Photosynthesis Review Worksheet

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Name_____________________________________________ Date_____________________ Period______

Photosynthesis Review Worksheet

1) What is the overall equation for photosynthesis?
6 CO2 + 6 H2O  glucose (C6H12O6) + 6 O2
It is the reverse of the overall reaction for cellular respiration.

2) From where does the energy for photosynthesis come? ________________________________________

(What is the catalyst?) sunlight

3) What plant pigments are involved in photosynthesis? List all that you can think of and the colors of light
they reflect.

a) Explain why chlorophyll appears green to us in terms of what happens to different wavelengths of
light that strike a chlorophyll molecule.

4) In which plant cell organelle, does photosynthesis take place? __________________________________

in the chloroplasts

5) What are the two stages of photosynthesis? List all the names that you can think of. Which part of the
chloroplast does each stage occur?


6) What happens to water molecules in the light reactions?

7) What photosynthesis waste product is formed in the light reactions? _____________________________

oxygen gas (O2)

8) What two products of the light reactions are used up in the Calvin cycle?



Koons Biology – Adapted from Honors Living Environment

Name_____________________________________________ Date_____________________ Period______

9) What happens to carbon dioxide molecules in the Calvin cycle reactions? What is the name of the
enzyme that helps with the first step of the cycle?

In the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide molecules (CO2) are combined with each other and with the electrons
and H’s from NADPH to form glucose (C6H12O6).

10) Which carbon compounds are formed over the course of the Calvin cycle? In what form of sugar to cells
store carbohydrates? (Hint: it is a product made AFTER the calvin cycle)
It is stored as starch.

11) Label the diagram below to summarize the two stages of photosynthesis. Use the word bank below the
diagram to fill in the blanks.

2. 3.

4. _____


11. (name of stage)

6. (name of stage)


13. 14.

Word Bank:

thylakoids Calvin cycle CO2 NADP+

granum light NADPH O2
stroma H2O ATP ADP + P
light reactions glucose
Koons Biology – Adapted from Honors Living Environment

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