Synopsis Dhananjay
Synopsis Dhananjay
Synopsis Dhananjay
It is a great opportunity & pleasure for me to express my profound gratitude to wards all
the individuals who directly or indirectly contributed towards completion of this report.
Working on this report was a great fun, excitement, challenges and a new exposure in the
field of marketing. I am greatly in debated to under whose guidance and concern I am able
to bring the report into its real shape.
Course: BBA(Honours)
2 Company Profile
3 Objective of the Study
4 Research Methodology
5 Learning
9 30
Reference & Sources
Mahindra First Choice Wheels is the country’s preferred used car mart and
is India’s only organised multi-brand player, with 500+ outlets in 270+
cities in India. The company plans to expand this number to 1800 outlets
by the year 2020. This implies that customers will soon be able to choose
from a wide range of certified used cars throughout India, including the
metros and tier-2 towns and cities.
Founded in 1945 as a steel trading company, we entered automotive
manufacturing in 1947 to bring the iconic Willys Jeep onto Indian roads.
Over the years, we’ve diversified into many new businesses in order to
better meet the needs of our customers. We follow a unique business
model of creating empowered companies that enjoy the best
entrepreneurial independence and Groupwide synergies. This principle has
led our growth into a US $16.5 billion multinational group with more than
180,000 employees in over 100 countries across the globe.
Today, our operations span 18 key industries that form the foundation of
every modern economy: aerospace, aftermarket, agribusiness, automotive,
components, construction equipment, consulting services, defence, energy,
farm equipment, finance and insurance, industrial equipment, information
technology, leisure and hospitality, logistics, real estate, retail, and two
Our federated structure enables each business to chart its own future and
simultaneously leverage synergies across the entire Group’s competencies.
In this way, the diversity of our expertise allows us to bring our customers
the best in many fields.
For a car service provider, a strong supply chain for spares and technical
training are two most essential elements. With 42 existing workshops and
over 2,00,000 cars serviced, MFCS believes that it has a strong
proposition for the franchisees. The company offers a simplified business
model in multi-brand car servicing with a robust supply chain for spare
parts through its cluster warehouse.
Space Friendly:
The interiors are aimed at making you feel completely at ease, In luxury.
Because for us the customer is king, one who deserves a regal offering.
The setting is apt for times when you need to switch into a relaxed state of
Promotional Activities:
The promotional activities adopted by premier motors are
a. Test Driving
b. Free Driving
c. Hoarding
d. Discounts
e. Advertisement in Newspaper and magazines
f. Gift Schemes
g. Free Services
h. Mileage Contents
Promotional expenses have been borne by both Dehradun premier motors
and M&M, shares in advertisement cost.
Service Offered:
Six Service and paid service after sale of Cars.
Free checkups campaigns
Finance through bank
Demonstration for new products
Acceptance of warranty claims
A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the project from
its conception through the final analysis, recommendations and ultimate
actions. The research process provides a systematic, planned approach to
the research project and ensures that all aspects of the research project are
consistent with each other. Research studies evolve through a series of
steps, each representing the answer to a key question.
This chapter aims to understand the research methodology establishing a
framework of evaluation and revaluation of primary and secondary
research. The techniques and concepts used during primary research in
order to arrive at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical
deduction towards the analysis and results.
I propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the
full impact and implication of the industry, to review and critique the
industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be selected,
which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be further
taken up in the next stage of exploratory research. This stage shall help me
to restrict and select only the important question and issue, which inhabit
growth and segmentation in the industry.
The various tasks that I have undertaken in the research design process are
❑Defining the information need
❑Design the exploratory, descriptive and causal research.
The research process has four distinct yet interrelated steps for research
It has a logical and hierarchical ordering:
✓ Determination of information research problem.
✓ Development of appropriate research design.
✓ Execution of research design.
✓ Communication of results.
Each step is viewed as a separate process that includes a combination of
task , step and specific procedure. The steps undertake are logical,
objective, systematic, reliable, valid, impersonal and ongoing.
The method I used for exploratory research was
❑Primary Data
❑Secondary data
New data gathered to help solve the problem at hand. As compared to
secondary data which is previously gathered data. An example is
information gathered by a questionnaire. Qualitative or quantitative data
that are newly collected in the course of research, Consists of original
information that comes from people and includes information gathered
from surveys, focus groups, independent observations and test results.
