Unit - Ii Corrosion and Corrosion Control
Unit - Ii Corrosion and Corrosion Control
Unit - Ii Corrosion and Corrosion Control
Corrosion can be defined as the loss of materials as a
result of chemical or electrochemical reaction with the
environment. The annual cost of corrosion in India is around
Rs. 600 crores. The loss due to corrosion include the cost of
repair or replacement of the corroded component or equipments.
By making proper use of existing corroded materials and
techniques for corrosion prevention, about 25% of the estimated
amount (Rs. 150 crores in India) can be saved.
Definition :
Metals combines with oxygen gives metal oxide is called
Destruction of metals (or) deterioration of metals by the
attack of environment is called corrosion.
Causes of corrosion
Metals occur in nature are in the following two forms :
1. Native state
The metals occur in native (or) free (or) uncombined state
are non-reactive with the environment. They are noble metals
3.2 Applied Chemistry
exist as such in the earth crust they have very good corrosion
Example : Au, Pt, Ag, etc.,
2. Combined State
Except noble metals, all other metals are reactive and
react with environment and form stable compounds, as their
oxides, sulphides, chlorides, and carbonates. They exist in their
form of stable compounds called ores and minerals.
The metal ores are converted into pure metal by the use of
metallurgical process. The pure metal at higher energy will
always have a tendency to go into the lower energy state by the
attack of environment is called corrosion.
Metallurgical Process
Metal ore (Reduction) Pure metal
(Impure form) (Higher energy state)
(Less Stable) (Oxidation) (More Stable)
inward diffusion of
oxygen through scale
Outward diffusion of
metal ions through 2+
scale M
M M2+ + 2e (Oxidation)
Metal ions combines with oxygen ions forms the metal oxide film
Example :
Molybdenum oxide film.
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.5
In anodic area
Oxidation takes place with the liberation of electrons.
M M2+ + 2e-
In cathodic area
Depending upon the nature of electrolytic solution, two
types of reaction takes place at cathode.
2+ -
At anode : Fe Fe + 2e (Oxidation)
+ -
At cathode : 2H + 2e H (Reduction)
+ 2+
Overall : Fe + 2H Fe +H2
product (rust)
Small anodic area
Electrolyte (Cathode)
Zn Fe
Anode Cathode
Electrolyte (Cathode)
Fe Cu
Anode Cathode
Example : 1
When a metal is partially immersed in a solution it has
very poor aeration when compared with the metal that is outside
the solution.
More oxygenated
part (cathode)
The less aerated part act as anode and the more aerated
part act as cathode.
Example: 2
The another example of this type of corrosion is the
metal parts partially covered with dust, sand, water drops etc.
This type of corrosion is called as pitting corrosion.
3.12 Applied Chemistry
Pitting Corrosion
Pitting is a localized attack, resulting in the formation of a
hole around which the metal is relatively unattached.
Fig Pitting Corrosion
Fe + ½ O2 + H2O Fe2+ + 2OH- Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)3
This type of intense corrosion is called pitting.
Example: 3
Differential aeration corrosion may also occur in different
parts of pipeline. The buried pipelines (or) cables passing from
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.13
one type of soil to another, say, from clay (less aerated) to sand
(more aerated) may get corroded due to differential aeration.
Example: 4
This type of corrosion is also takes place in wire fence. In
this case the areas where the wires cross are less aerated
than the other parts of the fence. The corrosion takes place at the
wire crossings because less aerated part act as anode.
Fig. 3.8 : Corrosion on wire fence
Corrosion reactions
At Anode : Fe Fe2+ + 2e-
At Cathode : O2 H 2 O 2e 2OH
Net reaction : Fe 2 2OH Fe(OH ) 2 Fe(OH ) 3
Stress corrosion
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.15
i) Giving suitable treatment to relieve internal stresses.
ii) Adjusting the composition and eliminating impurities.
iii) Selecting more resistant material
iv) Removing corrosive environment.
1. Season Cracking
2. Caustic embrittlement
It occurs in mild steel, when it is exposed to alkaline
solutions at high temperatures and stresses.
Boiler water usually contains a certain proportion of
sodium carbonate, added for water softening purposes. In high
3.16 Applied Chemistry
The NaOH flows into the minute hair cracks and crevices
usually present on the boiler material by capillary action and
dissolves the surrounding area of iron as sodium ferroate.
Fe + 2NaOH Na2FeO2 + H2
1. by adding sodium sulphate to the boiler water instead of
sodium carbonate.
2. By adding tannin, lignin to the boiler water which blocks
the hair cracks.
