Theory of Tensile Test Engineering Essay PDF
Theory of Tensile Test Engineering Essay PDF
Theory of Tensile Test Engineering Essay PDF
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Tensile test is a standard engineering procedure to characterize properties related to mechanical behavior of materials. The properties describe t
variation in geometry of the specimen has to be considered. Although the behavior of the material inside elastic limit is of considerable importanc
effects with large deformation takes place in number of manufacturing processes. The Fracture toughness acts to stop the progress of fracture i
environment, temperature, the composition of material and its microstructures together with geometric effects. These factors are important for w
Theory of Tensile Test, elastic constant, surface energy, fracture toughness and derivation of fatigue potential energy, lethargy coefficient, surfac
dynamic fatigue. life equation are presented in this chapter.
A: Proportional limit
B: Elastic limit
F: Breaking point
Proportional limit: Stress is a linear function of strain and the material obeys Hookeʼs law. This proportionality extends upto point A and this point
portion of the curve and its slope represents the value of modulus of elasticity.
Elastic limit: Beyond proportional limit, stress and strain depart from straight line relationship. The material however, remains elastic upto state po
is such that there is no residual or permanent deformation when the load is removed. Upto to this point, the deformation is reversible or recovera
maximum unit stress to which a material can be subjected and is still able to return to its original form upon removal of load.
Yield point: Beyond elastic limit, the material shows consideral strain even though there is no increase in load or stress. This strain is not fully reco
position. The behavior of the material is inelastic and the onset of plastic deformation is called yielding of the material. The point C is called the u
between the upper and lower yield point is small and the quoted yield stress is usually the lower value.
Ultimate strength or tensile strength: After yielding has taken place, the material becomes strain hardened (strength of the specimen increases) a
stress at point E. Strain in this portion is about 100 times than that of the portion from O to D. Point E represents the maximum ordinate of the cur
tensile stress of the material.
Breaking strength: In the portion EF, there is falling off the load (stress) from the maximum until fracture takes place at F. The point F is referred t
the breaking stress [1].
The stress-strain curve is constructed from the load-elongation measurements (fig.2.2).The stress used in this stress-strain profile is the average
load by original area of cross-section of the specimen.
Stress = (2.1)
The strain used for the engineering stress-strain curve is the average linear strain, which is the rate of the elongation of gauge length of the spec
= = = (2.2)
The magnitude and shape of the stress-strain curve of a metal will depend upon its prior history of plastic deformation, heat treatment, composit
during the testing. The different type of parameters which are used to describe the stress-strain curve of a metal are the percentage elongation,
ductility; the last two indicates strength parameters. In the zone of elastic limit, strain is measured by an “extensometer” attached to the gauge le
In the elastic limit stress is linear proportional to strain. When the load exceeds a value above the yield strength, the specimen undergoes to plast
zero. The stress, to produce continuous plastic deformation, increases with increasing plastic strain i.e. the metal strain-hardens [2] .
= o o (2.3)
And as specimen elongates, due to this it decreases uniformly in cross sectional area. At the beginning the strain hardening more than compensa
with increasing strain finally a point is arrived where the effect of decrease in specimen cross-sectional area is higher than the increase in deform
reaches first at some point in the specimen that is slightly weaker than the rest. The further non elastic deformation is concentrated in this region
that the cross-sectional area now is decreasing far more rapid rate than the deformation load is increased by strain hardening, the actual amount
stress in the same way continues to decrease until fracture occurs. Many varieties of fractures can occur during the processing of metals and the
Fracture. [3]
Consider segment of a cylindrical bar of length , cross-sectional area A0 and subjected to a load as shown in fig 2.3(a) when the load is increased
and length elongates to 12210 as shown in figs. 2.3 b-c-d. The conventional stress and conventional strain are obtained in each case by
It clearly shows that the original A is assumed constant .This criteria may be true for elastic range only as elastic reduction in cross-sectional area
However, while dealing with the plastic range, the reduction in cross-sectional area and the strain are large (compare Fig. 2.3 a and b). Hence can
all the loads. Thus the need arises to obtain true stress and true strain in plastic range. These are determined in steps as follows [4].
