Osteomyelitis Case Study
Osteomyelitis Case Study
Osteomyelitis Case Study
In consortium with
Cebu City Medical Center-College of Nursing
M.J Cuenco Avenue, Cebu City
Clinical Instructor:
Michelle Marie Z. de la Calzada
I. Overview of the Illness
Osteomyelitis is a rare type of bone infection. Most cases
are caused by bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus.
Certain diseases, such as diabetes, might increase a
person’s risk for osteomyelitis. Affecting 2 out of every
10,000 people both, children and adults, osteomyelitis
may cause pain and swelling in affected areas, fever, and
drainage, in addition to other symptoms. If left untreated,
this condition may become chronic and cause blood supply loss, this may eventually lead to the death
of bone tissues.
Warmth and redness over the area of infection
Pain in the area of the infection
*Sometimes osteomyelitis causes no signs and symptoms or the signs and symptoms are hard to
distinguish from other problems. This may be especially true for infants, older adults, and people
whose immune systems are compromised.