Soils rich in gravel and sand are more porous and hence are
generally more aerated. If a metal pipe is buried in such a soil,
the corrosive conditions are similar to those of oxygen
concentration cell corrosion, the rate of corrosion is governed by
the amount of moisture content in the soil.
5.Non-acids soils
In non-acid soils, the conductivity ( which depends on moisture
and electrolyte content) is the major factor governing the
corrosive character. In such soils, corrosion follows differential
aeration type corrosion. The rate of corrosion mainly depends on
i) the resistance between the anodic and cathodic areas.
ii) the rate of arrival of the oxygen to the cathodic areas.
Thus, when a pipe passes under a paving, the portion under the
paving has less access to oxygen than the one lying under
unpaved soil. Hence, the portion under the paving becomes
anodic and suffers corrosion.
6. Highly acidic soils
3.18 Applied Chemistry
Water stored in a steel tank (Fig )
At Cathode : O2 H 2 O 2e 2OH
Net reaction : Fe2+ + 2OH Fe(OH)2 Fe(OH)3
Microbiological corrosion
Corrosion caused by the metabolic activity of various
micro-organisms is called microbiological corrosion. The
micro-organisms can develop and propagate in an environment in
the presence (or) absence of oxygen. Therefore they are termed
as aerobic corrosion and anaerobic corrosion.
Anodic solution of iron
8H2O 8H+ + 8OH-
4Fe + 8H+ 4Fe2+ + 8H
Corrosion product
This type of corrosion is due to the fact that the grain
boundaries contain material which shows electrode potential
more anodic than that of the grain centre in the particular
corroding medium.
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.21
For example,
During the welding of stainless steel (an alloy of Fe, C
and Cr), chromium carbide is precipitated at the grain boundaries,
thereby, region just adjacent to grain boundaries becomes
depleted in chromium composition and is more anodic with
respect to the solid solution within the grain.(which is richer in
The remedy is proper heat-treatment, followed by rapid
quenching to avoid the heterogeneous precipitation that, usually,
occurs due to slow-cooling.
Corrosion is a kind of reaction that takes place in the
metal by the influence of its environment. Hence both (i) the
nature of the metal & (ii) the nature of environment play equal
part in the corrosion of the metal. The following are the factors
responsible for the corrosion.
(a) Temperature
Increase of temperature increases diffusion of ions in the
corrosive medium and thus rises the corrosion rate.
(b) Humidity
Concentration of water vapour present in the atmosphere
is known as humidity. If the humidity increases the corrosion
rate increases, at a particular point a sudden increase in the
corrosion rate is observed, that is called critical humidity.
Corrosion Rate
Critical Humidity
Fig. : 3.10 Critical Humidity
Sacrificial zinc or
Ship hull copper wire
Back fill (anode)
copper wire
Types of Inhibitors
1. Anodic Inhibitors
Examples : Chromates, nitrates, phosphates, tungstates (or) other
ions of transition elements with a high oxygen content.
Anodic inhibitors are those that prevent the corrosion
reaction, occurring at the anode, by forming an insoluble
compound with the newly produced metal ions. These
3.28 Applied Chemistry
2. Cathodic Inhibitors
In an electrochemical corrosion, the cathodic reactions are
of two types depending upon environment.
3. By alloying
Corrosion resistance of many metals can be improved by
alloying. For example, stainless steel containing chromium
produce a coherent oxide film, which protects the steel from
further attack.
3.30 Applied Chemistry
4. By proper design
Some of the important rules for designing, which must be
observed are given below.
Paints are stable mechanical mixtures of one (or) more
Paint is a dispersion of pigments in to the drying oil.
The vehicle or drying oil is a film forming material, to
which other ingredients are added in varying amounts.
Black: Graphite,
carbon black.
2. Thinner Used to dilute the Turpentine oil,
paints in order to Kerosene, Alcohol
make it easy to
apply on the
3. Vehicle or It is used to Coconut oil, Linseed
Drying oil dissolve the oil, Castor oil,
pigment Soyabeen oil.
4. Driers They act as Litharge, Oxides of
catalysts and Mn and Co.
increase the rate of
drying process
5. Antiskinning To prevent Polyhydroxy phenol
agent skinning of the
6. Plasticizers They increase the Triphenyl phosphate,
elasticity of the tributyl phosphate,
film. tertiary amyl alcohol.
7. Fillers They increase the Gypsum, asbestos,
volume of the china clay, talc,
paint reduce the BaSO4
3.34 Applied Chemistry
3. The double bonds in them absorb oxygen from the air and
form peroxides (with 0 - 0) linkages first and these linkages react
with adjacent chain unsaturation centres and form cross links.
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.35
This is mainly used in wooden houses.
