ISA 75.19 - 1995 - Hydro Static Testing of Control Valves
ISA 75.19 - 1995 - Hydro Static Testing of Control Valves
ISA 75.19 - 1995 - Hydro Static Testing of Control Valves
Approved November 15, 1995
Hydrostatic Testing
of Control Valves
ANSI/ISA-S75.19, Hydrostatic Testing of Control Valves
ISBN: 1-55617-186-2
Copyright 1995 by the Instrument Society of America. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher.
67 Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12277
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
This preface as well as all footnotes and annexes are included for informational purposes and are
not part of ANSI/ISA-S75.19.
This standard has been prepared as part of the service of ISA, the international society for
measurement and control, toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real
value, this document should not be static, but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this
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The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the
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ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 3
The following people served as members of ISA Committee SP75:
4 ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995
R. Tubbs Consultant
L. Zinck Consultant
This standard was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on
August 18, 1995.
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 5
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 9
2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 9
6 Acceptance standards............................................................................................. 12
7 Test pressures.......................................................................................................... 12
A — Test Pressures (Bar)......................................................................................................... 23
B — References ........................................................................................................................ 27
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 7
1 Scope
1.1 This standard applies to control valves having bodies, bonnets, cover plates, and bottom
flanges made of carbon steel, low alloy and high alloy (stainless) steel, nickel-base alloy, cast iron,
and ductile iron.
1.2 This standard establishes requirements and definitions for standard hydrostatic shell testing
of control valves by the valve manufacturer to prove the structural integrity and leak tightness of
the valves' pressure retaining parts, including any closure parts such as the valve body to bonnet
joint, but excluding packings, bellows or other moving seals and packing leakoff connections.
Bellows or similar moving stem seals may be pressure tested after assembly at a pressure to be
agreed upon by the valve manufacturer and the purchaser. The requirements of this standard do
not cover pneumatic and hydraulic actuators and regulators.
1.3 This standard describes and specifies the specific circumstances of hydrostatic shell testing
of control valves and is in accordance with the hydrostatic testing requirements of ASME/ANSI
B16.1, ASME/ANSI B16.34 and ASME/ANSI B16.42 with the exception that the test requirements
of paragraph 4.8 are not allowed by ASME/ANSI B16.34.
1.4 WARNING — Serious bodily harm can be caused by high velocity leaks
through the shell or seals, resulting from the energy stored in the
pressurized fluid and containment equipment. Care should be
exercised to ensure the safety of test and inspection personnel.
Specific safety requirements for conducting hydrostatic testing and
inspection are not within the scope of this standard.
2 Definitions
2.2 test fixture: A test fixture is a device to close off the end connections and/or stem seal areas
of the control valve to allow pressurization for hydrostatic shell testing.
3.1 Test fixtures include, but are not limited to the following: plugs with tie-bars and tie-rods,
hydraulic presses, plugs or flanges attached to the pipe connections, bosses or lugs on the valve,
and expandable rubber plugs. For butt welding end valves when end plugs are used, the seal point
shall be as close to the weld end as practical without overstressing the weld preparation.
3.2 The analog or digital pressure measuring instruments used in testing shall be of the indicating
or recording type.
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 9
3.3 The valve manufacturer shall be responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the pressure
measuring instruments.
3.4 Pressure measuring instruments shall be accurate within 3% at test pressure, and analog-
type shall be used between 20% and 80% of their scale range.
4 Test requirements
4.1 The control valve, with or without its actuator, must be complete before hydrostatic shell testing,
except as permitted in 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.8.
4.2 It is permissible to disassemble the valve after hydrostatic shell testing, provided
a) new gaskets or seals used to reassemble the valve are of the same kind and size;
b) equivalent studs and nuts are used;
c) the same torquing procedure is used, or steps are taken to ensure the same pre-test
bolt loads result; and
d) an air or water leak test at lower than the hydrostatic shell test pressure is performed
to ensure proper gasket installation.
4.3 All cavities pressurized in service shall simultaneously be subjected to the hydrostatic shell
test pressure. Moving stem seals such as bellows, diaphragms, stem, and packing, that may be
damaged by the hydrostatic shell test pressure, or trim parts that do not affect the pressure bound-
ary, need not be installed during testing.
