Selected MCQs (According To Study Text)
Selected MCQs (According To Study Text)
Selected MCQs (According To Study Text)
48. Excel probably considers the cell entry January 1, 2000 to be a (5)
a. Label
b. Value
c. Formula
d. Text string
Answer: b
53. The numbers in our worksheet look like this: 1000. You want them to
look like this: $1,000.00. How can you accomplish this? (5)
a. None of these
b. Select Format > Money from the menu
c. Click the Currency Style button on the formatting toolbar
d. You have to retype everything and manually add the dollar signs,
commas, and decimals.
Answer: c
54. Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel (4)
a. Number
b. Character
c. Label
d. Date/time
Answer: b
56. Which of the following options is not located in the Page Setup dialog
box? (7)
a. Page Break Preview.
b. Page Orientation
c. Margins
d. Headers and Footers
Answer: a
58. Without using the mouse or the arrow keys, what is the fastest way of
getting to cell A1 in a spreadsheet? (4)
a. Press Ctrl +Home
b. Press Home
c. Press Shift + Home
d. Press Alt + Home
Answer: a
59. Which of the following methods can not be used to edit the contents of
a cell? (4)
a. Press the Alt key
b. Clicking the formula bar
c. Pressing the F2 key
d. Double clicking the cell
Answer: a
60. If you begin typing an entry into a cell and then realize that you
don’t want your entry placed into a cell, you: (4)
a. Press the Erase key
b. Press Esc
c. Press the Enter button
d. Press the Edit Formula button
Answer: b
C. WK1
D. 123
Answer: A
B. 1048576
C. 32,000
D. 65,536
B. 256
C. 512
D. 1024
B. Cell Tip
C. Web Tip
D. Soft Tip
Answer: B
12. Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called….
A. Accessing
B. Referencing
C. Updating
D. Functioning
Answer: B
B. Objects
C. Scenarios
B. Exclamation (!)
C. Hash (#)
D. Tilde (~)
Answer: A
B. Exclamation (!)
C. Hash (#)
D. Ampersand (&)
Answer: D
B. Menu Bar
C. Formula Bar
D. Standard Tool Bar
Answer: C
B. Array Formula
C. Complex Formulas
D. Smart Formula
Answer: B
B. Worksheets
C. Charts
10. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the
A. ROUND ( )
B. FACT ( )
C. MOD ( )
D. DIV ( )
Answer: C
13. Microsoft Excel is a powerful………..
A. Word processing package
B. Spreadsheet package
D. DBMS package
Answer: B
B. Data, Form
C. Data, Table
D. Data Subtotals
Answer: A
B. Line
C. Pie
1. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as '#,##0.00'?
A. 5,430.00
B. 5,436.80
C. 5,436.8
D. 6.8
Answer: B
C. now ()
D. time ()
Answer: C
B. Today ()
C. now ()
D. time ()
Answer: B
B. Ctrl+Enter
C. Ctrl+Page Up
D. Ctrl+Space Bar
Answer: D
B. *
C. %
D. &
Answer: A
B. Status Bar
C. Name Box
D. Title Bar
Answer: C
9. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
A. sheet3!A10
B. sheet1!A10
C. Sheet3.A10
D. A10
Answer: B
B. Rows
C. Columns
D. Document
Answer: D
B. 8
C. 255
D. none of above
Answer: D
61. Which of the following methods can not be used to enter data in a cell (5)
a. Pressing an arrow key
b. Pressing the Tab key
c. Pressing the Esc key
d. Clicking on the formula bar
Answer: c
63. Which of the following is not a way to complete a cell entry? (5)
a. Pressing enter
b. Pressing any arrow key on the keyboard
c. Clicking the Enter button on the Formula bar
d. Pressing spacebar
Answer: d
75. When a label is too long to fit within a worksheet cell, you typically must (4)
a. Shorten the label
b. Increase the column width
c. Decrease the column width
d. Adjust the row height
Answer: b
84. When the formula bar is active, you can see (4)
a. The edit formula button
b. The cancel button
c. The enter button
d. All of the above
Answer: d
88. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas (6)
a. Title bar
b. Menu bar
c. Formula bar
d. Standard toolbar
Answer: c
89. To hold row and column titles in place so that they do not scroll when
you scroll a worksheet click the (5)
a. Unfreeze panes command on the window menu
b. Freeze panes command on the window menu
c. Hold titles command on the edit menu
d. Split command on the window menu
Answer: b
100. You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off
by (5)
a. You can use the format painter button only one time when you click it
b. Double clicking the format painter button
c. Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
d. Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button
Answer: b
2. You can use a function to combine text from two cells into one cell. But you can use
an operator to do the same thing. Which operator is that? (6)
a. & (ampersand)
b. = (equal sign)
c. (space)
d. All of the above
Answer: a
6. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula (6)
a. =A1 + A2
b. =Add(A1+A2)
c. =together(A1:A2)
d. A1 plus A2
Answer: a
7. To make a number in cell C1 10% smaller than the number in C3 you enter (6)
a. =C3*1.10
b. +C3*110
c. =C3%10
d. =C3*.90
Answer: d
13. You can create hyperlinks from the Excel workbook to (5)
a. A webpage on company internet
b. A web page on the internet
c. Other Office 97 application documents
d. All
Answer: d
14. The cell reference fro a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column
G and down to row 10 is…… (5)
a. B1-G10
b. B1.G10
c. B1;G10
d. B1:G10
Answer: d
19. If you press ……, the cell accepts your typing as its contents. (4)
a. Enter
b. Ctrl+Enter
c. Tab
d. Insert
Answer: a
20. which of the following special function keys allow the content in cell (4)
a. esc
b. shift
c. return
d. Tab
Answer: c
41. Late for your investors meeting? How can you quickly apply professional formatting
to your sales forecast worksheet? (5)
a. Apply special attributes using Format Painter
b. Apply an Auto Format Style
c. Apply a selected background color
d. All of above
Answer: b
44. You can copy cell formats from one cell to another by using the (5)
a. Backspace key
b. Default font
c. Format painter
d. Formatting toolbar
Answer: c
55. Suppose you have columns of data that span more than one printed page. How can
you automatically print the column headings on each page. (5)
a. Click page setup on the file menu, click the sheet tab, and enter the row that
contains these column headings under print titles.
