The Year 1872 There Are 2 Historical Events
The Year 1872 There Are 2 Historical Events
The Year 1872 There Are 2 Historical Events
complemented Tavera’s account and analyzed
of the Cavite Mutiny. They prominent Filipino
the motivation of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny.
priests charged with treason and sedition. It
●According in this account, General La Torre is believed that the Spanish clergy connected
created a junta composed of high officials the priest to the mutiny as a part of a
including some friars and six Spanish officials. conspiracy to stifle the movement of secular
priests who desired to have their own parishes
●The arrival in Manila of General lzquierdo put
instead of being merely assistants to the
a sudden end to all dreams and reforms. The
regular friars. The GOMBURZA were
new Governor General were expected as a
executed by garrote in public, as scene
result of the bitter disputes between Filipino
purportedly witnessed by a young Jose Rizal.
clerics and the friars. In regard to school, it
was previously decreed in Manila a Society of Their Martyrdom is widely accepted as
Arts and Trades to be opened in March of 1871 the dawn of Philippine nationalism in the 19th
to repress the growth of liberal teaching and century, with Rizal Dedicating his second novel,
General lzquierdo suspended the opening of El Filibusterismo to their memory.
the school.