Purposive Communication
Purposive Communication
Purposive Communication
- All languages exhibit a great deal of - the codes that are used based on the
internal variation. That is to say each sake of communication can be divided
language exists in a number of into elaborated code and restricted
varieties. code. The elaborated code contains
- In monolingual and multilingual complete sentences and fulfils
speech community, some languages grammatical rules.
together with their variations become
Lingua Franca
parts of language varieties In the
community. Therefore, we can say - a lingua franca is defined as a
that varieties of language may refer to language which is used habitually by
a single language and its varieties people whose mother tongues are
such as dialect, register, style, speech different in order to facilitate
levels, etc. communication among them.
Geographical Dialect and Sociolect EVALUATING AND ANALYZING MESSAGE
- Language variety can be in the form of - communication can only start as soon
dialect that is divided again into as the message is understood. It is
geographical, social, age, gender, then very important for the speaker in
belief, ethnic. Geographical or the communication process to send a
regional dialects are usually speech message using an appropriate mode
varieties pertaining to a particular and for the listener to evaluate the
local region. message as it is being presented.