Management of Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis in A Pregnant Patient - A Rare Case Report
Management of Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis in A Pregnant Patient - A Rare Case Report
Management of Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis in A Pregnant Patient - A Rare Case Report
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 5 Ver. II (May. 2017), PP 112-116
Abstract: Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is characterized by necrosis and sloughing of gingival tissues and
presents with pain, spontaneous bleeding, necrosis of the interdental papillae and halitosis. Various
predisposing factors responsible for NUG are psychological stress, immune deficiency, hormonal imbalance,
malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, smoking etc. The disease if not treated on further progression can lead to
necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis and noma. This rare case report is first of its kind, describes the diagnosis
and management of a pregnant patient in her third trimester (eighth month) who presented with the complaint
of severe pain in gums with the characteristic signs and symptoms suggestive of NUG. Patient was treated in a
sequential manner which included debridement, dental prophylaxis along with antibiotic and antimicrobial
NUG causes severe agony to an otherwise normal patient, however in a pregnant patient the signs and
symptoms are even more severe and the management poses a challenge to the clinician. In this case a successful
management of NUG in a pregnant patient is reported.
Keywords: Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, Hormonal imbalance, Stress,
I. Introduction
Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is an endogenous, polymicrobial infection of gingiva which begins as
an ulceration of the tip of interdental papilla, spreads along the gingival margins, and if left untreated rapidly
progresses to cause severe destruction of the periodontium. The disease entity, till date has been known with
various names such as vincent‟s infection, trench mouth, fusospirochetal gingivitis, phagedenic gingivitis. It
frequently occurs in an epidemic pattern, especially those living under similar conditions. A fusospirochetal
bacterial component has been identified as principle organism however, according to various antimicrobial
studies fusospirochetal complex could only be opportunistic pathogens present in the plaque which initiates the
disease during the periods when host defenses are compromised by stress, malnutrition, hormonal imbalance
advised to take adequate rest and nutrition. Patient was prescribed amoxicillin 500mg every 8 hours, and
paracetamol 500mg every 12 hour, and as the patient was pregnant a written consent was asked from the
patients gynecologist for initiating dental prophylaxis and metronidazole regimen.On the second day
pesudomembranous formation was markedly reduced, irrigation and supragingival scaling was done, and
patient was advised to continue the same regimen as given on first day. In addition to that tablet metronidazole
400mg was started only after the patient was counselled about due risk and consultation obtained from the
gynecologist for the same. On the third day pain got reduced and clinical appearance of gingiva was
significantly improved, irrigation and scaling was done.(fig 6,7)
On fifth day, there was complete absence of pseudomembarane, and pinkish hue of gingiva was
returned.(fig 8,9) Significant resolution of submandibular lymphadenopathy was seen. Subgingival scaling was
started, amoxicillin and metronidazole and hydrogen peroxide mouthwash were discontinued, and topical
application of metronidazole gel was started and chlorhexidine mouthwash was continued. On tenth day
gingiva appeared healthy with its pale pink hue, and palatal lesion showed complete healing. Patient was
advised to maintain proper oral hygiene and nutrition.( fig 10-14)
III. Discussion
NUG is described as “ Polymicrobial disease of the gingiva occurring in individuals with impaired
host response, it is characterized by the necrosis and sloughing of gingiva and presents with characteristic signs
and symptoms”.The term „acute‟ is outdated as there is no chronic form of the disease. NUG may have occurred
as early as 401BC, Hunter in 1778 made the first clinical differential diagnosis between NUG , periodontoclasia
and scurvy. Hirsch in 1886, for the first time gave the diagnostic features of NUG. Gilmer pointed out in 1906
that interdental papillae are ineviatably affected. Plaut in 1894 and Vincent two years later were the first to
associate the fusospirochetal infection with NUG.
The disease has quite a sudden onset. The characteristic clinical features are punched out crater like
depressions on gingiva, the craters are covered by pseudomembranous slough, and in some areas which are
denuded of slough, red shiny heamorrhagic gingiva is seen. The patient characteristically complains of gnawing
pain , metallic foul taste and pasty saliva. There is fever , malaise and enlarged submaxillary lymph
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Two most significant criteria in the diagnosis are:
• Interproximal necrosis and ulceration
• Soreness and bleeding
During pregnancy the levels of both estrogen and progesterone increases, which reaches at maximum
at the eighth month of pregnancy i.e. levels 30 and 10 times the levels during the menstrual cycle respectively,
as seen this case. These increased hormonal levels cause increased vascular permeability, leading to gingival
edema and increased inflammatory response to dental plaque. As the patient was young and it was her first
pregnancy stress also played a role. According to cohen et al stress causes activation of hypothalamic pituitary
adrenal axis which leads to elevation of serum cortisol causing depression of lymphocytes and PMNs
predisposes to NUG. Metronidazole is active against most obligate anaerobes, and a standard treatment for
NUG. Although metronidazole has shown mutagenic activity in in-vitro studies, studies in mammals( in –vivo)
have failed to demonstrate a potential for genetic damage, and fertility changes. Also various studies
performed in humans, did not reveal any elevated risk of congenital abnormalities, preterm delivery or low birth
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weight among women exposed to Metronidazole.
IV. Conclusion
Every pregnant patient should be advised for a complete dental evaluation and adequate prophylactic
measures from the initial stage of pregnancy so that acute exacerbation of periodontal diseases which are
commonly seen in pregnant patient. Gynecologist can play a key role in counselling the patients regarding the
significance of oral hygiene and encourage the patient for regular dental evaluation. A multidisciplinary
approach is mandatory for maintaining a good oral health in pregnant patient.
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Fig 1: 20 year old female patient presenting with submandibular lymphadenopathy on left side of face. (day 1)
Fig 2: Erythematous inflammed gingiva with necrotic ulcerations and pseudomembrane. (day 1)
Fig 3: Ulcerations covered with pseudomembrane extending from palatal gingiva to palatal mucosa.
Fig 4 : Generalized blunting of the interdental papillae covered with pseudomembrane in left buccal view. (day
Fig 5 : Generalized blunting of the interdental papillae covered with pseudomembrane in right buccal view.
(day 1)
Fig 10 : complete resolution of all the lesions on frontal view. (day 10)
Fig 11 : complete resolution of all the lesions on right buccal view. (day 10)
Fig 12 : complete resolution of all the lesions on left buccal view. (day 10)
Fig 13 : complete resolution of all the lesions on palatal view. (day 10)