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KUKA System Technology KUKA Roboter GmbH

KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

For KUKA System Software 8.2

Issued: 29.07.2013

Version: KST ServoGun TC 4.1 V1 en (PDF)

KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

© Copyright 2013
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg

This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation

Publication: Pub KST ServoGun TC 4.1 (PDF) en

Book structure: KST ServoGun TC 4.1 V1.6
Version: KST ServoGun TC 4.1 V1 en (PDF)

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1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 7
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 7
1.4 Terms used ................................................................................................................ 8

2 Product description ..................................................................................... 11

2.1 ServoGun TC – overview ........................................................................................... 11
2.2 Constant motion speed .............................................................................................. 12
2.3 Overview of connecting cables .................................................................................. 13
2.4 Intended use of the technology package ................................................................... 14

3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 15
4 Installation ................................................................................................... 17
4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Installing or updating ServoGun TC ........................................................................... 17
4.3 Uninstalling ServoGun TC ......................................................................................... 18

5 Operation ...................................................................................................... 19
5.1 Menus ........................................................................................................................ 19
5.2 Status keys ................................................................................................................ 19
5.3 Manually opening / closing the gun ............................................................................ 20
5.4 Manually coupling / decoupling the gun ..................................................................... 21
5.5 Manually activating gun compensation ...................................................................... 21
5.6 Calling the variable overview ..................................................................................... 21

6 Start-up and configuration ......................................................................... 23

6.1 Start-up and configuration – overview ....................................................................... 23
6.2 Configuration in WorkVisual – overview .................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Configuring the gun .............................................................................................. 25
6.2.2 Configuring ServoGun options in WorkVisual ....................................................... 27
6.3 TCP calibration and tool direction .............................................................................. 29
6.4 Configuring the gun data and calibration ................................................................... 30
6.4.1 “Configuration” screen ........................................................................................ 31
6.4.2 “Gun parameters” screen .................................................................................... 33
6.4.3 “Calibration 5 P” screen ...................................................................................... 34
6.4.4 “Calibration 2 P” screen ...................................................................................... 34
6.4.5 Loading the gun and calibration data .................................................................... 35
6.4.6 Saving the gun and calibration data ..................................................................... 36
6.5 Configuring variables in EG_EXTERN.DAT .............................................................. 36
6.5.1 Configuring inputs/outputs .................................................................................... 36 Inputs ............................................................................................................... 37 Outputs ............................................................................................................ 38
6.5.2 Configuring timers, interrupts and cyclical flags ................................................... 40
6.5.3 Configuring ServoGun options in EG_EXTERN.DAT ........................................... 41
6.5.4 Configuring details for ServoGun options ............................................................. 42 Details for Force from timer TRUE (ForceTimer TRUE) ................................ 43

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1 Obtaining values from the weld timer without Valid bit – sequence ................ 44 Details for Thickness from Timer TRUE (ThicknessTimer TRUE) ............... 45 Details for ThicknessTolTimer TRUE .............................................................. 45 Details for WeldTimeTimer TRUE ................................................................... 46
6.6 Manual gun mastering ............................................................................................... 46
6.7 Determining the gear ratio ......................................................................................... 47
6.8 Manually determining the thickness of the force gauge ............................................ 48
6.9 Calibration – overview ............................................................................................... 49
6.9.1 5P calibration ........................................................................................................ 49 Coarse calibration with EG_1_Cal .................................................................. 50 Fine calibration with EG_2_Recal ................................................................... 53 Force test with EG_3_Force ............................................................................ 53
6.9.2 DualForce calibration ............................................................................................ 55 DualForce calibration with EG_4_DF_Cal ....................................................... 55 DualForce force test with EG_5_DF ................................................................ 56
6.9.3 2P calibration ........................................................................................................ 58 Fine calibration with EG_Recal_2_points ........................................................ 58 Force test with EG_Force_2_points ................................................................ 58
6.9.4 5P calibration in T2 ............................................................................................... 59 EG_1_Cal in T2 (without “Warm-up”, without “Determine thickness”) ............ 59 EG_1_Cal in T2 (with “Warm-up”, without “Determine thickness”) ................. 61 EG_1_Cal in T2 (without “Warm-up”, with “Determine thickness”) ................. 63 EG_1_Cal in T2 (with “Warm-up”, with “Determine thickness”) ...................... 65
6.10 Determining the asymmetrical flexion of X guns ....................................................... 67
6.11 Determining the sliding effect with X guns ................................................................. 68
6.12 Setting the software limit switches ............................................................................. 69
6.12.1 Setting the negative software limit switch ............................................................. 69
6.12.2 Setting the positive software limit switch .............................................................. 69
6.13 Tip initialization – overview ........................................................................................ 70
6.13.1 First initialization via status key ............................................................................ 70
6.13.2 Cyclical initialization via status key ....................................................................... 71
6.14 Controller parameters – overview .............................................................................. 71
6.14.1 Optimizing the parameters for the speed and position controllers ....................... 72
6.14.2 “Servo Gun parameter finding” window ............................................................. 73

7 Programming ............................................................................................... 75
7.1 Inline forms – overview .............................................................................................. 75
7.2 Instructions for programming ..................................................................................... 75
7.2.1 Instructions for use of stationary guns .................................................................. 76
7.3 Programming a weld spot .......................................................................................... 76
7.3.1 Inline form “SPOT” (Pneumatic option) ............................................................... 77
7.3.2 Inline form “SPOT” (Robot compensation option) .............................................. 78
7.4 Programming a weld spot with EqualizingTech ......................................................... 80
7.4.1 Inline form “SPOT” (EqualizingTech option) ....................................................... 80
7.5 Programming a DualForce weld spot ........................................................................ 81
7.5.1 Inline form “DualForce” (Pneumatic option) ....................................................... 82
7.5.2 Inline form “DualForce” (Robot compensation option) ...................................... 83
7.6 Programming a DualForce weld spot with EqualizingTech ....................................... 85
7.6.1 Inline form “DualForce” (EqualizingTech option) ............................................... 85
7.7 Programming tip initialization ..................................................................................... 87

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7.7.1 Programming first initialization (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %) .................... 87

7.7.2 Programming cyclical initialization (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %) .............. 88
7.7.3 Inline form “INIT” (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %) ......................................... 88
7.7.4 Programming first initialization (Individual measurement option) ...................... 89
7.7.5 Programming cyclical initialization (Individual measurement option) ................. 91
7.7.6 Inline form “INIT” (Individual measurement option) ........................................... 91
7.8 Programming tip dressing .......................................................................................... 92
7.8.1 Determining the thickness of the tip dresser ......................................................... 93
7.8.2 Inline form “TippDress” (Pneumatic option) ........................................................ 93
7.8.3 Inline form “TippDress” (Robot compensation option) ...................................... 94
7.9 Programming tip dressing with EqualizingTech ......................................................... 96
7.9.1 Inline form “TippDress” (EqualizingTech option) ............................................... 96
7.10 Inline form ServoGun Decouple ............................................................................... 97
7.11 Inline form ServoGun Couple ................................................................................... 98
7.12 Programming background tip dressing or welding ..................................................... 98
7.12.1 Inline form “Background tip dressing” ............................................................... 99
7.12.2 Inline form “Background welding” ...................................................................... 99
7.13 Option window “Frames” ........................................................................................... 99
7.14 Option window: Motion parameters (PTP) ............................................................... 100
7.15 Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC) ..................................................... 101
7.16 Option window “Weld timer parameters” ................................................................. 102
7.17 Teach mode (reteaching weld spots) ......................................................................... 102
7.18 Correcting weld spots semi-automatically (ASA) ....................................................... 103
7.19 User-specific subprograms ........................................................................................ 104
7.19.1 EG_USER.SRC .................................................................................................... 104 EG_PRE() (before welding) ............................................................................. 105 EG_POST_ERROR() (after welding and tip dressing) .................................... 105 EG_PRED() (before tip dressing) .................................................................... 105 EG_POSTD() (after tip dressing) ..................................................................... 105 EG_USERDRESS() (tip dressing) ................................................................... 105
7.19.2 EG_USER_BG_TD_W.SRC ................................................................................. 106

8 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................... 107

8.1 Displaying and exporting data from the weld timer .................................................... 107
8.2 Displaying ServoGun I/Os .......................................................................................... 107

9 Variables ....................................................................................................... 109

10 KUKA Service .............................................................................................. 113
10.1 Requesting support .................................................................................................... 113
10.2 KUKA Customer Support ........................................................................................... 113

Index ............................................................................................................. 121

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Target group

This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
 Advanced KRL programming skills
 Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system
 Knowledge of field bus interfaces
 Knowledge of spot welding

For optimal use of our products, we recommend that our customers

take part in a course of training at KUKA College. Information about
the training program can be found at www.kuka.com or can be ob-
tained directly from our subsidiaries.

1.2 Industrial robot documentation

The industrial robot documentation consists of the following parts:

 Documentation for the manipulator
 Documentation for the robot controller
 Operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software
 Documentation relating to options and accessories
 Parts catalog on storage medium
Each of these sets of instructions is a separate document.

1.3 Representation of warnings and notes

Safety These warnings are relevant to safety and must be observed.

These warnings mean that it is certain or highly probable

that death or severe injuries will occur, if no precautions
are taken.

These warnings mean that death or severe injuries may

occur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that minor injuries may occur, if

no precautions are taken.

These warnings mean that damage to property may oc-

cur, if no precautions are taken.

These warnings contain references to safety-relevant information or

general safety measures.
These warnings do not refer to individual hazards or individual pre-
cautionary measures.

This warning draws attention to procedures which serve to prevent or remedy

emergencies or malfunctions:

Procedures marked with this warning must be followed


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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Notes These hints serve to make your work easier or contain references to further

Tip to make your work easier or reference to further information.

1.4 Terms used

Term Description
Burn-off (tip Wear or deformation of the electrode tips caused by
wear) the welding process or by tip dressing
ASA Automatic Standoff Adjustment
ASA can be used to correct weld spots semi-automati-
cally. ASA can be used to adapt the position of a weld
spot to the changed position of a workpiece.
Compensation Pneumatic compensation cylinder for compensating
(equalizing) the position of the gun:
 Compensation activated: “soft” gun position
 Compensation deactivated: “exact” gun position
Robot compen- Gun without pneumatic compensation cylinder
sator (compen-
See also “EqualizingTech” and “Robot compensation”
sation-free gun)
(>>> "EqualizingTech" Page 12)
First initializa- Pressing in the new electrode tips and remeasuring the
tion tip burn-off (EG_WEAR[])
Mastering Definition of the zero point (closed position) of the weld
Calibration Comparison of the force sensor with an external force
gauge and calculation of the following characteristics:
 Force characteristic
 Gun flexion characteristic
Tip dressing Restoring the profile of the electrode tips by cutting
Force build-up Generation of the closing force during gun closure
Force gauge Instrument for measuring the closing force of the weld
Robot compen- For guns without pneumatic compensation cylinder:
The gun position is compensated by the motion of the
robot arm.
Weld timer (= weld controller)
Device for controlling the welding time and welding cur-
Servo gun Weld gun with servomotor drive
Water monitor Monitoring unit in the cooling water circuit of the weld
gun. The water monitor monitors the cooling water vol-
ume at the input and output of the cooling water circuit.
Exchangeable Weld gun which is installed and removed on the robot
gun flange via an automatic tool changing system.
Gun flexion Deformation of the weld gun caused by the action of
the closing force

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1 Introduction

Term Description
Gear ratio Ratio between the motor stroke and gun opening
Cyclical initial- Determination of the current electrode burn-off and
ization adaptation of the closing position to the burn-off.

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2 Product description

2 Product description

2.1 ServoGun TC – overview

Functions ServoGun TC is an add-on technology package for torque-controlled electric

motor-driven spot welding. It offers the following functionalities:
 Defined build-up of gun force through constant motion and motor torque
 Control of up to 6 electric motor-driven weld guns:
 Up to 6 exchangeable guns
 1 stationary spot weld gun and up to 5 exchangeable guns
 2 stationary spot weld guns
If a linear unit is used:
 Up to 5 exchangeable guns
 Or 1 stationary spot weld gun
 Dual-force mode: The weld can be started with a defined force and fin-
ished with a different force at one and the same point.
 Compensation:
 Pneumatic compensation of the gun position on the workpiece possi-
 Or: Compensation of the gun position on the workpiece through robot
 Force calibration of the gun:
 Possible in T1 and T2
 The motor can be warmed up to process temperature before calibra-
 The thickness of the force sensor can be taken from the configuration
parameters or determined during calibration.
 Selection of the weld program: Can be selected via the point name or sep-
arately via the program number
 The following data can be obtained from the weld timer or defined via inline
 Welding force, workpiece thickness, thickness tolerance
 “Background” mode for stationary guns:
The gun can be moved asynchronously during tip dressing or welding. At
the same time, the robot axes can carry out other motions independently
of the gun, e.g. fetching a new workpiece.
 For X guns: The sliding effect due to oblique electrode shanks and the
asymmetrical flexion can be determined and compensated.
 Semi-automatic correction of workpiece position changes (ASA)
 Automatic point correction for compensating the electrode burn-off
Correction can also be deactivated if necessary.
 Monitoring of various parameters
 Welding possible in all operating modes. In T1, welding can also be deac-
 For guns with pneumatic compensation: The gun can also be closed with
process force in T1.
The servo gun is implemented as an external axis. Every taught point contains
the positions of the 6 robot axes and the opening width of the gun.

WorkVisual The following software is required for configuring the servo guns:

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

 WorkVisual 2.4

EqualizingTech The software KUKA.EqualizingTech is available as a supplement to Servo-

Gun. With EqualizingTech, conventional gun compensation systems are no
longer required. This makes it possible to dispense with e.g. the complicated
start-up procedures for pneumatic compensation systems. EqualizingTech re-
sults in only minor changes in the operation of ServoGun for the user.

Information about installing EqualizingTech is contained in the KU-

KA.EqualizingTech documentation.

Cell overview

Fig. 2-1: Overview of a welding cell

1 KR C4 robot controller
2 Weld timer
3 Tool rack
4 Robot
5 Energy supply system
6 Stationary servo gun
7 Servo gun
8 Tip dresser

2.2 Constant motion speed

Description ServoGun TC regulates the speed of motion in proportion with the target force.
The larger the target force (= setpoint force), the higher the rotational speed.
The time for the pressure build-up is dependent on the gun flexion and the tar-
get force.
The proportionality is limited by the maximum speed of the constant motion

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2 Product description

Fig. 2-2: Relationship between force and rpm

1 Rotational speed
2 Maximum speed of the constant motion phase
3 Force

2.3 Overview of connecting cables

Fig. 2-3: Overview of connecting cables

1 Weld timer
2 Robot controller
3 Motor cable to the gun
4 Weld gun
5 Field bus module on the weld gun (Not necessary if EqualizingTech is
used. Otherwise, depending on the weld gun used.)

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

6 Field bus connection between the following components:

 Weld timer
 Robot controller
 If used: Field bus module on the weld gun
7 Robot

The following connections depend on the type of weld gun being used:
 Connection for water cooling of the weld gun and the motor
 Air connection for the gun compensation
 Connection for the weld current

Further information about the connections on the weld gun can be ob-
tained from the gun manufacturer.

2.4 Intended use of the technology package

Use The ServoGun TC technology package is intended exclusively for spot weld-
ing with electric motor-driven guns and for use in an industrial environment.
The technology package must only be operated in compliance with the speci-
fied system requirements.
Operation in accordance with the intended use also involves observance of
the configuration descriptions in this documentation and constant observance
of the assembly and operating instructions for the cell components used.

Misuse Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be imper-
missible misuse. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage re-
sulting from such use. The risk lies entirely with the user.
Examples of such misuse include:
 Use in a cell which does not conform to the applicable safety regulations
for spot welding.
 Use in a non-industrial environment

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3 Safety

3 Safety
This documentation contains safety instructions which refer specifically to the
software described here.
The fundamental safety information for the industrial robot can be found in the
“Safety” chapter of the Operating and Programming Instructions for System In-
tegrators or the Operating and Programming Instructions for End Users.

The “Safety” chapter in the operating and programming instructions

of the KUKA System Software (KSS) must be observed. Death to per-
sons, severe injuries or considerable damage to property may other-
wise result.

The force signal is measured in analog form at the sen-

sor box without electrically isolated voltage supply. This
measurement can be disrupted by discharged currents from the welding pro-
cess. Interference is particularly liable to occur if the following constellation is
used in the cell:
 The secondary neutral of the welding transformer is grounded.
 And: the workpiece fixture (e.g. a clamping fixture) is grounded.
It must be ensured that the force signal is transmitted to the sensor box with-
out any interference. In particular, the constellation described above must not
be used in the cell. If this precaution is not observed, the robot controller
might receive corrupted force signals. Injuries or damage to property may re-

If the secondary neutral of the welding transformer is not

grounded, this will endanger persons working at the cell.
In particular, a voltage of 500 V is liable to be generated on the gun and not
discharged. To avoid this hazard, one of the following elements must be in-
stalled in the primary weld power supply:
 Isolating contactor
 Residual-current circuit-breaker matching the welding technology (medi-
um frequency or mains frequency)
Failure to observe this may result in severe injuries or death to persons.

Calibration in T2 must only be carried out with a fixed

force gauge. There must be no persons inside the safe-
guarded area during operation in T2 mode. Death to persons or severe inju-
ries may otherwise result.

If a number of robots work at a stationary gun, workspac-

es must be programmed to prevent more than one robot
from moving to the gun at the same time. If no such workspaces are pro-
grammed, the robots can collide at the gun, resulting in damage to property.

Weld spots and tip dressing points that were taught with-
out Equalizing must not be used with Equalizing. Weld
spots and tip dressing points that were taught with Equalizing must not be
used without Equalizing.
If such existing points are to be reused, they must be retaught. Damage to
the gun or the workpiece may otherwise result.

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4 Installation

4 Installation

4.1 System requirements

Hardware  KR C4 robot controller

 Servo gun with motor, without force sensor
Recommendation: Motor from ARO, type S.DTE 008-91

Software  KUKA System Software 8.2 (Build 114

or higher)

4.2 Installing or updating ServoGun TC

During installation of ServoGun, one gun is automatically installed as

external axis E1. Any existing E1 is overwritten.
If the gun is to be assigned to a different external axis number, this
must be configured in WorkVisual.

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before updating a software


Preparation  Copy software from CD to KUKA USB stick.

The software must be copied onto the stick with the file Setup.exe at the
highest level (i.e. not in a folder).

Recommendation: Use a KUKA stick. Data may be lost if

any other stick is used.

Precondition  User group “Expert”

 Operating mode T1 or T2.
 No program is selected.

Procedure 1. Connect the USB stick to the robot controller or smartPAD.

2. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software.
3. Click on New software. The entry ServoGun TC must be displayed in the
Name column and drive E:\ or K:\ in the Path column.
If not, click on Refresh.
4. If the specified entries are now displayed, continue with step 5.
If not, the drive from which the software is being installed must be config-
ured first:
 Click on the Configuration button. A new window opens.
 Select a line in the Installation paths for options area.
Note: If the line already contains a path, this path will be overwritten.
 Click on Path selection. The available drives are displayed.
 Select E:\. (If stick connected to the robot controller.)
Or select K:\. (If stick connected to the smartPAD.)
 Click on Save. The window closes again.
The drive only needs to be configured once and then remains saved for
further installations.
5. Mark the entry ServoGun TC and click on Install. Answer the request for
confirmation with Yes.
6. Confirm the reboot prompt with OK.

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7. Remove the stick.

8. Reboot the robot controller.

Finishing work If ServoGun TC 4.0 has been updated to ServoGun TC 4.1, the following ad-
aptations must be carried out afterwards:
1. Remove the old calibration programs manually. (4.1 has new, different cal-
ibration programs.)
2. Set EG_CAL_DIST[1] … [6] to the value 30.0. (Old value = 10.0)
3. Recalibrate the gun.
4. If user-specific routines are programmed in EG_USER.SRC: check

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

4.3 Uninstalling ServoGun TC

It is advisable to archive all relevant data before uninstalling a soft-

ware package.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software.

2. Mark the entry ServoGun_TC and click on Uninstall. Reply to the request
for confirmation with Yes. Uninstallation is prepared.
3. Reboot the robot controller. Uninstallation is resumed and completed.

LOG file A LOG file is created under C:\KRC\ROBOTER\LOG.

