4170 Teacher Evaluation Policy and Forms
4170 Teacher Evaluation Policy and Forms
4170 Teacher Evaluation Policy and Forms
A. General
The mission of Cherry Creek School District is: to inspire every student to think, to learn, to
achieve, and to care. In support of this mission, the Board of Education views teacher performance
evaluation as an integral part of the learning cycle and a critical element for the attainment of the
educational goals of the district.
The Board of Education is committed to establishing an evaluation process, which provides the
basis for continued employment with the school district.. The responsibility for the development of
procedures for evaluation of teachers shall rest with the Superintendent of Schools.
While committed to establishing and implementing a process for purposes of evaluating teacher
performance, the Board of Education and the administration reserve the right to take immediate
and appropriate disciplinary action against any teacher found to be in violation of state or federal
law and/or school board policy.
The Board of Education and the Association shall jointly agree upon the forms which implement
the criteria and performance domains set forth.
1. Actively participate with the local Board of Education in developing written standards for
evaluation which clearly specify satisfactory/proficient performance and the criteria to be used
to determine whether the performance of each licensed personnel meets such standards; and
2. Consult with the local Board of Education as to the fairness, effectiveness, credibility and
professional quality of the certificated personnel performance evaluation system and its
processes and procedures and shall conduct a continuous evaluation of said systems (C.R.S.
The Superintendent of Schools shall delegate the responsibility for the teacher performance
evaluation process to the administrator in charge of the operating unit, hereafter referred to in this
policy as the principal and/or building administrator.
D. Definitions
For purposes of this policy, the following terms are defined below:
1. “Probationary Teacher” –Is defined as a teacher who has not completed three full years of
continuous employment with the employing school district and who has not been
reemployed for the fourth year.
2. “Teacher” –Is defined as any person who holds a teacher's certificate/license issued
pursuant to the provisions of Article 60 of Title 22, C.R.S. as amended, and who is
employed to instruct, direct, or supervise the instructional program. “Teacher” does not
include those persons holding letters of authorization and the chief administrative officer
of any school district.
3. “Evaluation Process” –Is the process used in which a teacher is observed, provided
feedback, and given written evaluation reports designed to improve teaching performance.
E. Evaluation Plans
There shall be alternate plans for teacher performance evaluation for the purpose of recognizing
the differences in evaluation for probationary teachers and satisfactorily performing veteran
teachers. The following evaluation plans shall be used to assess teacher performance:
The following shall be alternative plans for teacher evaluation for the purpose of recognizing
the differences in evaluation between probationary teachers and satisfactorily performing non-
probationary teachers. The focus and format of the report will be jointly developed by, the
teacher and the supervisor. A teacher or principal may exercise the option of returning to Plan
I process by January 15 of the evaluation year.
In this process, the Observation Record will serve as the guide for all conferences and
The alternative evaluation process will result in a written document which includes the cover
sheet required to assure compliance with Colorado statute. It will be the responsibility of the
supervisor to assure that all four domains of this policy are generally addressed in this
NOTE: In accordance with state law, and as part of the evaluation plans identified above,
probationary teachers must have a minimum of two (2) observations and one (1) evaluation
that results in a written evaluation report. Non-probationary teachers must receive at least one
(1) observation each year and one evaluation that results in a written evaluation report every
three (3) years.
A. General
There are four performance domains used for evaluation and remediation of a teacher, which are
listed below, and which are further defined in the teacher Performance Observation Record.
The Performance Observation Record describes the performance areas and lists the performance
standards required to demonstrate satisfactory/proficient performance in the Summative Teacher
Evaluation Form as developed by the Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation Council.
Data sources for evaluation reports must include direct observation and multiple measures of
student learning outcomes and may include but are not limited to the following:
• Discussions/conferences with teacher
• Participation in committee, staff and staffing meetings
• Review of materials and resources used
• Review of student assignments and student work
• Parent, student, and/or peer feedback
• Physical appearance of the classroom
• Disciplinary referrals
• Review of lesson plans and curricular scope/sequence
B. Performance Domains
The Performance Domains describe the identified areas of performance expectations used for
teacher evaluation. The components of the Performance Domains listed below consist of broad
evaluative statements which are more fully defined in the Performance Observation Record used
to identify specific performance levels.
