Purposive Communication

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THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS the disruptions found in the

environment like people shouting,

Communication – it is the exchange of
jeepneys, or tricycles passing by or
thoughts, ideas, concepts, and views between
music played loudly. Non – Physical
or among two or more, people in various
noise refers to language, culture and
contexts. It is derived from the Latin words
biases. A bias in the communication
con, which means “with,” munus, which
process takes place when the sender
means “a business,” communis, which means
and the listener do not like each
“common,” and communico, which means “to
confer” or “to relate with one another”.
Adjustment – this is the action which the
Purposive Communication – An intentional
sender or the receiver does when the
(objective/purpose) communication happens
message is not understood due to a
within the bounds of specific context.
barrier. (they will adapt or adjust
Communication Process – it goes through depending on the situation).
different stages before it is considered
Types of Communication
Verbal Communication – verbal
Elements involved in the communication
communication maybe oral or written. It
can be affected through the mood and
1. Sender – the sender is the source of volume of voice, intonation and choice of
the message. He/she initiates the words.
communication process. His/her
Non – Verbal Communication – it can be
communicative skills are critical in the
categorized in two ways: those that are
success of the communication.
produced through the body (gestures.
2. Message – this is the element which is
Hand signals, posture, facial expressions,
transmitted in the communication
tone of voice, eye contact) and those that
process. It may be an idea, opinion,
are produced by the broad setting such as
feelings or attitude of the sender.
time, space and silence.
3. Channel – refers to the medium that
the sender uses to deliver the
message. The message maybe
delivered orally, written or through
- effective communication follows basic
principles. Participants in the
4. Receiver – the receiver is the listener
communication process are expected to
in the communication process. As a
exhibit there principles whatever the
listener, he/she is expected to analyze
context may be.
and interpret the message properly.
5. Feedback – it is the reaction or the The 7 C’s in communication
response of the receiver. The
feedback tells whether the 1. Clarity – in order for it to be
communication is successful or not. It understood It is the responsibility of
also triggers continuous the sender to transmit the clear
communication between the sender message by using simple words
and the receiver. (conversational words) ambiguity and
6. Noise – it is the barrier to the choose the language that would be
communication. It may be physical or understood by the receiver.
non-physical. Physical noise refers to
2. Completeness – the speaker is 2. Endorse freedom of expression,
required to provide all necessary diversity of perspective, and tolerance
information in the message so that of dissent to achieve the informed
he/she will get the desirable and responsible decision making
feedback. fundamental to a civil society
3. Correctness – in order for the 3. Strive to understand and respect
message to be understood clearly, it other communicators before
should exhibit correctness. It refers to evaluating and responding to their
the use of proper grammar, spelling, messages.
punctuations and other mechanics in 4. Promote access to communication
communication. resources and opportunities as
4. Conciseness – short, but complete necessary to fulfill human potential
messages are preferable. The receiver and contribute to the well-being of
of the message may have other things families, communities and society
to do and may not have other things 5. Promote communication climates of
to do and may not have the time to caring and mutual understanding that
attend to length respect the unique needs and
5. Concreteness – it means being characteristics of individual
specific. Information to be communicators.
transmitted may contain facts and 6. Condemn communication that
figures to be credible. degrades individuals and humanity
6. Coherence – a message becomes through distortion, intimidation,
more understandable if it is coercion and violence, and through
organized. It is important that the expression of intolerance and
participants in the communication hatred.
process deal with one topic after 7. Commit to the courageous expression
another. of personal convictions in pursuit of
7. Courtesy – it is being polite. This must fairness and justice.
be observed whatever the context of 8. Advocate sharing information,
communication is. It is important that opinions and feelings when facing
participants in the communication significant choices while also
process (maintain respect) with one respecting privacy and confidentiality.
another to achieve a peaceful a 9. Accept responsibility for the short and
peaceful transaction. long term consequences for our own
communication and expect the same
of others.
Maxim of Communication
- Communication ethics is following
and maintaining the moral standards 1. Maxim of Quantity (quantity of
in any form of communication, be it information) – this maxim requires
interpersonal, mass media, digital the participant to be as informative as
communication and social media. they possibly can and give the most
helpful amount of information.
Credo for Ethical Communications
2. Maxim of Quality (quality of
1. Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, information) – this maxim requires
honesty and reason as essential to the the communication to be truthful and
integrity of communication. factual. The maxim of quality requires
information provided in conversations about not to have eye contact
to be genuine and justified. between opposite genders.
3. Maxim of Relation – this maxim b. Hand signals – hand signals can be
requires the communicator to be misinterpreted in some parts of the
relevant and to say things that are world.
pertinent to the conversation. They  Shaking hands
have to connect with what they want  A-OK sign
to say in what is already being talked  Thumbs-Up
about.  Peace sign (V sign)
4. Maxim of Manner – it requires the  Pointing with index finger
communication to beas clear, as brief,  Curling the index finger (dog call)
and as orderly as they can in what one  Nodding the head
says, and where one avoids obscurity  Facial Expressions
and ambiguity. This means that you
have to put what they say in the REGISTERS IN LANGUAGE
clearest, briefest and most orderly - The word “register” is a variety of a language
manner. or a level of usage, as determined by degree
of formality and choice of vocabulary,
MODES OF COMMUNICATION pronunciation, and syntax. Home is a speech
- words and body language are used in community or a social situation, speech-at-
verbal, and non-verbal communication. home may be different from speech with-
Words and body language vary from friends or speech with strangers.
region to region and from one country to
another country. Five Language Registers

