species: D. palustris
(Lemmermann) Kofoid & Michener, 1912 = Gonyaulax palustris Lem-
mermann, 1907, p. 297; fixed by OD.
Dinothrix Pascher, 1914, p. 151, 160. Type species: D. paradoxa Pascher,
1914; fixed by OD(M).
Dinoyhysis Tai & Skogsberg, 1934, p. 453. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis
Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Dionphysis Daday, 1884, expl. pi. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis Ehrenberg,
Dioxya Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 59. Type species: D. armata
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Diphyes Cookson, 1965, p. 85. Type species: D. colligerum (Defiandre &
Cookson) Cookson, 1965 = Hystrichosphaeridium colligerum Defiandre
& Cookson, 1955, p. 178, pi. 7, fig. 3; fixed by OD.
Diplocystis Cleve, 1900c, p. 924 (non Trevisan, 1848, nec Berkeley &
Curtis, 1869, nec Kuenstler, 1887, nec J. C. Agardh, 1896, nec Penard,
1890). Type species: D. antarctica Cleve, 1900; fixed by OD(M).
Diplodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 390, 442 (non Schuberg, 1888, nec Fiorentini,
1890). Type species: D. lunula (Schiitt) Klebs, 1912 = Gymnodinium
lunula Schiitt, 1895, pi. 24, 25; fixed by OD,
Diplofusa Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 10. Type species: D. gearlensis
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Diplomorpha Rose and Cachon, 1951, p. 451. Type species: D. paradoxa
Rose and Cachon, 1951; fixed by OD(M).
Diplopelta Stein, 1883, p. 12. Type species: D. bomba Stein, 1883; fixed
by OD(M ).
Diplopelta (Stein) Lebour, 1922, p. 809 [Subgenus of Peridiniopsis Lem­
mermann, 1904.]
Diplopeltopsis Pavillard, 1913, p. 7 (non Hoehnel, 1904). Type species:
D. minor (Paulsen) Pavillard, 1913 —Diplopsalis lenticula forma minor
Paulsen, 1907, p. 9 = Peridinium paulsenii Mangin, 1911, p. 647; fixed
by OD.
Diplopetopsis Balech, 1957, p. 382. [Nom. null, pro Diplopeltopsis
Pavillard, 1913.]
Diplopsalis Bergh, 1881, p. 244, 246 (non Sclater, 1866). Type species:
D. lenticula Bergh, 1881; fixed by OD(M).
Diplopsalopsis Meunier, 1909, p. 46. Type species: D. orbiculare (Paul­
sen) Meunier, 1909 =Peridinium orbiculare Paulsen, 1907, p. 17; fixed
by OD.
Diplosalis Mobius, 1887, p. 121. [Nom. null, pro Diplopsalis Bergh, 1881.]
Diplosalopsis Wailes, 1928, p. 25. [Nom. null, pro Diplopsalopsis Meunier,
Diplosalpsis Whedon, 1939, p. 462. [Nom. null, pro Diplopsalis Bergh,
Diplotesta Cookson & Eisenack, 1960b, p. 256- Type species: D. glaessneri
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Dispar Group [of Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson, 1933,
p. 58.
Disphaeria Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 11. Type species: D. macropyla
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Dissodinium Klebs in Pascher, 1916a, p. 132. [Nom. subst. pro Diplo-
dinium Klebs, 1912 non Schuberg, 1888, nec Fiorentini, 1890.] Type
species: D. lunula (Schiitt) Klebs in Pascher, 1916a, p. 132 = Gymno-
dinium lunula SchUtt, 1895, p. 166; fixed by OD(M).
Dissodium Abe, 1941, p. 129. Type species: D. parvum Abe, 1941; fixed
by OD(M).
Divergens Jorgensen, 1912, p. 6. Type species: not designated. [Section of
subgenus Metaperidinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Divergentia Paulsen, 1931, p. 49. [Nom. van. pro section Divergens
Jorgensen, 1912.]
Dixophysis Kofoid & Michener, 1911, p. 292. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis
Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Dogelodinium Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, nom. nov. (Nom. subst. pro
Collinella Cachon, 1964, p. 49, non Schmidt, 1879 nec Duda, 1918
nec Chatton & Perard, 1919). Type species: D. ovoides (Cachon)
Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, comb. nov. herein —Collinella ovoides
Cachon, 1964, p. 49, pis. 14, 15; pi. 16, fig. 14.
Dolichodinium Kofoid & Adamson, 1933, p. 121. Type species: D. line-
atum (Kofoid & Michener) Kofoid & Adamson, 1933 = Heterodinium
lineatum Kofoid & Michener, 1911, p. 285; fixed by OD.
Dolon Group [of Histioneis Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p.
635, 643.
Doniphysis Rossignol, 1956, p. 115. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis Ehren­
berg, 1839.]
Doryphorum Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 68, 79.
Dracodinium Gocht, 1955, p. 87. Type species: D. solidum Gocht, 1955;
fixed by OD.
Duboscqella Kudo, 1946, p. 256 [Nom. null, pro Duboscquella Chatton,
Duboscquella Chatton, 1920, p. 322. Type species: D. tintinnicola (Loh-
mann) Chatton, 1920 = Gymnodinium tintinnicola Lohmann, 1908, p.
260, 296; fixed by OD.
Duboscquodinium Grasse, 1952, p. 358, 384. Type species: D. collinii
Grasse, 1952; fixed by OD.
Dynophysis de Fromentel, 1874, p. 196. [Nom. null, pro Dinophysis
Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Eisenackia Deflandre & Cookson, 1954, p. 1237. [Nom. nud.]
Eisenackia Deflandre & Cookson, 1955, p. 258. Type species: E. crassi-
tabulata Deflandre & Cookson, 1955; fixed by OD.
Ellipsoidictyum Klement, 1960, p. 78. Type species: E. cinctum Klement,
1960; fixed by OD.
Ellobiocystis Coutiere, 1911a, p. 188, 192. Type species: E. caridarum
(Coutiere) Coutiere, 1911 = Ellobiopsis caridarum Coutiere, 1911b, p.
410; fixed by OD.
Ellobiopsis Caullery, 1910, p. 201. Type species: E. chattonii Caullery,
1910; fixed by OD.
Elpatiewskyi Gruppa [of Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836], Kiselev, 1954,
p. 133, 134, 142, 155.
Emslandia Gerlach, 1961, p. 171. Type species: E. emslandensis Gerlach,
1961; fixed by OD.
Endodinium Hovasse, 1922, p. 845. Type species: E. chattoni Hovasse,
1922; fixed by OD.
Endoscrinium Klement, 1960, p. 18. Type species: Scriniodinium (E.)
galeritum (Deflandre) Klement, 1960 = Gymnodinium galeritum De­
flandre, 1938a, p. 167; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Scriniodinium
Klement, I960.]
Entomosigma Schiller, 1925, p. 194, 197. Type species: E. peridinioides
Schiller, 1925; fixed by OD(M).
Entzia Lebour, 1922, p. 808 (non Entzia Daday, 1883). Type species:
Entzia acuta (Apstein) Lebour, 1922 = Diplopsalis (Glenodinium) acuta
(Apstein) Entz filius, 1906, p. 13 = Glenodinium acutum Apstein, 1896,
p. 152; fixed by OD(M) [type species cited by Lebour in error as
authored by Entz filius].
Eodinia Eisenack, 1936, p. 73. Type species: E. pachytheca Eisenack,
1936; fixed by OD(M).
Eopseudoceratium Neale & Sarjeant, 1962, p. 446. Type species: Pseudo-
ceratium (E.) gochtii Neale & Sarjeant, 1962; fixed by OD [Subgenus of
Pseudoceratium Gocht, 1957.]
Epiperidinium Gaarder, 1954, p. 22. Type species: E. michaelsarsii Gaar-
der, 1954; fixed by OD (M).
Epiplosphaera Klement, 1960, p. 73. Type species: E. bireticulata Klement,
I960; fixed by OD.
Erythropsidinium Silva, 1960, p. 23. Type species: E. agile (Hertwig)
Silva, 1960, p. 23 = Erythropsis agilis Hertwig, 1884, p. 204. [Nom.
subst. pro Erythropsis Hertwig, 1884, non Lindley, 1827.]
Erythropsis Hertwig, 1884, p. 204 (non Lindley, 1827). Type species:
E. agilis Hertwig, 1884; fixed by OD(M).
Erythropsis (Hertwig) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 487. [Subgenus of
Erythropsis Hertwig, 1884.]
Erytropsis Fott in Jirovec, Wenig, Fott, Bartos, Weiser & Sramek-Husek,
1953, p. 215. [Nom. null, pro Erythropsis Hertwig, 1884.]
Etythropsis Kofoid, 1931, p. 31. [Nom. null, pro Erythropsis Hertwig,
Euceratium Gran, 1902, p. 192. [Section of Ceratium Schrank, 1793; in­
valid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Euceratium (Gran) Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 583. [Subgenus of Ceratium
Schrank, 1793; invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Euceratocorys Graham, 1942, p. 38. [Subgenus of Ceratocorys Stein,
1883; invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Eufurca Jorgensen, 1911, p. 17. Type species: not designated. [Subsection
of section Furciformia Jorgensen, 1911.]
Euheterodinium Kofoid, 1906a, p. 351. [Subgenus of Heterodinium Kofoid,
1906.] Type species: not designated.
Eu-Oxytoxum Lemmermann, 1905, p. 642. [Subgenus of Oxytoxum Stein,
1883; invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Euperidinium Gran, 1902, p. 185. [Section of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830;
invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Euperidinium (Gran) Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 582. [Subgenus of Peridinium
Ehrenberg, 1830; invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Euphalacroma Pavillard, 1923, p. 878. [Subgenus of Phalacroma Stein,
1883; invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3; nom. nud.]
Euphalacroma Jorgensen, 1923, p. 8. [Section of Phalacroma Stein, 1883;
invalid ICBN Art. 21, par. 3.]
Eutripos Jorgensen, 1911, p. 32. [Subsectio of section Tripos Ostenfeld,
Euxuviaella Ivanov, 1962, p. 34. [Nom. null, pro Exuviaella Tsenkovskiy,
Evittodinium Deflandre, 1964, p. 4, 7. Type species: E. giselae Deflandre,
1964; fixed by OD.
Excentrica Paulsen, 1931, p. 43. Type species: Peridinium excentricum
Paulsen, 1907, p. 14; SD Abe, 1936a, p. 644. [Section of subgenus
Archaeperidinium (Jorgensen) Lebour, 1922.]
Exornatae Gruppe [of Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933], O. Wetzel,
1933a, p. 144; 1933b, p. 79, 85.
Expansum Group [of Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson,
1933, p. 48.
Expulsum Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 68, 77.
Extensa Group [of Amphisolenia Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 360, 362.
Exuviaella Tsenkovskiy [Cienkowski], 1881, p. 159. Type species: E.
marina Tsenkovskiy, 1881; fixed by OD.
Exuvialla Ivanov, 1962, p. 46. [Nom. null, pro Exuviaella Tsenkovskiy,
Exuviella Bergh, 1887, p. 82. [Nom. van. pro Exuviaella Tsenkovskiy,
Favilarnax Sarjeant, 1963, p. 720. Type species: F. ovulum (Deflandre)
Sarjeant, 1963 = Membranilarnax ovulum Deflandre, 1947b, p. 9; fixed
by OD [isotypic synonym of Valensiella Eisenack, 1963].
Flagellifera Jorgensen, 1911, p. 75. Type species: not designated. [Sub­
section of section Macroceros Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Foliacea Gruppe [of Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1837], Schiller, 1935b, p. 94.
Formosus Group [of Ornithocercus Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 515, 516.
Fragilidium Balech, 1959, p. 200. Type species: F. heterolobum Balech,
1959; fixed by OD(M). [Invalid ICBN Art. 36, par. 3.]
Fragilidium Balech ex A. R. Loeblich, III, 1965, p. 15. Type species: F.
heterolobum Balech ex A. R. Loeblich, III, 1965; fixed by OD.
Fromea Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 55. Type species: F. amphora
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Furca Pavillard, 1907, p. 230. [Section of Ceratium Schrank, 1793; nom.
Furciformia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 16. Type species: not designated. [Section
of subgenus Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Fusiformes Lemmermann, 1907, p. 299. Type species: not designated.
[Section of genus Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Fusiformia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 25. Type species: not designated. [Section
of Ceratium Schrank, 1793, subgenus Amphiceratium (Vanhoffen)
Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Fusigonyaulax Kofoid, 1911a, p. 201, 246. Type species: Gonyaulax
birostris Stein, 1883, pi. 4, fig. 20; fixed by SD Lindemann, 1928, p. 86.
[Subgenus of Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Fusus Pavillard, 1907, p. 231. [Section of Ceratium Schrank, 1793; nom.
Galea Maier, 1959, p. 305 (non Meuschen, 1787 nec Cuvier, 1817 nec
Meyen, 1833, nec Moerch, 1852, nec Kristan, 1957). Type species:
G. galea Maier, 1959; fixed by OD.
Gardodinium Alberti, 1961, p. 18. Type species: G. eisenackii Alberti,
1961; fixed by OD.