b. Click page setup on the file menu, click the page tab, click the options button, then
enter your choices.
c. Click page setup on the finle menu, click the sheet tab, and make a selection under
the print heading.
d. All of above
Answer: a
56. A fast way to add up this column of number is to click in the cell below the numbers
and then: (5)
a. click subtotals on the data menu
b. view the sum in the formula bar
c. click the autosum button on the standard toolbar, then press enter
d. all of above
Answer: c
58. When you want to insert a blank embedded excel object in word document you can
a. Click the object command on the insert menu
b. Click the office links button on the standard toolbar
c. Click the create worksheet button on the formatting toolbar
d. Click the import excel command on the file menu
Answer: a
59. Say that you want to paste a formula result – but not the underlying formula – to
another cell. In excel 2002, you would copy the cell with the formula, then place the
insertion point in the cell you want to copy to what next? (6)
a. Click the Paste button on the standard toolbar
b. Click the arrow on the paste button on the standard toolbar, hen click formulas
c. Click the arrow on the paste button on the standard toolbar, then click values.
d. All of above
Answer: c
62. The default style for new data keyed in a new workbook is (5)
a. Comma
b. Currency
c. Normal
d. Percent
Answer: c
64. Which function converts miles to kilometers, kilograms to pounds, and so on? (6)
a. Convert
b. Product
c. Change
d. All of above
Answer: a
65. You can use the drag and drop method to (5)
a. Copy cell contents
b. Delete cells contents
c. Add cell contents
d. All of above
Answer: a
67. Which formula can add the all the numeric values in a range of cells, ignoring those
which are not numeric, and place the resulting a different cell (6)
a. Count
b. Average
c. Sum
d. None of above
Answer: c
68. To name a constant, you use the …… dialog box (4)
a. Create names
b. Define name
c. Paste name
d. Format cells
Answer: b
71. which do you press to enter the current date in a cell? (4)
a. Ctrl + Shift + :
b. Ctrl + ;
c. Ctrl + F10
d. All of above
Answer: b
72. It is acceptable to let long text flow into adjacent cells on a worksheet when
a. Data will be entered in the adjacent cells (5)
b. No data will be entered in the adjacent cells
c. There is no suitable abbreviation for the text
d. There is not time to format the text
Answer: b
73. Which function calculates depreciation at the same amount each year over an asset’s
useful life? (6)
a. DB (fixed-declining balance)
b. SLN (straight line)
c. DDB (double-declining)
d. All of above
Answer: b
80. To open an existing workbook, you can click the Open button on the …… toolbar. (4)
a. Drawing
b. Formatting
c. Forms
d. Standard
Answer: d
81. Which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box? (5)
a. Edit
b. Ignore
c. Ignore all
d. Change
Answer: a
83. To protect a worksheet, you can choose Protection and the Protect Sheet from the …..
menu (5)
a. Edit
b. Format
c. Review
d. Data
Answer: c
84. You can open the Highlight Changes dialog box by choosing Track Changes from the
…. Menu. (8)
