Visitor Jan Jul 2019

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Sabah : Visitors Arrival by Nationality 2019

(Preliminary) 2018 Growth (%)

Nationality Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total Jan-Jul (a) Jul (b) Jan-Dec 18/19(a) 18/19(b)
ASIA 115,215 110,694 109,956 101,642 97,633 108,747 131,085 774,972 720,457 110,729 1,229,394 7.6 18.4
Southeast Asia 20,623 17,276 22,377 20,467 18,379 24,580 22,374 146,076 130,300 17,305 229,543 12.1 29.3
Brunei 4,627 3,835 8,640 5,626 4,029 5,204 4,982 36,943 30,493 2,065 56,259 21.2 141.3
Philippines 4,690 2,638 2,632 3,527 2,941 2,554 2,538 21,520 19,920 2,456 33,245 8.0 3.3
Indonesia 8,909 8,045 8,565 8,577 9,120 11,227 11,274 65,717 63,234 10,248 109,771 3.9 10.0
Singapore 2,067 2,338 2,101 2,001 1,691 5,168 2,735 18,101 13,335 2,088 25,102 35.7 31.0
Thailand 267 308 357 627 486 330 668 3,043 2,600 330 3,967 17.0 102.4
Vietnam 63 112 82 109 112 97 177 752 718 118 1,199 4.7 50.0
Northeast Asia 94,592 93,418 87,579 81,175 79,254 84,167 108,711 628,896 590,157 93,424 999,851 6.6 16.4
China 59,574 60,458 56,098 50,037 47,776 42,944 58,992 375,879 358,428 58,325 593,623 4.9 1.1
Japan 1,604 2,145 1,836 2,926 1,552 1,014 1,700 12,777 9,461 1,357 19,357 35.0 25.3
Taiwan 4,135 3,898 3,767 3,872 3,659 4,272 5,657 29,260 30,917 4,667 49,771 -5.4 21.2
South Korea 29,279 26,917 25,878 24,340 26,267 35,937 42,362 210,980 191,351 29,075 337,100 10.3 45.7
OCEANIA 2,324 1,860 1,566 1,864 1,189 1,615 2,381 12,799 15,433 2,169 24,746 -17.1 9.8
Australia 2,090 1,660 1,382 1,604 1,023 1,403 2,034 11,196 13,642 1,846 21,482 -17.9 10.2
New Zealand 234 200 184 260 166 212 347 1,603 1,791 323 3,264 -10.5 7.4
EUROPE 5,487 6,493 5,371 5,848 4,181 4,324 8,221 39,925 41,290 7,725 66,429 -3.3 6.4
UK & Ireland 1,373 3,557 2,470 2,659 1,903 2,038 3,628 17,628 18,838 3,621 28,611 -6.4 0.2
Germany 1,747 457 507 511 426 420 589 4,657 4,397 467 7,902 5.9 26.1
France 346 432 357 525 390 369 586 3,005 2,811 572 4,910 6.9 2.4
Denmark 144 173 140 143 88 80 345 1,113 1,635 544 2,244 -31.9 -36.6
Finland 61 58 59 59 35 11 44 327 333 22 514 -1.8 100.0
Norway 40 58 70 62 31 36 127 424 545 97 692 -22.2 30.9
Sweden 234 192 197 101 62 97 168 1,051 1,423 143 2,141 -26.1 17.5
Belgium & Luxembourg 57 75 82 112 74 77 359 836 797 222 1,276 4.9 61.7
Italy 162 160 156 248 148 129 285 1,288 1,092 195 2,212 17.9 46.2
Switzerland 142 167 173 193 137 94 313 1,219 1,318 215 2,025 -7.5 45.6
Netherlands 236 233 375 328 300 328 836 2,636 2,337 730 4,105 12.8 14.5
Russia 356 168 205 186 149 108 116 1,288 1,212 93 1,991 6.3 24.7
Others Europe 589 763 580 721 438 537 825 4,453 4,552 804 7,806 -2.2 2.6
NORTH AMERICA 2,626 2,591 2,626 1,551 1,239 1,200 1,580 13,413 13,476 1,283 21,868 -0.5 23.1
U.S.A 1,843 1,877 1,830 1,076 849 893 1,178 9,546 9,981 1,001 16,043 -4.4 17.7
Canada 783 714 796 475 390 307 402 3,867 3,495 282 5,825 10.6 42.6
INDIA 440 422 366 564 455 969 893 4,109 3,296 448 5,606 24.7 99.3
PAKISTAN 122 105 180 304 178 135 132 1,156 828 112 1,339 39.6 17.9
MIDDLE EAST 86 86 127 210 89 184 190 972 926 166 1,503 5.0 14.5
OTHERS 905 741 922 916 676 923 863 5,946 6,213 854 10,682 -4.3 1.1
Total International 127,205 122,992 121,114 112,899 105,640 118,097 145,345 853,292 801,919 123,486 1,361,567 6.4 17.7
Total Malaysian 213,227 214,704 234,629 230,795 206,217 209,161 227,310 1,536,043 1,419,191 205,673 2,517,846 8.2 10.5
GRAND TOTAL (GROSS) 340,432 337,696 355,743 343,694 311,857 327,258 372,655 2,389,335 2,221,110 329,159 3,879,413 7.6 13.2
Source: MASB, Sabah / Immigration Dept, Sabah/Air Asia Note: 1. Direct Arrivals statistics is based on the IMM26 cards and indirect arrivals is based on the Head Count Method by the Immigration Department.
Prepared By Research Division For Sabah Tourism 2. Malaysian arrivals is based on movements within Malaysia.

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