Performance Domain II: The Classroom Environment, addresses the teacher’s skill in establishing
an environment conducive to learning, including both the physical and interpersonal aspects of the
environment. Its components are the following:
Performance Domain III: Instruction, is concerned with the teacher’s skill in engaging students in
learning the content, and includes the wide range of instructional strategies that enable students to
learn. Its components are the following:
• Reflecting on teaching
• Maintaining accurate records
• Communicating with parents/guardians
• Growing and developing professionally
• Showing professionalism
C. Performance Criteria for Teachers Assigned to Other Than Regular Classroom Teaching
Teachers who are assigned to other than regular classroom responsibilities include counselors,
media specialists, deans, department coordinators, some special education personnel, activities
directors, athletic directors, and teachers on special assignment. In some cases, these duties are
assigned on a full time basis. In other cases, the duties are part time in conjunction with a
part-time teaching assignment.
Assignments of this nature require that the principal and the Office of Human Resources
determine a job description appropriate to the position by September 15th of each school year.
Such job descriptions must be approved by, and be on file in, the Office of Human Resources.
The criteria for evaluation of such staff will be directly related to elements of the agreed job
description. Where the staff member serves as both a classroom teacher and in another
capacity, the criteria for evaluation will include the teacher performance domains as well as
others related to the job description as appropriate.
A. Definitions
The following definitions shall be used for purposes of clarity in this policy only:
2. Evaluator: The term “evaluator” refers to those individuals who hold a proper
Colorado administrative license and have received the required training in the
District’s evaluation process.
1. At the beginning of each school year, the Office of Human Resources will provide
a list of teachers to be evaluated for that year to the principal of each building or to
the administrator in charge of a program. The evaluator will give the teacher
written notification that he/she will be evaluated during the current school year.
This notification will be given prior to conducting any steps in the formal
observation process.
If a teacher is assigned to more than one facility, the Office of Human Resources
will designate the person responsible for the evaluation of that teacher at the
beginning of the school year. The appropriate Executive Director of Instruction will
notify the Office of Human Resources as to who the evaluator will be for each
teacher who is assigned to more than one facility.
4. The evaluation process may be initiated at any time by the teacher, or the
In those cases where a teacher is assigned to more than one facility, an evaluator
from each facility where the teacher is assigned will provide input for the final draft
of the evaluation report.
6. Formal observations are generally planned in advance by the evaluator and the
teacher. The number of formal observations shall comply with the requirements for
the particular evaluation plan applicable to the teacher. It is recognized that
informal observations and additional formal observations may occur as appropriate
in the view of the evaluator.
If two (2) formal observations in the same subject or course occur within three (3)
working days of each other and if the evaluator is satisfied that the performance is
satisfactory, a single pre-post conference may be used for both observations. The
post-observation conference must be held within five (5) working days of the first,
observation. In such instances, the requirement for the minimum number of
observations shall be satisfied.
If the evaluator has concerns regarding the teacher’s performance, the evaluator
must conduct at least one additional formal observation process. As with all
subsequent observations when the evaluator has concerns, the evaluator must
conduct an additional formal observation after sufficient time has passed between
the identification of concerns and the follow-up observation in order to provide the
teacher with sufficient time to incorporate suggestions for improvement in his/her
9. Evaluation Report in this section (9) shall include both formative and summative
evaluation reports.
Each evaluation report must be preceded by a final conference that could coincide
with the final post-observation conference. In that final conference, the teacher will
receive all information that will be used by the evaluator in developing the final
evaluation report (e.g., observation records, information from other data sources).
The teacher may request and will be provided a copy of the observation record(s)
and/or any other information that is used in the evaluation report.
Within five (5) working days following the final conference, the teacher will
receive the written evaluation report. Within five (5) working days after receiving
that evaluation report, the teacher may request a conference to discuss the report
further. Whether a conference is requested or not, the teacher must sign and return
the evaluation report within the five (5) days after receiving it. The teacher’s
signature on the evaluation report verifies receipt of it and does not necessarily
indicate agreement with its contents.
The teacher may respond in writing to the evaluation report. The teacher shall be
responsible to provide the evaluator and the Office of Human Resources with
copies of any response. A copy of such response shall be attached to all copies of
the final evaluation report.
10. Teacher evaluation reports must be signed by, a properly licensed and trained
administrator. Both the evaluator and person being evaluated must sign the cover
sheet confirming receipt of the report. The teacher’s signature will indicate that a
copy was received; it will not indicate the teacher’s agreement with the contents of
the report in whole or in part. The evaluator will provide a copy of the final
evaluation report to the Office of Human Resources where it will be placed in the
teacher’s file. If the teacher wishes to respond to the evaluation report in writing,
he/she will need to provide a copy of the response to the evaluator and the Office of
Human Resources.