a. Edit
b. Insert
c. Format
d. Review
Answer: d
86. To copy cell contents using drag and drop, press the (7)
a. End key
b. Shift key
c. Esc key
d. None of above
Answer: d
87. If you press …., the cell accepts your typing as its contents (4).
a. Enter
b. Ctrl + Enter
c. TAB
d. Insert
Answer: a
89. What is the keyboard shortcut (button or buttons to be pressed) for creating a chart from
the selected cells? (4)
a. F3
b. F5
c. F7
d. F11
Answer: D
92. What is an expression that tells how the numbers in a determined set of cells are to be
calculated? (6)
a. Formula
b. Field
c. Data
d. Query Answer:
Answer: A
96. A user wishes to remove a spreadsheet from a workbook. Which is the sequence of
events that will do this? (7)
a. Go to File-Save As – Save As Type – Excel worksheet
b. Right click on the spreadsheet tab and select DELETE
c. Right click on the spreadsheet and select Insert – Entire Column
d. None of above
Answer: B
101. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row? (6)
a. Hyperlink
b. Index
c. Transpose
d. Rows
Answer: c
102. When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are (5)
a. Hyperlinked
b. Placed in a word table
c. Linked
d. Embedded
Answer: b
103. Except for the …… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word “TRUE”
or “FALSE” as a result (6)
a. IF
b. AND
c. OR
d. NOT
Answer: a
119. Which of the following will not set text in selected cells to italics? (5)
a. Pressing Ctrl + I on the keyboard
b. Using the Tools – Wizard – Web Form menu item
c. Using the Format – Cells – Font menu item
d. None of the above
Answer: b
120. Which of the following methods cannot be used to edit the content of cell? (6)
a. Pressing the Alt key
b. Clicking the formula bar
c. Pressing F2
d. Double clicking the cell
Answer: a
122. Which of the following setup options can not be set in the page setup dialog box? (5)
a. Printer selection
b. Vertical or horizontal placement
c. Orientation
d. Row and column titles
Answer: a
123. What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook? (7)
a. Range
b. Scenario
c. Trend line
d. What-if analysis
Answer: b
124. Got functions? No? You need the insert function dialog box. How do you get it? (7)
a. Right click a cell and then click insert
b. Click the insert function, left corner of formula bar
c. Type = in a cell
d. All of the above
Answer: b
125. Which of the following describes how to select all the cells in a single column? (5)
a. Right click on column and select Pick from list
b. Use data – text to columns menu item
c. Left click on the gray column title button
d. Pressing Ctrl + A on the keyboard
Answer: c
126. when you use the fill effects in the format data series dialog box, you can not (5)
a. rotate text on the chart
b. select a fore ground color
c. select a pattern
d. select a background color
Answer: a
127. Paper spreadsheets can have all the same advantages as an electronic spreadsheet
except which of the following? (4)
a. Rows and columns
b. Headings
c. Speed
d. None
Answer: c
128. Which of the following is not a basic step in creating a worksheet? (4)
a. Save the workbook
b. Modify the worksheet
c. Enter text and data
d. Copy the worksheet
Answer: d
131. To center worksheet titles across a range of cell, you must (5)
a. Select the cells containing the title text and use the fill handle to center the text across a
range of cells
b. Widen the columns
c. Select the cells containing the title text and use the fill handle to center the text across a
range of cells
d. Widen the column
Answer: a.
133. Charts tips can (6)
a. Show the formatting of a data label
b. Show the name of a data series
c. Show the value of data point
d. b and c
Answer: d
135. How do you change column width to fit the contents? (5)
a. Single-click the boundary to the left to the column heading
b. Double click the boundary to the right of the column heading
c. Press Alt and single click anywhere in the column
d. All of above
Answer: b
136. when you work with large worksheets, you may need to (7)
a. size the worksheet to fit on the specific number of pages
b. add and remove page breaks
c. specify only certain print areas
d. all of above
Answer: d
3. MS Excel provides the default value for step in Fill Series dialog box (4)
A) 0
B) 1
C) 5
D) 10
Answer: B
A) Copy the cells in row, select the same number of cells in row and paste
B) Copy the cells in column then choose Edit >> Paste Special, then click
Transpose and OK
C) Copy the cells then go to Format >> Cells then on Alignment tab click
Transpose check box and click OK
D) Select the cells then place the cell pointer on new cell and choose Edit >>
Paste Special, mark Transpose check box and click OK.
Answer: D
7. The command Edit >> Fill Across Worksheet is active only when (4)
8. Which of the following series type is not valid for Fill Series dialog box?
A) Linear
B) Growth
C) Autofill
D) Time
Answer: D
9. Which of the following you can paste selectively using Paste Special
command? (4)
A) Validation
B) Formats
C) Formulas
D) All of above
Answer: D
Answer: D
12. To remove the content of selected cells you must issue ______
command (4)
13. The Delete key of keyboard is assigned to which command in Excel? (4)
Answer: A
14. If you need to remove only the formatting done in a range (numbers and
formula typed there should not be removed), you must (4)
15. By default Excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how
will you delete the third one? (4)
A) Right click on Sheet Tab of third sheet and choose Delete from the
context menu
B) Click on Sheet 3 and from Edit menu choose Delete
C) Both of above
D) None of above
Answer: A
16. Which of the following action removes a sheet from workbook? (4)
Answer: A
17. While Finding and Replacing some data in Excel, which of the following
statement is valid? (5)
18. Which of the following is not true about Find and Replace in Excel (5)
19. You can move a sheet from one workbook into new book by (4)
A) From Edit menu choose Move or Copy sheet, mark the Create a ccopy
and Click OK
B) From Edit menu choose Move of Copy then choose (Move to end) and
click OK
C) From Edit menu choose Move or Copy then select (new book) from To
Book list and click OK
D) None of above
Answer: C
20. What is the short cut key to replace a data with another in sheet? (4)
A) Ctrl + R
B) Ctrl + Shift + R
C) Ctrl + H
D) Ctrl + F
Answer: C