32d05 Control of ECT

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Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

Outline General
The Engine & ECT ECU controls gear
shift timing and lock-up by controls to
the solenoid valves of the hydraulic con-
Engine & ECT ECU trol unit to maintain the optimal driving
ODO condition using the signals from the sen-
sors and switches mounted on the
engine and automatic transaxle.
sensor In addition, the ECU is provided with
sensor diagnosis and fail-safe functions when a
sensor, etc., fails.

Neutral start switch
The current ECU is an integration of
the Engine ECU and ECT ECU, but

previously it was separated.

Shift lever


Construction Sensors/Switches
The sensors/switches play the role of
5. Water temperature sensor collecting the types of data used to
determine the various controls, and con-
6. Vehicle speed sensor vert them into electrical signals, which
are then transmitted to the Engine &
3. Crankshaft position

The types of sensors/switches are as

1. Throttle position sensor / Acceler-
ator pedal position sensor
This detects the opening angle of the
2. Kick down switch
throttle valve.
4. Counter gear speed sensor 2. Kick down switch
1. Throttle position sensor
This detects if the accelerator pedal
4. Input turbine speed sensor
7. Transaxle fluid temperature sensor is being depressed to full throttle.
3. Crankshaft position sensor
This detects the engine speed.
4. Transaxle speed sensor
• Input turbine speed sensor
This detects the automatic transaxle
input shaft speed.
• Counter gear speed sensor
This detects the automatic transaxle
output shaft speed.
5. Water temperature sensor
This detects the coolant temperature.
6. Vehicle speed sensor
This detects the vehicle speed.
7. Transaxle fluid temperature sen-
This detects the ATF (Automatic
Transaxle Fluid) temperature in the
automatic transaxle.

©2003 TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION. All right reserved.

Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

8. Overdrive main switch

Straight type Gate type
The overdrive main switch is the O/D
cancel switch.
When the switch is turned OFF, the
Overdrive O/D gear does not shift up even
switch when the shift up speed is reached. If
the switch is turned OFF while driv-
ing in the O/D gear, the transaxle

N shifts down to the 3rd gear.
In addition, the O/D OFF indicator

light is turned on while the overdrive

O/D OFF Shift lever
main switch is OFF.
indicator light in combination meter indicator light in combination meter

• The overdrive main switch is some-
times also called the overdrive OFF
switch or transaxle (transmission)
control switch.
• With the gate type shift lever, the
O/D can be canceled by operating
the lever. There is no O/D OFF indi-
cator light because a positioning
light can be used to show the shift
lever position.

to Combination
9. Neutral start switch
The neutral start switch transmits the
shift lever position to the Engine &
ECT ECU. The ECU receives infor-
mation on the range into which the
Neutral start switch (NSW) transaxle has been shifted from the
A/T indicator light switch
shift position sensor located in the
neutral start switch, then determines
Engine & ECT
IG ECU the appropriate shift pattern.
The contacts of this switch are also
2 2 used to turn on one of the shift lever
L L position indicator light to inform the
STA driver of the current position of the
shift lever.
In addition, the ECU controls so that
to Starter the starter can be operated only
while the shift lever is in the “P” or “N”
ranges, and so that when the shift
lever is in the “R” range, a reverse
warning buzzer sounds and the
backup light turns on.
Signals sent to the ECU from the
neutral start switch vary by models.

Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

10. Stop light switch

When the brake pedal is being depressed, the Engine
Stop light from Battery +B & ECT ECU cancels the lock-up. This prevents the
switch Stop light Engine &
switch ECT ECU engine from being stalled by the lock-up.

Brake pedal

Brake pedal


11. Driving pattern select switch

The driving pattern select switch allows the driver to
select the mode of choice. The mode switches that




are installed depend on the model and the region.


