Computers & Fluids: Yang Sun-Sheng, Kong Fan-Yu, Jiang Wan-Ming, Qu Xiao-Yun
Computers & Fluids: Yang Sun-Sheng, Kong Fan-Yu, Jiang Wan-Ming, Qu Xiao-Yun
Computers & Fluids: Yang Sun-Sheng, Kong Fan-Yu, Jiang Wan-Ming, Qu Xiao-Yun
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Pump manufactures normally do not provide performance curves of their pumps working as turbines,
Received 9 July 2011 especially performance curves of trimmed impellers. Impeller trimming is necessary to adapt to a certain
Received in revised form 21 March 2012 operating condition. Therefore, establishing the correlation of PAT’s performance curve and impeller
Accepted 7 July 2012
trims is essential. In this paper, a laboratory model of a pump as turbine (PAT) open test rig was set
Available online 20 July 2012
up. Experimental research was carried out on a single stage centrifugal PAT, performance curves of ori-
ginal impeller, impeller after once and twice trims were acquired. Numerical simulation and analysis
were performed on the PAT. The accuracy of CFD was validated through comparison between numerical
Pump as turbine
Impeller trimming
and experimental data. As impeller diameter is cut down, its geometrical parameters of impeller diam-
PAT test rig eter, blade wrap angle, impeller inlet width and blade inlet angle are changed. So, research on effects
Experimental research of the above four parameters to the performance influence of PAT were carried out using CFD. Through
Numerical research analysis of the predicted performance curves, the reasons for the variation of performance curves after
impeller trimming were explored.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction dict PAT performance have been made using CFD. However, rela-
tively large deviations from experimental data have been reported
Conserving energy while exploring renewable, environmen- [10–13]. Few research works have been focused on the optimization
tally-friendly energy resources is of crucial importance to keeping of PAT [14–17]. Yet, no paper has been focused on impeller trim-
up with increasing energy demands. Small hydropower with its ming to the influence of PAT. Sometimes when the system pressure
characteristics of available worldwide became attractive to energy head or flow rate drops, trimming impeller is a convenient way to be
utilization after the oil crisis of the seventies. adopted. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on effects of impeller
Pumps are relatively simple machines, easy to manufacture and trimming to the influence of PAT’s performance.
maintain and readily available all over the world. Experiments
have shown that in relatively low power outputs, pumps with high 2. Experimental setup
technological standards in reverse operation can compete with
conventional turbines in respect to maximum efficiency [1]. Thus, A laboratory model of a PAT open test rig, as shown in Fig. 1a
PAT is one of the cheap and attractive alternatives in high pressure was set up at Jiangsu University. High pressure fluid required
fluid and small hydropower resources exploration. Research on was supplied by a feed pump. An energy dissipation pump was in-
PAT was started around 1930 [2]. With increasing energy demands, stalled to consume energy generated by PAT and regulate PAT’s
it will be more economical to exploit such energy resources in rotational speed. To measure PAT’s torque and rotational speed, a
future. torque meter was put between PAT and energy dissipation pump.
Pump manufacturers normally do not provide characteristic The discharge was measured by a turbine flow meter. Its inlet and
curves of their pumps working as turbines. This makes it difficult outlet pressure were measured by pressure gauges. After measur-
to select an appropriate pump to run as a turbine for a specific oper- ing all parameters, PAT’s head, output power, efficiency and perfor-
ating condition. So many research works have been focused on pre- mance curve were obtained. The uncertainty of measured pressure
dicting PAT’s performance based on its pump mode performance head (H), flow rate (Q), hydraulic power (Ph), generated shaft
[3–8] or pump geometric parameters [9]. But the PAT behavior is power (Pshaft) and efficiency (g) were ±0.57%, ±0.50%, ±0.76%,
very complex and it is difficult to find just a relation to cover all ±1.02% and ±1.27% respectively.
pumps behavior in reverse mode [10]. Most recent attempts to pre- Fig. 1b shows the open pump test rig established at Jiangsu Uni-
versity. The uncertainty of measured required pressure head (H),
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Zhenjiang, Xue-fu Road No. 301, Jiangsu flow rate (Q), hydraulic power (Ph), generated shaft power (Pshaft)
Province, China. Tel./fax: +86 511 88780286. and efficiency (g) were ±0.14%, ±0.50%, ±0.52%, ±1.08% and
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.-S. Yang). ±1.20% respectively.
0045-7930/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.-S. Yang et al. / Computers & Fluids 67 (2012) 72–78 73
Turbine flow meter
Pressure gaugue
Torque meter
Pressure gaugue
pump motor
Fig. 1. (a) An open PAT test rig and (b) an open pump test rig.