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5 Operation

5 Operation

5.1 Menus

The following menus and commands are specific to this technology package:
Main menu:
 Configuration > Status keys > ServoTech
 Configuration > ServoGun Torque Control
 Configuration
 Gun parameters
 Calibration 5 P
 Calibration 2 P
 Load all
 Save all
 Configuration > ServoGun controller param.
 Diagnosis > ServoGun TC > Weld timer data
 Diagnosis > ServoGun TC > ServoGun I/Os
Menu sequence Commands > ServoTech:
 DualForce
 TippDress
 ServoGun Decouple
 ServoGun Couple
 Background
 Background tip dressing, Background welding

5.2 Status keys

Procedure Displaying the status keys:

 In the main menu, select Configuration > Status keys > ServoTech.

Description Status key Name / description

Toggle status keys
Displays additional status keys.

First initialization

Cyclical initialization

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Status key Name / description

(>>> 5.4 "Manually coupling / decoupling the gun"
Page 21)

(>>> 5.4 "Manually coupling / decoupling the gun"
Page 21)

Gun to which the status keys refer

Only with the option Pneumatic:

Status key Name / description

Compensator 1
Close gun with compensator 1
(>>> 5.5 "Manually activating gun compensation"
Page 21)
Compensator 2
Close gun with compensator 2
(>>> 5.5 "Manually activating gun compensation"
Page 21)
Compensators 1 and 2
Close gun with compensator 1 and compensator 2.

Only with the option Robot compensation:

Status key Name / description

Teach mode off
Teach mode is deactivated. Pressing the status key
switches Teach mode on.

Teach mode on
Teach mode is activated. Pressing the status key switches
Teach mode off.

5.3 Manually opening / closing the gun

Precondition  Operating mode T1

 Settings on the Keys tab in the Jog options window:
 The check box Activate keys is activated.
 Under Key groups, a group is selected that contains the external axis,
e.g. External axes.
The type and number of kinematics groups available depend on the
system configuration.
 Under Coordinate system, the option Axes is selected.

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5 Operation

Procedure 1. Set jog override.

2. Hold down the enabling switch.
3. The axes of the selected kinematics group are displayed next to the jog
 Press the “plus” key of the external axis to close the gun.
 Press the “minus” key of the external axis to open the gun.

If the functions of the status keys are interchanged (i.e. if the gun
opens when “plus” is pressed), the sign of the configuration parame-
ter Gear ratio must be changed.

5.4 Manually coupling / decoupling the gun

Description The gun is coupled or decoupled by the software.

The opening width of the gun must be identical in both the coupling
and decoupling position. Recommendation: The gun should be open
at least 10 mm.
Do not decouple the gun if it is in the mastering position, since the mastering
would otherwise be lost when the gun is recoupled.

Procedure 1. Select the gun using the Gun status key.

2. Couple the gun with the Couple status key, or decouple it using Decou-

5.5 Manually activating gun compensation

This function is not required if EqualizingTech is installed.

Description This functionality can be used to check the pneumatic compensation.

Precondition  T1 or T2 operating mode

 The gun is coupled.

Procedure 1. Move the gun to the panel/position where the check is to be carried out.
2. Select the gun using the Gun status key.
3. Press the status key for the desired compensator, e.g. Compensator 1.
The gun closes and opens again after 0.5 s.
4. If the panel deforms in an undesired manner, change the setting of the
pneumatic compension on the gun.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until compensation is carried out as desired.

5.6 Calling the variable overview

Description The variable overview displays the different ServoGun parameters and the
corresponding values.

Procedure  In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display. The
variable overview is opened.

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6 Start-up and configuration

6 Start-up and configuration

6.1 Start-up and configuration – overview

Step Description
1 Mount the gun.
2 Connect the connecting cables.
3 Enter the weld parameters in the weld timer.
Note: Information can be found in the documentation for
the weld timer.
If the robot controller is to obtain the force value from the
weld timer, the desired force in kN must be entered in the
weld timer for every program number used.
4 Install ServoGun TC.
5 If required: Install EqualizingTech.
6 Transfer the project to WorkVisual and carry out configura-
tion via WorkVisual.
Then transfer the project from WorkVisual back to the robot
(>>> 6.2 "Configuration in WorkVisual – overview"
Page 24)
7 Calibrate the gun as the tool.
Note: Observe the information about calibration in this doc-
umentation: (>>> 6.3 "TCP calibration and tool direction"
Page 29)
8 Configure the inputs/outputs in the file EG_EXTERN.DAT.
(>>> 6.5.1 "Configuring inputs/outputs" Page 36)
9 Configure the timer, interrupts and cyclical flags in the file
(>>> 6.5.2 "Configuring timers, interrupts and cyclical
flags" Page 40)
10 Configure the following additional parameters in the file
(>>> 6.5.3 "Configuring ServoGun options in
(>>> 6.5.4 "Configuring details for ServoGun options"
Page 42)
11 Set the parameters on the configuration screen Configura-
tion (except for: Thickness, X-Compensation and Asym-
Bend compensation)
Also enter and save the gun name(s).
(>>> 6.4 "Configuring the gun data and calibration"
Page 30)
12 Master the gun.
(>>> 6.6 "Manual gun mastering" Page 46)
13 Determine the gear ratio.
(>>> 6.7 "Determining the gear ratio" Page 47)

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Step Description
14 Determine the thickness of the force gauge.
(>>> 6.8 "Manually determining the thickness of the force
gauge" Page 48)
15 Calibrate the gun.
(>>> 6.9 "Calibration – overview" Page 49)
16 Only for X guns with the option Robot compensation:
determine the offset due to asymmetrical flexion.
(>>> 6.10 "Determining the asymmetrical flexion of X
guns" Page 67)
17 Only for X guns with oblique electrode shanks: determine
the offset.
(>>> 6.11 "Determining the sliding effect with X guns"
Page 68)
18 Set the software limit switches for the gun.
(>>> 6.12 "Setting the software limit switches" Page 69)
19 Carry out first initialization of the electrode tips.
(>>> 7.7 "Programming tip initialization" Page 87)
20 Optimize the controller parameters.
 If a different motor is used instead of the default motor:
optimization must be carried out.
 If the default motor is used: optimization is recommend-
(>>> 6.14 "Controller parameters – overview" Page 71)

If a number of robots work at a stationary gun, workspac-

es must be programmed to prevent more than one robot
from moving to the gun at the same time. If no such workspaces are pro-
grammed, the robots can collide at the gun, resulting in damage to property.

6.2 Configuration in WorkVisual – overview

Step Description
1 Transfer the project from the robot controller to WorkVisual.
2 Configure the field bus.
3 Configure the gun.
(>>> 6.2.1 "Configuring the gun" Page 25)
4 Select the ServoGun options.
(>>> 6.2.2 "Configuring ServoGun options in WorkVisual"
Page 27)
5 If required: perform further settings in WorkVisual.
6 Transfer the project from WorkVisual to the robot controller.

Information about bus configuration and project deployment can be

found in the WorkVisual documentation.

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6 Start-up and configuration

6.2.1 Configuring the gun

During installation of ServoGun, one gun is automatically installed as
external axis E1. Any existing E1 is overwritten.
If the gun is to be assigned to a different external axis number, this
must be configured in WorkVisual.

The following guns/combinations can be configured:

 Up to 6 exchangeable guns
 1 stationary spot weld gun and up to 5 exchangeable guns
 2 stationary spot weld guns
If a linear unit is used:
 Up to 5 exchangeable guns
 Or 1 stationary spot weld gun

Preparation 1. Copy the file ServoGunTC.afc from the CATALOGS folder on the Servo-
Gun CD.
2. Copy the file to the following folder on the PC on which WorkVisual is in-
C:\Progam Files\KUKA\WorkVisual…\Catalogs
3. Remove the write protection:
a. Right-click on the file ServoGunTC.afc and select Properties from
the context menu. The Properties […] window is opened.
b. Deactivate the Write-protected check box and confirm with OK. The
Properties […] window is closed again.
4. Import the catalog in WorkVisual via File > Catalog management....
The catalog is now displayed in the Catalogs window.

If motors are to be used that are not contained in the catalog Servo-
GunTC.afc, use the catalog from the gun supplier (file […].afc). If no
catalog was supplied with the gun, please contact the gun supplier.
If a motor supplied by KUKA is not included in the catalog ServoGunTC.afc,
please contact KUKA Roboter GmbH.

Precondition  The robot controller has been set as the active controller.

Procedure 1. Select the gun in the ServoGun […] catalog in the Catalogs window.

The guns are named after their motors. If the name does not contain
any specification of the gun type, then it does not matter which gun
type the motor is combined with in reality.

2. Drag the gun into the Project structure window: into the Hardware tab,
onto the robot controller there. (Not onto the node Unassigned active de-
3. If the gun is used as a stationary gun, continue directly with step 4.
If it is used on the robot flange, select the Geometry tab. There, drag the
gun onto the Flange Base node of the robot.
(This specifies that the gun may be coupled to this robot. It does not spec-
ify whether the gun is actually coupled, but merely that coupling is possi-
4. Select the gun and select the menu sequence Editors > Machine data
configuration. The Machine data configuration window is opened.
5. Only if this ServoGun project has already been transferred 2 or more times
to WorkVisual:

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Click on the following button: Import axis-specific machine data of the

kinematic system from external files

If the data are not imported in the specified case, config-

uration data may be lost, resulting in a faulty project be-
ing transferred to the robot controller. This may result in damage to property
or necessitate extensive corrective measures.

6. If the tab [Axis_name] (e.g. Joint 1) is closed, click on it. The tab is opened.
7. In the Axis ID box in the area General axis-specific machine data, spec-
ify which drive the gun is assigned to in the real cell.
8. Fill out the Supply channel box.
9. Set the check mark in the box Axis decouplable.
10. If required: edit the other parameters.
11. Repeat steps 1 to 9 for all the guns used.
12. Only with stationary guns: The gun must be linked to the robot with which
it is to be kinematically coupled in the real cell.
a. Select the cell on the Hardware tab and select the menu sequence
Editors > Configure kinematic relations…. An editor opens.
(If couplable guns are used, these are linked to their robot in the editor
by means of arrows. This is only a display and cannot be changed

b. Right-click in the empty space in the editor and select from the
context menu.
c. Click on the stationary gun. Hold down the mouse button, drag the
mouse pointer to the robot and release the mouse button.
In the editor, the link is now displayed by an arrow line. The designa-
tion of the gun is now displayed in the node of the robot on the Hard-
ware tab.
d. Repeat these steps for all stationary guns used.
13. Switch back to the Machine data configuration window.
14. Only perform in the following case:
 If this project has been configured in WorkVisual for the first time.
 And if one or more guns had already been configured manually on the
robot controller before the project was transferred to WorkVisual.
Click on the following button: Import axis-specific machine data of the
kinematic system from external files

If the data are not imported in the specified case, config-

uration data may be lost, resulting in a faulty project be-
ing transferred to the robot controller. This may result in damage to property
or necessitate extensive corrective measures.

ServoGun The following ServoGun variables are adapted by the configuration in WorkVi-
variables sual:
 EG_SERVOGUN_EXAXIS[3] … [6]= 0

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6 Start-up and configuration


 EG_DRIVE_CHANNEL[1] … [6] = 0

6.2.2 Configuring ServoGun options in WorkVisual

Description The following options were developed for the weld timer family PSI 63Cx (with
firmware 729) from BOSCH:
 Force from timer TRUE (ForceTimer TRUE)
 Thickness from Timer TRUE (ThicknessTimer TRUE)
 Part thickness tolerance TRUE (ThicknessTolTimer TRUE):
Can only be selected in EG_EXTERN.DAT!
(>>> 6.5.3 "Configuring ServoGun options in EG_EXTERN.DAT"
Page 41)
The options can also be used with other timers if these use the same commu-
nication principle. Communication principle:
1. Robot controller requests program from weld timer (data bit & Valid bit).
2. Weld timer responds with the following data: ForceTimer, ThicknessTimer,
3. When all the data are present at the interface, the weld timer sends the
Valid bit to the robot controller.
4. The robot controller reads the data and executes the weld.

The transmission of the values from the weld timer to the robot con-
troller takes time. In the following cases, this can mean that the robot
controller has to wait for the values and is therefore unable to approx-
imate the gun motions:
 With very small distances between points
 With a very small opening of the gun

In the following cases it is not possible to obtain the values from the weld timer:
 The configuration parameter Timer type is set to TEST.
The robot controller instead uses the values last received for this point
from a weld timer.
 In Office mode

Precondition  A robot controller is selected in the Project structure window.

 Or: A gun is selected in the Project structure window.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Editors > ServoGun TC Editor.

The ServoGun TC Editor window is opened. It displays the options for the
selected gun. If a robot controller is selected, all the guns assigned to this
robot controller are displayed one under the other.
2. Select the options.


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Fig. 6-1: ServoGun options

Parameter Description
Weld program selection type
These parameters apply to the entire cell.
Method used by the robot controller to select the weld program:
Point name The weld program is selected via the name of the weld spot.
Program number The weld program is selected via a number. The number is specified by
the user in the inline form.
Number of entities This box is only visible if Point name is selected.
The user defines the name of the weld spot or tip dressing point in the
inline forms SPOT and TippDress on the robot controller. The last x
characters of the name (default = 7 characters) must be digits. The
robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as the pro-
gram number.
The number of relevant final characters can be configured here in Num-
ber of entities.
 1 … 10
(>>> "Point name as program number" Page 29)
Weld Timer Options
These parameters apply to the individual gun.
Force from timer Where is the value for the closing force of the gun to come from?
 TRUE: The robot controller obtains the value from the weld timer.
Note: If TRUE is selected, additional settings must be made in
EG_EXTERN.DAT. (>>> 6.5.4 "Configuring details for ServoGun
options" Page 42)
 FALSE: The user defines the value via the inline form.
Thickness from Where is the value for the overall thickness of the parts to be welded to
Timer come from?
 TRUE: The robot controller obtains the value from the weld timer.
Note: If TRUE is selected, additional settings must be made in
EG_EXTERN.DAT. (>>> 6.5.4 "Configuring details for ServoGun
options" Page 42)
 FALSE: The user defines the value via the inline form.
Gun Options
These parameters apply to the individual gun.

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6 Start-up and configuration

Parameter Description
Compensation Type of equalization:
 Pneumatic: The gun position is corrected pneumatically.
 Robot compensation: The gun position is corrected by means of
compensation motion by the robot.
 EqualizingTech: Must be selected if KUKA.EqualizingTech is to be
used on the robot controller.
Is only available if the project comes from a robot controller on which
EqualizingTech is installed.
Burn-off manage- Method for determining the tip burn-off:
 Ratio in %: The overall burn-off is calculated. The robot controller as-
signs the burn-off to the two electrodes using a defined ratio. (Default
= 50:50).
The ratio can be configured in EG_WEAR_RATIO[…].
 Individual measurement: The overall burn-off is calculated. After
this, the precise burn-off is determined for the moving electrode. The
burn-off of the fixed electrode is derived from the difference.
Can only be combined with Robot compensation.

Point name as Example:

program number  In WorkVisual, the option Point name has been selected.
 In WorkVisual, the default value 7 has been left in the Number of entities
 The following point name is defined in the inline form: SG12345678
The robot controller communicates the last 7 characters (counting from the
right) to the weld timer as the program number: 2345678
These characters must be digits.
All characters located further to the left are irrelevant for the program number;
these may be digits or any other characters.

6.3 TCP calibration and tool direction

 When calibrating the servo gun, the TCP must always be positioned on the
fixed electrode.
 Recommendation: Define the tool direction as shown in the illustration
(>>> Fig. 6-2 ):
 Plus points in the direction of the fixed electrode.
 Minus points in the opposite direction from the fixed electrode.
 The direction defined must then entered on the Configuration configura-
tion screen under the parameter TCP orientation.

Information about calibration and definition of the tool direction is con-

tained in the operating and programming instructions for the KUKA
System Software (KSS).

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Fig. 6-2: TCP and tool direction

6.4 Configuring the gun data and calibration

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun Torque Control
and then one of the following menu items:
 Configuration
 Gun parameters
 Calibration 2 P
 Calibration 5 P
The corresponding configuration screen is opened.
2. If there is more than one gun configured: In the Gun selection box, select
the gun (no.) to which the settings are to apply.
3. In the Gun description box, enter a distinctive name for the gun.

This needs to be done only once per gun, on one of the screens.

4. Configure the parameters as required on the selected screen.

5. Press Save. The changes are saved.
6. Close the screen via the Close icon.
7. Configure the parameters as required on the other screens.

Alternative The parameters can also be loaded from a data medium.

procedure  The parameters can be loaded for each screen.
(>>> "Buttons" Page 30)
 The parameters can be loaded for a number of screens at once.
(>>> 6.4.5 "Loading the gun and calibration data" Page 35)

Buttons The following buttons are available on the configuration screens:

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6 Start-up and configuration

Button Description
Import If the data for this screen are available in a TXT file, they
can be loaded using this button.
Precondition: The TXT file is located on a drive to which
the robot controller has access. Or a USB stick with the
TXT file is connected.
Export Saves the data in this screen to a TXT file. A name can
be assigned to the file. As the memory location, it is pos-
sible to select a drive to which the robot controller has
access, or a USB stick.
Load Updates the data in this screen in accordance with the
current state of the robot controller.
If changes have been entered but not yet saved on this
screen, the initial state can be restored in this way.
Save Saves the changes on this screen.
Calculate Only available in the screens Calibration 2 P and Cali-
bration 5 P.
Calculates the current calibration of the gun on the ba-
sis of the values Force 1 in kN, etc. The calibration is
not saved.

6.4.1 “Configuration” screen

Parameter Description
Timer type Manufacturer of the weld timer used
For the setting TEST, the following applies:
 The gun is closed for 0.5 s with the defined force and then opened
again. No welding is carried out.
 If Force from timer TRUE is configured, the robot controller uses the
force value last received for this point from a weld timer. This also ap-
plies to other values that are obtained from the timer.
 If Force from timer TRUE is configured, then the values in the Weld
timer parameters option window can additionally be changed.
Gun type  X: X gun (default)
 C, G, J: C gun
TCP orientation The working direction of the tool (TCP) must be specified here.
 -X (default), -Y, -Z, +X, +Y, +Z
The choice of X, Y or Z depends on the value defined in
$TOOL_DIRECTION. The same value must be selected here.
The choice of plus or minus depends on the definition of the direction:
 Plus points in the direction of the fixed electrode, minus points in the
opposite direction: select Plus
 Minus points in the direction of the fixed electrode, plus points in the
opposite direction: select Minus
(>>> 6.3 "TCP calibration and tool direction" Page 29)

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Parameter Description
TCP correction Automatic correction of the point coordinates in order to compensate for
the current tip burn-off
 On (default): The point coordinates are corrected, i.e. they are adapt-
ed in accordance with the tip wear determined during tip initialization.
 Off: The point coordinates are not corrected. If the burn-off has been
determined, this is ignored.
Tip detection The system checks for the presence of tips on the gun.
 On (default): Tip detection activated.
If an electrode tip falls off, this is detected and an error message is
generated. After force build-up, the closing width of the gun is mea-
sured. This value is compared with the value entered under Part in
the inline form TippDress, taking into account the flexion.
 Off: Tip detection deactivated
Calibration method Desired calibration method
 5 P (default)
 2 P: Can only be selected if a calibration with 5 P has already been
carried out.
X-Compensation Maximum comp.: enter the offset determined with the program
Only relevant for X
guns with oblique  0 ... 10 mm
electrode shanks
Default: 0.00
Direction: enter the direction of the determined offset.
 -X (default), -Y, -Z, +X, +Y, +Z
Compensation active: activate/deactivate offset compensation
 Off (default), On
Thickness Thickness of the force gauge
 0 … 100 mm
Default: 50.00
(>>> 6.8 "Manually determining the thickness of the force gauge"
Page 48)
First Init force The force with which the gun is closed during the first motion during first
initialization. Note: Suitable values are values from 2.5 kN.
 0 kN … max. gun force
Default: 2.50
Maximum tip wear Maximum permissible value of the tip burn-off (both tips together)
 0 … 20 mm
Default: 8.00
Distance Length of the constant motion distance
The force build-up after the electrodes have made contact with the work-
piece must be executed within the constant motion distance. In the case
of small differences between the positions of the individual workpieces,
a lower value can be selected. In the case of larger differences, a higher
value must be selected.
 0 … 5 mm
Default: 3.00

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6 Start-up and configuration

Parameter Description
AsymBend compen- Maximum comp.: enter the offset determined with the program
sation EG_6_Asym_Bend.
Only relevant for X The direction of the offset must be specified via the sign:
guns with the option
 If the closing point has shifted in the TCP direction:
Robot compensa-
tion Enter the value without sign.
 If the closing point has shifted in the opposite direction from the TCP
Enter the value with negative sign.
Compensation active: activate/deactivate offset compensation
 Off (default), On

6.4.2 “Gun parameters” screen

Input Description
Motor file The files currently used are displayed here.
Servo file (display only)
Position control file
If other files are to be loaded, this must be done in WorkVisual.
Gear ratio Distance moved by electrodes in [mm] per revolution of the motor
 -100 … 100 mm
Default: 5.00
Note: Enter the value without sign, or with a positive sign.
(>>> 6.7 "Determining the gear ratio" Page 47)
Max. opening (mm) Enter the negative software limit switch.
 0 … 1 000 mm
Default: 100.00
(>>> 6.12.1 "Setting the negative software limit switch" Page 69)
Software limit (mm) Enter the positive software limit switch.
 0 … 1 000 mm
Default: 35.00
(>>> 6.12.2 "Setting the positive software limit switch" Page 69)
Max. flexion (mm) Maximum flexion of the gun (calculated from the calibration) + 5 mm
(display only)
Max. speed (rpm) Revolutions per minute of the gun motor
(display only)

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6.4.3 “Calibration 5 P” screen

Parameter Description
Force 1 in kN … Enter here the forces that were measured with the force gauge during
5 P calibration.
Force 5 in kN
Default: 0.00
Motor torque 1 in Torques used to perform the 5 gun closures during 5 P calibration.
kN …
Either: use the default values.
Motor torque 5 in kN
Or: enter the tip dressing force (approx. 1 kN) as value 1. Then distribute
the values 2-5 linearly over the welding range.
 Value 1: 1.00 kN
 Value 2: 2.50 kN
 Value 3: 4.00 kN
 Value 4: 5.50 kN
 Value 5: 7.00 kN
Calibration position Gun position after force build-up
1 in degrees …
(display only)
Calibration position
5 in degrees
Position / Force (display only)
Maximum gun force Maximum closing force of the gun in kN. Refer to the gun data sheet and
in kN enter the relevant value.
 0 … 10.00
Default: 4.00
Note: This value is identical with the value of the same name in the
screen Calibration 2 P. If the value is changed in one screen, it is auto-
matically transferred to the other screen.

