Viral Exanthems: An Update On Laboratory Testing of The Adult Patient
Viral Exanthems: An Update On Laboratory Testing of The Adult Patient
Viral Exanthems: An Update On Laboratory Testing of The Adult Patient
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3 authors, including:
Benjamin H Kaffenberger
The Ohio State University
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Although classic viral exanthems of childhood are well described, they are rarely differentiated in adults.
Laboratory techniques for viral identification have advanced without substantial literature to suggest how a
dermatologist ought to conduct a cost-effective and diagnostic viral panel. Certain clinical features such as
petechiae, vesicles, and dusky macular or morbilliform exanthems point strongly toward a viral exanthem.
Differentiation of drug and viral causes of morbilliform eruptions has proven difficult. It is possible that
with further diagnostic refinement that unnecessary and fruitless workups of an exanthem and unneeded
discontinuation of drugs can be avoided. We review viral exanthems based on clinical features and discuss
the available and optimal laboratory techniques to assist the dermatologist in a targeted workup. ( J Am
Acad Dermatol 2017;76:538-50.)
Key words: Cost-effectiveness; laboratory tests; morbilliform eruption; polymerase chain reaction;
serology; viral antigen tests; viruses.
Abbreviations used:
Viral exanthems, both classic childhood exan-
thems and parainfectious exanthems provoked by CDC: Centers for Disease Control and
viral infections, are well described in the pediatric CHIKV: chikungunya virus
population.1-3 Few data exist in adults regarding CMV: cytomegalovirus
these eruptions or how to differentiate between CV: Coxsackie virus
EBV: Epstein-Barr virus
different viruses or even between viruses and drugs, HFMD: hand-foot-and-mouth disease
which both may cause hypersensitivity reactions.4 HHV: human herpesvirus
Making this diagnosis is very important given the PCR: polymerase chain reaction
RT: reverse transcription
high frequency with which morbilliform eruptions
are seen in the hospital setting.5,6 We review features
suggestive of a viral origin for an exanthem (Table I),
differentiation of viral eruptions (Table II), and
combination of these is more consistent with a virus if
advances in laboratory testing (Table III).
drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symp-
toms is ruled out.8 Other distinguishing features are
Differentiating viral from nonviral
listed in Table I.
Although morbilliform eruptions often suggest
both viral and drug-related causes,7 minor features
including petechiae and vesicles are highly sugges- Differentiating among viral causes
tive of infection.8 The erythematovesicular pattern is We review viral exanthems based on 5 common
exclusive to viral infections whereas the erythemato- clinical features: (1) upper respiratory tract infection
pustular and papular patterns are found primarily in symptoms; (2) infectious mononucleosis (fatigue, fever,
drug-related causes.8 Presence of enanthem points lymphadenopathy, and pharyngitis); (3) arthralgia,
strongly toward an infectious cause.7-9 Location of arthritis, or myalgia; (4) underimmunized or unimmu-
the exanthem on the buttocks, hands/feet, face, or a nized status; and (5) acral/oral involvement. The
From the Division of Dermatology, Department of Internal Med- University Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2012 Kenny Rd, Room
icine, Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, 232, Columbus, OH 43212. E-mail: Benjamin.Kaffenberger@osumc.
Columbus,a and Department of Dermatology, University of edu.
Cincinnati College of Medicine.b Published online October 26, 2016.
Funding sources: None. 0190-9622/$36.00
Conflicts of interest: None declared. Ó 2016 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
Accepted for publication August 17, 2016.
Reprint requests: Benjamin H. Kaffenberger, MD, Division of
Dermatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Ohio State
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Korman, Alikhan, and Kaffenberger 539
specific clinical features and laboratory diagnoses are petechial, or urticarial eruption can occur in the
summarized in Tables II and III. setting of infectious mononucleosis, occurring in
20% to 30% of cases, most commonly after the
UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION administration of a penicillin-derived antibiotic.22,23
SYMPTOMS Routine hematoxylin and eosinestained biopsy
Adenovirus specimens to screen for CMV are very insensitive.24
In immunocompetent adults, adenovirus causes up- CMV pp65 assay, a test that requires isolating pe-
per respiratory tract infections, ripheral blood mononuclear
and can uncommonly cause a cells from a blood sample,
diffuse morbilliform 6 vesicu- CAPSULE SUMMARY has been the gold standard
lar eruption,10 whereas in for diagnosis of CMV infec-
Viruses cause the majority of infectious
antibodies. In cases where there is concern for Recommendations for HIV testing were updated
reactivation of latent EBV, false positivity of a test, or and published by the Centers for Disease Control
a transplant recipient with suspicion for EBV disease, and Prevention (CDC) in 2014 and consist of an
testing for EBV virus with PCR should be performed. initial immunoassay of the peripheral blood with
subsequent confirmatory testing for most patients.50
Human herpesvirus-6 and -7 The most recent immunoassays test for both HIV
In immunocompetent adults, human herpesvirus antibodies, and the HIV p24 antigen, to allow earlier
(HHV)-6/7 causes a mononucleosis-like syndrome detection of the virus. In addition, testing for
and can cause a macular or morbilliform syphilis in patients suspected to have HIV should
rash 6 petechiae. In immunocompromised adults, be performed.