Garduifolia Hovasse, 1932a, p. 126. [Nom. null, pro Carduifolia Hovasse,
Garretti Group [of Parahistioneis Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928], Kofoid &
Skogsberg, 1928, p. 590, 591.
Geiselodinium Krutzsch, 1962, p. 42. Type species: G. geiseltalense
Krutzsch, 1962; fixed by OD.
Geniculata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 24. Type species: Ceratium geniculatum
(Lemmermann) Cleve, 1900b, p. 221 —C. fusus var. geniculatum Lem-
mermann, 1899a, p. 349, pi. 1, fig. 17; fixed by OD(M). [Subsection
of section Inflata Jorgensen, 1911.]
Geodinium Chodat, 1921, p. 113. Type species: G. terrestre Chodat, 1921;
fixed by OD.
Geratium Linko, 1907, p. 91. [Nom. null, pro Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Gesticulatum Group [of Platydinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson,
1933, p. 102.
Gibbera Jorgensen, 1911, p. 49. [Subsectio of section Tripos Ostenfeld,
Gillinia Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 11. Type species: G. hymenophora
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Gimnodinium Garbini, 1901, p. 72. [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium Stein,
Ginginodinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 7. Type species: G. spinu-
losum Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Girodinium Smirnova, 1959, p. 11. [Nom. null, pro Gyrodinium Kofoid
& Swezy, 1921.]
Gleba Bruguiere, 1791, p. 89, figs. 2-6, non Forskal, 1776, nec Tilesius,
1814, nec Otto, 1823. Type species: no species named.
Glenadinium Entz, 1883, p. 140. [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium Ehrenberg,
Glenoaulax Diesing, 1866, p. 305, 382. Type species: G. inaequalis
(Schmarda) Diesing, 1866, p. 383 = Glenodinium inaequale Schmarda,
1854, p. 21, pi. 6, fig. 2; fixed by OD(M).
Glenodiinium Huber-Pestalozzi in Thienemann, 1950, p. 178. [Nom. null.
pro Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836.]
Glenodiniopsis Wotoszyrisk^,, 1916, p. 262, 278. Type species: G. steinii
Woloszynsk^, 1916; fixed by OD(M).
Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1837 [separate, 1836], p. 174. Type species:
G. cinctum Ehrenberg, 1837 [1836]; fixed by OD(M).
Glenodium Stein, 1878, p. 70. [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium Ehrenberg,
Glenoidinium Biitschli in Bronn, 1885, p. 947. [Nom. null, pro Gleno­
dinium Ehrenberg, 1836.]
Glenosinium de Sousa e Silva, 1963, p. 268 [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium
Ehrenberg, 1836.]
Glenovinium Leegaard, 1920, p. 22. [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium Ehren­
berg, 1836.]
Gleodinium Hall, 1953, p. 145, 148. [Nom. null, pro Gloeodinium Klebs,
Gleondinium Priymachenko, 1956, p. 108. [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium
Ehrenberg, 1836.]
Glnodinium Paulsen in Brandt & Apstein, 1908, p. 122. [Nom. null, pro
Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836.]
Globifera Group [of Amphisolenia Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 360, 362.
Globula Group or Section [of Protoperidinium (Bergh) Ostenfeld, 1903],
Abe, 1936b, p. 21.
Gloedinium Smith, 1938, p. 164. [Nom. null, pro Gloeodinium Klebs,
Gloenodinium Jarnefelt, 1963, p. 116. [Nom. null, pro Glenodinium
Ehrenberg, 1836.]
Gloeodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 411. Type species: G. montanum Klebs,
1912; fixed by OD(M).
Glyphanodinium Drugg, 1964, p. 237. Type species: G. facetum Drugg,
1964; fixed by OD.
Glyphidium Fresenius, 1865, p. 83. Type species: G. marinum Fresenius,
1865; fixed by OD(M).
Glyphodinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; p. 349. Type species: Cochlodinium
cavatum Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Cochlodinium
Schiitt, 1896.]
Glyphodium Schiller, 1932, p. 264. [Nom. null, pro Glyphidium Fresenius,
Godioma Cachon, 1964, p. 150. [Nom. null, pro Goniodoma Stein, 1883.]
Gomyaulax Balech, 1962, p. 9. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Gonaulax Kudo, 1946, p. 260. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Goniallax Duka, 1965, p. 328. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Goniaulaux Petrova, 1963, p. 54. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Goniaulax Rauschenplat, 1901, p. 143. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Gonioderma Cassie, 1961, p. 20. [Nom. null, pro Goniodoma Stein, 1883.]
Goniodinium P. Dangeard, 1927, p. 337. Type species: G. cristatum P.
Dangeard, 1927; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Goniodoma Stein, 1883, p. 9, 13, 16, 19, 21 (non Goniodoma Zeller,
1849). Type species: G. acuminatum (Ehrenberg) Stein, 1883 = Peri-
dinium acuminatum Ehrenberg, 1836 [1835], p. 575, pi. 2, fig. 5;
fixed by OD(M).
Gonyaalax Pitsyk, 1951, p. 314. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Gonyalux Desikachary, 1962, p. 71. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Gonyaulacysta Defiandre, 1964, p. 5. Type species: G. jurassica (Defian-
dre) Norris & Sarjeant, 1965, p. 65 = G. jurassica (Defiandre) Deflan-
dre, 1964, p. 6, invalid ICBN Art. 33, par. 4 = Gonyaulax jurassica De­
fiandre, 1938a, p. 168, pi. 6, figs. 2-5; text-figs. 1-2 = Gonyaulax juras­
sica Defiandre, 1938b, p. 688, (nom. nud.) \ fixed by OD.
Gonyaulas Whedon, 1939, p. 466. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Gonyaulaux Kofoid, 1910, p. 182. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866, p. 305, 382. Type species: G. spinifera (Clapa-
rede & Lachmann) Diesing, 1866, p. 382 = Peridinium spiniferum
Claparede & Lachmann, 1859, p. 405, pi. 20, figs. 4, 5; fixed by OD(M).
Gonyaulax (Diesing) Kofoid, 1911a, p. 201, 206. [Subgenus of Gonyaulax
Diesing, 1866.]
Gonyaulex Martin, 1929, p. 22. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Gonyaulux Roxas, 1940, p. 572, 573. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Gonyulax Vavrdova, 1964, p. 97. [Nom. null, pro Gonyaulax Diesing,
Gonyodoma Entz f. 1905, p. 110. [Nom. null, pro Goniodoma Stein, 1883.]
Gymnaster Schiitt, 1891, p. 409, 423 (non Kitamura, 1937). Illegitimate
ICBN Art. 63.
Gymnocystodinium Baumeister, 1957b, p. 4, 10. Type species: G. gessneri
Baumeister, 1957b, p. 13, fig. 3 (1-10, 12); fixed by SD Loeblich Jr.
& Loeblich III, herein.
Gymnodenium Nishikawa, 1901, p. 34. [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium
Stein, 1878.]
Gymnodinium Stein, 1878, p. 89, 90, 91, 95, 97. Type species: G. fuscum
(Ehrenberg) Stein, 1878, p. 95 = Peridinium fuscum Ehrenberg, 1835
[1834], p. 270; fixed by SD Chatton, 1912, p. 86.
Gymnodinium (Stein) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 174. [Subgenus of
Gymnodinium Stein, 1878.]
Gymnodium Biitschli in Bronn, 1885, p. 1018. [Nom. null, pro Gymno-
dinium Stein, 1878.]
Gymnodynium Corner, 1964, p. 29. [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium Stein,
Gymnonodinium Cita, 1964, p. 85 [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium Stein,
Gymnopinium Schiitt, 1890, p. 10. [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium Stein,
1878.] ^
Gymodinium Biitschli in Bronn, 1885, p. 1016. [Nom. null, pro Gymno­
dinium Stein, 1878.]
Gymuodinium Vtilkanov [Valkanov], 1926, p. 118. [Nom. null, pro
Gymnodinium Stein, 1878.]
Gynocystdinium Baumeister, 1964, p. 183. [Nom. null, pro Gymnocystodin-
ium Baumeister, 1957.]
Gynodinium Kofoid, 1931, p. 10. [Nom. null, pro Gymnodinium Stein,
Gyradinium Wailes, 1928, p. 26. [Nom. null, pro Gyrodinium Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.]
Gyrodinium Kofoid & Swezy in Kofoid, 1920, p. 319, 320. [Nom. nud.]
Gyrodinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 121, 273. Type species: G. spirale
(Bergh) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921 = Gymnodinium spirale Bergh, 1881,
p. 255; fixed by OD. [Nom. subst. pro Spirodinium Schiitt, 1896, non
Fiorentini, 1890.]
Gyrodinium (Kofoid & Swezy) Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 282. [Subgenus
of Gyrodinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921.]
Gyrodium Ivanov, 1964, p. 52. [Nom. null, pro Gyrodinium Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.]
Gyrodynium Corner, 1964, p. 29. [Nom. null, pro Gyrodinium Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.]
Haematodinium Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 358, 376. [Nom. null, pro
Hematodinium Chatton & Poisson, 1930.]
Haematodinium Schiller, 1956, p. 212. Type species: H. gessneri Schiller,
1956; fixed by OD (M). [vide Halophilodinium.]
Halophilodinium Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, nom. nov. [Nom. subst. pro
Haematodinium Schiller, 1956, p. 212, orthographic variant homonym
of Hematodinium Chatton & Poisson, 1930, p. 553; see ICBN Art. 75,
pars. 1, 2.]
Halophoridia Cookson & Eisenack, 1962b, p. 271. Type species: H. xena
Cookson & Eisenack, 1962; fixed by OD.
Hamatae Gruppe [of Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933], O. Wetzel,
1933a, p. 144; 1933b* p. 78, 80.
Hamatodinium Schiller, 1956, p. 214. [Nom. van. pro Haematodinium
Schiller, 1956.]
Haplodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 370, 438. Type species: H. antjoliense
Klebs, 1912; fixed by OD(M).
Haplozoon Dogiel, 1906b, p. 895. Type species: H. armatum Dogiel,
1906; fixed by OD.
Hastata Pavillard, 1916, p. 60. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839;
nom. nud.]
Hastata Group [of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 236, 237, 261.
Hastatae Jorgensen, 1923, p. 31. Type species: not designated. [Section
of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Heamatodinium Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 376. [Nom. null, pro Hema-
todinium Chatton & Poisson, 1930.]
Heliodinium Alberti, 1961, p. 33. Type species: H. voigtii Alberti, 1961;
fixed by OD.
Hematodinium Chatton & Poisson, 1930, p. 553. Type species: H. perezii
Chatton & Poisson, 1930; fixed by OD(M).
Hemedinium Baumeister, 1943a, p. 347. [Nom. null, pro Hemidinium
Stein, 1878.]
Hemiaedinium Calkins, 1926, p. 268. [Nom. null, pro Hemidinium,
Stein, 1878.]
Hemidinium Stein, 1878, p. 91, 97. Type species: H. nasutum Stein, 1878;
fixed by OD(M).
Henidinium Balbiani, 1884, p. 375. [Nom. null, pro Hemidinium Stein,
Heteraulacus Diesing, 1850, p. 100. Type species: H. acuminatus (Ehren­
berg) Diesing, 1850, p. 100 = Peridinium acuminatum Ehrenberg, 1836
[1835], p. 541, pi. 2, fig. 5; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. and Loeblich III,
Heteroaulax Diesing, 1866, p. 305. [Nom. van. pro Heteraulacus Diesing,
Heterocapsa Stein, 1883, p. 9, 13. Type species: H. triquetra (Ehrenberg)
Stein, 1883, p. 13 = Glenodinium triquetrum Ehrenberg, 1840, p. 200;
fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Heterocapsa Massart, 1920, p. 123 (non Stein, 1883). Type species:
H. quinquecaspidata Massart, 1920; fixed by OD(M).
Heteroceras Forti, 1901, p. 6 (non Saccardo, 1915). Type species: H.
schroeteri Forti, 1901; fixed by OD.
Heterocysta Stein, 1883, p. 19. [Nom. null, pro Heterocapsa Stein, 1883.]
Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906a, p. 342. Type species: H. scrippsii Kofoid,
1906; fixed by OD.
Heterodinium (Kofoid) Kofoid & Adamson, 1933, p. 21, 47. [Subgenus of
Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906.]
Heteroschisma Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 36 (non Wachsmuth, 1883,
nec Simroth, 1895). Type species: H. inaequale Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928; fixed by OD. [vide Latifascia.]
Hexagonifera Cookson & Eisenack, 1961a, p. 73. Type species: H. glabra
Cookson & Eisenack, 1961; fixed by OD.
Hirundinella Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1826, p. 533, 544 (non Garsin,
1928). Type species: H. quadricuspis Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1826 =
Bursaria hirundinella Muller, 1773, p. 63; fixed by OD(M).