The values for the motor torques can be entered manu-

ally in the screen Calibration 5 P. If the values entered
are too high, the gun could be damaged.

6.4.4 “Calibration 2 P” screen

Precondition  5P calibration has been carried out.

 The value 2 P has been entered under Calibration method in the config-
uration screen Configuration.
 Operating mode T1
 “Expert” user group

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6 Start-up and configuration

Parameter Measure 1 Measure 2

Maximum gun force Maximum closing force of the gun in kN. Refer to the gun data sheet and
in kN enter the relevant value.
 0 … 10.00
Default: 4.00
Note: This value is identical with the value of the same name in the
screen Calibration 5 P. If the value is changed in one screen, it is auto-
matically transferred to the other screen.
Target force in kN Setpoint for the 1st target force Setpoint for the 2nd target force
Calculated torque in Value from the 5P calibration for Value from the 5P calibration for
kN the 1st target force the 2nd target force
Calibrated torque in Torque for the 1st target force, Torque for the 2nd target force,
kN finely adapted in the 2P calibration finely adapted in the 2P calibration

6.4.5 Loading the gun and calibration data

Description If the data for the following configuration screens are available in a TXT file,
they can be loaded:
 Configuration
 Gun parameters
 Calibration 2 P
 Calibration 5 P

On loading the data, the gun name stored in the TXT file overwrites
the name configured in the ServoGun software.

TXT files created in ServoGun TC 4.0 can be loaded in 4.1.

The existing data are accepted.
For every parameter that is missing in the file, the robot controller
displays an error message.
This applies to parameters which are new in 4.1 and thus not available in
the file from 4.0. This is also the case with any parameters that have been
manually deleted from the file.

Precondition  The TXT file is located on a drive to which the robot controller has access.
Or: A USB stick with the TXT file is connected.
 “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun Torque Control >
Load all.
2. In the Gun selection box, select the gun for which the data are to be load-
3. Navigate to the TXT file and select it.
4. Press Load.
5. A request for confirmation is displayed, asking if the existing data should
be overwritten. Confirm with Yes.
The data are loaded and the following message is displayed: Data suc-
cessfully imported.

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6.4.6 Saving the gun and calibration data

Description This procedure saves the data in the following configuration screens to a TXT
 Configuration
 Gun parameters
 Calibration 2 P
 Calibration 5 P

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. If data are to be saved to a USB stick, this must be connected.

2. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun Torque Control >
Save all.
3. Select the desired gun in the Gun selection box. Only data for one gun
can be saved in a file.
4. The name of the selected gun is displayed in the Gun description box.
The name can be changed. This has no effect on the name of the gun in
the ServoGun software. Only the data in the TXT file are saved under this
5. Navigate to the desired memory location and select it.
6. A default name for the file is displayed in the Select file box. Change the
name if required.
7. Press Save. The data are saved and the following message is displayed:
Saving successful

6.5 Configuring variables in EG_EXTERN.DAT

Variables in EG_EXTERN.DAT can be changed via the variable cor-

rection function or directly in the file.
Information about the variable correction function can be found in the
operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software

6.5.1 Configuring inputs/outputs

The numbers for inputs/outputs, interrupts, timers and cyclical flags

must only be assigned once in the entire robot controller.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the Navigator, open the file EG_EXTERN.DAT in the directory

2. Open the fold Signals.
3. Configure the inputs/outputs as required in this fold.
4. Close the file. Respond to the request for confirmation asking whether the
changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

The window I/Os for weld timer / PLC displays the states of the in-
puts and outputs.
(>>> 8.2 "Displaying ServoGun I/Os" Page 107)

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6 Start-up and configuration Inputs

Inputs from the weld timer:

Input Description
EG_ERROR_IN[1] … [6] HIGH = Weld timer signals an error
LOW = Weld timer signals no error
EG_TIMER_READY_IN[1]…[6] Status of weld timer
HIGH = Weld timer ready
LOW = Weld timer not ready
EG_VALID_IN[1]…[6] Weld timer confirms program number.
HIGH = Weld timer confirms program number
LOW = No confirmation from the weld timer
EG_CURRENT_IN[1]…[6] Switch current on/off
HIGH = Switches the current on
LOW = Switches the current off
EG_CYC_END_IN[1]…[6] HIGH = End of weld reached
LOW = End of weld not reached
EG_THERMO_CONTACT_IN[1] Monitoring of the temperature of the transformer on the gun
HIGH = Transformer has normal operating temperature
LOW = Transformer is overheating
EG_WATCH_PROCESS_IN[1]…[ HIGH = External error
LOW = No external error

Inputs from the media supply unit:

Input Description
EG_WATER_SAVER_IN_1[1]…[6] Monitoring of the cooling water volume at the gun intake
HIGH = No alarm
LOW = Alarm triggered
EG_WATER_SAVER_IN_2[1]…[6] Monitoring of the cooling water volume at the gun outflow
HIGH = No alarm
LOW = Alarm triggered

Inputs from the PLC:

Input Description
EG_STOP_POINT_END_IN Request for the robot to stop after welding at the next weld
HIGH = Request
LOW = No request
EG_NO_PART_IN Motion with/without closing
HIGH = Gun remains open at the weld spot
LOW = Gun closes at the weld spot

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Input Description
EG_QUIT_RESUME_IN Certain dialog messages can also be answered by the PLC
EG_QUIT_REPEAT_IN instead of the user. These two inputs receive the answer
from the PLC. (>>> "Acknowledgement by PLC" Page 38)
The program is continued without repeating the point.
The last point is repeated.
Both inputs must not be HIGH at the same time. If both
inputs are LOW, this means “no answer”, and the message
remains in the message window.
Note: After the dialog message has been answered, the
input must be reset by the PLC for the program to be

Acknowl- The following dialog messages can be acknowledged by the PLC:

edgement by PLC  No cycle end signal, input ..., repeat point?
 Welding controller error, input ..., repeat point?
 No TIMER READY signal, input ..., repeat point?

Inputs for background tip dressing:

Input Description
EG_BG_TD_REQ_IN Request to start background tip dressing
HIGH = Request
LOW = No request
EG_BG_TD_GUN_MINI_IN Input range for the dresser number

Inputs for background welding:

Input Description
EG_BG_W_REQ_IN Request to start background welding
HIGH = Request
LOW = No request
EG_BG_W_GUN_MINI_IN Input range for gun number
EG_BG_W_PGNO_MINI_IN Input range for program number
EG_BG_W_FORCE_MINI_IN Input range for welding force
EG_BG_W_THICK_MINI_IN Input range for part thickness
EG_BG_W_COMP_MINI_IN Input range for specifying which compensator should be

Outputs to the weld timer:

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6 Start-up and configuration

Outputs Description
EG_QUIT_OUT[1] … [6] Reset errors currently active in the weld timer.
HIGH = Reset the errors.
LOW = Do not reset the errors.
EG_INDEX_MINI_OUT[1]…[6] Address range for transfer of the program number. The bit
width must not exceed 32 bits.
EG_VALID_OUT[1]…[6] Confirmation that the signal EG_VALID_IN has been
HIGH = Confirmation
LOW = No confirmation
EG_NOCURRENT_OUT[1]…[6] Request to close the gun with the correct force and time,
but without current
HIGH = Request
LOW = No request
EG_START_OUT[1]…[6] Start the welding process (also start of cycle).
HIGH = Start of welding
LOW = No start of welding

Outputs to the gun:

Outputs Description
EG_COMP_OUT[1,1]…[6,1] Only effective for gun with pneumatic compensation: acti-
vate compensator 1.
HIGH = Compensation activated
LOW = Compensation deactivated
EG_COMP_OUT[1,2]…[6,2] Only effective for gun with pneumatic compensation: acti-
vate compensator 2.
HIGH = Compensation activated
LOW = Compensation deactivated
EG_COMP_OUT[1,3]…[6,3] Only effective for gun with pneumatic compensation: acti-
vate compensator 1 and compensator 2.
HIGH = Compensation activated
LOW = Compensation deactivated

Outputs to PLC:

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Outputs Description
EG_EL_NEW_OUT[1]…[6] Request indicating that new electrodes are required
HIGH = Request
LOW = No request
EG_WELD_ERROR_DIALOG_O Certain dialog messages can also be answered by the PLC
UT instead of the user. This output signals to the PLC when the
message window displays a message of this kind. (The
PLC can then send its answer.)
(>>> "Acknowledgement by PLC" Page 38)
HIGH = Dialog message is present
LOW = No dialog message present
Note: The signal should be set for at least 1 second. For
the robot to resume motion, the signal must then be reset.
EG_STOP_POINT_END_OUT Confirmation of the request EG_STOP_POINT_END_IN
HIGH = End of weld reached
LOW = End of weld not yet reached

Outputs for background tip dressing:

Outputs Description
EG_BG_TD_RDY_OUT HIGH = Ready for background tip dressing
LOW = Not ready
EG_BG_TD_BSY_OUT HIGH = Background tip dressing running
EG_BG_TD_SUCCESS_OUT HIGH = Background tip dressing has been performed suc-

Outputs for background welding:

Outputs Description
EG_BG_W_RDY_OUT HIGH = Ready for background welding
LOW = Not ready
EG_BG_W_BSY_OUT HIGH = Background welding running
EG_BG_W_SUCCESS_OUT HIGH = Background welding has been performed success-

6.5.2 Configuring timers, interrupts and cyclical flags

The numbers for inputs/outputs, interrupts, timers and cyclical flags

must only be assigned once in the entire robot controller.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the Navigator, open the file EG_EXTERN.DAT in the directory

2. Open the fold Error handling.
3. The fold contains the following sections (among others):
 ; Used Timers
 ; Used interrupts
 ; Used cycflags
Configure the variables as required in these sections.

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6 Start-up and configuration

4. Close the file. Respond to the request for confirmation asking whether the
changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

Variable / default value Description
EG_TIMER_12=12 Only used if the inline forms Background tip dressing or Back-
ground welding are used.
EG_TIMER_13=13 For timeouts during the welding process
EG_INTERRUPT_1=1 For calibration and for ASA
EG_INTERRUPT_11=11 Only used for the Pneumatic option.
... Which interrupts are required for the specific application depends
on how many guns are used and which external axis number
these are assigned to.
E1 = INTERRUPT_11, …,
EG_INTERRUPT_21=21 Only used if the inline form DualForce is used.
EG_CYCFLAG1=1 Only used if the inline form DualForce is used.

6.5.3 Configuring ServoGun options in EG_EXTERN.DAT

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the Navigator, open the file EG_EXTERN.DAT in the directory

2. Open the fold Gun typ.
3. The fold contains the variables ServogunTC[1] to ServogunTC[6].
Configure each gun used.
4. Close the file. Respond to the request for confirmation asking whether the
changes should be saved by pressing Yes.


Fig. 6-3: Excerpt from the open fold “Gun typ”

The parameters from the fold which are not described here are to be
configured in WorkVisual.
(>>> 6.2.2 "Configuring ServoGun options in WorkVisual" Page 27)

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Parameter Description
ThicknessTolTimer Where is the value for the permissible thickness tolerance to come
 TRUE: The robot controller obtains the value from the weld timer.
Note: If TRUE is selected, additional settings must be made in
EG_EXTERN.DAT. (>>> 6.5.4 "Configuring details for ServoGun
options" Page 42)
 FALSE: The user defines the value via the inline form.
Meaning of the tolerance: for example, if the thickness is 20 mm and the
tolerance is 3 mm, then the total thickness may lie between 17 and
23 mm.
WeldTimeTimer Note: This parameter is reserved for future use in combination with
KUKA.RoboSpin. KUKA.RoboSpin is not yet available for use with Ser-
voGun TC. The parameter is currently without meaning.
Where is the value for the spin time to come from?
 FALSE: The user defines the value via the inline form.
 TRUE: The robot controller obtains the value for the duration of the
welding process from the weld timer. An offset is added to this value.
This results in the spin time.
Note: If TRUE is selected, additional settings must be made in
EG_EXTERN.DAT. (>>> 6.5.4 "Configuring details for ServoGun
options" Page 42)

6.5.4 Configuring details for ServoGun options

Description If one or more of the following settings were made, further details must be con-
figured here:
 Force from timerTRUE
(ForceTimer TRUE)
 Thickness from Timer TRUE
(ThicknessTimer TRUE)
 ThicknessTolTimer TRUE
 WeldTimeTimer TRUE

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure 1. In the Navigator, open the file EG_EXTERN.DAT in the directory

2. Open the fold Data from timer.
3. Configure the variables as required.
4. Close the file. Respond to the request for confirmation asking whether the
changes should be saved by pressing Yes.

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6 Start-up and configuration Details for Force from timer TRUE (ForceTimer TRUE)

Variable Description
It must be specified here whether the weld timer supplies a Valid
 TRUE (default): Valid bit
 FALSE: No Valid bit
(>>> "Obtaining values from the weld timer without
Valid bit – sequence" Page 44)
Only relevant if EG_NEW_TIMER == FALSE.
Dummy program number. Must not be identical to any of the real
program numbers in the weld timer.
Default: 0
Only relevant if EG_NEW_TIMER == FALSE.
Reference force for the dummy force
 Must be greater than the dummy force.
 Must be less than the smallest real force.
Default: 0.1 (kN)
The weld timer documentation must be consulted to determine
EG_FORCE_TMR_END_IN the outputs used for communicating the force values. The input
range of the robot controller that is assigned to these outputs
must be specified for each gun:
EG_FORCE_TMR_START_IN[x]: Start bit for gun number x
EG_FORCE_TMR_END_IN[x]: End bit for gun number x
EG_FORCE_TMR_IN_ Type: Signal
The weld timer documentation must be consulted to determine
the outputs available for communicating the forces. The input
range of the robot controller that is assigned to these outputs
must be specified in EG_FORCE_TMR_IN_.
Scale factor for the force values
The robot controller always interprets the force values as values
in kN. The scale factor enables the values supplied by the weld
timer to be correctly converted if this is necessary.
The value of the scale factor depends on the transmission width
of the signal, the scale factor of the weld timer, and the unit for val-
ues in the weld timer.
Default: 0.001

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Variable Description
The robot controller adds this value to the force value supplied by
the weld timer.
1. The robot controller first adds the offset
(EG_FORCE_TMR_OFFSET) to the value from the timer.
2. It then converts the result using the scale factor
Default: 0.0
Maximum value for the force
Default: 4,000 N
Minimum value for the force
Default: 500 N

ForceTimer TRUE The robot controller checks whether the force value supplied by the timer
with DualForce changes between the start and end of welding. If so, it adapts the gun force to
the second value. This is done provided that a DualForce inline form has been
used in the program.
If the force from the timer changes, but an inline form for a regular weld spot
has been used in the program, then the robot controller ignores the change
and maintains the first force until the end of welding. Obtaining values from the weld timer without Valid bit – sequence

The following sequence applies if EG_NEW_TIMER == FALSE.

1. In the advance run, the robot controller sends a dummy program number
to the weld timer before each weld spot. A dummy force must be defined
for this number in the weld timer.
2. The weld timer sends the dummy force to the robot controller.
3. The robot controller compares the dummy force with the reference force.
If the reference force is greater, the robot controller sends the real program
number to the weld timer.
4. The weld timer sends the real force to the robot controller (and any further
values obtained from the weld timer).
5. The robot controller compares the real force with the reference force. If the
reference force is smaller, the robot controller reads in the real force.
6. The robot controller compares the real force with the permissible maxi-
mum force (= value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun force
in kN).
If the maximum force is greater or equal, the robot controller uses the real
force (and any further values obtained) for this weld spot.
The exchange and comparison of the dummy values serves to avoid commu-
nication errors between the robot controller and the weld timer, e.g. due to
transmission delays.

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6 Start-up and configuration Details for Thickness from Timer TRUE (ThicknessTimer TRUE)

Variable Description
The weld timer documentation must be consulted to determine
EG_THICK_TMR_END_IN the outputs used for communicating the thickness values. The
input range of the robot controller that is assigned to these out-
puts must be specified for each gun:
EG_THICK_TMR_START_IN[x]: Start bit for gun number x
EG_THICK_TMR_END_IN[x]: End bit for gun number x
Scale factor for the thickness values
The robot controller always interprets the thickness values as val-
ues in mm. The scale factor enables the values supplied by the
weld timer to be correctly converted if this is necessary.
The value of the scale factor depends on the transmission width
of the signal, the scale factor of the weld timer, and the unit for val-
ues in the weld timer.
Default: 0.1
Maximum value for the thickness
Default: 25.0 mm
Minimum value for the thickness
Default: 0.1 mm Details for ThicknessTolTimer TRUE

Variable Description
The weld timer documentation must be consulted to determine
EG_THICKTOL_TMR_END the outputs used for communicating the thickness tolerance val-
_IN ues. The input range of the robot controller that is assigned to
these outputs must be specified for each gun:
EG_THICKTOL_TMR_START_IN[x]: Start bit for gun number x
EG_THICKTOL_TMR_END_IN[x]: End bit for gun number x
Scale factor for the thickness tolerance values
The robot controller always interprets the values as values in mm.
The scale factor enables the values supplied by the weld timer to
be correctly converted if this is necessary.
The value of the scale factor depends on the transmission width
of the signal, the scale factor of the weld timer, and the unit for val-
ues in the weld timer.
Default: 1.0

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Variable Description
Minimum value for the thickness tolerance
Default: 0.1 mm
Maximum value for the thickness tolerance
Default: 25.0 mm Details for WeldTimeTimer TRUE

These parameters are reserved for future use in combination with

KUKA.RoboSpin. KUKA.RoboSpin is not yet available for use with
ServoGun TC. The parameters is currently without meaning.