Specimens are attached to a movable grip and to a fixed side-gripping device. A parallel spring is made of four thin plates to serve as the straight
guide mechanism are lifted over the base of the tensile testing machine so that they were not affected by friction which would otherwise seriousl
(using a precision translation stage driven by a D.C. motor) one end of steel belt, the other end, is connected to the movable grip. A load cell with
loads applied to the specimen and parallel spring. The load applied or the specimen is calculated by subtracting the load applied to the parallel sp
Characteristics of the parallel spring measure in advance, from the measure load. The elongation was determined by measuring the relative displ
of the testing machine have a strong influence on the shape of the stress-strain diagram and the fracture behavior a rigid testing machine with a
machine tends to be hard machines, while hydraulically driven testing machines are soft machines. A hard testing machine produces the upper a
load will be recorded.
Universal Testing Machine is used to conduct the Tensile Test. There are two types of machines used in tension testing.
Fig 2.5: Change in inter atomic distance on application of compressive forces [5].
Where is the potential energy which in the most general way can be expressed as
to (2.6)
Similarly the decrease in length of inner -atomic distance is called contraction ,and it is express as,
(a). The Strain is then defined as the change in length of inter atomic distance over bond length . The tensile strain εt and compressive strain εc
εt = =
and εc = =
(b). The Stress σ is defined as the internal resisting force i.e. inter atomic force F per unit cross sectional area A of a material. Therefore
σ =
Due to Eqs. 2.4 and 2.5 it can be written as
σ = = = (2.8)
Poissonʼs Ratio: A material, subjected to a tensile stress, elongates in the direction of tensile axis but contracts in the transverse direction the tran
This ratio is called Poissonʼs ratio and is expressed by
Youngʼs modulus: In the fig 2.5 a tangent is drawn at .It coincide with the curve over a small range and . AB is in elastic region. This slope is propo
It may be approximated that the force acts on area which is the average area per atom since number of bonds per unit area is 1/ and also knowing
(Hookeʼs law),
The youngʼs modulus is also known as modulus of elasticity or elastic modulus. Its value for a material is influenced by factor such as bonding ch
dimensional network possess high values of elastic modulus [5]. The effect of temperature is to lower down the elastic modulus by 10% to 20% b
temperature for carbon steel can be expressed by
Shear Modulus: The ratio of shear stress and the shear strain γ is defined as shear modulus or modulus of rigidity It is related to the Youngʼs mod
(2.13) Bulk Modulus: A material under three dimensional loading is subjected to the stresses axes respectively. The initial volume of the material c
as the ratio of average stress to volumetric strain and is expressed by [5]
Where (2.15)
And (2.16)
(2.17 b)
and by
= (2.18)
= (2.20)
= width of specimen
Figure 2.6 shows that a is not always the total length of the crack, but sometimes it is half of the crack length in case of Interior crack [6]. The val
important values of Y for short cracks subjected to a tension load are as follows:
Fracture toughness,has the English customary units of psi inch1/2,and the SI units of MPa m1/2
= [7]. (2.21)
This value for the fracture toughness is the value normally specified because it is never greater than or equal to. The I subscript for, stands for mo
(Electron beam welding(EBW) is typically used, because the weld is narrow and causes little distortion).
Other specimen configurations are the centre-cracked tension (CCT) panels, single edge notch tension (SENT) specimens, and shallow-crack te
constraint, and can be more structurally representative than standard CT or SENB specimens. The SENT specimens are being used to determine
where the installation method involves plastic straining. The position and orientation of the specimens are important. The location and orientation
the notch is defined with respect to either the weld axis or the rolling direction or forging axis of other components. In the standard SENB & C T s
of the specimen width, W, giving a lower-bound conservative estimate of fracture toughness, because of the high level of crack tip constraint gen
There are many different experiments which can be used to obtain a value of. Almost any size and shape of sample can be used as long as it is co
experiment that can be performed to find a value for fracture toughness by screw-driven universal testing machine. This testing machine loads th
curve is plotted by an X-Y recorder. From this plot, a possible value for Y can be calculated. With this value can be calculated. [8]
Fig 2.13 : Fracture Toughness vs. Temperature for several steels. [9]
=constant (2.18).
Lethargy coefficient can be calculated from S-N curve, to the a variation of stress amplitude to the logarithm of number of cycles to failure, as sh
= (2.21)
= material constant
= Kelvin temperature
= lethargy coefficient
= 1 (2.23)
In ordinary uniaxial Tensile Test, it is assumed that temperature is constant and that the stress increases linearly
Where is the time from the start of loading up to fracture. Because fracture begins at the ultimate tensile strength, the stress is maximum at
The surface energy per mole is defined as
= (2.26)
Where surface energy per unit area for elastic brittle fracture
= (2.27)
= (2.28)
. (2.29)
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