Histioneis Stein, 1883, p. 9, 25, 26. Type species: H. remora Stein, 1883,
pi. 22, fig. 11; SD Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 611.
Histiophora Klement, 1960, p. 51. Type species: H. ornata Klement, 1960;
fixed by OD.
Histiophysis Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 333. Type species: H. rugosa
(Kofoid & Michener) Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928 = Dinophysis rugosa
Kofoid & Michener, 1911, p. 293; fixed by OD.
Histoneis Ostenfeld & Schmidt, 1902, p. 173. [Nom. null, pro Histioneis
Stein, 1883.]
Histrichodinium Krishtofovich, 1957, p. 139. [Nom. null, pro Hystricho-
dinium Deflandre, 1935.]
Histrichosphaera Krishtofovich, 1957, p. 139. [Nom. null, pro Hystrichos-
phaera O. Wetzel ex Deflandre, 1937.]
Histrichosphaeridium Kristofovich, 1957, p. 139. [Nom. null, pro Hystri-
chosphaeridium Deflandre, 1937.]
Hollandella Cachon in Cachon-Enjumet, 1961, p. 198. (non Gill, 1901)
[nom. nud.]
Hollandella Cachon, 1964, p. 53 (non Gill, 1901). Type species: not
designated (invalid ICZN Art. 13(b)). [vide Keppenodinium].
Homunculus Pavillard, 1916, p. 56. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg,
1839; nom. nud.]
Homunculus Jorgensen, 1923, p. 24. Type species: not designated. [Section
of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Horologinella Cookson & Eisenack, 1962b, p. 271. Type species: H. lineata
Cookson & Eisenack, 1962; fixed by OD.
Humilia Jorgensen, 1912, p. 6. Type species: not designated. [Section of
subgenus Metaperidinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Hyalosaccus Keppen, 1899, p. 89. Type species: H. ceratii Keppen, 1899;
fixed by OD.
Hypnodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 399, 443. Type species: H. sphaericum
Klebs, 1912; fixed by OD(M).
Hysthichosphaeridium Serpagli, 1965, p. 92. [Nom. null, pro Hystrichos-
phaeridium Deflandre, 1937.]
Hystrichocolpoma Brosius, 1962, p. 43. [Nom. null, pro Hystrichokolpoma
Klumpp, 1953.]
Hystrichodinium Deflandre, 1935, p. 229. Type species: H. pulchrum
Deflandre, 1935; fixed by OD.
Hystrichokibotium Klumpp, 1953, p. 387. Type species: H. pseudojur-
catum Klumpp, 1953; fixed by OD.
Hystrichokolpoma Klumpp, 1953, p. 388. Type species: H. cinctum
Klumpp, 1953; fixed by OD.
Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1932, p. 136. [Nom. nud.]
Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933b, p. 79, 80. Type species: two species
designated as “Typen der Gattung” H. jurcata (Ehrenberg) O. Wetzel,
1932, and H. ramosa (Ehrenberg) O. Wetzel, 1933; invalid ICZN
Art. 13(b).
Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel ex Deflandre, 1937b, p. 61. Type species:
H. furcata (Ehrenberg) O. Wetzel, 1932, pi. 3, fig. 4 = Xanthidium
furcatum Ehrenberg, 1838, p. 134, pi. 1, fig. 14; fixed by OD.
Hystrichosphaera Deflandre, 1937b, p. 61 [Subgenus of Hystrichosphaera.]
Hystrichosphaeridium Deflandre, 1937b, p. 68. Type species: H. tubiferum
(Ehrenberg) Deflandre, 1937b, p. 68 = Xanthidium tubiferum Ehren­
berg, 1838, p. 134, pi. 1, fig. 16; fixed by OD.
Hystrichosphaerina Alberti, 1961, p. 38. Type species: H. schindewolfii
Alberti, 1961; fixed by OD.
Hystrichosphaeropsis Deflandre, 1935, p. 232. Type species: H. ovum
Deflandre, 1935; fixed by OD(M).
Hystrichosphaeropsis Deflandre, 1937b, p. 61, 67. [Subgenus of Hystricho­
sphaera Deflandre, 1937.]
Hystrichostrogylon Agelopoulos, 1964, p. 673. Type species: H. mem-
braniphorum Agelopoulos, 1964; fixed by OD.
Hystrychosphaera Zaklinskaya, 1958, p. 48, 56. [Nom. null, pro Hystri­
chosphaera Wetzel ex Deflandre, 1937.]
Ichthyodinium Hollande & Cachon, 1952, p. 976. Type species: I. chabe-
lardii Hollande & Cachon, 1952; fixed by OD(M).
Ichtyodinium Cachon, 1964, p. 131. [Nom. null, pro Ichthyodinium
Hollande & Cachon, 1952.]
Incisa Jorgensen, 1911, p. 19. Type species: Ceratium incisum (Karsten)
Jorgensen, 1911, p. 19 = C. furca incisum Karsten, 1907a, p. 149; fixed
by OD(M). [Subsection of section Furciformia Jorgensen, 1911.]
Inflata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 24. Type species: not designated. [Section of
Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Intermedia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 80. [Subsectio of sectio Macroceros Osten­
feld, 1903.]
Jusella Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 183. Type species: J. denticulata
Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963; fixed by OD.
Kalyptea Cookson & Eisenack, 1960b, p. 256. Type species: K. diceras
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Katodimilum Neal, Hawes, Cummings & Oldroyd, 1963, p. 34. [Nom. null.
pro Katodinium Fott, 1957.]
Katodinium Fott, 1957, p. 287. Type species: K. nieuportensis (Conrad)
Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, comb, nov., herein ( K . nieuportensis
(Conrad) Fott, 1957, invalid ICBN Art. 33, par. 4) =Massartia
nieuportensis Conrad, 1926, p. 70, pi. 1, fig. 1; fixed by OD. [Nom.
subst. pro Massartia Conrad, 1926, non de Wildemann, 1897.]
Keppenodinium Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, nom. nov. (Nom. subst.
pro Hollandella Cachon, 1964, p. 53 (non Gill, 1901). Type species:
K. mycetoides (Cachon) Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, comb, nov.,
herein = Hollandella mycetoides Cachon, 1964, p. 53, pis. 17-19.
Kiselevia Vozzhennikova 1960, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2. [Nom. nud.]
Kisseljovia Vozzhennikova, 1961, p. 1462. [Nom. nud.]
Kisselovia Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 183. Type species: K. ornata
Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963; fixed by OD.
Kofoidi Group [of Sphaerodinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson,
1933, p. 30.
Kofoidinium Pavillard, 1928, p. 159. Type species: K. velleloides Pavil-
lard, 1928; fixed by OD.
Kofoidopsis Tasch, 1963, p. 333. Type species: K. coronata Tasch, 1963;
fixed by OD.
Kolkwitziella Lindemann, 1919, p. 219. Type species: K. salebrosa Linde-
mann, 1919; fixed by OD(M).
Komewuia Cookson & Eisenack, 1960b, p. 257. Type species: K. glabra
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Korojonia Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 54. Type species: K. dubiosa
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Kryptoperidinium Lindemann, 1924, p. 116. Type species: K. foliaceum
(Stein) Lindemann, 1924 = Glenodinium foliaceum Stein, 1883, pi. 3,
figs. 22-26; fixed by OD(M).
Laevigella Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 282. Type species: Gyrodinium
caudatum Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Gyrodinium
Kofoid & Swezy, 1921.]
Lanceolata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 13. Type species: Ceratium lanceolatum
Kofoid, 1907a, p. 172; fixed by OD(M). [Section of subgenus Bicera-
tium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Latifascia Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, nom. nov. (Nom. subst. pro Hetero-
schisma Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 36, non Wachsmuth, 1883, nec
Simroth, 1895). Type species: L. inaequale (Kofoid & Skogsberg)
Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, comb, nov., herein = Heteroschisma inae­
quale Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 38, pi. 1, figs. 1, 2; text-fig. 1(3).
Lebouraia Abe, 1941, p. 126. Type species: not designated. [Invalid
ICZN Art. 13(b).]
Lejeunia Gerlach, 1961, p. 169. Type species: L. hyalina Gerlach, 1961;
fixed by OD.
Leptodinium Klement, 1960, p. 45. Type species: L. subtile Klement,
1960; fixed by OD.
Leptodiscus Hertwig, 1877, p. 307 (non Gerdemann, 1953, nec Baal,
1937). Type species: L. medusoides Hertwig, 1877; fixed by OD(M).
Leptophyllus Cachon & Cachon-Enjumet, 1964, p. 7 (non Hope, 1842,
nec Quenstedt, 1876). Type species: L. dasypus Cachon & Cachon-
Enjumet, 1964; fixed by OD(M). [vide Abedinium.]
Leptospathium Cachon & Cachon-Enjumet, 1964, p. 4. Type species:
L. navicula Cachon & Cachon-Enjumet, 1964; fixed by OD(M).
Limbatum Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 68, 77.
Limulus Jorgensen, 1911, p. 57 (non Mueller, 1785, nec Fabricius, 1798).
Type species: not designated. [Section of Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Lineadinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 175. Type species: Gymnodinium
heterostriatum Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Gym­
nodinium Stein, 1878.]
Lissaiella Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928, p. 71. Type species: L.
obrae (Lindemann) Lindemann, 1928 = Amphidinium obrae Linde­
mann, 1919, p. 218. Fixed by OD(M).
Lissodinium Matzenauer, 1933, p. 482. Type species: L. schilleri Matz-
enauer, 1933; fixed by OD(M).
Lithodinia Eisenack, 1935, p. 175. Type species: L. jurassica Eisenack,
1935; fixed by OD(M).
Lithoperidinium Deflandre, 1933, p. 272. Type species: L. oamaruense
Deflandre, 1933; fixed by OD.
Lohmanella Uebel, 1912, p. 461. [Nom. null, pro Lohmannella Neresh-
eimer, 1904.]
Lohmannella Neresheimer, 1904, p. 137 (non Trouessart, 1901). Type
species: L. catenata (Neresheimer) Neresheimer, 1904 = Lohmannia
catenata Neresheimer, 1903, p. 757; fixed by OD. [nom. subst. pro
Lohmannia Neresheimer, 1903, non Michael, 1898.]
Lohmannia Neresheimer, 1903, p. 757 (non Michael, 1898). Type species:
L. catenata Neresheimer, 1903; fixed by OD.
Longicollis Group [of Histioneis Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 635, 640.
Lophodinium Lemmermann, 1910, p. 567, 628, 637. Type species: L.
polylophum (Daday) Lemmermann, 1910 = Glenodinium polylophum
Daday, 1905, p. 23; fixed by OD(M).
Lunulae Jorgensen, 1911, p. 51. [Subsectio of section Tripos Ostenfeld,
Macroceras Jorgensen, 1912, p. 83. [Nom. null, pro section Macroceros
Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Macroceras (Ostenfeld) Karsten, 1907b, p. 411. [Subsectio of section
Protuberantia; nom. null, pro Macroceros.]
Macroceratium Kofoid, 1909a, p. 218 (non Reichenbach, 1828, nec Bohm,
1931). Type species: not designated. [Subgenus of Ceratium Schrank,
Macroceratium Bohm, 1931, p. 35 (non Reichenbach, 1828, nec Kofoid
1909a). [Subgenus of Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Macroceros Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 584. Type species: not designated. [Sec­
tion of subgenus Euceratium (Gran) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Magnificus Group [of Ornithocercus Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 515, 516.
Massaria Conrad & Kufferath, 1954, p. 103. [Nom. null, pro Massartia
Conrad, 1926.]
Massartia Conrad, 1926, p. 70 (non de Wildemann, 1897). Type species:
M. nieuportensis Conrad, 1926; fixed by OD.
Melanodinium Schiller, 1935a, p. 320. Type species: M. nigricans Schiller,
1935; fixed by OD(M).
Melodinium Kent, 1881, p. 445. Type species: M. uberrimum (Allman)
Kent, 1881 = Peridinea uberrima Allman, 1855, p. 25 =Peridinium uber­
rimum (Allman) Kent, 1881, p. 445; fixed by OD(M).
Membranilarnacia Eisenack, 1963a, p. 99. Type species: M. leptoderma
(Cookson & Eisenack) Eisenack, 1963 = Membranilarnax leptoderma
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 50, pi. 10, figs. 7, 9; fixed by OD.
Membranilarnax O. Wetzel, 1933a, p. 145. [Nom. nud.]
Membranilarnax O. Wetzel, 1933b, p. 97. Type species: M. pterosper-
moides O. Wetzel, 1933; fixed by OD.
Membranophoridium Gerlach, 1961, p. 198. Type species: M. aspinatum
Gerlach, 1961; fixed by OD.
Membranosphaera Samoylovich in Samoylovich & Mchedlishvili, 1961,
p. 251. Type species: M. maastrichtica Samoylovich; fixed by OD [Cited
as a “gruppa”, but employed in a generic sense; “gruppa” category not
recognized by ICBN.]
Membranosphaera Samoylovich ex Norris & Sarjeant, 1965, p. 40. Type
species: M. maastrichtica Samoylovich ex Norris & Sarjeant. [Given
generic status and validated by description and reference to previous
description and figures.]
