Ethical Issues in Management: Learning Diary
Ethical Issues in Management: Learning Diary
Ethical Issues in Management: Learning Diary
Session Topic of the Learning Diary Components
Number Session
Knowledge Attitude Skill and Habit
1 >> Morals are notions of right and wrong. Morals are relative
and vary according to different individuals.
>> Ethics are morals in action. They are not
about individuals, they are not about law. Ethics are influenced
by factors like religious beliefs, family background, media
influence , education to name a few.
>> TCS and Wipro have been known Businesses are done to
to uphold high ethical standards. fulfill the needs of
Introduction to >> Levels of decision making: society therefore
Ethics individual, organization, and business system. managers must follow
>> The Social Network (movie) ethical practices.
- In business do not trust people, keep a record of agreement
with the other party.
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
7 Ethical Decision Most of the managers want to run organizations ethically, yet As managers we should
Making Contexts: there exists corporate corruption. Employees break and bend stop unethical practices at
Personal &
Professional rules sometimes unknowingly or are blind to unethical the very beginning.
>> Ill conceived goals- Organizations set incentives to
encourage productvity , this may backfire and the employees
resort to unfair means to achieve the targets. >> Many a
times, people overlook unethical behviour when their interest is
the focus. >> When
unethical behaviour is carried out through third party, the
people do not question this and feel it is less unethical.
>> Firms may
commit unethical action once but gradually they will develop a
tendency to carry out unethical actions. >> If the outcomes of
unethical behiour are good , people may ignore the unethical
actions. in such cases, the actions should be evaluated.
>> Managers should be aware
of the biases that can lead to unethical behaviour.
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management
KASH Ethical Issues in Management