Polity Ready Reckoner 2019 PDF
Polity Ready Reckoner 2019 PDF
Polity Ready Reckoner 2019 PDF
E 1. Salient Features .......................................................................................... 1
A 2. Schedules .................................................................................................... 2
3. Preamble ..................................................................................................... 3
E 10. Centre and State Relations, Inter State Relations ............................... 18-20
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FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 10. Most of them are directly enforceable. For few an
enabling law only by Parliament is necessary Ex – 21A
Part III of the Constitution from Articles 12 to 35 11. Article 12 – Definition of State: Union and State
governments legislatures, local authorities, PSUs etc.,
• Source: Bill of rights-USA
12. Art 13 – all laws that are inconsistent with
• Originally 7 FRs, Presently 6 FRs. Right to property
fundamental rights shall be void.
deleted by 44th CAA 1978.Presently Right to
a. Laws of parliament, state legislature
property-Legal right (Art 300A)
b. Ordinances
• Magna Carta of India.
c. Non legislative sources of law (Convention).
• Essential for all round development of citizens.
d. Delegated legislation
• Fundamental rights are:
Right to equality—Art 14 to 18 Word law do not apply for personal laws and
Right to freedom—Art 19 to 22 constitutional amendment acts.
Right against exploitation—Art 23 to 24
Right to freedom of religion—Art 25 to 28 Art 14 – 18 : Right to Equality
Cultural and educational rights-Art 29 to 30
Right to constitutional remedies—Art 32 Equality before law: Rule of law (Dicey)- Basic feature
• Features of FRs of the constitution.
1. Few are available only to citizens not to foreigners
(Art 15,16,19,29 and 30). a. No punishment except for breach of law.
2. Available to citizens and foreigners too but not enemy b. Equal subjection of citizens to same law
aliens (14,20,21,21A,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) administered by ordinary law courts.
3. Fundamental rights available against private citizens c. Primacy of the rights of the Individual.
too – 15,17,23,24,32(only Habeaus corpus)
2. They are not absolute but qualified. Reasonable
restrictions can be imposed. • President of India and Governor of the state. (No
3. Most of them are available against the arbitrary criminal proceedings during their office)
action of the State, with a few exceptions like those • Foreign sovereigns, ambassadors and diplomats.
against the State’s action only are violated by private • Art 31C – Laws made for implementing DPSP under
individuals. 39(b), 39(c).
4. Most of them are negative in character, that is, place • Article 105, 194 –MLAs and MPs are not liable for any
limitations on the authority of the State, while others of their action inside legislature.
are positive in nature, conferring certain privileges on • Article 361A, No person shall be liable for true
the persons. reporting of proceedings of Parliament and State
5. They are justiciable Legislature.
6. Defended and guaranteed by the Supreme Court (art
32) and High court(Art 226) Equal Protection of Law:
7. They are not sacrosanct or permanent. Equals shall be treated equally. Aristotle concept.
8. They can be suspended during the operation of a Reservations are Justified based on this.
National Emergency except the rights guaranteed by
Articles 20 and 21. Article 15 :
9. Their scope of operation is limited by Article 31A, a. No discrimination in giving Access to shops, Public
31B, 31C. restaurants, hotels and places of public entertainment
– applicable to state.
Their application can be restricted while martial law is b. No discrimination in Use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats
in force in any area. maintained by state funds for general public. applies
to both citizens and state.
State shall not discriminate against any citizen on g. 85th amendment act, its provides consequential
grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of seniority for SCs, STs with retrospective effect from
birth. June 1995.
h. 81st amendment act, It empowers the state to fill
Exceptions: Women and children, educationally and backlog vacancies even if there cross 50% ceiling.
socially backward classes of citizens.
Article 17: Abolishes untouchability applicable to
93rd AA – Reservations in Private educational state and private citizens.
institutions for OBCs other than Minority educational
Institutions. 1. Protection of Civil rights act is meant to enlarge scope
of this article.
Creamy layer is applicable for OBC reservations. 2. Term untouchability is not defined in Constitution or
civil rights, protection act.
Art 16: Equal opportunity in Public employment 3. Practice of Untouchability can disqualify an individual
to contest in elections.
No citizen can be discriminated are made in eligible
for employment of any office under the state and the Article 18: abolition of Titles – state cannot confer any
grounds of only religion, race, caste, sex, descent, title on a citizen or foreigner.
place of birth or residence. (Under article 15 descent,
residence do not exist) 1. Citizens cannot accepts any Titles from foreign state.
2. A foreigner working for Indian government cannot
Exceptions: accept a title from foreign state without the consent
Parliament by law only can make exceptions. of the President.