HHV-6/7 can reactivate (occurs in 1% of solid organ
transplant recipients) to cause fever, morbilliform ARTHRALGIA, ARTHRITIS, OR MYALGIA
rash, and bone-marrow suppression.40,41 Thus, it Parvovirus B19
should be suspected in solid organ transplant In adults, parvovirus B19 infection commonly
recipients who develop a morbilliform eruption. In causes arthralgias with erythematous or purpuric
addition, pityriasis rosea is associated with systemic lesions in 4 patterns: reticular and annular (most
HHV-6/7 reactivation, but manifests as a papulosqu- common), gloves-and-socks, periflexural, and
amous rather than morbilliform eruption. palpable purpura.51 Parvovirus B19 infection is
Serologic diagnosis of HHV-6/7 is available but most common in young women in the spring or
most individuals over the age of 2 years are summer months,52 and adults may lack the
seropositive, making a single positive result unhelp- slapped-cheeks appearance seen in children.53 The
ful.42,43 A new immunoassay can detect HHV-6 IgM virus can also cause a transient aplastic crisis in
antibodies with high specificity, but is not widely individuals with underlying hematologic abnormal-
available.44 PCR for diagnosis of HHV-6/7 infection ities, such as sickle cell disease.54
should be performed because of its accessibility, and Serologic and PCR diagnoses of parvovirus B19
high sensitivity and specificity.45-47 are available with high sensitivity and specificity, but
the latter is not widely available.55,56 Thus, serologic
HIV diagnosis should be performed for suspected
Acute infection with HIV can cause a infection.
mononucleosis-like syndrome. In this setting it can
present with well-circumscribed, erythematous, small Chikungunya virus, dengue virus, and Zika
(5-10 mm), dull to bright-red macules 6 papules most virus
often on the face, neck, or upper aspect of the thorax, Arthralgias with fever and morbilliform rash along
although the extremities, palms and soles, and scalp with residence/travel to an endemic area should
can be involved.48 The rash typically follows 2 to raise suspicion for 3 mosquito-borne viruses:
3 days of fever, lasts 5 to 8 days, and gradually clears as chikungunya virus (CHIKV), dengue virus, and
the patient recovers from the acute infection.48 Zika virus. Each virus is presented separately but
Notably, the cutaneous manifestations of HIV testing for all 3 is summarized together below.
are extremely variable, and include sudden-onset Chikungunya virus. CHIKV was first reported
seborrheic dermatitis, folliculitis, and cutaneous in the continental United States in 2014,57 and in 2015
fungal infections.49 there were 679 cases from 44 states.58 CHIKV is the
Table II. Clinical features of viral causes of morbilliform eruptions
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J AM ACAD DERMATOL Korman, Alikhan, and Kaffenberger 543
coxsackium, onychomadesis,
Morbilliform, petechial, or
2-7 d
virus S: 86% S: 97% Plasma S: 58%
SP: 100% SP: 100% SP: 100%
Anti-EBNA Serum S: 75%
IgG: SP: 98%
MARCH 2017
positive for life
HHV-6* e e Blood IgM e e Blood, CSF, PBMCs, S: 95%
SP: 97.5% plasma, or serum SP: 98.8%
HHV-7* e e Blood IgG (children) e e Blood, CSF, PBMCs, SP: 100%
S: 95% plasma, or serum
SP: 76% (HHV-7 DNA)
HIV e e Blood 1. Antigen/antibody e e e e
HIV-1: S: 99.76%-100%
HIV-2: S: 100%
2. HIV-1/HIV-2
S: 98.5%-100%
SP: 100%
S: 97%-98%
SP: 99.6%-99.98%
Parvo- e e Blood IgM e e Amniotic fluid, bone S: 92.7%
virus S: 65.6%-91.4% marrow, plasma, SP: 100%
B19 SP: 93.6%-97.3% serum, or placental
IgG and fetal tissues
S: 95.7%-96.7% (parvovirus B19
SP: 49.3%-67.6% DNA)
S: 96.9% S: 100%
SP: 98.3% SP: 100%
S: 95.4%
SP: 100%
Dengue e e Blood IgM Plasma: S: 64% Blood RT-PCR
virusy S: 96.9% nonstructural SP: 100% S: 91.4%
SP: 98.3% protein-1 SP: 95.4%
S: 99.2%
SP: 96.2%
Zika e e Blood IgM/IgG e e Blood, saliva, or RT-PCR
virusy S: 100% urine S: 100%
SP: 100% SP: 100%
Table III. Cont’d
CHIKV, Chikungunya virus; CMV, cytomegalovirus; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EBNA, Epstein Barr nuclear antigen; HHV-6, human herpesvirus-6; HHV-7, human herpesvirus-7; HIV, human
immunodeficiency virus; NAAT, nucleic acid amplification testing; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; Ref, references; RT, reverse transcription; S, sensitivity;
SP, specificity; VCA, viral capsid antigen.