Data gathered by the researcher in the act of conducting research. This is
contrasted to secondary data, which entails the use of data gathered by
someone other than the researcher information that is obtained directly
from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation or
Primary data is basically collected by getting questionnaire filled by
the respondents.
Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for
another purpose. Sources include census reports, trade publications, and
subscription services.
There are two types of secondary data: internal and external secondary
data. Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some
purpose other than the current investigation Researching information,
which has already been published? Market information compiled for
purposes other than the current research effort; it can be internal data, such
as existing sales-tracking information, or it can be research conducted by
someone else, such as a market research company or the U.S. government.
Secondary source of data used consists of books and websites
My proposal is to first conduct a intensive secondary research to
understand the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and
critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be
selected, which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be
further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research.
STEPS in the descriptive research:
Statement of the problem
➢Identification of information needed to solve the problem
➢Selection or development of instruments for gathering the information
➢Identification of target population and determination of sampling Plan.
➢Design of procedure for information collection
➢Collection of information
➢Analysis of information
➢Generalizations and/or predictions
Data collection took place with the help of filling of questionnaires. The
questionnaire method has come to the more widely used and economical
means of data collection. The common factor in all varieties of the
questionnaire method is this reliance on verbal responses to questions,
written or oral. I found it essential to make sure the questionnaire was easy
to read and understand to all spectrums of people in the sample. It was also
important as researcher to respect the samples time and energy hence the
questionnaire was designed in such a way, that its administration would
not exceed 4-5 mins. These questionnaires were personally administered.
The first hand information was collected by making the people fill the
questionnaires. The primary data collected by directly interacting with the
people. The respondents were contacted at shopping malls, markets, places
that were near to showrooms of the consumer durable products etc. The
data was collected by interacting with 200 respondents who filled the
questionnaires and gave me the required necessary information. The
respondents consisted of housewives, students, businessmen, professionals
etc. the required information was collected by directly interacting with
these respondents.
The group of people you are trying to reach with a particular strategy or
activity. The target population is the population I want to make conclude
an ideal situation; the sampling frames to matches the target population. A
specific resource set that is the object or target of investigation. The
audience defined in age, background, ability, and preferences, among
other things, for which a given course of instruction is intended.
I have targeted 150people in the age group above 21 years for the purpose
of the research. The target population influences the sample size. The
target population represents the Raipur regions. . The people were from
different professional backgrounds. The details of our sample are
explained in chapter named primary research where the divisions are
explained in demographics section.
Interviewer error
There is interviewer bias in the questionnaire method. Open-ended
questions can be biased by the interviewer’s views or probing, as
interviewers are guiding the respondent while the questionnaire is being
filled out. The attitudes the interviewer revels to the respondent during the
interview can greatly affect their level of interest and willingness to
answer openly. As interviewers, probing and clarifications maximize
respondent understanding and yield complete answers, these advantages
are offset by the problems of prestige seeking, social desirability and
courtesy biases.
Questionnaire error
The questionnaire designing has to careful so that only required data is
concisely reveled and there is no redundant data generated. The questions
have to be worded carefully so that the questions are not loaded and does
not lead to a bias in the respondents mind.
Respondent error
The respondents selected to be interviewed were not always available and
willing to cooperate also in most cases the respondents were found to not
have the knowledge, opinion, attitudes or facts required additionally
uninformed response errors and response styles also led to survey error.
Sampling error
We have taken the sample size of 150, which cannot determine the buying
behavior of the total population. The sample has been drawn from only
National Capital Region.
Research Design
Research design is a conceptual structure within which research was
conducted. A research design is the detailed blueprint used to guide a
research study towards its objective. It is a series of advanced decision
taken together comprising a master plan or a model for conducting the
research in consonance with the research objectives. Research design is
needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research
operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding
maximum information with the minimum effort, time and money.
➢ The scope of study is limited to the respondents are selected from in
and around Raipur.
➢The project is carried out for the period of 45 days only.
➢ Measurement of Marketing strategies is complex subjects, which uses
non-objectives method, which is not reliable.
➢The sample unit was also 150 respondents.
➢However, Mahindra and Mahindra Automobile showrooms are located
in other places i.e. locally and even in the neighboring states. Only
opinion of respondents of Raipur city was consider for finding out the
opinions of respondents.