3. No citizen or foreigner holding any office of profit
(State legislature cannot make any law) shall not accept any present, emolument without the
consent of the President.
a. Residence as conditions for certain types of 4. Bharat Ratna, Padma Awards are not titles.
employment. Example 371D in Andhra Pradesh.
b. Reservations to socially and educationally backward
c. Religious or denominational institutions
a. Mandal Commission was appointed under Article 340
of the constitution. It identified 52% of the population
as OBCs and recommended 27% as Reservations.
b. Indira Sahani Judgement – Total reservations shall
not exceed 50% (including carry forward jobs)
c. Merit shall not compromise
d. Reservations exists at entry level not in promotions.
e. Creamy layer to exclude advanced sections among
f. 77th amendment Act its provides reservation in
promotions in favour of SCs and STs if they are not
adequately represented in the services.
Article 22 – Protest against arrest and detention • Reasonable Restrictions: Public Order, Morality,
• Grounds to be informed, right to consult and • State can also regulate economic, political activity
defended by a lawyer, right to be produced a associated with religion. It can provide welfare,
magistrate within 24 hours excluding journey and reform of religious institutions.
• Shall not be detained for more period than authorized Article 26-Religious denominations can establish,
by magistrate. maintain, manage, and acquire property for religious and
• Preventive detention: charitable purposes.
• Can be detained for 3 months under a preventive
detention law. beyond that advisory board shall Article 27-Freedom from taxation for religious institutions
permit. The board shall consist of Judges of High – tax cannot be levied but fees against the service can be
Court. levied.
• Parliament by law increase the period of preventive
Article28- Freedom from attending religious instructions
detention for more than three months without
in educational institutions.
obtaining opinion of advisory board.
• Legislative power with regard to preventive detention Educational Institution Religious Instructions
is divided between parliament and state legislature.
Institutions wholly
Completely prohibited
maintained by state
Right against Exploitation (Article 23 and Article 24):
Institutions Administered
Article 23-Prohibition of Traffic in Human being and by state but established
Religious instructions permitted
under any endowment or
forced labour.
• It is available against state and private citizen. Institutions recognized by Permitted on voluntary basis,
the state student may or may not attend
• State can impose compulsory service for public
purpose without any discrimination on grounds only Institutions receiving aid Permitted on voluntary basis,
of religion, race, caste, class. from the states student may or may not attend
Article 24-Prohibits employment of children below the Cultural and Educational Rights (article 29 and 30)
age of 14 years in hazardous industries. Article 29-Any section of the citizens residing in any part
of India having distinct language and culture shall
• It do not prohibit child labour in non hazardous
have right to protect the same.(collective right)
• Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 2016, • It is a group right, it is available for both religious and
prohibits all kinds of employment of children below linguistic minorities.
14 years. 14 to 18 years children in Hazardous • No citizen can denied admission into any educational
industries. institutions maintained by the state or receiving aid
from the state only on grounds of religion race, caste
Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25 to 28) or language.
Article25: -Freedom of conscience, freedom to profess, Article 30-Rights of minorities to establish and administer
practice and propagate religion. educational institutions available to religious and
linguistic minorities. These institutions enjoy right to
• It do not provide right to religious conversions. property, reservations for OBCs (93rd Amendment act) do
• Hindus under Article 25 includes Hindus, Sikhs, Jains not apply to these institutions.
and Buddhists. Article 32-Right to constitutional remedies
• It is a basic feature of constitution, parliament can • In any area within the territory of india.
empower any subordinate court to issue writs of all • It empowers Parliament to indemnify any government
kinds. servant or any other person where martial law in
• President can suspend the right to move to any court force.
for enforcement of fundamental right during national Martial Law National Emergency
emergency. It affects not only Fundamental
Meaning/purp Locus Against to Rights but also Center-State
WRIT It affects only Relations, distribution of revenues
ose Standi Whom
Fundamental rights and legislative powers between
Show me the
Private Citizen center and states and may extend
Habeous body of / to Do not
or Public the tenure of the Parliament.
Corpus find the apply
missing people It suspends the
It continues the government and
We command / government and
ordinary law courts.
To get the Job Against Public ordinary law courts
Mandamus Applies
Done by an Official It is imposed to
It can be imposed only on three
authority restore the breakdown
grounds war, external aggression
To Forbid / to of law and order due
or armed rebellion.
stop the lower to any reason.
quotes It is imposed in some
Judicial and It is imposed either in the whole
proceeding specific area of the
Prohibition Applies Quasi Judicial country or in any part of it.
further in a country.
case out of It has no specific
their It has specific and detailed
provision in the
jurisdiction provision in the Constitution. It
Constitution. It is
To be certified is explicit
or to be
informed /
Judicial and Article 35-Parliament ownly has power to make laws with
transfer a case
Certiorari Applies Quasi Judicial respect to
due to excess
bodies 1) Residence as a criteria for public employment 2) to
of lower
courtjursidictio empower courts and other than supreme court and
n high courts to issue writs orders, directions for
By what enforcement of fundamental rights. 3) to make laws
authority / To Any public
to take away fundamental rights for armed forces –
Quowarran prevent Do not authority
to unqualified apply unqualified for para military and police. 4) to indemnify the acts of
people taking the position. government servant during marital law, 5) parliament
public offices can also make laws for punishment of offenses
declared under fundamental rights. Example:
Other Articles: untouchability, trafficking etc.,
Article 33-Parliament can restrict, abrogate fundamental
rights of armed forces, para military, police forces, Article 31-Right to Property repealed by 44th
intelligence agencies. (State Legislature cannot make a amendment act, now it is a legal right under article
law on this). 300A.
