Preventative Strategies
Preventative Strategies
Preventative Strategies
Preventative Strategies
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Susan H Spence
Griffith University
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Susan H. Spence
The prevention of fears and anxiety disorders in childhood has received very little attention.
This omission is perhaps not surprising, given that the whole area of prevention of
psychological problems has been relatively neglected. Various legislative influences,
however, have emphasized the need for preventative interventions. For example, in the
United States, the Joint Commission on Mental Health and Mental Illness created by the
Mental Health Study Act in the 1950s was asked to review and make recommendations
about practices designed to reduce the number of new cases and the duration of mental
illness (Hightower & Braden, 1991). Prevention was also specified as a direct service to be
provided under the 1963 Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health
Centers Construction Act (PL 88-164).
Despite an awareness of the need for and value of preventative interventions, preven-
tion occupies an extremely small proportion of the professional time of mental health
workers. Peterson, Hartmann, and Gelfand (1980) reviewed studies that reported the degree
to which mental health workers are involved in preventive interventions. It was noted that
prevention was rarely mentioned as an area in which time was spent, and only around 5% of
work time was spent in areas such as education or consultation, which were the areas most
closely related to prevention. Even then, much of this time was focused on early interven-
tion, rather than prevention prior to the onset of problems. Behavior therapists were just
as neglectful of prevention as were other mental health workers (Wade, Baker, & Hartmann,
SUSAN H. SPENCE • Department of Psychology, University of Queensland. St. Lucia, Queensland 4072.
T. H. Ollendick et al. (eds.), International Handbook of Phobic and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 1994
454 The lack of effort given to preventative efforts is disappointing when one considers the
Susan H. Spence potential value of preventative programs. Psychological disorders in children affect a
significant proportion of the child population, and mental health resources struggle to meet
the demand for therapy (Price, Cowen, Lorion, & Ramos-McKay, 1988). Even worse,
evidence suggests that the majority of children in need of psychological intervention are not
referred for treatment (Esser, Schmidt, & Woerner, 1990). The large numbers of children
who progress through childhood without intervention or who continue to show psychologi-
cal problems despite therapy are problematic. It is of concern not only that so many children
experience the distress of psychological problems during childhood, but also that many will
continue to show such problems during adulthood. There is now considerable evidence to
suggest that the onset of many adult psychological problems can be traced back to
childhood, and this is particularly true for anxiety disorders (Mattison, 1992; Ost, 1987).
For example, a high proportion of socially phobic adults recall an onset during early adoles-
cence (Turner & Beidel, 1989). Similarly, evidence from prospective studies of children
suggests that a high proportion of children do not "grow out of" anxiety disorders. Unless
successfully treated, anxiety disorders in childhood frequently persist or develop into some
other form of anxiety disorder. For example, Cantwell and Baker (1989) completed a 4-year
follow-up of children 2-11 years old. These authors found that a high proportion of the
children with a DSM-III diagnosis of an anxiety disorder either maintained their diagnosis
or could be classified as fitting the criteria for another disorder. As an illustration, 25% of
the overanxious children remained overanxious 4 years later, 25% had no diagnosis at
follow-up, and the remainder met the criteria for some other problem, which mainly related
to another anxiety or affective disorder. Mattison (1992), in reviewing studies that have
investigated the persistence of childhood anxiety disorders, concluded that although more
definitive follow-up studies are needed for specific child anxiety disorders, a variety of
evidence suggests that children with anxiety disorders are at risk for ongoing morbidity.
Thus, there is a strong case for the development of programs that aim to reduce the
prevalence of psychological problems in childhood, and anxiety disorders in particular. If
we could prevent the onset of such disorders, the benefits in terms of cost savings to the
mental health system and reductions in the degree of personal suffering experienced by
individuals and their families would be enormous.
A great deal has been written about models of prevention. Traditionally, three levels of
prevention have been described (Caplan, 1964). Primary prevention, the first level, aims to
reduce the prevalence of disorders by reducing the incidence of new cases through
intervention before disorders occur. Secondary prevention aims to reduce the prevalence of
disorders through early identification of problems or mild disorders, with intervention
before the disorder becomes severe. Tertiary prevention aims to reduce the prevalence of
disorders by reducing their duration. This third level involves treatment of existing dis-
orders and prevention of relapse (Hightower & Braden, 1991; Weinstein, 1990).
This chapter will focus on primary prevention. Various approaches may be taken to
primary prevention. Interventions may be designed that are applied to all individuals within
a community with the aim of reducing the probability that a disorder will develop. Whole
classes or schools may be involved in a prevention program, or whole communities may be
targeted through media communications or community programs. Alternatively, preventa-
tive efforts may be targeted at specific groups who are considered to be "at risk" for the
development of particular problems. For example, children who have experienced some
traumatic event, or whose parents experience some form of psychological disorder, may be
considered to be more likely to develop certain psychological problems in comparison to
the general population. Preventative interventions may therefore be targeted toward these
specific groups, on the basis of the assumption that it is more cost-effective to focus on high- 455
risk groups rather than on the population as a whole, who have a lower probability of Preventative
developing psychological difficulties. A further type of primary prevention approach is Strategies
targeted to children who are required to undergo some form of aversive experience, such as
certain medical or dental procedures. The aim in this case is to reduce negative psychologi-
cal reactions during the procedure and to future occurrences of the event.