Variable Description
The weld timer documentation must be consulted to determine
EG_WELDTIME_TMR_EN the outputs used for communicating the weld time values. The
D_IN input range of the robot controller that is assigned to these out-
puts must be specified for each gun:
EG_WELDTIME_TMR_START_IN[x]: Start bit for gun number x
EG_WELDTIME_TMR_END_IN[x]: End bit for gun number x
Scale factor for the weld time values
The robot controller always interprets the values as values in ms.
The scale factor enables the values supplied by the weld timer to
be correctly converted if this is necessary.
The value of the scale factor depends on the transmission width
of the signal, the scale factor of the weld timer, and the unit for val-
ues in the weld timer.
Default: 1.0
Minimum value for the weld time
Default: 100 ms
Maximum value for the weld time
Default: 4600 ms
Default: -96 ms

6.6 Manual gun mastering

Description A gun must be mastered in the following cases:

 Commissioning a gun (first mastering)
 After exchanging gun components
 After a loss of mastering

Precondition  Operating mode T1

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6 Start-up and configuration

 New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.

Used electrodes must not be used in this case, as this

would result in an incorrect mastering value. This could
damage the gun.

Procedure 1. Close the gun manually with the jog keys until the electrodes are just

The gun must not exert any force, otherwise it may be-
come damaged.

Whether or not the electrodes are just touching can be ascertained by a

visual check, or using a strip of paper held between the electrodes. (Close
the gun until the strip of paper is lightly clamped.)
2. In the main menu, select Start-up > Master > Dial. A window opens.
3. In this window, select the external axis to be mastered and press the Mas-
ter softkey. The axis is removed from the window.
4. Close the window.

6.7 Determining the gear ratio

Precondition  The gun is mastered.

 Operating mode T1

Procedure For C guns:

The gear ratio generally corresponds to the screw pitch of spindle.
1. Consult the gun manufacturer’s data sheet to find out the value for the
screw pitch of spindle.
2. Enter the value in the Gear ratio box in the Gun parameters configuration
screen and save.
If no value for the spindle screw pitch is available from the manufacturer, the
gear ratio can be determined using the same method as for X guns.
For X guns:
The gear ratio is the change in the opening width over 1 motor revolution.
1. Close the gun without exerting any force.
2. In the main menu, select Display > Actual position. The Cartesian actual
position is displayed.
3. Press Axis-specific to display the axis-specific actual position. The gun
position is displayed as 0 in the Motor [deg] column.
4. Open the gun manually until the value 360 is displayed in the Motor [deg]
5. Measure the distance between the electrodes.
6. Enter the distance in the Gear ratio box in the Gun parameters configu-
ration screen and save.

If the opening width of the gun is not large enough to be measured

after one motor revolution, open the gun 2 or 3 motor revolutions be-
fore taking the measurement. Then divide the measured distance by
the number of revolutions.

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6.8 Manually determining the thickness of the force gauge

Description For correct calibration of a gun, the robot controller needs to know the thick-
ness of the sensor plate on the force gauge used. The following methods can
be used for determining the thickness and communicating it to the robot con-
 Determine the thickness manually and enter the value in the configuration.
 Determine the thickness with the calibration program.
(>>> "Determing the thickness of the force gauge" Page 49)

Fig. 6-4: Measuring with the force gauge (example)

Precondition  The gun is mastered.

 Operating mode T1

Accessories  Force gauge

(if necessary, consult gun manufacturer for a suitable model.)

Procedure 1. Set jog override to 3%.

2. Open the gun manually.
3. Place the force gauge on the fixed electrode.
4. Close the gun until the moving electrode just touches the sensor plate.
5. In the main menu, select Display > Actual position. A window opens.
Then press the Axis-specific button.
6. In the Pos. [deg, mm] column, read off the position of the gun and note
the value.
7. Open the gun and remove the force gauge.
8. Enter the value in the Thickness box on the configuration screen Config-

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6 Start-up and configuration

6.9 Calibration – overview

Methods Calibration Is used for …

5P  Initial calibration of the gun
 Can be used for recalibration, e.g. if the gun has been
damaged and needs to be recalibrated.
(>>> 6.9.1 "5P calibration" Page 49)
DualForce  Initial calibration if DualForce commands are to be
used during programming.
DualForce calibration must be carried out after the 5P
 Recalibration: If DualForce commands are used and if
the gun is recalibrated with 5P, another DualForce cal-
ibration must be carried out afterwards.
(>>> 6.9.2 "DualForce calibration" Page 55)
2P  Recalibration
Recalibration with 2P is faster than with 5P. 2P can also
be used for recalibration if DualForce commands are
Precondition: 2P can only be used, however, if the gun
operates with a maximum of 2 different forces. If more
forces are used, 5P calibration must be used.
(>>> 6.9.3 "2P calibration" Page 58)

Programs All calibration programs are located in the directory R1\Program\Calibration.

Force gauge  A force gauge is required for executing all calibration programs.
(If necessary, consult the gun manufacturer for a suitable model.)

T1/T2  All calibration programs can be executed in T1.

 If a fixed force gauge is used, 5P calibration can also be carried out in T2.
(>>> 6.9.4 "5P calibration in T2" Page 59)

Warming up the The calibration programs start by displaying the temperature of the gun motor
motor and offer the option of warming up the motor. Whether it is necessary to warm
up the motor, and to what temperature, depends on the specific application.

Recommendation: Warm the motor up to the temperature that it has

during the welding process.

Determing the The calibration programs offer the option of determining the thickness of the
thickness of the force gauge. This is done before the actual calibration.
force gauge  If the user selects No, the robot controller uses the value of Thickness
which is saved on the configuration screen Configuration.
 If the user selects Yes, the program determines the thickness. After this,
it displays both the newly determined value and the value saved in the
configuration. The user must then choose which value is to be used.

6.9.1 5P calibration

Step Description
1 Execute EG_1_Cal.

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Step Description
2 Execute EG_2_Recal.
3 Execute EG_3_Force. Coarse calibration with EG_1_Cal

Description The EG_1_Cal program calculates 2 characteristics on the basis of predefined

motor torque values:
 Torque / force characteristic
 Force / gun flexion characteristic
The EG_1_Cal program closes the gun and limits the motor torque to the pre-
defined value Mx. The resulting force is measured by the user with a force
In a total of 5 measurements with values M1 to M5, 5 torque/force pairs are de-
termined. These pairs are saved and added to the torque/force characteristic
M/F, with interpolation of the intermediate values.

Fig. 6-5: Torque / force characteristic

Mmax Maximum motor torque

M1 … M5 Predefined motor torques
F1 … F5 Forces F1 to F5 generated after force build-up for motor
torques M1 to M5
Fmax Maximum closing force
M/F Torque / force characteristic

The force / gun flexion characteristic is calculated from the force values, the
motor position and the gear ratio.

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6 Start-up and configuration

Fig. 6-6: Force / gun flexion characteristic

G Gun flexion in mm
F Force in kN

Precondition  The value 5 P has been entered under Calibration method in the config-
uration screen Configuration.
 All values have been entered in the configuration screen Gun parame-
 On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, the desired values have
been entered under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN.
 The value Maximum gun force in kN has been entered in the configura-
tion screen Calibration 5 P.
 The gun is mastered.
 Operating mode T1
 Only necessary if the thickness of the force gauge is not to be determined
using the program:
The value Thickness has been entered in the configuration screen Con-

If it becomes apparent during the measuring process that
the maximum gun force will be exceeded at the next
measuring step, the program must be aborted. If this is not done, the force
gauge and/or gun may be damaged.
On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, lower values must be entered
under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN. Then restart the pro-

1. Select and start the program EG_1_Cal.

2. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
3. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
If No: Continue with step 4.
If Yes:
a. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Press the Start key. The gun closes to the mastering position and
opens again. This is done 10 times in succession.
b. The message … Warm up? is displayed again with the current temper-
ature that the motor has reached.
Either select Yes again, if necessary. Or select No and continue with
step 4.
4. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
If No:
a. If the message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed: Press
the Start key.
b. Continue with step 5.
If Yes:
a. If the message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed: Press
the Start key.
b. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor
and press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK and insert the force gauge.
c. Press the Start key. The gun closes. When it detects the force gauge,
it stops briefly and then opens again.
d. A message displays the measured and the configured values.
Select which value is to be used.
5. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK, insert the force gauge and press the Start
key. The gun closes.
6. Follow the dialog messages and note the values of the 5 measurements.
If the question as to whether the measurement is OK is answered with No,
the controller repeats the measurement.
7. After the 5th measurement, the following message is displayed: Please re-
move the force sensor and press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK, remove the force gauge and press the
Start key.
8. The gun closes to the mastering position and the following message is dis-
played: Please check the gun mastering.
Carry out a visual inspection of the mastering position and confirm the
message with OK.

The message must always be confirmed with OK. If the visual inspec-
tion was negative, e.g. because the position of the electrode tips has
shifted, the gun must be remastered.

9. Press the Start key. The following message is displayed: Force calibration
10. Confirm the message with OK and deselect the program.
11. The values noted must be entered on the Calibration 5 P configuration
screen in Force 1 in kN to Force 5 in kN.

The measured values should cover the force range of the gun. This
is dependent on the gun. Guide values:
Force 1 in kN: 0.7 kN … 1.2 kN
 Force 5 in kN: Maximum force

If the measured values are too low, EG_1_Cal must be restarted with higher
motor torques.

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6 Start-up and configuration Fine calibration with EG_2_Recal

Description The EG_2_Recal program performs the same 5 measurements as EG_1_Cal,

but closes the gun at a constant velocity.

Fig. 6-7: Torque / force characteristic: F5 now close to Fmax

Mmax Maximum motor torque

M1 … M5 Predefined motor torques
F1 … F5 Resultant forces F1 to F5
Fmax Maximum closing force
M/F Torque / force characteristic

Precondition  Calibration with EG_1_Cal has been carried out.

 Operating mode T1

Procedure 1. Select and start the program EG_2_Recal.

2. Continue in the same way as for EG_1_Cal.
3. After entering and saving the noted values on the Calibration 5 P config-
uration screen, repeat EG_2_Recal at least 2 more times.

EG_2_Recal must be executed at least 3 times.

Exception: If ServoGun TC 4.0 has been updated to ServoGun TC
4.1, then EG_2_Recal needs to be executed only once. Force test with EG_3_Force

Description This program checks the torque / force characteristic. A force sensor is placed
in the gun. The user selects the force with which the gun is to be closed.
The robot controller calculates the corresponding torque value from the torque
/ force characteristic, and closes the gun. When the electrodes touch the force
gauge, the motor torque increases up to the permissible value and is limited
to this value.
The user now compares the measured force with the previously selected set-
point force. If the forces differ, the user must decide whether or not the devia-
tion is acceptable for the given application. If not, another calibration must be
carried out with EG_2_Recal.

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

When assessing the deviation, the maximum forces that

may be applied to the gun and the force gauge must also
be taken into account. If the actual force is so much higher than the setpoint
force that the force limits of the gun and/or the force gauge could be exceed-
ed, then the gun must not be used with this calibration. Damage to property
may otherwise result.

Precondition  Calibration with EG_1_Cal has been carried out.

 Operating mode T1

Procedure 1. Select and start the program EG_3_Force.

2. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
3. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
If No: Continue with step 4.
If Yes:
a. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key. The gun closes to the mastering position and
opens again. This is done 10 times in succession.
b. The message … Warm up? is displayed again with the current temper-
ature that the motor has reached.
Either select Yes again, if necessary. Or select No and continue with
step 4.
4. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
If No:
a. If the message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed: Press
the Start key.
b. Continue with step 5.
If Yes:
a. If the message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed: Press
the Start key.
b. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor
and press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK and insert the force gauge.
c. Press the Start key. The gun closes. When it detects the force gauge,
it stops briefly and then opens again.
d. A message displays the measured and the configured values.
Select which value is to be used.
5. The following message is displayed: Enter the force, position the force
sensor and press Start.
Select a force using the corresponding button.

Recommendation: Select the force which is closest to the process


6. Insert the force gauge and press the Start key.

7. The gun closes. Use the force gauge to measure the actual force exerted.
8. The following message is displayed again: Enter the force, position the
force sensor and press Start..

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6 Start-up and configuration

 Either: If necessary, select and test another force. If necessary, test

further forces in the same way.
 Or: To close the program, select any force (in order to clear the mes-
sage). Then deselect the program.

6.9.2 DualForce calibration

Step Description
1 Execute EG_4_DF_Cal.
2 Execute EG_5_DF. DualForce calibration with EG_4_DF_Cal

Description During welding in DualForce mode, the second force is addressed with posi-
tion control (not torque control). To be able to calculate the position for the sec-
ond force, the robot controller must know the spindle backlash. The program
EG_4_DF_Cal is used to determine the spindle backlash.

Precondition  5P calibration has been carried out.

 Operating mode T1

If it becomes apparent during the measuring process that
the maximum gun force will be exceeded at the next
measuring step, the program must be aborted. If this is not done, the force
gauge and/or gun may be damaged.
On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, lower values must be entered
under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN. Then restart the pro-

1. Select and start the program EG_4_DF_Cal.

2. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
3. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key.
4. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
If No: Continue with step 5.
If Yes:
 The gun closes to the mastering position and opens again. This is
done 10 times in succession.
The message … Warm up? is displayed again with the current temper-
ature that the motor has reached.
Either select Yes again, if necessary. Or select No and continue with
step 5.
5. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
If No: Continue with step 6.
If Yes:
a. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor
and press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK and insert the force gauge.
b. Press the Start key. The gun closes. When it detects the force gauge,
it stops briefly and then opens again.

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

c. A message displays the measured and the configured values.

Select which value is to be used.
d. Press Start.
6. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force gauge and
press the Start key again. Note the value of the force gauge.
Confirm the message with OK and insert the force gauge.
7. Press the Start key. The gun closes with 40% of the maximum force. Note
the measured value.
8. The following message is displayed: Open the menu “=> Variable => Sin-
gle” and assign the measured force [kN] to the variable
Confirm the message with OK.
9. Assign the noted value to the variable EG_FORCE_MEAS_1 using the
variable correction function. Enter the value in kN!
10. The following message is displayed again: Please insert the force gauge
and press the Start key again. Note the value of the force gauge.
Confirm the message with OK and insert the force gauge.
11. Press the Start key. The gun closes with 80% of the maximum force and
then reduces the force to 40% (without any visible opening or closing).
Measure and note the value for 40%.
12. The following message is displayed: Open the menu “=> Variable => Sin-
gle” and assign the measured force [kN] to the variable
Confirm the message with OK.
13. Assign the noted value to the variable EG_FORCE_MEAS_2 using the
variable correction function. Enter the value in kN!
14. Press the Start key. The following message is displayed: The spindle
backlash on reversal is {x} mm
15. Confirm the message with OK and press the Start key again.
The program is finished and can be deselected. DualForce force test with EG_5_DF

Description The EG_5_DF program checks the torque / force characteristic for dual-force
The user selects the force with which the gun is to be closed. The user mea-
sures the force at the closed gun and compares the measured force with the
previously selected setpoint force. If the forces differ, the user must decide
whether or not the deviation is acceptable for the given application. If not, an-
other calibration must be carried out with EG_4_DF_Cal.

When assessing the deviation, the maximum forces that

may be applied to the gun and the force gauge must also
be taken into account. If the actual force is so much higher than the setpoint
force that the force limits of the gun and/or the force gauge could be exceed-
ed, then the gun must not be used with this calibration. Damage to property
may otherwise result.

Precondition  Calibration with EG_4_DF_Cal has been carried out.

 Operating mode T1

Procedure 1. Select and start the program EG_5_DF.

2. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.

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6 Start-up and configuration

Select the gun.

3. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key.
4. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
If No: Continue with step 5.
If Yes:
 The gun closes to the mastering position and opens again. This is
done 10 times in succession.
The message … Warm up? is displayed again with the current temper-
ature that the motor has reached.
Either select Yes again, if necessary. Or select No and continue with
step 5.
5. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
If No: Continue with step 6.
If Yes is selected:
a. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor
and press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK and insert the force gauge.
b. Press the Start key. The gun closes. When it detects the force gauge,
it stops briefly and then opens again.
c. A message displays the measured and the configured values.
Select which value is to be used.
d. Press Start.
6. The following message is displayed: Enter the desired higher force for the
dual-force test.
Select a force using the corresponding button.

Recommendation: Select the force which is closest to the process


7. The following message is displayed: Enter the desired lower force for the
dual-force test.
Select a force using the corresponding button.
8. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK, insert the force gauge and press the Start
The gun closes with the higher force.
9. The following message is displayed: Is the actual force {x} kN?
Compare the value in the message with the value measured by the force
 If the values are the same or if the deviation is acceptable, confirm the
message with Yes. Continue with step 10.
 If the deviation is not acceptable, select No and deselect the program.
The gun must be recalibrated.
10. The gun now switches from the higher to the lower force (without any vis-
ible opening or closing).
The following message is displayed: Is the actual force {x} kN?
Once again, compare the value in the message with the value measured
by the force gauge:
 If the values are the same or if the deviation is acceptable:

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Hold on to the force gauge, as the gun opens during the next step.
Confirm the message with Yes. The gun opens. Remove the force
 If the deviation is not acceptable, select No and deselect the program.
The gun must be recalibrated.

6.9.3 2P calibration

Step Description
1 Execute EG_Recal_2_points.
2 Execute EG_Force_2_points. Fine calibration with EG_Recal_2_points

Precondition  5P calibration has been carried out.

 The value 2 P has been entered under Calibration method in the config-
uration screen Configuration.
 Operating mode T1
 “Expert” user group

Preparation 1. Enter the following values in the configuration screen Calibration 2 P:

 Maximum gun force in kN
 Target force in kN for Measure 1 and Measure 2
2. Press the Calculate button. In the two boxes Calculated torque in kN,
the values are entered automatically from the torque / force characteristic.
3. Save changes and close the configuration.

Procedure 1. Select and start the program EG_Recal_2_points.

2. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
3. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key.
4. Follow the dialog messages.
The gun is closed at a constant velocity. During the force build-up, the mo-
tor torque is limited to the value in the box Calculated torque in kN.
5. Compare the value measured by the force gauge with the value from Tar-
get force in kN/Measure 1.
 If the values match, confirm with OK.
 If the values do not match, modify the torque using the button “+” (plus)
or “-” (minus) in order to approximate the actual force and target force.
When the values match, confirm with OK.
6. Repeat step 5 for Target force in kN/Measure 2. Force test with EG_Force_2_points

Description This program checks the torque / force characteristic. A force sensor is placed
in the gun. The user selects the force with which the gun is to be closed.
The robot controller calculates the corresponding torque value from the torque
/ force characteristic, and closes the gun. When the electrodes touch the force
gauge, the motor torque increases up to the permissible value and is limited
to this value.

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6 Start-up and configuration

The user now compares the measured force with the previously selected set-
point force. If the forces differ, the user must decide whether or not the devia-
tion is acceptable for the given application. If not, another calibration must be
carried out with EG_Recal_2_points.

When assessing the deviation, the maximum forces that

may be applied to the gun and the force gauge must also
be taken into account. If the actual force is so much higher than the setpoint
force that the force limits of the gun and/or the force gauge could be exceed-
ed, then the gun must not be used with this calibration. Damage to property
may otherwise result.

Precondition  Calibration with EG_Recal_2_points has been carried out.

 Operating mode T1

Procedure 1. Select and start the program EG_Force_2_points.

2. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
3. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key.
4. Follow the dialog messages.
5. Select the lowest force using the corresponding button. Use the force
gauge to measure the actual force exerted.
6. Repeat step 5 for all forces.

6.9.4 5P calibration in T2

If a fixed force gauge is used, 5P calibration can also be carried out in T2, in-
stead of in T1.
 Advantage:
Unlike in T1, the velocity is not limited in T2; this makes the calibration
more precise.
 Disadvantage:
As certain calibration steps have to be performed nonetheless in T1, it is
necessary to switch to and fro between T2 and T1.

Calibration in T2 is described below, using EG_1_Cal as an example.

If the other 5P calibration programs are executed in T2, the switch be-
tween T1 and T2 must also be made accordingly.

Calibration in T2 must only be carried out with a fixed

force gauge. There must be no persons inside the safe-
guarded area during operation in T2 mode. Death to persons or severe inju-
ries may otherwise result. EG_1_Cal in T2 (without “Warm-up”, without “Determine thickness”)

Precondition  As described for EG_1_Cal or the corresponding calibration program.

 In addition: EG_CAL_T1 = FALSE

Accessories  Fixed force gauge with portable stand

(if necessary, consult gun manufacturer for a suitable model.)

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Install the force gauge so that it has slight freedom of movement and
can adapt its position to the gun when it closes.

