The Year 1872 There Are 2 Historical Events

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●The Year 1872 there are 2 historical events ●At the beginning of the year 1872, the ●According

●According to the account of two on January

(1) the Cavite Mutiny (2)the martyrdom of authorities received anonymous 20, 1872 the district of Sampaloc celebrated
the three priests:(1) Mariano Gomez,(2) communications with the information that a the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, with the
Jose Burgos (3) Jacinto Zamora or the great uprising would break out against the naval fireworks displays. Those in Cavite
GOMBURZA. Spaniards but nobody gave importance to mistook the fireworks as the sign for the
these notion. attack, the 200 men headed by sergeant
●Cavite Mutiny a major factor in the awakening
Lamadrid launched an attack targeting Spanish
of nationalism among the Filipinos. Primary Source: Excerpt from the official
officer and killed 11 of them. When the news
Report of Governor lzquierdo on the Cavite
2 VERSION OF CAVITE MUTINY reached Governor lzquierdo he readily order
Mutiny of 1872.
the reinforcement of the Spanish forces in
1 SPANISH VERSION - Jose Montero Y
●RAFAEL LZQUIERDO - Governor General Cavite to quell the result. Sergeant Lamadrid
who implicated the native clergy and was active were killed, while the Gomborza were trial by
2 FILIPINO VERSION- Dr. Trinidad in the movement toward the secularization of a court martial and sentenced to be executed.
Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera. parishes
●February 1872 Gomburza were executed to
SPANISH VERSION OF CAVITE MUTINY ●According to his account: the "revolution" serve as a threat to Filipinos never attempt to
started because of the abolition of privilege fight the Spaniards again.
Primary Source: Excerpts from Montero's
enjoyed by the workers of the Cavite arsenal
Account of the Cavite Mutiny DIFFERENT ACCOUNT OF THE EVENTS
such as exemption from payment of tribute
OF 1872
●JOSE MONTERO Y VIDAL - Spanish and being employed in polo y servicios or
historian who centered his documentation on forced labor. ●Two other primary accounts exist that seem
how the event was an attempt in overthrowing to counter the accounts of Izquierdo and
● Other Causes- Presence of the native clergy
the Spanish Government in the Philippines Montero.
(Katutubong Pastor) and to overthrow the
●According to his account, the abolition of Spanish government by installing new "hari " in Primary Source: Excepts from Pardo de
privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the the person of Father Burgos and Zamora. In Tavera’s Account of Cavite Mutiny
Cavite arsenal of exemption from the tribute the Spaniard's account, the events of 1872
●Dr. Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera
was, according to some of the insurrection. was premeditated, and was part of a big
– a Filipino scholar and researcher, who wrote
conspiracy among the educated leaders,
●Spanish Revolution which overthrew the a Filipino version of the bloody incident in
mestizos, lawyers and residents of Manila and
secular throne, dirty propagandas proliferated Cavite.
Cavite. They allegedly plan to liquidate high
by unrestrained press, democratic, liberal and
ranking Spanish officers, then kill the friars. ● According to his account, the incident of the
republican hooks and pamphlets reaching the
The signal that they identified among these bloody incident was merely a mutiny by Filipino
Philippines and most importantly, the presence
conspirators of Manila and Cavite was the soldier s and laborer of the Cavite arsenal to
of the native clergy out of animosity against
rockets fired from Intramurals. the dissatisfaction arising from the policies of
the Spanish friars conspired and supported
Izquierdo , such as abolition of privileges and
the rebels and enemies of Spain.
the prohibition of the founding of the school but the employed at the maestranza of the Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
Lipa City
of arts and trades for Filipinos, which the artillery, in the engineering shops and arsenal
General saw as a smokescreen to creating a of Cavite are exempted from this obligation.
political club. Governor withdrew from such old employees
their retirement privileges and declassified
●Tavera’s opinion is that the Spanish friars
into the ranks who work into the public roads.
and Izquierdo used the Cavite Mutiny as way
The friars used the incident as a part of a
to deprive the friars of all the powers of
larger conspiracy which started to show cracks
intervention in matters of civil government and
because of the discontent of the Filipinos.
direction and management of Educational
They showcased the mutiny as a part of great
Institution ( Philippine Institution ) and the
conspiracy in the Philippines by Filipinos to
mutiny provided such opportunity.
overthrow the Spanish Government
.Unintentionally, the Cavite Mutiny of 1872

Primary Source: Excerpts from Plauchut’s

resulted in the martyrdom of GOMBURZA and
paved the way to the revolution culminating in
Account of the Cavite Mutiny

●EDMUND PLAUCHUT – French Writer who

GOMBURZA were tagged as the mastermind

complemented Tavera’s account and analyzed
of the Cavite Mutiny. They prominent Filipino
the motivation of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny.
priests charged with treason and sedition. It
●According in this account, General La Torre is believed that the Spanish clergy connected
created a junta composed of high officials the priest to the mutiny as a part of a
including some friars and six Spanish officials. conspiracy to stifle the movement of secular
priests who desired to have their own parishes
●The arrival in Manila of General lzquierdo put
instead of being merely assistants to the
a sudden end to all dreams and reforms. The
regular friars. The GOMBURZA were
new Governor General were expected as a
executed by garrote in public, as scene
result of the bitter disputes between Filipino
purportedly witnessed by a young Jose Rizal.
clerics and the friars. In regard to school, it
was previously decreed in Manila a Society of Their Martyrdom is widely accepted as
Arts and Trades to be opened in March of 1871 the dawn of Philippine nationalism in the 19th
to repress the growth of liberal teaching and century, with Rizal Dedicating his second novel,
General lzquierdo suspended the opening of El Filibusterismo to their memory.
the school.

●The Filipinos had a duty to render services on

public construction and pay taxes every year

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