Merodinium Chatton, 1923, p. 1248. Type species: M. brandtii (Hovasse)
Chatton, 1923 = Syndinium brandtii Hovasse, 1923, p. 250; fixed by OD.
Mesoporos Lillick, 1937, p. 497 (nom. subst. pro Porella Schiller, 1928,
non Linne, 1753). Type species: M. globulus (Schiller) Lillick, 1937
= Porella globulus Schiller, 1928a, p. 56 —Porotheca globulus (Schil­
ler) Silva, 1960, p. 23; SD Silva, 1960, p. 23.
Mesoporus Ballantine & Parke in Parke & Dixon, 1964, p. 513. [Nom.
null, pro Mesoporos Lillick, 1937.]
Metadinophysis Nie & Wang, 1941, p. 217. Type species: M. sinensis
Nie & Wang, 1941; fixed by OD.
Metaperidinium Jorgensen, 1912, p. 6. Type: not designated. [Subgenus
of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Metaperidinium Group [of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830], (Jorgensen)
Lebour, 1923, p. 269.
Metaperidinium Division [of Peridinium (Ehrenberg) Lebour, 1922],
(Jorgensen) Wailes, 1939, p. 32, 37.
Metaphalacroma Tai & Skogsberg, 1934, p. 457. Type species: M. skog-
sbergii Tai in Tai & Skogsberg, 1934; fixed by OD.
Micraacanthodinium Balech, 1962, p. 166. [Nom. null, pro Micracantho-
dinium Deflandre, 1937.]
Micraamthodinium Deflandre, 1937a, p. 114. Type species: M. setiferum
(Lohmann) Deflandre, 1937 = Cladopyxis setifera Lohmann, 1903,
p. 64; fixed by OD.
Microdinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a; p. 6. Type species: M. ornatum
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Microdistephanus Filipescu, 1943, p. 264. No species included.
Microtaeniella Calkins, 1915, p. 46. Type species: M. clymenellae Calkins,
1915; fixed by OD(M).
Minuscula Lebour, 1925, p. 137. Type species: M. bipes (Paulsen) Le-
bour, 1925 = Glenodinium bipes Paulsen, 1904, p. 21; fixed by OD(M).
Minutum Group [of Sphaerodinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson,
1933, p. 34.
Monacantha Group or Section [of Protoperidinium (Bergh) Ostenfeld,
1903], Abe, 1936b, p. 21.
Monaster Schiitt, 1895, p. 33, 170 (non Etheridge, 1892). Type species:
M. rete Schiitt, 1895; fixed by OD.
Monovela Group or Section [of Archaeperidinium (Jorgensen) Lebour,
1922], Abe, 1936a, p. 644, 669. Type species: Peridinium monovelum
Abe, 1936a, p. 673; fixed by OD.
Muderongia Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 40. Type species: M. mcwhaei
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Muiriella Churchill & Sarjeant, 1962, p. 36. Type species: M. plioplax
Churchill & Sarjeant, 1962; fixed by OD.
Murayella Manum, 1960, p. 22. [nom. null, pro Murrayella Kofoid, 1907.]
Murracystis Haeckel, 1891, p. 261. Type species: M. fusiformis (Thom­
son in J. Murray) Haeckel = Pyrocystis fusiformis Thomson in J. Mur­
ray, 1876, pi. 21; fixed by OD(M).
Murrayella Kofoid, 1907a, p. 191 (non Schmitz, 1893). Type species:
M. globosa Kofoid, 1907; fixed by OD.
Namoceratopsis Rivero & Bermudez, 1963, p. 294. [Nom. null, pro Nan-
noceratopsis Deflandre, 1938.]
Nannoceratopsiella Tasch, 1963, p. 333. Type species: N. permiana Tasch,
1963; fixed by OD.
Nannoceratopsis Deflandre, 1938b, p. 688. [Nom. nud.\
Nannoceratopsis Deflandre, 1938a, p. 183. Type species: N. pellucida
Deflandre, 1938; fixed by OD.
Nectocystis Haeckel, 1891, p. 261. Type species: N. murrayana Haeckel,
1891; fixed by OD(M). [Nom. nud.]
Nelsoniella Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, d . 4. Type species: N. aceras
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, fixed by OD.
Nematodinium Kofoid & Swezv, 1921, p. 415, 421. Type species: N.
partitum Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD.
Nematosphaeropsis Deflandre & Cookson, 1954, p. 1237. [Nom. nud.]
Nematosphaeropsis Deflandre & Cookson, 1955, p. 268. Type species:
N. balcombiana Deflandre & Cookson, 1955; fixed by OD.
Nephrodinium Meunier, 1909, p. 48. Type species: N. nivale; fixed by
SD Loeblich Jr., and Loeblich III, herein.
Neresheimeria Uebel, 1912, p. 461. Type species: N. catenata (Nere-
sheimer) Doflein & Reichenow, 1928, p. 491 = Lohmannia catenata
Neresheimer, 1903, p. 757 = Lohmannella catenata Neresheimer, 1904,
p. 137; fixed by OD. [Nom. subst. pro Lohmannella Neresheimer, 1904,
non Trouessart, 1901.]
Netrelytron Sarjeant, 1961a, p. 113. Type species: N. stegastum Sarjeant,
1961; fixed by OD.
Noctiluca Suriray in Lamarck, 1816, p. 470. Type species: N. miliaris
Suriray in Lamarck, 1816; fixed by OD(M).
Nuctiluca Schiller, 1928b, p. 159. [Nom. null, pro Noctiluca Suriray in
Lamarck, 1816.]
Oblea Balech, 1964, p. 22. Type species: not designated. [Invalid ICZN
Art. 13(b).]
Oblea Loeblich, Jr., and Loeblich, III, gen. nov. [Proposed by Balech,
1964, p. 22 with 3 included species: O. torta, O. rotunda, and O. bacul-
ifera without designation of type species (ICZN Art. 13(b) ); de­
scribed by Balech, 1964, p. 22, the genus is herein validated by desig­
nation as type species Oblea baculifera Balech, 1964, p. 19, pi. 1,
figs. 3-14.]
Oblongata Pavillard, 1923, p. 878. [Section of subgenus Euphalacroma
Pavillard, 1923; nom. nud.]
Oceanica Jorgensen, 1912, p. 5. Type species: not designated. [Section
of subgenus Orthoperidinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Oculata Gruppe [of Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1837], Schiller, 1935b, p. 93.
Odontochinopsis Eisenack, 1961, p. 296. [Nom. null, pro Odontochiti-
nopsis Eisenack, 1961.]
Odontochitina Deflandre, 1935, p. 234. Type species: O. silicorum Def­
landre, 1935; fixed by OD(M).
Odontochitinopsis Eisenack, 1961, p. 298, 299, 308. Type species: O.
molesta (Deflandre) Eisenack, 1961 —Ceratocystidiopsis molesta Def­
landre, 1937b, p. 90; fixed by OD.
Olulla Goczan, 1962, p. 194 [Hungarian], 200 [French]. Type species:
O. goczanii Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, nom. nov., herein = O. olulla
Goczan, 1962; fixed by OD. [Tautonymic specific name available under
ICZN, but genus herein transferred to plant kingdom, hence original
specific name illegitimate, ICBN Art. 23, par. 6.]
Omati Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 76. [Nom. null, pro Omatia Cookson
& Eisenack, 1958.]
Omatia Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 60. Type species: O. montgomeryi
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Oodinium Chatton, 1912, p. 85. Type species: O. pouchetii (Lemmer­
mann) Chatton, 1912 = Gymnodinium pouchetii Lemmermann, 1899b,
p. 358 = Gymnodinium pulvisculus Pouchet, 1885, p. 59 non G. pulv-
isculus Stein, 1878, p. 104; fixed by OD.
Oodnadattia Eisenack & Cookson, 1960a, p. 6. Type species: O. tuber -
culata Eisenack & Cookson, 1960; fixed by OD.
Orinthocercus Yamaji, 1962, p. I ll , 213 .[Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus
Stein, 1883.]
Ornithercus Balech, 1962, p. 32. [Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus Stein,
Ornithoceras Graf, 1909, p. 139. [Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus Stein,
Ornithocercus Stein, 1883, p. 9, 25, 26. Type species: O. magnificus Stein,
1883; fixed by OD(M).
Ornithoceros Balech, 1962, p. 17. [Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus Stein,
Ornithocerus Schiitt, 1892, p. 273. [Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus Stein,
Ornithocurcus Balech, 1962, p. 15. [Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus Stein,
Ornitrocercus Semina, 1960, p. 19. [Nom. null, pro Ornithocercus Stein,
Orthoceratium Meunier, 1919, p. 84 (non Schrank, 1803). [Nom. subst.
pro Biceratium Vanhoffen, 1896; subgenus of Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Orthoperidinium Jorgensen, 1912, p. 5, 6. Type species: not designated.
[Subgenus of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Orthoperidinium Group [of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830], (Jorgensen)
Lebour, 1923, p. 269.
Orthoperidinium Division [of Peridinium (Ehrenberg) Lebour, 1922],
(Jorgensen) Wailes, 1939, p. 32, 33.
Ortoperidinium Candeias, 1930, p. 20. [Nom. null, pro Orthoperidinium
Jorgensen, 1912.]
Ostreopsis J. Schmidt, 1902, p. 218. Type species: O. siamensis J. Schmidt,
1902; fixed by OD(M).
Ouracoccus Hassall, 1845, p. 322. Type species: not designated. [Sub­
genus of Haematococcus Agard, 1828, non Flotow, 1844.]
Ouracoccus (Hassall) Lindley, 1846, p. 796. Type species: O. insignis
(Hassall) Loeblich Jr. and Loeblich III, comb, nov., herein = Haemat­
ococcus (Ouracoccus) insignis Hassall, 1845b, p. 324, pi. 80, fig. 6a,
b; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. and Loeblich III, herein. [Elevated to gen­
eric rank by Lindley.]
Ovum Jorgensen, 1923, p. 22. Type species: not designated. [Section of
Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Oxitoxum Candeias, 1930, p. 28. [Nom. null, pro Oxytoxum Stein, 1883.]
Oxitum Candeias, 1930, p. 71. [Nom. null, pro Oxytoxum Stein, 1883.]
Oxyphysis Kofoid, 1926, p. 205. Type species: O. oxytoxoides Kofoid,
1926; fixed by OD.
Oxyrhis Lohmann, 1911, p. 33. [Nom. null. pro Oxyrrhis Dujardin, 1841.]
Oxyrrhis Dujardin, 1841, p. 346. Type species: O. marina Dujardin, 1841;
fixed by OD(M).
Oxytosum Balech, 1962, p. 169. [Nom. null, pro Oxytoxum Stein, 1883.]
Oxytoxiella Zimmermann, 1930, p. 432. Type species: Amphidinium long-
um Lohmann, 1908, p. 261; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Amphidinium.]
Oxytoxon Stiiwe, 1909, p. 252. [Nom. null, pro Oxytoxum Stein, 1883.]
Oxytoxum Stein, 1883, p. 9, 19. Type species: O. scolopax Stein, 1883,
p. 19, pi. 5, figs. 1-3; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. and Loeblich III, herein.
Oxytoxum Schiitt in Engler and Prantl, 1896, p. 25. [Section of Oxytoxum
Stein, 1883.]
Oxytuxum Margalef & Morales, 1960, p. 9. [Nom. null, pro Oxytoxum
Stein, 1883.]
Oxyurhis Petrova, 1957, table 2. [Nom. null, pro Oxyrrhis Dujardin, 1841.]
Pachydinium Pavillard, 1915, p. 120 (non Kofoid and Swezy, 1921). Type
species: P. mediterraneum Pavillard, 1915; fixed by OD.
Pachydinium Kofoid and Swezy, 1921, p. 175 (non Pavillard, 1915). Type
species: Gymnodinium pachydermatum Kofoid and Swezy, 1921; fixed
by OD. [Subgenus of Gymnodinium Stein, 1878.]
Palachroma Delage and Herouard, 1896, p. 385. [Nom. null, pro Phal-
acroma Stein, 1883.]
Palacoglenodinium Rivero and Bermudez, 1963, p. 294. [Nom. null, pro
Palaeoglenodinium Deflandre, 1935.]
Palaeoceratium O. Wetzel, 1948, p. 329. [Nom. nud.]
Palaeocystodinium Alberti, 1961, p. 20. Type species: P. golzowense Al­
berti, 1961; fixed by OD.
Palaeoglenodinium Deflandre, 1934, text-fig. 1 (2, 3). [Nom. nud.]
Palaeoglenodinium Deflandre, 1935, p. 227. Type species: P. cretaceum
Deflandre, 1935; fixed by OD(M).
Palaeohystrichophora Deflandre, 1934, p. 967. [Nom. nud.]
Palaeohystrichophora Deflandre, 1935, p. 230. Type species: P. infusori-
oides Deflandre, 1935; fixed by OD(M).
