ICCE 2019 Conference Paper

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Paper ID Title Decision


Leveraging LSTM in the fine-grained analysis of the Incubation Effect

35 C1 FULL Paper
in Physics Playground

Novel Writing Support System by Target Readers' Story Arc and

156 C1 FULL Paper
Characters' Emotional Changes

Classification of Emotions in Programming from Face and Log

160 C1 FULL Paper
Features Using Representative Intervals

186 C1 Using Data Mining Techniques to Assess Students’ Answer Predictions FULL Paper

Effects on Fostering Computational Thinking by Externalizing a

26 C1 SHORT Paper
Solution with Construction of a Problem-Solving Model

89 C1 Dynamic knowledge tracing through data driven recency weights SHORT Paper

102 C1 Towards Adaptive Provision of Examples During Problem Solving SHORT Paper

116 C1 Can EEG signal predict learners’ perceived difficulty? SHORT Paper

Identifying Significant Indicators of Eye-movement and EEG-based

123 C1 SHORT Paper
Attention to Explore Predictive Effectiveness on Reading Performance

Promoting Reflection on Question Decomposition in Web-based

141 C1 SHORT Paper
Investigative Learning

198 C1 Modeling Video Viewing Styles with a Probabilistic Mode Switching SHORT Paper

A Multi-Index Examination Cheating Detection Method Based on

2 C1 POSTER Paper
Neural Network

Learning Early Warning Model of Multi-source Data Fusion Based on

68 C1 POSTER Paper
DT-BP Neural Network

70 C1 A Review of Research Progress of Learning Early Warning POSTER Paper

Externalization Support for Hypotheses Creation Process of Discovery
74 C1 POSTER Paper
Learning in Biology

Micro-Course Intelligent QA system Based on Knowledge Graph and

82 C1 POSTER Paper
Semantic Analysis

Correlating Working Memory Capacity with Learners´ Study Behavior

127 C1 POSTER Paper
in a Web-Based Learning Platform

Simulatable Open Learner Models of Core Competencies for Setting

144 C1 POSTER Paper
Goals for Course Performance

Investigating Functional Fixedness among Novice Student

155 C1 POSTER Paper

Reciprocal Kit Build Approach for Peer-to-peer Communication:

57 C2 Relationship between Similarities on Knowledge, Transfer of FULL Paper
Knowledge, and Affective Responses

Flare-Fork: A pedagogy for expanding problem and solution space for

119 C2 FULL Paper
design problem solving

Towards an Integrated Framework of Group Awareness Support for

182 C2 FULL Paper
Collaborative Learning in Social Media

194 C2 Group awareness information to support academic help-seeking FULL Paper

24 C2 Characterization of Different Instantiations of Mathematical Blindness SHORT Paper

How to Measure the Collaborative Problem-solving Competency Based

71 C2 SHORT Paper
on Conversational Agent

113 C2 Introduction of Educational Technology Engagement Model SHORT Paper

Cognitive Group Awareness Tools: versatile devices to guide learners

118 C2 SHORT Paper
towards discrepancies

Scaffolding computer-supported collaborative lesson design: A spiral

124 C2 SHORT Paper

How shared concept mapping facilitates explanation activities in

131 C2 collaborative learning: An experimental investigation into learning SHORT Paper
performance in the context of different perspectives
A Collaborative Learning Grouping Strategy with Early Warning
189 C2 SHORT Paper
Function Based on Complementarity Degree

A Crowd-Programming Approach for Computational Thinking

192 C2 SHORT Paper

Using Knowledge Forum to Support the Development of STEAM

206 C2 SHORT Paper

16 C2 Comparing the Critical Thinking of College Students Based on ENA POSTER Paper

Surveying the Relationships Between Students’ Epistemic Curiosity

18 C2 and Their Online Academic Help Seeking Behaviors in Higher POSTER Paper

The Role of Technology Identity among Students in Rural Areas using

36 C2 POSTER Paper
a Web-based Tutoring System

Proposing Curriculum and Learning Environment Development for

69 C2 POSTER Paper
Global Liberal Arts Education Incorporating Future Work Skills

The Effect of the Combination of Five Factor Personality on Students'

88 C2 POSTER Paper
Engagement In Online Discussion

Technology-facilitated Socialised Learning in A Flipped Classroom:

107 C2 POSTER Paper
Towards A Conceptual Framework

110 C2 Investigating the effects of cognitive style on blended museum learning POSTER Paper

A Case Study of How Political News Reporters Perceive LINE for

150 C2 POSTER Paper
Work and Learning

Development of an Interactive Learning Module for Visualizing Self-

161 C2 POSTER Paper
Regulated Learning Skills

Investigating STEM-based Learning Package for Enhancing

172 C2 POSTER Paper
Programming and Problem Solving Skills

Contingency Theory of Adaptive Practices Through the Lens of Eye

5 C3 FULL Paper

Simulation of Online Learning Interaction Relation Network Based on

15 C3 FULL Paper
BA Model
28 C3 Clustering Models for Topic Analysis in Graduate Discussion Forums FULL Paper

Teaching Analytics: A Multi-layer Analysis of Teacher Noticing to

84 C3 FULL Paper
Support Teaching Practice

Do my students understand? Automated identification of doubts from

101 C3 FULL Paper
informal reflections

Towards Sustainable Learning Materials for MOOCs in Poor Network

193 C3 FULL Paper

Propositional Level Analysis of Collaborative Learning with Kit-Build

202 C3 FULL Paper
Concept Map

An Exercise Recommendation Method for K-12 Students Based on the

1 C3 SHORT Paper

An Analysis of Learning Behavior Patterns with Different Devices and

20 C3 SHORT Paper

Research on the Development of a Personalized Learning Assessment

72 C3 Model: Building Connections Between Knowledge Components and SHORT Paper
Cognitive Levels

Modeling Self-Planning and Promoting Planning Skills in a Data-Rich

79 C3 SHORT Paper

Learning Support System for Software Component Design based on

100 C3 SHORT Paper

120 C3 Identifying Reading Styles from E-book Log Data SHORT Paper

Exploring the Relationships between Students' Engagement and

129 C3 SHORT Paper
Academic Performance in the Digital Textbook System

Using Clickstream to Understand Learning Paths and the Network

138 C3 SHORT Paper
Structure of Learning Resources: Using MOOC as an Example

Identifying and Comparing Elementary Students’ Problem-Solving

170 C3 SHORT Paper
Behavior Patterns Using Lag Sequential Analysis

A Tool for Learning of Cognitive Process by Analysis From Exemplar

181 C3 SHORT Paper
E-book Learner Behaviors Difference under two Meaningful Learning
185 C3 SHORT Paper
Support Environments

Application of Programming Learning Support System to Object-

22 C3 POSTER Paper
Oriented Language

Reflection on Practice using Learning Analytics – Case Studies of

56 C3 POSTER Paper
LEAF platform

Extending Program Visualization System Based on Teacher's Intent of

60 C3 POSTER Paper
Instruction to Support Learning Dynamic Data Structures

An Index System of Education Information Resources Selection Based

63 C3 POSTER Paper
on Analytical Hierarchy Process

Developing E-Book Page Ranking Model for Pre-Class Reading

76 C3 POSTER Paper

Enhancing Multi-Stakeholder Course Project Recommendations By

91 C3 POSTER Paper
Collaborative Learning

An Investigation of a Medical Terminology Learning Environment with

128 C3 POSTER Paper
a Robot and a Tablet

Reconstruction of Concept Map to Promote Learners’ Comprehension

154 C3 POSTER Paper
on New Knowledge

Beyond Just Following Data: How Does the Visualization Strategy

173 C3 POSTER Paper
Facilitate Learning Analytics Design?

187 C3 Exercise Recommendation Method Based on Machine Learning POSTER Paper

Research on the Influence of Robot Teaching on the Creativity of

67 C4 Primary and Secondary School Students under the Background of FULL Paper
STEM Education

Research on the Impact of e-Schoolbag on Students' Development:

105 C4 FULL Paper
from the Perspective of Personal Learning Skills

Influence of Financial Course on Eighth Grade Students’ Financial

122 C4 FULL Paper
Concepts, Math Motivation, Math Anxiety in Taiwan

Geneticus Investigatio : A Classroom-Based Technology-Enhanced

126 C4 FULL Paper
Learning Environment for Problem-solving Process Skills in Genetics
Augmented Reality in Education: Three Unique Characteristics from a
191 C4 FULL Paper
User’s Perspective


The Pilot Implementation using an Adapted Technology Acceptance
14 C4 Model to Evaluate an Innovative Use of Smartphone for Scientific SHORT Paper
Investigation Programme in Tertiary Education

Proposal for Deviceless Learning Environments Instead of

21 C4 SHORT Paper
Environments Using Smart Devices

A Semantic Tag-based enhanced Learning Recommendation approach

43 C4 SHORT Paper
for enhancing student learning experiences

Designing Pre-test Questions as Phone Notifications: Studying the

51 C4 SHORT Paper
Effects of a Mobile Learning Intervention.

MOOD: A Mobile Phone-enabled Educational Data Collection

53 C4 SHORT Paper

Analysis of Current Situation of Classroom Interactive Teaching Based

54 C4 on Mobile Devices: A Case Study of Middle School Mathematics SHORT Paper
Classroom Teaching

Multimodal Recording System for Collecting Facial and Postural Data

153 C4 SHORT Paper
in a Group Meeting

Study of Augmented Reality Interaction Mediums towards

178 C4 SHORT Paper
Collaboratively Solving Open-Ended Problems

Supporting Job-hunting Students to Learn Job-hunting Related Terms

196 C4 SHORT Paper
with SCROLL eBook and InCircle

23 C4 The adoption of Facebook mobile application for managing learning POSTER Paper

A Mobile Web Application with Interactive Learning Story and

90 C4 Personalized Recommendation and Notification for Sexual Health POSTER Paper
Education in Ethnic Adolescents

Recommendations of Technology in Classroom Discussions for

98 C4 POSTER Paper
Effective Student Learning

Characteristics' Measurement Analysis for Developing Technology-

99 C4 POSTER Paper
enhanced Learning Maturity: A Qualitative Approach
Integration of cloud-based mobile learning to improve students'
201 C4 POSTER Paper
creative thinking in a visual arts course

Do Virtual Reality-Embed Classroom Setting make a Difference? A

40 C5 Comparison of Academic Achievement, Self-efficacy and Collective FULL Paper
Efficacy between Virtual Reality and Traditional Environments
Effectiveness of using an Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality
108 C5 Learning Environment to Empower Students in Strengthening Empathy FULL Paper
and Mastery Learning

Effects of game-based learning on informal historical learning: A

114 C5 FULL Paper
learning analytics approach

Examining the effect of gamification in Information Science, Computer

136 C5 and Engineering Education: A meta-analysis of student learning FULL Paper

12 C5 Drug Defense: A Mobile Game for Prevention of Alcohol Abuse SHORT Paper

The Effects of Virtual Reality System Applied to Shooting Training

13 C5 SHORT Paper
Course for Senior High School Students

Analysis of Student Affect and Behavior while Playing a Mobile Game

27 C5 SHORT Paper
for English Comprehension

Core Gamification of Learning Activities through a method based on

44 C5 SHORT Paper
Information Structure Manipulation

Shape Shape Hooray: Adaptive Educational Game Associating 3D

47 C5 SHORT Paper
Geometric Shapes to Daily Objects

Integrating Computational Thinking with Digital Storytelling to

61 C5 SHORT Paper
Enhancing Expression Ability

A mind-mapping guide based on Unified Modeling Language for

81 C5 SHORT Paper
developing educational role-playing games

Dancing a treasure: A videogame to motivate young audiences toward

93 C5 SHORT Paper
Spanish dance

Prototyping of an Earthquake Evacuation Learning Game with VR

134 C5 SHORT Paper
Reproducing the Environment Familiar to Learners

Research on Application of Steam Classroom Teaching in Primary and

145 C5 Middle School Based on Gamification Task Orientation——Take the SHORT Paper
fifth grade primary school campus sandbox as an example
InNervate AR: Mobile Augmented Reality for Studying Motor Nerve
159 C5 SHORT Paper
Deficits in Anatomy Education

Enhancing Computer Assembly Skill Using Virtual Computer

162 C5 SHORT Paper
Laboratory in Conjunction with Team Game Tournament Method

Instructional Design of STEAM Education Based on Virtual Reality

83 C5 POSTER Paper
Technology ——Taking LEGO Bricks as An Example

87 C5 CodAR: An Augmented Reality Based Game to Teach Programming POSTER Paper

Learning English in a Mobile Urban Game: English Learners’