11. The process of conducting evaluation observations and conferences, including all
aspects of the evaluation and remediation process, shall be handled so as to observe
the legal and constitutional rights of the teacher. No evaluation/remediation
information shall be gathered by electronic devices, such as remote-video
microphones, cameras or recorders, without the consent of the teacher.
12. One element of professional evaluation is setting goals. Therefore, a part of the
evaluation process shall include the teacher and evaluator jointly agreeing to one or
more goals annually. Such goal-setting should occur in relation to the teacher’s
professional development, growth/improvements plans, as well as district, feeder,
and building goals based on a range of data sources. Teachers and evaluators are
encouraged to harmonize and align goals based on these various sources.
13. The evaluator must complete the summative evaluation report prior to
recommending that a teacher be moved from the evaluation process to the
remediation process. The evaluator must follow up such recommendation by
informing the principal (if applicable) who shall inform the principal’s
supervisor and the Office of Human Resources of this recommendation.
2. Probationary teachers will be subject to two (2) formal observations and one (1)
Mid-Year Formative Evaluation Report during the first half of the school year,
each year.
3. The Mid-Year Formative Evaluation Report shall be given at mid-year but not later
than December 15 of the school year in which the process is being conducted. It
requires a notation of the performance level for all appropriate areas and a
conference with the teacher to discuss the report itself.
4. Probationary teachers will be subject to two (2) formal observations and one (1)
Summative Evaluation Report during the second half of the school year, each year.
The administrator shall complete this Summative Evaluation Report and hold the
discussion with the teacher regarding its contents not later than May 15 of each
school year.
5. The Summative Evaluation Report and the corresponding observation process for
probationary teachers will be completed by an administrator using Plan 1.
3. During the years in which a non-probationary teachers is not scheduled for formal
evaluation, the teacher and the evaluator, or designee trained in the evaluation
process, will jointly develop professional Goals for the Current School Year.
Consistent with the adopted plan, the evaluator or designee will conduct a
minimum of one (1) observation, formal or informal. A record of the time and date
of such observation shall be made using the Observation Record for Non-
Evaluative Years. This observation does not require that a pre-observation
conference or post-observation conference take place unless the evaluator has
concerns about the teacher’s performance. Before a concern, observed in either a
formal or informal observation, becomes part of a Summative Evaluation Report it
must be discussed and/or communicated with the teacher.
E. Evaluation Report
2. The evaluation will contain a jointly developed growth or improvement plan, which
shall be specific as to what improvements, if any, are needed in the performance of
the licensed personnel and shall clearly set forth recommendations for improvement,
including recommendations for additional education and training during the teacher's
recertification process, and as documented in the goal-setting process;
3. The evaluator will give one copy of the evaluation report to the teacher, retain one
copy, and send a copy to the Office of Human Resources for placement in the
teacher's file.
1. At the beginning of the school year, the Office of Human Resources will designate
the person responsible for the evaluation of a teacher who is assigned to more than
one facility. Principals from each facility where a teacher is assigned will provide
input for the final evaluation report.
1. When the evaluator rates one or more elements on a teacher’s Summative Report to
be unsatisfactory, the evaluator will develop a Goal for Improvement to address the
area needing improvement. The evaluator may require that the teacher repeat
Evaluation Plan I the following school year to ensure that element(s) needing
improvement are addressed and that the teacher does indeed improve in the
targeted element(s).
2. If the evaluator determines that fifty percent (50%) or more of the elements within
any domain are found to be Unsatisfactory, the principal or site administrator will
contact the Office of Human Resources to ascertain what steps will be taken to
address the issue. With the agreement of the Office of Human Resources, the
principal or site administrator may develop a Directed Improvement Plan for the
teacher. This plan will specifically address those elements that are deemed
Unsatisfactory, include correlating support resources, and specify a mutually-
agreed upon timeline for implementation not to exceed thirty (30) working days.
When the plan is finalized, the teacher will repeat Evaluation Plan I over the
following ninety (90) day period.