4.4 Valves with welded-on nipples, flanges, reducers and/or increasers shall be hydrostatically
shell tested in accordance with paragraph 4.4 (a) or (d), at the manufacturer's option, unless
paragraph 4.4 (b) or (c) is agreed to by both the valve manufacturer and the purchaser.
a) Hydrostatically shell test the valve alone at the appropriate pressure for its class and
do not retest after welding on any of the nipples, flanges, reducers or increasers.
b) Hydrostatically shell test the valve alone at the appropriate pressure for its class and
retest the valve assembly after welding on any of the nipples, flanges, reducers or
increasers with the pressure in accordance with the specification applicable to the
nipples, flanges, reducers or increasers. The purchaser shall provide the design
pressure and temperature and the applicable specifications to the valve manufacturer.
c) Hydrostatically shell test the valve including all weld-on nipples, flanges, reducers and
increasers with the pressure in accordance with the specification applicable to the
nipples, flanges, reducers and increasers. The valve nameplate and required valve
body marking must then indicate the pressure and temperature limit as determined by
the nipples, flanges, reducers and increasers.
d) Hydrostatically shell test the valve including all welded-on nipples, flanges,reducers,
and increasers with the pressure in accordance with this standard, provided that the
nipples, flanges, reducers and increasers are adequate for that pressure.
10 ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995
4.5 The valve shall not be painted or otherwise coated with materials capable of sealing against
leakage before the shell tests are completed, except internal linings or coatings included in the
design (e.g., nonmetallic butterfly valve body linings) are permitted. Chemical corrosion protection
treatments are permitted. If valve parts are to be painted for storage, they shall be hydrostatically
shell tested before painting, provided the fully assembled valve is again tested in accordance with
paragraph 4.2 (d). If the presence of purchaser's representative is specified for hydrostatic shell
tests, painted valves may be retested without removal of the paint, unless otherwise agreed to by
the valve manufacturer and purchaser.
Wrought welded-on nipples, flanges, increasers and reducers need not have their protective
coating removed for hydrostatic shell testing.
4.6 The valve shall not be seated on the main seat nor on the back seat during the hydrostatic
shell test.
4.7 If a valve is dual pressure rated (inlet rating higher than outlet rating from causes such as
different wall thicknesses, flange rating, or materials), it may be necessary to separate the high
pressure portion of the valve from the low pressure portion with a temporary barrier and test each
portion at its respective pressure.
4.8 Pressure retaining parts may be hydrostatically shell tested separately if all of the following
conditions are satisfied:
a) all the pressure retaining parts in the valve assembly are hydrostatically tested at the
pressures in accordance with section 7, "Test Pressures;"
b) the hydrostatic test is performed in a manner that simulates all loadings, fasteners, and
restraints present when the part is tested in a completed valve;
c) individual part testing is agreed to by both the manufacturer and the purchaser; and
d) the fully assembled valve is pressure tested in accordance with paragraph 4.2 (d).
5 Test procedures
5.1 After filling the valve with water, which may contain a corrosion inhibitor, or with other suitable
liquid (provided such liquid has a viscosity not greater than water), and venting all air, each valve
shall be pressurized to no less than the pressures given in Table 2 or Table A.1, except as covered
in paragraph 7.4.
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 11
5.2 The minimum duration of test pressure before start of inspection shall be as follows:
5.3 The temperature of the test liquid shall not exceed 52°C (125°F).
6 Acceptance standards
6.1 Any visually detected weeping or leaking through the pressure boundary walls that are part
of the valve body assembly shall be cause for rejection. Leakage through the static seals and
gasketed joints is also cause for rejection unless specifically allowed by the design specifications.
6.2 Distortion due to hydrostatic shell testing that impairs satisfactory functional operation of the
valve shall be cause for rejection.
7 Test pressures
7.1 Hydrostatic shell test pressures for steel and nickel-base alloy valves are calculated by
multiplying the 38°C (100°F) working pressures by 1.5 and rounding off to the next higher 25 psig
(pounds per square inch gage) increment in accordance with ASME/ANSI B16.34. For other ma-
terials within the scope of this standard but not listed in Table 1, and for Intermediate and Limited
Classes, the above method shall be used to determine the test pressure.
7.2 Hydrostatic shell test pressures for cast iron valves shall be in accordance with
12 ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995
7.3 Hydrostatic shell test pressures for nodular (ductile) iron valves shall be in accordance with
7.4 For other materials within the scope of this standard but not included in Tables 1, 2, or A.1
and whose pressure ratings are given in a published standard or are determined by the manufac-
turer, the hydrostatic shell test pressures shall be calculated as in paragraph 7.1 or paragraph 7.5,
as applicable.
7.5 The metric equivalents of all test pressures in Table 2 are given in Table A.1 (Annex A) and
are calculated by converting 1.5 times the 38°C (100°F) working pressure in psig to bar and then
rounding off to the next higher bar increment except for values below 10 bar which are rounded off
to the next higher 0.1 bar increment(a).