Palaeoperidinium Deflandre, 1934, p. 968 [Nom. nud.]; 1935, p. 227.
Description given but type species not designated. Invalid ICZN Art.
13 (b).
Palaeophalacroma Schiller, 1928a, p. 64. Type species: P. verrucosa
Schiller, 1928a, p. 65; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Palaeostomocystis Deflandre, 1935, p. 234. Type species: not designated.
[Nom. nud., invalid, ICZN Art. 13 (a), (b).]
Palaeostomocystis Deflandre, 1936a, p. 77. Type species: not designated.
[Generic description given, but type not designated, invalid ICZN Art.
13 (b)]; Deflandre, 1936c, p. 78. [Nom. nud.]
Palaeostomocystis Deflandre, 1937b, p. 52. Type species: P. reticulata
Deflandre, 1937 = P. reticulata Deflandre, 1935, p 234, pi. 9, fig. 13
[nom. nud.] and Deflandre, 1936c, p. 78, text-fig. 2 [nom. nud.]\ fixed
by OD.
Palaeotetradinium Deflandre, 1934, p. 967, text-fig. 6 [nom. nud.]; 1935,
p. 231. [Nom. nud.]
Palaeotetradinium Deflandre, 1936b, p. 189. Type species: P. silicorum
Deflandre, 1936; fixed by OD.
Palatinum Gruppa [of Cleistoperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954],
Kiselev, 1954, p. 132, 133, 161, 168.
Paleoperidinium Deflandre, 1935, p. 227. [Nom. null, pro Palaeoperi-
dinium Deflandre, 1934.]
Paleophalacroma Ercegovic, 1936, p. 45. [Nom. null, pro Palaeophala-
croma Schiller, 1928.]
Paleostomocystis Deflandre, 1935, p. 234. [Nom. null, pro Palaeostomo­
cystis Deflandre, 1935.]
Palhistiodinia Deflandre, 1938a, p. 185. Type species: P. arcana Deflandre,
1938; fixed by OD.
Palmata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 60, 61. Type species: Ceratium palmatum
(Schroder) Schroder, 1906, p. 365 = C. tripos var. macroceros f.
palmata Schroder, 1900, p. 16, pi. 1, figs. 17o, 17p; fixed by OD (M).
[Section of subgenus Euceratium (Gran) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Palmata Pavillard, 1907, p. 229. [Sectio of Ceratium Schrank, 1793;
nom. nud.]
Palmata Group [of Amphisolenia Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 360, 363.
Palmati Pavillard, 1905, p. 54. Type species: not designated. [Section of
subgenus Euceratium (Gran) Ostenfeld, 1903; nom. nud.]
Palmnickia Eisenack, 1954, p. 69. Type species: P. lobifera Eisenack,
1954; fixed by OD.
Paradinium Chatton, 1910a, p. 341. Type species: P. pouchetii Chatton,
1910; fixed by OD.
Paradinophysis Jorgensen, 1923, p. 4, 47. Type species: not designated.
[Section of Pholocroma Stein, 1883.]
Paradinophysis Pavillard, 1923, p. 878. [Subgenus of Phalacroma Stein,
1883; nom. nud.]
Paradivergentia Paulsen, 1931, p. 55. Type species: not designated.
[Section of subgenus Veroperidinium Paulsen, 1931.]
Paraellobiopsis Kudo, 1939, p. 226. [Nom. null, pro Parallobiopsis Collin,
Parahistioneis Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 582. Type species: P. diome-
deae (Kofoid & Michener) Kofoid & Skossberg, 1928 = Histioneis
diomedeae Kofoid & Michener, 1911, p. 294; fixed by OD.
Parallobiopsis Collin, 1913, p. 1332. Type species: P. coutieri Collin, 1913;
fixed by OD.
Paraperidinium Jorgensen, 1912, p. 6. Type species: not designated.
[Section of subgenus Metaperidinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Paraperidinium (Jorgensen) Barrows, 1918, p. 428. Type species: not
designated. [Subgenus of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Parapodinium Chatton, 1920, p. 84. Type species: P stylipes Chatton,
1920; fixed by OD.
Paraschuettia Murray & Whitting, 1899, p. 332. Type species: not desig­
nated. [Section of Histioneis Stein, 1883.]
Parelion Schmidt, 1889, pi. 144, figs. 59-61. Type species: P. thumii
Schmidt, 1889, fixed by OD (M).
Pareodinia Deflandre, 1947b, p. 4. Type species: P. ceratophora Deflandre,
1947; fixed by OD.
Parhistioneis Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 325. [Nom. null, pro Parahis-
tioneis Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928.]
Parrocelia Gourret, 1883, p. 19, 63, 65, 81. Type species: P. ovalis
Gourret, 1883; fixed by OD(M).
Parrocelia Waterhouse, 1902, p. 273. [Nom. null, pro Parrocelia Gourret,
Paulsenella Chatton, 1920, p. 320. Type species: P. chaetoceratis (Paul­
sen) Chatton, 1920 = Apodinium (?) chaetoceratis Paulsen, 1911, p.
316; fixed by OD.
Paulseniella Lebour, 1930, p. 17. [Nom. null, pro Paulsenella Chatton,
Pavallardia Harvey, 1952, p. 127. [Nom. null, pro Pavillardia Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.]
Pavilardia Kofoid, 1931, p. 6. [Nom. null, pro Pavillardia Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.]
Pavillarda Kofoid, 1931, p. 6. [Nom. null, pro Pavillardia Kofoid &
Swezy, 1921.]
Pavillardi Group [of Platydinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson, 1933,
p. 86.
Pavillardia Kofoid & Swezy in Kofoid, 1920, p. 322, 323. Type species:
P. tentaculifera Kofoid & Swezy in Kofoid, 1920; fixed by OD (M).
[Also see Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 403.]
Pavillardinia Tregouboff & Rose, 1957, p. 128. [Nom. null, pro Pavillar-
dinium de Toni, 1936.]
Pavillardinium de Toni, 1936, p. [1, 2]. [Nom. subst. pro Murrayella
Kofoid, 1907, non Schmitz, 1893.]
Pelagorhynchus Pavillard, 1917a, p. 238. Type species: P. marinus (Loh-
mann) Pavillard, 1917 = Rhychomonas marina Lohmann, 1903, p. 48;
fixed by OD(M).
Pellucida Gruppe [of Paraperidinium (Jorgensen) Barrows, 1918] Peters,
1929, p. 30.
Pellucida Group or Section [of Protoperidinium (Bergh) Ostenfeld, 1903],
Abe, 1936b, p. 21.
Penardii Gruppa [of Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836], Kiselev, 1954, p. 133,
134, 141, 151.
Pentadinium Gerlach, 1961, p. 164. Type species: P. laticinctum Gerlach,
1961; fixed by OD.
Pentagona Jorgensen, 1911, p. 20. Type species: not designated. [Sub­
section of section Furcijormia Jorgensen, 1911.]
Pentagona (Jorgensen) Jorgensen, 1920, p. 24. Type species: not desig­
nated. [Section of subgenus Biceratium (Vanhoffen) Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Pentagonum Vozzhennikova, 1961, p. 1462. [Nom. nud.]
Pentagonum Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 183. Type species: P.
sibiricum Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963; fixed by OD.
Peridinea Allman, 1855, p. 24. [Nom. van. pro Peridinium Ehrenberg,
Peridineum Swithinbank & Bullen, 1914, p. 13. [Nom. null, pro Peridinium
Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Peridiniello Kofoid & Michener, 1911, p. 279. Type species: P. sphaeroidea
Kofcid & Michener, 1911; fixed by OD.
Peridininium Hope, 1954, p. 151. [Nom. null, pro Peridinium Ehrenberg,
Peridiniopsis Lemmermann, 1904, p. 134, 176. Type species: P. borgei
Lemmermann, 1904; fixed by OD.
Peridiniopsis (Lemmermann) Lebour, 1922a, p. 809. [Subgenus of Peri­
diniopsis Lemmermann, 1904.]
Peridinites Lefevre, 1933, p. 415. Type species: P. parvulus Lefevre,
1933, p. 416; SD Defiandre, 1945, card 800.
Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1832 [separate, 1830], p. 38. Type species: P.
cinctum (O. F. Muller) Ehrenberg, 1832 [1830] = Vorticella cincta
O. F. Muller, 1773, p. 98; fixed by OD(M).
Peridinium (Ehrenberg) Lebour, 1922, p. 809. [Subgenus of Peridinium
Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Peridinopsis James-Clark, 1866, p. 5. Type species: P. cypripedium
(James-Clark) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, comb, nov., herein = Peri­
dinium cypripedium James-Clark, 1865, p. 393; fixed by OD(M). [This
genus is commonly regarded as a subjective synonym of the ciliate
Authadias Gist, 1848.]
Peridinum Mangin, 1912, p. 7. [Nom. null, pro Peridinium Ehrenberg,
Peridirium Kokubo, 1932, p. 190. [Nom. null, pro Peridinium Ehrenberg,
Peridium Baumeister, 1943b, p. 329, non Schott, 1827, nec Haeckel, 1887.
[Nom. null, pro Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Perinidium Pelletan, 1877, p. 80. [Nom. null, pro Peridinium Ehrenberg,
Phalachroma Delage & Herouard, 1896, p. 385. [Nom. null, pro Phala­
croma Stein, 1883.]
Phalacroma Stein, 1883, p. 9, 23, 24 ( non Hawle & Corda, 1847). Type
species: P. porodictyum Stein, 1883, pi. 18, figs. 11-14; fixed by SD
Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 40.
Phalaeophalacroma Schiller, 1928a, p. 65. [Nom. null, pro Palaeophala-
croma Schiller, 1928.]
Phalarocoma Daday, 1888, p. 99. [Nom. null, pro Phalacroma Stein, 1883.]
Phalocroma Cleve, 1900, p. 18. [Nom. null, pro Phalacroma Stein, 1883.]
Phanerodinium Deflandre, 1937a, p. 110. Type species: P. cayeuxii (De­
flandre) Deflandre, 1937 = Palaeoperidinium cayeuxii Deflandre, 1935,
p. 229 = P. cayeuxii Deflandre, 1934, fig. 1 (5), nom. nud.; fixed by OD.
Pheopolykrikos Chatton, 1933, p. 252. Type species: P. beauchampii
Chatton, 1933; fixed by OD(M).
Philozoon Geddes, 1882, p. 382. Type species: P. medusarum Geddes,
1882, p. 383; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Photocytis Haeckel, 1891, p. 261. Type species: P. ellipsoides Haeckel,
1891; fixed by OD (M). [Nom. nud.]
Phyllodinium Conrad, 1926, p. 93. Type species: P. scutellaris Conrad,
1926; fixed by OD.
Phyrophacus Cleve, 1899, p. 17. [Nom. null, pro Pyrophacus Stein, 1883.]
Phytodinedria Pascher, 1944, p. 379, 384. Type species: P. aeruginea
Pascher, 1944; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Phytodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 406, 444. Type species: P. simplex Klebs,
1912; fixed by OD (M).
Piriformia Paulsen, 1931, p. 49. [Nom. van. pro section Pyriformia Jorgen­
sen, 1912.]
Pirophacus Minkevicha, 1899, p. 356. [Nom. null, pro Pyrophacus Stein,
Plagiaulax Richard, 1902, p. 101 ( non Flaconer, 1857). [Nom. nud.]
Platycornia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 58. Type species: not designated. [Section
of genus Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Platycystidia Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 12. Type species: P. diptera
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Platydinium Kofoid, 1906a, p. 351. Type species: not designated. [Sub­
genus of Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906; invalid ICZN Art. 44(a) inasmuch
as the type species of Heterodinium, H. scrippsii is here included.]
Platydinium Kofoid ex Kofoid & Adamson, 1933, p. 85. Type species:
Heterodinium whittingae Kofoid. 1906a, p. 361; fixed by OD Kofoid &
Adamson, 1933, p. 85. [Subgenus of Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906.]
Plectodinium Biecheler, 1934, p. 404. Type species: P. nucleovolvatum
Biecheler, 1934; fixed by OD(M).
Pleromonas Pascher, 1914, p. 148, 159. Type species: P. erosa Pascher,
1914; fixed by OD(M).
Pluriarvalium Sarjeant, 1962b, p. 260. Type species: P. osmingtonense
Sarjeant, 1962; fixed by OD.
Podalampas Holmes, 1962, p. 3. [Nom. null, pro Podolampas Stein, 1883.]
Podolampas Stein, 1883, p. 9, 21, 22. Type species: P. bipes Stein, 1883,
p. 22, pi. 8, figs. 6-8; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Podolampes Paulsen in Brandt & Apstein, 1908, p. 123. [Nom. null, pro
Podolampas Stein, 1883.]
Podolampus Hulburt, Ryther & Guillard, 1960, p. 119. [Nom. null, pro
Podolampas Stein, 1883.]
Podophalacroma Jorgensen, 1923, p. 14, 47. Type species: not designated.
[Section of Phalacroma Stein, 1883.]
Polikrikos Warburton, 1890, p. Prot. 14. [Nom. null, pro Polykrikos
Biitschli, 1873.]