Engine &
• Power mode: This sets the gear shift timing to the
Driving pattern
select switch Power ECT ECU high engine speed range.
PWR • Snow mode: This sets the 2nd gear as the start-off
from Battery +B
Snow • Economy mode: This advances the gear shift timing
to lower the fuel consumption while driving.
• Manual mode: This makes gear hold possible using
the shift lever position.


Main Controls Description

The Engine & ECT ECU performs the
following controls.

• Control of shift timing

• Control of lock-up
• Control of flex lock-up
Control of lock-up timing
Control of flex lock-up
Control of shift timing • Other controls

The ECT vehicle can be driven smoothly

Other controls and comfortable by the above controls.

Engine & ECT



Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

Main Controls Control of Shift Timing

The Engine & ECT ECU has pro-
Cruise control ECU grammed into its memory the optimal
shift pattern for each shift lever position
Overdrive main switch
Engine &
and each driving mode.
* * Cancellation signal
(Coolant temperature signal)*
* Based on the shift pattern, the ECU
Neutral start switch (shift lever
position signal) turns the solenoid valves on or off in
Shift pattern selection
accordance with the vehicle speed sig-
Control of shift timing Driving pattern select switch
(drive pattern signal)
nal from the vehicle speed sensor, with
the throttle opening angle signal from
Throttle position sensor
(throttle opening signal)
the throttle position sensor and with vari-
ous sensor/switch signals.
Vehicle speed sensors (vehicle
speed signal)
In this manner, the ECU operates each
solenoid valve, opening or closing the
No. 1 solenoid
Valve body
gear unit fluid passages to the clutches and
Clutches and
brakes permits shifting up or down of the
Shift valves
No. 2 solenoid
brakes transaxle.

When a vehicle is driven, you can
judge if the automatic transaxle is
faulty or not by how well the shifting
points conform to the automatic shift

The relationship between the vehicle

speed and gear varies by the accelera-
tor opening angle even at the same
vehicle speed. When driving while nor-
mally keeping the accelerator opening
constant, the vehicle speed increases
Throttle opening (%)

1 2 2 3 3 O/D
1 2 2 3 3 O/D
and the transaxle shifts up.
50 When the accelerator is released at
point A shown in the figure at left and the
accelerator opening reaches point B, the
transaxle shifts up from 3rd to O/D gear.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Conversely, when the accelerator is fur-
Output shaft speed (rpm) ther depressed at point A and the accel-
2 3 erator opening reaches point C, the
C 2 3 transmission shifts down from 3rd to 2nd
Throttle opening (%)

Shift-up 3 O/D gear.

point 3 O/D
point When the coolant temperature is low,
B Shift-up
point the transaxle does not shift up to O/D

The speed at which the transaxle
shifts up and the speed at which it
shifts down occur with in a certain
range, regardless of the gear. This
range is called hysteresis. Hysteresis
is a characteristic built into every
automatic transaxle to prevent the
transaxle from shifting up and down
too frequently.

Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

Normal mode The shift timing control differs depending

on the driving pattern select switch
Throttle opening (%) 1 2
1 2
2 3
2 3
3 O/D
3 O/D
The ECU determines what the current
mode is and controls the shift timing.

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Example:

Output shaft speed (rpm)
For the power mode, the gear shift
Normal mode Power mode point and lock-up point are set to a
higher engine speed than for the nor-
2 3
point 2 3
mal mode, which allows the driving
50 sportier vehicle as using a higher
engine speed.

2000 3000
Power mode
Throttle opening (%)

1 2 2 3 3 O/D
1 2 2 3 3 O/D


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Output shaft speed (rpm)

Control of Lock-up
The Engine & ECT ECU has programmed in its memory a
Neutral start switch
lock-up clutch operation pattern for each driving mode.
Driving pattern select switch Based on this lock-up pattern, the ECU turns the solenoid
valve on or off in accordance with the vehicle speed sig-
Engine & ECT ECU nals and the throttle opening signals.
Selection of lock-up pattern
The ECU will turn on solenoid valve to operate the lock-
position up system if the following three conditions exist simulta-
sensor neously.
Vehicle 1. The vehicle is traveling in 2nd or 3rd gear or in
sensor overdrive ("D" range).
Control of lock-up timing
2. The vehicle speed is at or above the specified
speed and the throttle opening angle is at or
above the specified value.
IDL signal
3. The ECU has received no mandatory lock-up sys-
* Stop light switch tem cancellation signal.
Solenoid valve
Cruise control ECU The ECU controls the lock-up timing in order to reduce
* Look-up cancellation signal
shock during shifting. If the transaxle shifts up or down
Lock-up signal valve while the lock- up system is in operation, the ECU deacti-
vates the lock-up system.
This helps to reduce shifting shock. After shifting up or
Lock-up clutch
down is completed, the ECU reactivates the lock-up sys-
tem.However, the ECU forces to cancel the lock-up under
the following conditions.
1. The stop light switch comes on (during braking).
2. The IDL points of the throttle position sensor
3. The coolant temperature is below a certain tem-
4. The vehicle speed drops about 10 km/h or more
below the set speed while the cruise control sys-
tem is operating.

Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

Control of Flex Lock-up

Engine &
ECT ECU The flex lock-up clutch system expands
Vehicle speed
Determination of the lock- up operation range by stabiliz-
Throttle opening angle operation range
Linear solenoid
ing and keeping a slight slippage of the
Coolant temperature valve (SLU) lock-up clutch to improve the fuel econ-
Flex operation
Oil temperature
possible/impossible omy.
Rotational speed of
transaxle input Feed-back The Engine & ECT ECU determines the
Engine speed flex lock-up operation range from the
throttle opening angle and vehicle
Operating speed, and then the ECU sends a signal
range of lock-up
range of flex lock-up
to the linear solenoid valve (SLU).
Accelerator pedal In addition, the ECU uses the engine
opening angle
speed and transaxle input speed sensor
signal to detect the difference between
Accelerator Speed Increase the torque converter pump impeller
pedal released (engine) and turbine runner (transaxle)

This makes feedback control to optimize

the power transmission distribution of
the torque converter (fluid power trans-
mission) and lock-up clutch (mechanical
power transmission).

Other Controls
Linear solenoid control current 1. Line pressure optimal control
The ECT uses a throttle position sen-

Engine & ECT sor to detect the accelerator opening

angle (load) and control the line pres-
ECT sure.
CPU Input speed sensor
The line pressure is controlled by
using a linear solenoid valve (SLT).

Throttle pressure Engine

to primary regulator CPU Through the use of the linear sole-
Time noid valve (SLT), the line pressure is
optimally controlled in accordance
Drain with the engine torque information,

Line pressure
Throttle as well as with the internal operating

Linear solenoid valve position

(SLT) sensor conditions of the torque converter

Throttle opening
angle and the transaxle.
Throttle Accordingly, the line pressure can be
angle controlled minutely in accordance
with the engine output, traveling con-
dition, and the ATF temperature, thus
realizing smooth shift characteristics
and optimizing the workload on the
oil pump.
For line pressure control, some mod-
els use the throttle cable in the same
manner as the full hydraulically-con-
trolled automatic transaxle.
If the solenoid valve (SLT) fails, the
inner valve will be fixed at the top (Hi
side), so there will be a greater shock
during shifting.

Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

2. Clutch pressure optimal control

Target rpm Linear solenoid valve (SLT) is used

Input shaft speed

change ratio
Engine &
Engine speed for optimal control of clutch pressure.
Fluid temperature
Signals from
The ECU monitors the signals from
Practical rpm change ratio
various sensors various types of sensors such as the
Input turbine Engine torque
Time speed sensor information input turbine speed sensor, allowing
linear solenoid valve (SLT) to
minutely control the clutch pressure

(SLT) in accordance with engine output and

driving conditions. As a result,
smooth shift characteristics have
Solenoid drive signal
been realized.
shaft torque 3. Clutch to clutch pressure control
When the automatic transaxle shifts,
hydraulic pressure is released from

one element and used for another.

The clutch to clutch pressure control
is adopted to make this process
smooth. This control that the ECU
sends a signal to the linear solenoid
valve (SLT) and the hydraulic pres-
sure applying on the back pressure
side of the accumulator is optimized.

4. Engine torque control

Vehicle speed signal Engagement of the clutches and
Water temperature sensor
Input turbine speed sensor brakes of the planetary gear unit in
Throttle position sensor
Shift position switch the transaxle is controlled smoothly
Engine speed signal
Transaxle control switch by momentarily retarding the engine
ignition timing when gears are shift-
Engine & Signal
ECT ECU ing up or down in the transaxle.

Engine Transaxle
Engine ignition timing control control When the ECU judges a gear shift
timing according to signals from vari-
Ignition timing

Delay Ignition timing

delay signal
control signal
ous sensors, it activates the shift
control solenoid valves to perform
Time (min)
gear shifting. When the gear shifting
starts, the ECU retards the engine
Output axis torque ignition timing to reduce the engine
change-slow torque. As a result, engagement
Engine force of the clutches and brakes of

the planetary gear unit is weakened

Shifting After
and the gear shift change is per-
Time (min) formed smoothly.
The clutch can be combined
with Synthetic control and the shifting shock is
decreased because the fluctuation
without Synthetic control of the engine torque is smaller.


Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

5. "N" to "D" squat control

Engine & ECT ECU When the transaxle is shifted from
the "N" range to the "D" range, the
Vehicle speed sensor
squat control system prevents it from
Stop light switch shifting directly into 1st gear, by
ECT causing it to shift into 2nd or 3rd gear
Throttle position sensor Shift solenoid valves first, and then into 1st gear. It does
this in order to reduce shifting shock
Neutral start switch and squatting of the vehicle.
Water temperature sensor
ECU Squat control functions only when all
of the following conditions exist
without "N" to "D" squat control with "N" to "D" squat control simultaneously.
• Vehicle halted
• Stop light switch ON
• Transaxle being shifted from "N"
range to "D" range
• Coolant warmed-up

6. Shifting control in uphill/downhill

In a conventional automatic tran-
saxle, when accelerating/decelerat-
Downhill ing on a hill, the gears will frequently
shift depending on the conditions,
which prevents smooth driving. To
perform the shifting control in uphill/
downhill driving, the Engine & ECT
ECU uses the throttle position sensor
and speed sensor signals to select
O/D 3rd O/D 3rd O/D
without Uphill / downhill
shift control
the optimum gear position.
When the ECU determines to be
with Uphill / downhill
shift control
O/D 3rd O/D 3rd O/D
climbing, shifting up to the O/D gear
Brake ON
is restricted to achieve smooth driv-
In addition, when the ECU deter-
mines to be descending and brake
operation is detected, the transaxle is
shifted down to the 3rd gear and
engine braking is engaged.

Hill climbing and descending is deter-
mined by comparing the actual accel-
eration calculated from the speed
sensor signal with the standard
acceleration stored in the ECUÅfs

Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

Function Diagnosis
1. General
The Engine & ECT ECU is equipped with a built-in self
diagnostic system, which allows the technician to eas-
ily and quickly locate malfunctioning parts or circuitry
during troubleshooting of the ECT.
The ECU detected a malfunction makes a diagnosis
and memorizes the failed section.
• In some models, the "O/D OFF" indicator light blinks
when the ECU detects a malfunction.
When the O/D main switch is OFF, the "O/D OFF"
indicator light will remain on in the event of a mal-
function, but it will not blink.
• There is no O/D OFF indicator light in models
equipped with a gate type shift lever. Consequently,
the driving pattern indicator light blinks to warn the
• The MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) turns on when
a malfunction is detected in the speed sensor, sole-
noid valve, or their circuits.