3. At the end of the ninety (90) day Evaluation Plan I process, if the principal or site
administrator does not observe satisfactory performance in targeted elements, the
teacher will be moved to Remediation. If the principal or site administrator
determines that performance in the targeted areas is satisfactory, the teacher will
repeat Evaluation Plan I without support resources until the completion of the
current school year to demonstrate that growth has occurred and that the teacher’s
performance in the targeted elements can be maintained independent of those
support resources.
Includes "U"
Rating in
Continue on Repeat
If 50% of the
Regular Evaluation Plan I
Elements within
Evaluation Cycle with Goal(s) for
any Domain are
with Goal(s) for Improvement in
Improvement the next S.Y.
Principal or Site
contacts HR
Evaluator, with
Principal or Site
Agreement of
HR, Develops
and HR Develop
Plan to Address
Issue Outside of
Plan with
Evaluation Plan I
with Support
(90 days)
n ce S at
fo rm a i sfa
Per y Pe
f a ct rform
atis anc
U ns e
Evaluation Plan I
without Support
by end of SY
an ce Satis
r form facto
cto ry Pe r y Pe
tisfa ance
Removed from
2. The principal will hold a conference with the teacher within five (5) working days
following delivery of the written notification of movement from the evaluation
process to the remediation process.
3. At the conference, the principal, the teacher and any other appropriate personnel,
a) Review specific performance concerns identified in the evaluation report; and
b) Formulate a written remediation plan including the following:
1) Objectives for improving the identified performance concerns;
2) Identification of resources and assistance available to implement the
3) A timeline for completing the objectives;
4) Criteria by which the attainment of the objectives will be measured;
5) A minimum of monthly conferences to monitor progress on the
remediation plan objectives.
4. If agreement on any or all of the above items contained in Part III of this policy
cannot be reached, the principal is responsible for the final decision.
Supervisor of Evaluator________________________________Date_________________
Distribution of Copies: Original to Office of Human Resources/Copy to Teacher/Copy to Evaluator.
Other Other
(Signature) (Signature)
OBJECTIVES for improving RESOURCES and TIMELINE for MEASURE by which attainment of
identified performance areas ASSISTANCE available completion objectives will be determined
The success of a program of evaluation and remediation depends upon a high level of skill
and training of all participants in the process. Evaluators will be trained in supervisory
skills such as observation skills, conferencing skills, and completing the evaluation reports.
In addition, emphasis will be placed on the understanding of the intent, criteria, and
processes identified in this policy. It will be the responsibility of the Office of Human
Resources to coordinate training opportunities.
Each evaluator will be evaluated on his/her ability to make fair, professional and credible
evaluations. It will be the responsibility of the supervisor of each evaluator to evaluate
these skills and make recommendations for training needed to the evaluator and to the
Office of Human Resources for identifying content of future training programs.
2. Evaluation reports for Plan I and Plan III will address the four performance
domains. Any performance areas evaluated as unsatisfactory must be addressed
according to the defining standards contained in the Performance Observation
Record. The evaluator may add indicators which will further explain competency in
the four performance domains as listed below:
3. The evaluation report will also contain a jointly developed growth or improvement
plan designed to improve teacher performance consistent with evaluation
commentary, including recommendations for additional education and training
during the teacher's recertification process.
Additional Provisions
With the exception of the evaluation process (Part Two), neither party to this agreement is
obligated to negotiate this policy in future negotiations.
The evaluation process (Part Two) will be negotiated by the District and the Association.
This negotiation shall be conducted separately from the negotiations of other policies.
Those recommendations agreed to during bargaining and those recommendations that
could not be agreed to prior to impasse will be forwarded to the Certificated Personnel
Performance Council for review and final recommendation(s) to the Board of Education.
If any provision of this policy is found contrary to law, then such provision will be deemed
null and void, but all other provisions or applications thereof will continue in full force and
Upon mutual agreement, this policy may be renegotiated in whole or in part at any time
during the life of this policy.
Any additions, deletions or revision to this policy will be distributed to those affected, and
be in effect after ratification by the Association membership and adoption of the Board.
These criteria and standards for evaluation and remediation of classroom teachers have been
developed by the Cherry Creek Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation Council and
approved by the Board of Education.
The forms herein have been jointly agreed to by the Board of Education and the Cherry Creek
Education Association.
Name Date
Position School
Probationary Teacher
Plan I Teacher
Plan II Teacher
Plan III Teacher
Teacher Non-evaluative Year
ACTION PLAN (Describe the actions you will take to reach this goal.) TIMELINE (Describe when each
item of your action plan will be
MEASUREMENT (Describe the measurement/criteria you will use to determine if you’ve met
this goal.)