The focus of the investigation is a single stage centrifugal PAT. Its CFD code ANSYS-CFX which utilizes a finite-element based fi-
rated speed is 1500 r/min in both turbine and pump modes. As nite-volume method to discrete the transport equations was used
impeller is trimmed, its geometrical parameters of impeller diame- for numerical research. The fluid was split into five component
ter (D2), impeller inlet width (b2), blade wrap angle (u) and blade parts; they were PAT’s volute, impeller, front and back chambers
inlet angle (b2) will be changed. Table 1 lists the main geometric and outlet pipe. This separation allowed each mesh to be generated
parameters of the designed PAT and the varied impeller parameters individually and tailored to the flow requirements in that particu-
after trimming. Fig. 2 shows the tested PAT and impellers. lar component. To get a relatively stable inlet and outlet flow, four
74 S.-S. Yang et al. / Computers & Fluids 67 (2012) 72–78
Table 1 63.0
Main geometric parameters of the designed PAT.
D1 (mm) 102
z 6
e (mm) 4
b1 39
L (mm) 15 61.5
D3 (mm) 266
η (%)
D4 (mm) 65 61.0
Dh (mm) 30
zb 6 60.5
Db (mm) 75
D2 = 255 u (°) 97.52 60.0
b2 (°) 24.27
b2 (mm) 14.38 59.5
D2 = 235 u (°) 88.06
b2 (°) 28.22 59.0
b2 (mm) 15.30 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
D2 = 215 u (°) 79.16
b2 (°) 31.28
mesh number (million)
b2 (mm) 16.98
Fig. 3. PAT’s efficiency versus mesh number curve.
Experimental research on original impeller and impeller after Items Q (m3/h) H (m) Pshaft (kW) g (%) ns
once and twice trims were carried out on turbine and pump PAT 255 95.23 39.17 6.15 62.95 15.58
modes. Fig. 5 shows the performance curves of the three tested 235 86.14 32.40 4.56 59.98 17.09
impellers in both modes. Table 2 lists their BEPs. 215 93.63 37.52 5.63 58.84 15.96
Pump 255 52.12 18.07 4.19 61.15 20.59
Table 2 shows that PAT’s efficiency is decreased with the trim-
235 51.71 17.17 3.83 63.08 21.31
ming of impeller diameter. As impeller is cut from 255 mm to 215 49.80 13.75 3.13 59.55 24.71
215 mm, PAT’s BEP shifts from 95.23 m3/h to 86.14 m3/h and then
moves back to 93.63 m3/h and its efficiency at BEP is dropped by
4.11%. Fig. 5a indicates that PAT’s Q–H curve becomes increasingly
steep and Q–Pshaft curve moves almost parallel down when impel- Exp η Exp H Exp P 14
64 CFD η CFD H CFD P 52
ler is trimmed. 13
As impeller is trimmed from 255 mm to 215 mm, PAT’s geomet- 60 48 12
ric parameters of impeller diameter, blade wrap angle, impeller in- 11
let width and blade inlet angle are changed. To get a more clear 56 44
result of these parameters affecting PAT’s performance, effects of 52 9
Pshaft (kW)
these four parameters to the influence of PAT are carried out sep-
H (m)
η (%)
arately using CFD. 48 36
44 32 6
a 66 PAT 215 η
PAT 235 η
PAT 215 H
PAT 235 H
PAT 215 P
PAT 235 P
56 12 Fig. 6. Experimental and numerical performance curves.
64 PAT 255 P 52
PAT 255 η PAT 255 H
62 10
48 Table 3
60 Experimental and numerical efficiency.
58 Q/QBEP(%) 0.81 0.90 1.00 1.14 1.27
Pshaft (kW)
Exp 52.25 56.31 59.98 58.80 56.70
η (%)
H (m)
CFD 56.14 60.67 63.03 62.18 60.13
54 Error 7.44 7.74 5.09 5.74 6.05
52 32
50 28
Table 4
48 24
Experimental and numerical head.
46 20
2 Q/QBEP 0.81 0.90 1.00 1.14 1.27
70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Exp (m) 24.79 27.96 32.40 38.85 47.27