• Members of armed forces are also include other • Right to Property exists for Minority educational
service providers to the armed forces. Example: Cooks institutions as a fundamental right.
and Carpenters.
Article 31A-It prohibits certain categories of laws
Article 34-It provides for the restrictions on Fundamental from being challenged and invalidated for violation of
rights while martial lawin force.
article 14 and 19. They are related to land reforms, Aimed to establish Economic and social democracy.
industry and commerce. • Non-justiciable
• Help the courts in examining and determining the
• Acquisition of States, Management of properties,
constitutional validity of law
amalgamation of corporations, modifications of rights
Classification of DPSP(Not mentioned in
of directors and share holders, modification of mining
leases etc.,
Remember the DPSP related to health, education for
Article 31B-It states acts and regulations placed in Mains.
ninth schedule do not come under Judicial review. • Socialistic principles – 38, 39, 39A, 39B, 41, 42, 43,
Ninth schedule, 1stCAA are related to this. 43A, 47
• Gandhian principle – 40, 43, 43B, 46, 47, 48
• InIR Coelho case, supreme court stated that laws
• Liberal intellectual principle – 44, 45, 48, 48A, 49, 50,
placed under 9th schedule (April 24th 1973) comes
under judicial review. Judicial review was stated as
• 42nd CAA added DPSPs under
part of basic structure of constitution.
Article 31C-Brought in by 25th amendment act. It Article-39A: To provide adequate meals and
states that 39B and 39C can over ride provisions livelihood.
under article 14,19. Article 43A – participation of workers in the
management of industry.
Rights Outside Part – III: They are not fundamental Article 48A – safeguarding forests and wildlife.
rights but they are constitutionally guaranteed legal
44thAA added- Article 38 (state to secure social order
for the promotion of welfare) 86thA A– Changed
• Article 265: No tax can be levied or collected except subject matter of Article 45, (provision for early
by authority of law childhood care and education of children below 6
• Article 300A- Right to property years)
• Article 301 – Trade, Commerce and Inter course 97th amendment act – introduced Article 43B -
throughout territory of India. Cooperative societies.
• Article 326 – Right to Vote
List of DPSP:
Note: under Article 226 High Courts have Writ Jurisdiction 36- Definition of State
on these rights. 37 - Application of the directive principles
38 -State to secure a social order for the promotion of
Art 36-51 39- Certain principles of policy to be followed by the
• Source-Irish constitution State.
• Dr.Ambedkar described DPSP as NOVEL features. To secure opportunities for healthy development of
• DPSP and Fundamental rights are -philosophy, soul
a) rights to adequate meals of livelihood
and conscience of the constitution.
b) equal distribution of material resources of the
• They are essential for Governance, they are not
community for the common good
subordinate to Fundamental rights.
c) prevention and concentration on health
• Features of DPSP: Constitutional instruction to
d) pay for equal work
state.Resembles the instrument of instruction of GOI
e) preservation of health and strength of workers
act 1935.
Federal Government in India: Comments
Emergency powers Part XVIII, 352 to 360
Art 360 (Financial
Art 356 (President Rule/State Emergency)
SL. Art 352 (National
Criteria Emergency/Constitutional
No. Emergency) As like National
Recovery Act of USA.
War, External aggression,
Grounds of Constitutional machinery breakdown Threat to financial
1 Armed rebellion or imminent
declaration (On report of governor or otherwise.) stability and credibility
danger thereof.
2 Classification Internal/External emergency No classification No classification
3. recommendation Required Not required Not required
from cabinet
2 Months. Max duration is for 3
1 month and indefinite years. Periodical approval every
Parliamentary 6months 2 months, Indefinite
4. approval time and period. (No intermittent
(need to be approved every Beyond an year – National
duration approval is required)
6 months) Emergency/ EC certification are
Majority required
5 for approval and Special majority Simple majority Simple majority
President or by LokSabha
with simple majority.
Special Session of LokSabha
need to be convened if 10%
6 Revocation President of India President of India.
of total members gives a
written notice to
president/Speaker. (within
14 days)
1. State list -concurrent list
2. Fundamental rights can be
suspended (other than art
3. In External emergency,
rights under art 19 are
automatically suspended. In
internal emergency president 1. Parliament makes laws on state
1. President can give
need to suspend them. list. ( No state legislature)
4. Centre can give direction to 2. Governor administers state (No
2. Reduction of salaries.
states on any matter state government exists)
(including judges and
5. President can change 3. No effect on fundamental rights.
other constitutional
7 Consequences constitutional distribution of 4. President can confer any authority
revenues between Centre and to Centre.