1 bar = 100 kPa = 100,000 Pa = 0.1 MPa = 14.5038 psi.
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 13
Table 1 — List of material specifications
A 387 2 Cl.2
1 Cr-1/2 Mo A 387 12Cl.1
1.7 C-1/2 Mo A 204 C A 691 CM 75
1/2 Cr-1/2 Mo A 182 F2 A 182 F2
Ni-Cr-1/2 Mo A 217 WC4
Ni Cr-1 Mo A 217 WC5
Table 1 — List of material specifications - Group 1 (Continued)
A 744 CF3M
A 744 CF8M
2.3 18 Cr-8 Ni A 182 F304L A 240 304L A 182 F 304L A 312 TP304L
A 479 304L
16 Cr-12 Ni-2 Mo A 182 F316L A 240 316L A 182 F 316L A 312 TP316L
A 479 316L
Table 1 — List of material specifications - Group 2 (Continued)
Material Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500 Class 4500
Group (2) Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl
1.1 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2225 2250 3350 3375 5575 5625 9275 9375 16675 16875
1.2 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
1.3 400 400 1050 1050 1400 1400 2100 2100 3150 3150 5225 5225 8700 8700 15625 15625
1.4 375 375 950 975 1250 1300 1875 1950 2775 2900 4650 4825 7725 8050 13900 14475
1.5 400 400 1050 1050 1400 1400 2100 2100 3150 3150 5225 5225 8700 8700 15625 15625
1.6 350 350 900 900 1200 1200 1775 1775 2650 2650 4425 4425 7350 7350 13225 13225
1.7 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
1.8 375 375 950 975 1250 1300 1875 1950 2775 2900 4650 4825 7725 8050 13900 14475
1.9 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
1.10 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
1.11 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
1.12 375 375 950 975 1250 1300 1875 1950 2775 2900 4650 4825 7725 8050 13900 14475
1.13 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
1.14 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
2.1 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
2.2 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
2.3 350 400 900 1025 1200 1350 1800 2025 2700 3025 4500 5025 7500 8375 13500 15050
2.4 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
2.5 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
2.6 400 400 1025 1050 1350 1400 2025 2100 3025 3150 5050 5225 8400 8700 15125 15625
2.7 400 400 1025 1050 1350 1400 2025 2100 3025 3150 5050 5225 8400 8700 15125 15625
3.1 350 400 900 1025 1200 1350 1800 2025 2700 3025 4500 5025 7500 8375 13500 15050
3.2 225 250 550 600 725 825 1100 1225 1625 1825 2700 3025 4500 5025 8100 9050
3.3 150 175 375 425 500 550 725 825 1100 1225 1800 2025 3000 3350 5400 6050
3.4 350 400 900 1025 1200 1350 1800 2025 2700 3025 4500 2025 3000 3350 5400 6050
3.5 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5025 7500 8375 13500 15075
5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
Table 2 — Hydrostatic shell test pressures (psig) (3) steel, nickel-base and other alloys per ASME/ANSI B16.34
Material Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500 Class 4500
Group (2) Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spc l Std Spcl
3.6 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
3.7 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
3.8 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
3.9 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
3.10 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
3.11 375 425 975 1075 1300 1450 1925 2150 2900 3225 4825 5375 8025 8950 14425 16100
3.12 400 450 1025 1125 1350 1500 2025 2250 3025 3375 5050 5625 8400 9375 15125 16875
3.13 450 450 1125 1125 1500 1500 2250 2250 3375 3375 5625 5625 9375 9375 16875 16875
3.14 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
3.15 350 400 900 1025 1200 1350 1800 2025 2700 3025 4500 5025 7500 8375 13500 15075
3.16 425 450 1100 1125 1450 1500 2175 2250 3250 3375 5400 5625 9000 9375 16200 16875
1) For definition of "Std" and "Spcl," see ASME/ANSI B16.34.
2) The material groups are defined in Table 1.
3) Values are listed for reference only. Source is ASME/ANSI B16.34.
Table 2 Hydrostatic shell test pressures (psig) (continued) Cast iron valves per ASME/ANSI B16.1 (4)
4) Body and bonnet material to be per ASTM A126.
5) Body and bonnet material to be per ASTM A395.