Name Date
ACTION PLAN (Describe the actions you will take to reach this goal.) TIMELINE (Describe when each
item of your action plan will be
MEASUREMENT (Describe the measurement/criteria you will use to determine if you’ve met
this goal.)
Name Date
ACTION PLAN (Describe the actions you will take to reach this goal.) TIMELINE (Describe when
each item of your action plan will
be accomplished.)
MEASUREMENT (Describe the measurement/criteria you will use to determine if you’ve met
this goal.)
School Year
Current Assignment
3. Knowledge of Teacher displays little Teacher displays basic Pedagogical practices are varied Teacher displays continuing
Content-Related understanding of pedagogical pedagogical knowledge but and reflect current research on search for best practice and
Pedagogy issues involved in student does not anticipate student best practice within the anticipates student
learning of the content. misconceptions. discipline, but may not misconceptions.
anticipate student
2. Student Students demonstrate little or Students are aware of their Students accept teacher Students review and reflect to
Responsibility for no pride in their work. They responsibility to “do good work” insistence on work of high ensure high quality work.
Quality Work seem to be motivated by the but invest little of their energy in quality.
desire to complete a task rather the quality of the work.
than do high-quality work.
3. Expectations for Instructional goals and Instructional goals and activities, Instructional goals and Both students and teacher
Learning and activities, interactions, and the interactions, and the classroom activities, interactions, and the collaborate on learning
Achievement classroom environment convey environment convey inconsistent classroom environment convey activities, interactions, and
ESSENTIAL only modest expectations for
student achievement.
expectations for student
high expectations for student
environment to promote high
expectations of all students.
Performance in Domain 3 is based on direct classroom observations
Component 3a: Communicating Clearly and Accurately
1. Directions and Teacher directions and Teacher directions and Teacher directions and Teacher directions and
Procedures procedures are confusing to procedures are clarified after procedures are clear to students procedures are clear to students
ESSENTIAL students. initial student confusion or are
excessively detailed
and contain an appropriate level
of detail.
and anticipate possible student
2. Oral and Written Teacher’s spoken language is Teacher’s spoken language is Teacher’s spoken and written Teacher’s spoken and written
Language inaudible, or written language is audible, and written language is language is clear and correct. language is correct and
illegible. Spoken or written legible. Both are used correctly. Vocabulary is appropriate to expressive, with well-chosen
language may contain many Vocabulary is correct but students’ age and interests. vocabulary that enriches the
grammar and syntax errors. limited or is not appropriate to lesson.
Vocabulary may be students’ ages or backgrounds.
inappropriate, vague or used
incorrectly, leaving students
1. Lesson Adjustment Teacher adheres rigidly to an Teacher attempts to adjust a Teacher makes an adjustment to Teacher successfully makes an
(only if needed) instructional plan, even when a lesson, with limited success. a lesson, and the adjustment adjustment to a lesson that
change will clearly improve a occurs smoothly. enhances student learning.
2. Response to Teacher ignores or brushes Teacher attempts to Teacher successfully Teacher seizes an opportunity to
Students aside students’ questions or accommodate students’ accommodates students’ enhance objectives by building
interests. questions or interests, but the questions or interests while on a spontaneous event.
effect disrupts the cohesiveness maintaining the integrity of the
of the lesson. lesson.
3. Persistence Teacher does not assume Teacher assumes responsibility Teacher persists in seeking Teacher persists in seeking
responsibility for the student’s for the success of all students approaches for students who effective approaches for
lack of success. but has only a limited repertoire have difficulty learning, students who need help, using
of instructional strategies to use. possessing a growing repertoire an extensive repertoire of
of strategies. strategies and soliciting
additional resources from the
1. Service to the School Teacher avoids becoming Teacher participates in school Teacher volunteers to Teacher volunteers to
involved in school events. events when specifically asked. participate in school events, participate in school events,
making a positive contribution. making a substantial
contribution, and assumes a
leadership role in at least some
aspect of school life.
2. Participation in Teacher avoids becoming Teacher participates in school Teacher volunteers to Teacher volunteers to
School and District involved in school and district and district projects when participate in school and district participate in school and district
Projects projects. specifically asked. projects, making a positive projects, making a positive
contribution. contribution, and assumes a
leadership role in a school or
district project.
