Media Advantages and Disadvantages Presentation Jan 2013

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Media Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Number one media for local advertisers Limits specific audience targeting
Reach a diverse (or broad) audience Reproductions of photos typically poor
Locally or regionally concentrated Heavy competition
Consumers look for ads in newspapers Not popular with all age groups
Deliver timely messages Static and two-dimensional
Copy space is unlimited
Readers are actively involved

Advantages Disadvantages
Great color and photo reproduction Costs are higher – to consumer and advertiser
Selecting a target audience can be easy Timing of exposure to reader is less predictable
Layout flexibility Deadlines for magazines are one or more
Long life span Months

Internet Advertising
Advantages Disadvantages
Relatively cost effective Difficult to gauge impact
Can target specific types of viewers Range of costs vary greatly
Messages can be timely
Ads can be interactive
Ads can run with unlimited frequency
Can reach a global audience

Direct Mail
Advantages Disadvantages
Target a very specific audience Many people don’t like unsolicited offers
Cost effectiveness can be good Busy people don’t even open “junk mail”
Can evaluate its effectiveness Requires thorough maintenance of mail lists
Readers are actively involved Environmental impact
Relatively expensive
Advantages Disadvantages
Mostly local No visuals
Ad has a voice Audiences may be “fragmented”
Relatively cost-efficient Air “clutter” is a problem
Ad production is fairly simple No hard copy
Messages are mobile Risk that ad sounds similar to all others
Listener doesn’t have to be actively
Allows for target selection
Often can get ad on a station in short
You choose frequency

Advantages Disadvantages
Offers sight, sound, motion, color and Production fees and air time costs make it
special effects expensive
Viewer doesn’t have to be actively TV seems complicated to small advertisers
involved Messages get “zipped” and “zapped”
Allows for target selection Has a broad, non-targeted reach
Has prestige or glamour to enhance Audiences are more fragmented than ever
message Commercial breaks are becoming “cluttered”
Can engage the viewer’s emotions and Small advertisers can look amateurish
empathy Buying TV time is fairly complicated
Most TV is viewed at home and people
feel safe at home

Cable Television
Advantages Disadvantages
Can target specific audiences Small reach
Cost is lower May have less experienced production crew
Productions costs are more affordable Not reaching potential customers
May find innovative production crew Audiences can be fragmented
You know who your message is reaching Viewers with programs with shorter period of
A massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to
traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with
user forums to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants(TAs), as well as immediate
feedback to quick quizzes and assignments. MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education,[2] first
introduced in 2006 and emerged as a popular mode of learning in 2012.


Defination : Media are forms of communication. Books, newspapers, photographs, songs, and movies are all types
of media. Because they contain stories of one kind or another, whether fiction or nonfiction, these media also
contain messages. Think of the media message as the moral to the story.

Media types : Media types fall under two broad categories: traditional and new. The traditional media include the
print and broadcast formats, while the new media include the ever-changing digital formats, such as blogs and

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