3. Reservation of all
state. 5. President issues ordinances on
6. Life of Loksabha and money bills or financial
subjects in state list.
Legislative Assembly can be bills for the consideration
6. Parliament can delegate the power
extended by one year at a of president.
to make laws on state subjects.
time indefinitely. ( After
emergency ceases to operate,
it can extend for only 6
7. Parliament cannot delegate
power to make laws on state
Continuation of Do not continue after 6 Will continue and state can No laws are enacted on
laws on state list months of revocation amend/repeal them. state list.
President’s Rule:
Sarkaria Commission:
Acceptable Grounds
• Hung Assembly
• Fail to follow Constitutional direction
• Internal subversion, Physical breakdown
• Lack of alternative after No confidence motion
Unacceptable Grounds:
• Not giving a chance for alternative after No
confidence motion
• When a new party comes to power in the centre
• Internal disturbances not amounting to internal
subversion or physical breakdown.
• Maladministration or allegations of corruption.
• If no prior warning for rectification was given.
• If used to settle intraparty disputes.
Positive Side:
• AlladiKrishnaswamyayyar: The very life breath of the
• Mahavirtyagi : A safety valve.
52-78, Part V
President, Vice president, PM and council of members,
Attorney General of India
• Qualifications of contestant – 35yrs, citizen of India,
qualified to be a member of Lok Sabha, shall not hold
office of Profit under any govt.
• If parliament do not approve, actions taken under • 20 electors are proposers and 20 are seconders.
ordinances do not nullify. • Election system – proportional representation by
Single transferable vote.
Judgements of Supreme Court:
• Voters: Both Elected and Nominated members of LS
• Coopers case: Ordinance power of President is
and RS.
subjected to Judicial review on malafide grounds.
• Oath or Affirmation: faith and allegiance to
• DC Wadhwacase: Ordinance power is not a substitute
constitution and faithful discharge of duties.
for the legislative power.
• Term of Office : 5 years
• Re promulgation of Ordinances is the violation of
constitution and can be stuck down. Vacancy in Office:
• No substitute mentioned in constitution. In RS,
Constitutional Position of the President:
Deputy chairman performs the duty of chairman.
• Art 53 – Executive power of Union is with President
• Can be removed by a resolution of RS with effective
• Art 74 – Aid and advice of council of ministers shall be
Majority and approved by LS. (14 days notice)
• Election Disputes : SC decides all election disputes wrt
• Art 75(3) – Collective responsibility of council of
President and Vice president.
minsters to Lok Sabha.
• Art 78 – PM shall give information on laws, policies to Note :
President of India. President can call for any
• Emoluments : decided by parliament.
information from government. President can submit a
ministers decision to consideration of Council of • American vice president also chairs the senate.(as like
Ministers. Indian VP)
• In case of death, illness of President of USA, Vice
Discretionary Powers : president takes office for the rest of the term. (it is
• President does not enjoy constitutional discretionary not the case in India)
power as he is bound by 42nd CA and 44th CA act.
Prime Minister
• However he enjoys situational discretion power in
following cases, • Head of the government. Council of ministers are
1. To appoint the PM in case of Hung Parliament appointed and removed by the President on
2. To dissolve Loksabha or to call for an alternative after recommendation of PM.
passage of No confidence motion in LS • On his resignation, government collapses.
3. To send a bill for reconsideration (44AA) • Oath – allegiance to constitution, protection of
4. Dismissal of Council of Ministers if No confidence sovereignty, faithful discharge, to do right to all,
Motion is passed and Council of Ministers do not secrecy.
resign. • Salary and allowances – Parliament decides ( As of
5. To ensure that 6months do not lapse between two now, PM, CoM has same salaries like MPs)
sessions of parliament. • Leader of the house in which he is a member and
nominates leader of other house.
• Ex officio chairman of RS. Receives salary and Other functions:
emoluments as so. When performs the functions of Chairman of,
President of India, he receives salaries and • NITI Aayog, ( executive body)
emoluments as so. He will not perform
• Indian Board of wildlife (statutory – wild life
responsibilities as chairman of RS. Election :
protection act 1972)
• Qualifications: 35 years, citizen of India, shall be
• National Ganga river Basin authority – statutory body
eligible to be a member of RS, shall not hold office of
under Environmental Protection act.
• National commission on Population : Executive body
1. As per Article 200 Governor can reserve any bill for President can create a committee of
consideration of President. In one case it is obligatory 371C Manipur legislative assembly consisting of
i.e., if a bill endangers position of high court. members from hill areas of state.
Equal opportunities for Andhra,
2. Recommendation for imposition of President rule.
Telangana and Rayalaseema Regions.