Polonicum Gruppa [of genus Glenodinium Ehrenberg, 1836.] Kiselev,
1954, p. 133, 134, 141, 158.
Polycriccos Lohmann, 1908, p. 284. [Nom. null, pro Polykrikos Biitschli,
Polycricos Ostenfeld, 1906, p. 19. [Nom. null, pro Polykrikos Biitschli,
Polycricus Ridley, 1882, p. Prot. 31 ( non Saussure & Humbert, 1872).
[Nom. null, pro Polykrikos Biitschli, 1873.]
Polydinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 349 ( non Kofoid, 1935). Type
species: Cochlodinium augustum Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD.
[Subgenus of Cochlodinium Schiitt, 1896.]
Polykricos Allman, 1875, p. 170. [Nom. null, pro Polykrikos Biitschli,
Polykrikos Biitschli, 1873, p. 673. Type species: P. schwartzii Biitschli,
1873; fixed by OD(M).
Polykrikus Chatton, 1920, p. 419. [Nom. null, pro Polykrikos Biitschli,
Polykritos Thomson, 1888, p. Prot. 17. [Nom. null, pro Polykrikos
Biitschli, 1873.]
Polyopsidella Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 487. Type species: Erythropsidin-
ium scarlatinum (Kofoid & Swezy) Silva, 1960, p. 23 = Erythropsis
scarlatina Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 510; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of
Erythropsidinium Silva, 1960 = Erythropsis Hertwig, 1885.]
Polystephanephorus Sarjeant, 1961b, p. 1096. Type species: P. calathus
(Sarjeant) Sarjeant = Polystephanosphaera calathus Sarjeant, 1961a,
p. 104, pi. 14, fig. 7; text-fig. 7 = Polystephanosphaera calathus Sarjeant,
1960, p. 140, text-fig. 3a (nom. nud.) = Cannosphaeropsis calathus
Downie & Sarjeant, 1964 [1965], p. 160 (illegitimate ICBN Art. 63,
par. 1); fixed by OD.
Polystephanosphaera Sarjeant, 1960, p. 140. Type species: P. valensii
Sarjeant, 1960; fixed by OD.
Ponchetia Lohmann, 1919, p. 137. [Nom. null, pro Pouchetia Schiitt,
Porella Schiller, 1928a, p. 53, 54 ( non Linne, 1753, nec Gray, 1848, nec
Cleve, 1900). Type species: P. globulus Schiller, 1928; fixed by SD
Silva, 1960, p. 23.
Porocentrum Hegnauer, 1962, p. 56. [Nom. null, pro Prorocentrum Ehren­
berg, 1834.]
Poroceratium Vanhoffen, 1896, p. 133. Type species: P. gravidum (Gour-
ret) Jorgensen, 1911, p. 7 = Ceratium gravidum Gourret, 1883, p. 53
[cited in error by Vanhoffen as Schiitt]; fixed by OD(M).
Poroceratium (Vanhoffen) Jorgensen, 1911, p. 7, 8. [Subgenus of Cerati­
um Schrank, 1793.]
Poroceratium (Vanhoffen) Jorgensen, 1920, p. 8. [Section of Ceratium
Schrank, 1793.]
Porolampas Halim, 1960b, p. 197. [Nom. null, pro Podolampas Stein,
Poroperidinium Lemmermann, 1910, p. 657, 661. Type species: not
designated. [Section of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Poroperidinium Gruppe [of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830], (Lemmermann)
Lindemann, 1919, p. 215.
Poroperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954, p. 170. [Subgenus of
Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Porotheca Silva, 1960, p. 23 ( non K. Schumann in K. Schumann &
Lauterb., 1905). Type species: P. globulus (Schiller) Silva = Porella
globulus Schiller, 1928a, p. 56; fixed by OD.
Posterocornia Kofoid, 1906b, p. 101. Type species: Triposolenia truncata
Kofoid, 1906b, p. 102; SD Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928, p. 79.
[Subgenus of Triposolenia Kofoid, 1906; invalid see ICZN Art. 44(a),
subgenus that contains type species of subdivided genus bears same
name as the genus; Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 461, regard this as
a synonym of the subgenus Triposolenia Kofoid.]
Postprorocentrum Gourret, 1883, p. 63, 81, 83. Type species: P. ovale
Gourret, 1883, p. 83, pi. 1, fig. 23; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich
III, herein.
Pouchetia Schiitt, 1895, p. 169, 170 (non Richard, 1830). Type species:
P. fusus Schiitt, 1895; fixed by SD Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 436.
Pouchetia Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 436. [Subgenus of Pouchetia Schiitt,
Pouchetiella Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 436. Type species: Pouchetia
violescens Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Pouchetia
Schiitt, 1895.]
Praetextum Group [of genus Phalacroma Stein, 1883.] Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 68, 80.
Pratjetella Lohmann, 1920, p. 598. Type species: P. medusoides (Hert­
wig) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, comb, nov., herein = Leptodiscus
medusoides Hertwig, 1877, p. 307, pi. 17, 18; fixed by OD(M).
Preperidinium Mangin, 1913 p. 230. Type species: P. paulsenii (Pavil­
lard) Mangin, 1913, p. 230 — Preidinium paulsenii Pavillard, 1909,
p. 280; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Proaulax Diesing, 1866, p. 305, 383. Type species: P. corpusculum
(Perty) Diesing = Peridinium corpusculum Perty, 1852, p. 162; fixed
by OD(M).
Procentrum Raymont, 1963, p. 111. [Nom. null, pro Prorocentrum Ehren­
berg, 1834.]
Prococentron Schiitt, 1890, p. 13. [Nom. null, pro Prorocentrum Ehren­
berg, 1834.]
Prodinophysis Balech, 1944, p. 429. [Nom. subst. pro Phalacroma Stein,
1883, non Hawle & Corda, 1847.] Type species: P. porodictyum
(Stein) Balech, 1944, p. 429 = Phalacroma porodictyum Stein, 1883,
pi. 18, figs. 11-14.
Proheteroschisma Tai & Skogsberg, 1934, p. 461. Type species: P. con -
nectens Tai & Skogsberg, 1934; fixed by OD.
Pronoctiluca Fabre-Domergue, 1889, p. 356. Type species: P. pelagica
Fabre-Domergue, 1889; fixed by OD.
Properidinium Lauterborn, 1894, p. 209. [Nom. null, pro Protoperidinium
Bergh, 1882.]
Properidinium Meunier, 1919, p. 54 ( non Lauterborn, 1894). Type
species: P. avellana Meunier, 1919, p. 56; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich
III, herein.
Prorocantrum Wood, 1964, p. 499. [Nom. null, pro Prorocentrum Ehren­
berg, 1834.]
Prorocentaum Hulburt, Ryther & Guillard, 1960, p. 120. [Nom. null, pro
Prorocentrum Ehrenberg, 1834.]
Prorocentron Ehrenberg, 1873, p. 4. [Nom. null, pro Prorocentrum
Ehrenberg, 1834.]
Prorocentrum Ehrenberg, 1835 [separate, 1834], p. 307. Type species:
P. micans Ehrenberg, 1835 [1834]; fixed by OD(M).
Prorocetrum Nakazima, 1965, p. 202. [Nom. null, pro Prorocentrum
Ehrenberg, 1834.]
Protaspis Skuja, 1939, p. 117 (non Bryant, 1933). Type species: P. glans
Skuja, 1939; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Proterythropsis Kofoid & Swezy in Kofoid, 1920, p. 322, 324. Type species:
P. crassicaudata Kofoid & Swezy in Kofoid, 1920; fixed by OD (M).
[Also see Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 415, 474.]
Protoceratium Bergh, 1881, p. 242, 243. Type species: P. aceros Bergh,
1881; fixed by OD(M).
Protoceratocorys Graham, 1942, p. 42. Type species: Ceratocorys gourretti
Paulsen, 1931, p. 36; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Ceratocorys Stein,
Protoceratum Mangin, 1912, p. 15. [Nom. null, pro Protoceratium Bergh,
Protodinifer Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 112. Type species: P. tentaculatum
Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD.
Protodinium Lohmann, 1908, p. 265. Type species: P. simplex Lohmann,
1908; fixed by OD.
Protoerythropsis Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 333. [Nom. null, pro Pro-
terythropsis Kofoid & Swezy, 1921.]
Protonoctiluca Kofoid, 1931, p. 5. [Nom. null, pro Pronoctiluca Fabre-
Domergue, 1889.]
Protoodinium Hovasse, 1935, p. 60. Type species: P. chattonii Hovasse,
1935; fixed by OD.
Protoperidinium Bergh, 1881, p. 227, 234. Type species: P. pellucidum
Bergh, 1881, p. 227, pi. 15, fig. 46-48; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,
Protoperidinium (Bergh) Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 580. [Subgenus of Peridinium
Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Protoperidinium (Bergh) Karsten, 1907b, p. 415. [“Sectio” of Peridinium
Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Protoperidinium (Bergh) Paulsen in Brandt & Apstein, 1908, p. 41.
[Subgenus of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Protoperidium Pouchet, 1882, p. 794. [Nom. null, pro Protoperidinium
Bergh, 1881.]
Protopsis Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 415. Type species: P. nigra (Pouchet)
Kofoid & Swezy, 1921 =Gymnodinium polyphemus var. nigrum Pouchet,
1887, p. 93; fixed by OD.
Protuberantia Karsten, 1907b, p. 404. [Sectio of “Subgenus Ceratium
Pruchetia Lohmann, 1908, p. 369. [Nom. null, pro Pouchetia Schiitt,
Pseudoceratium Gocht, 1957, p. 166. Type species: P. pelliferum Gocht,
1957; fixed by OD.
Pseudoceratium Neale & Sarjeant, 1962, p. 448. [Subgenus of Pseudo­
ceratium Gocht, 1957.]
Pseudodeflandrea Alberti, 1959, p. 91. Type species: P. gigantea Alberti,
1959; fixed by OD.
Pseudophalacroma Jorgensen, 1923, p. 3. Type species: P. nasutum
(Stein) Jorgensen, 1923 = Phalacroma nasutum Stein, 1883, pi. 18,
figs. 1-6; fixed by OD(M). [Invalid ICBN Art. 34 (2), provisionally
Pseudophalacroma Jorgensen ex Lebour, 1925, pp. 11, 75. Type species:
P. nasutum (Stein) Jorgensen ex Lebour, 1925, p. 75 = Phalacroma
nasutum Stein, 1883, pi. 18, figs. 1-6; fixed by OD (M).
Pterocystidiopsis Deflandre, 1935, p. 234. [Nom. nud.]
Pterocystidiopsis Deflandre, 1937b, p. 90. Type species: P. stephaniana
Deflandre, 1937 = P. stephaniana Deflandre, 1935, p. 234, pi. 9, fig. 2
(nom. nud.); fixed by OD.
Pterodinium Eisenack, 1958, p. 395. Type species: P. aliferum Eisenack,
1958; fixed by OD.
Pterosperma Pouchet, 1893, p. 178. Type species: P. rotondum Pouchet,
1893; SD Bourrelly, 1957, p. 122.
Pterospermopsis W. Wetzel, 1952, p. 411. Type species: P. danica W.
Wetzel, 1952; fixed by OD.
Ptychodiscus Stein, 1883, p. 9, 26, 28 ( non O’Meara, 1867; nom. nud.)
Type species: P. noctiluca Stein, 1883; fixed by OD(M).
Pulchra Group [of Histioneis Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 635, 642.
Pyrgidium Stein, 1883, p. 9, 20 ( non Tournouver, 1869, nec Nylander,
1867). Type species: P. tesselatum Stein, 1883, pi. 6, figs. 2, 3; fixed
by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein, [vide Corythodinium .]
Pyrgidium (Stein) Schiitt in Engler & Prantl, 1896, p. 25. [Section of
Oxytoxum Stein, 1883.]
Pyrgidium (Stein) Paulsen in Brandt & Apstein, 1908, p. 68. [Subgenus of
Oxytoxum Stein, 1883.]
Pyriformia Jorgensen, 1912, p. 6. Type species: not designated. [Section
of subgenus Metaperidinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Pyrocistis Thomson in J. Murray, 1876, pi. 21. [Nom. null, pro Pyrocystis
Thomson in J. Murray, 1876.]
Pyrocystis Thomson in J. Murray, 1876, p. 533 (non Carpenter, 1891).
Type species: P. fusiformis Thomson in J. Murray, 1876, pi. 21; SD
Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Pyrocystris Apstein, 1909, p. 9. [Nom. null, pro Pyrocystis Thomson in
J. Murray, 1876.]
Pyrodinium Plate, 1906, p. 427. Type species: P. bahamense Plate, 1906;
fixed by OD.
Pyrodinum McFarren et al ., 1957, p. 116. [Nom. null, pro Pyrodinium
Plate, 1906.]
Pyrophacus Stein, 1883, p. 9, 26, 28, 29. Type species: P. horologium
Stein, 1883; fixed by OD(M).