Q (m3/h) CFD (m) 25.42 29.16 33.71 40.43 49.24
Error (%) 2.54 4.29 4.04 4.07 4.17
b PUMP215η
PUMP235H PUMP235P 24
22 Table 5
5 Experimental and numerical shaft power.
Q/QBEP 0.81 0.90 1.00 1.14 1.27
50 4 Exp (kW) 2.47 3.33 4.56 6.20 8.29
Pshaft (kW)
η (%)
Error (%) 10.12 12.31 9.21 8.06 7.00
40 14
10 age flow through the balancing holes and mechanical seals is ne-
2 glected, so the simulated efficiency includes volumetric loss
20 8
through the wear ring and mechanical loss caused by disc friction.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
As illustrated in Fig. 6, numerical predicted performance curves
well reflect the tendency of PAT’s experimental results. Numerical
Q (m3/h)
predicted efficiency, pressure head and shaft power are higher than
Fig. 5. (a) Performance curves of impellers in turbine mode and (b) performance those of experimental results. The maximal relative error of pre-
curves of impellers in pump mode. dicted g, H and Pshaft to experimental data are 7.44%, 4.29% and
76 S.-S. Yang et al. / Computers & Fluids 67 (2012) 72–78
12.31%. This over predict of efficiency, pressure head and shaft Table 6
power may attribute to the neglection of leakage loss through bal- BEPs of impellers with three diameters.
ancing holes and mechanical loss caused by mechanical seal and D2 (mm) Q (m3/h) H (m) Pshaft (kW) g (%)
bearings. According to the comparison between experimental 255 80.0 31.82 4.72 68.15
and CFD results, it is reasonable to believe that CFD can be used 235 72.5 27.46 3.67 67.73
in the prediction of PAT’s performance. 215 60.0 21.48 2.32 65.98
7. Impeller diameter
70 90 η 90 H 90 P 48 10
Numerical simulation of PAT with impeller diameters of 110 H
110 η 110 P
255 mm, 235 mm and 215 mm were performed. The blade inlet 69
130 η 130 H 130 P 44
angle (b2), blade outlet angle (b1), blade wrap angle (/) and impel- 68 150 η 150 H 150 P
ler inlet width (b2) of the investigated impellers were 20°, 19.5°, 40
130° and 14.38 mm respectively. Other geometric parameters were
the same as listed in Table 1. Fig. 7 is the predicted performance of 66
Pshaft (kW)
the three impeller diameters. Table 6 lists their BEPs. 65
H (m)
η (%)
Table 6 indicates that the flow rate at the BEP is decreased by 64 32
20 m3/h and efficiency at the BEP is decreased by 2.17% as impeller
diameter decreases from 255 mm to 215 mm. Fig. 7 shows that 28
PAT’s Q–H curve grows increasingly steep and Q–Pshaft curve be- 62
comes relatively flat as impeller diameter is decreased. 61 24
8. Blade wrap angle 2
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115
Numerical simulation of the PAT with blade wrap angles of 90°,
Q (m3/h)
110°, 130° and 150° were carried out. The blade inlet angle (b2),
blade outlet angle (b1), impeller inlet width (b2) and impeller diam- Fig. 8. Performance curves of impeller with different blade wrap angles.
eter (D2) of the investigated impellers are 20°, 19.5°, 14.38 mm and
235 mm respectively. Other geometric parameters are the same as
listed in Table 1. Fig. 8 shows the predicted performance curves. Table 7
Table 7 lists the BEPs of different schemes. BEPs of impellers with different blade wrap angles.
Table 7 shows that the flow rate at BEP is increased by 10 m3/h u (°) Q (m3/h) H (m) Pshaft (kW) g (%)
as blade wrap angle decreases from 150° to 90°. There is an optimal
150 70.00 26.89 3.45 67.42
blade wrap angle for this PAT to achieve the highest efficiency. Its 130 72.50 27.46 3.67 67.73
highest efficiency is reached when the blade wrap angle is 130°, 110 75.00 28.29 3.90 67.51
which is 0.44% higher than that of 90°. Fig. 8 shows that PAT’s 90 80.00 30.64 4.49 67.29
Q–H curve and Q–Pshaft curve moves down with the decrease of
blade wrap angle.
66 11 η 11 H 11 P
9. Impeller inlet width
65 13 η 13 H 13 P 12
15 η 15 H 15 P
In the research of impeller inlet width to the performance influ- 64 17 η 17 H 17 P
ence of PAT, impellers with inlet widths of 11 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm 63
and 17 mm were numerically investigated. The selected impeller
diameter was 235 mm; all other specifications remain the same 44
Pshaft (kW)
H (m)
η (%)
80 215 CFD η 215 CFD H 215 CFD P
235 CFD η 75 18 59
75 235 CFD H 235 CFD P 36
255 CFD η 6
255 CFD H 255 CFD P 70 58
70 16
65 57 32
60 4
60 56
55 12
Pshaft (kW)
H (m)
η (%)
Table 8 modes are presented. Experimental results show that PAT’s flow
BEPs of impellers with different inlet widths. rate at the BEP shifts from 95.23 m3/h to 86.14 m3/h and then
b2 (mm) Q (m3/h) H (m) Pshaft (kW) g (%) moves back to 93.63 m3/h, its efficiency at the BEP is dropped by
11 82.50 33.07 4.60 61.86 4.11% as impeller is cut from 255 mm to 215 mm. PAT’s Q–H curve
13 85.00 33.50 4.89 63.13 becomes steep and Q–Pshaft curve moves almost parallel down.
