Cooling System Surge Analysis With AFT Impulse

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Case Study

Cooling System Surge Analysis with AFT ImpulseTM

Company: Chicago Bridge & Iron

Process Engineering Division
Address: 14105 South Route 59 One of the first steps was to benchmark the
Plainfield, IL 60544 existing system. Running steady-state cases in AFT
Telephone: 815-439-6303 Impulse, Doug DeGraaf, CBI Senior Engineer,
determined discrepancies in predicted and
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company, with more than 60 measured parameters was due to differences in the
locations and approximately 11,000 employees, is a theoretical and actual losses in the condensers due
leading engineering, procurement and construction to plugged tubes and fouling. Condenser loss values
company, specializing in lump-sum turnkey projects were adjusted to calibrate the model. As Doug
for customers that produce, process, store and explains; “AFT Impulse allowed the separation of
distribute the world's natural resources. ‘reality’ from ‘theoretical’ to arrive at a true model of
the existing system.”
Chicago Bridge & Iron’s Process Engineering Several transient cases were studied including
Division was tasked with developing the design for a tripping combinations of the existing circulating
gasification system serving an LNG off-loading pumps and added booster pumps and closing of the
terminal. An innovative and energy efficient new connecting valves. Dynamic modeling revealed
approach was taken utilizing waste heat from a considerable flow would continue after pump trip due
nearby power plant. A key criterion in the design to the momentum of the water in the long pipelines.
was to insure the new, interconnecting system did This continued flow after pump trip caused low
not compromise the mechanical integrity or pressure in the existing cooling tower return lines
operation of the plant cooling system. resulting in reverse flow and air being drawn into
A previous analysis resulted in a design these lines.
incorporating check valves, flow control valves, Initially check valves and other components had
booster pump bypass valves and full voltage booster been included to avoid such conditions, but AFT
pumps. While meeting some of the design criteria, Impulse revealed this would result in transient
an analysis of the system using AFT Impulse pressures below atmospheric, a situation that
revealed vacuum conditions would exist in the piping needed to be avoided. Using AFT Impulse a revised
under various operational scenarios, including pump design was developed that eliminated all of the
trip. As information was not available on the vacuum check valves, bypass valves, flow control valves and
capabilities of the existing piping, a new system made use of variable speed drives for the pumps.
design was developed to eliminate these possible Results of this new design yielded not only a
problem areas. system with no mechanical integrity issues, but also
The AFT Impulse model consisted of both the a significant reduction in the system components
existing cooling water system and the new, required and simplified system control.
interconnecting system flowing in excess of 108,000
gpm. The existing system included:
 Six cell cooling tower with two vortex breakers
 Two circulating pumps
 Two condensers
 All interconnecting piping, valves,
fittings, etc.

Adding to this the new, interconnecting system

 Four booster pumps
 Seven plate-frame heat exchangers
 Tower connecting valves
 interconnecting piping, valves,
fittings, etc.

Applied Flow Technology · 2955 Professional Place, Suite 301, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 USA ·
Additional benefits derived from modeling the
system with AFT Impulse were development of
several recommendations to improve operability. By
implementing these recommendations the resulting
system will be able to restart quickly after an upset
with minimal operational concerns.
Describing his experience using AFT Impulse for
this project, Doug stated it; “proved to be both easy
to model and easily understandable as it relates to
what was actually taking place during valve and
pump transients. Program outputs included model
input synopsis, graphical output of pressures,
flowrates, etc. at any time or place in the model, and
steady-state analysis outputs (prior to initiation of

Pump speed vs. time graph for one of the

existing circulating pumps and one of the new
booster pumps after tripping

Pressure vs. time graph at pump discharge and inlet of cooling tower riser after
pump trip

Applied Flow Technology · 2955 Professional Place, Suite 301, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 USA ·

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