School Year
Name Social Security #
Position School
Evaluator Date of Evaluation Conference
This evaluation is based, in part, on formal observations conducted on the following dates:
When a teacher is judged to perform at the “proficient” level on the essential elements of that
domain, no narrative is required for that domain. If a teacher performs at the emerging level on any
of the essential elements of a domain, the evaluator will make recommendations for improvement.
Future supervision efforts will focus on those elements. It is the expectation that at the end of the
probationary period the teacher will be proficient on all essential elements.
TEACHER’S COMMENTS: (If you need more space, please write on another sheet of paper and attach.)
School Year
Name Social Security #
Position School
Evaluator Date of Evaluation Conference
This evaluation is based, in part, on formal observations conducted on the following dates:
When a teacher is judged to perform at the “proficient” level on the essential elements of that domain, no
narrative is required for that domain. If a teacher performs at the emerging level on any of the essential
elements of a domain, the evaluator will make recommendations for improvement. Future supervision
efforts will focus on those elements. It is the expectation that at the end of the probationary period the
teacher will be proficient on all essential elements.
• Distinguished performance is that which exceeds the standard. (It is not an expectation that
probationary teachers attain this level of performance unless they have extensive prior
teaching experience.)
• Proficient performance is that which meets the standard.
• Emerging performance shows developing practice.
• Unsatisfactory performance does not meet the standards.
The teacher’s signature on this form represents neither acceptance nor approval of the report. It
indicates that the teacher has reviewed the report in conference with the evaluator. The teacher may
reply in writing. The teacher’s statement should be in duplicate and attached to this form.
The Supervisor’s signature on this form verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the
proper process and procedure appear to have been followed.
School Year
Name Social Security #
Position School
Evaluator Date of Evaluation Conference
This evaluation is based, in part, on formal observations conducted on the following dates:
• When a teacher is judged to perform at the “proficient” level on all elements of that domain, no
narrative is required. If a teacher performs at the partially proficient level on any of the elements
of that domain, the evaluator will make recommendations for improvement. Future supervision
efforts will focus on those elements. For teachers who perform at the “unsatisfactory” level on
any element, the administrator will create goals for improvement. Teachers who perform at the
“unsatisfactory” level in any domain may be moved to the Directed Improvement Plan.
• Distinguished performance is that which exceeds the standard.
• Proficient performance is that which consistently meets the standard.
• Partially Proficient performance does not consistently meet the standard
• Unsatisfactory performance does not meet the standard.
3a. Communicating Clearly and Accurately
Directions and Procedures
Oral and Written Language
3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Quality of Questions
Discussion Techniques
Student Participation
3c. Engaging Students in Learning
Content of Instruction
Activities and Assignments
Instructional Materials and Resources
Structure and Pacing
3d. Providing Feedback to Students
Quality: Accurate, Substantive, Constructive and
3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Lesson Adjustment (only if needed)
Response to Students
Domain 3: INSTRUCTION Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
At this time, the teacher demonstrates satisfactory/proficient performance. If so, check box 2 or 3.
At this time, the teacher meets performance standards and will continue on Plan I.
At this time, the teacher meets performance standards on Plan I and may pursue a differentiated
evaluation format.
At this time, the teacher does not meet performance standards in at least one element and may
repeat Evaluation Plan I or be placed on a Directed Improvement Plan.
At this time, following the Directed Improvement Plan, the teacher has made the required
improvement and will be returned to the evaluation process.
At this time, following Directed Improvement Plan, the teacher has not made the required
improvement and may be placed on remediation.
The teacher’s signature on this form represents neither acceptance nor approval of the report. It indicates
that the teacher has reviewed the report in conference with the evaluator. The teacher may reply in writing.
The teacher’s statement should be in duplicate and attached to this form.
The Supervisor’s signature on this form verifies that the report has been reviewed and that the proper process
and procedure appear to have been followed.
I. PROFESSIONAL PLAN for improving teaching strategies and behaviors to reach student
achievement outcomes. For each written goal, clearly state the action plan and how the
outcome will be evaluated (to be completed by the end of the first quarter of the second year).
II. Report format and evaluation process shall be jointly developed by the evaluator(s) and
Supervisor Assignment
The following activities will take place during the non-evaluation year
200__ to 200__:
Information from peer coaching, peer appraisal, and self appraisal may be included at the teacher's
discretion. (Please attach)
Administrator/Teacher Summary: