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Functions of Development Section

With Special Reference to Project Guidelines of BHU

Duvvuri V.L.K.D.P. Venu Gopal

Deputy Registrar (Dev.)

Banaras Hindu University

Sep., 14, 2019

DVG Functions of Development Section

Functions of Development Section

1 Plan Unit – Deals with long term plans of University like

buildings, equipments, posts and corresponds with UGC and
other Ministries. (Projects submitted by University viz., UPE,
2 Project Unit – Deals with Projects submitted by faculty
members – 3 or more years duration (UGC, DBT, DST,
3 Misc. Unit – Deals with projects submitted by faculty
members – 2 years or less, Funds received for conducting
workshops/seminars etc., PDFs, Women Scientists, Chairs,
Notification of Workshop/Seminar calendar of University.

DVG Functions of Development Section

Functions of Development Section Contd...

1 Grant Unit – Receipt of funds, Preparation of Statement of

Expenditure, Utilization Certificate & AUC of grants received
by Plan Unit
2 Scholarship Unit – Scholarships of Students – State Govt.
Postmatric scholarships, UGC-JRF/SRF, CSIR, ICMR, RGNF
and some PDFs.
3 Establishment Unit – Receipt of Endowment funds for
establishment of Scholarships, Gold Medals, Special Works

DVG Functions of Development Section

Where to approach or Funding Agencies

1 Social Sciences
1 University Grants Commission – Maximum Rs.10.00 lakhs
In case of collaborative research (with other
Institutions/Universities) upto Rs.30.00 lakhs
2 Indian Council of Historical Research – Rs. 2.00 lakhs to 5.00
3 Indian Council of Social Science Research – Rs. 12.00 lakhs to
15.00 lakhs

DVG Functions of Development Section

Where to approach Contd...

1 Science Subjects
1 Indian Council of Medical Research – upto Rs.50.00 lakhs
2 Department of Science and Technology
3 Department of Biotechnology If it is above Rs.50.00 then goes
to task force and needs presentation
4 Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
5 Department of Atomic Energy
6 Indian Council of Agricultural Research
7 Council of Science & Technology, UP
8 Central Council of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha &

DVG Functions of Development Section

Where to approach contd...

1 Start up grants to newly appointed teachers

1 University Grants Commission – Rs. 10.00 lakhs
2 Department of Science and Technology – Rs. 10.00 lakhs
2 Others — Ramalingaswami Fellowship for Reentry (who have
worked abroad as Research scholar and Post Doctoral Fellows)
3 UGC-Faculty Recharge Programme
4 BSR Fellowship to Retired teachers

DVG Functions of Development Section

New Schemes
From time to time Govt. of India announces new schemes to
encourage research.
1 SPARC – Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research
Collaboration – For international collaborative research. In
this you can invite foreign collaborator (Teachers) and their
students and send your students to their institution. Funds
will be provided for their Travel and local hospitality expenses.
The foreign collaborator has to stay in India for a certain
duration and conduct a course in India.
2 STRIDE – Scheme for Transdisciplinary Research for India’s
Developing Economy – In this minor and major projects can
be submitted. This is a UGC initiative.
3 PMRF – Prime Minister’s Research Fund – for research in
IITs, IISERs, IISc and now in Central Universities. Students
who have more than 8.0 CGPA and potential have to be
identified by the faculty members.
DVG Functions of Development Section
What are the heads

1 Non-Recurring – One time grant

1 Infrastructure – Building – Generally they won’t give
2 Equipment – As per need don’t be greedy
In Social Sciences – Computer, Printer, Laptop etc.
2 Recurring – Every year
1 Salary – Project Fellow or Research Associate
2 Field work / Travel (including to attend conferences etc.)
3 Contingency – Stationary, Typing, Printing, Postal and
Telephone charges
4 Overhead from 7.5% to 15% of the project cost
Your requirement must be genuine. Include facilities already
available in your Department/Institute.

DVG Functions of Development Section

Justify your need

For whatever equipment or contingency you request, justify it

clearly. Without proper justification you won’t get the fund.
List the facilities already available in your Department / Faculty.
This will be an added advantage.

DVG Functions of Development Section

Institutional Guidelines

1 Generally Institutions have their guidelines.

2 Follow the guidelines prescribed by the funding agency in
recruitment etc.
3 If there are no guidelines prescribed by the funding agency
follow the institutional guidelines.

DVG Functions of Development Section

After sanction of project

Financial discipline is required.

1 Now-a-days the agencies ask to open separate Saving Bank
account for each project.
2 BHU won’t allow it.
3 What about your Institution?
4 Why separate account? – They add the interest earned to
your balance and while sanctioning next years funds reduce it
to that extent.
5 Now a days the funding agencies are asking to deposit the
interest earned to BharatKosh.
6 Be careful! Banks charge exorbitantly if the amount reaches a
certain level.

DVG Functions of Development Section

After Sanction of project

1 Read the guidelines given by the funding agency and follow it.
2 Don’t incur over expenditure. You may not get the money
3 Follow the procedures – tendering, advertisement for post,
interview or written test etc.
4 Government funds are subject to Govt. Audit

DVG Functions of Development Section

Overhead charges

1 BHU has its rules for utilizing overhead charges

2 50% Overhead can be used by the PI for upgrading his lab /
chamber, i.e., for purchase of tables, chairs or minor
equipment not given by the funding agency
3 Prior permission is required
4 Charges payable to CA for preparing AUC are given from 50%
share of PI

DVG Functions of Development Section

At the end of Financial Year / completion of project
1 At the end of financial year submit your Statement of
Expenditure (SE) / Utilization Certificate (UC) (End of April).
2 Annual Progress report is also required
3 Submit your Audited Utilization Certificate (AUC) by the End
of June.
4 Next year grant will be released only after you submit AUC.
5 Your promptness may enhance the image of your institution
and possibility of getting other projects is higher.
6 At the conclusion of the project Submit consolidated AUC and
Final Technical Report to the Funding Agency
7 After acceptance of AUC, balance amount if any has to be
8 Obtain “No Dues” for the project from Development Section
9 Non submission of AUC and final technical report and
consolidated AUC and return of balance amount may lead to
inconvenience to you and your organization.
DVG Functions of Development Section
Salient features of BHU Project Guidelines
In BHU for smooth conduct of Projects Guidelines are prepared
from time to time. After joining of the present Vice-Chancellor, the
Project Guidelines were reviewed and from November 1, 2018 new
guidelines were implemented. These are available on BHU intranet.
1 No requirement of screening of projects by Project Screening

Committee Submission of undertaking by PI duly forwarded by

Head of Deptt. and Dean of Faculty is sufficient (if there is no
requirement of infrastructure (building) and permanent staff).
2 Now daily wagers can be appointed upto a period of 90 days

by PI. No approval from Central Office is required.

3 Like wise ad hoc appointments (Research Fellows) can be

made for a period of 3 months by PI (in the initial period of

scheme or in the last period of scheme).
4 No requirement of publication of advertisement in news paper.

Publication of advertisement on BHU website and sending it

to at least 10 institutions for display on their notice board is
DVG Functions of Development Section
Figure: BHU Intranet

DVG Functions of Development Section

Figure: BHU Project guidelines location

DVG Functions of Development Section

Salient features contd...

1 Now PIs share of project over head is increased to 50%

(previously it was 40%).
2 In Special Fund separate accounts are created in the name of
PIs and their share of overhead is transferred to these
3 No permission from Development section is required to utilize
PIs share. Certification on the bill that the amount was spent
for academic purpose of PI is sufficient.
4 PIs can claim per diem to attend international conferences
from PIs share of Project Overhead

DVG Functions of Development Section

Salient features contd...

1 Purchase committee/ Selection Committees constitutions

2 Purchases as per Government Financial Rules (GFR) - 2017.
3 Up to Rs.25,000/- single quotation
4 Purchases to be made from GeM (Government e-Market)
5 Local purchase committee for purchases up to Rs. 2.50 lakhs
6 E-tendering for purchases of value more than Rs.2.50 lakhs
7 Global e-tendering for purchases of value more than Rs.30.00
8 Spare parts of equipment - proprietary certificate

DVG Functions of Development Section

Unified Consultancy Services Rules

In addition to projects from Govt. agencies, teaching staff can

undertake consultancy/ testing projects from private/govt.
Separate rules were framed for this purpose which are called
Unified University Consultancy Rules.
Each Faculty/Institute will have an Advisory Committee to
administer the University Consultancy Services with overall
responsibility of administration of consultancy services
including policy matters and to resolve disputes.
There will be an Executive Committee to look after the
day-to-day administrative and financial matters of UCS.

DVG Functions of Development Section

UCS Rules Contd...

Specific consultancy assignments can be taken up by teachers

by directly or through the Institute/Faculty or through Head
/Coordinator / Professor Incharge or Chairman, Consultancy
Shall be reported in advance to the Professor in Charge of
Consultancy services and Head / Coordinator.

DVG Functions of Development Section

UCS Rules contd...

Additional staff to assist the consultant

Proposal to Director / Dean giving justification for each
additional staff with clearly marked duration, qualifications for
recruitment and emoluments
Selection Committee

DVG Functions of Development Section

UCS Rules contd..
The charges / fees for specific assignments related to consultancy
shall include one or more of the following components –
1 Visiting fees for visits of faculty members and other staff to
the client(s)
2 Consultancy charges
3 Cost of materials
4 Hiring of temporary staff
5 Expenses of the field work
6 Cost of additional equipment and development of
7 Expenses incurred in preparation of progress report
8 Any other expenses not covered as above
9 Charges for Central facilities – to be worked out from time to
time by the Executive Committee of the Institute/ Faculty

DVG Functions of Development Section

UCS Rules contd...

Distribution of Consultancy Earnings -

1. Faculty members and 60% 60% for Faculty members
Lab. Staff including and 40% for Lab. Staff
additional staff including additional staff
2. R&D fund of the Depart- 15% 50% for Lab. Develop-
ment ment of Deptt. and 50%
for Lab. Dev. of con-
cerned consultant
3. R & D fund of the Insti- 15% —
tute/ Faculty
4. Special fund of the Uni- 10% —

DVG Functions of Development Section

UCS Rules Contd...

(b) Individual / Group Consultancy not using Lab. Facilities

1 Faculty members 70%
2 R & D fund of the Deptt. 10%
3 R & D fund of the Institute / Faculty 10%
4 General revenue of the University (for pro- 10%
viding incentive to R & D work in the Insti-
tute/ Faculty)
Distribution of the consultancy charges shall be subject to
submission of report to client industry/ organization under
intimation to the consultancy services.

DVG Functions of Development Section

UCS Rules Contd...

Special Consultancy Leave – maximum of 30 days in any

academic year for visits outside the Institute/faculty.
This leave can not be availed for more than 10 days at a time
Rules provided for utilization of R & D fund of the
Institute/Faculty — promoting consultancy, liaison and
publicity work of the Institute / Faculty, local hospitality to
visitors from client institutions, visit of staff members to
promote liaison work with clients, publicity material,
information brochure, legal expenses, administrative
Rules provided for utilization of R & D fund of the
Department — development of lab., participation in national
/ international seminar (in exceptional cases – maximum Rs.

DVG Functions of Development Section

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