3. Additional Incharge of adjoining UT. -Local Area Reservations can be
4. Seeking information from CM. Andhra created in Education and
Pradesh, Employment.
Special Responsibilities: 371E
Telangana -Special Administrative Tribunal for
State Responsibility Civil post in the state.
Developmental Board, Vidarbha and -371E – Central University in Andhra
Maharastra Pradesh
Development Boards Sourastra and Representation:
Gujarat 30 memberslegislative assembly,
one loksabha seat
Law and Order in Naga Hills, 371F
Nagaland th -Reservations for different sections.
Tuensang Area (36 CA Sikkim
-Governor has special responsibility
Assam Administration of Tribal Areas A)
for equitable social and economic
Manipur Administration of Hill Areas
advancement of different sections of
Sikkim Social and Economic Advancement
Sikkim population.
Arunachal Pradesh Law and Order
Development of Hyderabad,
Karnataka Parliament laws do not apply for
Karnataka Region
socio religious practices, customary
Chief Minister of Council of Ministers of State law and procedures, administration
371G Mizoram of civil and criminal justice, transfer
• Similar to Union
of land.
• Special provisions to some states: (Article 371) Representation:
Mizo Assembly shall have minimum
Article State Special Provisions for 40 members
Developmental Boards for Vidarbha Governor has special Responsibilities
and Maratwada and rest of for Law and Order.
Maharastr Arunachal
371 Maharastra, separate development 371H Representation:
a& Gujarat Pradesh
boards for Vidarbha, Maratwada and Assembly shall have minimum of 30
rest of the Maharastra members.
Separate Developmental Boards for Representation:
Sourastra, Kautch and other rest of 371I Goa Assembly shall have minimum of 30
371 Gujarat
the Gujarat. Equitable distribution of members.
opportunities and funds Special Provisions for Development:
Parliamentary laws do not apply on 371J Karnataka Development Board for Hyderabad
matters of religious social practices, th
Region (98 CAA)
administration of civil and criminal
justice. Ownership and transfer of
land. Customary laws and Special Status of Jammu & Kashmir
371A Nagaland procedures.
Article 370
-Law & Order:
Governor has special responsibilities • Article 1 and Article 370 are only applicable to Jammu
for peace in Tuensang region
and Kashmir
-Governor shall constitute a regional
council for Tuensang district • Other provisions of constitution can be applied to
Representation: Jammu & Kashmir in consultation with State
President can create a committee of Government.
the Assam Legislative Assembly • Article 370 is interim arrangement till Jammu &
371B Assam
consisting of member selected from
Kashmir constitution is made.
Tribal Areas. (Like Tribal Advisory
• President of India can repeal or modify Article 370 as Rule Imposed for not
per the recommendations of constitution assembly of following central
the state.
-Can be imposed
• As per the constitution of Jammu & Kashmir, states for the failure of
relation with center cannot be amended by legislative Indian
assembly, it can only be changed by constitution constitution
assembly of the state. Exists for failure
of J&K Do not exists
Instrument of Accession: constitution
Applies only with
• It has surrendered only three subjects i.e., defence, extension of
CA bill Applies
external affairs and communications to India. Presidential
• In other matters parliamentary laws can be extended order
5 Schedule Do not apply Applies
to the state by President in agreement with State TH
6 Schedule Do not apply Applies
Government. Writ
Only for
Jammu & Jurisdiction Fundamental and Legal
Criteria Other States Fundamental
Kashmir of High rights
cannot change
President consults the Resident
name, boundary,
Article 3 legislature, consent is Status and Exists Do not exists
area without
not necessary Restriction
consent of
on Outsiders
Residuary Belongs to the
Belongs to the Central Constitution,
Power states Exists Do not exists
Preventive State Legislature State Legislature and
Detention can only make Union parliament make
Laws these laws. these laws.
Exists as
Right to
Fundamenta Exists as Legal Right
l rights
Part VI Do not apply Applies
DPSP Do not apply Applies
Do not apply Applies
Emergency on
cannot be No such limitation
imposed without
the consent of
Exists Do not exists
Financial Cannot be
Can be declared
Emergency declared
President Cannot be Can be imposed
He has to be recognized by the speaker in • He votes like MP Loksabha when he is not presiding,
Loksabha, Chairman in Rajyasabha as a Leader of when he presides exercises casting vote.
Opposition (LOP). • Deputy Speaker is not subordinate to speaker, he is
Equivalent to rank of Cabinet Minister. directly responsible to house.
• Britain – Shadow cabinet (Leader of Opposition is • Salary and allowances are charged to consolidated
called as alternative Prime Minister in UK). USA – fund of India (Speaker and Deputy Speaker)
Minority leader.
Panel of Chairpersons of Loksabha:
WHIP: • Maximum 10 members - nominated by the speaker
• Assistant floor leader from amongst the member (not president).