*Commonly a send-out test.
Should be sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
MARCH 2017
J AM ACAD DERMATOL Korman, Alikhan, and Kaffenberger 547
take to a commercial laboratory for peripheral blood and hepatitis are more common in adults.83
to be sent to the CDC; this test is free for the patient.73 Complications of infection include arthralgia,
A single laboratory RT-PCR test is now available arthritis, and encephalitis. Serologic diagnosis of
through the CDC to evaluate for presence of Zika rubella virus is available with high sensitivity and
virus, CHIKV, or dengue virus infection. specificity, and is the most common diagnostic
method.84 Similar to measles, the measurement of
UNDERIMMUNIZED OR UNIMMUNIZED IgM antibodies should be performed, as the
STATUS presence of IgG antibodies is indicative of earlier
Measles virus immunization. RT-PCR can diagnose rubella virus
Antivaccination sentiment and travel abroad has infection but is usually reserved for prenatal
fueled a resurgence in measles cases in the United diagnosis of congenital rubella syndrome, and is
States in recent years, with a record 667 cases in 2014, not widely available.
the highest number since measles was officially Serologic diagnosis of rubella infection should be
eliminated in the United States in 2000.74 Most cases performed in the nonpregnant adult.
were adults, with approximately 20% previously
vaccinated, suggesting waning immunity.74 ACRAL/ORAL INVOLVEMENT
Measles virus infection classically causes high The nonpolio enteroviruses include entero-
fever, cough, conjunctivitis, and coryza followed by viruses, Coxsackie viruses (CV), and echoviruses.
the development of rash.75 The typical exanthem of
measles arises 2 to 4 days after onset of fever and Enterovirus
consists of a morbilliform, blanching rash, which Enteroviruses are the most commonly implicated
begins on the face and spreads cephalocaudally and viruses in morbilliform eruptions associated with
centrifugally to involve the neck, upper and aseptic meningitis, accounting for about 70% of
lower aspect of the trunk, and extremities.76 Koplik cases.85 They are the most commonly implicated
spots, guttate minute white macules on the buccal viruses in hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD).86
mucosa, are pathognomonic. Infection is more
severe in adults, who more commonly experience Coxsackie virus
postinfectious encephalitis, hepatitis, hypocalcemia, Classic HFMD manifests with fever and a nonspe-
or pancreatitis. Infection is particularly severe in cific morbilliform or vesicular eruption classically
immunocompromised patients who can experience limited to the hands, feet, and oral mucosa.
a severe desquamative rash.77 However, 87.6% of patients will have lesions in other
Serologic diagnosis of measles virus should be areas, including the buttocks, legs, arms, and trunk.87
performed because of its availability and high CV-A16 is the most common subtype of CV to cause
sensitivity and specificity.78 Measurement of IgM classic HFMD and second most common cause
antibodies should be performed, as the presence of overall. Recently, however, CV-A6 has been
IgG antibodies is indicative of earlier immunization. recognized as the cause of atypical HFMD, which is
A send-out RT-PCR is available through the CDC with associated with widespread, severe vesiculobullous
high sensitivity and specificity.79,80 disease, localization to areas of atopic dermatitis
(so-called eczema coxsackium), high rates of
Rubella virus onychomadesis, and a perioral eruption, unlike
Although eliminated in the United States, CV-A16.87-89 Although HFMD occurs primarily in
imported cases of rubella continue to occur, with children, it can occur in adults as well.90 Since 2008,
about 10 cases per year from 2004 to 2013.81 Thus, there have been increasing reports of HFMD in
rubella should be considered in recent, underimmu- adults caused by the more virulent CV-A6.91
nized or unimmunized travelers who fit the classic
presentation. Echovirus
Rubella infection causes a prodrome of low-grade Echovirus can cause HFMD in children and can
fever, lymphadenopathy, malaise, and upper cause aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, or more
respiratory tract infection symptoms, preceding the rarely, pleurodynia, in adults.92-94 In these settings,
classic rash, which is morbilliform and begins on the it can cause a morbilliform rash 6 petechiae or
face before spreading cephalocaudally.82 It is vesicles, the latter of which can be disseminated or
occasionally pruritic and is usually fainter than the localized.95
exanthem of measles. Red petechiae on the soft Serologic diagnosis of enterovirus demonstrates
palate (Forchheimer spots) are seen in 20% of cases. high sensitivity and specificity.96 Serologic diagnosis
High-grade fever, subconjunctival hemorrhage, of CV is available with high sensitivity and specificity
548 Korman, Alikhan, and Kaffenberger J AM ACAD DERMATOL
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