3.36 Applied Chemistry
Used in the outerwalls of the reactors and furnaces to
indicate the temperature by its colour change.
Used in ships, boats and marine equipments.
Protective coatings
b) Alkali Cleaning
In alkali cleaning chemicals like sodium hydroxide,
tri sodiumphosphate, sodium silicate, soda ash etc., are used. This
is useful in removing oil paints. This cleaning is followed by
washing with 1% chromic acid solution.
c) Acid Pickling
Acids like H2SO4, HCl, HF, H3PO4 and HNO3 in dilute
solutions are used for ferrous metals. For non-ferrous metals
HNO3 with other acids is mainly used. The metals are dipped in
side the solution at a higher temperature.
(I) Principle
Electroplating is the process in which the coating metal is
deposited on the base metal by passing a direct current through
an electrolytic solution containing the soluble salt of the coating
The base metal to be plated is made cathode of an
electrolytic cell, whereas the anode is either made of the coating
metal itself or an inert material of good electrical conductivity.
( Coat Metal )
( Base Metal )
Example :
1. On Metals
(i) To increase the resistance to corrosion of the coated metal.
(ii) To improve the hardness and physical appearance of the
(iii) To increase the decorative and commercial values of the
(iv) To increase resistance to chemical attack.
3.40 Applied Chemistry
2. On Non-metals
(i) To increase strength
(ii) To preserve and decorate the surfaces of non-metals like
plastics, wood, glass, etc.,
(iii) For making the surface conductivity by utilization of light
weight, non-metallic materials.
(II) Theory
Suppose the anode is made of coating metal in the
electrolytic cell. During electrolysis, the concentration of
electrolytic bath remains unaltered, since the metal ions deposited
from the bath on cathode are replenished continuously by the
reaction of free anions with the anode.
Example : If CuSO4 solution is used as an electrolyte, it ionises
CuSO4 Cu2+ + SO2-4
on passing current, Cu2+ ions go to the cathode and get deposited
Cu2+ + 2e Cu (at cathode)
The free sulphate ions migrate to the copper anode and
dissolve an equivalent amount of copper to form CuSO 4.
SO2-4 + Cu CuSO4 + 2e- (at anode)
The copper sulphate formed gets dissolved in the
electrolyte. Thus, there is a continuous replenishment of
electrolyte during electrolysis.
(III) Process
The article to be plated is first treated with dil. HCl (or)
dil. H2SO4 to clean the surface. The cleaned article is then made
cathode of an electrolytic cell. The anode is either the coating
metal itself (or) an inert material of good electrical conductivity.
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.41
1. Nickel Plating
(i) It gives hard, adherent and good wear-resistant surface.
(ii) It is used as an undercoat for articles, which are finally to be
2. Chromium Coating
(i) It is porous and somewhat non-adherent.
(ii) The articles are first given an undercoat of copper or
nickel, before chromium plating.
3. Copper plating
4. Gold Plating
(i)The deposits of gold are used for electrical and electronic
(ii) It is used for high quality decorations and high oxidation
resistant coatings.
(iii)For jewellery very thin coating is given (0.05 - 1.0 microns).
Electroplating (Au)
Corrosion and Corrosion control 3.43
Electroless plating(Ni)
d) Activation of
2. Tinning
1. Galvanising :
It is a process of coating zinc over iron sheet (base metal),
Process : The base metal iron sheet is first pickled (pre-
treatment) with dil. H2SO4 to remove any oxide coating present. It
is then thoroughly washed with water. The cleaned dried iron
sheet is dipped in a bath of molten zinc (coating metal) which is
kept at 425 - 430OC. The surface of the molten coating metal is
covered with NH4Cl flux to prevent the oxidation of molten
coating metal to its oxide. (Fig. 3.18)
Pair of hot
Steel Sheet rollers
Drying Galvanised Steel
Hot air Amm. Chloride flux
2. Tinning :
It is a process of coating tin over iron sheet (base metal).
Process : The base metal is first pickled with dilute sulphuric acid
to remove any oxide film present. It is then washed with water.
The cleaned, dried base metal is dipped in a bath of molten tin
which is kept at 230 - 235OC. The surface of molten coating
metal is covered with ZnCl2 flux to clean the base metal further.
In this process, palm oil is used to prevent the oxidation of
molten coating metal (tin) to its oxide (Fig. 3.19).
Pair of hot
Steel Sheet rollers
Tinned Steet
3.48 Applied Chemistry
10. Discuss any two types of metallic coatings. [MKU - Apr. ‘95]
13. How are galvanizing and tinning are carried out? Bring out
the differences.
[BU - Nov. ‘95; MSU- Apr. ‘95, No. ‘96; MDS -Apr. ‘98]