• Appointed by political party • Presides when Speaker and Deputy Speaker are not
• Not mentioned in Constitution nor in the Rules of the available, not subordinate to Speaker and Deputy
House nor in a Parliamentary Statute. Speaker responsible to the house.
• It is based on the conventions of the parliamentary • Panel of Chairpersons cannot presides when office of
government. Speaker and Deputy Speaker are not vacant. (They
presides only when they are absent)
Presiding Officers:
Lok Sabha Speaker Speaker pro tem:
• Elected by Loksabha from amongst its members (he • Appointed by President of India.
shall be a member of Loksabha at the time of • Usually, the senior most member is selected.
election). Date of election is fixed by the president. • Oath by- President
• Equivalent to Chief Justice of India (7th Position in • Has all the powers of the Speaker.
order of Precedence (above cabinet ministers but • Mentioned in constitution
below Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister) • Ceases is to exist after speaker is elected (temporary
• Need not resigns from his party (if he is resigns office)
not disqualified under anti defection law)
Removal: He can be removed by the house by Origin of Offices:
effective majority at 14 days advance notice. • Speaker & Deputy Speaker came into existence as per
• He can participate and vote in the proceedings of his the provisions of the Govt. Of India Act. 1919. Fredrick
removal. (Normally he has casting vote in Loksabha, white and Sachidananda Sinha were first Speaker and
here he vote in first instance). If he resigns, the Deputy Speaker of Central Legislative Assembly.
resignation is submitted to Deputy Speaker. Even Vittalbhai Patel first elected India speaker of central
after Loksabha dissolution he/she is continuous in legislative assembly. Initially they are called as
office till new Loksabha meets. President and Deputy President of the house after
• Atleast 50 members has to supported to admit the Govt. Of India Act, 1935 speaker and deputy speaker
motion of removal. coming to existence.
• G.B. Mavalankar and Anantha Sayanam Iyyengar
LoksabhaDeputy Speaker were First speaker and Deputy Speaker after
• Elected from amongst from the members
(election date is fixed by speaker (not president), Powers and functions of Speaker:
incase speaker it is president (it means election of• Derives powers from constitution, conventions, rules of
Deputy Speaker is held after the election of procedures of Loksabha.
speaker). • Guardian of Powers, privileges of members, house and its
• He is removed as like Speaker of Loksabha, committees. (No law exists in India defining powers and
privileges of house members and committees)
• Maintains order and decorum in house can disqualify an examined committee on government assurances
MP under defection law, presides joint sitting, enjoy do not lapse).
casting vote. He shall conduct special session of Loksabha 2. A bill originated and pending in Rajyasabha or a
to revoke emergency. bill passed by both houses and pending with
• Certifies a bill as a money bill, his decision is final. President do not lapse.
• Can allow the secret sitting of the house (Only Leader of 3. A bill sent for reconsideration by president do not
the house can request) lapse.
statement from the minister. Indian innovation • Introduced in either House of Parliament-- by a
mentioned in rules of procedures. minister or by any other member
• Adjournment Motion - matter of urgent public • Go through three readings 1. Bill Published in the
importance, interrupts the normal business of the official gazette 2. General Discussions, given for select
House, it is regarded as an extraordinary device - committee (discretion of the government),
needs support of 50 members allowed only in Amendment are passed, 3. Final Acceptance &
Loksabha – shall be raised on a definite, factual, Rejectence of the bill through voting.
urgent, specific matter of recent occurrence. It shall • Dead Lock: Joint sitting provision available in case of
not deal with privileges matters in court or review of deadlock
completed discussion of the same session. • After president assent bill become act—RS and LS
• No-Confidence Motion - Against entire council of equal powers with regard to an ordinary bill.
ministers. no reason is necessary can be introduced
by any member article 75(3), collective responsibility
is enforced through this. If it is past government shall
resign – allowed only in Loksabha.
• Censure Motion - Against individual or group of
ministers – reasons need to be stated - council of
ministers need not resign – passing of this motion can
invite no confidence motion.
• Motion of Thanks - To thank president of India for his
address to the parliament (The first session after
each general election and the first session of every
fiscal year is addressed by the President) - Policies and • Joint Sitting (Article 108): Presided by Speaker,
programs and performance of the government are Deputy Speaker, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha in
presented to the house by the president. order, passed by simple majority of joint sitting.
• Point of Order – It is interpretation, recommendation • Loksabha can dominate due to its numbers.
to the rules of the house – a device to discipline in Money bills: -- Article 110
orderly to the house, No debate is allowed-- usually • The imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or
raised by an opposition member in order to control regulation of any tax.
the government. • Borrowing of money by the union government
• Short duration discussions – no voting takes place. • Custody of the consolidated fund or contingency
No formal motion exists in the house. fund of India.
• Declaration of an expenditure charged on the
Bills in the House: consolidated fund of India.
Character Public Bills Private Bills • Taxes – Imposition, abolition, regulation of any
Other than tax
Introduction By Minister
• Receipt of money on account of consolidated
7 days 30 days fund of India or the public accounts of India,
Concern Department custody or issue of such money
Assistance No Assistance
Any Day Alternate Fridays
in the house
Absolute Do not exists for
Veto president
Ordinary bill:
President of India in
Constitution of India Office of Profit, unsound mind (to be declared by the court)
consultation with Election
(Art 102) Undischarged insolvent, acquires foreign Citizenship`
commission of India.
Minister/ Private
Introduced by Public Public Public/Private Public/Private
Appointment of judges:
• CJI is appointed by President of India.
• The other judges are appointed by president after
consultation with the chief justice and such other
judges of the Supreme Court and the high courts as
he deems necessary.
• Total judges including CJI is 31. Adhoc Judge:
• Post invalidation of NJAC , collegium system is To meet the quorum of the judges,
followed for appointment of judges. • Appointed by Chief Justice of India
• Judge of High Court qualified to be a Supreme Court
Judge can be appointed as aAdhoc Judge.
Retired Judges:
• One chief justice and thirty other judges (parliament
can determine the strength)
1. He should be a citizen of India.
2. (a) He should have been a judge of a High Court (or high
courts in succession) for five years; or (b) He should
have been an advocate of a High Court (or High
Courts in succession) for ten years; or (c) He should be
Appointment of Judges:
4. Appellate Jurisdiction: • Chief Justice of High Court is appointed by president
after consultation with CJI and Governor.
1. Civil Matters:any substantial question of law, any
question to be decided by the Supreme Court.
2. Criminal Matters:Death Punishment, Life
Imprisonment given by high court by reversing the
judgement lower court. High Court certifies a case of
fit for Supreme Court hearing.
3. Constitution Matters:High court the certifies a matter
as substantial question.
5. Court of Record:
• Supreme Court Judgement proceedings or can be
used as a evidences in lower courts.
• Contempt Powers includes,
1. Civil Contempt: for wilful disobedience of any
judgement or order. 1. He should be a citizen of India.
2. Criminal Contempt:For scandalizing court interfering 2. Judicial Office should have held judicial office in India
with the administrative justice, judicial proceedings. for 10 years or an advocate in the high court for 10
Independence of Supreme Court:
1. Appointment by Collegium. • No minimum age, maximum tenure, he retires at 62,
2. Expenditure of Court and Judges is charged from any question of age can be settled by the President
consolidated fund of India. (In Supreme Court it is Parliament)
3. Judges and their conduct cannot be discussed except • He can practice after retirement in Supreme Court
during the removal. and other High Courts.
4. supreme court judges arebarred from practice after
the retirement (High court Judges can practice)
Retired Judges:
1. Original jurisdiction:
• Lakshadweep – Kerala High Court • Court fee and other duties are exempted
• Guwahati High Court has jurisdiction over Assam, • Lok Adalat has power of Civil Court. It can deal with
Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachala Pradesh (MANA) both civil and criminal matter, but not non-
• Sikkim, Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur have their own compoundable matters.
High Courts now. • Permanent Lok Adalats can deal upto 10 lakhs of
rupees it is established for cases related to public
Subordinate courts:
utility services.
‘Lok Adalat’:
3 Tier PanchayatRaj:
Powers, Functions and Finances determined by State • Govt. of India Act 1935, Local Governmentsbecome a
Legislature : provincial subject.
• 29 matters that can be transferred to Panchayatsas • Constitution of India: Local Governments a state
there in 11th Schedule. subject
• Preparation of plans and implementation of plans for • 3 Types of Municipalities:Nagar Panchayat(rural to
Economic development and Social justice. urban transition area) , Municipal Council(small urban
• Finances- state legislature may authorise panchayat area), Municipal Corporation(larger urban area) .
to levy taxes, assign from collected revenue of state, • Ward Committee shall exists if the population of
grants in aid by states. municipality is more than 3 lakhs, remaining all as
• State Finance Commission: Governor constitutes Panchayts.
once in 5 years. Composition of commissioner and • Elections:Municipalities can also have nominated
qualification are determined by state legislature, members it is decided by State Legislature.Seats are
there is an organic link between central finance reserved for SC, ST (based on population) & Women
commission and state finance commission (central (1/3rd) in case of membership.
finance commission can recommend measures to • Manner of reservation for Chairpersons and OBC are
augment the consolidated fund of a state and determined by state legislature.
supplement the resources of the panchayath in the • Functions: 12th Schedule has 18 functions that can be
state). transferred by State Legislature to Municipalities.
• Audit & Accounts: State Legislature will determines. • Others Functions and Finances: Same as Panchayats.
• Election Petitions: State Legislature will determines. District Planning Committee:
Courts are barred from interference.
• Article 243 DPC to consolidate the plans of
• Application to UT- President shall apply the provisions panchayats and municipalities and to prepare a draft
of the act. development plan.