It is also possible to use a force gauge with a stand that

has a fixed position in the cell (i.e. not portable). The pro-
cedure must then be checked and modified accordingly. Particular attention
must be paid to the following points:
 The warm-up procedure and the checking of the mastering position must
not be carried out at the force gauge. Damage to the gun and/or the force
gauge may otherwise result.
 To move the gun to or from the force gauge, it is necessary to switch to
T1 mode.

If it becomes apparent during the measuring process that
the maximum gun force will be exceeded at the next
measuring step, the program must be aborted. If this is not done, the force
gauge and/or gun may be damaged.
On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, lower values must be entered
under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN. Then restart the pro-

In addition to the messages cited in the procedure, the following mes-

sages are also displayed at a number of steps:
Ackn. In T2 the robot can move faster than 250 mm/s
 Acknowledge to resume T2 operation with the set velocity.
These messages must be acknowledged with OK.

1. Position the gun and the force gauge ready for the force measurement.
2. Select the program EG_1_Cal.
3. Set T2.
a. The following message is displayed: Cartesian velocity is still limited in
b. Set the program override to 100%. The message is cleared.
4. Press the Start key.
5. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
6. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
Answer with No.
7. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
Answer with No.
8. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key.
9. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again.
Confirm the message with OK and press the Start key. The gun closes.
10. Follow the dialog messages and note the values of the 5 measurements.
If the question as to whether the measurement is OK is answered with No,
the controller repeats the measurement.
11. After the 5th measurement, the following message is displayed: Please re-
move the force sensor and press the Start key again.

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6 Start-up and configuration

12. Remove the stand with the force gauge.

13. Confirm the message Please remove the force sensor and press the Start
key again. with OK and press the Start key.
The gun closes to the mastering position.
14. The message Please check the gun mastering. is displayed.
Carry out a visual inspection of the mastering position and confirm the
message with OK.

The message must always be confirmed with OK. If the visual inspec-
tion was negative, e.g. because the position of the electrode tips has
shifted, the gun must be remastered.

15. Press the Start key.

The message Force calibration completed! is displayed.
16. Confirm the message with OK and deselect the program.
17. The values noted must be entered on the Calibration 5 P configuration
screen in Force 1 in kN to Force 5 in kN.

The measured values should cover the force range of the gun. This
is dependent on the gun. Guide values:
Force 1 in kN: 0.7 kN … 1.2 kN
 Force 5 in kN: Maximum force

If the measured values are too low, EG_1_Cal must be restarted with higher
motor torques. EG_1_Cal in T2 (with “Warm-up”, without “Determine thickness”)

Precondition  As described for EG_1_Cal or the corresponding calibration program.

 In addition: EG_CAL_T1 = FALSE

Accessories  Fixed force gauge with portable stand

(if necessary, consult gun manufacturer for a suitable model.)

Install the force gauge so that it has slight freedom of movement and
can adapt its position to the gun when it closes.

It is also possible to use a force gauge with a stand that

has a fixed position in the cell (i.e. not portable). The pro-
cedure must then be checked and modified accordingly. Particular attention
must be paid to the following points:
 The warm-up procedure and the checking of the mastering position must
not be carried out at the force gauge. Damage to the gun and/or the force
gauge may otherwise result.
 To move the gun to or from the force gauge, it is necessary to switch to
T1 mode.

If it becomes apparent during the measuring process that
the maximum gun force will be exceeded at the next
measuring step, the program must be aborted. If this is not done, the force
gauge and/or gun may be damaged.
On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, lower values must be entered
under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN. Then restart the pro-

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

In addition to the messages cited in the procedure, the following mes-

sages are also displayed at a number of steps:
Ackn. In T2 the robot can move faster than 250 mm/s
 Acknowledge to resume T2 operation with the set velocity.
These messages must be acknowledged with OK.

1. In T1, move the gun to a position that meets the following requirements:
 The gun can close here to the mastering position.
 The stand with the force gauge can be moved here later in order to car-
ry out the force measurement.

The force gauge must not yet be positioned at the gun.

Damage to the gun and/or the force gauge may other-
wise result.

2. Select the program EG_1_Cal.

3. Set T2.
a. The following message is displayed: Cartesian velocity is still limited in
b. Set the program override to 100%. The message disappears.
4. Press the Start key.
5. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
6. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
Answer with Yes.
The controller saves the current position of the gun and displays the mes-
sage Programmed path reached (BCO).
7. Press the Start key.
The gun closes to the mastering position and opens again to the saved po-
sition. This is done 10 times in succession.
8. The message … Warm up? is displayed again with the current temperature
that the motor has reached.
 Either select Yes again, if necessary. The motor continues to be
warmed up.
 Or select No and continue with the next step.
9. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
Answer with No.
10. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again.
Bring the stand with the force gauge to the gun.
11. Confirm the message with OK and press the Start key. The gun closes.
12. Follow the dialog messages and note the values of the 5 measurements.
If the question as to whether the measurement is OK is answered with No,
the controller repeats the measurement.
13. After the 5th measurement, the following message is displayed: Please re-
move the force sensor and press the Start key again.
14. Remove the stand with the force gauge.
15. Confirm the message Please remove the force sensor and press the Start
key again. with OK and press the Start key.
The gun closes to the mastering position.

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6 Start-up and configuration

16. The message Please check the gun mastering. is displayed.

Carry out a visual inspection of the mastering position and confirm the
message with OK.

The message must always be confirmed with OK. If the visual inspec-
tion was negative, e.g. because the position of the electrode tips has
shifted, the gun must be remastered.

17. Press the Start key.

The message Force calibration completed! is displayed.
18. Confirm the message with OK and deselect the program.
19. The values noted must be entered on the Calibration 5 P configuration
screen in Force 1 in kN to Force 5 in kN.

The measured values should cover the force range of the gun. This
is dependent on the gun. Guide values:
Force 1 in kN: 0.7 kN … 1.2 kN
 Force 5 in kN: Maximum force

If the measured values are too low, EG_1_Cal must be restarted with higher
motor torques. EG_1_Cal in T2 (without “Warm-up”, with “Determine thickness”)

Precondition  As described for EG_1_Cal or the corresponding calibration program.

 In addition: EG_CAL_T1 = FALSE

Accessories  Fixed force gauge with portable stand

(if necessary, consult gun manufacturer for a suitable model.)

Install the force gauge so that it has slight freedom of movement and
can adapt its position to the gun when it closes.

It is also possible to use a force gauge with a stand that

has a fixed position in the cell (i.e. not portable). The pro-
cedure must then be checked and modified accordingly. Particular attention
must be paid to the following points:
 The warm-up procedure and the checking of the mastering position must
not be carried out at the force gauge. Damage to the gun and/or the force
gauge may otherwise result.
 To move the gun to or from the force gauge, it is necessary to switch to
T1 mode.

If it becomes apparent during the measuring process that
the maximum gun force will be exceeded at the next
measuring step, the program must be aborted. If this is not done, the force
gauge and/or gun may be damaged.
On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, lower values must be entered
under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN. Then restart the pro-

In addition to the messages cited in the procedure, the following mes-

sages are also displayed at a number of steps:
Ackn. In T2 the robot can move faster than 250 mm/s
 Acknowledge to resume T2 operation with the set velocity.
These messages must be acknowledged with OK.

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1. Set T1.
2. Position the gun and the force gauge ready for the force measurement.
3. Select the program EG_1_Cal and press the Start key.
4. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
5. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
Answer with No.
6. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
Answer with Yes.
7. The message Programmed path reached (BCO) is displayed.
Press the Start key.
8. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again..
Confirm the message with OK.
9. Press the Start key.
The gun closes. When it detects the force gauge, it stops briefly and then
opens again.
10. A message displays the measured and the configured values.
Select which value is to be used.
11. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again..
Confirm the message with OK and press the Start key.
12. The following message is displayed: Please switch to 100% OV and T2
13. Set T2.
a. The following message is displayed: Cartesian velocity is still limited in
b. Set the program override to 100%. The message disappears.
14. Confirm the message Please switch to 100% OV and T2 with OK and
press the Start key.
15. Follow the dialog messages and note the values of the 5 measurements.
If the question as to whether the measurement is OK is answered with No,
the controller repeats the measurement.
16. After the 5th measurement, the following message is displayed: Please re-
move the force sensor and press the Start key again.
17. Remove the stand with the force gauge.
18. Confirm the message Please remove the force sensor and press the Start
key again. with OK and press the Start key.
The gun closes to the mastering position.
19. The message Please check the gun mastering. is displayed.
Carry out a visual inspection of the mastering position and confirm the
message with OK.

The message must always be confirmed with OK. If the visual inspec-
tion was negative, e.g. because the position of the electrode tips has
shifted, the gun must be remastered.

20. Press the Start key.

The message Force calibration completed! is displayed.
21. Confirm the message with OK and deselect the program.

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6 Start-up and configuration

22. The values noted must be entered on the Calibration 5 P configuration

screen in Force 1 in kN to Force 5 in kN.

The measured values should cover the force range of the gun. This
is dependent on the gun. Guide values:
Force 1 in kN: 0.7 kN … 1.2 kN
 Force 5 in kN: Maximum force

If the measured values are too low, EG_1_Cal must be restarted with higher
motor torques. EG_1_Cal in T2 (with “Warm-up”, with “Determine thickness”)

Precondition  As described for EG_1_Cal or the corresponding calibration program.

 In addition: EG_CAL_T1 = FALSE

Accessories  Fixed force gauge with portable stand

(if necessary, consult gun manufacturer for a suitable model.)

Install the force gauge so that it has slight freedom of movement and
can adapt its position to the gun when it closes.

It is also possible to use a force gauge with a stand that

has a fixed position in the cell (i.e. not portable). The pro-
cedure must then be checked and modified accordingly. Particular attention
must be paid to the following points:
 The warm-up procedure and the checking of the mastering position must
not be carried out at the force gauge. Damage to the gun and/or the force
gauge may otherwise result.
 To move the gun to or from the force gauge, it is necessary to switch to
T1 mode.

If it becomes apparent during the measuring process that
the maximum gun force will be exceeded at the next
measuring step, the program must be aborted. If this is not done, the force
gauge and/or gun may be damaged.
On the configuration screen Calibration 5 P, lower values must be entered
under Motor torque 1 in kN to Motor torque 5 in kN. Then restart the pro-

In addition to the messages cited in the procedure, the following mes-

sages are also displayed at a number of steps:
Ackn. In T2 the robot can move faster than 250 mm/s
 Acknowledge to resume T2 operation with the set velocity.
These messages must be acknowledged with OK.

1. In T1, move the gun to a position that meets the following requirements:
 The gun can close here to the mastering position.
 The stand with the force gauge can be moved here later in order to car-
ry out the force measurement.

The force gauge must not yet be positioned at the gun.

Damage to the gun and/or the force gauge may other-
wise result.

2. Select the program EG_1_Cal.

3. Set T2.

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a. The following message is displayed: Cartesian velocity is still limited in

b. Set the program override to 100%. The message disappears.
4. Press the Start key.
5. If more than one gun is configured, the following message is displayed:
Please select the gun number.
Select the gun.
6. The following message is displayed: The temperature of the ServoGun
motor is {Current temperature}° Celsius. Warm up?
Answer with Yes.
The controller saves the current position of the gun and displays the mes-
sage Programmed path reached (BCO).
7. Press the Start key.
The gun closes to the mastering position and opens again to the saved po-
sition. This is done 10 times in succession.
8. The message … Warm up? is displayed again with the current temperature
that the motor has reached.
 Either select Yes again, if necessary. The motor continues to be
warmed up.
 Or select No and continue with the next step.
9. The following message is displayed: Determine the thickness of the force
Answer with Yes.
10. The following message is displayed: Please switch to 100% OV and T1.
Set T1.
11. Press OK to confirm the message Please switch to 100% OV and T1 and
press the Start key.
12. The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again..
Bring the stand with the force gauge to the gun.
13. Confirm the message with OK and press the Start key.
The gun closes. When it detects the force gauge, it stops briefly and then
opens again.
14. A message displays the measured and the configured values.
Select which value is to be used.
15. Press the Start key.
The following message is displayed: Please insert the force sensor and
press the Start key again..
Caution! Do not press OK and do not press the Start key!
16. Set T2.
a. The following message is displayed: Cartesian velocity is still limited in
b. Set the program override to 100%. The message disappears.
17. Press the Start key.
18. Follow the dialog messages and note the values of the 5 measurements.
If the question as to whether the measurement is OK is answered with No,
the controller repeats the measurement.
19. After the 5th measurement, the following message is displayed: Please re-
move the force sensor and press the Start key again.
Caution! Do not press OK and do not press the Start key!
20. Remove the stand with the force gauge.

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6 Start-up and configuration

21. Confirm the message Please remove the force sensor and press the Start
key again. with OK and press the Start key.
The gun closes to the mastering position.
22. The message Please check the gun mastering. is displayed.
Carry out a visual inspection of the mastering position and confirm the
message with OK.

The message must always be confirmed with OK. If the visual inspec-
tion was negative, e.g. because the position of the electrode tips has
shifted, the gun must be remastered.

23. Press the Start key.

The message Force calibration completed! is displayed.
24. Confirm the message with OK and deselect the program.
25. The values noted must be entered on the Calibration 5 P configuration
screen in Force 1 in kN to Force 5 in kN.

The measured values should cover the force range of the gun. This
is dependent on the gun. Guide values:
Force 1 in kN: 0.7 kN … 1.2 kN
 Force 5 in kN: Maximum force

If the measured values are too low, EG_1_Cal must be restarted with higher
motor torques.

6.10 Determining the asymmetrical flexion of X guns

It is only necessary to determine the offset for X guns with the option
Robot compensation.

Description With X guns, it is possible that the upper and lower gun arms may have differ-
ent flexion rates when the gun is closed under force. This means that the point
at which welding is carried out no longer corresponds to the taught point. So
that the software can compensate for this, the offset must be measured and
entered in the configuration.

Precondition  New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.

 Means of marking the position of the closing point
 Operating mode T1

There must be nothing between the electrodes.

1. Close the gun manually, ensuring that no force is exerted.

2. Mark the height at which the closing point of the electrodes lies.
3. Select the program EG_6_Asym_Bend.
4. Start the program. The gun closes with the maximum force.
5. Measure how far the closing point has moved from the mark. At the same
time, hold down the enabling switch!
Also note whether it has shifted in the TCP direction or in the opposite di-
6. Enter the distance value in the Maximum comp. box in the AsymBend
compensation area of the configuration screen Configuration.
The direction of the offset must be specified via the sign:
 If the closing point has shifted in the TCP direction:

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Enter the value without sign.

 If the closing point has shifted in the opposite direction from the TCP
Enter the value with negative sign.
7. Activate or deactivate compensation, as required, in the Compensation
active box.


Fig. 6-8: Example: Without force – with force

Item Description
1 Closed electrodes, without force
2 Moving electrode
3 Mark
The mark is at the same height as the closing point.
4 Closed electrodes, now with force
In this example, the closing point has shifted in the negative TCP
direction due to the application of the force.
(>>> 6.3 "TCP calibration and tool direction" Page 29)
5 Caliper gauge
The caliper gauge is used to measure the difference between the
mark and the current height of the closing point.

6.11 Determining the sliding effect with X guns

The offset can be determined for X guns with oblique electrode

shanks. This offset does not occur with other guns.

Description On X guns with oblique electrode shanks, the electrodes can shift when the
gun is closed under force. This means that the point at which welding is carried
out no longer corresponds to the taught point. So that the software can com-
pensate for this, the offset must be measured and entered in the configuration.

Precondition  New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.

 Means of marking the position of the closing point
 Operating mode T1

There must be nothing between the electrodes.

1. Close the gun manually, ensuring that no force is exerted.

2. Mark the position of the closing point.

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6 Start-up and configuration

3. Select the program EG_7_Sliding.

4. Start the program. The gun closes with the maximum force.
5. Measure how far the closing point has moved from the mark. At the same
time, hold down the enabling switch!
In addition, note the direction in which it has moved (relative to the TOOL
coordinate system).
6. Enter the values in the boxes Maximum comp. and Direction in the X-
Compensation area of the configuration screen Configuration.
7. Activate or deactivate compensation, as required, in the Compensation
active box.

6.12 Setting the software limit switches

The positive and negative software limit switches for the gun (external axis)
must be set. This limits the stroke of the gun.

6.12.1 Setting the negative software limit switch

Precondition  “Expert” user group

 The gun is mastered.
 The gear ratio has been entered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 New electrode tips

Do not open the gun all the way. If in doubt, stop a little
earlier. Damage to property may otherwise result.

Procedure 1. Determine the value for the negative software limit switch:
a. Open the gun until it is almost completely open.
b. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
Note the value of the Position variable.
c. Value sought = value of Position variable + reserve (recommended:
height of 2 motor revolutions)
2. Enter this value in the Gun parameters configuration screen under Soft-
ware limit (mm) and save.

Alternative 1. Take the value from the gun data sheet, and enter and save it in the Gun
procedure parameters configuration screen under Software limit (mm).
2. Check that the value is correct.
 To do this, open the gun manually and observe whether it stops auto-
matically at the point corresponding to the entered value, before
reaching the stop.
 If the gun does not stop automatically, stop manual motion before the
stop is reached. The value from the data sheet is not correct. The pos-
itive limit switch must be determined as described in the first proce-

6.12.2 Setting the positive software limit switch

Precondition  “Expert” user group

 The gun is mastered.
 The gear ratio has been entered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 New electrode tips

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Procedure 1. Calculate the value for the positive software limit switch:
Max. flexion (mm) + Tip wear (burn-off) + reserve (approx. 3 mm)
The values can be taken from the following sources:
 Max. flexion (mm): configuration screen Gun parameters
 Tip wear (burn-off): configuration screen Configuration
 Reserve: This value can be chosen freely as required. Guide value:
3 mm
2. Enter the calculated value in the Gun parameters configuration screen
under Software limit (mm) and save.

6.13 Tip initialization – overview

Description During tip initialization, the current electrode burn-off is measured and saved.
This enables the gun opening to be automatically adapted to the burn-off.

The gun opening is adapted to the current burn-off if the parameter

TCP correction is set to On in the configuration screen Configura-

There are 2 types of tip initialization:

First initialization
Must be carried out in the following cases:
 During commissioning
 Every time the electrode tips are exchanged
Cyclical initialization
 Cyclical initialization must be carried out after tip dressing.

Overview Initialization is performed via a KRL program. Depending on the ServoGun op-
tion selected in WorkVisual, it can also be performed via status key instead.

ServoGun option First initialization Cyclical initialization

Pneumatic (>>> 6.13.1 "First initialization via (>>> 6.13.2 "Cyclical initialization
Robot compensa- status key" Page 70) via status key" Page 71)
tion with Ratio in % (>>> 7.7.1 "Programming first ini-
tialization (Pneumatic option with
Ratio in %)" Page 87)
Robot compensa- (>>> 7.7.4 "Programming first ini- (>>> 7.7.5 "Programming cyclical
tion with Individual tialization (Individual measure- initialization (Individual measure-
measurement ment option)" Page 89) ment option)" Page 91)

If EqualizingTech is installed, the descriptions for the Pneumatic op-

tion must be used.

6.13.1 First initialization via status key

Precondition  Operating mode T1 or T2

 The gun is mastered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.
 The value First Init force has been entered in the configuration screen

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6 Start-up and configuration

Procedure 1. Set program override to 100%.

2. Open the gun manually at least 10 mm.
3. Hold down the enabling switch.
4. Press the status key First initialization. First initialization is performed:

Sequence With this first initialization, the following occurs:

 The gun closes at a constant velocity until the first initialization force is
reached. The electrode tips are pressed firmly onto the electrodes.
 The gun opens.
 The gun closes twice with initialization force.
 The robot controller saves the current tip wear in EG_WEAR[]. The vari-
able EG_WORN is set to FALSE. The output New electrodes is set and

6.13.2 Cyclical initialization via status key

Precondition  T1 or T2 operating mode

 The gun is mastered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 First initialization has been performed.

Procedure 1. Set program override to 100%.

2. Open the gun manually at least 10 mm.
3. Hold down the enabling switch.
4. Press the Cyclical initialization status key. Cyclical initialization is carried

Sequence With this cyclical initialization, the following occurs:

 The gun closes twice with initialization force.
 The robot controller saves the current tip wear in EG_WEAR[]. It gener-
ates a message if the current wear is greater than the maximum permissi-
ble wear (EG_WEAR_MAX). The electrode tips must then be exchanged.