15 87.50 34.41 5.14 63.05 CFD technology was used to explore the reasons for the perfor-
17 92.50 36.60 5.75 62.33 mance variation when impeller diameter is trimmed. The validity
of CFD result was first proved through comparison between exper-
imental and numerical results. Results show that numerical results
are slightly higher than those of experimental, due to the neglec-
20H tion of volumetric leakage loss through balancing holes and
20η 20P
72 25η 25H 25P mechanical seals caused by mechanical seal and bearings. The
30η 30H 30P 12 maximal deviation of efficiency, head and shaft power over the
70 35η 35H 35P operating range of 0.81–1.27QBEP are 7.74%, 4.29% and 12.31%
68 10 respectively. The numerical prediction method adopted could be
used as a helpful reference in the accurate performance prediction
Pshaft (kW)
of PAT.
η (%)
H (m)
64 8
Effects of impeller parameters including D2, /, b2 and b2 to the
62 performance influence of PAT were carried out using CFD. Through
6 CFD analysis, the following conclusions were acquired.
58 30
4 As impeller diameter decreases from 255 mm to 215 mm, the
56 flow rate and efficiency at the BEP are decreased by 20 m3/h
and 2.08%. PAT’s Q–H curve grows increasingly steep and Q–
54 20 2
60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Pshaft curve becomes relatively flat as impeller diameter is
Q (m /h) decreased.
The optimal blade wrap angle for this PAT to achieve the highest
Fig. 10. Performance curves of impellers with different blade inlet angles. efficiency is 130°. The flow rate at the BEP is increased by
10 m3/h as blade wrap angle decreases from 150° to 90°. PAT’s
Q–H curve and Q–Pshaft curve move down with the decrease of
blade wrap angle.
Table 9
BEPs of impellers with different blade inlet angles. The highest efficiency is reached when impeller inlet width is
13 mm. With the increase of impeller inlet width, PAT’s flow
b2 (°) Q (m3/h) H (m) Pshaft (kW) g (%)
rate at the BEP and its high efficiency operating range are
20 72.50 27.46 3.67 67.73 increased; its Q–H curve and Q–Pshaft curve slightly decrease.
25 72.50 27.69 3.70 67.64
As blade inlet angle increases from 20° to 35°, the flow rate at
30 75.00 28.90 4.01 67.94
35 75.00 29.27 4.06 67.90 the BEP is increased by 2.50 m3/h, the required pressure head
is increased by 1.81 m and the variation of efficiency is at a neg-
lectable level. PAT’s Q–H and Q–Pshaft curves slightly increases
as blade inlet angle is increased.
range gradually increases, its Q–H curve and Q–Pshaft curve are
As impeller is trimmed, PAT’s impeller geometric parameters of
D2 and / will decrease, b2, and b2 will increase. The decrease of D2
10. Blade inlet angle will offset the flow rate at the BEP to the left side of its performance
curve, the decrease of / and increase of b2 and b2 will move its flow
Blade inlet angle (b2) of 20°, 25°, 30° and 35° are simulated rate at the BEP to the right. So the performance change of PAT
using CFD. The blade outlet angle (b1), blade wrap angle (/), impel- when its impeller is trimmed is the combined effects of these four
ler inlet width (b2) and impeller diameter (D2) are 19.5°, 130°, geometric parameters.
14.38 mm and 235 mm respectively. Other geometric parameters
are the same as listed in Table 1. Fig. 10 shows the predicted per-
formance curves. Table 9 lists the BEPs of different schemes. Acknowledgements
Table 9 demonstrates that as blade inlet angle increases from
20° to 35°, the flow rate at the BEP is increased by 2.50 m3/h, the Special thanks are given to the project entitled, ‘‘A Project
required pressure head is increased by 1.81 m and the variation Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu
of efficiency is at a neglectable level. Fig. 10 illustrates that PAT’s Higher Education Institutions (PAPD)’’, national science and technol-
Q–H and Q–Pshaft curve gradually increases as blade inlet angle is ogy support program entitled ‘‘Research on the Key Technology and
increased. However, the amplitude of increase is minor. Engineering Application Project of Typical Centrifugal Pump
(2011BAF14B03)’’ and Doctoral innovation foundation of Jiangsu
University entitled ‘‘Research on High Pressure Fluid Power Recovery
11. Conclusions
Device of Pump as Turbine (CX10B_012X)’’.
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