United States Patent
United States Patent
United States Patent
From the above results, it was calculated that the 45 7. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein
overall production of pure methanol was increased to the liquid phase methanol reactor is positioned interme
2613 MT/ED, of which 1974 MT/D came from the gas diate to two stages of feed compression for the gas
phase loop and 629 MT/D from the liquid phase reac- phase loop. o
tor. This represents a 24.5% increase in methanol pro- 8. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein
duction over the previous rate of 2100 MT/D for the 50 the liquid phase methanol reactor is located subsequent
stand-above gas phase loop. In addition, 11 MT/D of to the last stage of feed compression for the gas phase
ethanol and higher alcohols would be produced. synthesis loop. o
Having thus described the present invention, what is 9. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein
now deemed appropriate for Letters Patent is set out in methanol production is increased by over 24% of the
the following appended claims. 55 production rate of a stand-alone gas phase synthesis
What is claimed is: loop.
1. In a gas phase synthesis loop for the production of 10. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein
methanol from a syngas feed containing carbon dioxide the liquid phase methanol reactor has a AP for the syn
and hydrogen, the improvement for increasing the ca- gas of less than 5 psi.
pacity of methanol production which comprises: 60 11. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein
(a) passing said syngas feed, in a single pass, to a liquid the liquid phase methanol reactor temperature is be
phase methanol reactor to convert a portion of the tween 150 C. and 400 C. w
syngas to methanol, thereby forming a methanol- 12. The process in accordance with claim 11 wherein
containing syngas reactor effluent; the liquid phase methanol reactor temperature is be
(b) cooling said methanol-containing syngas reactor 65 tween 230 C, and 250' C.
effluent to condense the methanol, thereby produc 13. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein
ing a first methanol stream and an unreacted syngas the syngas feed is produced from the reforming of natu
stream; ral gas. k x 2k x sk
(c) passing said unreacted syngas stream to a gas