Christian Life Formation 1st QTR Assessment

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Christian Life Formation-10

1st Quarterly assessment

Name: ___________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: __________________________ Date: _____________
I. INDENTIFICATION: Identify what is being defined below. Write your answers on the blank
1. _________________________ It designates the “official public worship of the Church.”

2. _________________________ It is a celebration may include Mass, Sacraments and Blessings,

Liturgy of the Hours, Feasts and other celebrations in the whole of liturgical year as examples.

3. _________________________It is “an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ; centered in

the Eucharist which commemorates Christ’s Paschal Mystery, so that “full public worship is performed
by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, that is by Head and its members.”
4. _________________________It is the center of our Church’s or Christian Liturgy.

5. _________________________It is this celebration which primarily a thanksgiving for the Paschal

Mystery of Christ.
6._________________________ It is not synonymous to the sacrament of Holy Eucharist yet it is the
center of our Church’s liturgy.
(Understanding)II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select and write the correct letter of your answer on the
space provided before each number. Use CAPITAL LETTERS. (5 pts.)
_____6. It is a characteristic of Catholic liturgy that talks about God’s Kingdom already begun but not
yet fully accomplished. Also, this talks about life after death or life after earthly life.
A. Trinitarian C. Sacramental
B. Ecclesial D. Eschatological
_____7.This is also a characteristic of Catholic liturgy which is directly related to moral life by
empowering full responsible Christian discipleship. This is being internalized by the ordained
minister in his homily.
A. Trinitarian C. Sacramental
B. Ethical D. Eschatological
_____8. This character of Catholic liturgy describes liturgy as the prayer of the Church gathered in
assembly. It is celebrated by the Whole Church, Head and members.
A. Trinitarian C. Sacramental
B. Ecclesial D. Eschatological
_____9. This pertains to the unconditional love of Christ to human race that was manifested in His
Passion, Death and Resurrection.
A. Para Mystery C. Passionate love
B. Paschal Mystery D. paschal Love
_____10.In one of your Prayer Meeting celebrations in your Gimong, you have observed that after
your celebration, some of your companions or relatives are arguing and discussing the
meaning and importance of Prayer Meeting. As a student who have learned and understood
the meaning of prayer meeting, what would you discuss?
C. A. Prayer Meeting is a communal prayer being conducted during weekdays as
demanded by a pastor or a priest.
D. B. Prayer Meeting is a gathering of Christian community to pray together and to read and
reflect together on the Word of God on Sundays, in the absence of a priest, or on
important occasions. It is usually presided by a lay leader.
E. C. Prayer Meeting is a prayer being conducted in a group with the purpose of celebration
and commemoration of such important events in life.
F. D. Prayer Meeting is a festive celebration being conducted by a community of believers
primarily to celebrate anniversaries.
_____11. As a young student of your school and active parishioner in your parish, what particular or
proper ministry in your parish should you be joining?
A. Knights of the Altar C. Communion and Burial Ministry
B. Youth Ministry D. A and B
_____12. You are about to celebrate the silver anniversary of your parents, your parish priest could
not come because he has to attend important seminar in Rome. As a Catholic student, what
particular liturgical service would you suggest to conduct during the silver anniversary of
your parents?
A. Prayer Meeting C. Prayer Sharing
B. Prayer Encounter D. Prayer Service
_____13. If you are given the chance to lead a prayer meeting as well as to share after the Gospel
reading, what will be the main point that you have to consider?
A. Proper gesture, think that you are reading and serving for the Lord
B. Proper Porma, Formal clothing must be worn
C. Think that you are the leader that must be obeyed.
D. Think that you are the best leader that is why you are given the chance to lead the
_____14. Knowing that there is a scarcity of priest or ministers in your place, what would be the first
and best alternative way to help in celebrating the word of God and the Eucharist?
A. Help conduct prayer meeting C. volunteer to lead the prayer meeting
B. Help conduct prayer rally D. all of the above
_____15. What form of communal prayer that follows a set of order with designated parts; Leader,
Reader and the community. Moreover, it is a gathering of Christian faithful to celebrate life
occasions such as; birthday celebrations, death anniversaries, marriage anniversaries,
thanksgiving for the many blessings received.
A. Prayer Meeting C. Communal Prayer
B. Prayer Service D. Prayer Assembly
_____16. When we say BEC, what does this mean?
A. Basic Economic Community C. Basic Ecclesial Communion
B. Basic Ecclesial Community D. none of the above
_____ 17. Knowing what does BEC stands for, what is the local term in our diocese to designate the
small or series of communities?
A. gimongs C. urnos
B. ummongs D. all of the above
__B___18. These are religious practices of the Christian faithful (people) in honor to Jesus Christ the
Savior. This practices are indeed aimed to commemorate the Incarnation, Passion,
Resurrection and Public life of Jesus.
A. Popular Novenas C. Popular Spiritual Activities
B. Popular Devotions D. Popular Spirituality
___A___19. It is a Roman Catholic nine-day period of prayer being practice by all Christian faithful.
A. Novenas C. Thanksgiving prayers
B. Rosary Devotion D. Spiritual Devotions
Analysis II
______20. This characteristic of Liturgy would tell us that, Liturgy as the highest form of prayer is
directed to the Father, through His Son’s Paschal Mystery in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
A. Trinitarian C. Sacramental
B. Ecclesial D. Ethically Oriented
______21. This would discuss that Liturgy is the prayer of the Church gathered in assembly, a
communal activity celebrated by the Whole Church, Head and members.
A. Trinitarian C. Sacramental
B. Ecclesial D. Ethically Oriented
______22. This characteristic would describe Liturgy as celebrated through symbolic rituals, words
and gestures as expressions of faith in Christ.
A. Trinitarian C. Sacramental
B. Ecclesial D. Ethically Oriented
______23. Liturgy needs and requires ____, conscious and active participation of the whole people of
God, it must be performed by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is, by the Head and His
A. whole C. full
B. partial D. permanent
______24. If liturgy requires such complete participation, does this also mean a mandatory to all of
A. Yes C. maybe
B. No D. none of the above
______25. If liturgy is directed towards the common good, does this mean all?
A. Yes C. maybe
B. No D. none of the above
___D___26. This talks about the community, parish, parish priest and liturgy. Moreover, it is a wide-
ranging field of ecclesiastical studies.
A. Liturgy C. Para Liturgy
B. Ecclesiastical Liturgy D. Pastoral Liturgy
___C___27. General Objective of Pastoral Liturgy: is to “develop more and more the liturgical
pastoral action in the Church which is why it included primarily the creation of such council in
parishes. What is this?
A. Peoples Participation Council C. Parish Pastoral Council
B. Peoples Pastoral Council D. Parish Pastors Council
______28. What is this mission station and a part of a Diocese, governed by the authority of a priest
and composed of gimongs or BECs (Basic Ecclesial Communities).
A. Parish C. both A and B
B. Local Church D. all of the above
______29. In order that there will be no confusion in times where no available Priest thus Prayer
Meeting is encouraged, we should understand that this can_______the value of the
Eucharistic Celebration (Holy Mass), the full form of Sunday worship.
A. equal C. equate
B. never equate D. A and B
______30. If one of the importance of Prayer meeting is to sustain our spiritual nourishment, then
what part of the celebration provides this?
A. The Bible C. The Gospel reading
B. The Word of God D. all of the above

_____10. It is a word that describe liturgy as making present the love that Christ offered to fulfill God’s
salvific plan to human race.
A. Anamnestic C. Anamnesis
B. Anabatic D. Analeptics
III. MODIFIED TRUE or FALSE: Write capital letter A if the statement is correct or justifiable. If the
statement is false, underline the words or phrase that makes it incorrect. Then, write the correct
words/phrase or otherwise simply write “wrong/unnecessary word or phrase” on the space
provided before each number. (10 pts.)

_____________________________11.Liturgy needs and requires full, conscious and active

participation of the whole people of God.
_____________________________12.The liturgy is “an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ;
centered in the Eucharist which commemorates Christ’s Paschal Mystery.
_____________________________13.Holy Eucharist or the Holy Mass is the center and summit of
our Church’s liturgy.
_____________________________14. Liturgy is by its nature directed towards the common good,
particularly on the communal and spiritual nourishment of each individual.
_____________________________15.Liturgy designates the “official popular worship of the
_____________________________16. Since the center and summit of Church liturgy is the Holy
Eucharist, thus, they are synonymous.

_____________________________17. The liturgy is “an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus

Christ; centered in the Eucharist,” which means we should become priest ourselves whenever we
celebrate the liturgy.
_____________________________18. Liturgy is sacramental simply because it includes
_____________________________19. Liturgy is ethically oriented since it is directly related to moral
life by empowering full responsible Christian discipleship emphasized in listening and internalizing the
word of God though the homily of the priest.

_____________________________20. Eschatological means making God’s presence already begun

but not yet fully accomplished.
IV. ESSAY: Substantiate the following questions at least in 5-10 sentences. You may use the back
page four your answers.

1. Discuss what is liturgy based on what you did in your graphic organizer. (5 points)
2. How can liturgy becomes a joyful celebration of the Church? (5 points)

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