Table A.1 — Hydrostatic shell test pressures (bar gauge) (4) - Steel, nickel-base and other alloys per ASME/ANSI B 16.34
Material Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500 Class 4500
Group (2) Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl
WCB 30 30 77 78 103 104 154 156 230 233 384 388 639 647 1150 1164
WCC 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
LCB 28 28 72 72 96 96 144 144 216 216 359 359 599 599 1078 1078
N.A 25 26 65 67 86 89 128 133 192 200 320 333 533 555 958 998
WC1,LC1 28 28 72 72 96 96 144 144 216 216 359 359 599 599 1078 1078
N.A. 24 24 62 62 82 82 122 122 183 183 304 304 507 507 912 912
WC4,WC5 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
N.A. 25 26 65 67 86 89 128 133 192 200 320 333 533 555 958 998
WC6 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
WC9 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
N.A. 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
N.A. 25 26 65 67 86 89 128 133 192 200 320 333 533 555 958 998
C5 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
C12 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
CF3,CF8 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
CF3M,CF8M 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
N.A. 24 27 63 70 83 93 125 139 187 208 311 346 518 577 931 1066
N.A. 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
CF8C 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
N.A. 27 28 70 72 93 96 140 144 209 216 348 359 580 599 1043 1078
N.A. 27 28 70 72 93 96 140 144 209 216 348 359 580 599 1043 1078
CN7M 24 27 63 70 83 93 125 139 187 208 311 346 518 577 931 1038
N.A. 15 17 38 42 50 56 75 84 112 125 187 208 311 347 559 624
Table A.1 — Hydrostatic shell test pressures (bar gauge) (4) steel, nickel-base and other alloys per AMSE/ANSI B16.34
Material Class 150 Class 300 Class 400 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500 Class 4500
Group (2) Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl Std Spcl
3.3 10 11 25 28 34 37 50 56 75 84 125 139 207 231 373 416
3.4 24 27 63 70 83 93 125 139 187 208 311 347 518 578 931 1039
3.5 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
3.6 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
3.7 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
3.8 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
3.9 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
3.10 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
3.11 26 29 67 74 89 99 133 148 199 222 332 370 553 617 994 1110
3.12 27 30 70 78 93 104 140 156 209 233 348 388 580 647 1043 1164
3.13 30 30 78 78 104 104 156 156 233 233 388 388 647 647 1164 1164
3.14 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 647 1117 1164
3.15 24 27 63 70 83 93 125 139 187 208 311 347 518 578 931 1039
3.16 29 30 75 78 100 104 149 156 224 233 373 388 621 674 1117 1164
1 bar = 100kPa = 100,000Pa = 0.1MPa = 14,5038 psi
1) For definition of "Std" and "Spcl," see ASME/ANSI B16.34.
2) The material groups are defined in Table 1.
3) This Annex which is placed after the main text for convenience, is an integral part of S75.19.
5) Body and bonnet material to be per ASTM A126.
6) Body and bonnet material to be per ASTM A395.
Annex B — References
This Annex is an integral part of ISA S75.19. It is placed after the main text for convenience.
List of standards and specifications referenced in standards showing the year of approval.
ASME B16.1-1989 Cast Iron Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 25,
125, 250 and 800
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 27
ASTM A203/A203M-93 Standard Specification for Pressure Vessel Plates;
Alloy Steel, Nickel
ASTM A312/A312M REV A-92 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded
Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe
ASTM A335/A335M REV B-92 Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-
Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
28 ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995
ASTM A376/A376M REV A-91 Standard Specification for Seamless Austenitic Steel
Pipe for High-Temperature Central-Station Service
ASTM A675/A675M REV A-90 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-
Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties
ASTM A691 REV A-89 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel
Pipe, Electric-Fusion-Welded for High-Pressure
Service at High Temperatures
ASTM A696 REV A-90 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-
Wrought or Cold-Finished, Special Quality, for
Pressure Piping Components
ASTM A739 REV A-90 Standard Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-
Wrought, for Elevated Temperature or Pressure-
Containing Parts
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 29
ASTM B127-93 Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper Alloy (UNS
N04400) Plate, Sheet, and Strip
ASTM B162-93 Standard Specification for Nickel Plate, Sheet, and Strip
30 ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995
ASTM B434-89 Standard Specification for Nickel-Molybdenum-
Chromium-Iron Alloy (UNS N10003) Plate, Sheet,
and Strip
ASTM B572 REV A87 Standard Specification for UNS N06002, UNS
N06230, and UNS R30556 Rod
ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995 31
ASTM B573-89 Standard Specification for Nickel-Molybdenum-
Chromium-Iron Alloy (UNS N10003) Rod
32 ANSI/ISA-S75.19-1995
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ISBN: 1-55617-186-2