Causes of Waterlogging
Causes of Waterlogging
Causes of Waterlogging
Volume 31 Article 7
Number 2 1990
Causes of waterlogging
Jim Cox
Don McFarlane
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Recommended Citation
Cox, Jim and McFarlane, Don (1990) "Causes of waterlogging," Journal of the Department of Agriculture,
Western Australia, Series 4: Vol. 31 : No. 2 , Article 7.
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The causes of waterlogging
By Jim Cox1 and Don McFarlane2
Research Officer, Water Authority of Western Australia, Perth
Research Officer, Division of Resource Management, Department of Agriculture, Albany
Waterlogging is highly variable, both between years and within paddocks. This
residts in uncertainty as to whether a paddock should be cropped in a particular
year, and whether different management should be used on waterlogged areas
within a paddock
A study has determined what are the most important causes of waterlogged soils.
The most susceptible sites have a combination of low permeability subsoils and thin
topsoils (also with a low permeability). They are on low slopes and downslope of an
area that sheds water. Such sites waterlog even in years of low rainfall.
Profiles of waterlogged soils often have a mottled appearance which can be seen at
any time of the year.
The 1985 growing season (May to October) rain-
fall of 356 mm was less than the average sea-
sonal rainfall of 397 mm. The average waterlog-
ging intensity measured in 107 shallow wells
was about 300 cm.days which is equivalent to a
water level at the soil surface for 10 days. (See
'How we measured waterlogging intensity' on
page 59.) About half of the wells had little or no
water within 30 cm of the surface, while three
had more than 1,000 cm.days of waterlogging
(equivalent to 33 days with the water level at the
soil surface).
Growing season rainfall in 1986 was only
Waterlogging thrown areas) is affected by several factors which
vary throughout the landscape. 267 mm (130 mm below average). Sixty per cent
of the wells had little or no waterlogging. How-
ever, even in this dry year four wells had more
than 700 cm.days of waterlogging (equivalent to
23 days with the water level at the soil surface).
This is a common feature of waterlogging; sus-
ceptible areas are waterlogged even in dry
years. These areas lower the overall yield of
paddocks whenever they are cropped and
therefore need separate management, either
drainage or they should be left uncropped.
Duplex soils (sandy topsoil over a clayey sub- In this study we measured waterlogging in-
soil) are the most common soil type in the agri- tensity by summing the daily values (in cen-
cultural areas. Water perches on the clay sub- timetres) of groundwater levels within 30 cm
soil in these soils and saturates the root zone of of the soil surface (Figure 1). Therefore, three
plants from below. days with the water level 20 cm from the
surface (10 cm above the 30 cm threshold) has
When measuring waterlogging intensity we a waterlogging intensity of 30 cm.days (3 days
need to know how close to the soil surface these x 10 cm). This is equivalent to one day with the
perched water levels rise, and how long the water level at the soil surface (1 day x 30 cm).
water levels stay close to the surface. We also This method of measuring waterlogging in-
need to know at what time of the year soils tensity is called the SEW^ index (sum of ex-
waterlog relative to the growth stage of the cess water above 30 cm).
Perched water levels in the 1988 Rainfall (mm)
soil fluctuate rapidly in
response to rainfall (Figure
w TP~
The article T h e extent and cost of waterlog-
ging' on page 44 of this Journal showed that
floodplain areas were most susceptible to
waterlogging, followed by sloping landforms
with duplex soils. This section looks more
closely at which landforms in individual
paddocks are most susceptible to waterlogging.
At Mt Barker waterlogging was extreme in
areas with little slope. Areas with a slope of
5 per cent had no waterlogging in years with
between 350 and 485 mm of rainfall. In con-
trast, areas with only 0.8 per cent slope had
about 2,000 cm.days of waterlogging in a high
rainfall year. This is equivalent to 67 days with
the water level at the soil surface.
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