• Certain areas are exempted –J &K, Nagaland, • 4/5th members can be elected 1/5th can be
Mizoram,Meghalaya and others( hill areas of nominated.
Manipur, Darjeeling )
• Elected members in the committee shall be in
• PESA ACT OF 1996: Part IX provisions is not applicable proportion to rural- Urban population.
to Fifth Schedule areas. Extentions of these provisions
• State Legislature can determine mode of election
with certain modifications in scheduled areas. Self
members etc.,
rule with administrative framework consistent with
traditional practices. Metropolitan Planning Committee:
headed by Mayor , standing committees, Municipal • President of India can appoint administrator, Lt.
commissioner. Governor or Governor of Adjoining state as an
administrator of Union Territory.
2. Municipalities-administration of towns and smaller • They shall act as agent of the President.
cities, created by acts of state • Parliament can establish a High Court, Legislature,
legislature.Administrative framework- Council headed Chief Minister and Council of Ministers for a Union
by President, standing committees, CEO. Territory.
3. Notified area committee-administration of fast • Union Territory of National Capital Territory of Delhi
developing towns or which doesnot fulfil conditions have legislative assembly, chief ministers and council
for a municipality, created through Gazette of ministers.
notification. Entirely nominated body. • Delhi is the only Union Territory that has High Court
4. Town area committee: small town administration, of its own.
semi municipal authority with limited functions,
Special Provisions for Delhi:
created by state legislature. Wholly/ partly elected or
5. Cantonment Board: civilian administration in
cantonment area, works under defence ministry.
partly elected and partly nominated body.
6. Township: administration of township established by
large public administration.no elected members.
7. Port trust: established by act of Parliament for civil
administration in and around ports.
8. Special purpose agency: set up by state for specific
purposes ie., function based organisation.
• Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal agency for all
Union Territories: Union Territories.
Evolution: Criteria States Union Territories
Relationship with
Federal Unitary
Distribution of
Exists Do not exists
Uniformity in
Politics & Exists in States Do not exists
Head of the Agent of the
State Center
Reasons for creation of Union Territories: Only under
Parliamentary laws Regularly all three
• Delhi & Chandigarh: Political and Administrative on State List lists.
• Puducherry, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu :
Cultural Factors (Former Portuguese and French Scheduled Areas & Tribal Areas:
Schedule – 5:
• Andaman Nicobar, Lakshadweep: Islands of Strategic
importance. • President of India can declare an area as a Scheduled
area in consultation with Governor of the State.
Administration of Union Territories:
Zilla Parishad
Structures for
Zilla planning and
Executive t
Parishad development
Body Committe
Officer should
be CEO of Zilla
Nyaya Recomme
Silent Recommended Silent
Panchayats nded
Constitutional Bodies
Attorney CAG Special
Election National Finance
general and (Guardian officer for
Criteria commission of UPSC SPSC commission commis
Advocate of public linguistic
India for SCs/STs sion
General purse) minorities
338 (65 CAA) 350 B
Article 324 76/165 148 315-323 315-323 280 TH
/338A ( 7 CAA)
65/5 years.
65/5, salaries Salaries and 65/4 years.
and allowances allowances of Salary of CVC =
are equal to chief information chairman of
Tenure and
Determined by Chief election commissioner are UPSC.
Service 70 years/ 5 years 70/5 years
Executive commissioner, similar to election Vigilance
members is commissioner and commissioners
equal to election other members = members of
commissioners. are similar to UPSC.
state chief secy.
President of
infirmity of body
or mind, job
Same as
unsound mind, Governor can
Appointed by
Determined by convicted and remove them.
Removal Governor but Same like NHRC. As like NHRC.
Executive sentenced to Grounds are same
removed by
imprisonment for as CIC.
President of
misbehavior or
incapacity :
President shall
refer the matter
to SC for enquiry.
Not eligible for
Post further
Not eligible for Not eligible for
retirement No restrictions Not eligible Not eligible employment
reappointment. reappointment.
employment under state or
union govt.
2. Official Language
• Part XVII, Articles 343 to 351.
• four heads of languages
Language of the Union
Official language- Hindi
Centre-State- English (temporary)
Regional languages
state may adopt any one or more of the
Language of the judiciary and texts of laws
All proceedings in the SC and HC, bills, acts,
ordinances, orders, rules---English
Special directives.
Protection of Linguistic Minorities
Development of Hindi Language
3. Public Services
a. Articles 308 to 314 in part XIV
b. Article 309 Parliament and state legislature-
c. Article 310- Tenure of Office
d. Article 311- Safeguards to Civil Servants
e. Categories
i. All-India services -Article 312-IAS,IPS,IFS
ii. Central services
iii. State services.
4. Tribunals
a. 42nd Amendment Act of 1976- Part XIV-A
b. Equal to HC judges
c. Article 323 A - Administrative tribunals CAT
and SAT set up parliament
d. Article 323 B- Tribunals for other matters.