2. Memory function
• Once a malfunction is stored in the ECU memory
P0750 system, it will be retained until cancelled even after
the malfunction has been corrected.
• Once a malfunction is stored by the ECU, back-up
current from the battery will keep it retained in mem-
ory even if the ignition switch is turned OFF.

F1 F2 F3
HELP 1 2 3
F4 F5 F6
RCV 4 5 6
F7 F8 F9
SEND 7 8 9
EXIT 0 #

3. Diagnostic codes
The DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) are stored in
memory. The DTCs can be read by connecting a
hand-held tester to the DLC3 to communicate with the
62 ECU directly or causing a short between the TE1(TC)
and E1(CG) terminals of the DLC and observing the
OFF blinking pattern of the MIL.
6 2
The DTCs can be cleared by connecting the hand-
E1 held tester to the DLC3 or removing a specified fuse
with the ignition switch OFF.
For details, refer to the Repair Manual.


E1 TE1


Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT

1. Solenoid valve back-up function
The Engine & ECT ECU has several fail-
A140E safe functions to allow the vehicle to
Normal No.1 solenoid malfunctioning No.2 solenoid malfunctioning Both solenoids
continue running even if a malfunction
Range Solenoid valve Solenoid valve Solenoid valve Gear when shift occurs in the electrical system during
Gear Gear Gear lever is manually
No.1 No.2 No.1 No.2 No.1 No.2 operated driving.
On Off 1st On 3rd On 1st O/D
(Off) (O/D)
1. Solenoid valve back-up function
"D" On On 2nd On 3rd O/D O/D
(On) (1st)
Off On 3rd On 3rd Off O/D O/D
The vehicle can continue running if
Off Off O/D Off O/D Off O/D O/D either one or both of the No.1 and
On 3rd
On Off 1st (Off) (O/D) On 1st 3rd
No.2 solenoid valves malfunctions.
Off 3rd
"2" On On 2nd On 3rd (On) (1st) 3rd This is because the ECU controls the
transaxle using the solenoid valve
On On 2nd On 2nd On 1st 1st that has not malfunctioned.
Furthermore, if both solenoid valves
( ) : If no fail-safe function were provided
: Malfunction malfunction, the driver can still drive
Parts in yellow indicate the fail-safe the vehicle by operating the shift
lever manually.
The gear controlled by the fail-safe
differs depending on the model.
2. Back-up speed sensing function
If the speed sensor becomes faulty,
the ECU performs shift control by
using the engine speed signal
instead of the vehicle speed signal.
In this case, control is much rougher
than that under normal circum-
3. Manual operation function
If the electronic control system
becomes totally deactivated for some
reason, the ECT allows the gears to
be mechanically shifted to the shift
lever position.

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Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT


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- 11 -
Diagnosis Technicain - Automatic Transaxle Control of ECT
Question- 1
Mark each of the statements True or False.

No. Question True or False Correct Answers

There are two types: the engine ECU and ECT ECU are integrated
1 True False
or separated.

The driving pattern select switch sends the signal of the shift lever
2 True False
position to the ECU.

Depending on signals from various sensors, the engine and ECT

3 True False
ECU controls the shift timing.

The flex lock-up perform the motive power transmission by the fluid
4 True False
and mechanical motive power transmission alternately.

Question- 2
From the following controls, select the appropriate one to retard the engine ignition timing and make the gear shift

1. Line pressure optimal control

2. Engine torque control

3. "N" to "D" squat control

4. Clutch to clutch pressure control

Question- 3
From the following 1 to 4, select the appropriate control when depressing the accelerator pedal from the point A to
75 % of the throttle opening in the following illustration.

1. Shift down to 1st gear

2. Shift up to O/D gear

3. Shift down to 3rd gear

4. Shift down to 2nd gear

Throttle opening (%)

1 2 2 3 3 O/D
1 2 2 3 3 O/D



Point A Down-shifting

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Output shaft speed (rpm)

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