6.14 Controller parameters – overview

Description The controller tool can be used to determine and optimize the motor-specific
and gun-specific controller parameters for PTP and CP motions.
The parameters must be determined in the following order:

Step Parameter / description

1 Proportional factor of the speed controller for PTP and CP
VEL GAIN (Speed controller gain)
2 Integration time constant of the speed controller for PTP and
CP motions
VEL INT TIME (Reset time of speed controller)
3 Position control gain for PTP and CP motions
POS GAIN (Position controller gain)

Sequence The controller tool calls up programs which execute a defined motion profile
cyclically with the active weld gun. At each program cycle, the parameter is in-
creased by the defined increment (‘step size’), starting from the lower limit and

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continuing until the upper limit is reached. The entire sequence for a parame-
ter is recorded as a measurement curve (trace).
While the parameters for the position and speed controllers are being deter-
mined, the axis of the active gun moves between a position before the nega-
tive software limit switch and the mastering position.

6.14.1 Optimizing the parameters for the speed and position controllers

Precondition  The weld gun is fully configured.

 The software limit switches have been set.
 The weld gun is mastered.
 The gun has been calibrated.
 The gear ratio has been entered.
 Operating mode T2

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun controller param..
The Servo Gun parameter finding window is opened.
(>>> 6.14.2 "“Servo Gun parameter finding” window" Page 73)
2. Fill out the following boxes: Gun number:, Motor type, Gun type and
3. Fill out the following boxes: Lower limit, Upper limit and Steps.
4. Press button Motor param.. The program EG_SET_MOTOR_PARAM is
5. Set program override to 100% and execute the program up to the first

If the program override is not set to 100%, the measurements will be


6. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun controller param..

7. Select the menu sequence Trace > VEL GAIN. The measurement curve
for VEL GAIN opens.
8. Read and note the value of VEL GAIN from the measurement curve.
(VEL GAIN = half the value at which the motor current begins to oscillate.)
9. Close the measurement curve and enter the determined value in the Ser-
vo Gun parameter finding in the following box: VEL GAIN (Speed con-
troller gain). Then press Save values.
10. Close the Servo Gun parameter finding window and execute the select-
ed program until the next HALT.
11. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun controller param..
12. Select the menu sequence Trace > VEL INT TIME. The measurement
curve for VEL INT TIME opens.
13. Read and note the value of VEL INT TIME from the measurement curve.
(VEL INT TIME = value with the smallest following error at standstill.)
14. Close the measurement curve and enter the determined value in the Ser-
vo Gun parameter finding in the following box: VEL INT TIME (Reset
time of speed controller). Then press Save values.
15. Close the Servo Gun parameter finding window and execute the select-
ed program until the next HALT.
16. In the main menu, select Configuration > ServoGun controller param..
17. Select the menu sequence Trace > POS GAIN. The measurement curve
for POS GAIN opens.
18. Read and note the value of POS GAIN from the measurement curve.
(POS GAIN = half the value at which the motor current begins to oscillate.)

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6 Start-up and configuration

19. Close the measurement curve and enter the determined value in the Ser-
vo Gun parameter finding in the following box: POS GAIN (Position
controller gain). Then press Save values.
20. Close the Servo Gun parameter finding window and execute the select-
ed program through to the end.
The PTP parameters are automatically saved in addition as CP parame-
The values are also displayed in the configuration screen Gun parameters. If
the values are changed there, the change is transferred to the Servo Gun pa-
rameter finding window, and vice versa.

6.14.2 “Servo Gun parameter finding” window

Fig. 6-9: “Servo Gun parameter finding” window

1 Table
2 Enter the determined parameters here.

The following buttons are available:

Button Description
Motor param. Selects the program
EG_SET_MOTOR_PARAM. This program is
used to determine the parameters for the speed
and position controllers.
Trace > Only available to the user group “Expert” or
[controller_parameter] higher.
Opens the measurement curve for the selected

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Button Description
Table > Load table Only available to the user group “Expert” or
Loads the default values for the following param-
eters: Lower limit, Upper limit, Steps
The default values depend on what is selected in
the following boxes: Motor type, Gun type,
Table > Discard table Only available to the user group “Expert” or
Discards the current entries in the following
boxes: Lower limit, Upper limit, Steps. Instead,
the most recently saved values are displayed.
Save table Saves the following values: Lower limit, Upper
limit, Steps
Save values Saves the entered values.

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7 Programming

7 Programming

7.1 Inline forms – overview

Inline form Description

SPOT Programming a weld spot with/without EqualizingTech
(>>> 7.3 "Programming a weld spot" Page 76)
(>>> 7.4 "Programming a weld spot with EqualizingTech"
Page 80)
DualForce Programming a dual-force weld spot: The weld is started with a
defined force and finished with a different force.
(>>> 7.5 "Programming a DualForce weld spot" Page 81)
(>>> 7.6 "Programming a DualForce weld spot with Equalizing-
Tech" Page 85)
INIT Measuring and saving the current wear.
(>>> 6.13 "Tip initialization – overview" Page 70)
TippDress Tip dressing with/without EqualizingTech
(>>> 7.8 "Programming tip dressing" Page 92)
(>>> 7.9 "Programming tip dressing with EqualizingTech"
Page 96)
ServoGun Decouple Decoupling the gun
(>>> 7.10 "Inline form ServoGun Decouple" Page 97)
ServoGun Couple Coupling the gun
(>>> 7.11 "Inline form ServoGun Couple" Page 98)
Background tip dressing Only with stationary guns:
Background welding  Enabling asynchronous tip dressing
 Enabling asynchronous welding (only for test welding without
a real workpiece)
(>>> 7.12 "Programming background tip dressing or welding"
Page 98)

7.2 Instructions for programming

General  Welding is possible in all modes.

Welding in T1 can be deactivated via EG_T1_OPEN_MOVE if necessary.
(>>> 9 "Variables" Page 109)
 In T1, the velocity is reduced. For this reason, the forces attained during
welding in T1 may fall significantly below the target force. This is especially
the case with low target forces.
Exception: With the Pneumatic option, the gun is closed asynchronously
in T1. It closes with the same velocity as in T2; this ensures that the target
force is also achieved in T1. If required, this functionality can be deactivat-
 In all operating modes, an override less than 100% can cause the attained
forces to fall significantly below the target force.
The program override is automatically 100%, however, when the gun is
closed under force, i.e. the gun reaches its target force. If required, this
functionality can be deactivated via EG_SET_OV_100 = FALSE. In this
case, the set program override applies even when the gun is closed under

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 Weld programs can only be executed in the program run mode #GO.
#MSTEP and #ISTEP are not possible.

Weld spots and tip dressing points that were taught with-
out Equalizing must not be used with Equalizing. Weld
spots and tip dressing points that were taught with Equalizing must not be
used without Equalizing.
If such existing points are to be reused, they must be retaught. Damage to
the gun or the workpiece may otherwise result.

Collision With the following points, the value False must be selected for Collision de-
detection == tection:
FALSE  All weld spots
 All tip dressing points
 All PTP, LIN or CIRC points followed by an INIT New or INIT Same.
 Point INIT – New (Individual measurement option)

RoboTeam The following settings are recommended for working with RoboTeam.

7.2.1 Instructions for use of stationary guns

The descriptions regarding programming refer to guns mounted on the robot

flange. For stationary guns, the programming must be adapted accordingly.
Aspects requiring special consideration:
 In the option window Frames the interpolation mode must be set to True,
indicating that a stationary gun is being used. This concerns the following
inline forms:
 DualForce
 INIT, New (Individual measurement option)
 TippDress
 With the Individual measurement option, it must be taken into account
for first initialization that the plate has to be brought to the gun.

7.3 Programming a weld spot

This description refers to ServoGun without EqualizingTech. If Equal-

izingTech is installed, the relevant description must be used:
(>>> 7.4 "Programming a weld spot with EqualizingTech" Page 80)

Distances The following distances are required for the position of the gun during teach-
For the Pneumatic option:

Electrode Distance from workpiece

Moving electrode Min. 15 mm
Fixed electrode Max. 5 mm
Gun opening Must be at least 4 mm away from the neg-
ative software limit switch.

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7 Programming

For the Robot compensation option:

Electrode Distance from workpiece

Moving electrode Min. 15 mm
Fixed electrode 0 mm
The fixed electrode must be in direct con-
tact with the workpiece, without exerting
any force on it.
Gun opening Must be at least 4 mm away from the neg-
ative software limit switch.

Procedure 1. Position the gun on the desired weld spot. Observe the required distances.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > SPOT and then
select the desired motion type.
3. Set the parameters in the inline form.
(>>> 7.3.1 "Inline form “SPOT” (Pneumatic option)" Page 77)
(>>> 7.3.2 "Inline form “SPOT” (Robot compensation option)" Page 78)
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

7.3.1 Inline form “SPOT” (Pneumatic option)

Fig. 7-1: SPOT (Pneumatic option)

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point
3 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)

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Item Description
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Cont  CLS OPN: Approximate positioning during closing and opening motions
 OPN: Approximate positioning during opening motion
 CLS: Approximate positioning during closing motion
 [blank]: Without approximate positioning
Part Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force Closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer FALSE is configured.
Comp  0: Without compensation
 1: Compensator 1
 2: Compensator 2
 1+2: Compensators 1 and 2
Trigger Distance after which compensation is deactivated on opening the gun
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE, Thickness-
TolTimer TRUE, WeldTimeTimer TRUE

7.3.2 Inline form “SPOT” (Robot compensation option)

Fig. 7-2: SPOT (Robot compensation option)

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point

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7 Programming

Item Description
3 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Cont  CLS OPN: Approximate positioning during closing and opening motions
 OPN: Approximate positioning during opening motion
 CLS: Approximate positioning during closing motion
 [blank]: Without approximate positioning
Part Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force Closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer FALSE is configured.
ApproxDist Correction of the gun position by the robot between the weld spots. This means
of compensation can be used, for example, if the gun would scratch the panel
when moving from one weld spot to the next.
The position is corrected in the negative tool direction.
 0 … 10 mm

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Item Description
SpotOffset Correction of the gun position by the robot at the weld spot. This means of com-
pensation can be used, for example, if the original panel thickness has changed
due to molten material.
Positive value: The position is corrected in the tool direction.
Negative value: The position is corrected in the negative tool direction.
 -5 … +5 mm
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE, Thickness-
TolTimer TRUE, WeldTimeTimer TRUE

7.4 Programming a weld spot with EqualizingTech

Distances The following distances are required for the position of the gun during teach-

Distance … Value
Fixed electrode No distance from the workpiece; must be
in contact with the workpiece.
Gun opening Must be at least 4 mm away from the neg-
ative software limit switch.

Procedure 1. Position the gun on the desired weld spot. Observe the required distances.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > SPOT and then
select the desired motion type.
3. Set the parameters in the inline form. (>>> 7.4.1 "Inline form “SPOT”
(EqualizingTech option)" Page 80)
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Sequence Program sequence for welding:

When approaching points, the robot maintains a certain distance from the
workpiece so that the fixed electrode does not scrape against the workpiece.
The user can configure this distance (for all weld spots for the gun) via the
REAL variable EG_TOUCH_DIFF[] in the file EG_EXTERN.DAT. Default set-
ting: 3 mm.
The actual opening width of the gun at the point is the sum of the taught open-
ing width and this distance.

7.4.1 Inline form “SPOT” (EqualizingTech option)

Fig. 7-3: SPOT (EqualizingTech option)

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7 Programming

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point
3 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Cont  CLS OPN: Approximate positioning during closing and opening motions
 OPN: Approximate positioning during opening motion
 CLS: Approximate positioning during closing motion
 [blank]: Without approximate positioning
Part Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force Closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer FALSE is configured.
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE, Thickness-
TolTimer TRUE, WeldTimeTimer TRUE

7.5 Programming a DualForce weld spot

This description refers to ServoGun without EqualizingTech. If Equal-

izingTech is installed, the relevant description must be used:
(>>> 7.4 "Programming a weld spot with EqualizingTech" Page 80)

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Distances The same distances apply as for a normal weld spot.

(>>> "Distances" Page 76)

Procedure 1. Position the gun on the desired weld spot. Observe the required distances.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > DualForce and
then select the desired motion type.
3. Set the parameters in the inline form.
(>>> 7.5.1 "Inline form “DualForce” (Pneumatic option)" Page 82)
(>>> 7.5.2 "Inline form “DualForce” (Robot compensation option)"
Page 83)
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

7.5.1 Inline form “DualForce” (Pneumatic option)

Fig. 7-4: DualForce (Pneumatic option)

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point
3 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
DF ServoGun Active gun
 1…6

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7 Programming

Item Description
Cont  CLS OPN: Approximate positioning during closing and opening motions
 OPN: Approximate positioning during opening motion
 CLS: Approximate positioning during closing motion
 [blank]: Without approximate positioning
Part Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force1 First closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
The boxes Force1, HoldTime and Force2 are only displayed if the option
Force from timer FALSE is configured.
(>>> "ForceTimer TRUE with DualForce" Page 44)
HoldTime When the gun has reached the first closing force, it maintains this force for the
time specified here.
After this, it switches to the second closing force (without opening and closing).
Force2 Second closing force of the gun
When the gun has reached the second closing force, it maintains this force until
the weld end signal comes from the weld timer.
Comp  0: Without compensation
 1: Compensator 1
 2: Compensator 2
 1+2: Compensators 1 and 2
Trigger Distance after which compensation is deactivated on opening the gun
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE, Thickness-
TolTimer TRUE, WeldTimeTimer TRUE

7.5.2 Inline form “DualForce” (Robot compensation option)

Fig. 7-5: DualForce (Robot compensation option)

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point
3 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
DF ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Cont  CLS OPN: Approximate positioning during closing and opening motions
 OPN: Approximate positioning during opening motion
 CLS: Approximate positioning during closing motion
 [blank]: Without approximate positioning
Part Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force1 First closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
The boxes Force1, HoldTime and Force2 are only displayed if the option
Force from timer FALSE is configured.
(>>> "ForceTimer TRUE with DualForce" Page 44)
HoldTime When the gun has reached the first closing force, it maintains this force for the
time specified here.
After this, it switches to the second closing force (without opening and closing).
Force2 Second closing force of the gun
When the gun has reached the second closing force, it maintains this force until
the weld end signal comes from the weld timer.

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7 Programming

Item Description
ApproxDist Correction of the gun position by the robot between the weld spots. This means
of compensation can be used, for example, if the gun would scratch the panel
when moving from one weld spot to the next.
The position is corrected in the negative tool direction.
 0 … 10 mm
SpotOffset Correction of the gun position by the robot at the weld spot. This means of com-
pensation can be used, for example, if the original panel thickness has changed
due to molten material.
Positive value: The position is corrected in the tool direction.
Negative value: The position is corrected in the negative tool direction.
 -5 … +5 mm
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE, Thickness-
TolTimer TRUE, WeldTimeTimer TRUE

7.6 Programming a DualForce weld spot with EqualizingTech

Procedure 1. Position the gun on the desired weld spot. Observe the required distances.
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > DualForce and
then select the desired motion type.
3. Set the parameters in the inline form.
(>>> 7.6.1 "Inline form “DualForce” (EqualizingTech option)" Page 85)
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

7.6.1 Inline form “DualForce” (EqualizingTech option)

Fig. 7-6: DualForce (EqualizingTech option)

Item Description
1 Motion type
2 Only for CIRC motions: Auxiliary point

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Item Description
3 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
DF ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Cont  CLS OPN: Approximate positioning during closing and opening motions
 OPN: Approximate positioning during opening motion
 CLS: Approximate positioning during closing motion
 [blank]: Without approximate positioning
Part Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force1 First closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
The boxes Force1, HoldTime and Force2 are only displayed if the option
Force from timer FALSE is configured.
(>>> "ForceTimer TRUE with DualForce" Page 44)
HoldTime When the gun has reached the first closing force, it maintains this force for the
time specified here.
After this, it switches to the second closing force (without opening and closing).
Force2 Second closing force of the gun
When the gun has reached the second closing force, it maintains this force until
the weld end signal comes from the weld timer.
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE, Thickness-
TolTimer TRUE, WeldTimeTimer TRUE

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7 Programming

7.7 Programming tip initialization

Overview Initialization is performed via a KRL program. Depending on the ServoGun op-
tion selected in WorkVisual, it can also be performed via status key instead.

ServoGun option First initialization Cyclical initialization

Pneumatic (>>> 6.13.1 "First initialization via (>>> 6.13.2 "Cyclical initialization
Robot compensa- status key" Page 70) via status key" Page 71)
tion with Ratio in % (>>> 7.7.1 "Programming first ini-
tialization (Pneumatic option with
Ratio in %)" Page 87)
Robot compensa- (>>> 7.7.4 "Programming first ini- (>>> 7.7.5 "Programming cyclical
tion with Individual tialization (Individual measure- initialization (Individual measure-
measurement ment option)" Page 89) ment option)" Page 91)

If EqualizingTech is installed, the descriptions for the Pneumatic op-

tion must be used.

7.7.1 Programming first initialization (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %)

Description 1 position must be taught for initialization. This is taught as a normal motion

Precondition  Operating mode T1 or T2

 The gun has been calibrated as a tool. This tool is currently selected.
 The gun is mastered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.
 The following values have been entered in the configuration screen Con-
figuration. First Init force, TCP orientation
 The software limit switches have been set.

Procedure 1. Move the gun to the position at which initialization is to be performed.

The position must be at least 4 mm away from the negative software limit
2. Teach a conventional PTP, LIN or CIRC point at this position.

With this point, the value False must be selected for Collision detec-
tion (in the Frames option window).

3. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > INIT.

4. Select the gun in the inline form.
5. Select New in the inline form.
(>>> 7.7.3 "Inline form “INIT” (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %)"
Page 88)
6. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Sequence With this first initialization, the following occurs:

 The gun closes at a constant velocity until the first initialization force is
reached. The electrode tips are pressed firmly onto the electrodes.
 The gun opens.
 The gun closes twice with initialization force.
 The robot controller saves the current tip wear in EG_WEAR[].

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

 The gun moves to the initialization position.

 The moving gun arm performs a motion with initialization force.
 The variable EG_WORN is set to FALSE. The output New electrodes is
set and reset.

7.7.2 Programming cyclical initialization (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %)

Description 1 position must be taught for initialization. This is taught as a normal motion

Precondition  T1 or T2 operating mode

 The gun has been calibrated as a tool. This tool is currently selected.
 The gun is mastered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 The software limit switches have been set.
 First initialization has been performed.

Procedure 1. Move the gun to the position at which initialization is to be performed.

The position must be at least 4 mm away from the negative software limit
2. Teach a conventional PTP, LIN or CIRC point at this position.

With this point, the value False must be selected for Collision detec-
tion (in the Frames option window).

3. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > INIT.

4. Select the gun in the inline form.
5. Select Same in the inline form.
(>>> 7.7.3 "Inline form “INIT” (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %)"
Page 88)
6. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

Sequence With this cyclical initialization, the following occurs:

 The gun closes twice with initialization force.
 The robot controller saves the current tip wear in EG_WEAR[]. It gener-
ates a message if the current wear is greater than the maximum permissi-
ble wear (EG_WEAR_MAX). The electrode tips must then be exchanged.

7.7.3 Inline form “INIT” (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %)

The inline form does not contain any position data; the preceding
point is used. The point must be at least 4 mm away from the negative
software limit switch.

Fig. 7-7: INIT (Pneumatic option with Ratio in %)

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7 Programming

Item Description
1 Select the active gun.
 1…6
2  New: First initialization
 Same: Cyclical initialization

7.7.4 Programming first initialization (Individual measurement option)

Description First the overall burn-off is determined. After this, the precise burn-off is deter-
mined for the moving electrode. The burn-off of the fixed electrode is derived
from the difference. 2 positions must be taught for initialization:
 1st position:
The overall burn-off is determined at this position. It is taught freely in
space as a normal motion point. It may be no further than 100 mm from
the 2nd position.
(The robot controller does not check the distance as a vector but checks
the change of the X, Y and Z coordinates.)
 2nd position:
The burn-off of the moving electrode is measured at this position. The po-
sition is taught with the inline form INIT NEW.
The position must be taught on a fixed plate, e.g. a plate on the tip dresser.
Both electrodes must be in contact with the plate. No force must be ap-

Fig. 7-8: Example: Determining the burn-off using a plate

1 1st position 2 2nd position

Recommendation: Set EG_ASA_WEAR_SINGLE to TRUE. Advan-

Initialization is more precise.
 The force applied to the plate is less than 500 N. The exact force is de-
pendent on the gun.

