Letter For AWOL (Job Abandonment)

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April 17, 2018

Private and Confidential

To: Mr. XXX



Dear Mr. XXX

This is a formal letter regarding your unauthorized absences / job abandonment.

As of the date of this letter, you have been absent from work for 2 months, you last
reported on February 14, 2018. Because your absence has not been approved and we
have not heard from you for months, we have determined that you have abandoned
your position.

We have made several attempts to contact you directly about this matter to no avail.
You have not responded to requests and instructions we relayed to your brother,
Michael Vergara, that you directly report in the office to discuss your circumstances in
person. We have not received any formal notification or advice from you nor agreed on
your long absence from work.

As we have no way of determining if you still plan to report to work, we have no

alternative but to assume that you do not intend to return and have abandoned your
employment with us. The foregoing acts constitute a just cause for termination under
Article 282 of the Labor Code; specifically letter (e) Analogous causes i.e. abandonment
and neglect of work.

In accordance with our policy on AWOL and job abandonment, we regret to inform you
that we are terminating your employment effective this date. Your remaining final pay
includes any unpaid salary, 13th month pay (kindly refer to Section 7, Rule I, Book VI, of
the Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code), Coop contributions less any
outstanding loans/credits. We enclosed herewith a computation of your final pay for
your reference. You may pick it up at the Office in person during Mondays thru
Saturdays as you will need to sign applicable documents before releasing.

If you do not agree to the content of this letter, we encourage you to inform us in writing
or in person immediately within 3 days. Otherwise, we will assume you accept the terms
of this letter.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

HR Department
Company XXX

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