PT100 User Manual
PT100 User Manual
PT100 User Manual
Product Dimension
Patrol Device Installation and Quick Start Guide 52mm
can be enrolled by USB fingerprint scanner or patrol device. All the data such
as route and patrol plan configured by software should be synchronized with
the patrol device before using.
1. Installtaion Mode I : Wall-Mount
5. Workflow
1) Drill holes on the wall accord ing 2) Pull the cables(includes the power 3) Fix the wall mounting Install patrol software
to the rear plate to mark positions. cables and USB cables) out of the plate with screws.
cabling holes.
Set checkpoint
Register patroller
Set event
4) Connect the power cables and USB 5 ) Fix the base to the mounting 6 ) Place the patrol machine
cables to the base. plate with screws. on the base. Set route
Set shift
2. Installation Mode II : Desktop
1) Fix the wall mounting 2 ) Connect the power cables 3) Fix the base to the 4 ) Place the patrol machine Start to patrol
plate on the desk with and USB cables to the base. mounting plate with on the base.
screws. screws.
Collect data by software
3. Product Introduction
Make reports
Front View Back View
LED Indicator
Fingerprint Sensor ID Card Swipe Area