Precondition  Operating mode T2

 The gun has been calibrated as a tool. This tool is currently selected.
 The gun is mastered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

 The following values have been entered in the configuration screen Con-
figuration. First Init force, TCP orientation
 A suitable plate is available for teaching the 2nd position.
 If EG_ASA_WEAR_SINGLE == TRUE: The plate must be able to with-
stand the force applied. The force is below 500 N. The exact force is
dependent on the gun.
 If EG_ASA_WEAR_SINGLE == FALSE: The plate must be able to
withstand a force of at least 500 N.

Procedure 1. Move the gun to the desired 1st position.

2. Teach a conventional PTP, LIN or CIRC point at this position.

With this point, the value False must be selected for Collision detec-
tion (in the Frames option window).

3. Move the gun to the 2nd position.

4. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > INIT.
5. In the inline form, edit the point data and select the gun.
6. Select New in the inline form.
(>>> 7.7.6 "Inline form “INIT” (Individual measurement option)" Page 91)
7. Click on Touch Up to save the current position as the initialization posi-

Do not click on Cmd OK. In this case, the initialization position is not

It is not essential for a separate point to be taught as the 1st position.

The 2nd position can be addressed from any point, subject to the fol-
lowing preconditions:
 The gun can be opened and closed at the point.
 The point is no further than 100 mm from the 2nd position.
 With this point, the value False is selected for Collision detection (in the
Frames option window).
 The BASE coordinate systems of all points from which the 2nd position
is addressed must be identical.
It is nevertheless advisable for a separate point to be taught as the 1st posi-
tion in order to ensure that the preconditions are always satisfied.

Sequence With this first initialization, the following occurs:

 The gun moves to the 1st position.
 The gun closes at a constant velocity until the first initialization force is
reached. The electrode tips are pressed firmly onto the electrodes.
 The gun opens.
 The gun closes twice with initialization force.
 The robot controller saves the current tip wear in EG_WEAR.
 The gun moves to the 2nd position.
 The moving gun arm performs a motion with initialization force.
 The variable EG_WORN is set to FALSE. The output New electrodes is
set and reset. EG_WEAR_FLEX and EG_WEAR_FIX are set to “0”.

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7 Programming

7.7.5 Programming cyclical initialization (Individual measurement option)

Description Cyclical initialization is always performed at the position taught as the 2nd po-
sition for first initialization.

Precondition  Operating mode T2

 The gun has been calibrated as a tool. This tool is currently selected.
 The gun is mastered.
 The gun is calibrated.
 First initialization has been performed.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > INIT.
2. Select the gun in the inline form.
3. Select Same in the inline form.
(>>> 7.7.6 "Inline form “INIT” (Individual measurement option)" Page 91)

Sequence With this cyclical initialization, the following occurs:

 The gun moves to the 1st position.
 The gun closes twice with initialization force.
 The robot controller saves the current tip wear in EG_WEAR.
 The gun moves to the 2nd position.
 The moving gun arm performs a motion with initialization force.

7.7.6 Inline form “INIT” (Individual measurement option)

Fig. 7-9: INIT – New (Individual measurement)

Fig. 7-10: INIT – Same (Individual measurement)

Item Description
1 Only displayed if New is selected:
Point name. The system automatically assigns the name. It cannot
be changed.
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Note: With this point, the value False must be selected for Colli-
sion detection in the option window.
2 Select the active gun.
 1 ... 6
3  New: First initialization
 Same: Cyclical initialization

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

7.8 Programming tip dressing

This description refers to ServoGun without EqualizingTech. If Equal-

izingTech is installed, the relevant description must be used:
(>>> 7.9 "Programming tip dressing with EqualizingTech" Page 96)

Description TippDress executes a weld spot without approximate positioning.

The following parameters must be set in the weld timer:
 Dressing time (complete cycle time)
 Cycle without current

Dressing must be performed without weld current. If

dressing is carried out with weld current, damage to
property is liable to occur.

Fig. 7-11: Tip dressing

Distances The same distances apply as for a normal weld spot.

(>>> "Distances" Page 76)

Precondition  The thickness of the tip dresser has been determined.

(>>> 7.8.1 "Determining the thickness of the tip dresser" Page 93)

Procedure 1. Position the gun on the desired tip dressing point. Observe the required
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > TippDress and
then select the desired motion type.
3. Set the parameters in the inline form.
(>>> 7.8.2 "Inline form “TippDress” (Pneumatic option)" Page 93)
(>>> 7.8.3 "Inline form “TippDress” (Robot compensation option)"
Page 94)
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

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7 Programming

After tip dressing, cyclical initialization must be performed.

Sequence The default sequence for tip dressing corresponds to the sequence for weld-
ing. The gun closes until the defined force is reached. The robot controller then
sets the output Weld start and waits for the input Weld end.
If a different sequence is required for tip dressing, this can be programmed in
the subprogram EG_USERDRESS. In order for the robot controller to perform
this different sequence, the variable EG_NON_KUKA_DRESS must be set to

7.8.1 Determining the thickness of the tip dresser

Description The thickness of the tip dresser is required for the inline form TippDress.

Precondition  The gun is mastered.

 New electrode tips are fitted on the gun.
 T1 or T2 operating mode

Procedure 1. Position the gun with both electrodes on the the tip dresser.
2. Close the gun until build-up of tip dressing force.
3. In the main menu, select Display > Variable > Overview > Display.
The Variable overview – Display window is opened.
4. Read and note the value of the Position variable.

7.8.2 Inline form “TippDress” (Pneumatic option)

Fig. 7-12: TippDress (Pneumatic option)

Item Description
1 Motion type
 PTP or LIN
2 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 LIN: 0.001 … 2 m/s

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Item Description
4 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Part Thickness of the tip dresser
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force Closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer FALSE is configured.
Comp  0: Without compensation
 1: Compensator 1
 2: Compensator 2
 1+2: Compensators 1 and 2
Trigger Distance after which compensation is deactivated on opening the gun
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE
(ThicknessTolTimer and WeldTimeTimer are not relevant for tip dressing.)

7.8.3 Inline form “TippDress” (Robot compensation option)

Fig. 7-13: Tip dressing (Robot compensation option)

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7 Programming

Item Description
1 Motion type
 PTP or LIN
2 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
3 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Part Thickness of the dresser
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force Closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer FALSE is configured.
ApproxDist Correction of the gun position by the robot between the weld spots. This means
of compensation can be used, for example, if the gun would scratch the panel
when moving from one weld spot to the next.
The position is corrected in the negative tool direction.
 0 … 10 mm
SpotOffset Correction of the gun position by the robot at the weld spot. This means of com-
pensation can be used, for example, if the original panel thickness has changed
due to molten material.
Positive value: The position is corrected in the tool direction.
Negative value: The position is corrected in the negative tool direction.
 -5 … +5 mm
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE
(ThicknessTolTimer and WeldTimeTimer are not relevant for tip dressing.)

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7.9 Programming tip dressing with EqualizingTech

Description TippDress executes a weld spot without approximate positioning.

The following parameters must be set in the weld timer:
 Dressing time (complete cycle time)
 Cycle without current

Dressing must be performed without weld current. If

dressing is carried out with weld current, damage to
property is liable to occur.

Distances The following distances are required for the position of the gun during teach-

Distance … Value
Fixed electrode No distance from the workpiece; must be
in contact with the workpiece.
Gun opening Must be at least 4 mm away from the neg-
ative software limit switch.

Precondition  The thickness of the tip dresser has been determined.

(>>> 7.8.1 "Determining the thickness of the tip dresser" Page 93)

Procedure 1. Position the gun on the desired tip dressing point. Observe the required
2. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > TippDress > Ser-
voTech or LIN.
3. Set the parameters in the inline form. Also enter the thickness of the tip
dresser. (>>> 7.9.1 "Inline form “TippDress” (EqualizingTech option)"
Page 96)
4. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

After tip dressing, cyclical initialization must be performed.

Sequence Program sequence for tip dressing:

The default sequence corresponds to the sequence for welding.
If a different sequence is required for tip dressing, this can be programmed in
the subprogram EG_USERDRESS. In order for the robot controller to perform
this different sequence, the variable EG_NON_KUKA_DRESS must be set to

7.9.1 Inline form “TippDress” (EqualizingTech option)

Fig. 7-14: TippDress (EqualizingTech option)

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7 Programming

Item Description
1 Motion type
 PTP or LIN
2 Name of the end point
(>>> 7.13 "Option window “Frames”" Page 99)
Only with the option Point name: The last 7 characters (= default number) must
be digits. The robot controller communicates these digits to the weld timer as
the program number. The number of relevant final characters can be configured
in the parameter Number of entities.
 […]0 000 001… […]9 999 999
Vel Velocity
 PTP: 0 … 100 %
 For LIN or CIRC: 0.001 … 2 m/s
3 Name for the motion data set. The system automatically generates a name. The
name can be overwritten.
(>>> 7.14 "Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)" Page 100)
(>>> 7.15 "Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)" Page 101)
ProgNr Program number for the weld timer
 1 … 100 000
This box is only displayed if the Program number option is configured.
ServoGun Active gun
 1…6
Part Thickness of the tip dresser
 0 … 100 mm
This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Timer FALSE is con-
Force Closing force of the gun
 Maximum value: Value of the configuration parameter Maximum gun
force in kN
This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer FALSE is configured.
WeldTimer Weld parameters
(>>> 7.16 "Option window “Weld timer parameters”" Page 102)
This box is only displayed if at least one of the following options has been con-
figured: Force from timer TRUE, Thickness from Timer TRUE
(ThicknessTolTimer and WeldTimeTimer are not relevant for tip dressing.)

7.10 Inline form ServoGun Decouple

Description This command decouples – within the software – the gun currently in use. The
inline form does not control any hardware, inputs or outputs.

The opening width of the gun must be identical in both the coupling
and decoupling position. Recommendation: The gun should be open
at least 10 mm.
Do not decouple the gun if it is in the mastering position, since the mastering
would otherwise be lost when the gun is recoupled.

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Fig. 7-15: ServoGun Decouple

Item Description
1 Select the active gun.
 1 ... 6

7.11 Inline form ServoGun Couple

Description This command couples – within the software – the gun currently in use. The
inline form does not control any hardware, inputs or outputs.

The opening width of the gun must be identical in both the coupling
and decoupling position. Recommendation: The gun should be
open at least 10 mm.

Fig. 7-16: ServoGun Couple

Item Description
1 Select the active gun.
 1 ... 6

7.12 Programming background tip dressing or welding

Description While tip dressing is being carried out with a stationary gun, the robot is nor-
mally not available for other work (e.g. fetching a new workpiece).
The reason for this is that the robot axes and the external axis (= gun) are
moved synchronously. This means they perform common motions that start
and finish simultaneously. Even though the robot axes are usually stationary
during dressing, this is nevertheless part of the overall motion.
With the Background commands, however, it is possible to move the station-
ary gun asynchronously. At the same time, the robot axes are able to execute
other movements independently of the gun.
The asynchronous gun motion is not only possible during tip dressing, but also
during welding. However, this only applies to test welding where no real work-
piece is used.

Precondition To enable the robot controller to execute background commands, the corre-
sponding inputs and outputs must be configured in EG_EXTERN.DAT.

Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Commands > ServoTech > Background.
Then select either Background tip dressing or Background welding.
2. Set the parameters in the inline form.
(>>> 7.12.1 "Inline form “Background tip dressing”" Page 99)
(>>> 7.12.2 "Inline form “Background welding”" Page 99)

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7 Programming

3. Press Cmd OK to save the instruction.

7.12.1 Inline form “Background tip dressing”

Fig. 7-17: Background tip dressing

Item Description
1  Enable: Asynchronous motion of the stationary gun during tip
dressing is possible.
 Disable: Not possible.
2 Select the gun number.
 1 ... 6

7.12.2 Inline form “Background welding”

Fig. 7-18: Background welding

Item Description
1  Enable: Asynchronous motion of the stationary gun during
welding is possible.
 Disable: Not possible.
2 Select the active gun.
 1 ... 6

7.13 Option window “Frames”

Fig. 7-19: Option window: Frames

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

With the following points, the value False must be selected for Colli-
sion detection:
All weld spots
 All tip dressing points
 All PTP, LIN or CIRC points followed by an INIT New or INIT Same.
 Point INIT – New (Individual measurement)

Item Description
1 Tool selection.
If True in the box External TCP: workpiece selection.
Range of values: [1] … [16]
2 Base selection.
If True in the box External TCP: fixed tool selection.
Range of values: [1] … [32]
3 Interpolation mode
 False: The tool is mounted on the mounting flange.
 True: The tool is a fixed tool.
4  True: For this motion, the robot controller calculates the axis
torques. These are required for collision detection.
 False: For this motion, the robot controller does not calculate
the axis torques. Collision detection is thus not possible for this

7.14 Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)

Fig. 7-20: Option window: Motion parameters (PTP)

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7 Programming

Item Description
1 Acceleration
Refers to the maximum value specified in the machine data. The
maximum value depends on the robot type and the selected oper-
ating mode.
 1 … 100 %
2 This box is only displayed if it is specified in the inline form that the
point is to be approximated.
Furthest distance before the end point at which approximate posi-
tioning can begin.
Maximum distance 100%: half the distance between the start
point and the end point relative to the contour of the PTP motion
without approximate positioning
 1 … 100 %

7.15 Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)

Fig. 7-21: Option window: Motion parameters (LIN, CIRC)

Item Description
1 Path acceleration
Refers to the maximum value specified in the machine data. The
maximum value depends on the robot type and the selected oper-
ating mode.
2 This box is only displayed if it is specified in the inline form that the
point is to be approximated.
Furthest distance before the end point at which approximate posi-
tioning can begin
The maximum permissible value is half the distance between the
start point and the end point. If a higher value is entered, this is
ignored and the maximum value is used.
3 Orientation control selection.
 Standard
 Wrist PTP
 Constant orientation control

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

7.16 Option window “Weld timer parameters”

The values in this window come from the weld timer. They are only
displayed and cannot be modified.
Exception: If the configuration parameter Timer type is set to TEST,
the values can be edited. The values displayed are those which the robot
controller last received from a weld timer.

Fig. 7-22: Option window “Weld timer parameters”

Item Description
1 Welding force
Note: This box is only displayed if the option Force from timer
TRUE has been configured.
2 Total thickness of the workpieces to be welded
Note: This box is only displayed if the option Thickness from Tim-
er TRUE has been configured.
3 Amount by which the actual total thickness may deviate (in both di-
rections) from the value in Part thickness
Example: If Part thickness is set to 20 mm and Part thickness
tolerance to 3 mm, then the total thickness may lie between 17
and 23 mm.
 This box is only displayed if the option ThicknessTolTimer
TRUE has been selected.
 ThicknessTolTimer is not relevant for tip dressing.
4 Note: This parameter is reserved for future use in combination with
KUKA.RoboSpin. KUKA.RoboSpin is not yet available for use with
ServoGun TC. The parameter is currently without meaning.
Weld time (duration of the welding process)
 This box is only displayed if the option WeldTimeTimer TRUE
has been selected.
 This value plus the value of EG_WELDTIME_OFFSET[axis no.]
results in the spin time.
 WeldTimeTimer is not relevant for tip dressing.

7.17 Teach mode (reteaching weld spots)

Description Teach mode is only available for the Robot compensation option.

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7 Programming

In Teach mode, the gun moves to the points taught in KUKA.ServoGun TC

and stops there. This allows the user to check the position and to reteach it if
The gun does not stop at points which are not specific to ServoGun (e.g. at
conventional PTP points).
(Without Teach mode, guns without pneumatic compensation are moved not
to the originally taught weld spots, but to corrected points.)

Precondition  A program is selected.

 Operating mode T1 or T2

Procedure 1. Hold down the enabling switch.

2. Press the Toggle status keys status key until the Teach Mode Off status
key is displayed.
3. Press the Teach Mode Off status key. Teach mode is now activated.
4. Hold down the Start key. The gun stops at the taught position.
5. Check the position and reteach it if necessary.
6. Hold down the Start key. The gun closes to the programmed force and
then moves to the next taught position, where it stops.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all points that are to be checked have been ex-
8. Press the Teach Mode On status key in order to deactivate Teach mode

7.18 Correcting weld spots semi-automatically (ASA)

Description Weld spots can be corrected semi-automatically by means of ASA (= Automat-

ic Standoff Adjustment). ASA can be used to adapt a weld program to the
changed position of a workpiece.
The user executes the welding program in ASA mode. Program execution is
as usual apart from the weld spots: At these points the gun determines the po-
sition of the workpiece. The user then has the option of adapting the weld spot
to the current workpiece.

Precondition  Operating mode T1

 The variable EG_ASA_ON is TRUE.

Procedure 1. Select and execute the welding program.

On reaching a weld spot, the gun stays open further than originally taught
(EG_ET_DIST). Among other things, this serves the purpose of avoiding
a collision with the workpiece.
The gun closes at constant velocity. When the moving electrode contacts
the workpiece, the motion stops and the following query is displayed: Do
you want to move to the calculated position?
2. Answer the query with YES. The fixed electrode now moves to the work-
piece and the gun opens to the width originally taught.
3. The robot controller checks the deviation of the fixed electrode from the
position originally taught (taking into account the current tip wear).
 If the deviation is greater than EG_ET_MAX_DIFF, the following mes-
sage is displayed: The difference is ... mm too high!
If the current position is to be taught, press Touch Up. Then press the
Start key to continue the program.
If the original position is to be retained, continue the program by press-
ing the Start key.

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 If the deviation is less than or equal to EG_ET_MAX_DIFF, the robot

controller automatically continues the program.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all points of the welding program.
5. Set the variable EG_ASA_ON to FALSE.

Only for the Robot compensation option:

If the gun causes the workpiece to bend, this can be offset by entering
a corresponding value in the box SpotOffset in the inline form.

Variables The variables are located in the file EG_EXTERN.DAT in the directory

Variable Description
 FALSE (default): ASA mode is switched off.
 TRUE: ASA mode is switched on.
EG_ET_DIST[gun no.] Type: REAL
Opening of the gun at the weld spot, additionally to the width orig-
inally taught
Default: 10.0 (mm)
Maximum deviation allowed between the current position of the
TCP (taking the current tip wear into account) and the position
originally taught
Default: 3.0 (mm)

7.19 User-specific subprograms

ServoGun TC contains subprograms that the user can adapt individually to his
No parameters can be transferred in the subprograms.

The adaptations in these subprograms are preserved if the technolo-

gy package is updated. If the package is uninstalled, the adaptations
will be lost. The data must therefore be backed up beforehand if re-

The subprograms are located in the following programs in the directory

 EG_USER_BG_TD_W.SRC (for background welding and background tip

Precondition  “Expert” user group

7.19.1 EG_USER.SRC

Subprograms which are not listed below are primarily in-

tended for use by KUKA employees. They may only be
modified after consultation with KUKA Roboter GmbH.

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7 Programming EG_PRE() (before welding)

The necessary input/output signals can be programmed, in order to poll the

welding power source, for example, or to verify certain states.
Instructions that trigger an advance run stop are allowed.

Precondition  The gun is closed under pressure.

 The weld start signal has not yet been given. EG_POST_ERROR() (after welding and tip dressing)

Process errors can be evaluated. The program can evaluate user-specific

monitoring signals.
Instructions that trigger an advance run stop are allowed.

Precondition  End of weld signal is set. EG_PRED() (before tip dressing)

This program is called before tip dressing. It can be used to switch on the tip
dresser, for example, or wait for an enable signal from the PLC.
Instructions that trigger an advance run stop are allowed. EG_POSTD() (after tip dressing)

This program is called after tip dressing.

Instructions that trigger an advance run stop are not allowed. EG_USERDRESS() (tip dressing)

Description If the programs EG_PRED() and EG_POSTD() are not sufficient for tip dress-
ing, the user must program the specific tip dressing process in the
EG_USERDRESS() program. EG_USERDRESS() consists of 3 programs:
 Close gun under pressure
 Open gun in order to close it again without robot motion
 Open gun with subsequent robot motion

It is also possible to access the 3 Gun_…() programs from outside of

EG_USERDRESS(), i.e. it is not absolutely necessary to execute
EG_USERDRESS() in order to execute one of these programs.

Precondition In order for the robot controller to execute EG_USERDRESS(), the variable
EG_NON_KUKA_DRESS must be set to TRUE.

