Automation Anywhere - Deployment Best Practices

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Automation Anywhere

Deployment Guide

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]
Table of Contents

Objectives...................................................................................................................................................... 3

Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................................. 3

Release Management ................................................................................................................................... 3

Bot Repository Structure:....................................................................................................................... 3

Release Deployment Operation ............................................................................................................. 4

Code Promotion from Development to Staging/UAT Environments ................................................. 5

Code Promotion from Staging/UAT to PROD Environment ................................................................ 6

Recovery and Rollback ........................................................................................................................... 7

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]
The objective of Deployment Planning is to ensure that changes deployed into a target system
environment are executed in a structured and repeatable manner in order to reduce the risk of failure.
The purpose of release and deployment planning is to:

 Define and agree release and deployment plans with customers/stakeholders.

 Ensure that release package consists of a set of related assets and service components that are
compatible with each other.
 Ensure that integrity of a release package and its constituent components is maintained
throughout the transition activities and recorded accurately in the configuration management
 Ensure that all release and deployment packages can be tracked, installed, tested, verified,
and/or uninstalled or backed out, if appropriate.
 Ensure that change is managed during the release and deployment activities.
 Ensure that there is knowledge transfer to enable the customers and users to optimize their use
of the service to support their business activities.

 Installation of AA product and its dependencies
 Dev license on Development machines
 Runtime license on other machines
 Respective generic automation profiles created
 Credentials of applications/servers required for execution of bots

Release Management
Bot Repository Structure:
To show how we can use Automation Anywhere (AA) Components effectively for release management
we recommend following a few practices. It will help improve your development workflow and make the
final automation code more stable for each release.

We recommend below pattern for storing projects Bot files within AA Bot Creators (developer’s machine),
which gets inherited by the Central Repository on AA Control Room when code is checked-in by
developers. This structure would provide AA Admins ease to grant development access and manage
deployments on Runtime Clients at project level.

My Task Folder: My Scripts Folder: My Docs Folder:

- Project Folder 1 - Project Folder 1 - Project Folder 1
o Release 1.0 o Release 1.0 o Release 1.0
 Task Files  VB Script Files  Release
 Task Files  JS Script Files Documents
o Release 2.0 o Release 2.0 o Release 2.0
- Project Folder 2 - Project Folder 2 - Project Folder 2
o Release 1.0 o Release 1.0 o Release 1.0
 Task Files  VB Script Files  Release
 Task Files  JS Script Files Documents
o Release 2.0 o Release 2.0 o Release 2.0

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]
Release Deployment Operation
a. Deployment will have 3 stages, viz DEV, UAT and PROD
i. Development team will be given access only to their associated project Dev folders
in development environment Dev CR).
ii. Assigned AA Integrators/ Admin will have control on UAT and PROD CR along with
access to Dev CR to promote releases.
iii. Project and version will be controlled on Dev CR via SVN.
b. UAT/Staging Control Room folder task will be used for UAT and UAT TEAM will be granted
access to deploy and run.
c. PROD folder task will be baselined version with release notes in Dev.
d. Every new project release will COPY Baselined Prod version in Dev, storing the code in a new
Release folder to start with new changes.

In case there is any change in steps as part of UAT due to any reason, all the corrected steps will be
implemented and documented in Dev and knowledge transfer must be done to business during re-

SVN Configured
Development Test/Staging/UAT Production

•Bot Files • Move Release Approved • Production Release

• Tasks Items Items
• Scripts • Planned Failback and
• Configuration Files Recovery
• Documents

Change Management 666

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]
Code Promotion from Development to Staging/UAT Environments

Development Environment Staging/UAT Environment

SVN Storage
Task 1 v1.0 Release V1.0
Task 2 v7.0 Task 1 v1.0
Task 3 v2.2 Development Staging/UAT Task 2 v7.0…

Unit Tested
Release V1.0

Project X

Bot Runners 1-N

Bot Creators 1-N
BotCreator AA Admin /
Physical Machines
Machines Integrator Role
AA Dev /
Developer Role - Access to
Dev CR
- Access to - Access to
only Dev Stg CR VM

Staging Deployment Guidelines:

 When the full release package of any project is unit tested and code review sign off is provided, it
will be moved to the higher environment by uploading to the Staging/UAT CR.

 Developers must checkin every required Bot files to Dev CR during each release before migration
to Staging/UAT environment. The task developed for the particular business process must be
explained to business user before deployment for testing.

 Staging/UAT CR must only contain most recent release Bot Files for each project and the
process being tested.

 Hardware, OS and Profile configurations need to be uploaded to the Staging/UAT CR. These
details will be used to setup UAT infrastructure to download and execute automation process.

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]
Code Promotion from Staging/UAT to PROD Environment

Staging/UAT Environment PROD Environment

Project Release Storage

Files Repository
Release V1.0
o My Tasks
Task 1 v1.0
o Project A Staging/UAT Task 2 v7.0…
o Release V1.0
 Task 1 v1.0 WebCR PROD WebCR
 Task 2 v7.0
 Task 3 v2.2
 Task 4 v5.0
o My Scripts
o Project A
o Release V1.0
 Script.vbs v2.0
 Script.js v4.3
o My Docs
o Project A
o Release V1.0
 Config.txt Bot Runners 1-N
 BotSettings.txt Bot Runners 1-N
Physical AA Admin /
Integrator Role Machines
- Access to
Stg CR
C - Access to
o Prod CR VM
Prod Deployment Guidelines: s
 When the automated process in test (UAT/Staging) environment received sign-off from business,
the full release package of that project will be moved to the production environment by uploading
to the PROD CR.

 PROD CR must only contain most recent release Bot Files for each project and the automated

 Hardware, OS and Profile configurations need to be uploaded to the PROD CR. These details will
be used to setup PROD infrastructure to download and execute automation process.

 The task developed for the particular business process must be explained to business user
before deployment.

 Before running Bots in full production mode, it is essential to perform smoke testing (also known
as confidence testing and sanity testing).

 Newly deployed task if has issues must be rolled back to previous version, based on the smoke
testing results.

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]
Recovery and Rollback
Any Automation Anywhere release consists of deploying Task files, new configuration files and making
Automation Schedule changes. As Automation Anywhere CR stores project files for deployment, each
release build can be Rolled Back by deleting new release files and re-deploying the prior working release
Task and configuration files.
Sample Scenario:

Sales hotline: Address: url:
Toll Free (USA): 1.888.484.3535 PO Box 41363
San Jose, CA 95160 Email:
International Customers: [email protected]

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