PT100 User Manual

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Product Dimension
Patrol Device Installation and Quick Start Guide 52mm

Ver 1.0 Date: October , 2013

Note: user information shall be registered with patrol software and user fingerprints

can be enrolled by USB fingerprint scanner or patrol device. All the data such
as route and patrol plan configured by software should be synchronized with

the patrol device before using.
1. Installtaion Mode I : Wall-Mount

5. Workflow

1) Drill holes on the wall accord ing 2) Pull the cables(includes the power 3) Fix the wall mounting Install patrol software
to the rear plate to mark positions. cables and USB cables) out of the plate with screws.
cabling holes.
Set checkpoint

Register patroller

Set event

4) Connect the power cables and USB 5 ) Fix the base to the mounting 6 ) Place the patrol machine
cables to the base. plate with screws. on the base. Set route

Set shift
2. Installation Mode II : Desktop

Set patrol plan

Connect patrol device with

software to synchronize data

1) Fix the wall mounting 2 ) Connect the power cables 3) Fix the base to the 4 ) Place the patrol machine Start to patrol
plate on the desk with and USB cables to the base. mounting plate with on the base.
screws. screws.
Collect data by software

3. Product Introduction
Make reports
Front View Back View

LED Indicator
Fingerprint Sensor ID Card Swipe Area

Display Screen Guard Patrol System Components:

Power Button PC, Patrol Software, USB Fingerprint Scanner/Card Issuer, Patrol Device,
Charging/Acquisition Base, USB Cable, Checkpoints (Location Tags).
Up Key
Down Key
Communication Interface
6. Operation Instructions 7.6.Power
Connection 8. USB Connection
1. Power On: Press power button to start the patrol device, waiting it vibrates and The device charging power is DC5V, the The device connects with PC though USB cable.
current is 800mA.
boots up.
2. Power Off : Press power button and hold for 3 seconds to shutdown the device.
3. Sleeping Mode: The device will enter sleeping mode if there is no operation
within 20 seconds (default), this time could be configured by software. Press
Charging base USB cable PC
power button once to wake the device up and once again to make it sleep.
The device
4. Start to patrol
1) Place finger or swipe card on the patrol device to sign in at first, the screen 9. Packaging List
will display patroller’s name, ID number and prompts to begin patrolling under
Patrol Unit Charging/Acquisition Base Rear Plate
a specified route.
2) Go to the first checkpoint and swipe the patrol device to the location tag, the
screen will display current and next point name, and the device will request to
verify patroller’s identity if it’s preset in the software. There are four verification
types:no, only fingerprint, only card, card or fingerprint. Please verify as
required and complete verification within 20 seconds.( Verify 3 times does not pass,
USB Cable Quick Start Guide Protective Tube
the default validation fails. )
3) Once the patroller is verified, the screen will display events to select for this
checkpoint. These events shall be preset in the software and it’s optional to
4) After the event is recorded, the screen instructs next point to check, just do the
same steps as above while following the route preset by software till the device
notify that final point is checked, thus the patrol is completed. Power Supply Software CD Screws&White Rubber Plug
Note: If the patroller wants to quit or end the patrol, please verify his identity by
fingerprint or card. If the patroller goes to wrong checkpoints, the screen will
prompt and instruct the correct point to check.
5. Out of Memory: The device will notice its available capacity if there are less than 500
records left, the screen will prompt each time when a new record is generated.
Note: When the record number reaches 30,000, the device will automatically delete
the oldest 10,000 records.
10. Optional Accessories
6. Battery: The battery level is displayed in the status bar on the screen; please recharge
the device when there is only one cell of battery bar left.When the device battery is dead,
Card Issuer USB Fingerprint Scanner Location Tag Card &Key Fob
you need to charge about 10 minutes and then start.
7. Communication: The device shall be connected to PC via charging/acquisition base
10.Optional Accessories
by a USB cable and make sure the device is not in sleeping mode.
8. Working temperature: -10℃~+40℃.

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