EG_PRED() and EG_POSTD() are always executed, irrespective of

the state of the variable EG_NON_KUKA_DRESS.

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1


Program When does the robot controller call the program?

EG_PRE_BG_TD Before background tip dressing
EG_POST_BG_TD After background tip dressing
EG_PRE_BG_W Before background welding
EG_POST_BG_W After background welding

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8 Diagnosis

8 Diagnosis

8.1 Displaying and exporting data from the weld timer

Description This overview displays the weld spots of a program, together with all the val-
ues which the robot controller has received from the weld timer for each point.
Which values these are depends on the configuration of the ServoGun op-
All programs that have been executed are available for selection. The values
displayed are always those from the last program execution.

Precondition  “Expert” user group

 The program whose data are to be displayed has been executed.

Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Diagnosis > ServoGun TC > Weld timer data.
The Overview of weld timer data window is opened.
2. In the Module name box, select the program whose data are to be dis-
3. If required: To export the displayed data, press Export.
The data are exported to a CSV file in the directory C:\KRC\USER\Weld-

Fig. 8-1: Overview of weld timer data

8.2 Displaying ServoGun I/Os

Precondition  “Expert” user group

Procedure  In the main menu, select Diagnosis > ServoGun TC > ServoGun I/Os.
The I/Os for weld timer / PLC window is opened.

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Description The I/Os for weld timer / PLC window contains 2 tabs: one shows the I/O
configuration between the robot controller and the weld timer, the other shows
the I/O configuration between the robot controller and the PLC.
Lamps indicate the states of the I/Os.

Lamps State / description

Green HIGH  HIGH = normal or desired state
 LOW = abnormal or undesired
Green LOW
and gray

Red HIGH  HIGH = abnormal or undesired

Red and LOW  LOW = normal or desired state

Fig. 8-2: “Weld timer” tab

Fig. 8-3: “PLC” tab

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9 Variables

9 Variables
This section contains important variables from EG_EXTERN.DAT which are
not listed separately elsewhere in this documentation.

Variables in EG_EXTERN.DAT can be changed via the variable cor-

rection function or directly in the file.
Information about the variable correction function can be found in the
operating and programming instructions for the KUKA System Software

General variables:

Variable Description
Distance after resetting compensation until settling of the gun
Default: 0 mm
EG_FORCE_INIT[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Initialization force
Default: 2.0 kN
… [6]
First initialization force
Default: 2.5 kN
Constant motion distance for first initialization
Default: 10 mm
Constant motion distance for cyclical initialization
Default: 18 mm
EG_INIT_TOL_N[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Negative position tolerance for initialization
Default: -5 mm
EG_INIT_TOL_P[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Positive position tolerance for initialization
Default: 5 mm
 FALSE (default): Default sequence for tip dressing
 TRUE: Use a user-defined program EG_USERDRESS for tip
 FALSE (default): No office mode
 TRUE: Office mode
Workpiece check
Default: TRUE
Program number for the weld timer

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Variable Description
1] … [6]
Assignment of a gun to an external axis
Default for [1] = 1; for [2] … [6] = 0
EG_SET_OV_100 Type: BOOL
 TRUE (default): When the gun is closed under force, the pro-
gram override is automatically always 100%, i.e. the gun clos-
es with the target force.
 FALSE: The set program override applies. In any operating
mode, an override less than 100% can cause the attained forc-
es to fall significantly below the target force.
Note: For RoboTeam, EG_SET_OV_100 = FALSE is recom-
 FALSE (default): Welding is performed in T1.
 TRUE: The gun does not close in T1. No welding is carried out.
 The gun always closes in the case of initialization via status
key. EG_T1_OPEN_MOVE is not evaluated in this case.
 For RoboTeam, EG_T1_OPEN_MOVE = FALSE is recom-
Timeout for error messages
Default: 3,000 ms
EG_TOL_DIST[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Constant motion distance
Default: 3 mm
EG_TOUCH_DIFF[1] ... [6] Type: REAL
Only relevant if EqualizingTech is installed.
When approaching weld spots and tip dressing points, the robot
maintains a certain distance from the workpiece so that the fixed
electrode does not scrape against the workpiece. The variable
defines the distance. The opening width of the gun at the point is
the sum of the taught opening width and the distance.
Default: 3 mm
EG_WEAR[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Current tip wear (both electrodes)
Default: 0 mm
EG_WEAR_FIX[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Burn-off of the fixed electrode
Default: 0 mm
EG_WEAR_FLEX[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Burn-off of the moving electrode
Default: 0 mm

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9 Variables

Variable Description
EG_WEAR_MAX[1] … [6] Type: REAL
Maximum permissible tip wear (both electrodes)
Default: 8 mm
… [6]
Gun flexion calculated by EG_1_Cal
Default: 20 mm
EG_WORN[1] … [6] Type: BOOL
 FALSE (default): Current tip wear less than or equal to maxi-
mum permissible wear
 TRUE: Current tip wear greater than maximum permissible

Only relevant for the Pneumatic option:

Variable Description
 TRUE (default): The gun is closed asynchronously in T1. It
closes with the same velocity as in T2; this ensures that the tar-
get force is also achieved in T1.
 FALSE: In T1, the velocity is reduced, also that of the gun. For
this reason, the forces attained during welding in T1 may fall
significantly below the target force. This is especially the case
with low target forces.
Note: For RoboTeam, EG_SPOT_ASYNC_T1 = FALSE is recom-

Only relevant for the Robot compensation option:

Variable Description
Only relevant for the Individual measurement option.
 TRUE (recommended setting): Initialization is more precise.
The force applied to the plate is less than 500 N. The exact
force is dependent on the gun.
 FALSE (default): The plate for initialization must be able to
withstand a force of at least 500 N.
Distance of the fixed electrode from the workpiece
Default: 5 mm
Distance of the moving electrode from the workpiece
Default: 5 mm
First initialization
Position of the moving electrode on reaching initialization force
Default: 0.0

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Variable Description
Determining the tip wear (burn-off)
Position of the moving electrode on reaching initialization force
Default: 0.0
The difference between EG_INIT_POS_REF[1] … [6] and
EG_INIT_POS_USED[1] … [6] gives the wear of the moving elec-
The difference between EG_WEAR[1] … [6] and
EG_INIT_POS_USED[1] … [6] gives the wear of the fixed elec-
EG_WEAR_RATIO[1] … [6] Type: INT
Only relevant for the Ratio in % option (#WEAR_RATIO).
The proportion defined here is taken as the proportion of the mov-
ing electrode in the overall wear. (The proportion of the fixed elec-
trode is then derived from the difference between this proportion
and 100%)
The default value gives a wear ratio of 50:50.
Default: 50%

112 / 125 Issued: 29.07.2013 Version: KST ServoGun TC 4.1 V1 en (PDF)

10 KUKA Service

10 KUKA Service

10.1 Requesting support

Introduction The KUKA Roboter GmbH documentation offers information on operation and
provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance, please con-
tact your local KUKA subsidiary.

Information The following information is required for processing a support request:

 Model and serial number of the manipulator
 Model and serial number of the controller
 Model and serial number of the linear unit (if applicable)
 Model and serial number of the energy supply system (if applicable)
 Version of the KUKA System Software
 Optional software or modifications
 Archive of the software
 Application used
 Any external axes used (if applicable)
 Description of the problem, duration and frequency of the fault

10.2 KUKA Customer Support

Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.

Argentina Ruben Costantini S.A. (Agency)

Luis Angel Huergo 13 20
Parque Industrial
2400 San Francisco (CBA)
Tel. +54 3564 421033
Fax +54 3564 428877
[email protected]

Australia Headland Machinery Pty. Ltd.

Victoria (Head Office & Showroom)
95 Highbury Road
Victoria 31 25
Tel. +61 3 9244-3500
Fax +61 3 9244-3501
[email protected]

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

Belgium KUKA Automatisering + Robots N.V.

Centrum Zuid 1031
3530 Houthalen
Tel. +32 11 516160
Fax +32 11 526794
[email protected]

Brazil KUKA Roboter do Brasil Ltda.

Travessa Claudio Armando, nº 171
Bloco 5 - Galpões 51/52
Bairro Assunção
CEP 09861-7630 São Bernardo do Campo - SP
Tel. +55 11 4942-8299
Fax +55 11 2201-7883
[email protected]

Chile Robotec S.A. (Agency)

Santiago de Chile
Tel. +56 2 331-5951
Fax +56 2 331-5952
[email protected]

China KUKA Robotics China Co.,Ltd.

Songjiang Industrial Zone
No. 388 Minshen Road
201612 Shanghai
Tel. +86 21 6787-1888
Fax +86 21 6787-1803

Germany KUKA Roboter GmbH

Zugspitzstr. 140
86165 Augsburg
Tel. +49 821 797-4000
Fax +49 821 797-1616
[email protected]

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10 KUKA Service

France KUKA Automatisme + Robotique SAS

6, Avenue du Parc
91140 Villebon S/Yvette
Tel. +33 1 6931660-0
Fax +33 1 6931660-1
[email protected]

India KUKA Robotics India Pvt. Ltd.

Office Number-7, German Centre,
Level 12, Building No. - 9B
DLF Cyber City Phase III
122 002 Gurgaon
Tel. +91 124 4635774
Fax +91 124 4635773
[email protected]

Italy KUKA Roboter Italia S.p.A.

Via Pavia 9/a - int.6
10098 Rivoli (TO)
Tel. +39 011 959-5013
Fax +39 011 959-5141
[email protected]

Japan KUKA Robotics Japan K.K.

YBP Technical Center
134 Godo-cho, Hodogaya-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa
240 0005
Tel. +81 45 744 7691
Fax +81 45 744 7696
[email protected]

Canada KUKA Robotics Canada Ltd.

6710 Maritz Drive - Unit 4
L5W 0A1
Tel. +1 905 670-8600
Fax +1 905 670-8604
[email protected]

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Korea KUKA Robotics Korea Co. Ltd.

RIT Center 306, Gyeonggi Technopark
1271-11 Sa 3-dong, Sangnok-gu
Ansan City, Gyeonggi Do
Tel. +82 31 501-1451
Fax +82 31 501-1461
[email protected]

Malaysia KUKA Robot Automation Sdn Bhd

South East Asia Regional Office
No. 24, Jalan TPP 1/10
Taman Industri Puchong
47100 Puchong
Tel. +60 3 8061-0613 or -0614
Fax +60 3 8061-7386
[email protected]

Mexico KUKA de México S. de R.L. de C.V.

Progreso #8
Col. Centro Industrial Puente de Vigas
Tlalnepantla de Baz
54020 Estado de México
Tel. +52 55 5203-8407
Fax +52 55 5203-8148
[email protected]

Norway KUKA Sveiseanlegg + Roboter

Sentrumsvegen 5
2867 Hov
Tel. +47 61 18 91 30
Fax +47 61 18 62 00
[email protected]

Austria KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH

Vertriebsbüro Österreich
Regensburger Strasse 9/1
4020 Linz
Tel. +43 732 784752
Fax +43 732 793880
[email protected]

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10 KUKA Service

Poland KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH

Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością
Oddział w Polsce
Ul. Porcelanowa 10
40-246 Katowice
Tel. +48 327 30 32 13 or -14
Fax +48 327 30 32 26
[email protected]

Portugal KUKA Sistemas de Automatización S.A.

Rua do Alto da Guerra n° 50
Armazém 04
2910 011 Setúbal
Tel. +351 265 729780
Fax +351 265 729782
[email protected]

Russia OOO KUKA Robotics Rus

Webnaja ul. 8A
107143 Moskau
Tel. +7 495 781-31-20
Fax +7 495 781-31-19

Sweden KUKA Svetsanläggningar + Robotar AB

A. Odhners gata 15
421 30 Västra Frölunda
Tel. +46 31 7266-200
Fax +46 31 7266-201
[email protected]

Switzerland KUKA Roboter Schweiz AG

Industriestr. 9
5432 Neuenhof
Tel. +41 44 74490-90
Fax +41 44 74490-91
[email protected]

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Spain KUKA Robots IBÉRICA, S.A.

Pol. Industrial
Torrent de la Pastera
Carrer del Bages s/n
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
Tel. +34 93 8142-353
Fax +34 93 8142-950
[email protected]

South Africa Jendamark Automation LTD (Agency)

76a York Road
North End
6000 Port Elizabeth
South Africa
Tel. +27 41 391 4700
Fax +27 41 373 3869

Taiwan KUKA Robot Automation Taiwan Co., Ltd.

No. 249 Pujong Road
Jungli City, Taoyuan County 320
Taiwan, R. O. C.
Tel. +886 3 4331988
Fax +886 3 4331948
[email protected]

Thailand KUKA Robot Automation (M)SdnBhd

Thailand Office
c/o Maccall System Co. Ltd.
49/9-10 Soi Kingkaew 30 Kingkaew Road
Tt. Rachatheva, A. Bangpli
10540 Thailand
Tel. +66 2 7502737
Fax +66 2 6612355
[email protected]

Czech Republic KUKA Roboter Austria GmbH

Organisation Tschechien und Slowakei
Sezemická 2757/2
193 00 Praha
Horní Počernice
Czech Republic
Tel. +420 22 62 12 27 2
Fax +420 22 62 12 27 0
[email protected]

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Hungary KUKA Robotics Hungaria Kft.

Fö út 140
2335 Taksony
Tel. +36 24 501609
Fax +36 24 477031
[email protected]

USA KUKA Robotics Corporation

51870 Shelby Parkway
Shelby Township
Tel. +1 866 873-5852
Fax +1 866 329-5852
[email protected]

UK KUKA Automation + Robotics

Hereward Rise
B62 8AN
Tel. +44 121 585-0800
Fax +44 121 585-0900
[email protected]

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Approximate positioning 101 EG_BG_W_COMP_MINI_IN 38
Asymmetrical flexion 67 EG_BG_W_FORCE_MINI_IN 38
Automatic Standoff Adjustment 103 EG_BG_W_GUN_MAXI_IN 38
Background tip dressing 98 EG_BG_W_PGNO_MINI_IN 38
Background welding 98 EG_BG_W_RDY_OUT 40
Burn-off 8 EG_BG_W_REQ_IN 38
Burn-off, compensation 11, 32 EG_BG_W_SUCCESS_OUT 40
Calibrating the gun, overview 49 EG_COMP_DIS_FIX 111
Calibration 8 EG_COMP_DIS_FLEX 111
Calibration, 2P 58 EG_COMP_OUT 39
Calibration, 5P 49 EG_COMPENSATE_DELAY 109
Calibration, DualForce 55 EG_CURRENT_IN 37
Calibration, T2 59 EG_CYC_END_IN 37
Closing, gun 20 EG_EL_NEW_OUT 40
Collision detection 76, 87, 88, 90, 91, 100 EG_ERROR_IN 37
Communication principle 27 EG_ET_DIST 104
Compensation 8 EG_ET_MAX_DIFF 104
Compensator (status key) 20 EG_EXTERN.DAT 42
Configuration 23 EG_FORCE_INIT 109
Configuration, inputs 36, 42 EG_FORCE_INIT_NEW 109
Configuration, loading 30 EG_FORCE_MAX 44
Configuration, outputs 36 EG_FORCE_MIN 44
Configuration, start-up 23 EG_FORCE_TMR_END_IN 43
Connecting cables 13 EG_FORCE_TMR_IN_ 43
Constant motion speed 12 EG_FORCE_TMR_OFFSET 44
Controller parameters, overview 71 EG_FORCE_TMR_SCALE 43
Correction, spots 102, 103 EG_FORCE_TMR_START_IN 43
Couple (status key) 20 EG_INDEX_MAXI_OUT 39
Coupling 21, 98 EG_INDEX_MINI_OUT 39
Cyclical flags, configuring 40 EG_INIT_NEW_APPROX 109
Cyclical initialization 9 EG_INIT_POS_REF 111
Cyclical initialization (status key) 19 EG_INIT_POS_USED 112
Decouple (status key) 20 EG_INIT_TOL_P 109
Decoupling 21, 97 EG_INVALID_FORCE 43
Deviation, thickness 42 EG_INVALID_PRGNR 43
Diagnosis 107 EG_NEW_TIMER 43
Documentation, industrial robot 7 EG_NO_PART_IN 37
Dressing 8 EG_NOCURRENT_OUT 39
DualForce, programming 81, 85 EG_NON_KUKA_DRESS 93, 96, 109

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KUKA.ServoGun TC 4.1

EG_PRED() 105 Force from timer (option) 28

EG_PROGRAM_NUMBER 109 Force gauge 8
EG_QUIT_OUT 39 Force gauge, thickness 32, 48
EG_SERVOGUN_EXAXIS 110 Gear ratio 9, 47
EG_SET_MOTOR_PARAM 72, 73 Gun (status key) 20
EG_SET_OV_100 110 Gun flexion 8
EG_SPOT_ASYNC_T1 111 Gun_open_not_repeat() 105
EG_START_OUT 39 Gun_open_repeat() 105
EG_STOP_POINT_END_IN 37 Gun_to_pressure() 105
EG_STOP_POINT_END_OUT 40 Gun, compensation-free 8
EG_T1_OPEN_MOVE 110 Gun, fixed 76
EG_THERMO_CONTACT_IN 37 Gun, stationary 76
EG_THICK_TMR_END_IN 45 Hardware 17
EG_THICKTOL_MAX 46 Individual measurement (option) 29
EG_THICKTOL_MIN 46 Inline forms, overview 75
EG_THICKTOL_TMR_END_IN 45 Installation 17
EG_THICKTOL_TMR_SCALE 45 Intended use 14
EG_THICKTOL_TMR_START_IN 45 Interpolation mode 100
EG_TIMEOUT 110 Interrupts, configuring 40
EG_TIMER_READY_IN 37 Introduction 7
EG_USER_BG_TD_W.SRC 104, 106 KUKA Customer Support 113
EG_USERDRESS() 105 Mastering 8
EG_VALID_IN 37 Mastering, manual 46
EG_VALID_OUT 39 Menus 19
EG_WATER_SAVER_IN_2 37 Name for gun, entering 30
EG_WEAR_FLEX 110 Opening, gun 20
EG_WEAR_MAX 111 Operation 19
EG_WEAR_RATIO 112 Orientation control 101
EG_WELDTIME_MAX 46 Pneumatic (option) 29
EG_WELDTIME_MIN 46 Product description 11
EG_WELDTIME_OFFSET 46, 102 Program override 110
EG_WELDTIME_TMR_END_IN 46 Program run mode 76
EG_WELDTIME_TMR_SCALE 46 Programming 75
EG_WELDTIME_TMR_START_IN 46 Programming, asynchronous motion 98
EG_WORN 111 Programming, DualForce 81, 85
EqualizingTech 12, 15, 23, 29, 76, 110 Programming, tip dressing 92, 96
EqualizingTech, DualForce 85 Programming, tip initialization 87
EqualizingTech, tip dressing 96 Programming, weld spot 76, 80
EqualizingTech, tip initialization 87
EqualizingTech, weld spot 80 R
Exchangeable gun 8 Ratio in % (option) 29
Required knowledge and skills 7
F Reteaching 103
First initialization 8, 70 Robot compensation 8
First initialization (status key) 19 Robot compensation (option) 29

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RoboTeam 76

Safety 15
Safety instructions 7
Service, KUKA Roboter 113
Servo file 33
Servo gun 8
ServoGun options 27, 41
Software 17
Software limit switches, setting 69
Spin time 42
Start-up 23
Start-up, overview 23
Status keys 19
Subprograms, user-specific 104
Support request 113
System requirements 17

T1, welding 75, 110, 111
Target group 7
TCP correction 32, 70
Teach mode 102
Terms used 8
Thickness of parts 28
Thickness, deviation 42
Thickness, force gauge 32, 48
Thickness, tolerance 42, 102
Thickness, workpiece 102
ThicknessTolTimer 42
Timers, configuring 40
Tip dresser, thickness 93, 94, 97
Tip dressing 8
Tip initialization, overview 70
Tip wear 32
Tolerance, thickness 42, 102
Tool direction 29, 31
Training 7

Uninstalling ServoGun TC 18
Update, ServoGun TC 17
Use, intended 14

Variables 109
Variables, EG_EXTERN.DAT 36, 109

Warm-up, gun motor 49
Warnings 7
Water monitor 8
Weld controller 8
Weld spot, programming 80
Weld time 102
Weld timer 8
Welding cell 12
Welding force 28, 102
WeldTimeTimer 42
WorkVisual 11

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