175 C5 POSTER Paper
Perceptions and Experiences

A Review of 3D Virtual Environments for Language Learning: New

45 C6 FULL Paper
Teaching Practice and Research Trend

Enhancing Low Achievers’ EFL Learning with Interactive Digital

112 C6 FULL Paper

Design and Development of Conjunctive word Learning Support

140 C6 System for Conjunctive Expression with Different Meaning FULL Paper
Commutativity and the Experimental Use

A Turkish EFL teacher’ change processes through an OPD program: a

197 C6 FULL Paper
case study

A Conceptual Model of Integrating Mobile Technologies into Task-

7 C6 SHORT Paper
based Language Teaching Grounded in Conversational Framework

Validating an Instrument for EFL Learners’ English New Media

8 C6 SHORT Paper
Literacy and the Relation to English Language Self-efficacy

Investigating Chinese University EFL Learners’ Self-Efficacy in a

38 C6 SHORT Paper
Blended Learning Environment

55 C6 Multitask Learning for Chinese Grammatical Error Detection SHORT Paper

Improving Summary Writing Performance via a Theory-based Learning

59 C6 SHORT Paper

Data-driven Approach to Enhancing Students’ Language Performance

77 C6 SHORT Paper
via eBook
Augmented Reality and 3D Model for Children Chinese Character
86 C6 SHORT Paper
Recognition - Hong Kong Primary School Education

Diagnostic Language Assessment: Lessons Learned from Rapid

115 C6 SHORT Paper

Effects of Learning Activities Based on Augmented Reality on

133 C6 SHORT Paper
Students’ Understanding and Expression in an English Class

Developing an Integrated system of Robots and Toys with Internet of

167 C6 SHORT Paper
Things for Children’s Language Development

Automatic Vocabulary Study Map Generation by Semantic Context

200 C6 SHORT Paper
and Learning Material Analysis

IPad Use in Young English Language Learners’ Classrooms in Taiwan:

95 C6 POSTER Paper
A Novice Effect?

125 C6 Building a Confused Character Set for Chinese Spell Checking POSTER Paper

Reading Assistance for EFL Readers with Kitbuild Concept Map with
164 C6 POSTER Paper

The Correlation Among English Language Skills Based on Blended

174 C6 POSTER Paper

Factors Affecting the Behavioral Intention of K-12 Students to Pursue

42 C7 FULL Paper
an IT Degree in a Transitioning Educational System

Design and Development of the Web-Application-Supported Teacher

147 C7 Professional Development about Asperger’s Syndrome for Thai FULL Paper

Co-Designing Multimodal Pedagogical Content Knowledge with

149 C7 FULL Paper
Indonesian Teachers

207 C7 The influences on online teaching practice FULL Paper

Relationship between Parents’ Perceptions of Programming Education

29 C7 SHORT Paper
and Their Emotional and Behavioral Outcomes

37 C7 Supporting Teachers in Group Work Formation and Analytics SHORT Paper

A review of the impact of interventions on students' attitudes toward
97 C7 SHORT Paper

Contextualized Online Courses: A Scaling of in-service Teacher

117 C7 SHORT Paper
Professional Development in ICT Integration in Tanzania

Educational use of spherical video-based virtual reality: A preliminary

142 C7 SHORT Paper
study from the teacher perspective

A Preliminary Case Study of Promoting Teacher Professional

168 C7 Development via Post-Lesson Debriefing with the Support of Sokrates SHORT Paper
Cloud Services

Increasing STEM engagement through the mediation of soft materials

184 C7 SHORT Paper
combined with physical computing

Exploring Effectiveness of a Computational Making Programme on K-

203 C7 12 Students’ Acceptances and Interdisciplinary Readiness: A Case SHORT Paper
Study in Singapore

Cognitive Presence and Its Determinants in the teacher training

17 C7 POSTER Paper
community under blended learning

33 C7 Lessons learnt from IT tools designed for a Capstone course POSTER Paper

A Review of STEM Teacher Professional Development Research

39 C7 POSTER Paper
Abroad and Its Enlightenment to China

Impact of the STEM Program on Information Technology College

52 C7 POSTER Paper
Students' Goals: Perspectives from the Philippines

Exploring the Effects of Socio-Economic Status, Motivation and ICT

104 C7 POSTER Paper
Use on Science Achievement: Findings from PISA 2015

Comparative Research of Regional Situation on Teacher’s ICT

106 C7 POSTER Paper
Application Ability in Primary and Secondary Schools

Research on the Current Situation and Promotion Strategies of

157 C7 POSTER Paper
Workshop Based Hybrid Training

Do Gender Difference Influence The Utilization of Information

169 C7 POSTER Paper
Technology in Learning?

Study on Topics of New College Entrance Examination Based on Text

190 C7 POSTER Paper
Topic Mining

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