Pyrophaeus Paulsen, 1909, p. 32. [Nom. null, pro Pyrophacus Stein, 1883.]
Pyrophagus Ostenfeld, 1898, p. 428. [Nom. null, pro Pyrophacus Stein,
Pyrophocus Chun, 1886, p. 58. [Nam. null, pro Pyrophacus Stein, 1883.]
Pyxidiella Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 51. Type species: P. pandora
Cookson & Eisenack, 1958; fixed by OD.
Raciborskia Woloszynsk^, 1919, p. 321 (non Berlese, 1883, nec Koczwara,
1928). Type species: R. bicornis Woloszynsk^, 1919; fixed by OD.
Radiozoum Mingazzini, 1904, p. 97, 101. Type species: R. lobatum
Mingazzini, 1904; fixed by OD. [Considered a radiolarian by Cachon-
Enjumet, 1961, p. 219.]
Ramicijormia Kofoid, 1906b, p. 101. Type species: Triposolenia ramici-
formis Kofoid, 1906b, p. 107; SD Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928,
p. 79. [Subgenus of Triposolenia .]
Rapa Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 68, 74.
Raphidoclinium Hoare & Bargmann, 1939, p. 108. [Nom. null, pro
Raphidodinium Defiandre, 1936.]
Raphidodinium Defiandre, 1936b, p. 184. Type species: R. furcatum
Defiandre, 1936; fixed by OD.
Reflexa Jorgensen, 1911, p. 87. Type species: Ceratium reflexum Cleve,
1900a, p. 15, pi. 7, figs. 8, 9; fixed by OD(M). [Section of genus
Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Remora Group [of Histioneis Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 635, 639.
Reticulata Group [of Parahistioneis Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928], Kofoid &
Skogsberg, 1928, p. 590, 591.
Reticulata Jorgensen, 1911, p. 86. [Subsectio of sectio Macroceros Osten-
feld, 1903.]
Reticulata (Jorgensen) Bohm, 1931, p. 42. [Section of Ceratium Schrank,
1793.] ^
Reticulum Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928,
p. 68, 80.
Rhalacroma Balech, 1962, p. 20. [Nom. null, pro Phalacroma Stein, 1883.]
Rhizellobiopsis Hovasse, 1926, p. 441. Type species: R. eupraxiae (Zachs)
[Zaks] Hovasse, 1926 = Ellobiopsis (?) eupraxiae Zaks, 1922, p. 163,
175; fixed by OD(M).
Rhizodinium Baumeister, 1957b, p. 10. [Nom. nud.]
Rhombodella Cookson & Eisenack, 1962a, p. 496. Type species: R. natans
Cookson & Eisenack, 1962; fixed by OD.
Rhombodinium Gocht, 1955, p. 85. Type species: R. draco Gocht, 1955;
fixed by OD.
Rhombodinium (Gocht) Alberti, 1961, p. 9. [Subgenus of Wetzeliella
Eisenack, 1938.]
Rhynchodiniopsis Defiandre, 1935, p. 231. Type species: R. aptiana
Defiandre, 1935; fixed by OD.
Rigdenae Group [of Heterodinium Kofoid, 1906], Kofoid & Adamson,
1933, p. 78.
Robusta Karsten, 1907b, p. 413. [Subsectio of Sectio Protuberantia.]
Roscoffia Balech, 1956, p. 42. Type species: R. capitata Balech, 1956;
fixed by OD.
Rosea Group or Section [of Protoperidinium (Bergh) Ostenfeld, 1903],
Abe, 1936b, p. 21.
Rottnestia Cookson & Eisenack, 1961b, p. 40. Type species: R. borussica
(Eisenack) Cookson & Eisenack, 1961 =Hystrichosphaera borussica
Eisenack, 1954, p. 62; fixed by OD.
Rotunda Karsten, 1907b, p. 404. [Sectio of “Subgenus Ceratium tripos”.]
Rotundata Pavillard, 1916, p. 60. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839;
nom. nud.]
Rotundatae Lemmermann, 1907, p. 298. Type species: not designated.
[Section of genus Gonyaulax Diesing, 1866.]
Rotundati Pavillard, 1923, p. 878. [Section of subgenus Paradinophysis
Pavillard, 1923; nom. nud.]
Rotundatum Group [of Phalacroma Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 67, 69.
Rotundinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 131. Type species: Amphidinium
cucurbita Kofoid & Swezy, 1921; fixed by OD. [Subgenus of Amphidin­
ium Claparede & Lachmann, 1859.]
Roulea Gourret, 1883, p. 63, 86. Type species: R. obliqua Gourret, 1883,
p. 87, pi. 2, figs. 39, 39a; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III,
Sacculus Pavillard, 1916, p. 59. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839;
nom. nud.]
Salpicola Bargoni, 1894, p. 43 (non Richiardi, 1880). Type species:
S. amylacea Bargoni, 1894; fixed by OD.
Samlandia Eisenack, 1954, p. 76. Type species: S. chlamydophora Eisen­
ack, 1954; fixed by OD.
Scaphodinium Margalef, 1963, p. 3. Type species: S. mirabile Margalef,
1963; fixed by OD(M).
Schematophora Deflandre & Cookson, 1954, p. 1237. [Nom. nud.]
Schematophora Deflandre & Cookson, 1955, p. 262. Type species: S.
speciosa Deflandre & Cookson, 1955; fixed by OD.
Schillingia Schiller, 1932, p. 260, 261, 274. Type species: S. coerulea (Con­
rad) Schiller, 1933, p. 508 = Spirodinium coeruleum Conrad, 1926, p.
90; SD Schiller, 1933, p. 508.
Schizodinium Chatton, 1912, p. 90. Type species: S. sparsum Chatton,
1912; fixed by OD.
Schroederi Group [As schroderi; of Amphisolenia Stein, 1883], Kofoid
& Skogsberg, 1928, p. 360, 362.
Scolops Jorgensen, 1923, p. 34, 48 (non Schaum, 1850). Type species:
not designated. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Scriniocassis Gocht, 1964, p. 121. Type species: S. weberi Gocht, 1964;
fixed by OD.
Scriniodinium Klement, 1957, p. 409. Type species: S. crystallinum
(Deflandre) Klement, 1957 = Gymnodinium crystallinum Deflandre,
1938a, p. 165; fixed by OD.
Scriniodinium Klement, 1960, p. 18. [Subgenus of Scriniodinium Klement,
Scrinodinium Anderson, 1960, p. 30. [Nom. null, pro Scriniodinium
Klement, 1957.]
Scrippsiella Balech, 1959, p. 196. Type species: S. sweeneyae Balech, 1959;
fixed by OD(M). [Invalid ICBN Art. 36, par. 3.]
Scrippsiella Balech ex A. R. Loeblich, III, 1965, p. 15. Type species: S.
sweeneyae Balech ex A. R. Loeblich, III, 1965; fixed by OD.
Setosae Gruppe [of Hystrichosphaera O. Wetzel, 1933], O. Wetzel, 1933a,
p. 144; 1933b, p. 79, 89.
Shaerodinium Schiller, 1937, p. 589. [Nom. null, pro Sphaerodinium
Wotoszyrisk^, 1916.]
Sinodinium Nie, 1945, p. 198. Type species: S. connectens Nie, 1945;
fixed by OD.
Sinophysis Nie & Wang, 1944, p. 146. Type species: S. microcephalus
Nie & Wang, 1944; fixed by OD.
Sirmiodinium Alberti, 1961, p. 22. Type species: S. grossii Alberti, 1961;
fixed by OD.
Solenodinium Chatton, 1923, p. 1248. Type species: Merodinium (Sole-
nodinium) fallax (Chatton) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, comb, nov.,
herein = Solenodinium fallax Chatton, 1923, p. 1248; fixed by OD.
Inaccurate citation see ICZN Art. 6. [Subgenus of Merodinium Chatton,
Solenodinium Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 358, 380. Type species: S. fallax
Chatton, 1923, p. 1248; fixed by OD. [Elevated to generic rank.]
Sphaerica Pavillard, 1916, p. 60. [Section of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839;
nom. nud.]
Sphaericae Jorgensen, 1923, p. 23. Type species: not designated. [Section
of Dinophysis Ehrenberg, 1839.]
Sphaeripara Poche, 1911, p. 80 (nom. subst. pro Lohmannella Neresheim­
er, 1904, non Trouessart, 1901). Type species: S. catenata (Neresheim­
er) Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, comb, nov., herein = Lohmannia cate­
nata Neresheimer, 1903, p. 757 = Lohmannella catenata (Neresheimer)
Neresheimer, 1904, p. 137 = Neresheimeria catenata (Neresheimer)
Doflein & Reichenow, 1928, p. 491.
Sphaerodinium Kofoid, 1906a, p. 350 (non Wotoszyrisk^,, 1916). Type
species: Heterodinium sphaeroideum Kofoid, 1906a, p. 351; fixed by
SD Kofoid & Adamson, 1933, p. 30. [Subgenus of Heterodinium Kofoid,
Sphaerodinium Wotoszynsk^., 1916, p. 283. Type species: S. polonicum
Wotoszyrisk^,, 1916, p. 280, pi. 14, figs. 1-22; SD Loeblich Jr. &
Loeblich III, herein.
Sphaerosperma Pouchet, 1893, p. 176. Type species: S. typus Pouchet,
1893; fixed by OD. [Invalid ICBN Art. 34 (2), provisional name.]
Spherodinium Abe, 1936, p. 643. [Nom. null, pro Sphaerodinium Woto-
szynsk^., 1916.]
Spinidinium Cookson & Eisenack, 1962a, p. 489. Type species: S. styloni-
ferum Cookson & Eisenack, 1962; fixed by OD.
Spiniferites Mantell, 1850, p. 191. Type species: S. ramosus (Ehrenberg)
Mantell, 1854, p. 239 = Xanthidium ramosum Ehrenberg, 1837, p. 47;
fixed by SD Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Spiraulax Kofoid, 1911a, p. 205. [Nom. nud .]
Spiraulax Kofoid, 1911b, p. 295. Type species: S. jolliffei (Murray &
Whitting) Kofoid = Gonyaulax jolliffei Murray & Whitting, 1899, p.
324; fixed by OD.
Spirodinium Schiitt in Engler & Prantl, 1896, p. 5 {non Fiorentini, 1890).
Type species: S. spirale (Bergh) Schiitt in Engler & Prantl, 1896 =
Gymnodinium spirale Bergh, 1881, p. 255; fixed by OD(M).
Splendidus Group [of Ornithocercus Stein, 1883], Kofoid & Skogsberg,
1928, p. 515.
Spongodinium Deflandre, 1936b, p. 169. Type species: S. delitiense (Eh­
renberg) Deflandre = Peridinium delitiense Ehrenberg in Turpin, 1837,
p. 312, 313, figs. C, C'; Ehrenberg, 1838, p. 133, pi. 1, figs. 1, 6; fixed
by OD.
Sporodinium Gonnert, 1936, p. 140. Type species: S. pseudocalani
Gonnert, 1936; fixed by OD.
Staphylocystis Coutiere, 1911a, p. 188, 189 (non Staphylocystis Villot,
1877). Type species: S. racemosus (Coutiere) Coutiere = Ellobiopsis
racemosus Coutiere, 1911b, p. 411; fixed by OD.
Staszicella Wotoszyrisk^,, 1916, p. 263; 277. Type species S. dinobryonis
Wotoszyrisk^,, 1916; fixed by OD(M).
Stasziecella Kudo, 1939, p. 220. [Nom. null, pro Staszicella Wotoszyriska,
Steinella Rampi, 1950, p. 7 ( non Cepede, 1910, nec Malloch, 1921).
[Nom. null, pro Steiniella Schiitt, 1895.]
Steiniella Schiitt, 1895, p. 151 ( non Berg, 1898, nec Bernard, 1908).
Type species: S. fragilis Schiitt, 1895; fixed by SD Lindemann in
Engler & Prantl, 1928, p. 86.
Steiniella (Schiitt) Kofoid, 1911a, p. 202. [Subgenus of Gonyaulax
Diesing, 1866.]
Stephanelytron Sarjeant, 1961a, p. 109, Type species: S. redcliffense
Sarjeant, 1961; fixed by OD.
Stephodinium Deflandre, 1936a, p. 58. Type species: S. coronatum
Deflandre, 1936; fixed by OD(M).
Stophylocystis Dion & Nouvel, 1960, p. 10. [Nom. null, pro Staphylocystis
Coutiere, 1911.]
Stylodinium Klebs, 1912, p. 410, 445. Type species: S. globosum Klebs,
1912; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Svalbardella Manum, 1960, p. 21. Type species: S. cooksoniae Manum,
1960; fixed by OD.
Symbiodinium Freudenthal, 1962, p. 45, 52. Type species: S. microadriati-
cum Freudenthal, 1962; fixed by OD.
Syndinium Chatton, 1910b, p. 654. Type species: S. turbo Chatton, 1910;
fixed by OD.