Programs that aim to prevent the development of mental health problems typically
make use of approaches that manipulate those factors that are normally involved in the
development or maintenance of the problems in question. Thus, in designing a preventative
intervention for children's maladaptive fears or anxiety disorders, it is important to have a
thorough understanding of the etiology of these conditions and an awareness of the variables
that determine their persistence. Etiological and maintaining variables may relate to
456 features of the environment or the individual's characteristics. The environmental influences
Susan H. Spence may, in turn, be broken down into general influences (such as cultural or physical
environment factors) and into more direct, specific influences that form each person's
learning experiences.
Table I summarizes some of the many factors that are thought to influence the
development and maintenance of maladaptive fears and anxiety disorders in childhood.
This table illustrates the way in which an awareness of these factors provides an indication
of the methods that may be incorporated into preventive programs. In the same way that
etiological and maintaining factors may stem from the environment and the individual,
preventative interventions may also be targeted toward environmental change or toward
altering "person" characteristics.
Table 1. A Multilevel Model for the Prevention of Maladaptive Fears and Anxiety Disorders in
Source of influence Etiological or maintaining factor Preventative approaches
The model for the prevention of maladaptive fears and anxiety disorders outlined
above emphasizes the need for preventative efforts at three levels producing changes in
(1) the general sociocultural/physical environment, (2) specific environmental influences/
learning experiences, and (3) characteristics relating to the child. Given that most clinicians
are not in a position to produce a marked impact on the general sociocultural/physical
environment or genetic influences, we will focus here on preventative approaches that may
be used to reduce the probability that fears will develop and increase the child's ability to
cope with unpleasant or stressful events.
The literature suggests that various methods may be beneficial in teaching coping
skills and reducing the development of fears. These methods include:
1. Modeling of coping skills and successful handling of the feared situation.
2. Provision of information about feared situations, in order that children obtain a
sense of control over the feared event
3. Direct instruction in the use of coping strategies, including positive self-
instructions, relaxation, and attention-diversion methods.
4. Use of latent inhibition to reduce the probability of classic conditioning of feared
stimuli by prior exposure of es (situational cues) in the absence of ues (aversive
5. Exposure to fearful situations in the absence of feared consequences.
6. Training of parents to model appropriate coping behavior, to reinforce their child's
use of coping skills, and to reduce their own overprotective and anxious behaviors.
Several authors have written about the need for programs to prevent childhood
maladaptive fears and anxiety disorders and have even outlined the types of approaches that
could be used (e.g., King, Hamilton, & Murphy, 1983; Martinez, 1987; Robinson, Rotter,
Fey, & Robinson, 1991). Robinson et al. (1991) discussed various levels of intervention that
could be used in the prevention of childhood fears. They stressed the need to teach coping
skills to facilitate the child's ability to cope effectively with threatening situations that are an
inevitable and essential part of normal development. Their approach emphasized the
development of concepts of control, security, and self-worth and the acquisition of coping
skills to deal with developmentally appropriate fear situations. As an illustration, these
authors outlined a classroom-based intervention for the prevention of fears of the dark,
which included components such as studying creatures of the night, talking about night
shift workers, reading stories about the dark, and studying the stars and the night sky. This
462 program also stressed the need for parent education concerning the developmental process
Susan H. Spence of normative childhood fears and parenting techniques for dealing with fearful behavior.
The use of parent newsletters and workshops was proposed.
Unfortunately, suggestions for programs to prevent childhood fears and anxiety
disorders have rarely been put into practice. There is a marked absence of empirical data to
permit evaluation of the effectiveness of preventative programs for children's maladaptive
fears or anxiety disorders. What are needed are large-scale studies that assess the long-term
impact of preventative interventions, in comparison to no intervention and placebo ap-
proaches. Reliable and valid outcome measures of maladaptive fears and anxiety problems
should be included, which should involve information from a variety of sources (e.g.,
parent, child, and teacher) across a range of settings (e.g., home and school). Furthermore,
follow-ups should be of adequate duration (e.g., 5-10 years) to permit evaluation of the
long-term impact of any preventative intervention. Ideally, such programs should aim to
teach the type of generalizable coping skills outlined above, in order to reduce maladaptive
fear and anxiety across a wide range of situations.
To date, well-controlled experimental studies of this type are yet to be conducted. We
can gain some insights into the effectiveness of preventative interventions, however, by
considering those studies that have examined the prevention of fears relating to specific
situations or prevention approaches with "high-risk" samples.
It is clear from this chapter that there are many ways in which preventative programs
could be implemented in an attempt to reduce fears and anxiety problems in children. Much
of what has been written, however, refers to proposals or hypothetical models for ap-
proaches to prevention. Very few programs have actually been implemented for the
prevention of childhood fears or anxiety disorders, and even fewer have been evaluated
empirically. The few studies that have described experimental evaluations of outcome in
this area have been limited to a specific type of trigger situation, such as school transition or
parental divorce. We still await evaluation of a large-scale preventative program that is
designed to prevent childhood fears and anxiety disorders more generally.
