Family Structure Specific Needs They Fulfil How It Builds Relationships How It Promotes Well-Being
Family Structure Specific Needs They Fulfil How It Builds Relationships How It Promotes Well-Being
Family Structure Specific Needs They Fulfil How It Builds Relationships How It Promotes Well-Being
1. Adoptive Safety and security - The child will be more exposed to Social
- Provide housing and care for a a family setting which will impact - Provides a new environment for
child who may not have been their socialisation skills with other the child and this causes them to
given it in their previous home. individuals. socialise more with others within
- Rigorous checks of the family the family or close family friends.
willing to look after the child will - Through their new supportive - If there are any siblings within the
ensure the best possible housing environment, the child will be family the child will be able to
situation for the child influenced and more open to form new relationships and
Health creating new relationships with friendships with new people
- If a child was in a situation where friends or family Physical
biological parents abused drugs, - The physical state of the child
an adoptive household will be - If the child was not exposed to may be improved after being
able to improve the health of the schooling and has been adopted as the child will be
child by promoting safe choices introduced, they will experience influenced positively through the
Education new friendships with classmates health of their parents
- Adoptive parents are able to send and teachers. Emotional
the child to an appropriate school - The child may gain emotional
that suits their own personal - Siblings can impact this change support from their adoptive
needs. as they create a fun environment parents who will look out for the
Sense of identity for the child to be introduced to child and promote healthy
- Through the support of the and therefore their personality wellbeing.
adoptive parents, the child will be may become more outgoing Economic
able to develop their personality rather than introverted. - The new home will provide the
in an accepting environment child with insight into working
Employment parents who have a well paying
- In order for a family to adopt job. This will influence the child
they must have a sustainable job positively as the child gains a new
that provides enough income to role model for inspiration.
look after the child Cultural
Adequate standard of living - The child will witness new
- Needs will be met through experiences and will be able to
constant checks of the house and experiment with more cultures
family situation, ensuring that the Spiritual
CAFS: Family Structures Influence Roles Individuals Adopt '19 →
child will live in a well funded and - If the parents are religious then
loving home. the child will be exposed to
various religions.
2. Blended Safety and security - Allows the family structure to Emotional
- Having up to 4 parent figures broaden in having up to 4 parent - May develop an emotional
- Having more than one household figures may help an individual connection with new parents
Health within the family to feel safer and - A child may gain further
- Each individual must accomplish develop strong relationships with emotional support from new
this need especially in a blended parent figures to gain a sense of parent figures in the family
family where each child is a security Social
priority - May cause children to socialise
Education - Allows for child to have a more with the new parent and/or
- Blended families must provide father/mother figure if they had siblings in the family structure
their children with an equal lost their parent.A sense of Economic
opportunity towards education comfort as it allows for child to - More financial support available
- have a role model to guide them allowing them to have access to
- A situation like a divorce can throughout their life more resources
change the attitudes and values
of children which can be affected
in regards to manners.
- Financial support from 2 sides
- Child to engage with both
parents jobs
Adequate standard of living
- This is required for children so
that they may live comfortable
and safely being supported by
possibly 4 incomes
3. Childless Sense of Identity - The parents living with no - Childless families may promote
- The parents could have lost a children may grow on their own social wellbeing as the parents
child and need to find themselves relationship and focus on living with no children have more
CAFS: Family Structures Influence Roles Individuals Adopt '19 →
again and try to adapt to life themselves. time for themselves and each
with the loss of an child// or they other, meaning their social life will
aren't able to have children so improve.
they are able to focus on
Health (mental health)
4 Communal Security and safety: - The families and/or individuals - Communal families may promote
- The families and/or individuals living with each other would have wellbeing as the families and/or
living under the same roof have a a stronger bond and therefore individuals living together will
sense of security and safety by become closer as they are living help assist and provide for their
everyone looking over each other. in the same environment specific needs which will inevitably
Employment - Could find common interests with enhance everyone’s wellbeing.
Adequate standard of living the others living with them and Having less funds to pay for and
build a relationship off that. having people around to talk too
may reduce stress and create a
positive environment.