Synhemidinium Chatton in Grasse, 1952, p. 358, 390. Type species:
S. rostratum Chatton, 1952; fixed by OD(M). [Nom. nud.]
Systematophora Klement, 1960, p. 61. Type species: S. areolata Klement,
1960; fixed by OD.
Tabulata Jorgensen, 1912, p. 5. Type species: not designated. [Section
of subgenus Ortho peridinium Jorgensen, 1912.]
Taeniophora Klement, 1960, p. 67. Type species: T. iunctispina Klement,
1960; fixed by OD.
Teneridinium Krutzsch, 1962, p. 41. Type species: T. magnoides Krutzsch,
1962; fixed by OD.
Tenua Eisenack, 1958, p. 410. Type species: T. hystrix Eisenack, 1958;
fixed by OD.
Tenuia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 77. Type species: not designated. [Subsection
of section Macroceros Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Tergestina Karsten, 1907b, p. 412. [Subsectio of Sectio Protuberantia.]
Tetradinium Klebs, 1912, p. 408, 444. Type species: T. javanicum Klebs,
1912; fixed by OD(M),
Thalassiphora Eisenack & Gocht, 1960, p. 512. Type species: T. pelagica
(Eisenack) Eisenack & Gocht, 1960 = Pterospermopsis pelagica Eisen­
ack, 1954, p. 71; fixed by OD.
Thalassomyces Niezabitowski, 1913, p. 1568, 1572. Type species: T.
spiczakovii Niezabitowski, 1913; fixed by SD Clements & Shear, 1931,
p. 413.
Thaumatodinium Bohm, 1933, p. 351. Type species: T. molischii Bohm,
1933; fixed by OD(M).
Thaurilens Pavillard, 1917b, p. 926. Type species: T. denticulata Pavillard,
1917; fixed by OD.
Thecadenium Lackey, 1961, p. 275. [Nom. null, pro Thecadinium Kofoid
& Skogsberg, 1928.]
Thecadinium Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 29, 31, 32, 33, 35. Type
species: T. petasatum (Herdman) Kofoid & Skogsberg, 192%= Amphi­
dinium kofoidii var. petasatum Herdman, 1922, p. 26 = invalid comb.
Phalacroma kofoidii (Herdman) Herdman, 1924, p. 60; SD Loeblich Jr.
& Loeblich III, herein.
Thekadinium Dragesco, 1965, p. 83, 85, 86, 103, 104, 113. [Nom. van. pro
Thecadinium Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928.]
Toolongia Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 14. Type species: T. medusoides
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Torodinium Kofoid & Swezy, 1921, p. 121, 389. Type species: T. teredo
(Pouchet) Kofoid & Swezy = Gymnodinium teredo Pouchet, 1885,
p. 67; fixed by OD.
Triblastula O. Wetzel, 1933b, p. 100. Type species: T. utinensis O. Wetzel,
1933; fixed by OD(M).
Trichoceros Bohm, 1931, p. 40. [Section of Ceratium Schrank, 1793;
nom. nud.]
Trichodinium Eisenack & Cookson, 1960, p. 5. Type species: T. pellitum
Eisenack & Cookson, 1960; fixed by OD.
Trigonopyxidia Cookson & Eisenack, 1961a, p. 75. (Nom. subst. pro Tri-
gonopyxis Cookson & Eisenack, 1960, non Penard, 1912.) Type species:
T. ginella (Cookson & Eisenack) Downie & Sarjeant, 1964 [1965], p.
149 = Trigonopyxis ginella Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 11, pi. 3,
figs. 18-20; fixed by OD.
Trigonopyxis Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 11 (non Penard, 1912). Type
species: T. ginella Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Tripoceratium Kofoid, 1909a, p. 218. Type species: not designated. [Sub­
genus of Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Tripos Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823, p. 356. Type species: Tripos muellerii
Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1831, p. 7 6 = Cercaria tripos Mtiller, 1776, p.
206; fixed by SD Achille Richard in Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1830, p.
Tripos Ostenfeld, 1903, p. 583. Type species: not designated. [Section of
Ceratium Schrank, 1793.]
Triposolenia Kofoid, 1906b, p. 101. Type species: T. truncata Kofoid,
1906; fixed by OD.
Triposolenia Kofoid & Skogsberg, 1928, p. 461. [Subgenus of Triposolenia
Kofoid, 1906.]
Tripus Agassiz, 1846, p. 378 (non Rafinesque, 1815). [nom. van. pro
Tripos Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1823.]
Trochodinium Conrad, 1926, p. 79. Type species: T. prismaticum Conrad,
1926; fixed by OD.
Tropisolenia Kiselev, 1950, p. 36. [Nom. null, pro Triposolenia Kofoid,
Trypanodinium Chatton, 1912, p. 91. Type species: T. ovicola Chatton,
1912; fixed by OD.
Umbonatum Gruppa [of Poroperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954],
Kiselev, 1954, p. 134, 162, 177.
Urococcus Kiitzing, 1849, p. 206. [Nom. van. pro Ouracoccus (Hassall)
Lindley, 1846.]
Urophalacroma Jorgensen, 1923, p. 16, 47. Type species: Prodinophysis
doryphora (Stein) Balech, 1944, p. 429 = Phalacroma doryphorum
Stein, 1883, p. 23, pi. 19, figs. 1-4; fixed by SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich
III, herein. [Section of Prodinophysis Balech, 1944.]
Uvatodinium Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963, p. 182. Type species: U.
nasutum Vozzhennikova in Orlov, 1963; fixed by OD.
Valensiella Eisenack, 1963, p. 100, 102. Type species: V. ovulum (De­
flandre) Eisenack, 1963= Membranilarnax ovulum Deflandre, 1947b,
p. 9; fixed by OD.
Variegata [Gruppe of Paraperidinium (Jorgensen) Barrows, 1918] Peters,
1929, p. 30.
Veroperidinium Paulsen, 1931, p. 54. Type species: not designated.
[Subgenus of Peridinium Ehrenberg, 1830.]
Volantia Jorgensen, 1911, p. 66. Type species: not designated. [Subsection
of section Macroceros Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Vultur Jorgensen, 1911, p. 71. Type species: not designated. [Subsection
of section Macroceros Ostenfeld, 1903.]
Vultur (Jorgensen) Bohm, 1931, p. 38. [Section of Ceratium Schrank,
Wanaea Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 57. Type species: W. spectabilis
(Deflandre & Cookson) —Epicephalopyxis spectabilis Deflandre & Cook­
son, 1955, p. 293; fixed by OD.
Warnovia Bursa, 1961, p. 575. [Nom. null, pro Warnowia Lindemann,
Warnowia Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928, p. 51, 52. [Nom. subst.
pro Pouchetia Schiitt, 1895, non Richard, 1830.] Type species: W. fusus
(Schiitt) Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928 = Pouchetia fusus Schiitt,
1895, p. 169.
Warnowia (Lindemann) Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928, p. 52.
[Subgenus of Warnowia Lindemann, 1928.]
Warnowiella Lindemann in Engler & Prantl, 1928, p. 52. [Subgenus of
Warnowia Lindemann, 1928; nom. van. subst. pro Pouchetiella Kofoid
& Swezy, 1921.]
Wetzelielia Boureau et al., 1964, p. 65. [Nom. null, pro Wetzeliella Eise­
nack, 1938.]
Wetzeliella Eisenack, 1938, p. 187. Type species: W. articulata Eisenack,
1938; fixed by SD Eisenack, 1961, p. 305.
Wetzeliella. Alberti, 1961, p. 7. [Subgenus of Wetzeliella Eisenack, 1938.]
Wetzelodinium Deflandre, 1936b, p. 168. Type species: W. tentaculatum
(O. Wetzel) Deflandre = Polykrikos tentaculatus O. Wetzel, 1933, p.
171; fixed by OD.
Willei Gruppa [of Cleistoperidinium (Lemmermann) Kiselev, 1954], Kise­
lev, 1954, p. 132, 133, 160, 163.
Woloszynskia R. H. Thompson, 1951, p. 286. Type species: W. reticulata
R. H. Thompson, 1951; SD Loeblich Jr. & Loeblich III, herein.
Xenicodinium Klement, 1960, p. 53. Type species: X. densispinosum
Klement; fixed by OD.
Xenikoon Cookson & Eisenack, 1960a, p. 14. Type species: X. australis
Cookson & Eisenack, 1960; fixed by OD.
Zoorhabdella Rhumbler, 1909, p. 250. Type species: Z. truncatulinae
Rhumbler, 1909; fixed by OD(M).
Zooxanthella Brandt, 1881, p. 572. Type species: Z. nutricula Brandt
1881; fixed by OD(M).
Zuelzerella Rhumbler, 1909, p. 251. [Nom. nud.]
A b e , T o h r u H id e m it i
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A d d e n d u m to In d e x to P yrr h o ph y ta
Caninginopsis Vozzhennikova, 1965, p. 101. [Nom. null, pro Canningin-
opsis Cookson & Eisenack, 1962.]
Ceratipsis Vozzhennikova, 1965, expl. fig. M on p. 34. [Nom. null, pro
Ceratiopsis Vozzhennikova, 1963.]
Ceratystidiopsis Vozzhennikova, 1965, p. 89. [Nom. null, pro Ceratocysti-
diopsis Deflandre, 1937.]
Cleistosphaeridium Williams, 1965, expl. fig. 14 on p. 109. [Nom. nud.]
Endoceratium Vozzhennikova, 1965, p. 89. Type species: E. ludbrooki
(Cookson & Eisenack) Vozzhennikova, 1965 = Ceratocystidiopsis lud­
brooki Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, p. 52, pi. 5, figs. 7, 8; fixed by OD.
Exuvielle Bernard, 1961, p. 38. [Nom. null, pro Exuviaella Tsenkovskiy,
Gorkadinium Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, nom. nov. [Nom. subst. pro
Tetrasphciera Gorka, 1965, p. 307 ( non Popofsky, 1912). Type species:
G. rara (Gorka) Loeblich, Jr. & Loeblich, III, comb, nov., herein =
Tetrasphaera rara Gorka, 1965, p. 307, pi. 2, fig. 6a-b.
Heloidinium Vozzhennikova, 1965, p. 101. [Nom. null, pro Heliodinium
Alberti, 1961.]
Kisselevia Vozzhennikova, 1965, p. 18, 19, 30, 31, 44, 52, 67, 70, 110,
111, 112, 117. [Nom. van. pro Kisselovia Vozzhennikova, 1963.]
Mathurosphaera Varma & Dangwal, 1964, p. 70. Type specits: M. rajiva
Varma & Dangwal, 1964; fixed by OD.
Nannoceratiopsis Cookson & Eisenack, 1958, expl. fig. 19 on p. 53. [Nom.
null, pro N annocer atop sis Deflandre, 1938.]
Operculites Newman, 1965, p. 18. Type species: O. carbonis Newman,
1965; fixed by OD.
Palaeochystrichophora Vozzhennikova, 1965, p. 108. [Nom. null, pro
Palaeohystrichophora Deflandre, 1935.]
Palaeosphaerium Gorka, 1965, p. 308. Type species: P. injrequens Gorka,
1965; fixed by OD.
Pianinosphaeridium Eisenack, 1965, p. 151. Type species: P. membrana-
ceum Eisenack, 1965; fixed by OD.
Pyzidiella Evans, 1963, p. 69. [Nom. null, pro Pyxidiella Cookson & Eisen­
ack, 1958.]
Tetrasphaera Gorka, 1965 p. 307 (non Popofsky, 1912). Type species: T.
rara Gorka, 1965; fixed by OD. [vide Gorkadinium]
Vachtiella Vozzhennikova, 1965, expl. fig. K on p. 25. [Nom. nud.]
A d d e n d u m to R e f e r e n c e s
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1965. Uber einige Mikrofossilien des samlandischen und norddeutschen
Tertiars. Neues Jb. Geol. Palaont. Abh., 123: 149-159, pis. 14, 15;
text-figs. 1-3.
E v a n s, P. R.
1963. Appendix 9. Preliminary notes on microplankton from BMR 4 &
BMR 4A In S. D. Henderson, M. A. Condon and L. V. Bastian,
Stratigraphic drilling, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Rep. Bur.
Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys. Aust., 60: 69-70.
G orka, H anna
1965. Les microfossiles du Jurassique superieur de Magnuszew (Pologne).
Acta palaeont. pol., 10: 291-327, pis. 1-5.
N e w m a n , K a r l R.
1965. Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene guide palynomorphs from northwestern
Colorado. Univ. Colo. Stud., Earth Sci. Ser., 2: 1-21, pi. 1, text-figs.
V a r m a , C. P. a n d A. K. D a n g w a l
1964. Tertiary hystrichosphaerids from India. Micropaleontology, 10: 63-
71, pis. 1, 2.
V o z z h e n n ik o v a , T . F .
1965. Vvedenie v izuchenie iskopaemykh peridineevykh vodorosley. Akad.
Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie Inst. Geol. Geofiz., 156 p., 51 figs.
W illia m s , G. L.
1965. Organic-walled microfossils aid oil search. Oil Gas J., 63: 108-112,
24 figs.

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