Paper Industries Corp v. CA
Paper Industries Corp v. CA
Paper Industries Corp v. CA
petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL assessments, thereby denying PICOP's protests. Thereupon,
REVENUE and COURT OF TAX APPEALS, respondents. PICOP went before (CTA) appealing the assessments.
On 15 August 1989, CTA rendered a decision, modifying the
G.R. Nos. 106949-50 December 1, 1995
CIR’s findings and holding PICOP liable for the reduced
COMMISSIONER INTERNAL REVENUE, petitioner, vs. PAPER aggregate amount of P20,133,762.33. Both parties went to
INDUSTRIES CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, THE COURT OF the Supreme Court, which referred the case to the Court of
APPEALS and THE COURT OF TAX APPEALS, respondents. Appeals (CA).
CA denied the appeal of the CIR and modified the judgment
G.R. Nos. 106984-85 December 1, 1995 against PICOP holding it liable for transaction tax and
absolved it from payment of documentary and science
Ponente: Feliciano
stamp tax and compromise penalty. It also held PICOP
Facts: liable for deficiency of income tax.