Research Proposal: Creating & Performing Knowledge
Research Proposal: Creating & Performing Knowledge
Research Proposal: Creating & Performing Knowledge
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A study of the reduction in the
size of musical theatre pit orchestras Lewis Bell
A study of the reduction in the size of musical theatre pit
Area of interest
Research objectives
Lewis Bell A study of the reduction in the
size of musical theatre pit orchestras
Having played in a lot of musical theatre pits myself both semi-pro-
fessional and professional, and through watching live theatre, I am
seeing how the size of orchestra’s is always being discussed and
been looked at from an angle of reduction or how many players can
we get away with. Through various sources I hear how musical thea-
tre orchestrators are having to constantly find ways to make a full
sound with as few players as possible.
There have been many academic studies and journals examining and
investigating the effect of live music on the listener in various musi-
cal contexts including outside of musical theatre as well as drawing
on how digital technology effects live music.
I will carry out my research by looking through data of current or-
chestra sizes in the West End and Broadway as well as exploring
previous productions and looking back to the mid 20th century or-
chestra sizes. I also intend to look at the media with articles and re-
views both by audiences and critics to discuss and explore where
the “orchestra sound” has been highlighted in the media. I will also
A study of the reduction in the
size of musical theatre pit orchestras Lewis Bell
look at specific shows as case studies where live musicians have
been cut out all together and explore how this has affected the audi-
ence experience, if at all, as well as the musicians. I also want to ex-
plore, from a production cost perspective, what the cost is to get an
orchestrator in and reorchestrate a show with a smaller orchestra
versus paying a full-size orchestra. I will use MU/Broadway current
rates to explore this
Brown, Angel. “Music by numbers.” Independent, June 16, 2004.
Demattia, Robin F. “It’s a Long Trip to the Orchestra Pit.” New York
Times, January 14, 1996.
Hemley, Matthew. “Dirty Dancing tour faces protests over use of rec-
orded music.” The Stage, August 10, 2016.
Lewis Bell A study of the reduction in the
size of musical theatre pit orchestras
Higgins, Charlotte. “Keeping it real.” The Guardian, January 22, 2004.
Holt, Fabian. “The Economy of Live Music in the Digital Age.” 2010.
The Stage, “Hey, Mr Producer! Where Does All the Money Go?” July
21, 2010.
A study of the reduction in the
size of musical theatre pit orchestras Lewis Bell
West End Pit Bands. Accessed September 11, 2019.