There are several explanations that could be proposed to account for the lack of
involvement of mental health researchers and practitioners in the prevention of childhood
fears and anxiety problems. Indeed, many of these points could equally be made to explain
the lack of attention paid to prevention programs generally. First, the training of most
mental health professionals places minimal emphasis on prevention, and thus many
practitioners may not feel they have the skills or confidence to develop and implement
preventative programs. In fact, most mental health clinicians who have a good understand-
ing of the etiological and maintaining factors of a psychological disorder and are trained in
behavior-change methods would also have the skills to design and conduct a preventative
Second, Hightower and Braden (1991) propose that many practitioners hold irrational
beliefs that reduce the probability that they will engage in preventative work. These include
the beliefs that they do not have time to engage in preventative efforts and that preventative
efforts do not work. These authors also emphasize the bias that many clinicians have toward
direct casework, rather than community-based interventions or work with nonclinical
groups before any diagnosable disorder is present. Obviously, attitudes such as these within
mental health professions would be a major barrier to progress in prevention programs.
Third, it is important to discuss the practical issues related to prevention programs
when it comes to empirical outcome studies. In order to evaluate the outcome of a
preventative program, studies typically need extremely large sample sizes if the base rate of
the disorder in the popUlation is relatively low. Only with such large samples is it then
possible to determine whether the prevalence of the presenting problem is lower in the group
receiving the preventative intervention compared to the no-intervention control group.
Studies of this type are therefore extremely expensive, and researchers are more likely to
work with populations and problems for which the base rate for the disorder or problem is
higher. Thus, programs are more likely to be implemented for "high-risk" groups and 471
frequently presenting problems (e.g., anxiety following parental divorce) than large-scale Preventative
studies with the general population and less commonly presenting problems (e.g., child Strategies
anxiety disorders). The wide range of possible etiological factors in childhood fears and
anxiety also produces practical problems for preventative programs. The ideal program
would need to tackle the numerous factors outlined in Table 1, and doing so would obviously
be very costly. There may be little point, however, in tackling only one etiological variable if
other adverse factors remain in place. For example, a school-based program to teach coping
skills to children for dealing with aversive and difficult situations would probably not be
particularly effective if a child remains in a home environment that actively models and
reinforces anxious and avoidance behaviors.
Although the points made in this section may explain why mental health researchers
and practitioners have paid relatively little attention to preventative interventions, it is
important that the relevant professions make attempts to redress this situation in the future.
The small amount of information available from research studies to date has produced some
optimistic results in the prevention of specific anxiety and fear problems in childhood, in
response to specific situations. We now have a great deal of information regarding the types
of methods that can be used to prevent fears and anxiety. These methods include the use of
modeling and teaching children a range of coping strategies for dealing with aversive and
stressful situations. We also know a great deal about the environmental and individual
factors that are related to the development of fears and anxiety problems in childhood, as
outlined in Table 1. Given this knowledge, we should therefore be in a position to design and
implement large-scale programs to prevent maladaptive fears and anxiety disorders in
childhood. These programs could be targeted toward high-risk groups or conducted on a
school-community basis with general population samples.
Although proposals of this type may appear grandiose, it is important to remember the
long-term benefits of prevention, in terms of long-term cost savings to the community and
reductions in personal suffering.
There is a strong case for programs to prevent the development of maladaptive fears
and anxiety problems in childhood. Unfortunately, childhood anxiety disorders are rela-
tively prevalent and persistent. Although a costly process, prevention of such problems
would produce enormous cost savings to mental health services and would have the benefits
of improved quality of life and reduced suffering for many children.
This chapter outlined a multilevel model for the prevention of children's maladaptive
fears and anxiety problems. The model stressed the need for intervention at three levels,
namely: (1) the sociocultural/physical environment, (2) specific environmental influences!
learning experiences, and (3) the child's individual characteristics. Factors relating to the
etiology and maintenance of childhood maladaptive fears and anxiety at each of these levels
were outlined, followed by suggestions for appropriate intervention.
Although much has been written about hypothetical prevention programs designed to
prevent childhood anxiety disorders, large-scale, multifaceted programs of the type pro-
posed here are yet to be conducted. A review of the literature, however, reveals a large
number of studies that have evaluated the effectiveness of approaches for preventing fear
472 and anxiety in children facing aversive or stressful situations. These studies have demon-
Susan H. Spence
strated the value of modeling and training children in the use of coping strategies.
Environmental manipulations of the type outlined in the School Transition Environment
Project (STEP) also offer promise in the reduction of child anxiety problems. Methods used
in the prevention of specific fears provide some insight into the types of programs that could
be applied more generally to be prevention of childhood maladaptive fears and anxiety
It is suggested, however, that mental health practitioners need to restructure their
beliefs about the role and importance of preventative interventions and their responsibility
to spend a significant proportion of their employment time on this area of work. There are a
great many benefits to be gained from prevention, if only we can shift our beliefs away from
the idea that we have to sit in our offices and wait for the client to present with the problem.
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