Words, Greetings, and Expression Used 1. Static Register – this style of

in Intercultural Communication communications RARELY or NEVER
changes. It is “frozen” in time and
- Words, greetings, and expressions are content. (Panunumpa sa Watawat;
used based on culture and context. The Lord’s Prayer; Preamble)
Body Language Used in Intercultural 2. Formal Register – this language is
Communication used in formal settings and is one-way
in nature. The use of this language
- The language spoken by the body in usually follows a commonly accepted
terms of facial expressions, hand format. It is usually impersonal and
gestures, postures and other body formal. A common format for this
movements is known as body register are speeches. (sermons,
language. Body language covers a rhetorical speeches, pronouncements
wide variation of gestures, body made by judges)
positions and even the distance that 3. Consultative Register – this is a
we consider safe or acceptable when standard form of communication.
one is involved in a communication Users engage in a mutually accepted
process. structure of communication. It is
The following are examples of body formal, and societal expectations
language used in multicultural settings: accompany the users of this speech.
This is for professional discourse.
a. Eye contact – eye contact may have 4. Casual Register – language used by
different meaning to other cultures. peers and friends. Slang, vulgarities
Some Muslim countries have laws and colloquialism are normal.
5. Intimate Register – this Speech Levels
communication is private. It is
- SPEECH LEVELS (of Javanese language)
reserved for close family members or
can be honorific speech levels (karma
intimate people.
madya and karma inggil) and non-
respective speech levels (ngoko).

VARITIES IN LANGUAGE Elaborated Code and Restricted Code

- All languages exhibit a great deal of - the codes that are used based on the
internal variation. That is to say each sake of communication can be divided
language exists in a number of into elaborated code and restricted
varieties. code. The elaborated code contains
- In monolingual and multilingual complete sentences and fulfils
speech community, some languages grammatical rules.
together with their variations become
Lingua Franca
parts of language varieties In the
community. Therefore, we can say - a lingua franca is defined as a
that varieties of language may refer to language which is used habitually by
a single language and its varieties people whose mother tongues are
such as dialect, register, style, speech different in order to facilitate
levels, etc. communication among them.
Geographical Dialect and Sociolect EVALUATING AND ANALYZING MESSAGE
- Language variety can be in the form of - communication can only start as soon
dialect that is divided again into as the message is understood. It is
geographical, social, age, gender, then very important for the speaker in
belief, ethnic. Geographical or the communication process to send a
regional dialects are usually speech message using an appropriate mode
varieties pertaining to a particular and for the listener to evaluate the
local region. message as it is being presented.

- The term STYLE refers to a language

variety that is divided based on
speech or speaking situation into
formal and informal style. We can
speak very formally or very informally;
our choice of the styles is governed by


- Varieties of language which are more

closely associated with setting or
scene in which they are used with the
people who are using them are
usually included in the concept of

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