5. De facto Sense of Identity → - You and your former partner may - Promotes economic well being as
be the same or opposite sex, had they are able to access the
- They have an identity within their a relationship as a couple living financial benefits of a married
family structure as they have the together on a genuine domestic couple without being legally
benefits of a married couple and basis. married.
therefore have a sense of
belonging with one another - It also can help build relationships - Promotes emotional wellbeing as
by not having a specific both individuals can lean on each
Adequate Standard Of Living legislation. other for support during difficult
and Safety and Security → times.
- The family is able to build
- Both individuals will most likely be relationships through their mutual - Promotes social wellbeing as the
making an income, thus they can friends and family, thus meeting defacto family will be able to go
support each other with these new people. out together and meet new
needs. people (for example friends of
each individual).
CAFS: Family Structures Influence Roles Individuals Adopt '19 →
7. Foster Families Security and safety - It helps an abandoned child with Emotional wellbeing
- They provide a safe environment no family or a family with no - Provides a stable home for
for children who are living in children become complete leading children who have been through
unsafe homes to a child having a better sense traumatic experiences. For
Adequate standard of living of identity and their security and example, a child who has been
- Provides a home that is safe, safety as they now feel supported fostered may have come from a
loving and also provides an and protected within a family home where they were physically
opportunity for foster children to environment. and mentally abused by their
have an education - Foster families provide an parents. A family who fosters
Sense of identity opportunity for foster children to them are able to provide a good
- Provides a sense of identity for create bonds with people who emotional wellbeing as they can
CAFS: Family Structures Influence Roles Individuals Adopt '19 →
children who don’t have a home. they can trust and who will look support the child and help them
Allows foster children to feel like after them and provide a safe heal from their traumatic
they belonging somewhere home for them experiences.
Education Physical wellbeing
- Foster Families provide foster - Foster families provide a safe
children an opportunity to have home for children who are living
an education in unsafe living conditions. Not
only do they provide a safe home
to live in, but they also provide
needs such as food and education
Economic well being
- Families fostering a child can
provide an opportunity for them
to have an education
8. Nuclear Security and Safety - It helps as the family has always Physical wellbeing
- Since both parents have legal been together and each - There are 2 parents in the family
decisions they are able to individual is comfortable with that provide and support the
completely assist their children each other, as well as the fact child so they can have food and a
with any legal matters. that it's easier to create stronger safe home to live in
Education bonds within each other. Emotional wellbeing
- Can afford education - The child is emotionally supported
- Educate their children with their by 2 parents who are able to give
family traditions that have been them advice and create an
passed on, as there is a continual emotional connection with their
blood-related line. child. For example, a child who is
Employment having problems with friends is
- Two incomes rather than one able to go to their parents for
- When the mother may take time support and advice on what to do
off from work due to maternal about the situation.
reasons, the male partner can still Economic well being
continue working. - Parents in a nuclear family
Adequate standard of living provide the family with 2 incomes
- Two incomes create more of an which then allows them to provide
advantage to a stable and their children with an education
adequate standard of living.
CAFS: Family Structures Influence Roles Individuals Adopt '19 →
9. Same Sex Couples - They can provide everything that - Can provide all of the advice and - Can both be positive role models
a nuclear family can provide care that a nuclear family can, for the child to look up to in life
Education excluding the different lessons - If the child is the opposite sex to
- They can’t provide both a that a masculine and a feminine the couple, it can be much harder
masculine and a feminine role for figure can for the child to relate to the
the child to look up to, but can parent.
educate them about their way of
10. Sole parent Employment: Relationships may not be able to - Being a single parent can
- A sole parent may have multiple be built due to the one parent influence the needs being
roles, they might not be able to having to try to satisfy all needs, unreachable as they have to fulfil
provide all the resources that the therefore could also result in the both parent roles, this can impact
child wants due to a single needs of the children not being on a child’s wellbeing. For
income. met. example, it can affect their
Education/Adequate standard of living emotional well being as they may
- They can provide a home with a
positive role model that can
influence them to be more
not have that emotional
connection to there parent as the
parent is constantly busy with
responsible trying to obtain the basic needs.
- This includes the children having
to clean for themselves or make
food for themselves.